#💛🎨you can depend on me🎨💛
not-rude-ginger · 6 months
Hey! 👋🏻 Can you answer ❤️ ✨ 👓 🥳 🌻 📗 📚 💛 🔮 💌 🎨 from the “Fanfic Writer Ask Game”?
Thank you so much! 🥺
Goodness that's a lot. *cracks knuckles* OK, let's do this!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Answer here
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
I use the Freedom app that blocks YouTube and other sites that distract me - and sometimes I use a brain entrainment app to help stimulate my brain. It seems to help a bit. Also listening to music can help. Atm my focus is pretty shot but I have found these things have helped.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
It was a pretty natural progression, as a kid I loved imagining myself in the things I loved, usually as a cool or interesting character, and then I found fanfiction thanks to my hyperfixation on LOTR and I developed from there. I just really love exploring the worlds of the things I enjoy, imaging more adventures in the worlds, or changes to the canon story.
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Mmm, depends, I may reread a couple of times in a short space of time, and then I won't for ages. I don't like reading much older stuff, but I recently reread all of my Loki mega series because I wanted to remember the plot threads in the hope I may one day finish it. I will often go back to stuff in my most active fandom for fun too.
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Oh absolutely, I've always wanted to be a published author. I've dozens of different stories, from a big world building fantasy series with one story focused on that world's first ever sorcerer, to a couple of thrillers set in the real world, to a kind of fairy tale inspired story that looks at what comes after happy ever after.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Cerusee - Solid JC stuff
NotActuallyASpider -Mmm, all the angsty ZhanChengXian I could want and one of the first authors in this fandom I read.
ElDiablito_SF - ZhanCheng Author that writes them so sappy I wanna puke, it's great!
Oh_Fudgecakes - Just excellent writing both plot and smut.
For Loki:
Lise - Stoki author queen, insanely prolific writer, does Yi City works too.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
You can't anticipate how people will read your work, both good and bad, and you will always write your best if you find your particular spin on the subject, not what someone else wants you to write.
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Given how much I struggle with both, I guess I can only say be kind to yourself, especially with burnout. With a block, try to listen to yourself -- you likely know there's a problem further back in the story that needs fixing if you're stuck in the middle of writing.
If you're struggling to start, write the shit version and start wherever you want, because it's much easier to work on something that already exists.
If some tool helps you, like the Freedom App helps me, use it as much as you want!
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Does fatherhood count as a trope? I seem to love making my male characters dads.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh so many options! Any cute moment between JC and LWJ in Ink, JC with his son (and WWX and JL) in For What or it's sequels, JC skimming on water in his fancy robes from JL's birthday, WWX and JL holding JC's hands during his C-section. The shenanigans in Break Between Classes where ZCX are making good use of the desk and JC trying to keep the bucket up. If you wanna go darker and smuttier, LWJ looming over JC in bed as in Little Bit of Hope.
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thegirl20 · 4 months
actually i wanna ask all of them but i narrowe them down ❤️💥✨️✍️🚀🥳🦋🦈🔎🤩🤖💛🎨 but feel free to skip i know it is many!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
“I told you, my mother-in-law is moping all over the place, weeping and wailing like an Italian.” Bree Van De Kamp in this fic.
The reason I like this line is that in the episode the following week, Bree said to her mother-in-law:  “Even Italians take a break now and again.”  So I felt like I’d got the character right.  That’s my favourite kind of dialogue - when it feels right for the person saying it.
There are probably more recent things I’ve written that I quite like, but that’s the one that sticks in my brain for some reason. Despite it being like 17 years old.
💥What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Can I say the last three and a half years of Emmerdale? 😉
✨️Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
I can’t answer this one. I enjoy any time people tell me they’ve enjoyed a fic. I love when people pull out the bits they liked the most. I love it when people tell me they can ‘hear’ the characters in my dialogue. Those are my favourite kinds of comments, because I enjoy writing dialogue so much that when it sounds right to people, I feel accomplished.
✍️What’s your ideal writing setup?
I used to write long-hand. I would jot notes down in my work notebook or whatever and then type it up, editing and enhancing as I did so. I stopped doing that and now I mostly just capture snippets of notes in google docs and build things around them. But I used to quite like the tactile sensation of writing by hand.
I don’t really have a set-up as such. I have a room that I use as an ‘office’ and sometimes if I know I need to get some writing done I’ll go in there so it feels more official. But I can write anywhere my laptop is, really.
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go?
It depends. Mostly my fics grow out of a single line of dialogue or a single scene I have in my head. So I’ll jot that down, then write around it. If I know the story I want to tell is longer, generally I’ll still jot down the scene or scenes I have in mind first, but I’ll try and do some bullet points outlining a vague structure and the things I know I want to include. But if it’s a short fic I just sit down and write it, generally without knowing much of what will be in it beyond the initial thing that inspired me to write it.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
I’ve always enjoyed creative writing. When I was little, like 8 or 9, I would write out scripts for my dolls or for my friends to act out. I enjoyed writing stories whenever we had to at school. So I suppose when I discovered that people wrote stories about shows I liked, and could make the characters do whatever they wanted them to do, it appealed to me.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Charity Dingle. No question.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
I find a lot of characters difficult to write. When people don’t have a distinctive voice or way of speaking, I struggle, because I rely on dialogue a lot for characterisation. Yennefer, for example, I find difficult to write and I don’t think I really capture her a lot of the time. I tend to shove her into modern AUs and use that as a bit of an excuse.
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
No. Not even me!
(That sounds flippant, but it’s the truth. This is because I write because it’s fun, and it’s not fun for me to have someone essentially ‘mark’ my work. And I know this isn’t how a lot of people work with betas, and I know it can greatly enhance both the experience and the end result, but for me my brain wants to be done with something when it’s written. It doesn’t want to go back over things. That’s why I tend not to plan things out very much either - if I had written an intricate plan for something, my brain would think it was done and wouldn’t want to do it again)
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
Depends which fandom, really. I’ve been known to check things out because of gifs. I have a friend who I watch a lot of tv with and she recommends things to me and vice versa. Although, just because I watch something doesn’t mean I want to get involved in the fandom. Usually I get into a fandom, and particularly writing for a fandom, if there’s subtext involved. Or if people aren’t together yet. I like to have scope for creativity.
🤖 Are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic?
No. Absolutely not.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
That people can take joy from my wee stories. Even the ones I don’t particularly like, there will be someone that likes them.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
This is quite funny, because @ehay offered to make art from my fic and I was unable to think of a scene that stood out. And that’s because I’m not a very visual writer at all. I don’t describe scenery or clothing or even people very much. I write dialogue. So it’s hard for me to think of scenes that I would like to see immortalised by the talented artists out there.
Incidentally, @ehay did create some scenes from one of my fics, and it is gorgeous and far more beautiful than I could ever have described: The hour of hush and wonder
And people got pretty excited about Cara Lannister back in the day.
I guess it's exciting to see fan art of AUs because I'm never going to get to 'see' the characters in those settings in canon.
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Omg omg can I ask you all the questions 🙏
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
(Feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!!)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Today was a fucking mess, but.
What else is new. 
Everything fades as he slips down, deep, unconsciousness enfolding him. It’s a soothing warm embrace. Like the touch of a mother. There’s a phantom kiss to his forehead. 
Your whole life has been a fucking mess. 
But you endured.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
GOSH I THINK I ALTERNATE BETWEEN KEITH AND SHIRO PRETTY EVENLY DEPENDING ON WHICH ONE SERVES THE IDEA MORE??? Shiro is fun to write because I just fucking adore him and I think I find it a little more cathartic because I can project onto him a bit more. IT'S LIKE HE'S THE MAN I WANT TO BE. But writing Keith is so fun too because he's a sloppy mess and I feel more free to write false starts/stops and just generally salty cynical nonsense.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
With Sheith I find Shiro a bit harder to write because he's way smarter than me. 🤣 Like I always want to fold in fucking, quantum physics humor like in canon but I can't just think of it myself cause idk anything about that stuff.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
I've been writing fic for 20 years so I've dabbled in many fandoms LOL but my current AO3 incarnation I'd say: Sheith: Tonight the Stars Revolt! (I'm sorry I update this like once a year but I think about it every day and it's my baby but it's canon compliant so idk what's the rush, we all know where it's going LOL) Vampire Chronicles: So Falls the World Yuri on Ice: Crashland 💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing? I wanted to give this one some breathing space so I answered here :)
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I answered this one early but I'd also love to see any art of one day we'll find our way because it's FemSheith and I made Keith such a fucking hot milf imo
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ofsimplethings · 9 months
Why Of Simple Things? | A new chapter for this blog
tl;dr - 🌿 OST focuses on simple living amidst the world's obsession with time ⏰ and the pressures of modern Hustle Culture. In a world that races for more, OST promotes a lifestyle that values things like monotasking, self-sufficiency, and an unhurried pace. 🌱 Despite not being an expert on the topic, the blog aims to inspire, track progress, and serve as a creative space for like-minded individuals. 💌 Regular newsletters will curate the best from OST for readers and provide exclusive content. My desire for simplicity stems from childhood, countering the disillusionments of modern life. While solitude is cherished, the importance of community and mutual support is recognized, leading to the creation of the blog and newsletter. The ultimate goal is to inspire and aid others in their quest for a simpler life. 💛
Of Simple Things (OST) 🌿 aims to explore simple living and everything that might mean
The world is obsessed with time. ⏰ It’s the only resource we can’t possibly get back, it’s one of the most - if not the very most - valuable resources on the planet. No matter how hard we might want to or how many tips, tricks, and hacks we employ to try to, we can’t control time. We can only learn how to properly spend it. That, coupled with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), comparison and the resulting envy, and the pressures placed on us by the world, our loved ones, or our own selves has created Hustle Culture. It’s created this discontent and disdain for anything that doesn’t maximize the productivity of every waking moment. It shares in the blame for the unhealthy competition sprouting out of our desperation to hit the same milestones and life goals in the same (or shorter) timeframe as our peers, friends, and even perfect strangers online. At this point, no one should be surprised at the rising rate of burnout and general dissatisfaction with a corporate-esq lifestyle of wanting everything quick, quality, and exactly like how we see it on Instagram.
OST was born out of necessity. In a complicated world, OST strives for simplicity. 🌱That means seeing the value in monotasking, pursuing a life not burdened by comparison and competition, and living life unhurried. For me, it also means exploring self-sufficiency as simplicity so often leads me away from the demands of dependency on many modern norms, and re-centres me while teaching me skills I can rely on or even barter with. But more on that in another post. 🤭
Simple living means different things to different people. According to Wikipedia, “common practices of simple living include reducing the number of possessions one owns, depending less on technology and services, and spending less money.” If you read my About, you know that for me, it means living on an off-grid homestead in the woods, being self-sufficient, having time to write, and surround myself with nature, plants, and animals. And running my own business (yes, I consider that a part of simple living because of the nature of the business and the lifestyle it’d allow me to live, but that’s a story for another time).
But that’s not everyone’s vision of simple living. It manifests differently, even if the underlying current is the same. OST aims to explore that underlying current of simplicity in all its peaceful, freeing glory.
OST is for inspiration, accountability, and exploration
I’m not a simple living expert. I haven’t read every book on the subject, spoken with every guru, or dove into the rabbit hole of YouTube videos promising simplicity in five easy steps. That’s why OST exists. As explore simple living, OST is there to be a place for inspiration, accountability, and exploration. ☺️ OST has three main goals:
💭 To be daydream fuel, filling up with inspiring content to keep me (and anyone who wants to join in) motivated and getting new ideas,
📝 To be a tracker, allowing me to record and share my progress, be it full of failures or victories,
🎨 And to be a haven to explore creativity, meet other simplicity enthusiasts, and be a general escape.
While the blog is constantly updated with curated inspiration and original content, the newsletter will be a round-up to make it easier to stay plugged into this journey towards simplicity. You can expect 1-2 publications a month that bring the best of the best from OST and exclusive content in a sweet and simple form that aims to be beautiful, inspiring, and enjoyable. So if you like, you can sign up for that here. 💌
I need simplicity - this blog helps me and I hope to make it help others
Even when I was a kid, I had a desire for simplicity. I was drawn to it like a lot of us are. The appeal of it rarely lessened and, when it did, it was only because I was losing myself in Hustle Culture and allowing that unhealthy obsession to keep me from the life I actually wanted. And truly needed. The illusion of money providing security, the pursual of it providing purpose, and the obtainment of it providing self-worth all came crashing down and I was left with this gaping hole in my life and not many options. A growing faith in Jesus was the root of the change in my life. Long-buried desires for simplicity led me to carve out a vision to strive towards, one of self-sufficiency, community, and entrepreneurship.
One of the reasons I fell in love with the idea of homesteading and, from there, off-gridding is because it’s very easy to achieve solitude. But for me, a hermit from birth, solitude quickly turns into isolation. Once upon a time, isolation was the main goal. Disappearing into the woods after learning the skills and gathering the materials I’d need to survive with no company but my books and my dog - that was the dream, let me tell you. But as I heal from past hurts, what I’m learning is that despite my natural inclination towards isolation, we, as a species, need each other. We don’t have to be all over each other all the time, but we can often thrive more easily if we support each other. Yet another reason to start a blog and newsletter. 😉
That is the long version of why this blog exists, why I’m making a point of starting the newsletter, and why I hope OST can be useful to you. 💛
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Pride game ask: 💛💙💜💗💖🖤💟🌊🌺🎨☀️🥤🗓 Also tumblr did a stupid and I think it unfollowed you, not sure if it was a glitch or something, but I refollowed
Whos the first person you came out to? Tumblr! I put it in my bio and that was that
Do you have any merch? No, sadly
Have you ever been to a pride parade? :( no
How are you feeling? Extremely nervous because my mom can’t find me using tumblr on her computer-
Fairy lights, leds, or natural? Fairy lights. They’re so versatile; they can be cute or homey depending on the decor
Stargazing or walking? Walking. Stars are pretty, but I’d get restless lying down
Do you trust easily? Haha, yeah
What’s your ideal date? You take me to an expensive mall and give me your credit card. jk, id want to watch netflix and eat nutella with you
3 things you like about yourself: My nails are shiny green-blakc like seaweed and its fuckin great. anyway, i’m not lactose intolerant, and i like to draw
Draw your pride flag- sorry, I cant :(
Send a compliment to one of your mutuals- will do
Drink water- i have dr pepper ;)
Schedule a selfcare day- Already done, my dude
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cozy office
♤Do not repost my art♤
Ok to rb
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(If blurry Open the image)
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
R/6/S s/I Jerico lafayette "draco" gomez
Summary of her:shes an emotional coach/psicologist for team rain//Bow
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Her in different outfits!
Now her more important stuff
Cw:mentions of ab*sive household
"Where theres a Will theres a way"
Gomez doesnt talk much about her childhood, specially surrounding her mother,she has mentioned me about her abuse towards her growing up, but she refuses to elaborate,saying that "shed get angry at her mother". But sings praises at both her adopted and biological fathers.
She has worked through some of her own baggage as well, though I detect shes still dealing with past trauma in any case though,She finished highschool and enlisted into studying animation, then studied psicology as a "backup plan" wich came in handy when she met specialist eliza "ash" cohen.
Psicological profile
Being bullied kickstarted her maturity,often being perceived as younger as she keeps a charismatic and empathetic persona towards the others.
Yet shes not able to trust someone until they Open up first, shes very paranoid with affective bonds,given her shaky upbringing.
Being a creative mind she perceives things differently, this adds to the feeling of not being able to fit in, and the feeling of burnt out after helping so Many people.
Being an HSP (hyper sensitive person) jerico needs several hours to recharge after a long day of interacting with people.
Specialists Ryad Al-hassar "jackal" Ramírez and Samuel. L "zero" fisher have noticed certain calming aura she has,saying that the moment they entered her Office they felt at ease.
Specialist havard "ace" haugland and jaimini kalimohan "kali" shah also noted specialist jerico lafayette "draco" gomez is very good intuiting and Reading body language.
Shes not only a good listener, shes a caretaker of sorts, other specialists such as ngugi muchoki "wamai" furaha and cesar Ruiz "goyo" Hernández she has a very sharp sight and notices the smallest of details,this was confirmed after specialist gomez realized one of her teammates cheated while playing chess against specialist lera "finka" melinkova.
I surely cant wait to see what she brings to the team, but a piece of advice, do not tell her what she can and cant do,never question her trauma and dont test her iron Will.
~harishva "harry" Pandey director of rainbow.
Ok to rb!
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