#*blows kiss* for the belphie stans
table-lamesa · 4 years
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idk why but when i got to that rurin scene, my brain just instantly thought of Belphie doing a cute lil heart pose.
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hyper-super-clover · 3 years
Trouble in Devildom Town, Part 1/3
In this short story, our dear Leviathan is back with another one of his “hey I teleport you Normies into a game world”- kinda games. What will the happen inside the world of the game “Trouble in Terrorist Town”??
This story contains two OCs/ MCs, so if you´d like to know more about the girls Violet and Clover, you can check out their character designs & descriptions on my blog :D
Hope you´ll have fun on this three-parted adventure!
 Approximate reading time: 10~15 minutes
Words: 3.156 words
 It was a calm, neat Saturday evening, when a new message hit the "House of Lamentation" group chat...
GUYS (and girls LOL)
To your room? Seriously?!
I can't remember having Levi calling us over ever before... What's going on??
I do hope for you this matter is worth the ruckus...
We'll be there in a sec!
  And so, the whole mansion's population found themselves in the third-born's room a few minutes later.
"Levi..." Being the last one to step inside the crowded room, Belphegor was rubbing his eyes in a tired manner. "Would you tell us what's going on now...?"
However, Leviathan wasn't really going to answer any of their questions.
Instead, he was prompting his guests to close the door, his gaze drifting over all of them.
Lucifer crossed his arms.
"This maniac expression on your face is highly worrying, Levi," Lucifer said.
Levi turned towards his computer, hectically mashing his keyboard, clicking on several pop-ups that appeared on his monitors, before finally turning around to properly face them.
He wore a crazy smile.
"Dammit, Levi," Mammon burst out, "I'm not in the mood for your weird shi-"
Ignoring him, Levi spoke in his best terrifying voice.
"I welcome you..."
Before anyone could react, he pressed a last key, then the monitors emitted such a strong light that all of them had to close their eyes.
  Slowly able to see again, the nine of them suddenly found themselves in a little shack.
"What... What happened...?" Violet was the first one to take a proper look around. "Where are we?!"
Leviathan's laugh pulled them out of their confusion. He spread his arms triumphantly.
"Welllcome tooo....
Trouble in Terrorist Town, the special, virtual reality but actually it's true reality -edition!!"
"Trouble in... What?" Mammon asked.
"Wait..." Clover was searching for Levi's attention. "I know this game, I've played TTT before. But why are we... really here?"
Satan shot his otaku brother a glare.
"Is this one of your real life games that you are only allowed to leave when you win??"
"Kind of," Levi laughed. "Don't worry though, if you die here, you don't die for real. You'll get kicked into a spectator lobby and we'll all respawn together once the round is over."
The oldest brother gave a stressed sigh.
"Really, now..." Lucifer rubbed his temples in distress. "Why do you always force us into playing your games without asking first...?"
"Well... I feared all of you would say no if I did" Levi responded, actually in a slightly sad tone.
When Lucifer breathed another sigh, they heard Asmo giving a weird squeal.
"Look at our outfits tho~!" he hummed.
He was standing in front of a partly broken mirror, posing while blowing his reflection some hot kisses.
"A simple black, military look, slightly armoured just at the right places... And oh my, tight clothes just show all those curves and perfections of my astonishing body..."
As he was looking around to find someone who would agree with him, his eyes landed on Clover.
"Isn't that right, darling~?"
The girl didn't even look at him.
Instead, she was staring at somebody else with a heavy blush covering her face.
"Y-yeah... Curves and... Perf... Perfection..."
Asmo wouldn't need to, but nonetheless he followed her gaze to find the sixth-born.
Of course, Beelzebub noticed this piercing glare that laid on him, but (fortunately for the girl), he was too pure to correctly interpret the thirst behind it.
"Huh? Clover? Are you not feeling well? You look like you have a fever..."
He hurried over to check that her face was truly burning hot, and of course only getting warmer now that he was this close, in this soldier like, perfect, absolutely stunning uniform that just-
Thankfully, Leviathan saved the girl from passing out.
"The game is about to start soon and you don't even know the rules!!"
With a little frown, Violet leaned against the wooden wall that Satan was already rested against.
"So we're really going to play this crazy game...?" she mumbled so only the blond could hear.
She gained a chuckle.
"I guess so..." Satan whispered. "Although I must say, weird and extreme as they may be, but Levi's games can be quite amusing if you just go with the flow."
She mustered him, then a smile spread on her face as well.
"Well, I guess we should take all the opportunities we can to do crazy stuff while Clover and I are here in the Devildom."
Before Satan could answer, Levi threw a pebble at them.
"You listen as well, Normie!!"
Then, he finally went to explain the rules...
  "In our group of nine, there are three that are not like the rest...
They are traitors.
They work as a trio, trying to kill all the other players in order to win the game.
But who are they, you ask yourself?
Well, that is a thing only they know, and THE thing the innocent one's have to find out.
To their guidance is the almighty detective.
Unlike the traitors, the detective can, or should, reveal his role so that the remaining players, called the 'innocents', can protect him better.
Then, logically, the innocents' and detective's goal is to find the three traitors and eliminate them.
When the game starts, we may run out of this shack and will have additional two minutes to spread over the map. Keep in mind that in those two minutes it is impossible to harm your co-players, but after that, it's time for war.
The map is covered with all sorts of weapons that may help you in the epic fights we will have.
But behold!
Both, the traitors and the detective, have access to special weapon shops, where they can, any time, any place, trade achievement points for super cool, limited items to grant their victory!
On your wrists, a health bar will appear, but you can only see your own. Once your life points reach zero, you will be put into said spectator lobby and may follow the game like ghosties in the sky! Then you will also see who has which role."
 Levi took a look around after having finished.
"Any other questions?"
Belphie raised his hand.
"Do the traitors know who the other traitors are? Or can they kill each other?"
"Very good questions! They know of each other, but they may also kill each other if it gives any tactical advantages. Their goal is to have at least one traitor alive at the end of the game while the rest is dead.
Ah, I forgot to say...! If an innocent person or the detective kills another innocent one, they will die as well, as a penalty."
After a round of silence, everyone looked as if they were ready.
"Good to go?" Levi checked one last time.
Gaining nods as an answer, a big smile grew on Levi's face.
"Alright!!! Then...
Let's begin!!!"
  The players were just about all out of the shack when the game officially started.
A giant countdown manifested in the bright sky of day that, judging by the bright sunlight, must have been the sky of the human world.
Two minutes were slowly ticking down.
Levi was pointing up at the clock...
"After this preparation time starts the overall time of one hour. If that time is over, the innocents will win as well. But for every person the traitors kill, they gain five minutes to add to the counter."
... And then he pointed down on his arm.
"You should all see a role written on here. And the traitors will see two other player's names on here as well."
He gained a round of hesitant nods.
"Our player names are displayed above our heads. Be careful, they might reveal your position if you're not hiding well enough."
They heard Belphie snort with laughter.
He pointed above Mammon's head.
"'StupidMammon'? I like that name, it's better than your real one!"
"Huh?!" Mammon looked up to see it himself. "WhAT?! Levi, did you give me this shitty name AGAIN?!??"
"Lolololol, sorry Mammon, I had to."
Kind of automatically, everyone needed to check their names before doing anything else.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"Most of our names are normal, though... We have Beel, Belphie, I am 'Lucifer' as usual..."
"Yep! I am Levi-chan, and the Normies are Violet-chan and Clover-chan."
"What an honour to have a naming scheme fitting your name," Violet smiled.
"Well, I felt kind today. Don't push your luck, or I'll change it into Normie #1 and Normie #2 for the next round."
O moment later, Satan gave a sigh.
"... Why am I called 'Stan'?"
Levi looked at his name.
"... Oh. Must be a typo lololol"
The others laughed a little, while the Avatar of Wrath tried to contain his displease, but out of all, Asmo seemed to find it the most amusing.
Which was weird, because he was completely ignoring the fact that his nickname wasn't normal either, but there was an extra fat "Ass-mo" written above his head...
 After a round of getting used to the sensation of being inside a video game, Violet clasped her hands to finally get things started.
"Could we get going? There's only less then a minute left before the friendly fire wears off."
Very grateful for helping to get the game going, Levi was about to dismiss everyone, when he remembered one important detail.
"WAIT!!" he screamed.
"What?! I wanna go already...!" Asmo whined.
Levi looked around.
"The most important role!! Who's the detective?!"
Everybody shot each other glances, then, finally, a little "ah!" caught their attention.
Their gazes landed on Mammon.
"There's 'detective' written on my left arm, so I guess it's me?"
"WHAT?!" Levi pressed out. "OH, MAN....! Why does it have to be MAMMON?!"
"Well, I guess the innocents are on their own, then," Satan agreed to Levi's resignation.
"With Mammon as the most powerful innocent, the traitors have a clear advantage," Lucifer agreed, too.
"Aw, maaan, and I was hoping for an exciting first round..." Asmo pouted, of course, in agreement.
The white haired male gave a growl.
"H-hey!!! Don't be like this, I'll kill those traitor bitches in no time!!"
But no one was listening.
In a collective sigh, all the others automatically started to move, not a single soul feeling the need to stick to the one person they knew was one of the good ones.
"Hey!!" Mammon called out again. "Aren't ya innocents s'posed to guard me?! Where are y'all going?!?!"
... But no one was listening.
"Grr... Just you wait...! I'll slay this game!!"
And with that, he turned to follow behind Lucifer and Violet, whining and screaming at them to wait for him, only to see how Lucifer was fastening his step.
   Walking through the deserted village and onto a wide, open area, Clover soon felt her fear of being chased kick in.
Somehow, she had ended up all by herself, but that only made stumbling about so much worse.
But now, as she turned her head to check if someone was following her, she saw how Satan had been trying to follow her in silence.
As they locked eyes, however, he greeted her with a smile and went up to her as if nothing had happened.
"... Hi," Clover mumbled carefully.
"Please don't mind my behaviour," the blond said while gesturing to continue walking together. "I still have to figure out how to properly behave in this situation. I mean, it's not every day that we suddenly face each other as maybe allies, maybe enemies... right?"
The girl shot him a sceptical glance.
"Well, that's true... But if your goal is to not appear suspicious, then... Don't to that again. Just a friendly little piece of advice."
Satan laughed.
"Yes, my apologies. You see, you have mentioned you know this game, so I found it best to stick to you."
They halted as they found a pistol laying on a boulder nearby, a package of ammunition right next to it.
Both of them were hesitating, then Satan turned around to continue.
"You take it," he said, obviously trusting that Clover wouldn't shoot his back right this instant.
Well this, or he was already bearing a weapon...
"I've seen people play this game lots," Clover continued the conversation. "I know how everything works, but I'm afraid I'm pretty bad at all the aiming stuff..."
The two reached a weird cliff that parted the land in a huge gap, no ground to be seen in the huge depths. One of those super unstable-looking wooden bridges was leading to the other side.
The platform on the other side was rather small, with only a few buildings in the middle of it.
Satan held his chin in a contemplative manner.
"I bet there must be some rare items waiting for those who would go that far and cross the bridge..."
Clover gave a nod.
"Probably... Welp, you can get the stuff, I have terrible fear of heights, so I'm not going over that wobbly bridge thingy."
The girl was about to leave again, but the male got hold of her wrist.
"No, you're coming with me."
"What?! Why?"
He searched for her eyes.
"Look. I trust that you're innocent, and I ask you to trust me, too. I could have already killed you if I wanted to, when you were all alone. But we need to work together if we want to stand a chance against the traitors and whatever special weapons they might have."
He made a little pause while the girl fought with herself to make up her mind.
"Please," he said again.
Finally, Clover gave an annoyed grunt.
"Fiiiine..." she grumbled. So, she pointed at the bridge. "But you go first... Mister Stan."
She stressed his nickname in a manner to mock him.
Satan looked at her for a moment, dazzled, then he turned around and could only give a breathy laugh.
"See, now you can be sure that I am innocent. Because if I was allowed to kill you just now, I definitely would have."
  "Oooh, Leviii!"
Asmo was nearly doing little jumps while trotting alongside the third-born. His excitement was visible, but very odd, and of course Leviathan noticed that his brother was acting strange.
"Asmo, for Lord Diavolo's sake, what's wrong with you?!"
Putting on his best puppy eyes, Asmo looked at him all innocent.
"Eeh? Shouldn't you be happy that somebody actually enjoys your weird games for once?"
Levi growled in response, moving through the deserted village with such care, as if death could be waiting behind every next corner.
... Well, it could, yes, but his super secret agent act was just... a little too much...
"Sure, but... You're almost TOO excited about this. A little shady, if you ask me... Like, out of all games, why would one where we kill each other be one to wake your interest?!"
He gained a dramatic rolling-of-eyes.
"Oh, please, Levi! It's not the killing or tactical contemplation that gets me excited... But think about the potential that this scenario bears!"
They peeked inside one of the empty houses.
There were two weapons inside, a crowbar and a shotgun without ammunition.
Breaking the nearest window, Levi climbed inside to pick them up, and was kind enough to give Asmo the crowbar even though he hasn't done anything worth gaining it (as Asmo had even been too scared to get a cut from climbing through the broken window so he didn't move an inch).
"What potential, exactly?" Levi asked, more because he felt like Asmo would pressure him into asking that anyway.
Glad that he could continue his speech, Asmo placed a dramatic hand on his forehead.
"The potential for drama, Levi!! Just imagine... us lonely wolves lumbering through the streets, and our maidens Violet and Clover shivering in fear!"
He changed his pose, wrapping his arms around himself as if hugging someone.
"Oh, whom should they trust?? Their hearts, their minds, or just nobody at all?!"
Then, he suddenly grabbed Levi by his shoulders, getting pretty close to his face.
"Love blooms in times of war, Levi! And I will take every chance I can to see those flowers in their full beauty!"
Then, Levi gave an exhausted sigh.
"... Can you please go away...?"
And Asmo let go of him.
"Tsk. Okay, if you're not mentally able to understand the depth of my words, then I shall find a better place to fulfill my tasks...!"
  "Sooo, Beel, where you wanna go?"
The twins were already out of town, kind of heading towards the edge of a nearby forest.
The taller one seemed to be searching for something.
Then, he held his stomach.
"I'm... Hungr-"
"No, don't even say it" Belphie sighed. "Are you, really? Even inside a game?"
Beel only gave a pout, so Belphie continued after a while.
"Well, if we must secure you won't go on a rampage and destroy the whole game, then the forest might be the best place to find something for you."
And so, Belphie continued heading straight towards the green.
After a while, however, Belphie noticed how his brother wasn't following any more.
Turning around, Beel had stopped completely and was looking off into the distance behind them.
When Belphegor asked him what was wrong, the other male slowly shook his head.
"Where did everyone run off to?" Beel asked. "I can't see any of the other players..."
"Hm... I saw Violet, Lucifer and Mammon go into the forest as well... Asmo and Levi seemed to have stayed near the village... And I don't know where Satan has gone."
Now Beel turned his head.
"And Clover?"
"Uhm... She went somewhere... there, I think. I heard her talk with Levi when we left, but it seemed like she wasn't going to stay with him."
"So she's all alone right now?"
Belphie got a little confused over Beel's worried expression.
"Well, maybe. But she could be a traitor, so why are you so worried about her?"
Beelzebub's gaze drifted away again.
"I just... Don't like that thought." He snapped back at his smaller brother. "And by the way, you could be a traitor as well."
Belphie leaned back in a carefree manner.
"Yeah, but I told you I'm not. You don't believe me? I believe you're innocent, too!"
Beel gave a little sigh.
"But you can read me like a book, even if I tried lying to you..."
They kept standing there in a little silence.
Then, without further ado, Beel grabbed his brother by his arm, turned around, and kept going into a different direction.
"Beel, what are you...?! Weren't you hungry?! What about the forest??"
"... I sense food over there. Don't worry, and let's get going."
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