#(Ikkaku is vindictive enough to lock you in a tomb)
ikkaku-of-heart · 3 years
Re̷t͡ur͠n͏ u̕s̵ ̧to ̴t̛he ̢Dèe̛ps i͢f͏ ̡y̕o͜u̧ wil̶l,͘ ͡Li͢g̀h̴t͜ ̕Kée̶pe̕r͝. I̛f ma͏tt͜er͏s̢ ̶no͝t,̛ ́jus͟t a̸s ͟i̴t̸ ̧m͠atter͝s͞ ǹo͞t̴ ̴t̢h̡at͞ ̧yo͟u brou͏ght yo̡u͞r ̕N͝akama̸ b̕ack͞. D̶a̧r͠knes̢s was all th̨at́ e̕x̴ist͘ed a͠t ̡t̕h̶e b̛eg̡i͡nn͠įǹg ͜of̢ ti̵me ̸a͜nd͟ ̧s͟o̸ s͢ha̢ll͝ i͟t ͡b͠e ̧at ͜T́h͝e ̕E̵nd.̡ We ͢sh͏a̵l̴l͞ wa҉i͡t͏ ̡pa͠tiently i̧n the͘ śh̵ado͜ws̨.̸
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“Awww, now what’s your hurry?” she asked far too cheerfully to the sealed clay pot in her hands. The lid was welded on securely, and she’d even melted pure silver over it so it couldn’t even be pried off by its own kind. Silver really was excellent for keeping monsters at bay. “You’re way too eager to return to the Deeps. I mean, what’s so great about it for you? I think you need a vacation. A change of scenery might do you some good.”
Her smile curled into something far more devious and vindictive. “In fact, I’ve already booked you a nice, one-way ticket to warm, sunny Alabasta. Nami called up the princess herself and she’s arranging a cozy, sealed tomb for you right smack dab in the desert. Robin even says she’ll write a warning about disturbing you in every language she knows to ensure nobody bothers you. Isn’t that nice of her?”
Ikkaku strolled over to the seastone-lined safe she’d procured, carefully placing the pot inside along with several protective charms she’d made to keep the Beings within at bay. She was taking absolutely zero chances with this.
Staring down at the pot, hoping her adversaries could see her glare, she said, “You fuckers are never touching me and mine again. The End won’t be coming for a long while - not so long as we Light Keepers are around to keep the Darkness at bay.”
As she began to close the door, she added, “Your time is over, Old Ones. The Creator Turtle’s not as dead as you’d like to think, and every time you think you can worm your way back into this world, people like me will be there to put you in your place.”
With a thunk the door was shut and sealed, its contents to not see the light of day for several millennia.
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