#((maybe I'm being unnecessarily cruel but Jesus))
kin-aita · 8 months
AITA for trying to kill a child (potentially my brother) and taking his hotel?
So. I (19M at the time) used to have a friend (16-ish M) who may have even been a brother to me. We had a pretty good relationship in our childhood and I even joined his country that he was trying to build, but like, after some complicated drama he was exiled to bumfuck nowhere far away.
Now. He was not a very good friend. He would haze me, he would make me the butt of the joke sometimes, but nothibg like... super bad? It sounds bad but I think he was never malicious with it. Our humours just didn't align that well maybe.
Despite that, when he was exiled (after griefing and destroying a bunch of everyone's shit, mind you), everybody said that he was really not doing well in exile and that I should visit him. So I did. I was even bringing him a present or something, don't remember what it was.
But the second he saw me he had this shocked expression and didn't even say hi or anything and just. Spleefed me into lava (we were in the Nether). DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LAVA HURTS. I HAD BURN SCARS EVER SINCE. To make matters worse, when I tried to swim up he deliberately blocked off the flow of lava so I wouldn't be able to get out and SHOT ME WITH ARROWS. SO I WOULD DIE FASTER.
So. Yeah. He very violently murdered me. And like, friends have killed me before for the joke, but this was a canon death, this was in a serious situation, and this was very fucking painful and not instantaneous at all.
Ever since then though I've been trying to kill him. As revenge, and also because he's just been generally a pest and a warmonger. It's been my main goal in life and became almost an obsession because I just never could do it and frequently failed at my plans. Still though, to get closer to him (with the intent to kill him eventually), I started helping him with his hotel bussiness he was working on after exile.
He didn't even pay me at all for ANY of the work I have done on the hotel, didn't provide me ANY compensation for it, and so when later on he FINALLY died (not even by my own hand, mind you!) (he came back later on) I decided to take the the hotel for myself because fuck that guy, I worked hard on it.
So yeah. I think I was fully in the right to try and kill him in revenge and take his hotel after he died, but everyone was extremely judgemental of this plan and thought I was being unnecessarily cruel because he's just a traumatized child. Apparently he was being abused pretty severely in exile, and that pains my heart to hear, but there was no way I'd know this information at the time and when I tried to visit him in exile and HELP him, he killed me, sooo. Also he was literally dead when I inherited the hotel. I had full rights to claim it and he wasn't SUPPOSED to come back from death, people don't just come back like Jesus typically (except for me because I'm cool as fuck).
But what do I know, maybe I have been an asshole all along?
PS. can't read the extended rules on mobile so I hope this is allowed
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kurtzbergsiblings · 4 years
//Look. I didn’t want to make a post. This may destroy what little I have on this blog, but here’s the thing. Is stalking actors bad? Yes! In every fandom! No one said it wasn’t? But “spamming the tag” is not a punishable offense that should be put in your same post. Block buttons exist for a reason.
And someone being worried it was them being talked about because they are one of two blogs that fits a description is valid, okay? Don’t attack them for getting defensive when they think people are talking behind their back. This isn’t a “you’re so vain” issue when the fandom is the size of a pencil eraser.
Honestly? For a second, I thought it could be me too. Before things got specific, I was scared beyond belief that I had done something to offend. I posted on another blog. Now I’m thanking high heaven I didn’t post it here or I would’ve been the one burned at the stake.
Let the bridges burn. It’s not like I’m a stranger to this feeling.
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volperion-moved · 2 years
Why do you spill vinegar on the wounds of fans who are cranky about Chloe’s writing by saying that Lila has a better chance at being redeemed than she does? Didn’t you ignore moments that depict Lila in a negative light like the moment when Lila smirked at Nathalie? You said it probably didn’t have any significance.
jesus fucking christ you people are making me understand why astruc got so frustrated with chloe because of her stans
'spill vinegar on the wounds of fans' is so fucking unnecessarily dramatic it's a damn cartoon that didn't go the way you wanted. i made that first post you guys are coming for me over before strike back aired. i don't ignore moments where lila is depicted in a negative light i'm just viewing them for what they ARE rather than just making shit up. she literally just smirked at nathalie. it's cruel and callous but we don't know if it's going to mean anything more - i don't really know how it can, how lila can use nathalie's illness to her advantage. she doesn't know gabriel is hawkmoth & nathalie is mayura - the show went to lengths to show felix discovering gabriel's identity so it would feel really cheap for lila to just magically know. & she doesn't know the significance of the rings so i don't know why she would take the one nathalie has. this doesn't make lila a nice person suddenly i'm just not convinced on the theories that this moment was building up to lila doing anything.
i'm literally just pointing out what's in the show. if the show 'wounded' you by aborting chloe's redemption arc and it upsets you to see people point it out maybe stop watching the show and engaging w/ the fandom because you just come off like a child throwing a tantrum bc you aren't getting your way it's embarrassing
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