#🌱. giant rat that makes all the rules. > MUN
winnerloser · 4 years
thinkin bout... making another blog with a pokemon verse.... just kidding i hate it here... haha unless...?
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winnerloser · 4 years
@ the titty anon i just got: anyone wanna explain lol
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winnerloser · 4 years
beachlitleader replied to your post “good morning thinking about pit and pitoo kid icarus”
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winnerloser · 4 years
envyfated replied to your post “ok but how do u send asks to dash-only blogs in this day and age ”
Accidentally ��
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winnerloser · 4 years
@ homies saying the chat bubble- that’s how i used to do it, but now when i click on the chat bubble it only directly opens the messenger with no additional tab to send an ask :/
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winnerloser · 4 years
ok but how do u send asks to dash-only blogs in this day and age 
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winnerloser · 4 years
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we do be on famfrit though
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winnerloser · 4 years
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(ill be getting back once i make my new promo/url change announcement, i cant help but gotta do everything in my own methodological way sorry!!)
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winnerloser · 4 years
► 7 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER. rules: fill this up and then tag 7 people you’d like to know better!                                                          ▼
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► one / ( alias / name ): li, it’s actually my surname from my mother’s given name to me. generic 李 ► two / ( date of birth ):  feb 16 ► three / ( zodiac sign ): aquarius.. ikr ► four / ( height ): 5′7″ but i like to pretend i’m 6 ft+. we can pretend ► five / ( hobbies ): i like to learn new useless skills. usually to cause harmless mischief thru memes. but i think if u go thru my blog u can also see i draw a lot primarily. i got into ffxiv recently so that has my bum ► six / ( favourite colour ): red ► seven / ( favourite books ): i cant read ► eight / ( last song listened to ): i dont have ears ► nine / ( last film or show watched ): promare that shits sexy ► ten / ( story behind url ): it came to me spontaneously like. yesterday. cause hes a loser than finally won. but the original champselegy url was supposed to be, like... the legend of the new champ, right? but it ended up just. reading as champs leggy ioengetobe ► eleven / ( inspiration for muse ): not gonna lie, i sorta typecasted myself (?) in a way. since victor is sorta in my comfort zone in terms of characters to write. im not really going out of my way to Test my Abilities but that’s fine. i enjoyed his character design and i’m always fond of poke protags, they allow for some breathing room and i was a little concerned about picking someone more saturated and flopping. i feel like victor is the sort of polite young man that seems rare to come across irl sometimes/almost too good to be true, but there are definitely kind people out there in the world like him. and i suppose i draw from the idea of a kid with the personality of a good samaritan, but... obviously that comes with some baggage. hes also sorta inspired by dorky character tropes like YA novel protagonists, but, uh... not as shitty or sexist as they can be. i was talking to prissy last evening and finally realized that i do sorta channel peter parker/spider-man energies to him even though i’m not that well-versed with the franchise and the character. but. again. yknow.
TAGGING – @glrchmp​ @adoredbyprissy​ uhhhh my brain is short circuiting but def do this if u wanna and if i usually tag u for thangs. do it
TAGGED BY – @silentchamp​ king..
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winnerloser · 4 years
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nevermind i’m too lazy to do tags i’ll just figure out how to get them back anyway like for a starter/inbox call
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winnerloser · 4 years
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whats poppin
ive been sorta out of practice w the whole writing thing and while i wont say my muse is low i’ve sorta uhhhhhhhhh been pretty content not being on here lol
that being said i don’t wanna let this blog die/still wanna interact with yall so i think maybe i’ll do a revamp of everything when i’m feeling up to it
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winnerloser · 4 years
189time replied to your post: good morning gamers
good morning fellow gamer
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winnerloser · 4 years
There are more than 4,000 types of amphibians in the world, but Europe has very few--only 45 species.
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anon i just wanted to let u kno i thought i was gonna get baby’s first anon hate but instead, i was blessed with knowledge. and like a tantalizing tango between life and death, my fear was assuaged in a way i never felt before. thank you.
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winnerloser · 4 years
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i want to word this very tactfully because as someone who is also mentally ill and had a very, very heavy episode towards the end of 2019 the last thing i want to do is come off as insensitive or ableist or any of that (and please do correct me if it seems so)
u need to still try to be conscious of how u treat others in ur bad states. that doesnt necessarily mean… putting urself to the same standard as when ur lucid. it means that u dont get a free pass to hurt others with the excuse that ur not doing well when you arent.
its… i cant stress how valuable it is to have friends and others who care about you enough to actually check in on you when youre unwell out of their own volition. thats not exactly the norm all the time.
we fuck up. we push people away. we hurt. especially when youre not thinking straight or think that everyone secretly hates you anyway
but…. you cant just. do or say things and not take personal accountability for them, bro. personal condition is not an excuse, its a reason. 
its never too late to apologize for the things you’ve said or have done in the past, as long as you take responsibility to own up to those apologies when you’re able to. you’re not entitled to forgiveness even if you hurt someone in an unclear state, and that someone decides they’ve had enough. 
your actions dont exist in a vacuum. just like how heavily others impact you, you impact others. i know its easy to be petty or try to lash out when you’re hurting, especially when you want to test and see if others care– and thats why i dont mean to say like… “do the right thing even when you’re not lucid” because thats an unrealistic expectation and practically impossible. you can make mistakes. 
but u still have to own up for your mistakes. you can’t expect a get out of jail for free card just because you have a special excuse. 
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winnerloser · 4 years
klararity replied to your post: so dnd event/plotline is happening
like,,,,real dnd??
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yes! victor dms a little campaign in-character with other muses who play it...! the dnd itself will be very stripped down in terms of combat & additional variables i think to keep focus on the rp aspect
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winnerloser · 4 years
so dnd event/plotline is happening
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