#( and if you think maryse will not mum the heck out of magnus just bc he is older )
vraisang-a · 4 years
∝ ―plots I desperately need
1. Maryse going on a mission with some shadowhunters and being hit by a spell that de-ages her, and she's 16/17 again with no memory other than the ones she had at that age. She's the only survivor of the mission and has no idea where she is, so she either has to find her way to the Institute or someone finds her, and if it's one of the kiddos they don't really know who she is, but once they take her back to the Institute they learn that that's mum. [ dramatic music ] but all Maryse can think/ask about is her Alec who is two/three and where is he?
2. Maryse and one of the downworlders ( simon, magnus, maia ) on a mission and at first everything is fine, but shit goes down and Maryse goes full mum mode on them, even tho they are all physically stronger than her. Maryse protecting them and being worried about them and showing them that she truly did change.
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