#(cue a dirt bed and a sore throat that forced her to make the big Eye VS End choice very VERY early in the game)
see-arcane · 3 years
MAG 99 Sasharchivist AU
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“‘scuse us.”
“Are you Sasha J--?”
“Breekon and Hope?”
“...That we are.”
“Mm. I’m guessing you’re here to deliver me to Nikola? Getting antsy because I didn’t pick up her ritual shopping? I’d apologize, but I’ve been just so busy.”
“That so?”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know you won’t be doing much of anything for awhile.”
“Not a thing.”
“Orsinov’ll take care of it all.”
“That she will, that she will--,”
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“Is something wrong? Expecting Archivist on easy mode, maybe? I was wondering about that too, but I think I’ve connected the dots. See, I know your walking talking clown doll boss wanted dibs, but recently...I died.” 
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“Ahead of schedule, I know! Had a bad run-in with--well, several colorful folks. One of whom killed me; at least, killed me enough that I couldn’t put off the choice anymore.”
“Stop it.”
“Human death or monstrous life. You can guess where I landed. And with me firmly committed to the relationship, well, the Eye’s been very giving. Tons of terrible trivia pouring in lately. Which doesn’t sit well with anonymous types like you, does it?”
“Stop it!” 
“Mm, don’t think I will. I have some questions for you.”
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