#(patriarchy is a hell of a drug!)
ravenkings · 7 months
i'm doing a rewatch of north and south, and this time around, it really strikes me just how delulu margaret hale's dad is
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what’s up friends i’m gonna full-on fist fight sigmund freud
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mellowsadistic · 2 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 1
Five women become the playthings of a man calling himself the Magician. Using his powers, he forces them to go through a series of humiliatingly childish challenges, with infantilizing and permanent consequences for the losers. Inspired by the sadly discontinued season one of The Humble Games by Parker Longabaugh.
One moment Abigail was sitting at a bar, sending seductive looks over at the handsome man sitting across from her (and receiving looks of hatred in return from the woman sat next to him), and the next moment she was sitting on a hard-backed wooden chair in a large, brightly lit, luxuriously furnished hall. She blinked. What the hell was going on? Looking around, she saw that four other disoriented women were sitting in chairs in a row beside hers, and in front of them stood a man. He was tall, dark haired, and strangely ageless. He could have been thirty or fifty - it was impossible to tell. He wore a well-tailored black suit and the hint of a smirk on his handsome face.
“Hello ladies,” he said. His voice was deep, and Abby felt a pleasant tingling in her pussy. If she wasn’t more alarmed about her sudden transportation to this unfamiliar place, he was definitely the sort of man she’d be trying to pry away from his wife and take home with her. “Thank you all for coming.”
A woman a couple of places away from Abby was the first to recover. Her short dark hair and mannish suit gave her a somewhat androgynous look. “What’s going on?” she asked. Her voice was severe and authoritative. “Where are we?”
“You’re in my home,” the man responded politely.
“Who are you? How did-”
“Why don’t I do introductions?” he interrupted mildly, and without waiting for an answer he gestured towards a girl on the end of the row with straw-coloured hair, a black crop-top that showed off her slim, well-toned stomach, and a pair of skinny jeans. “This is little miss Susie Taylor, a third-year know-it-all university student who worked hard to earn a scholarship just so she could get away from her controlling mother.”
The girl called Susie went red. Know-it-all?! But more alarmingly, how did he know that about her? Was he some sort of stalker? Had he drugged her at university and abducted her to his mansion?
The man moved on to the next woman, a beautiful lady with long, white-blonde hair and very large breasts that were shown off classily by her elegant dress. There was something a little snobbish about the disdainful way she glanced at the other girls. “And this is miss Katherine Bower-Thomas, a fashion model from a rather well-to-do family who’s widely considered to be one of the most difficult people to work with in the whole industry, on account of her self-entitlement and overall bitchiness.”
Katherine blushed as well. How dare he! She would normally have given this man a piece of her mind, if she weren’t still so wrong-footed by what had just happened. One moment she'd been strutting down the catwalk at her latest fashion show, and the next...
“And here we have miss Madelyn Smith,” the man went on. He was indicating the dark haired, severe woman who had spoken earlier. “A lecturer in feminist theory who detests vapid bimbos more than anything, and who loves nothing more than to inflict the people around her with long rants about the evils of the patriarchy.”
Madelyn scowled furiously, but restrained herself for the moment. She didn’t understand what was going on here. She could have sworn she’d just been about to give a lecture on early feminist literature. Had she been hypnotised? Was this some kind of reality TV show? If so she was going to sue the producers into oblivion!
“And this little cutie is miss Becky Lewis.” The man pointed at the girl sitting next to Abby. She seemed to be the youngest there, pretty, and dressed in a plain white top and a skirt, her chestnut-brown hair tied up in a ponytail. “She’s fresh out of school and working part-time at her local daycare, where she has a reputation for being especially nasty to the poor little boys and girls. She just can’t stand changing nappies!” The man laughed at that, as if he knew some secret joke that they didn’t.
Becky squirmed nervously in her seat. It wasn’t her fault those stupid little brats were so disgusting! She’d been enjoying a day off from cleaning up after those annoying little rugrats before she’d suddenly found herself here.
“And finally we come to miss Abigail Reid, a very naughty girl who lives off her boyfriend’s money even while she repeatedly cheats on him behind his back. Definitely someone who deserves to be taken down a peg or two.”
Abby flushed, and found her voice. “How do you know – I mean, what makes you think I need to be ‘taken down a peg or two’?” she demanded.
“Well sweetie, I’m very good with wishes, you see,” he said, smiling at her. His dark eyes glinted unsettlingly, as if there was light behind them. “And dozens of people have wished for you to be put in your place.” He looked around at the others with a smile. “The same goes for all of you.”
“You still haven’t told us who you are!” Katherine complained, lifting her head haughtily. “Or how we got here!”
“You can call me the Magician, sweetheart. And I brought you here by magic. Isn’t that obvious?”
“Excuse me,” Madelyn said sneeringly. “But that’s not really an explanation, is it? I don’t care who you are, but you are going to be in serious trouble. I hope you’re looking forward to going to prison, because you’ve brought us here without our consent and-”
“Hush now, sweetie,” the Magician interrupted. “A man is talking. Isn’t there something else you’d rather be doing with that pretty little mouth of yours?”
For a moment, Madelyn couldn’t believe her ears. Then she leapt out of her chair and launched into a furious tirade. “How dare you! Women are not your property, you chauvinist! This is so typical of a man.” She turned to the others. “This is exactly the kind of male attitude I spend my life fighting against. Men always think that what they have to say is more important than anything we might have to offer. It’s patriarchal social conswucts wike dese dat pwesent women as overgwown childwen!”
The other girls stared at her in shock. Madelyn blushed bright red. What was wrong with her voice?! Then she realised that her thumb was planted firmly between her lips, garbling her speech. She was sucking on it rhythmically, making loud wet smacking sounds, looking for all the world like an overgrown four-year-old. She tried to pull it out, but something stopped her – it was as if her thumb was being drawn magnetically into her mouth! Her eyes wide with fear, she whined and looked desperately at the others for help.
“That’s better,” said the Magician. “Daddy doesn’t need to listen to silly little girls who think they know best. I hope you enjoy your new thumbsucking habit, Maddy, because it’s not going away any time soon. Sucking on things is a much better use for a woman’s mouth than all your silly bitching.”
Madelyn looked frightened, and started sucking her thumb even more frantically, but Susie just rolled her eyes. “Oh, please,” she said exasperatedly, getting up as well. “This is all just some kind of trick!” She looked disparagingly at Katherine, Becky, and Abby, all three of whom were looking scared. “You don’t actually believe in magic do you? He’s just some stupid stage magician or something, and she’s obviously with him.” She gestured at Madelyn, who frantically shook her head from side to side, looking furious. The Magician’s smile widened.
The other girls stared at Susie, but they weren’t paying much attention to her words. As she spoke, her outfit was beginning to change. Her black crop-top turned pastel pink and began to lengthen, its sleeves becoming puffy and frilly. Two pink ribbons appeared out of thin air and began tying her straw-blonde hair into pigtails.
“I spent my whole childhood living under some petty tyrant,” Susie went on obliviously, “and I can promise you that they don’t have any real power.”
Her jeans melted away, rising up her legs and transforming into a tiny pink skirt that wasn’t even long enough to hide the white cotton, baby-duck patterned underwear that had just replaced her panties. Her socks became ruffled, and her trainers turned into black Mary Janes.
“I don’t know how he got us here, but it doesn’t matter. There’s nothing to stop us just walking out, so why don’t we…” Susie broke off. “What are you all looking at?!” she demanded angrily. Then she caught sight of herself in the large mirror that dominated one of the walls, and she let out a girlish shriek.
She stared at her new outfit in disbelief. Not two minutes ago she’d been dressed like a stylish college student, and now she looked ready to head off to kindergarten.
“H-how did you…?” Susie looked at the Magician, her face now full of fear.
“Much better!” he announced happily. “Those silly grown-up clothes were doing you no good at all, Susie. This is a much more appropriate look for you. Now, does anyone else want to interrupt me, or can I continue with my explanation?”
There was silence from the women, apart from the sound of Madelyn sucking noisily on her thumb. Susie was frozen, terrified the Magician would do something else to her. She didn’t want to end up as a thumbsucker too.
“Good. Now, as I was saying, you naughty girls are well overdue some corrective punishment. So I thought we’d have a little competition. A fun little game. The five of you will go through a series of challenges, with penalties for the unfortunate losers, voting periodically to eliminate one of your number until only one of you is left. Those who get voted out will receive a special punishment, in addition to any… alterations that I make to them over the course of the game. But the winner will get something very special. Three wishes. Anything they want. Anything at all.”
Abby shivered at the thought of these ‘special punishments’, but her eyes lit up at the thought of three wishes. Anything she wanted? Anything at all? If she could win…
“We’ll start the first challenge very soon, but first we need to get some num-nums in those cute little tummies of yours. Follow me, girls. Lunchtime.”
He led them out of the hall and into a large sunlight dining room, and none of them could think of anything else to do but follow. Blushing bright red, Susie tried to tug her tiny skirt down to stop herself flashing her new childish underwear with every step. Madelyn tried desperately to remove her thumb from her mouth, but it was hopeless. The harder she tried to take it out, the more urgently she sucked. A line of drool ran down her chin. She wanted to wipe it away, but for some reason she couldn’t, as though the simple knowledge of how to wipe her face clean had been blocked from her mind. She knew she looked monumentally stupid, a grown woman in a stylish suit sucking her thumb and dribbling down her chin like a giant toddler, but she just couldn’t stop herself!
The women stopped dead when they saw the chairs that were seated around the dinner table. They were highchairs. But even worse was what was placed on the table in front of each of them – a baby bottle full of milk, and a large bowl of mushy baby food.
“You must be joking,” said Katherine, wrinkling her nose.
“Not at all, sweetheart,” said the Magician. He waved his hand, and bright pastel-coloured bibs appeared around each of their necks.
Katherine cringed at the sight of the canary-yellow bib that now adorned her front. She couldn’t stand anything that messed with her elegant, classy wardrobe. The other girls looked down distastefully at the bibs on their own chests as well.
“In fact,” the Magician continued, smirking once again, “I think you’re all going to enjoy your lunchies very much.”
Abby suddenly realised she was hungry. Very hungry, in fact. She stared at the bowls of baby food, and the bottles of creamy milk, and her stomach rumbled. Hers wasn’t the only one.
“Hungry babies!” the Magician laughed. “Are you all keen to get some yummies in your tummies?”
The five of them rushed forwards and clambered into their highchairs. They were tight and uncomfortable, but none of them cared. They were all too eager to eat. Abby picked up the tiny plastic spoon next to her bowl and started shovelling baby food into her mouth, not even caring that she was getting most of it smeared around her lips. Madelyn was finally able to pull her thumb out of her mouth with a wet pop, only to shove the nipple of her baby bottle into it instead and start guzzling down the warm milk inside. It was the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted. Katherine crammed her spoon into her mouth messily. She knew the Magician was doing something to them, knew that she’d never normally do something like this, but it didn’t matter. Baby food soon spattered her bib and covered her chin. It was an insult to her refined upbringing, but she just couldn’t control herself! It was so tasty!
The Magician chuckled as he watched the five women desperately shovel down baby food and drink up their baby formula. In no time at all, they were finished, sat in their highchairs with their stomachs full to bursting and their faces and bibs covered in baby food.
“Such messy girls!” he announced, making them all blush. A wet cloth appeared in his hand, and he went around one by one, wiping the girls’ mouths clean. A particularly malicious smirk appeared on his face when he reached Madelyn, and saw the drool that was also wetting her chin. “Such a dribbly baby!” he cooed.
Madelyn glared at him, but the intimidating effect was ruined slightly by the mucky bib she wore, and the fact that the Magician was wiping her chin for her like some stupid toddler who couldn’t do it herself. Her thumb immediately slipped back into her mouth.
“Alright, girls,” he said once he was done and they were all getting out of their highchairs. “Back to the hall. Follow me.”
They trailed back into the brightly lit hall, groaning a little at how full they were. Becky couldn’t believe she’d just eaten the kind of meal those stupid brats at her daycare ate every day. It had tasted so good in the moment, but now she felt disgusted with herself. Even if it was magic, how had she let herself be reduced to their level?!
“Now, we’re almost ready to start the challenge…” the Magician said to himself once they were all back in the room they’d first appeared in. “What have I forgotten…? Ah yes!” He snapped his fingers.
Abby felt a sudden coolness around her legs, and a strange thickness between her thighs, as if her underwear had suddenly expanded. She looked down and squealed in horror. The other girls did the same. Anything they’d been wearing below the waist had vanished, to be replaced by bulky, white, disposable diapers. Susie had kept her childish new clothes, but now instead of her baby-duck patterned undies, it was a thick, crinkly nappy poking out from beneath her miniskirt.
“W-what have you done?!” Katherine shrieked. Her dress had vanished entirely, leaving her in just her a nappy and a bra.
“We can’t have anything covering up your diaper, sweetie. I need to be able to see if you’ve lost the challenge and need changing. You can have your dress back later, little miss. If you're good."
Madelyn cringed as she looked down at herself. She looked especially ridiculous with a suit jacket on the top and a bulky nappy on the bottom, a mockery of the strong, independent woman she was.
“Now we can get started,” the Magician said. “You see, that yummy baby food you all just ate has a very special property. Aside from making your tummies nice and full, it has also, for the next half an hour or so only, reduced your toilet training to the level it was at when you were three years old.”
All five women went pale.
“So,” the Magician went on cheerfully, “we’re going to have a little game to see how well you were all potty trained. Don’t worry, I don’t expect any of you to be able to stay dry very long. The challenge will end when someone makes a stinky in her pants, at which point everyone else will be allowed to use…” He waved his hand, and a row of pink, plastic training potties replaced the chairs they’d been sitting on earlier. “These.”
All five girls fidgeted nervously, their thick diapers crinkling between their thighs.
“And what happens to the person who loses?” Becky asked fearfully.
The Magician grinned. “The first person to fill her nappy will become incontinent. Permanently."
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viviennelamb · 4 months
In The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich, what stands out is that the accusers said Jesus was lying about being the Son of God and started whipping him, kicking him, stomping on him, pushing a crown of thorns into his head, crucifying him in the end... they had to keep drinking wine to remain in their sadistically cruel mindset which reflected as their bone-chillingly sick actions in the material world.
I have zero sympathy for the weak which are those who succumb to their lower nature. Those who allow their minds to be compromised by filthy vibrations think they're superior for being doped up and mind-numbingly ignorant.
This information will only work for the totally sober and innocent:
Find a spiritual bodyguard. People who are on any type of drug will find any reason to go against you, especially if you tell the truth and are helping individuals who are actually the most oppressed in this hellhole (hint: it's not heterosexual women who suck dick and create the patriarchy - that is a conspiracy they are literally conspiring in).
Druggies only believe in the hell they have created for themselves and want to fan their anti-chaste, anti-lesbian, anti-God flames onto those who are beautiful. It's up to you to choose to believe truth or lies but know that the accusers pretended they were the victims of Jesus while nailing him to the cross... People who work day and night to implant fear in others have an agenda while those who direct you to Truth display nothing but Divine Radiance.
Drug and sex addicts purposefully incite emotionality within themselves by destroying their brains, inducing states of psychosis to justify their mistreatment of the genuine. I've noticed that people who do drugs are drawn to each other and listen to each other's crackpot theories and create conspiracy theory maps that don't make any sense when life is simple: the more pure you are of mind, body and soul, the closer to God you are. Individuals intoxicated with negative energy are not worth any value other than a painful lesson that will only be destroyed.
Once you read their drivel, you are accepting that into your consciousness. God help you if you get high then read their bullshit and then wonder why you're paranoid and want to commit self-annihilation. Inner and outer calmness through purity (i.e. being completely and totally You without any additions or subtractions) is key to improving one's health, not the belief in useless philosophies. Depending on a drug won't get you anywhere except a one-way, ticket to Satan Consciousness while satanic drivel is incomprehensible to a clean mind...
If you want a spiritual bodyguard, I recommend the Immaculate Living Saint Olivia who will protect you when you think of her, especially if you're an actual lesbian (and not a predator feminist pretending to be one). If my posts make you feel better and help you clear your mind of the doped-up delusions of the masses keep reading, but choose somebody who is fully God-Realized and resonates with you and meditate on their blissful message.
My inspiration comes from God, Guru and all Saints, but please remain vigilant of distractions that make you feel wrong for choosing love over fear. Drug addicts are fickle, going back and forth between these two frequencies and it's not worth involving yourself in their superstition. Although I'm not like other false spiritualists who value lust, one thing I will never do is implant fear (or the path to fright through lust) into your mind. Individuals who incite fear into you are not on your side, they are projecting so they have company in misery.
Only accept information from people who make you feel protected and that aura will follow you around protecting you. If you feel Satanists can protect you, so be it. The more conspiracies you read, the more fearful you become, it will manifest in your life and the more you will want to use drugs and other forms of self-abuse to escape it. If you're done with pointless masochism let go of everything that makes you weak and begin exercising your spiritual hardiness so you become spiritually immovable!
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pubbydreams · 1 year
eddie x genderfuck reader headcanons
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pairing: eddie munson x genderfuck/fluid/queer/agender/nonbinary reader content: gendered & gender neutral terms used interchangeably, horribly self-indulgent content, autistic eddie munson (cuz i can't help myself fjdsklfj), briefly mentioned recreational drug use word count: 969
cis readers please do not interact. thank you in advance for respecting this boundary.
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You meet at an underground queer event
You spot his flagging, he spots your...........everything. He's immediately enamoured
The two of you make typical party small talk before eventually veering into the topic of gender
You start with broader concepts before bringing in your own experiences and identity, which he's totally into ("You're what? No way, that's so metal!!")
Then he kind of sort of info-dumps a bit about some pulpy fantasy novel he's reading and how the creatures exist outside of the human understanding of gender
He compares hand sizes with you as a way of flirting (it works)
When the party winds down, he asks if maybe you'd want to go out with him for a coffee, or beer or something, and of course you agree
He's giddy about it the whole ride home, your number scrawled in pen on the back of his hand
By the time you start Officially Dating, Eddie's already totally, insufferably in love
You've both agreed to using specific gendered language/terms in public (you are in Reagan's America, after all) but in private & queer spaces, he plays with language all the time
"She's my boyfriend :D", "he's my wife :D", "they're my sweetheart :D"
Eddie "Lucifer Cross" Munson is a gender anarchist and is totally down with neopronouns argue with the wall /lh
Corroded Coffin take an immediate liking to you
(Does Jeff ask for your help finding a cool skirt at a thrift store? Yes. Does Gareth smoke & talk with you about the patriarchy? Yeah. Does Grant exclusively use genderneutral terms for you? Of course!)
Eddie's obsessed with seeing you in his clothes, but if they don't fit, he'll give you his socks, some pins, necklaces (etc.) instead
(If needed, he'll buy clothes that are too big for him but will fit you well, and he'll wear them for a couple weeks to get his smell engrained in before letting you borrow them)
Don't get it twisted, he loves wearing/having your clothes too (and sure, maybe he uses one of your shirts as a pillow case sometimes, but that's his private business, thank you very much)
You call him babygirl one time and he goes up in flames, hiding his face behind his hair, and shivering all over
He'll call you his fair maiden, his sweet prince, his muse...
Asks for your help with his makeup for a show (or, if you don't do makeup, he asks if he can do yours just once pwease? 🥺)
Gives himself a small stick-and-poke of an upside down triangle and offers to give you one to match
He takes every opportunity to pepper your face with kisses until you're pushing him away, both of you giggling as you do so
Sometimes when you're watching horror movies, you'll point to something weird/gross on screen and say that it's your gender, and he doesn't really get it at first, but eventually he really gets it, and joins in
(The sewer tunnel full of rats in Ben? That's Eddie!gender, baby!)
OH, Wayne adores you!!
While neither of you really tell him about your...gender situation...he's a smart man, and an observant one at that, so he picks up on things pretty quickly
Still, he avoids pronouns/gendered terms altogether to be safe and respectful (asking Eddie about his partner, referring to you by your name, or cute little nicknames)
Wayne calling you sweetpea 😭
On lazy Sunday afternoons, he'll serenade you with some ballads, switching the pronouns as he goes
Eddie loves talking about how pretty, and charming, and handsome you are, especially when he's high and his brain-to-mouth filter is loose as all hell
But then you talk about how pretty he is, and he gets that flustered, lovesick look on his face again, whining about how he doesn't even hold a candle to you
(Then again, flattery works with him, so even despite his embarrassment, he laps up your praise like a little puppy)
Being with you emboldens him to experiment with his looks a little more
Yeah, long hair makes him feel best, and sure, he'll smudge some kohl around his eyes for a show, but he's never really tried anything else (he's not into that whole glam rock thing anyway)
He takes some inspiration from Rob Halford and tries some more leather gear, some mesh shirts, but it's not really for him
What is for him, though, is a little stud in his right ear
When it heals, you give him a small gold hoop you thrifted with the band a while ago, and he falls in love with it. Never takes it out. It's just a part of His Look now
Sometimes, in the privacy of his trailer, he'll put on some lipstick just to kiss you all over and admire the art he's left behind
(He also loves when you wear lipstick because then he gets to see it smeared across his face, while his lips and chin are still slick with your mixed spit)
He absolutely melts into a puddle when you call him princess
This man tells you he's writing a song about you, and gets all smarmy and quiet when you press for details
Finally, he debuts it at The Hideout, and you're met, not with a ballad, but a guitar-heavy, snarling thing about a changeling deity, and the strength of their thrall
How the protagonist of the song is trapped in their clutches, and unwilling to break free, because there's nothing sweeter than the cold bite of their chains
That night he tells you (all giddy and hand-flappy off the high of a surprisingly large and attentive crowd) that he's in love with you, and you tell him you love him too
In that moment he can't begin to imagine a time he's ever been happier
I have a lot more thoughts but I'll leave it there because this is getting kind of long fjdsklfj
masterlist ♡ ao3 ♡ kofi
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intoseaa · 8 months
viewers beware, you're in for a scare
hi im intosea but you can call me fahrenheit. i am a guy and i use he/him but you don't need to know more about my identity past that.
this is my nsfw sideblog but i also use it for aesthetic stuff and the occasional art/writing. this is a sideblog! mutuals can dm for my art blog or maybe even my main :)
mdni, dont talk to me abt this blog if you know me, read the full pinned before you interact, dont sext me i have a gf
im queer dont ask me abt the slurs i use or the specifics. dont talk to me abt discourse i dont care. don't soapbox . i dont know what proship means . if you have concerns about my posts write them on paper and burn them . otherwise i like getting asks whether they be things to write abt, ask games, or just random questions :)
don't try nd sext me or talk to me abt wanking to me specifically or something please . i am in a monogamous relationship and i dont wanna be anyone's dom or boyfriend or any shit like that . im just here to hang tf out , write and catalogue posts i like
i post about very dark kinks, so be responsible! beware of snuff, somno, cnc/rape, kidnapping, intox, gore, dumbification, breeding, pregnancy, lactation, dolcett, overall violence, occasional monsterfucking, and much more! dead dove, dont eat. big fan of yanderes but idk if that is like....a kink?
i dont support violence and i do not hold these views irl obviously, consent is extremely important and anyone who in any way tries to undermine that should be stayed far away from.
tag list . i may initially forget to tag but i regularly go through my posts and change the tags to compensate for this
#the talker (just my posts instead of rbs)
#4 realz (saying something earnest and true)
#this clown defied the pinned (obviously)
#ask game (self explanatory . send in questions, please use both the number nd the question so i dont have to look back!)
#answers (answered asks)
#rare sub mood (when im feeling bottomesque)
#the writer (ocs and writing nd stuff)
#guro (gore, snuff, necro)
#cnc (noncon stuff, rape, etc)
#kidnap fantasy (kidnapping stuff)
#aww (cute stuff)
#somno (somnophilia)
#intox (drugs)
#sharpies (writing on skin)
more to come as i rb and post more
if you hate lgbts (even "annoying" ones .) , support israel, or are generally annoying in a dangerous and concerning way etc etc i hope you explode i dont post for your lame ass . if you think women are intrinsically inferior like irl fr i hope you go to hell before you die . if you claim to be prolife, die anyways
dont send me shit abt scat , feet , abdl , ageplay , detrans/misgendering , patriarchy, sharing , raceplay or pee . not into that , dont feel like conversing abt it . have fun with it though . might rb adjacent things for the rest of the post / might tag a post with these if i think it resonates enough with it
peace out
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exsequar · 8 months
Man I love the film Labyrinth but it does in fact turn out to be a story of a bored lonely old man stalking a TEEN GIRL and luring her into a complicated and dangerous situation by holding her brother hostage and then drugging her to make her dream of dancing sexily with him. And it's only her goddamn stubbornness that saves her from his literal magic. First I was like yikes I really did love Jareth and that isn't great, but then I was like hell yeah girly tantrums can in fact topple the patriarchy hell yeah 😘🔪
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paperstorm · 11 months
I saw your tags on a post and since I'm someone who's said "let men be friends" unironically a few times, I wanted to share why I said that and maybe you can let me know if I'm being queerphobic, because I genuinely don't mean to be.
In my country, you will never ever see two men holding hands. If that happens, it is assumed that the two men are gay. Homosexuality has been decriminalized in the past ten years but the general public is still very very queerphobic. So young boys learn very early on which behaviours are okay and which aren't. For boys who are friends, backslaps or one-arm bro hugs, etc are okay, but proper hugs or holding hands is gay. While two girls who are friends can hold hands, hug, sit on each others laps, etc. Boys who are gentle and sensitive are called gay, boys who are stoic or aggressive are never considered to be anything but straight.
When I see two young boys actively learn not to hug each other, it makes me so angry because it feels like the grip of toxic masculinity is extending into future generations too. I wish I could explain to so many parents around me that human ways of showing affection has nothing to do with sexuality or gender identity. Boys can hold hands on the playground and be cishet. Boys can be aggressive and angry and be queer. Boys can cry in front of each other and console each other and be cishet. Boys can eviscerate each other and be queer.
I've always heard that western countries might be more queer friendly but that there's still a lot of similar attitudes in terms of what "real men" should and shouldn't do. Is my understanding wrong? Because that's what I mean by "let men be friends" - let men express friendship however they want without judgement, in ways that are traditionally considered feminine or emotional or too touchy-feely or weak or embarrassing or whatever. Allowing that freedom of emotional expression and affection, breaking the hold of traditional stereotypes, all of that will only help with acceptance of queer communities too.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong at all. There's so so many layers to this that certainly are not going to be adequately expressed in tags on a joke post. When antis talk about letting men be friends they're doing it as a way to silence shipping and it seems so ridiculous to make the case that whatever characters they're talking about must remain purely platonic because they're the only good representation of men being friends, because there are approximately ten trillion movies and TV shows about men being friends, and fans imagining romance between fictional characters isn't stopping them from being friends. Because they aren't real. But men in real life who are bullied by society out of being soft or close or intimate in platonic ways is an entirely different issue. I don't disagree at all with what you said, because yeah, patriarchy is a hell of a drug isn't it. It hurts literally everyone.
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chokeme0ut · 11 months
Do you think the drug addicts from season 1 gathered around to watch that one insanely rich guy they did drugs with get roasted on national television? Do you think they told everyone around town about how Kendall Roy, the man who threw his father, the ceo of one of the most influential media companies in the country, under the bus and then proceeded to run around yelling “fuck the patriarchy” and getting ratioed to hell on Twitter, did meth with them once? Me neither
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penofwildfire · 3 months
Sometimes I just have to think about how society has placed such specific expectations on mothers (and of course women in general, but in the eyes of the patriarchy "woman" and "mother" are basically synonymous), to the point that my own mother has tried more than once to make me dislike a female character solely because they don't perform motherhood to her standards. And the first time, it worked!
I remember distinctly arguing in favour of Misako with my mom a few years ago (it was the classic "why did she abandon Lloyd" debate of course), and she went as far as to joke about Misako being on drugs at the time of the abandonment. And for years afterward, I was convinced. I even got my boyfriend on board with the concept when I first introduced zir to the show.
It took a WHILE to undo that damage in my brain. So imagine my annoyance when I brought up Libber, and how bad I felt for her (marriage to that asshole can't have been fun), and my mom, instead of sympathizing, claimed that Libber was just a selfish ditz who was content to live the high life of an actor's wife until a kid got involved. This baffled me. Because I always saw Libber as a victim. From the little we see of her, it doesn't seem like she even knew Cliff very well when they got married (that little starry-eyed spiel she goes on about him reeks of puppy love), and based on the book titled "Cliff Gordon's Guide to Wooing Women" it certainly doesn't paint a pretty picture of their life together.
Yes, based on timeline she would've stayed with him for nearly 2 decades before having Jay and disappearing. But again, from what we see of her, she was basically a kid when she got married. It's not difficult to imagine the isolation she must have experienced, the abuse, probably mostly emotional and financial in nature. On a related note, it doesn't seem to be unusual for citizens of Ninjago (and elemental masters in particular) to have children at older ages than we as viewers consider the norm.
What I'm trying to say is it blows my mind that my mom can't see how having a child could be a catalyst to finally escape a situation like that. Because even if Libber had come to terms with her own circumstances, who the hell wants to raise a kid with a womanizing douchebag?? (Spoiler Alert: my mother. In fact she raised four of them).
Anyway I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this but uhhhhh unpack your misogyny, folks!
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emerals · 8 months
the lads but it’s cards against humanity
some of these are funny most aren’t lmao
prompts are bolded!!
OZZY - - Seeing my father cry; kid-tested, mother-approved. - Step 1: A sorry excuse for a father. Step 2: Vehicular manslaughter. Step 3: Profit. - What's my secret power? Fucking all my dad's friends. - What's that smell? Poor life choices.
JUNIPER - - Excuse me, straight man, but all the different kinds of lesbians isn't for you, STRAIGHT MAN. - Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, we called you because we're concerned about Cynthia. Are you aware that your daughter is throwing grapes at a man until he loses touch with reality? - Girls. High five, bro. - A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without getting serial killed.
XIMENA - - I never truly understood hot people until I encountered your mom. - But before I kill you, Mr. Bond, I must show you vigorous jazz hands. - That's right, I killed heteronormativity. How, you ask? Bees? - For my next trick, I will pull science out of a Bop It.
WHITTANY - - I drink to forget being rich. - Uh, hey guys, I know this was my idea, but I'm having serious doubts about breaking into song and dance. - I got 99 problems but crumbs all over the god damn carpet ain't one. - Hey guys, welcome to Chili's! Would you like to start the night off right with kissing grandma on the forehead and turning off her life support?
ASH - - Arby's We Have completely unwarranted confidence. - When I am President, I will create the Department of a bitch slap. - Hey Reddit! I'm judging everyone. Ask me anything. - I'm LeBron James, and when I'm not slamming dunks, I love two Xanax and a bottle of wine.
VIVIAN - - YAAAAAAS! You are serving me daddy issues realness! - Dude, do not go in that bathroom. There's men in there. - What's the best metaphor for our political system? 30 shirtless bears emerging from the fog. - 50% of all marriages end in listening to her problems without trying to solve them.
EVERETT - - In the new Disney Channel Original Movie, Hannah Montana struggles with the patriarchy for the first time. - What are my parents hiding from me? Saying "I love you". - As the mom of five rambunctious boys, I'm no stranger to a little boy who won't shut the fuck up about dinosaurs. - If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love committing treason?
KIWI - - Mamma Mia. Here I go again. My! My! How can I resist giggling like an anime girl? - Kids, I don't need drugs to get high. I'm high on sunshine an rainbows. - TSA guidelines now prohibits wizard music on airplanes. - My fellow Americans: Before this decade we will have Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on the moon!
DEAN - - I get by with a little help from self-loathing. - I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure what you're suffering from is called "being fucking pathetic". - Your dreams are one click away! Learn more at Hope.com. - What's the most emo? A lifetime of sadness.
NIX - - Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's menstrual rage. - The class field trip was completely ruined by whatever straight people do for fun. - It's a pity that kids these days are all getting involved with unfathomable stupidity. - Old MacDonald had dark and mysterious forces beyond our control. E-I-E-I-O.
HUNTER - - Howdy neighbor! I couldn't help but notice you struggling with getting into a pretty bad car accident. Need a hand? - Why can't I sleep at night? Dead parents. - When I was tripping on acid, BATMAN! turned into therapy. - I'm Tony Robbins, and over the next sixty minutes I'm going to teach you how to harness the power of the Kool-Aid Man!
DOTTIE - - What's there a ton of in heaven? Some god damn peace and quiet. - What's a girl's best friend? Solving problems with violence. - I'm going on a cleanse this week. Nothing but kale juice and silence. - IF you like sipping kombucha like a smug piece of shit, YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK.
ADEN - - Check me out, yo! I call this dance move "establishing dominance." - White people like drinking gasoline to see what it tastes like. - Just saw this upsetting video! Please retweet!! #stopmyinnerdemons - Why do I hurt all over? A mistake.
SYLVIA - - Designers! For this week's challenge, you must make a dress designed for telling Heather she can't pull off that top. - Daddy, why is mommy crying? Toxic masculinity. - And the Academy Award for complaining goes to the careless cunt who left a water ring on my credenza. - Why am I sticky? Soup that is too hot.
LOUIE - - Instead of coal, Santa now gives the bad children PTSD. - We're here! We're doing crimes! Get used to it! - Today on Maury: "Help! My son is being a motherfucking sorcerer!" - Premiering tonight: NBC's new heartfelt family drama, This Is an old guy who's almost dead.
MARSHALL - - I'm sorry Professor, but I couldn't complete my homework because of some guy. - What never fails to liven up the party? Being on fire. - Well if you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I have a date with kayaking with my sluts. - Here is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors and there is a messy bitch who lives for drama.
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ravenkings · 6 months
a hellraiser playlist ⛓️🖤
personal jesus – depeche mode more – sisters of mercy suffer – patriarchy closer – nine inch nails assimilate – skinny puppy into the void – buzz kull stripped – depeche mode hell was full – patriarchy the perfect drug – nine inch nails me – asp sex dwarf – soft cell strangelove – depeche mode pain – boy harsher the passion of lovers – bauhaus the bondage song – london after midnight temple of love – nine inch nails blue monday – orgy
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applcrumbl · 2 years
Chapter One:Dealing out D20s
Pairings:  Eddie Munson X OC (Valerie Lipton) Warnings: Canon Divergence, Drug Dealing, Adult Language, Marijuana, Ketamine, Character Death, Depictions of Death Author's Note:  Hi! here's the first chapter of my newest fic; Motor Mouth! It is also uploaded on my AO3 and my Wattpad if you'd prefer to read it there. Both can be found under the user @applcrumbl. I hope you enjoy it, any feedback, comments, reblogs etc. are greatly appreciated. Happy Reading!
Summary: Valerie and Eddie are like two peas in a pod. If one pea always had to be right, and the other just witnessed a murder.
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The racket of bickering and general chatter interrupted Valerie’s walkman.
‘Great King Rat’ by Queen drained from her ears as she ate her lunch at the cafeteria table. Her friends; a group of boys ranging from age 15 to 20; listen in practical disgust as the eldest of the bunch, and therefore dubbed ‘the leader’ reads aloud from a copy of Newsweek Showdown.
Eddie Munson rants poetically, in a deep voice;
“Dungeons and Dragons; at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned.” He quotes, "Studies have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even… Murder."
A loud, almost demonic, cackle from the boys beside her as Eddie leans back in his chair, bumping into someone as they walk behind him. “Watch it, Freak” the boy states, continuing his journey down the cafeteria. Eddie goes to retaliate, but a sharp look from Valerie keeps him in his chair.
Eddie Munson may be the leader of ‘The Hellfire Club’. He may be the most influential in his small group of friends. but at the end of the day, whether he could admit it or not, Valerie Lipton was the one in charge.
“Society has to blame something.” Says Ricky, a large boy who sits at the table's edge “We're an easy target.”
“Exactly.” Eddie agrees, arms folded and with a pissed-off stare. Valerie can almost sense what's to come next. “We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game.”
In one fell swoop, Eddie is on the table, storming it down like he owned the place. Valerie moves her tray away from the landing of Eddie’s feet. It happened often enough that she grew used to it. The typical ‘fuck the patriarchy’ speech of her best friend rang through the large hall.
“But as long as you're into band or science,” Eddie sneers, “or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!”
His calls are interrupted as Valerie pulls on Eddie’s jean leg. A silent plea for him to sit back down as a reply is yelled. Jason Carver, the renowned golden boy of Hawkins High calls over, “ You want something, freak?” And naturally, Eddie replies; tongue far out past his teeth, and hands up the side of his head like horns. Very classy, Valerie thought, returning to her cold potatoes.
Eddie struts his way back up the table and to his original seat, ”It's forced conforming. That's what's killing the kids!” He shouts, leaning into the face of a random bystander. Valerie finds herself almost apologising for his behaviour. “That's the real monster.”
She never particularly felt bothered by Eddie’s flamboyant personality before, In fact, she wasn't even really bothered by it now. But, just sometimes, she wished for a nice quiet lunch with her friends. One where she didn’t feel like an outcast from the outcast group because she didn't sport one of their matching club shirts.
Valerie was not a DnD player, and she never would be. She was simply a colleague of Eddie’s. A friend of Eddie’s, who just wanted to sell her drugs and eat her lunch in peace. A snowball’s chance in hell of that happening, however, as one half of The Hellfire Club's newest duo speaks.
“So, uh, speaking of monsters, uh, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game. So,” Dustin chuckles, a scared tone to his words, “He's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight. And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him.”
Valerie’s ears perk up, this won’t be good, she thinks.
“So, me and Mike, we were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that maybe we might…” He trails,
“Postpone.” Mike finishes.
She was right.
“Postpone?” The group yells, a chorus of “You can't just drop this on us!” and “Over my dead body.” as they spoke over each other in protest.
“Shut up!” Eddie yells, thinking.
The boys fall silent, Gareth scrunching his face up in anger. Valerie talks before anyone else has the chance.
“Can't you just find a sub?”
The heads of the table snap to her, each displaying different emotions. Eddie’s brown eyes bore deepest of all. “I don’t see what the problem is?” She shrugs.
“The problem?” Eddie says, calmly, “You-you're joking right?”
“Are you?”
Her question is left unanswered as Eddie continues, addressing the two youngest boys “Can I level with you? Jeff graduates this year. Gareth's got, what? A year and a half?” He starts, “Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run like hell outta here.”
"Didn't you say that last year?” Gareth asks,
“And the year before?” Jeff replies,
“Yeah, he did, and he was full of shit” Valerie finishes, “My bet is that next year, they might consider just letting him go.”
The boys laugh, as Eddie stands behind Valerie. His hands were heavy on her shoulders, “This year's different.”
Valerie rolls her eyes, She’d heard it all of her life. How that year was going to be Eddie’s year until he failed 3 semesters in a row and remained a Senior at Hawkins High for the third year. “This year is my year. I can feel it. '86, baby.”
“Can you get to your point, Eddie? Or are you gonna answer my question?” Valerie interjects.
“I don't even care to remember what your question was”
“Why can’t they just find someone to sub for Sinclair?”
“This is the cult of Vecna, Val.” He deadpans, acting as if that meant something to her.
“Yeah, Okay?” She questions, “you need 6 players to defeat this Vecnan guy, so just find a 6th player?”
The boy scoffs, the rest of the group growing silent. “It’s Vecna” Eddie states, sliding into the empty seat next to her. Full body faced into hers, he splays the fingers of his right hand onto the table. “We can't just find another player.” He stresses.
“Why not Ed? Seems to me like your options are to postpone, or to find a sub?”
It's a completely valid point, the rest of the boys all know that. And Dustin and Mike are already considering asking Valerie to be their 6th member. At this point, she may even have said yes. Gave it a go, and learnt on the job. But Eddie is an extremely hotheaded guy, and Valerie, as stubborn as a mule.
“Do you know nothing?” Eddie spits, hands flying in the air, “Just fucking stay out of this, you don't even play DnD”
It's condescending. It hurts her feelings. It’s almost designed to.
She stands quickly, despite the protests of Jeff next to her. “Look he didn’t mean it”
“No, Jeff, I think he did. So I will,” Valerie spits back, “Enjoy your game.”
Leaning to the floor she grabs her bookbag, swinging it around her back as she resumes the song on her walkman. She gives Eddie no time to say a word before she’s out of the cafeteria.
“Dude,” Gareth scolds, as Eddie sits back down. “It’s actually a pretty good idea,”
“Yeah I know,” Eddie admits, Picking at the cuffs of his leather jacket. “What do you guys think?”
The boys nod in agreement with Gareth, and Eddie kisses his own teeth. “And this is why you guys are the future of Hellfire.” He huffs, “Henderson, Wheeler, go and hunt down some wandering souls”
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Eddie wanders from the cafeteria and to his locker. The same locker that he’d had since 1980. It was amongst a bunch of sophomores, His original graduating class had come and gone a long time ago. Eddie didn’t mind however, It was more time able to be spent with Valerie. Even if he wasn’t the type to admit it.
Inputting the combination a note falls to his feet. He recognises the loopy handwriting almost immediately.
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He stuffs the note into his pocket, not careful to hide the annoyance he felt. They were supposed to be a team, why was she pinning all of the work on him? And over a stupid argument, Eddie slams his locker door shut, picking up his metal lunchbox from its place beside his feet. He kicks open the fire exit door and makes his way across the field to the woods.
Valerie and Eddie made drug deals wherever, It was no secret that they did so. Baggies of white substances slipped into palms, but never before the cash was counted. Hallways, locker rooms, even once in the queue for confession. The usual spot was a rotted picnic bench on the outskirts of the forest beside Hawkins High. It was secluded enough that nobody would bother you but easy enough to find when stoned out your mind.
Chrissy Cunningham, Reigning Queen of Hawkins High and girlfriend to the aforementioned Jason Carver, was the last person you’d expect to be at that spot. Her hands bunched into her sleeves. She was short anyhow, but her current unsettled stature made her look smaller than usual. She practically jumped out of her skin when Eddie arrived.
“Whoa, hey, hey, hey. Sorry,” He chuckles, holding his hands up in defence “Didn't mean to scare you. You okay?”
Chrissy catches her breath as Eddie places his box on the table, it clatters loudly and she flinches. “Where’s Val?” She asks, “I was supposed to meet her?”
“Uh yeah, she couldn’t make it” Eddie raises his eyebrows, taking in Chrissy’s demeanour, “There's nothing to worry about. Okay? Val and I are partners, she left a note”
Eddie fishes the loose leaf of paper from his pocket, It is significantly more crumpled than it began, he slides it over to Chrissy as he sits across from her. “No one ever comes out here. We're safe. I promise.”
“So, how does this work exactly?” The blonde cheerleader asks, reading the note in Valerie’s handwriting.
“Oh, just like any other old sale, except, uh, cash only, and, uh, for obvious reasons, no receipts.” He smiles, “I'll do you a half ounce for, uh... 20. What do you say? Plenty of bang for your buck. Should last a while.”
Chrissy gasps, head snapping to the sound of scurrying. A squirrel runs of a nearby tree. Eddie has seen paranoia in all forms, He’s probably felt it too, but he’s never seen an edge like Chrissy teetered on right now. “Hey, we don’t need to do this. You can make another deal with Val later, or Just give me the word and I’ll walk.” He offers, removing the lunchbox from the table. He places it beside him, the large gap between his hips and the edge of the bench. Valerie’s usual spot.
“No, it’s fine.” Chrissy interjects, “I just thought I could talk to Val about something. People say she’s understanding of stuff”
“You can talk to me? I mean only if you want to?” Eddie offers, “Val talks to me about her problems all the time, I think I'm actually quite helpful-”
“It's just” She begins, Big blue-lidded eyes trained on the wood of the table, “Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?”
He takes a second to understand her hushed words, before breathing out an answer.
“Um, you know, just... on a daily basis.” Eddie chuckles, “I feel like I'm losing my mind right now doing a drսg deal with Chrissy Cunningham, the queen of Hawkins High.”
He was also losing his mind over the fact that for the first time, Valerie wasn’t right beside him as he did so.
“Really?” she asks, Valerie’s note in hand as she fiddled with the edges of the paper. A nervous habit, “Honestly I never thought I’d be at a drug deal with Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson”
It stung a little, but Eddie knew she didn’t mean it in that way. She didn’t seem the type. “Sorry, I don’t mean it like I think you're a freak” She clarifies, “You’re just not what I thought you’d be”
“Mean and Scary?” Eddie guesses, “Yeah, well, I actually kinda thought you'd be kinda mean and scary too.”
“I get that a lot actually,” Chrissy giggles, “but there are a lot of things that people don’t know about me,”
“Yeah? Like what?”
The paper in Chrissy’s hand rips before she can answer. She apologises profusely, to which Eddie only shrugs, “It’s a piece of paper, you’re fine.”
She unfurls the curled edge, reading its words again. “What’s your campaign?” She asks
“Oh, just something that Hellfire Club are doing tonight. I’d invite you, but it's during the big game.”
“Is it shitty?” Chrissy questions, referring to the words on Valerie’s note, Eddie shakes his head no.
“She’s just mad at me right now,” He smirks, “Really likes to rub it in when she is”
Chrissy nods, a knowing expression on her face. She looks up at Eddie with her eyes, “I’m sure it’s great. She’ll be missing out”
Eddie smiles at her, taking his lunchbox from the seat and opening it back up on the table. “Uh, so, in good news for you, flattery works with me,” He begins, “Twenty-five percent discount for the half. Fifteen bucks”
The girl looks from the bag of green buds to the tin box, and then finally up to Eddie. She contemplates silently
“You're robbing me blind here,” He adds, shaking the bag in her face slightly
“Do you have anything maybe stronger?” Chrissy asks, eyes pleading, and filled with an emotion that Eddie recognised all too well. Fear.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
Valerie had skipped her last 2 classes of the day, electing to go home immediately after lunch instead of attending Art and History. Arguably her two favourite subjects. She was pissed and wanted to let Eddie know it.
Arguments and bickering were not unheard of between them, they happened on the regular. Eddie would say something dumb, Valerie would react - usually accordingly - and they would have forgotten the matter by the next day. A movie and a Pizza at Eddie’s trailer act as a catalyst to the rekindling of their friendship each time. But, this time was different, Eddie had actually hurt Val’s feelings.
A strong believer in an 'it's not what you say, it's how you say it’ attitude, Valerie could forget what Eddie said, but she could not forgive the way it was meant. Mean to hurt her. She sat alone at home, watching reruns of ‘I Love Lucy’ on her dad’s beat-up old VCR. A ceramic bowl of popcorn lay on the sofa next to her, and hoards of unpopped kernels litter the cushioned suite. Valerie’s head rests on her clenched fist as she impassively eyeballs the television.
The phone on the side table rings loudly, rattling in its plastic brown hold. Valerie didn’t even attempt to answer it, she knew exactly who was calling.
Eddie stood at the school’s public phone box. Ringing the same number down to the last quarter in his pocket. Valerie refusing to answer. He left a voice message instead.
“Hey Val, It’s Eddie. I know you’re home”
Valerie rolled her eyes, shovelling more popcorn into her mouth.
“Has Rick got any K around? Not for me, I’ve got a deal after the game. Are you still coming to that? I hope you still come to that. Uh- Anyways, you can just bring it over to mine whenever. 2 Grams should do it, she never actually said how much she wanted-”
Eddie’s voice is interrupted by the beeping of the payphone, a shrill voice asking him to insert more money into the slot.
“Shit, I got no more money V, but I’ll see you tonight. At Hellfire? And please remember the Special K-”
The dial tone beeps as the phone hangs up. Valerie still remains in her position. Hitting play on the DVR once again.
Eddie throws the receiver against the plastic wall of the phonebooth. The girl in the booth next to him flinches, and Eddie mumbles an unenthusiastic ‘sorry’ before entering the school again. He makes his way to the drama classroom, preparing the table for the finale of his campaign. “The Cult of Vecna awaits” he muses as Gareth, Ricky and Jeff enter.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
“Absolutely not.” Eddie protests, staring down at Dustin and Mike. He shakes his head in disagreement.
"You asked for a sub. We delivered.” Dustin claims, “We would’ve asked Valerie but someone pissed her off”
Eddie ignores Dustin’s remark, “This is Hellfire Club. Not Babysitting Club.”
The sub in question? 11-year-old, Erica Sinclair. Tiny in stature but absolutely not in might.
"So this is Sinclair's infamous sister.” Eddie chuckles to himself.
“He's sharp.” Erica bites back, she reminds him of Valerie as Gareth and Jeff laugh beside him. The chucking ceases with a sharp look from Eddie. “Must get all the ladies”
Eddie licks his teeth, holding back defensive words about how Hellfire Club gets ‘plenty of girls’. It isn’t exactly true in the first place but the lack of Valerie’s appearance that night fueled his steadfast refusal to even try not to argue.
“What's your class and level?” He demands, “Level one dwarf?”
It’s a sight that Valerie would have loved witnessing, her big-headed best friend having his ass handed to him by a sassy pre-teen. “My name is Lady Applejack. And I'm a chaotic good half-elf rogue, level 14.” Erica explains, “I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death.”
She pauses a moment, almost granting them the space to try and talk back. Nobody takes it, and so she continues; “So, we gonna do this, or we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mommy's book club?”
The boys look at their dungeon master expectantly, and Eddie smiles at the young girl.
“Welcome to Hellfire.”
⋆·˚ ༘ *
The newest member and now asset to their small DnD team rolls her final dice. It tumbles down the board and stops near Eddie. It’s all very cinematic to the boys and Erica, though if Valerie were there she wouldn’t be the least bit impressed. The twenty-sided dice lands with its largest number facing up. ​
”Crit Hit!” Erica shouts as the group celebrates around her. Eddie jumps from his seat in shock and admiration. The sheer odds of the group coming close to winning were low, let alone destroying Vecna in his midst with one roll. The boys jump excitedly, cheering and screaming with one another.
Eddie turns to his left, prepared to celebrate with his best friend but is interrupted by the gruelling fact that she didn’t show up. He swallows the bad taste in his throat and turns his attention to the group. Eddie bows, arms sweeping across the board as he submits his loss to the players. Quickly gathering his things and exiting through the back door of the drama studio.
Chrissy meets him at his van 10 minutes later, cheer uniform and high pony still intact. She asks again where Valerie is, and Eddie does not answer.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
When he arrives at his trailer, the front porch is empty and the interior lights are off. Valerie isn’t there. He laughs to himself in almost disbelief, before leading Chrissy inside his small home.
“This is my castle,” Eddie introduces, jokingly “Sorry for the mess. Uh, the maid took the week off.”
Chrissy just smiles in response, clearly still on edge about something.. “I uh, I asked Val to be here but obviously she hasn’t shown.” He coughs, scratching an itch on his temples “which is weird, But I’m sure she’ll have left some Vitamin K somewhere”
Eddie drops to his knees, rifling through a cabinet. He pulls out a tin of Altoids. Empty. “Shit” he whispers.
“You’re sure you have it?” Chrissy says, unconvinced.
“Yeah, Val is always leaving shit here.” He promises, “it’s quite annoying actually. Uh- take a seat, I’ll check in the back”
Eddie continues his search through his trailer. Wandering up to his bedroom, he swings through the doorframe.
“Sorry I’m late, sweetheart” he jokes to his guitar, caressing its strings softly as it hangs, pride of place, in the centre of his mirror.
He crosses to the dresser beside his bed, digging through the top left drawer. Valerie’s drawer. Full of miscellaneous rolling papers, a lighter, and spare underwear, Eddie wondered when the fuck she moved in. Not that he minded in the slightest. Digging through the items of lace and cotton, he tried his hardest not to pay any mind. Instead focusing his attention on retrieving the small, teal, plastic box at the back of the drawer.
It was very obviously not his, contrasting the dark and grungy interior of Eddie’s room. He opened the sparkly receptacle and retrieved the small powdered baggie from inside. Eddie kissed it enthusiastically, “Thank you Valerie, and your drug supplier dad.” he whispers to himself, before tucking everything back into the drawer.
“Found it,” Eddie calls through to Chrissy, “peaceful bliss, just moments away”
Ironic, however, as when he reentered the main living space, he found Chrissy. As still as a rock, eyes blinking rapidly and unresponsive. He called her name, waving his hands in front of her face. What the fuck? He thought.
“Hey, Chrissy, wake up.” He quivered, “Hey. Hello? Chrissy. Hello?”
When he received no answer, he began shaking her, desperately. Barely even noticed the surging pulse of every light in his trailer going haywire.
He had his hands on her shoulder when she began to rise. Higher and higher until she hovered in the middle of the air. A foot and a half off of the ground. Suddenly, she was shot into the roof of the trailer, arms and legs spread wide against the ceiling.
Eddie fell back in shock and fear. Wide eyes unbelieving of what was happening in front of him. Eyes unwanting to believe what was happening in front of him. Chrissy’s body tensed, as she vibrated in the air. Energy pulsing through the living room.
Her arms snap, and her legs. Breaking in places Eddie didn’t even realise could break. Her jaw clicked violently to the side, mouth wide open as it broke. Blood seeps from her eyes and ears. Eddie screamed as Chrissy’s milky white eyes burst.
In a panic Eddie pushes himself from the floor, grabbing the keys to his van he scampers to it quickly. Unable to catch his breath as he sped from the scene. He had no clue what was going on, not even a general grasp of the situation. Any inkling of an understanding was out of the picture as he barrelled down the road like a hot rod, ignoring every red light and stop sign. Eddie didn’t know much about his current indictment, but he did know that he needed to get to Valerie’s House, and fast.
⋆·˚ ༘ *
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lovelyporridge · 2 years
anyway what gets me about the critical reception of jane eyre when it came out (1847) is that patriarchal capitalism was like "we r going to exploit women and children" and then women (with a few men allies) were like "stop exploiting us and our children" and they were like "no" and then charlotte brontë wrote a book that features a few ways a young girl was likely to be exploited by patriarchal capitalism before she fully reached adulthood (from her and her sister's experience- she barely made anything up) and then patriarchal capitalism was like "shut up!!!!! you're threatening the social order and you'll destroy society!!!" like charlotte brontë's politics were not radical at all- i think she was kind of a weird amalgamation of liberal and conservative- and all she did was say "this is what happens sometimes" and they went crazy. the capitalist patriarchy is one hell of a drug.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
(Warning: Talia critical, comics writing in general critical, sexual assault mentioned.)
I can forgive Grant Morrison for misremembering “Son of the Demon” as including Talia drugging/raping Bruce, given that in Talia’s 3rd ever appearance she did drug Bruce to trick him into marrying her (Bruce only woke up at the end of the ceremony and when he said he did not consent to this marriage he was immediately told by both Talia & Ra’s that Bruce’s consent didn’t matter,) and “Son of the Demon” directly references that scene right before they bone (with Talia reminding Bruce of it, Bruce saying that marriage never felt real to him given he wasn’t exactly present for it, and Talia saying none of that matters and now they get to have their much-delayed wedding night.)
The eugenics part I’m still not sure where Morrison got it, but… yeah, there was precedent for the assault itself.
Gonna be honest, I am… struggling to find this morally gray, complex, anti-hero Talia people keep telling me about. Um, she seems to range from shallow love interest to outright villain in these early stories. You can… maybe read into her actions, given how rarely we actually seem to get thought bubbles for her before she just does whatever the plot needs her to do? But it really just feels like she’s a prop in most of these stories, and it bothers me.
 I like complex, anti-hero, Good Mom(TM) Talia, I’m just… more & more thinking it’s fanon rather than canon. There seems to be a lot more precedent for her Girlboss Villain rewrite than there is for the more positive takes I’ve see in fic.
Granted, I’m still in the early 90s of comics, but… if from the 70s-90s she was a shallow prop bordering on villain, and from 2005-(whenever the New52 ended) she was a more complex but openly villainous character, is… is that less than a decade of different characterization actually the overruling “most valid” take? I. I don’t know. 
Aside from the race question, I don’t see how this is any different from any other comics’ character inconsistencies. Sometimes Ivy protects kids, sometimes Ivy wants to murder all humans. Sometimes Riddler is the most non-violent of the rogues’ gallery, sometimes he’s an outright serial killer. Sometimes Bruce is a decent dad struggling to do his best, sometimes he’s an abusive monster. Superman has been everything from a champion of the downtrodden to a walking embodiment of the patriarchy. The Amazons have represented every ideology under the sun. Dick Grayson was an outright fascist at one point. I mean, hell, even the Joker has been a harmless prankster at times!  I don’t know. I’m not going anywhere with this, I’m just… bothered. 
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ilminnestrone · 2 years
Looks like my mental health had a brilliant breakdown, I spiraled into depression, went on holiday in Hell, got my prescription for what it seems like ten thousands numbing drugs, got back from Hell, got diagnosed with autism, went to a Miles fucking Kane gig, watched Stranger Things and got obsessed over it and THEN remembered I own a Tumblr account.
I still hate capitalism, patriarchy and global warning, but now I hate psychiatry too.
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