yskutminjp · 2 years
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ランチはひょっとこにて、和風柚子柳麺を! おやすみ #和風柚子柳麺 #ラーメン #ラーメン部 #ramen #lunch #ランチ #おやすみ (麺屋 ひょっとこ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj27c6SSXrh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kinosuke · 2 years
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レシピ(細口そうめん) #Repost @miki_t1114 【暑い日は💦】 連日 猛暑で 本当に暑いですね🥵 食欲も落ちますが あ!ちなみに私は落ちません(笑) 夏バテもしませんwww が ツルツルと おそうめんが活躍❣️ @asami_atower あさみんに レシピを教えてもらい それをまた私流に😆 あさみんに教えてもらった 釜揚げ風 麺は固茹で!! これが決め手 わたしは バリ固です😁 (1分も茹でないくらい😁) KALDIの四川風旨辛味噌! これ簡単で最高! それに更にひき肉とニンニクで🧄炒めてボリュームアップ 何を炒めてもいい❣️ 卵🥚キミだけバージョン 万能選手の韓国海苔バージョン 最高です👍👍👍 次は 柚子胡椒なめ茸やってみよ😁 おそうめんは @masago_kinosuke 今日は更に暑い予報です💦 美味しいもの食べて乗り切りましょう👋🏻 #そうめん#夏 #真砂喜之助製麺所 #ツルツル #アレンジレシピ #ハマり中 #カルディ#万能品 #四川風旨辛みそ #柚子こしょうなめ茸 #韓国海苔 #固茹で #美味しい #色々バージョン試したい #細口 #手延べそうめん #そうめん http://kinosuke.tumblr.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfl-929vKKe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anne1028 · 4 months
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fukuzawa163 · 1 year
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冬至なので #冬至 #冬至ゆず湯 #柚子湯 #ゆず湯 #柚子風呂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeHv9dJ9Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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power-sahara · 1 year
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#明日 #12月22日 は #冬至 #柚子湯 やるにゃあ🐈‍⬛ #末広湯 #ふじみ野市 #上福岡 #銭湯 #ちゃずさんの銭湯壁画制作動画 https://youtu.be/IVcOx1EFXS0 #超高濃度炭酸泉 #遠赤外線サウナ #井戸水水風呂 #水深90cm #水温14度 #水深90cm #サウナ #サ活 #サウナー #サウナイキタイ #サウニャー #サウナ好きな人と繋がりたい #サウナハット https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbMsebrtKP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aizumin · 1 year
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cup-mens · 1 year
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higuemon · 2 years
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#エースコックわかめラーメン柚子しょうゆ味 39年目=サンキューだそうで #あの頃の青春風味 だの #爽やかさが懐かしい だの思い出を美化する文言が目に入ります( ꒪Д꒪) 私が高校生の頃にわかめラーメン発売ですから、オッサンホイホイには違いありません。 お味は柚子のサッパリ感があり品があるとは言い過ぎかな⁉️ #カップ麺 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfEsd1TPXEU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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umedanakazaki · 2 years
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コロナ禍におそらく初来店され、てつたろうのファンになってくれたお客様が半年ぐらい前からヘビロテ利用してくれている。時には大勢で、時には少人数で。いつも楽しく飲食してくれて、今日は帰り際に、この店は客層が良いから安心して来れるんだと言ってくれた。ありがとうございます! その場所の空気感は、場所を作った人ではなく、その場所に集まる人たちで決まる。 さて、本日の日替わり弁当です。 #6月18日 #日替り弁当 サクッとしてプチッとくる #子持ちシシャモ #そのままフライ #タルタルもつけます お供に添えるのは #生ハムパスタ #柚子胡椒で和風に ご飯の上に #ひいかの旨煮 小さくても旨味たっぷり 副菜は #水菜のからし和え #鶏の親子煮 バランス抜群 税込み550円 ご注文お待ちしております。 #てつたろう #空気感 #客層 #梅田居酒屋 #中崎町居酒屋 #海鮮居酒屋 #大阪グルメ #イーデリ #支援者募集中 #セキュリテ #ファンド募集中 (梅田中崎 てつたろう) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce7bRltvgRN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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makoici40181206 · 2 years
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5月27日 金曜日のうち #お昼ごはん ……和風パスタ。 ・ 和風きの子スパゲティ、 柚子こしょうがよく合います🤗 ・ #昼ごはん #ランチ #パスタランチ #おうちごはん #ごはん #ごはん日記 #パスタ #和風パスタ #スパゲティ #ズパゲッティ #和風きのこパスタ #醤油スパゲッティ #きのこスパゲッティ #きざみ海苔 #柚子こしょう #料理 #写真 #グルメ#うまい #yum #yummy #横浜 #コロナに負けるな 2206 (at うち。) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeGaE0gvJua/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nanaintheblue · 1 year
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melanie-the-artful · 3 months
Genshin Character Names` Meanings Pt.3
*slams the door open* Bet ya didn't expect me huh? Yeah, I'm alive, and I've brought you Part 3. Took me certainly more time than I expected - partially because of school, partially because of procrastination, partially because of life... Well, whatever, Inazuma folks are here, have fun and remember I`'m not Japanese, I'm sorry if any of those are wrong, it will be nice if you correct me etc. etc.
Kazuha | Consists of 万, which means «Ten Thousand» and 葉, which means «Leaf», «Blade of a plant»; Note: Not sure if it's connected, but sounds similar to word 風 (kaze), which means «wind» - Japanese Name 
Ayaka | Consists of 綾 meaning «Silk» and 華 meaning «Flower» and «Gorgeous» - Japanese Name 
Ayato | Shares the part 綾 (aya) with Ayaka, which correspondingly still means «Silk»,  and also has 人, which stands for «People» or «Humanity - Japanese Name  
Thoma | «Twin» - Swiss, Albanian and German Name
Yoimiya | Consists of 宵 meaning «night» and 宮 meaning «palace, shrine, temple» - Japanese Name 
Sayu | Consists of 早 meaning «Fast», «Young» and 柚, which means Yuzu (Japanese citron) - Japanese Name
Gorou | Consists of 五, which means «Five», «The Fifth» and 郞 meaning «Man», «Young Man» - Japanese Name 
Kokomi | Consists of 心, which means «Mind,» «Spirit», and 海, which means «Sea» - Japanese Name
Itto | Consists of 壱, which means «One», «First» or «Primary», while 仁 - «Humanity» and  «Kindness» - Japanese Name
Shinobu | 忍, means «Endure», «Bear», «Persevere»
Kirara | Consists of 綺 meaning «Silk with beautiful patterns» and 良 (repeats twice) meaning «Good», «Fortunate» - Japanese Name 
Chiori | Consists of 千 meaning «Thousand» and 織 meaning «Weave», «Fabricate» or «Knit» - Japanese Name 
Heizou | Consists of 平 meaning «Smooth», «Calm», «To Level» and 藏 meaning «Hide», «Accumulate», «Warehouse»
Sara | Consists of 裟, which usually stands for Kesa (Buddhist robe worn by monks) and 羅 meaning «Net», «Thin Silk» - Japanese Name 
Miko | Consists of 神 meaning «Divine Being», «Unfathomable» and 子 meaning «Child», «Young», «Offspring» - Japanese Name 
Ei | 影, literally means «Shadow» in Japanese; Note: While her name uses a different hieroglyph, I find it hardly a coincidence that it sounds similar to Japanese word 永遠  (eien), which means «Eternity»
Beelzebul | Comes from one of the seven deadly demons, representing gluttony and envy. It is believed it might be one of alternative names of Satan; Its name is also associated with Baal
Makoto | 眞, means «True», «Genuine» - Japanese Name 
Baal | Comes from King Baal, the 1st of Goetia Demons
Kitsune Saiguu | 狐斎宮, literally «Fox High Priestess» in Japanese
Chiyo | 千代, means «Eternal Prosperity», was a common male childhood name for the samurai class but is nowadays used as a female name
Sasayuri | 笹百合, Japanese for the Lilium japonicum, also known as the Bamboo Lily
Originally I wanted to post it to the occasion of Raiden finally coming home (took her just some 2 years...), but I'm kinda late on that, so let's just say it's due to the occasion of me finally managing to drag myself to computer.
And yeah, I will cover surnames aswell, but I kinda decided to do it in a separate part - like, all surnames, since there are not so much in Genshin.
Well, it was nice to see or hear y'all, bye~
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twstedpometea · 11 months
Ugigiugi Trace-Source List
Hello everyone
I've decided to go ahead and release the text list of artists and other media that Ugigiugi has traced from.
Please note that this is not a complete list.
These are the only sources people have found online and made comparisons on. These are also submissions people have DM'd me and things I investigated personally. Some items have have also been forward to me by others.
This list is subject to possible updates if people send in more proof! (traced image/source + name of the artist). Names and sources are subject to corrections if errors are discovered. (If there is an error, please let me know!)
Once again, I will remind everyone that this post is not to be used for harassment of Ugigiugi or any of her supporters. This list is for archival purposes ONLY.
With that said, the list is below for public viewing.
The following names were sourced from the following websites. Deviant Art Twitter Pixiv
Please bare in mind some of these artists have either deleted their social media or locked their accounts. Art has been source through websites such as Pintrest and through the links.
Also! Please keep in mind Ugigiugi has traced multiple times from certain artists as well.  This listing will not include a tally of how many individual art pieces but rather a tally of the artists themselves that have been identified.
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This section are the names of fanartists from the Twisted Wonderland fandom that Ugigiugi has copied/traced from. Both eastern and western artists are listed. 1. りつ | r1kuuw 2. pnt_kzt  3. 桃山 | ATM_momoyama  4. モミ | momimmmm 5. Bun0286 6. 村上 | mjl__k (18+ Artist) 7. たろう | ttytrotro  8. メディ| medy_hisho 9. しそジュ |  Htt_Zq 10. オミトン | twst_rere  11. かになべ | gadicil9s 12. (PAN粉) (18+ Artist) 13. ヌイG | boiler300000 (18+ Artist) 14. ろめ | romemememero (18+ Artist) 15. 猫山みけ | Mikesan1014 16. c℃ | hptw_mt (18+ Artist) 17. RiaRiiRii 18. Primrozii 19. marymileMM | SmileYume_MM 20. 白玉子 | Shiratama_games 21. _kanibaum (18+ Artist) 22. むった | niku___daisuki 23. タケバヤシ | take_bayashi_3d 24. 白戸 | kojiro_0408 (18+ Artist) 25. びた | bi__ta (18+ Artist) 26. ベントー | bentouoic 27. よかぜ | 1yokaze0 28. 梦路 | yu0814me (18+ Artist) 29. すし | letterhyms 30. ヨウ | 0_5rudo 31. matanetws 32. 柚木鈴 /ももも|  mmmmomomi016 33. みいち| 3mi1chi 34. 痛腹| fu_ku_2 (18+ Artist) 35. ゆのみず | onigiripanrice 36. yyy1205ui * 37. さんかく. | karaokemint 38. ぽろろ| frontier_moboj | 71 (18+ Artist) 39. キャベ子 | aliceneko07 (18+ Artist) 40. 冷え(ひえ| hiehie_02)  41. 一文字くん| ichimonjikun 42. 師走 | twstshiwasu 43. ぐうちゃん | Guu91972691 44. にぱち | itinukepi 45. 舟 | uuelc 46. とろ | 0doro0 47. はっさく| hassaku28 48. mekoorou * 49. かめ乃 | kameno_oz 50. おあー 51. シチコ | shichiko 52. kir_glass 53. 下僕のmio氏 | mio_Gtwst (18+ Artist) 54. ichikura_twst03 (18+ Artist) 55. 00kinaki_M 56. powam | demipomu 57. 風羅 | fuuraffy 58. るー | rutu25twst 59. よもつ | yandalycaon (18+ Artist) 60. 玹 | tghrzzz 61. みみ屋 | twst_lr 62. (ちゅうさん) ちゅうさぎ | chusan_D 63. 岡喜 | okaki12 64. Hidaka 65.ワカメ | mewakame  66. めんるい  (18+ Artist) 67. Iroirosumi 68. .かめ  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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This section lists artists who are unrelated to the Twisted Wonderland fandom but their artwork has been copied and traced by Ugigiugi. 1. dCTb | ctchrysler 2. Norin  | Mahoukarp  3. The-stray-liger. 4. Croisy 5. 헤라| 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐀 | K_pupu 6. Lenbarboza 7. Mintycanoodles 8. Elentori 9. Coleglend  10. JING | JING30357709 11. SarahCulture 12. みざら| mizala_ 13. Guillaume Morellec 14. Sol-Lux* 15. Nanata98 16. to | to_no_e * 17. Ramuda Amemura | pinkyramuda 
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This section is for resources such as anime/pose bases. Most base makers are open to people using their resources as long as credit is given. Ugigiugi has never credited her base sources. -Free to use with credit resources
1. CourtneysConcepts   2. 뾰옹 | bangpaze   3. Aniforce 4. Aniforce_BC 5. 포돈 트레이스 | phodon_TRACE 6. 김길규 | Kim_Gilgyu 7. Commission_0v0 * 8. anion_art 9. JANGSA_KK 10. 다래 | commision_dr 11. BW42_cms 12. Daegu_aniforce 13.Apprii98  14. 빡배 | bbakbbagi_baepo 15.Milkie-Moo 16. 랏시(Ratcy) | ratcy_rm
-Y.C.H (Your Character Here)
1. Zenithomocha 2. Tiroma 3. Quinnyil 4. Lonary  
-Closed Patreon Bases/Poses
1. Precia-T
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This section lists published works that are copyrighted through print, media, and are products of studios, websites, and other media including manga/webcomics/Manwha/other series. A number of these digital platforms have made physical copies of their comics. 1. Twisted Wonderland (Game assets, animation and manga/anthology book.) 2. Disney (Sleeping beauty, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hercules). 3  Black Butler  (Manga series) 4. Ennead (18+ Manwha series) 5. Unholy Blood (Manwha series) 6. One Punch Man (Manga Series) 7. Freepik. (emoji/avatar website) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 113 identified sources at this time. Note: All names with a * are marks go thought linking to accounts that art locked/deleted posts. -TwstedPomeTea
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chuck-snowbug · 7 months
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黒猫さん付きの、日本酒二種飲み比べ(風の森 ALPHA 1 次章への扉 菩提酛 & 赤武 NEWBORN 純米酒)、秋刀魚の塩焼き(自家栽培柚子添え)、トマトとお麩のお吸いもの、ピーマンと塩昆布のナムル、ブロッコリーとベビーリーフの梅浸し、牛蒡とベーコンの炒めもの。
Two Kinds of Japanese Sake(Kazenomori & Akabu) feat. Black Cat & Grilled Sanma Fish Dinner - November 2022
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powerinpraise · 4 months
ヨハネの福音書 4章36~38節
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December 22,2023
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power-sahara · 1 year
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#柚子湯 は #冬至 #22日 にゃあ🐈‍⬛超高濃度炭酸泉と遠赤外線サウナ、14度に設定された地下水水風呂♨最先端のお風呂がある天井の高い昔ながらの銭湯。 http://suehiroyu.com/ #本日 #火曜日 #3時 #開店 にゃあ🐈‍⬛ #末広湯 #ふじみ野市 #上福岡 #銭湯 #ちゃずさんの銭湯壁画制作動画 https://youtu.be/IVcOx1EFXS0 #超高濃度炭酸泉 #遠赤外線サウナ #井戸水水風呂 #14度 #水深90cm #サウナ #サ活 #サウナー #サウナイキタイ #サウニャー #サウナ好きな人と繋がりたい #ネロ #nero #黒猫 #blackcat #可愛い #かわいい #cute (有限会社 末広湯) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGMoiGrh8O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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