#( maryse and alec being shy beans is my favourite aesthetic )
vraisang-a · 4 years
Maryse and Alexander are not just similar physically, but in personality too. A lot of little traits you see in Alec are definitely mirrored in Maryse, from the way they seem too serious and almost uncomfortable in most situations to how they are very unwelcoming to strangers and people they perceive as threats to their family. She too has no qualms with showing her dislike for people, with sarcastic and dry remarks towards them, her brave and straightforward facade hiding her more insecure, caring and compassionate self. It isn't surprising that Alec inherited most of Maryse's personality traits, given that he spend most of his early life with just her around him. And so their similarities are quite striking to those who get to see it. Especially when they get to see it in Maryse. On how when put on the spot she stutters and struggles to get her words out, how she'll shy away from attention when her accomplishments are brought up, how compliments make her blush and her eyes go impossibly wide. It is such an amusing sight that Isabelle made it her mission to get both Alec and Maryse to act embarrassed whenever she could, especially when they were together.
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