janeaudron · 24 days
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Chippn' away during my free time.
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muspeccoll · 1 year
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Wordy Wednesday
Gloss: An annotation in the margins of a book intended to explain or clarify the main text. Sometimes glosses are also “interlinear,” i.e., written between the lines. Medieval scholars were particularly fond of glosses and it is not uncommon for a page to be more gloss than text in a medieval or early modern book. In these less heavily glossed times, readers must make do with footnotes or endnotes.
(via Facsimile — Gloss · Rare Books: A Glossary · Special Collections and Archives)
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catilinas · 2 years
having to cite an early 20th century book where the commentary is all in latin: :(
having to cite an early 20th century book where the commentary is all in latin and it has a new introduction written in the year 2010, which is also in latin: >:(
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girlcavalcanti · 1 year
bless that day and that month and that year and that season and that time and that hour and that second and that millennium and that era and this lovely land and the first sweet fatigue and those words and these verses and the universe and jesus and mary and all the saints and y'all and you specifically (that didn't sound like a sneeze btw) but not me bc I hate myself and I wanna die lmao, and the trees and the clouds and whoever invented parchment and my dead gran and Cicero ofc and oh this cool acorn I've just found
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etherealvoidechoes · 2 years
Languages - Fragmenta
Translation for the Fragmenta language(s), but holding back on some things. Not going to get into how sentences are structured as that varies between where the Fragmenta come from. And need to go and add a small translation key at the bottom for A Fine Red Mist 1 & 2.
Their words sound harsh, but somehow elegant. There are tings, reverberations, metallic groans, and the sounds of rushing wind; like wind brushing through wind chimes.  
Naming non-Fragmenta:
They have a tendency to come up with names for non-Fragmenta, finding words in their native tongue(and some borrowed) that best represent the species. Once something has been made, they don’t always use the native species name. Especially if they don’t like your species. Why they always refer to the Elders as Echtralls.
Ethereal/Elder Related:
Only a few Elders have received names from the Fragmenta. Which are the most pleasant/good they like dealing with. For the less pleasant, they rarely ever refer to them by their actual names and just use Echtralls or Vok’thrall’Uv. 
Ecthralls = Elders
Ect’esltial(celestial status) = Ascended Ethereal
Mak’Symmtra - Raal’Maker
Val’Fe’Weyta - Va'lo'Fe 
Weaver Related:
Wey’vo’ta - General names to the Weavers 
X’zea’shia - Name for the Weaver that’s gone mad(in a way). Meaning = Mad one that brings decay.
Me’mataka = me - Used as a title in a way for some Fragmenta when they refer to themselves. Sometimes third-person usage.
Some words are phrases.
Eadto’ta’adows = Beheaded shadows
Ektrata = Listen carefully
Ka’ektrata = I trust you this. Be careful.
No’vala = Do not speak
O’vota’ka’voth = Are you? (Very directed at a single person)
So’govoth = You all there
So’govath’rakta = You all trespassers
Toa ma = To me
Un’tash’x’ives = To keep your lives
Votalo = Till We meet again.
‘adows = shadows
An’xer  = answer
‘Asta = are
‘Ave = have
Cotalo = Silence… 
‘Eadto = head
Ectvander = wanderer
En’lsh’tash = English
Es’vo = before
eshe = we
esche = the. Tends to be used for titles more, but can be common like ‘ta’
esche’ta = to the
Govth’so = they
Ill’isha = positive version of one’s will
Ish’no = if not/or
Oshe = What
so’gov = you
So’gova’tish =your
Ta = this/the
Ta’cla = tongue
Toa’lava = dialect
Toa ma = to me
Un’manity = humanity
un’tyn = nothing
Un’vo = Please
une’ummon = common
Vind = blind
vind’eadto’ill =  one’s “will” to live/to do/to be, but in an insulting way. Saying your head is blind.
Vo’ish = leave
Vok’thrall’Uv = You - Specifically to Elders.  Derogatory, followed by a finger point and lots of growling.
Vosh = another use of “the” but more or so for titles/addressing important people.
Xa = a
Xa’vind = a blind
Xao = Now
Xor’vo’tan = more than
Toa’talo = slave/mindless slave.
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waywardsalt · 3 months
thinking about how id piece together how magic works in hyrule. into the tags it goes
#like im not gonna go in deptj and build a massivr magic system i am simply not interested enough and its not important enough#but its like. most people have access to some level of magic and each race has a specific kind they specialize in#not as in theyre naturally attuned to it more that they have the right circumstances and items and shit#and dark magic doesn not equal evil and light magic does not equal good#also the hylian royal family dont have goddess blood or w/e they are just natural light magic users#and the female members of the family are the only ones able to use it really well with little practice/in a pinch#yadda yadda hylia died when reincarnating or w/e as sksw zelda so she technically didnt have goddess blood#just like. some fragmenta of hylias being that persisted to get to her to do her plan#im trying to get rid of the hylian royals having literal goddess blood while semi sticking to canon dw abt it#i think its interesting if they just lie about it. strong enough light magic users can just use a bow of light its not unique to royalty#anyways most people can only harness up to two different magic types or one type really powerfully#some people dont haven enough innate ability to harness a specific type but have enough to interact with magically-infused items (link)#light powers and healing powers are connects but count as two different types if that makes sense#and dark powers have a subset where… its fire emblem nosferatu. but its rare and hard to harness and can be dangerous to the user#magic types can be passed through family lines if powerful enough but its not guaranteed and ppl can still choose what they commit to#everyone has one or two they are naturally inclined towards but w/ enough practice can excel at whatever they want#its just easier to tap into those innate magics and it tends to be based on the persons personality and ideals#in general high tension situations or situations up against an opposite/strong vs magic type can unconsciously power up someones magic#people with very low innate magic ability can practice to be attuned to one or two types and use it well but it requires a lot of practice#people also have different thresholds of how much magic they can use and how strong that magic is (mana pool kinda)#you can use a LOT of spells but not be able to handle strong ones or can only use a handful but can use very strong ones#that can also be changed with training#its basically like. people start with some predestined abilities and stuff but can choose to do whatever#ofc different ruling systems and stuff have different opinions and rules on what magic can be used and by who#the hylian kingdom is most restrictive while the gerudo embrace magic- the sheikah embrace it the zora embrace it the rito are meh on it#this is the ganonbeck au. btw. magic system isnt uniform across my aus#salty talks
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anadelacalle · 2 years
BREVE RESEÑA DE "PANDEMIA Y POSVERDAD" de Jordi Pigem en DIÁLOGOS POÉTICOS. Café de la Ópera. Barcelona. 13/5/22 por Ana de Lacalle.
BREVE RESEÑA DE “PANDEMIA Y POSVERDAD” de Jordi Pigem en DIÁLOGOS POÉTICOS. Café de la Ópera. Barcelona. 13/5/22 por Ana de Lacalle.
Os dejo un breve vídeo sobre las cuestiones fundamentales que se plantean en este ensayo crítico de Jordi Pigem, editado por Fragmenta Editorial – que inspiró mi post anterior “¿Todas las opiniones SON iguales?”-
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Sin duda me duele profundamente el pasado; pero más me fragmenta el alma; el habernos reencontrado...
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eu-estou-queimando · 9 months
Que tolice
tentar me esquecer
Sou do tipo que fragmenta
na tua mente,
Te dá um nó
Sou ponto de interrogação
Pergunta sem resposta
Sou fetiche de muitos
Mas pra você eu fui realidade
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ovidiana · 1 year
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7 December 43 BC - Cicero’s death
On this day in 43 BC, Marcus Tullius Cicero, whose name had been added to the newly formed triumvirate’s proscription lists on Mark Antony’s vehement request, was murdered near Formia before he could sail off to Macedonia to join Brutus and his army. His severed head and hands were brought back to Rome, where Antony ordered them to be exposed on the rostra. Read more about the event in Plutarch’s Life of Cicero or in Livy’s Fragmenta 59 (from AUC CXX)
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janeaudron · 1 year
Feel like my brain just opened to how the phonetic alphabet works and other things and may be able to better understand how to conlang(constructed language) now.
Gonna be killing by throat later for some of the alien lingo I've come up with over the years to give it a more solid foundation by matching it to the phonetics!
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inutilidadeaflorada · 1 month
A Casa que Dante Contribuiu
Transita entre cômodos a esperança Havia um nível de imersão na mitologia Variando entre seringas e costelas Um oásis a memória de elefantes é fundado
Foste visto ente Medusas e intérpretes Confabulando deuses instáveis como animais A mística efêmera custa a crer em austeridade Cada aparição é o desgosto do ethos local
Esta paisagem antisséptica Carregava ossos e cinzas A ancestralidade não proposital Toma para si, feitos inócuos do paladar
Esta pulsão indesejada esteve coexistindo aqui Interpolando visitas e figuras de linguagem Presentes em cada uma das gargantas Que se tingem de encanto
Este país é um hotel bradando virilidade A todo instante em todos os seus personagens atordoados Coexistem eficientemente dentro de um teatro babilônico Onde cada um fragmenta para si seu próprio olimpo-passivo
Imagine você, cirandando bocas Engolindo um mantra constante Proclamado por eletrodomésticos Ressoando os pensamentos da máquina
Cada altar beira precipícios Tais indicativos são: Vampiros desdentados Deixados para agradar hóspedes
É preciso acalma-los ou enfrentá-los Os Cervos que se sucedem ao sacrifício Não tem o mesmo apelo para essa época É preciso encontrar novos deslumbramentos...
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black-beauty-poetry · 3 months
Cuando visitas los lugares en los que solíamos pasear, ¿recuerdas todos los felices momentos que vivíamos?
Cuando lo llamas a medianoche, ¿él te contesta? ¿Te envía versos improvisados por mensaje? ¿Te hace una video llamada sin avisar sólo porque echa de menos ver tu carita?
¿Realmente piensas en él cada vez que revisas las fotos que se han tomado?
¿Tu corazón ya borró mi nombre?
Sabes que he dejado una marca en ti. Mi recuerdo está tatuado en cada parte de tu cuerpo y tus sentimientos.
¿Con él, te nacen las ganas de repetir lo que tú y yo solíamos hacer? ¿Y las cosas que haces con él son mejores que las nuestras? ¿Te diviertes de verdad?
Nada se podría comparar a las noches en que nos perdíamos en la playa, dejando huellas en la arena, oyendo el rugido de las olas, bajo el infinito de las estrellas, o a las tardes en que descansábamos bajo un árbol: tú leyendo un libro acostada en mi regazo, yo escuchando música con mis audífonos, o a las mañanas en que construíamos un fuerte bajo las sábanas porque aún no queríamos desalojar nuestro paraíso para enfrentar el exterior.
¿Nos recuerdas? Éramos tú y yo contra el mundo.
Dime, ¿él te hace mejor el amor? ¿Hace que sientas cosquillas en la piel? ¿Te estremece con un simple roce? ¿Enciende el fuego en tus noches frías?
¿Has vuelto a soñar conmigo?
Sé que no te funciona lo de reemplazarme. Tratas de olvidarme, tratas de no extrañarme. Y sé que las veces en que te lanzas a él lo haces para ignorar el desgarre que fragmenta tu corazón cada vez que te encuentras a ti misma pensando en mí.
Sé que desearías que fueran mis labios cuando lo besas. Sé que desearías volver a vivir la esencia de nuestro romance cuando tienes una cita con él. Sé que desearías que fueran mis brazos cuando te abraza. Sé que desearías que fueran nuestras canciones cuando bailan.
Sé que te engañas creyendo que me olvidarás al vivir en esa forzada fantasía a su lado, pero, por muy enamorada que afirmes estar, esta es la realidad: no existe parangón entre él y yo.
Él ahora puede estar allí. Él puede sacarte bonitas sonrisas. Él puede ser más guapo. Él puede sostener tu mano. Él puede ser el amor de tu vida.
Pero él no es como yo.
(P.D. No me iré a ningún lado, aquí te seguiré esperando cuando te atrevas a dar el paso y te canses vivir esa mentira).
-Dark prince
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hornyforpoetry · 9 months
// You are a hopeless romantic reading poetry at midnight //
• // Art Amatoria (The Art of Love) // Ovid //
• // Rerum vulgarium fragmenta (Fragments of Vernacular Matters) // Francesco Petrarca //
• // Sonnets // William Shakespeare //
• // Roman Elegies // Johann Wolfgang von Goethe //
• //Amor aethernus / Mont Blanc / Ozymandias / Love's Philosophy /  Hymn to Intellectual Beauty // Percy Bysshe Shelley //
• // Lyrisches Intermezzo // Heinrich Heine //
• // The Corsair // Lord Byron //
• // The Flowers of Evil // Charles Baudelaire //
• // Impressions // Oscar Wilde //
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quetzalnoah · 6 months
He visto a muchos poetas renunciar a esto de escribir
a lo largo de los años
se volvieron famosos porque aprovecharon el internet
bebían y escribían versos tristes en sus borracheras
unos daban pena y otros entretenían
un par de textos les dieron miles de likes o se volvieron virales
algunos publicaron sus libros
a otros se les pasó el momento
unos dicen que ya nadie lee poesía
otros que la poesía ya no les deja
jajaj cómo si la poesía alguna vez
nos hubiera prometido algo
las palabras son independientes de nosotros
no nos necesitan
ellas caminan indiferentes y saludan
a quien las mira
y bailan con quien las invite
pero fuera de eso
pretender merecer algo por escribir
es lo menos poético y literario que existe
Poeta: no pretendas reconocimiento y dinero
con la escritura
puede funcionar si insistes con los años
pero no es para todos
y hay que renunciar a toda distracción
como trabajar en un banco
supervisar la obra
preparar el informe de ventas
o abandonar el consultorio
y es extraño
porque de los oficios
los peores pagados son los poetas
dicen que no nos necesitan
pero cuando se sienten extraviados
cuando el corazón se fragmenta
y la ilusión se desmorona
buscan incesantemente
consuelo en nuestras palabras
y la esperanza
les respira de nuevo en la nuca
yo me siento satisfecho con lo que hice
logré que los veinteañeros hicieran el amor toda la tarde
que un par de corazones tristes nombraran lo que les pasaba
y que cientos de almas viajeras
tuvieran ganas de reclamar su derecho natural
a transitar por el mundo
y un par de estudiantes y maestro
me discuten en sus aulas
cuando nunca fue mi intención
llegar a las instituciones
sólo los que pagan por las palabras
saben lo difícil que es mantenerlas unidas
y hacerlas entendibles con pocas comas
para la gran mayoría de las personas
aunque nunca falta el analfabeta
que no ha leído a ningún clásico
que pretende rimar todo
porque no puede pensar
más allá de la lengua
y aun así cree que cualquiera
puede escribir.
Cuadernos Viejos, Quetzal Noah
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 A minha mão, suavemente, toca a maçã de teu rosto, capturando palavras sem pronúncia.
Numa fuga inconsciente do hábito de apenas existir, banho-me na nascente de todo desejo sob a forma de silêncio.
O gesto fragmenta-se no espaço e os corpos apartam-se pelo tempo...
…Carrego o teu olhar junto às infinitas faces de teu sorriso: refúgio para dias de possibilidades impossíveis.
Acordo por entre nuvens de pedras e percebo a impossibilidade de traçar
novos rumos sobre estradas de pegadas e sombras tatuadas.
A lembrança de meu rosto em teu colo adormece minha alma;acalma meu coração do inconformismo de ser tão igual a todos os outros e ,mesmo assim, ser tão sozinho.
O caos se dissipa em meio a palavras arquitetadas para sua boca.
A tarde desce.
Quando a noite invadir a varanda, te darei uma lua de presente e, talvez,me presenteies com teu sorriso mais promissor:aquele que reflete o céu e todas suas possibilidades.
O tempo recolhe fragmentos, une corpos, traz a noite.
Acolho-te em meu peito e o teu silêncio parece me dizer que o único medo sobrevivente ao tempo é a solidão.
Fechamos os olhos e , por instantes,esquecemos o vício de apenas existirmos.
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