#🍬  this girl’s like candy- a candy treat  ──── { stocking loves ; }
racfoam · 6 months
Happy Halloween, everyone! 🎃🍬👻 Have a nynn Halloween Special
“So, why can’t we fifth years do the Muggle tradition Halloween?” asked Harry in the Common Room, pouting. The fifth to seventh years were all situated in the common room, stocked with candy, while the younger year students, all dressed in their costumes, had gone out around the castle for trick or treating.
Harry wished she could go, too. She never went trick or treating in her whole life. All she'd need to do was put on the Invisibility Cloak and she'd be Headless Nick.
“Because we’re too old.” said Hermione patiently.
“You’re never too old for trick or treating.” grumbled Ron; Harry had explained how Halloween worked in the Muggle world and he was positively bereft. “It's free candy! I want free candy!”
There was a knock at the portrait. As one, everyone in the common room scrambled up. Harry wondered which group of kids it would be, Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs. She doubted the Slytherin kids (at least the purebloods) would go trick or treating around the castle.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were the first to make it to the doors, carrying the candy to give out to the kids.
“Open," said Ron to the doors.
When the doors opened, Harry's jaw promptly fell to the floor.
Hermione released a delighted squeal. There were small first years dressed in many different costumes, be it of Muggle heroes or magical creatures. However, the most dominant costume was...
Harry was faced with a row of... well, Harrys. Boys and girls, wearing glasses, Gryffindor robes and the lightning bolt scar drawn by a sharpie on their foreheads.
“Trick or treat!” chorushed the kids.
“Harrys!” said Ron, amazed.
“You're all so cute!” cooed Hermione, quickly moving to give everyone as much candy as she could into their open pumpkins, be they a Harry or a ghost or a clown.
The kids blushed, grinning at Hermione.
Harry grinned down at them, feeling something warm bloom inside her chest. “Wow, you all look very cool! I love your glasses!”
The kids beamed. Harry went to give them as much candy as she could.
“Okay, Harrys, pull out your wands!"
It was like Harry became a gang leader. At once, all the Harrys pulled out their wands.
“And say, with your full chest: Expecto Patronum. On three, all right? One... Two... Three!"
“Expecto Patronum!” called the kids along with Harry, and much to their delight, a large, silver, shining stag burst from Harry's wand, circling everyone and bumping his snout against every kid's nose.
“Thank you!” said the kids, and off they raced, talking about how much candy they got.
Harry heard a thump behind herself. Alarmed, thinking one of her friends had fainted, she turned, only to blink.
Lord Voldemort laid sprawled across the carpet of the Gryffindor Common room. He had fainted, apparently too overwhelmed by the crowd of tiny Harrys and their adorebleness.
Harry snorted fondly.
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