#*cuts to levin* finally some good food
kariachi · 1 year
A quick-ish sequel fic to this morning’s. Some more Mike, some more Kevin, now in a different part of the country.
“Can’t help but notice this isn’t Italy.”
“All the paperwork with passports and visas felt excessive just to get away from you.” Plus, they required things he hadn’t managed to get his hands on yet, like his birth certificate. With the sheer number of hoops he was having to jump through just to get new copies of all that identifying paperwork, and they all seemed to require him having a steady address with bills to be paid- Maybe someday, but at that moment in time it just wasn’t worth it, nor was trying to sneak in illegally and risk more prison time. He was enjoying being out, damnit, even with all the bullshit he was having to deal with, and wasn’t about to trade his freedom for Italy.
Besides, Miami was seeming fine enough. The climate was close enough to familiar, the food was good, and there was no shortage of attractive people his age. Getting back into the rhythm of normal socialization was taking more effort than he had hoped for, something that burned, but he was making do.
“Yeah, getting shit like your social security together can be an ass and a half.” Teeth in his palms grating against his mug, he shot Levin a glower across the table. Who’d decided the bastard got to act all perceptive? “Florida was your next best shot, huh?” Mike made himself shrug casually. From now on he wasn’t getting hotels with restaurants, or at least not using them. Clearly it made finding him too easy.
“It’s worth looking around, at least. Very nice beaches.” He hadn’t really settled on staying. In a lot of ways the area felt familiar, or at least the area he was sticking to. High class, pretty people, grand wealth, with an ocean backdrop.
He wasn’t sold on the ocean backdrop. It was gorgeous, but he thought he would rather a view out over the city. The past week’s apartment hunting hadn’t found him that sort’ve view in a place he liked. In all honestly it hadn’t found him a place he liked at all.
“Mm-hm. And pretty faces?” Huffing, Mike rolled his eyes.
“I was three steps above solitary confinement for the last eight years, Levin, let me live.” He snorted a laugh at him, the bastard.
“Okay, yeah, point. Long as nobody’s turning up eaten it’s not really my problem anyway.” Resisting the urge to huff again, Mike took a long sip of his coffee. “Setting up shop here, then?”
“Maybe. If I find a place I like.” He’d seen plenty of places he should’ve liked, places that were just smaller reflections of where he’d grown up, or more modern variants on the same cut, but none he had liked.
“Shouldn’t be too hard,” Levin said. “Not like you have to worry about price, and most places are willing to turn a blind eye on a lot for enough money.” Lucky him.
“Unfortunately, I’ve been told I’m a very picky man.” By the realtor he was working with, specifically. The comment had rubbed him the wrong way, for all he’d clearly meant nothing by it. He was selective, and spending a large amount of money. There was nothing wrong with wanting everything to be how he wanted it.
Levin snorted another laugh.
“Yeah, well, you’re not likely to find any solid gold bathtubs, so, probably gonna have to lower your expectations a bit.” Would hitting him be worth it? Were there too many witnesses? “But if anywhere’s gonna have a place for you, Miami’s probably it.”
“Would be great to find it,” Mike said curtly. “Some of these places I’d be happy to just have a decent layout.” Too many places had been too closed off. And others… “I finally saw a decent floorplan this morning, and at didn’t impress me quite the way I’d hoped.” It should have. It was the picture of opulence and excess, all the luxury to which he had grown up accustomed. More, even. More modern than he was used to, but the change might have been nice if the way he could hear the echo of his footsteps hadn’t grated up his spine.
“Seriously,” Levin asked with a raised eyebrow. “Can’t imagine you even looking at something that wasn’t impressive.” He stole a piece of cheese of Mike’s plate and would never know how close he came to losing the hand. “Show me? I wanna know just how far up your own ass you are.” Mike glowered at him, but pulled up the listing on his new phone anyway. Levin was a stubborn bastard and wouldn’t leave unsatisfied.
“It has very nice views, I will admit,” he said as he begrudgingly handed it over.
“It’s upscale Miami, of course it does-” Levin’s eyes blew wide. “Si-?!? What the fuck?! You’re single, with no family or friends, what the fuck do you need that much space for?!” Mike, didn’t really have an answer for that. It was what you did, bigger was better. The main house growing up had been large enough to fit both sides of the family at the same time, with enough space left over for Mike to avoid them all when they got to be too much. The gardens had been larger than the apartment in question was. His parents, his grandfather, had always been very proud of that. “That big and it doesn’t even have a fucking tub?!”
“I did point that out as a deal-breaker.” Truly, he had. He was a man who enjoyed a long, relaxing soak and no amount of ‘the building has a spa’ was going to make up for not having the option in his own home. Huffing and shaking his head, Levin set down the phone with a thunk.
“Here’s what you’re going to do,” he said, Mike’s hackles going up at the no-nonsense tone of his voice, “you’re gonna go to your realtor, you’re gonna tell him to find you something smaller. A lot smaller. There’s no reason for you to have more than two bedrooms, and even that’s assuming you’ll be able to find somebody willing to put up with you overnight. As it is all you’re doing is making sure all your shit’ll be too far apart to be convenient, wasting money cooling and lighting more space than you need.”
“It’s not as if I don’t have it to spare,” Mike pointed out, in part just to be contrary. Levin glowered at him.
“So do Ben and I, doesn’t mean we’re stupid enough to throw it away for nothing.” He leaned over the table. “I’ve gotten both Tennysons and a half dozen other people into proper fucking apartments, Morningstar, I know what I’m talking about. Go for something smaller, you’ll save money, have more options, and not have to wander through a white fucking void to take a piss every night. No wonder the rich are all such assholes if that’s the way you live…” Shaking his head with another huff, Levin fell back into his seat.
“I thought,” Mike said, “what I didn’t wasn’t your business as long as nobody got hurt?” Was that not what the bastard had said? That as long as nobody was getting eaten what he did wasn’t his problem? Never mind that a smaller place would probably have less of an echo problem, how dare he?!
“Live in a place like that and you’ll probably start up trouble again just to cut through the fucking boredom.” It wouldn’t have been that bad. Probably. He had ended up eating people the last time, but correlation did not equal causation. Besides, he was more likely to be driven to snapping by Levin telling him what to do. Just because the man had appointed himself his suspicious watchman didn’t mean he had any sort of power over him.
“So you have nothing better to do than sit here and judge my housing preferences?” It was an opening, Mike realized it only as a smirk slid over Levin’s face.
“There’s no races going on, so, not until Thursday.” He couldn’t punch him, wouldn’t punch him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t lob a spoon at his head. To even insinuate he might stick around- Levin caught the silverware with a laugh. “Chill. I’m not hanging around, just needed to check in.” That was some phrasing.
“‘Needed’,” Mike asked, raising a brow. Levin rolled his eyes.
“Like I said before, you’ve caused a lot of trouble before, and tend to fucking blindside us with it. I don’t intend to give you the opening.” Expression flattening, Mike huffed quietly.
“Like I said before, I have no intention of causing any more trouble.”
“See,” Levin said, “problem is that’s exactly the sorta thing you’d have said before, to get us off our guard.”
“Have you considered you might just be paranoid?”
“Oh yeah, shrink confirmed that. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna keep an eye on things. Not until I’m sure you’re actually behaving.” Letting out a long sigh through his nose, Mike shook his head.
“Are you sure it’s not just that retirement is boring you?” Levin snorted, flashing a toothy grin.
“Oh fuck no, I’m loving it. Trust me, nobody wants to know you aren’t gonna be a problem more than me. Except maybe G, but it’s a pretty close call. Point is, I don’t want to be putting up with you either, but until I know you won’t start shit once my back is turned…”
“I’m stuck putting up with your random little visits.” Well, wasn’t that just fucking delightful. And who even knew how long it would take Levin to decide he wasn’t a problem anymore.
It was still a better deal than prison had been, but that wasn’t exactly a high bar.
“If you’re going to be bothering me,” he said, grabbing his phone back up, “you can at least not interrupt me when I’m eating.” Levin snorted a laugh.
“As long as it’s not an innocent bystander? I think I can do that.”
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maraczeks · 4 years
anna karenina 2012 thread pt 4
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love-takes-work · 3 years
Notes on SU Commentary Tracks
I watched the commentary tracks on the Complete Steven Universe DVD Set and I took some nerd notes.
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The episodes with commentary tracks are “Reunited,” “Change Your Mind,” and “The Future.”
I’ll bold stuff that was maybe bigger news or more surprising for easier reading. And yes, some of this was already known from podcasts, other Q&As, or interviews, but I listed it if they said it again here.
Read on after the jump to read these and other highlights:
Steven’s original wedding speech
Older ideas on dialogue for Lapis when she came back to the beach
Scrapped concepts for the scene that ultimately included Steven communicating with the others in a mindscape
Discussions of earlier concepts for White Diamond having a power to “freeze” Gems into statues to make them perfect and having a gallery of them on Homeworld
Pink Pearl’s original fate
The translation of the writing on Obsidian’s sword
The origin of Pink Steven’s design
What Rebecca did to pitch the “SHE’S GONE” scene
Earlier plans to include Shep in “Change Your Mind”
An unused concept of how Steven feels about Biggs
The inspiration for the Heaven and Earth Beetles’ healed design
How Volleyball/Pink Pearl was almost a mini-villain
Discussion of how they did not get to share the origin of the Diamonds
Jasper’s scrapped participation in the movie
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“Reunited” - 
Commentary with Rebecca Sugar, Ben Levin, Matt Burnett, Hilary Florido, Joe Johnston, Ian Jones-Quartey, and Kat Morris.
In 2015, an episode idea called “If You Love Yourself So Much” was discussed but rejected. It included some early ideas that ended up getting incorporated into “Reunited,” most notably Garnet marrying herself and putting rings on both hands.
The idea of the Cluster arm wrestling was planned for a long time. A scrapped idea of Steven banging his fist on a vending machine to get some Chaaaaps was supposed to visually parallel some of that scene, but it was axed.
When they got pushback on the wedding idea, they kept adding more and more “high entertainment value” items like a big musical number so the episode would be absolutely unmissable and appealing to everyone.
The song at the beginning of the episode was meant to check in with the entire cast and sort of remind you they exist and what their state of mind is going into the wedding.
Ian made a comment joking about “All 15 people in Beach City” being in the audience.
Just about everyone on the Crew touched this episode, despite that there are four main storyboarders credited for “Reunited.”
In 2016 Ian Jones-Quartey proposed marriage to Rebecca Sugar. They felt like the characters based on them (Sapphire and Ruby) HAD to get married in the show now because otherwise it wouldn’t be honest. But then their characters got married before they did.
They really love the idea of having characters get married who have known each other for a really long time, versus the fairy tale trope of movies ending with weddings between people who have met very recently.
Steven’s speech as officiator at the wedding used to be longer in its first draft--it was described as being weird and full of jokes, and there would have been a scene with Pearl getting weepy and pulling tissues out of her pearl.
Ian mentions loving a joke Jeff came up with having Greg play one chord to make Steven fall asleep--it’s sort of a “dream” chord you hear in cartoons a lot before a dream sequence.
The Crew discussed what it might be like if someone had never seen the show before and started with this episode.
Ian really wanted Steven’s psychic powers to figure into the episode.
Blue using a sadness wave to attack the Gems was a very old idea they’d planned for a long time. So was Lapis’s arrival.
There was a discussion of having Lisa Hannigan performing her lines as Blue VERY early in the morning.
Ian was happy the sword got broken because it was so momentous but it was just a sword. And later appeared on a shelf in the house as an artifact.
Miki had drawn a torn dress for Garnet at one point so she could be shown fighting and moving around more accurately, and this led to a long discussion of whether Gem clothing can even actually get torn the way human clothes can. They concluded that no, it shouldn’t be torn, so they backed up and gave Garnet an open-front dress from the beginning so the fighting version would make more sense.
Lapis originally might have had a longer speech upon arriving back on the beach. They eventually decided to just have her say “Hey.”
The barn falling on Blue Diamond was an intentional Wizard of Oz reference.
They point out that Steven even once said “drop the barn on the beach” (in a previous episode, “Can’t Go Back,” which was also a Miki episode).
Destroying the house was a big deal, and they always thought they’d end up doing it but backed away from it until “Reunited.” They almost even did it back in “Coach Steven”! But it just ended up with a little damage to the porch.
The Crew thinks Miki is really good at drawing ensemble shots.
Rebecca was always overwhelmed whenever she got to have Patti LuPone record for Yellow.
Originally the giant figures of everyone’s statue bodies in the mindscape were too dark and had to be revamped so they could be seen.
An earlier idea of Steven’s “psychic-ghost-situation” had him as a ghost actually trying to interact with the other characters during fighting action, but it was pulled back to this mindscape so there wouldn’t be as much confusing action to keep track of and more focus on what Steven was doing to encourage his teammates and contact the Diamonds.
Hilary was glad not to have to block out a fight.
Ian mentions loving having Bismuth back in the group.
They originally wanted the “Diamonds sensing Pink’s energy” plot to happen when Steven was in the palace somehow, but everything got moved to this scene--which the Crew all agrees turned out incredible, like how cool it was to have Steven essentially reminding each character why they fight and summing up their whole arc in a sentence.
“Change Your Mind”
Commentary with Rebecca Sugar, Ben Levin, Matt Burnett, Hilary Florido, Joe Johnston, Ian Jones-Quartey, and Kat Morris.
They like to refer to this episode as “The movie before the movie.”
They loved incorporating “princess tropes” into Steven’s time on Homeworld, which is why there were so many references to “mice” (well, Pebbles) making clothes, being locked in a tower, being reminded of his manners, loving animals and freeing imprisoned pets, etc. 
Deedee did the voice of the rainbow worm pet. She apparently didn’t find it memorable and was surprised when she was reminded she did the voice.
Rebecca was super excited for the confrontation with Blue.
There was some discussion of how Steven would have died of starvation if he didn’t have someone practical like Connie to remember to bring food.
They love working with the huge scale the Diamonds present.
The Crew always wanted to put someone in Blue’s hair loop. Originally they wanted Blue to tuck Greg in there when she kidnapped him, but they didn’t end up being able to do any hair-loop-carrying until this episode.
The Crew bantered back and forth about what the heck those Pebbles’ names were and how hard it was to track them.
They agreed that Paul draws the best Yellow Diamond, which makes sense since he also drew the first episode with Yellow (and her stink face). 
The scene where Yellow asks Blue to stop using her powers on her and then realizing she’s crying on her own was one of Rebecca’s favorite scenes to get to finally.
Steven Sugar thought Gems would spend a lot of time in their own chambers/rooms just not really doing much of anything unless they had to fulfill their purpose.
Some of the Homeworld ideas were based on a Soviet artist’s concepts, Boris Artzybasheff, and also many ideas were inspired by Busby Berkeley regarding how people were objects and furniture.
The mech was an old idea. Once they had the hand ship from “Jailbreak,” they knew there had to be bodies somewhere.
They focused a lot about what could be the coolest and funniest way for something to happen. The concept of the yellow and blue spaceship arms appearing out of the sky to smack the White Diamond mech around was one of those.
Rebecca really wanted things to look more and more cartoony and bizarre as you get deeper into Homeworld.
They spent a very long time trying to decide on characters’ new outfits.
The trash can lid is said to be a reference to “a flying bear cartoon” and they dance around speaking a direct reference because they’re not sure they’re allowed to say its name.
In discussing the powers of the Diamonds, there were debates on what White’s power would be; with Yellow being physicality-based and Blue being emotion-based, they thought White as identity-based made the most sense.
Different ways to express this were played with before settling on the idea that she thinks she’s perfect and others’ colors make them less like her and less perfect. But then she becomes a hostage to her own beliefs about herself because if she does anything that reflects on everyone else, so it’s best to do nothing.
They had some cool earlier ideas of White’s powers making statues out of other Gems and having a gallery full of frozen Gems, frozen by White to make them perfect.
They also weren’t sure what fate befell the original Pink Pearl and discussed whether she might have been destroyed. 
Rebecca discussed how creepy it was to have White Pearl speaking in Christine’s voice and not Deedee’s--that we should find it fundamentally disturbing at this point.
Tom Herpich came up with the crack on White Pearl’s face.
In real life, pink diamonds aren’t understood as well as yellows and blues. It’s more known what makes a diamond yellow or blue, and some of those facts Rebecca researched were originally woven into the speech White gave about their “impurities.” But it turned out to be too dry and most of it got cut.
Rebecca loves having Lapis with pants and sandals for easier cosplay.
Ian had to draw the scene where Steven is falling and fusing with inert characters--he wasn’t able to properly explain it to Rebecca so she had him draw it.
They really wanted Rainbow Quartz 2.0 to have a scarf, but they couldn’t figure out how to get that into Pearl’s design. They miss the scarf.
It was really important to have these Fusions display call-forwards of the Gems’ new outfits which we hadn’t yet seen.
Rebecca points out that Sunstone’s design breaks a design rule and she feels like Sunstone should have Garnet’s pant leg colors on their legs, but at the same time she understands the rule of cool and likes it like this.
It’s discussed how none of Steven’s fusion weapons are exclusively offensive weapons either.
Rebecca still really wants a suction cup Sunstone toy.
Sunstone’s ability to transcend reality and break the fourth wall was a joke that exploded in the discussion room among the Crew. As soon as the idea was pitched everyone kept coming up with ideas. Sardonyx’s fourth-wall-breaking is more snarky, but Sunstone’s is helpful.
Rebecca was disappointed that the rule about Steven’s clothes wasn’t always followed with having his clothes appear on Obsidian’s hand, but she was delighted that you could see them in one scene.
They spent a lot of discussion time on making sure Steven-Obsidian was different somehow from Rose-Obsidian. The hair is different.
Old versions of Obsidian were drawn with wrapped-together Twizzlers legs, which sort of is reflected in the present design.
The sword had been planned forever--and it first appeared in “Bubble Buddies.”
Miki worked on the Ninja Turtles show so Rebecca was really excited to see her depictions of Bismuth and Sunstone.
An early plan to have Obsidian draw the sword from their mouth was complicated because fusion weapons should be combinations, so they finally reached the solution of having them combine to make the hilt, then get the blade out of Obsidian’s mouth.
The blade of the sword is thought to say “We’ll always save the day,” but you’d have to ask Steven Sugar.
Another really old idea was climbing into the White Diamond mech eye.
Rebecca was disappointed that some of the merch made of White Diamond did not feature her cape sparkles.
There were many debates early on about where Rose might “actually” be. There were tons of references to this fundamental question throughout the show--introducing Lapis as a Gem trapped in an object, having Pearl ponder pulling Steven’s Gem out as a baby, straight-up wondering what would happen to him in “Bubbled” when Eyeball was trying to take his Gem, etc. They all decided Rose was definitely gone but that the idea of her possibly being inside him should be on his mind a lot, leading to disturbing images like dreaming about coughing up her hair.
Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond both challenged Steven about things he was very confident about, but White’s question of his identity got to him because he in fact is not confident about that.
The black and white eeriness of the fuzzy background and the other characters having their colors washed out helped make the scene in White Diamond’s head so disturbing and creepy.
The split screen showing Steven’s two perspectives was exciting to Rebecca, and was a pretty old idea. And she points out it sort of “breaks the show.”
The Gem Steven, Pink Steven, was represented by a slightly modified version of his model sheet. Everyone laughed when they saw what was getting used.
They decided that an earlier idea of Pink Steven looking angry should be replaced by an emotionless version of him. All the emotion should be with Organic Steven.
In the pitch meeting for this episode, Rebecca herself screamed “SHE’S GONE!!” and shocked the hell out of everyone. She pointed out how no one expected this of her because she’s pretty quiet, but she just wanted to shock everyone the way Steven would in the show.
They point out this is the first appearance of the geometric shield that got so much use in Future.
The fact that Steven is Steven is the ultimate reveal of the show. Usually in fantasy shows there’s some other kind of revelation, but Steven just being amazingly human and amazingly Gem and amazingly himself is wonderful here.
They like having the pilot reference with “What’s your excuse?”
If Rose had somehow still been alive in him, all of this would have been cheapened.
Ian loves that you can faintly hear Sadie’s concert from way out in space as the camera approaches Earth.
They got a lot more use out of the Beach-A-Palooza stage than they thought they would when it had to be designed for “Steven and the Stevens.” There was a joke about how at one of the conventions a real Beach-A-Palooza stage was constructed and they had a thought about how oh good, it’s getting reused.
Sadie having green hair in the finale was a late change but they liked showing her progression. 
They had originally kicked around the idea of Sadie already having her new partner Shep at this point, but decided to develop that in Future instead.
They compare White Diamond’s stepping gingerly into the fountain to skeptically getting into a public pool.
Some silliness they didn’t get to use was that Biggs would be “beloved by everyone” except Steven. They never got to cover it, but originally Steven was just going to not really understand why everyone loves her so much and doesn’t personally much care for her.
The Heaven and Earth Beetles are based on the Mothra Ladies.
The healed Gems’ horns are supposed to be side effects of the corruption that they continue to bear in the present.
Larimar and Orange Spodumene ended up different in the ending scene than they became in Future. Many of the designs were retroactively pulled into this scene after being designed for the movie.
Rebecca wrote “Change Your Mind” as a personal song to express her feelings surrounding her fight for the wedding.
“The Future”
Commentary with Rebecca Sugar, Kat Morris, Alonso Ramirez Ramos, Hilary Florido, Joe Johnston, and Ian Jones-Quartey.
The animatic for this episode ran SO long--they’re supposed to be just over 11 minutes but this one was 17 minutes.
Steven’s calisthenics routine, a callback to “Future Vision,” was on the chopping block to make the episode shorter but Rebecca wouldn’t allow it to be cut because she wanted to show that Steven’s been taking care of himself.
They were very excited to get a chance to cover some of the things in Future that they couldn’t squeeze into the original show, like the unbubbled Rose Quartzes, Volleyball, etc.
The new writers on the show also helped bring forward the idea of Steven finally making some of his OWN mistakes to fix.
This also helped construct the idea of Steven essentially being the “final boss” of his own battle.
Usually stories that involve someone being in a fight and winning don’t explore the effect just being in a fight has on a person, regardless of whether you won. 
Rebecca really wanted to play Ocarina of Time after beating it so she could go back to all the places and see how people were doing. She wanted this epilogue series to explore that a little too.
Little Homeschool is sort of a Tiny Toons reference--older cartoons teach younger cartoons how to be cartoons, and this is Gems teaching other Gems how to be Gems on Earth. 
Lamar came up with the silly joke about receiving that art set with all the different media types in it--the one artists are always getting from a well-meaning relative at holiday time.
A scrapped plot idea involved Volleyball/Pink Pearl as a sort of “mini-villain,” with a focus on her activating the un-activated Pearls.
There’s discussion of how victimization turns people into villains sometimes. But since showing that happening with Volleyball wouldn’t have served the interests of Steven’s arc, they couldn’t fit it in.
There was also a “very specific” Gem origin and Diamond origin story that’s quasi-religious in nature--it’s very cool and complicated. But they do not tell us what it is.
Ian and Joe both really wanted to have Jasper living alone in the woods and stacking rocks. They’re glad they got this series to do that with her.
There was originally an idea for a B-plot involving Jasper in the movie. They don’t discuss the specifics.
There were many ideas they didn’t get to work on because they would have started new arcs and Future was not about kicking new plots into gear.
“Mr. Universe” was the last episode they wrote/finished.
Miki really wanted to include a kiss between Connie and Steven to show their relationship was okay. Among the Crew everyone knew their relationship was basically eternal but Miki wanted to make sure WE knew that.
Steven driving conveyed momentum for Future; in the original show, we always came back to the laundry hand, back to home, but in Future that’s changed and home isn’t what it was. 
They were really excited that a gourd family made it to the crowd scene in Future.
Thanks for reading!
Note: The movie had some commentary tracks too, but the one on this DVD set is the same as the one released on the original standalone movie DVD, so I did not outline it here. Here is my post about the DVD commentary from the movie.
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garrothromeave · 3 years
mcd garroth + laurance headcanons for the sake of me posting something while working on my long-ass post, also happy birthday blaze ily, 
garroth - total momma’s boy. seems obvious, but it’s true -- back in o’khasis, he was practically glued to the side of zianna. whenever she had to leave for a few days when he was younger, he’d cry if he couldn’t go with her. when he left for the guard academy, he wrote to zianna on a daily basis. to put it simply, he had separation anxiety. the hardest thing about faking his death was not being able to see or talk to his mother. - incredible piano player. his father made him take lessons when he was younger for quite a few years, but he was naturally very good at it. he never mentions this skill to anyone. while they were at malachi’s castle and were looking for materials before they left, garroth stumbled upon an old piano and played something. he got really into it, and laurance ended up stumbling on him playing. he made laurance swear to never tell anyone about it. - when garroth was around eight or nine, his stutter was so bad that garte didn’t let him speak in public or around any people other than the family out of shame. vylad and zianna used to help garroth with his stutter.
- garroth is very sensitive to the saying “oh my irene.” growing up in the ro’meave house, it was taboo to use irene’s name in vein. or anywhere in o’khasis, really. nowadays he’s still very caustious whenever he says it, because he thinks that someone is going to yell at him. - horrified of getting hurt. back during the days of training in the guard academy, while he was very good with technique and fighting itself, he had a very bad flinching problem. overall, for the longest time, wounds and pain made garroth very uncomfortable. because of this fear of getting hurt, he has a bit of a stubble because of the one time he hurt himself while shaving.   - 6′4, because 6′11 is unbelievably tall and i honestly don’t even think that it’s canon? s’yeah. he seems 6′4 to me.
- garroth often sees new things and (internally) has this very child-like wonder response. he was sheltered for the entirety of his childhood and teenagehood. and after the guard academy, he stayed put in the same village for 5 years -- so he hasn’t experienced very much. he often wants to ask dozens of questions, but because of his shyness, he tends to just observe anything new very closely. which leads me to my next headcanon,
- because of o’khasis’ intolerance to many things, he was not very commonly exposed to magick’s users. the first magicks user that he directly met would be zoey, and he was very nervous when talking to her the first time he met her. when garroth gets to know her more, she catches on that he’s curious about a lot of things, and offers to tell him about things. he declines, and he regrets that decision to this day.
- as stated before, o’khasis isn’t very tolerable of things, which caused garroth to develop incredibly bad internalized homophobia. when aphmau comes along, he gets a very strong desire to protect her (little do we know, this strong desire comes from his connection with esmund) and confuses it for/tries to convince himself that it’s romantic love. it is in fact love, just platonic. so basically, this man’s gay as hell.
- garroth has more freckles than any other ro’meave family member. he’s mildly insecure about his freckles, seeing them as a ‘childish’ trait, which is why he wasn’t very bothered with the idea of hiding his face with his helmet. 
- his hair is super curly. it used to be more tame, but as he got older, it got more curly. it’s usually a mess because he doesn’t know how to take care of it, but it somehow looks hot as hell. (no homo ofc.)
- garroth is allergic to blueberries. 
- raven was garroth’s first genuine connection since he left o’khasis. zenix was his second. he loves raven a lot, and hates that he can’t see him as often as he’d like to.
- garroth is a total cat person. don’t get me wrong, he loves dogs, but if he were to choose between having one or the other, he’d choose to have a cat. he had a pet cat when he was little that he still thinks about a lot. (probably named sprinkles, just for the hell of it.)
- because of how he grew up, garroth’s actually a very picky eater. while he’d never admit it to himself or anyone else, he misses the more “rich-people” food he was spoiled with. 
- garroth isn’t actually that stupid, when he first arrived at pheonix drop, he had a name in mind that he wanted to go by (to better hide his identity). however, when his name was asked by someone, he panicked and “garroth” accidently slipped. he beat himself up for the longest time after that. the only reason he finally let go is because no one had ever pointed out how/seemed suspicious he had the same name as the deceased first-born son of o’khasis.
laurance - his hair grows decently quick, so even after cadenza cut it for him, it only took about 4 months for it to grow back just past his shoulders. he prefers it having some length to it anyways, and usually ties is back into a ponytail. after the irene dimension, he would let nekoette braid his hair. - has a very lanky body type. naturally has long limbs, and would often get called a ‘stick’ when he was younger. he’s about 5′11. but don’t confuse his thinner stature for weakness, he matches garroth’s strength easily.
- bi icon. fuck that “you were my first kiss” bullshit he gives aphmau, the list exists and while it’s stupid and weird, according to it, garroth was his first kiss. which is fuckin funny as hell if you think about it.
- laurance is very good with animals. more so rodents and smaller creatures, like squirrels, birds, rabbits, etc. cadenza was convinced that laurance could talk to animals for the longest time. he even had this little mouse that would pop in his house. however, on the contrary, larger animals -- not so much. he’s shit with horses and cows, especially. 
- incredible singer. has serenaded aphmau on multiple occasions, and has even gotten her to sing along with him from time to time. he sang for malachi to help him fall asleep every night since the day they met him. this caused him to start singing for levin at night as well. when laurance saw malachi again after the 15 year jump, within the first few days of his return, malachi asked for laurance to sing for him again just like he used to. which brings me to my next headacanon,
- laurance saw malachi as his own child, and treated him as such. they were very close, and malachi was the most heartbroken over laurance’s disappearance since he saw him very much as a father. it wasn’t that laurance favored malachi over levin that created this bond, it was the fact that laurance first-hand saw a child in need of a home and someone to love him, and it reminded him of when he was small. 
- he’s a sucker for bets. gambles, wages, anything like that. while he’s not directly a gambler, if someone offers he’s sure to accept. he’s a risk-taker, and ends up getting really into it. this also branches into his competitive behavior. he’ll be really upset and possibly a bit petty if he loses. why else do you think he still hadn’t given castor the 5 dollars he owes him?
- slingshot master. you give this motherfucker a slingshot he can kill someone with his impeccable aim. he’s also very good with a bow and arrow or any sort of projectile, but he’s the best with a slingshot. when he was younger, he hand-made slingshots from materials that he’d find around the forest.
- speaking of the forest, laurance is a very nature-loving soul. when he moved to meteli when he was adopted, he’d often go and explore the forests nearby. he and cadenza would use their imaginations and play all sorts of games. laurance and her especially loved to climb trees, and would jump from branch to branch. this helped laurance become very flexible. this is also how he met sasha, she was sitting in his favorite tree one day and they just hit it off from there.
- after he was rescued from the nether, laurance frequently had nightmares that would lead into sleep paralysis episodes. the first time it happened garroth had been looking over him (since this was around the time when laurance first got back and garroth had allowed aphmau to go do her lord tasks while he watched over him) and when he had the ability to move and speak again, he started freaking out. garroth had to calm him down and assure laurance that he’d talk to zoey about what happened. garroth and zoey are the only ones that know of laurance’s sleep paralysis, mainly because he didn’t want to worry aphmau or anyone else. zoey often gave him ways to cope with it. it didn’t happen every night, but it did occur at least 5-6 times a month. his sleep paralysis stopped the moment he entered the nether for the second time. 
- the first time laurance heard he’d made the list for the jury of nine, he felt honoured. when he was oblivious to how corrupt it was, he saw it as a huge opportunity. after learning about it’s true nature, he was still glad that he’d made the list -- because him being on the list prevented another person from risking being on the list and being chosen to be apart of the jury.
- yes, laurance can cook very will in this universe as well. it’s not that he was taught, it’s more that he can look at ingredients and just throw them together to make great combinations. zoey also taught him a few things.
- laurance does not know his real birthday. malachi does not remember his. since cadenza had “given” laurance a birthday, he offered to let malachi share his unofficial birthday with him. malachi accepted. 
garroth + laurance
- laurance began referring to garroth as “pretty boy” after seeing his face. he continued to call him that for the first month of their friendship. garroth hated it, and that’s the only reason laurance eventually stopped.
- laurance and garroth are both very good story tellers, but after one incident where garroth was telling levin and malachi a story, he started stumbling a bit over his words and couldn’t articulate correctly, so laurance picked it up and continued it. from there, they took turns with the story and occasionally interrupted one another to add a detail or plot point, and after that, malachi refused to listen to garroth or laurance separately when telling stories, because their collective minds came up with the most fascinating shit.
- garroth isn’t the best at coming up with insults because he’s simply too nice, but laurance loves to make fun of garroth (in good fun, of course). however, there is one thing that garroth could hold over laurance; and that was their height difference. whenever laurance would mess with him, garroth would just bring up height to piss laurance off. 
- when laurance regained his sight, him and garroth sparred very often. that’s when garroth realized how much strength laurance actually had, since he’d originally underestimated him. laurance, in all honesty, was equally surprised. their spars were pretty evenly matched.
- while these two are best friends, the amount of arguments they’ve had is insane. most of them were light-hearted and were more so disagreements, but sometimes things escalated and would result in yelling. that’s because laurance always took it a step too far. that, or garroth would try to disregard what they were talking about, which only made laurance more heated. but they’re both incredibly quick to forgive each other. once they had a really bad argument and didn’t talk for an entire hour afterwards, but once they saw each other again it was like they’d never fought. 
- since garroth grew up with everything and laurance often had to hunt and shit, garroth wasn’t amazing at it. laurance found out, originally teased garroth, but gave him tips and took him out and taught him how to hunt. garroth’s still shit at it when he does it alone, but when he does it with laurance he’s pretty decent. 
- garroth doesn’t drink. laurance does. laurance once tried to convince garroth to drink, but he refused -- which laurance respected, but garroth had to deal with drunk laurance for the rest of the night at the guard station. he learned things that he really wish he hadn’t that night. 
i had more for garroth and laurance’s relationship, but uh, i don’t really have time to write them down, so take these for now! i hope y’all enjoy them as much as i did writing them :]
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levineseth · 3 years
The Fancy Food Sucked
Book: Red Carpet Diaries
Pair: Seth Levine x MC (Gemma)
Summary: The Hollywood life is just not cutting it for Gemma. And Seth can fix that.
Note: can you guys believe i actually did it!!!?
Seth was going to lose his mind. Actually, it was probably already lost and the last twenty minutes guaranteed he was never going to find it again.
He crumbled up yet another paper and tossed it across the room into the trash can. Two hours had passed since he first sat down and he didn’t have a single joke for his set next week. He got up from his seat at the table, grumbling to himself, and walked towards his kitchen window. He needed some air.
As he flipped the locks open on the top of the window, his eyes focused on a sleek black car idling on the street. And his eyes got bigger as he watched Gemma and Matt freaking Rodriguez step out of the car.
He didn’t want to and he knew he shouldn’t watch them, but he couldn’t make himself walk away from the window. The unfamiliar feeling in his stomach was overwhelming and finally made him turn away. He grabbed his jacket and headed upstairs to the roof.
The cool night air hit his face as soon as the door opened. He was glad that the sun had gone down already and the heat of the day had dissipated. It allowed him to take a few breaths as his brain began to run overtime.
Sure, he thought that he and Gemma had really hit it off the day she moved in. But then Hollywood and Matt Rodriguez came along. And how could he compete with that? And did he even want to try?
He didn’t even get a chance to ponder these thoughts when he heard the door to the roof open.
“Room for one more?” he heard Gemma ask as she approached.
Wordlessly, he scooted over and patted the cold ground next to him. She sat close- the fabric of her dress brushing the sleeve of his jacket.
“Sooo...” she said. “How was your day?”
He let out a small laugh and responded, “It was not my best.”
He face scrunched in concern. And he hated that he found that cute.
“What happened?”
“Comedian blues,” he answered, waving a hand in the air to convey it wasn’t a big deal. “How was your day, though? Any fun Hollywood stories?”
It was her turn to laugh. “Well, Matt and I went to dinner at this crazy fancy place and you would never guess but food that costs more actually tastes awful! We....”
She continued talking but Seth was clinging to one part of her story- Matt and I. Matt and I. He didn’t listen to what she said past that so he was surprised when he heard, “...Seth?”
He looked at her, eyes searching her face for some context clues on what she was talking about so he could fake a response. What he saw, however, was that she was looking for something in his face as well- the corners of her eyes creased in worry.
“You didn’t hear what I said, did you?”
He grimaced before responding, “I’m sorry.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay today?”
“I’m fine! I’ve just got like a thousand things running through my brain right now.”
That was a lie, of course. The only thing currently on his mind was the girl sitting in front of him.
“Okay..” she shrugged. “What I was saying is that the fancy food sucked and I’m still hungry. Want to go grab some burgers? My treat!”
He laughed. “Now see Iowa, this is your first lesson in the Hollywood life- nothing beats In-N-Out.”
She playfully pushed him, giggle ringing in the open air. “So are you coming or not?”
He stood up and held his hand out to her, helping her stand up off the ground. “How could I pass up a chance to spend time with you?”
They took the limo Seth had been using to drive people more famous than he could ever hope to be. Gemma sat in the back, lounging on the long seats as she listened to how Seth had tried and failed to write jokes today.
“You think too much,” she said with such finality that he almost didn’t question it.
But instead he let out a “...Huh?”
“You’re in your head! Seth, you’re like the funniest person I know. But for some reason you don’t believe that.”
He was lucky that he was turned towards the road because the blush that came over his face was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him. He cleared his throat and said, “I wish I could have an audience filled with people like you.”
“You’ll have one of me, at least. You know I’ll be there.”
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
His blush only deepened. “Thanks, Iowa.”
After eating and driving back to their apartment building, Seth parked the limo and turned to Gemma. He gave her a playful smile then climbed through the divider, falling to the floor of the limo with a thud.
“You could have just used the door!”
“Don’t rob me of my Mission Impossible moment, Gem,” he said, brushing his shirt off and sitting next to her.
Gemma stretched her arms above her head and laid down on the bench seat, her head resting on his lap. Instinctively, his fingers found her hair as he began combing through it lightly. The gentle sigh that fell from her lips was all the encouragement he needed. She smiled up at him and the moment was too tender, too intimate that he was looking for a distraction.
He reached out and flipped the switch to open the sun roof- the night sky appearing above them. She turned her attention from him to the stars. They sat in comfortable silence, his fingers still absentmindedly weaving through her hair.
“Seth,” she said quietly, sweetly.
She sat up to look him in the eyes. “This was the best part of my day.”
He snorted, obviously sure that she was joking.
“I’m serious!” she insisted, lacing her fingers in his. “This is the most comfortable, relaxed, and happy I’ve been since I woke up.”
“Well I’m.... I’m glad I was a part of it.”
She giggled. “I’m just going to have to say it outright, huh?”
“Say what?”
“You’re the reason I’m so happy.”’
His mouth opened and closed a few times as his brain tried to process what she was saying. She watched him with an amused smile on her face before slowly leaning in and kissing him lightly on the cheek. Then again on his nose. And finally... their lips connected.
Gemma’s arms went around his shoulders and looped together behind his head. His large palms laid flat on her back, holding her close to him. The gentle touches, the raw emotion between them was new and exciting but also a lot to handle for him. Seth pulled away for a second, searching her face for any indication of regret. All he saw was contentment, calmness, and adoration.
“All good?”
“Yeah, uh... yes,” he stammered. “I just can’t believe this is my life right now.”
“I’m making out with a hot comedian in the backseat of a limo. I can’t believe this is my life either.”
“A hot comedian?”
She playfully rolled her eyes and pulled him towards her again. He let out a surprised sound and she laughed breathlessly against his lips. If this were his last day on Earth, he could definitely die happy.
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sob-dylan · 4 years
ranking of bcs season 5 episodes based on how sexy i found them
10. Namaste dir. & writ. Gordon Smith
good ep, not sexy. jimmy commits his first hate crime against the dandy howard hamlin. hostile work environment at los pollos. the return of the uncomfortably stereotypical thugs that beat up mike. very let down because gordon smith has written some of bcs’s sexiest episodes in past seasons, including gloves off, chicanery, & something beautiful. the car chase intercut with lyle cleaning the fryer was pretty sexy tho. 2/10
9. Dedicado a Max dir. Jim McKay, writ. Heather Marion
this ep ranks so low because of what it could have been. was expecting it to be the sexiest episode, but was given very little of what was promised. the fountain was sexy, scheming kim was sexy, any invocation of revenge is sexy. that’s about it. 2.5/10
8. Wexler v. Goodman dir. Michael Morris, writ. Thomas Schnauz
first we’ve seen of nacho in a long time, but as usual it’s not nearly enough. he is reunited with mike, giving him the opportunity to play a bargaining chip for the first time in two seasons, which is sexy of him, but also reminded me of the how little he’s done since he became fring’s dog. nacho being underutilized is not sexy. (i could go on a whole rant about the poker chip we’ve seen nacho fiddling with a few times during different collection scenes, but i don’t think i quite understand it enough). kim suffers the worst day of her professional career because jimmy decided he knew what she wanted instead of listening to her. not sexy. lalo getting arrested was, of course, very sexy. 4/10
7. Magic Man directed by Bronwen Hughes, written by Peter Gould
sexy episode, but it all rests on the shoulders of lalo, nacho, & gus (+ a very timid domingo-- i’m into that). the mcwexler stuff just made me sad. lalo’s lounging in el michoacáno with his blue loafers kicked up? much appreciated. lalo and nacho constantly calling each other “man”? nice! the sit down between lalo and gus was very sexy, but the sexiest part of this episode for me was the trap house, especially the beginning sequence. loved the scene starting from inside the car with some great tunes, the camera following the meth down the drainpipe, lalo’s erratic driving and his refusal to acknowledge arlo, the power that nacho has demonstrated by arlo shutting up when he gets out of the car, the slightly shaky camera work in this moment, nacho leaping up those stairs and then pounding on the door before gently telling mouse it’s okay. all incredibly sexy! 6/10
6. JMM dir. Melissa Bernstein, writ. Alison Tatlock
pretty fucking sexy for production legend melissa bernstein’s directorial debut.  not only is it the first bit of substantial lalo content in a while, it’s the debut of jorge de guzman! the shot of him from the shoulders down with the focus on his tattoo? sneaking a phone in so he can tell nacho to burn down los pollos? the arson itself? very, very sexy. vague allusions to what went down in santiago? frustrating, but sexy. kim and jimmy consummating the most ill-advised marriage ever authorized by the state of new mexico? sexy, (especially kim’s hair). lydia rodarte-quayle! “shanked and shivved and whatnot.” that was a very sexy suggestion, lydia, keep ‘em coming! 7/10
5. Bagman dir. Vince Gilligan, writ. Gordon Smith
vince gilligan’s triumphant and very sexy return. the shoot out! the time lapse of the clouds while jimmy and mike walk along at a normal speed! “my wife” & “mrs. goodman!” and of course, the sexiest thing of all, the meeting between kim and lalo. gordon smith redeemed himself with this one. despite the piss-drinking, a very sexy episode indeed. 7.8/10
4. The Guy For This dir. Michael Morris, writ. Ann Cherkis 
a very, very sexy ep! a swarm of ants set to yodeling isn’t in itself sexy, but i respect the symbolism and the bold creative choice. but then! the garage scene! imo this was the sexiest scene of the season. everything from the blocking to the lighting, not to mention the Acting. i’ve rewatched that scene many, many times. other sexy things about this episode: kim yelling at acker, kim opening up, nacho’s lounging-at-home-watching-soccer outfit, amber & jo, the one genuine smile nacho has all season (at the beginning of a devastating conversation with his father), lalo making jimmy and nacho watch him drive his car, “you’ll make time!”, nacho’s signature car-leaning, & “once you’re in, you’re in.” 8/10
3. 50% Off dir. Norberto Barba, writ. Alison Tatlock
look: i can admit that this hole ranking system is heavily dependent on how much nacho & lalo there was in an episode. this episode started with a home invasion at casa de varga so that gus could intimidate nacho in his underwear and ended with nacho rolling up on jimmy and then making him drop his mint chip in the street. and in between? the poker game. the birth of ocho loco/krazy-8. THE PARKOUR. “ignacio varga, eres un chingon.” the small expression of pride on nacho’s face when lalo says “it’s your call.” nacho finally accepting food from lalo, only to find it’s a trap! lalo using his own brand of the lie detector to make nacho offer to kill his oldest friend. dear god! this ep marked the explosion of the eduardo “lalo” salamanca/ignacio “nacho” varga tag on ao3. it’s an inspiring kind of sexiness. mike’s story was compelling, but a boner-killer. 8.9/10
2.  Bad Choice Road dir. & writ. Thomas Schnauz
ah! the something stupid callback! jimmy falling to his knees when he finally gets a signal! kim crying! jimmy’s trauma! the godfather reference with the oranges! (and no, i didn’t pull that out of my ass. peter gould mentioned it on the podcast) the care-taking, despite kim having every right to be furious with jimmy! the tender and heartbroken look on lalo’s face when he leaves the nursing home! lalo impatiently ordering his new chauffeur nacho around! the way lalo stands when nacho drops him off at the well! how happy nacho is to finally be rid of lalo for just 3 seconds before lalo gets back in the car! the lalo leap! the final scene! rhea claiming her emmy! but ultimately what’s so sexy about this ep is how well it encapsulated the ethos of the show. i’m still salty about the dinner party (???) with lalo, nacho, and nacho’s girlfriends getting cut, tho. 9/10
1. Something Unforgivable dir. Peter Gould, writ. Peter Gould & Ariel Levine
i don’t consider it the best episode of the season (that would be bagman), nor is it my favorite (that would be 50% off), but imo it is the sexiest episode of bcs yet. slippin’ kimmy! the finger guns! the kansas city royals shirt! kim laughing in howard’s face! the post-coital mcwexler scheming! and of course every single scene in mexico! nacho’s forced smiles! lalo’s unmitigated excitement at returning home! “nachito!” lalo’s despicable but still somehow sexy attitude toward that poor kid ciro! the scene where he’s fixing the car! lalo’s praise of nacho! lalo being the life of the party! everyone adoring him expect for juan bolsa! lalo’s party shirt! nacho’s tough but respectful chain-over-a-fully-buttoned-shirt-cause-it’s-time-to-meet-the-don look! nacho spelling out exactly what he wants! lalo closely watching nacho and don eladio! the intimate, late-night fireside conversation! the beautiful emotional asymmetry of that scene! a man who is finally ready to allow himself to trust someone choosing the wrong person! (in other words: lalo lowkey trying to get laid while nacho’s actively trying to facilitate his assassination!) nacho being the resourceful little bitch we all love! lalo immediately blaming poor ciro! (seriously, what is the story there??) the frying pan! the fucking tunnel! lalo kneeling over that dying hitman, peeling off the mask that’s melted to his face, and gently telling him “esta bien” ! lalo limping out of his estate with murder in his eyes, ready to hunt down the only man not carrying the Salamanca name he’s ever trusted! if this ep had included nacho regaining a shred of agency over his situation, it could have a perfect score. 9.9/10
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endangered-liaison · 4 years
FFXIVWrite Prompt #19: Where the Heart is
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((Stars @high-and-away​ ‘s Victoria, and @snowbird-down​ ‘s Laelia and Brutus! I hope I did them justice and didn’t horribly mangle their characters.))
Maxima Pyr Sawyer has somewhat of a reputation, through different fronts and different groups.
Amongst the original III Squad, she was seen as a loud and unpleasant asshole. Which, to be fair, was the image she worked her arse off to cultivate and grow at the time. She thought it made her seem intimidating. (She was wrong.)
For the reformed III Squad, she became the terse leader. Thrust into the position by cruel circumstance and loss, forced to lead a group half-built of strangers as they tried to withstand the most intensely coordinated Alliance campaign since the XIVth was shattered. It didn’t go well.
To the Alliance, she was a terror. There are stories, from more than one platoon, of Gyr Abania being haunted. You hear your own voice echoing words you'd thought nobody had heard, bells after you said something. You hear whispers and distant screams, telling you to get out; telling you you're already dead. More than one platoon tells of a shrill wail sounding, of linkpearls ceasing to work as a woman cuts through an encampment, not a sound leaving her lips save for rough, bestial breathing while their world is consumed by fire and smoke. Of green eyes in the levin.
To those who guard Octavian Hostis, she was an attack dog. A feral beast barely held on a leash by him, and someone they would far rather have arrested.
To the Bellworks, she...shifts. From the villain who almost killed their Chief, to the woman who is trying so hard to do better, to the girl who stares with such unrestrained affection at those she cares for and would kill and die for them... to the menace who just steals food every day or two.
Right now, she looks like absolutely none of those, because she's rubbing Brutus's cheeks and making frankly ridiculous noises at the small dog before her. "Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are! Yes you are!"
Across the hold of the Delphinus, Laelia snorts. "How many brownies has she had so far?" she asks, leaning over towards Victoria and picking out her second moko-laced chocolate delicacy from the tray between the three of them.
"Only one," Victoria says, then pauses. "...And a half." She levers off another small bite of her own with her fingers and pops it into her mouth, eating as neatly as she can manage despite the fact that she's in the midst of partaking of edibles with a group of terrible fucking misfits.
Max pauses in her doting on Brutus to flip both of her squadmates the bird. "I'm gonna miss the fucker! Got used to havin' him around, y'know?" She pauses. "You sure we can't keep him?"
Victoria gives Max a long-suffering look. This clearly isn't the first time she's asked that. Or the second. Or the fifth. "He's Laelia's dog, Max. You can't just steal another person's dog."
"Why not? There a law against it?"
Laelia raises her hand to add to the conversation. "Also, I'd shoot you."
Max points her brownie at Lee. "There's definitely a law against that."
Content that she's made her point, Max returns to doting upon the small pugnax before her. "SUCH a good boy, aren't you? Yeah y'are." She kisses the top of the happy runt's head, and he responds by quietly plopping down on to his rear and sticking his tongue out, panting happily at her.
Max sticks her tongue out and pants happily right back, distinctly more raspy than Brutus.
Fearsome Ghost of Gyr Abania indeed.
"Y'know. I don't think I've ever seen her like this," Laelia muses, leaning back and tilting her head. "Glad she finally got the stick out of her arse."
That earns another middle finger, but no retort this time.
Victoria grins, just a little. "You don't have to live with her. You should have seen her over the last few weeks."
Laelia concedes the point with a tip of her stetson, perched atop her head more out of habit than necessity given the current company. That and because Max put it on and started saying things about saving a chocobo about half a bell ago until Lee confiscated it. "How's that going, by the way?"
"Hm?" Victoria looks up from her now-finished brownie, the picture of innocence.
"That." Lee gestures between her and their former decurion. "You. Max. Your mutual cyclops."
"How're things going with you and Valeriaux?" Victoria counters, then immediately looks guilty. "I mean...sorry, that was rude. You don't...you don't have to talk about that, if you don't want to. Sorry, that--"
But Lee just smirks, wide and knowing. "Going good," she says, then leans over. "He's a terror in bed."
Max rejoins the conversation at the sound of a scandalised "LAELIA!" being shouted. There's a blush on Victoria's cheeks and she looks thoroughly embarrassed.
"How about Max?"
The blush intensifies, and Max looks confusedly between the pair of them. She might have had too many brownies, because she has absolutely NO idea what's being discussed. "I'm not sure if that's appropriate," Victoria murmurs.
Lee, to her credit, looks chagrined. "You're right, I'm sorry. Like you said, y'don't have to answer, I was just...teasing, y'know?"
Victoria nods. "Yeah. I know. Thanks."
Deciding that she isn't going to get an answer, Max sighs and goes back to giving Brutus more positive attention than she's paid to anything in her entire life. She ends up on the floor of the Delphinus, rubbing his belly as he kicks his adorable little legs. For some reason, she finds the visual really amusing, and finds herself starting to laugh uncontrollably. She's definitely had too many brownies.
"...But yeah, she's good."
Laelia whoops, clapping Victoria on the back and laughing, delighted.
Victoria seems to hesitate, all careful tension and high-strung anxiety. Until, after a moment, she allows herself to laugh as well.
Maybe Laelia isn't judging her.
Maybe Max isn't.
Maybe this is what it feels like to belong.
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my-emotional-self · 5 years
The Mission Chapter 1
Pairings: Ari Levinson x Reader
Warnings: Past mentions of murder
Summary: Ari Levinson tries to recruit you for Operation Brothers.  While you weren’t ready for any kind of mission, you obliged after much consideration. You didn’t plan on falling in love along the way.  But will Ari return those feelings?  Or will his heart only be on the mission?
Taking the piece of thick paper with your name on it, you placed it into the time clock, waiting for it to stamp the time.  As the stamp was made, you pulled your card out and placed it with the rest; it was time for another day at the diner.  
Six months you had been here and you actually quite enjoyed the small diner in the heart of Jerusalem; it was where you had grown up.  
Both of your parents were Jewish America and after they got married, decided to move to Jerusalem where they both got jobs working at the American Embassy.  Without a doubt, you loved growing up here; it’s where you felt like you belonged, with all your ancestors and so much history about your religion.
“Table nine,” Denise, your co-worker said to you as she rushed by you with a tray of food.  Giving her a smile, you nodded and headed towards the table. Upon walking up, the man’s back was facing you but he had luscious brown locks nearly down to his neck and you already found it a turn on.  It had been too long since you’d had a man between your legs and you already were fantasizing about running your fingers through his thick locks.  
“Good morning,” you greeted the man with a smile and a chipper voice; your eyes never leaving your small workbook to take orders.  “What can I get you?”  
There was silence and that’s when you decided to look from your workbook to gaze into the eyes of the man in front of you.  He nearly took your breath away as you were mesmerized by the baby blue of his orbs; but it was nothing compared to his dazzling white smile; his smiled coated by a trimmed yet thick beard.  Now you were fantasizing even more; wanting to know what that beard would feel like between your legs.  Get a grip on yourself Y/N you mentally spoke to yourself.    
“Hello Y/N,” came his smooth velvety voice.  “You’re a hard person to track down, even for being here in the heart of Jerusalem.”  
You had to do a double take, wonder what he was talking about.  With furrowed brows, you answered back, “I’m-I’m sorry.  Do I know you?”
Raising his right arm, his fingers brushed through his long smooth hair.  “Not personally.  But I know a lot about you.”  Your heart skipped a beat, thoughts of your past coming back to you.  “I work with Ethan Levin with the Mossad.  I’m putting together a small team and he’s talked highly of you, saying you would be a great fit for this mission.”
Placing a hand on the table, you had to catch your breath.  You had known Ethan for years, ever since you were eighteen.  He had tried to recruit you for the Mossad for the longest time and you finally gave in.  After joining the Peace Corps when you were 18, you took a bit of a break and worked for Ethan doing some undercover work before heading back to the Peace Corps.  
“Are you alright?” the man stood up, placing a hand on your shoulder as you steadied your breathing.
“Umm, yeah, I’ll be ok,” you muttered out, moving to sit in the seat opposite of him.  He sat back down, yet still had a worried look to his face.
His hand came up to scratch at his beard before placing his cup of water in front of you.  “Here, have some water.”  Gripping the water glass with shaky hands, you took a few deep sips.  The water felt divine on your now parched throat, memories of Deborah and your time in the Peace Corps coming back to you.  “Better?”  You nodded, placing the glass back onto the table.  “So this mission…,” he began to start again but you cut him off.  
“I’m not interested.” Glancing upwards, you saw the defeat in his eyes at your words.  
He sighed deeply, playing with the edge of the menu on the table.  “I haven’t even told you what it’s about.”
Chewing nervously on your lip, your mind began to race.  This man, whom you didn’t even know but apparently knew a lot about you, wanted you to join a secret mission and you had already flat out refused.  It was your past that was haunting you, keeping you at bay.  “I just-I just don’t think I’m ready for any kind of mission yet,” you spoke truthfully. “Has Ethan told you about what happened? What I’ve endured?”
He blew out a breath and you could see his jaw clenching.  “Not any details.  He just said you would probably deny my invitation and that you’ve had a rough past year in the Peace Corps.”
You nodded, eyes gazing down at the table as you kept your tears at bay.  “Look,” you spoke, turning to face him with glossy eyes, “I’m sure your mission is important and all.  But I honestly don’t think I’m ready to jump into anything drastic quite yet.  I’m really sorry.”
His face softened as he took in your expression, nodding.  “Hey, I get it.  Things get rough out there.  I don’t blame you.  But if you want,” he paused, grabbing his wallet and taking out card, placing it down on the table, “give Ethan a call.  He’ll tell you all about the mission.  I’m heading out in a week and if you change your mind, Ethan will help you with the travel.”  He stood up from the booth and you didn’t dare make eye contact with him; afraid that you would lose your willpower and break down.  “Thank you for your time Y/N.”  He placed a ten dollar bill on the table and you lifted your eyes, only to see him walk away.
That day at work, it felt like the card he had given you was burning a hole in your pocket.  Every free chance you got, you debated with yourself on whether you should go to Ethan and talk to him about this mission. But you were at a loss; the tug of war happening in your mind not making it any easier.  
By the time you got off work, you decided to sleep on the decision.  You had tomorrow off work and you would decide by morning if you were going to call up Ethan and meet up with him or not.  
As you lay awake that night, staring at the ceiling and gripping the thick paper card in your hand, your mind and heart battled with one another.  Your mind told you that you just weren’t ready for any kind of mission, but your heart was telling you that you could possibly be saving and helping lives.
Closing your eyes, you wished for sleep to come, but all you could hear were the rippling screams of your best friend Deborah.  You had met her during your training for the Peace Corps; the two of you bonding instantly. Neither of you were stationed together at first.  You had spent your first few years in the Peace Corps in Seirra Leone, teaching children English and other languages.  That was your specialty, multilingual, among other things.  Then you went to work for Ethan with the Mossad for nearly three years.  Once you decided to go back to the Peace Corps, you found yourself stationed in Tonga, along with Deborah.  The first two years there were amazing, but the happiness of being with your new best friend didn’t last forever.  She was murdered in cold blood, a few houses down from yours.  It had only been a year, but you still couldn’t get her screams out of your head.  
No matter how hard you tried, sleep never came that night and you were up and ready to go at dawn. With a trembling hand, you picked up the phone and dialed the number on the card, hoping he was already in the office.
“Hello?” a voice sounded from the other end of the line.  
Taking a deep breath, you answered back.  “Ethan? It’s me, Y/N.”
A/N: The murder of Deborah Gardner in the Peace Corps in Tonga really happened in 1976.  It’s horrible what happened to her.
Forever Tag List: @badassbaker @guera31 @tanelle83 @xjjlex @chrisevansfanfic @princess-evans-addict @joannie95 @pumbibaby @patzammit @brastrangled @mrs-captain-evans @notyourtypicalrose @sfreeborn @esoltis280 @xxloki81xx @bornfortherainydays @poerebel @livslookingforloki @raveviolet @southerngracela @the-wayward-robot @scuzmunkie @cinna-minseok @laura-gzz @beautifulrare4leafclover @emogeographics @chocolate-cutting
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482 notes · View notes
rinnnyxr · 3 years
1. smoked. 2. consumed alcohol. 3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. 4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. 5. kissed someone of the same sex. 6. had sex. 7. had someone in your room other than family. 8. watched porn. 9. bought porn. 10. tried drugs. TOTAL: 7
———————————————————————————————— 1. taken painkillers. 2. taken someone else’s prescription medicine. 3. lied to your parents. 4. lied to a friend. 5. snuck out of the house. 6. done something illegal. 7. felt hurt. 8. hurt someone. 9. wished someone to die. 10. seen someone die. TOTAL: 9
———————————————————————————————— 1. missed curfew. 2. stayed out all night. 3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. 4. been to a therapist. 5. been to rehab 6. dyed your hair. 7. received a ticket. 8. been in an accident. 9. been to a club. 10. been to a bar TOTAL: 5 ———————————————————————————————— 1. been to a wild party. 2. been to a Mardi Gras parade. 3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night. 4. had a spring break in Florida. 5. sniffed anything 6. wore black nail polish 7. wore arm bands. 8. wore t-shirts with band names. 9. listened to rap. 10. owned a 50 Cent CD. TOTAL: 6 ———————————————————————————————— 1. dressed gothic. 2. dressed girly. 3. dressed punk. 4. dressed grunge. 5. stole something. 6. been too drunk to remember anything. 7. blacked out. 8. fainted. 9. had a crush on a neighbor. TOTAL: 7 ———————————————————————————————— 1. had a crush on a friend. 2. been to a concert. 3. dry-humped someone. 4. been called a slut. 5. called someone a slut. 6. installed speakers in your car. 7. broken a mirror. 8. showered at someone of the opposites sex’s house 9. brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush. TOTAL: 7 ———————————————————————————————— 1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper. 2. seen an R-rated movie in theater. 3. cruised the mall. 4. skipped school. 5. had surgery. 6. had an injury. 7. gone to court. 8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping. 9. caught something on fire. 10. lied about your age. TOTAL: 6
———————————————————————————— 1. owned/rented an apartment/house. 2. broke the law in the police’s presence. 3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf 4. got in trouble with the police. 5. talked to a stranger. 6. hugged a stranger. 7. kissed a stranger. 8. rode in the car with a stranger. 9. been harassed. 10.been verbally harassed. TOTAL: 7 ———————————————————————————————— 1. met face-to-face with someone you met online. 2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight. 3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight. 4. watched TV for 5 hours straight. 5. been to a fair. 6. been called a bad influence. 7. drank and driven. 8. prank-called someone. 9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex. 10. cheated on a test. TOTAL: 6
If you have less than 10, write “I’m a goody-goody” If you have more than 10, write “I’m still a goody goody” If you have more than 20, write “I’m average” If you have more than 30, write “I’m a bad kid” If you have more than 40, write “I’m a very bad influence” If you have more than 50, write “I’m a horrible person” If you have more than 60, write “I should be in jail” If you have more than 70, write “I should be dead”
You are in a relationship You like all different types of music Black and or pink is your favorite colors You love all animals You cuss like a sailor You are sort of a perfectionist You had a really bad heartbreak You love everyone, despite the fact that some people screw you over You keep all your fortunes from fortune cookies in a special place You have a specific band you listen to when you feel super shitty You wash your hair every day You had troubles with an eating disorder at one point You are currently listening to music You party occasionally You love the show That 70s Show You have an iPhone You have really bad anxiety You are super shy You think that smiles like :) mean more than emojis sometimes You have a sister and a brother Your hair is currently a fun color The word awkward describes your life perfectly You are a great liar but have a guilty conscience The idea of having children just doesn’t seem appealing to you You love presidents You are incredibly funny and witty You are graduating soon You could cuddle all night if you had the chance You are a Christian You love cats Your best friends are all older than you You are incredibly picky when it comes to food You have expensive taste You are extremely self-conscious You are hungry as hell right now You always have to sleep with a blanket, no matter the temp You are very accepting You forgive too easily to avoid having a conflict You can twerk You are 18 You dated a boy whose name started with an I, J or Z You are very pessimistic but still, love life You’re finally happy
flashed a bartender for a free drink re-gifted a gift that was given to you punched someone climbed a cliff danced in the rain blamed someone for your mistake tried to cut your own hair lied to get a job dropped your phone in the toilet gotten a tattoo you regret imitated your parent’s signature tried to make someone jealous broken a bone cheated on a test skipped school
met your idol been awake for 24 hours had braces been camping dated someone crashed a car been dumped fallen down in public been lost built a fire played golf cheated on someone been on tv sang in the shower cried for no reason lied in a job interview been on a blind date faked illness gotten drunk been robbed had a crush on a teacher driven drunk
This or That
Pizza or pasta Waffle or pancakes Rice or noodles Vanilla or chocolate Vegetables or fruit Burger or tacos Spicy or sweet Milkshake or smoothie Water or juice Ed Sheeran or Justin Timberlake Justin Bieber or Harry Styles Ariana Grande or Demi Lovato Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez Adam Levine or Chris Martin Adele or Sia Rihanna or Nicki Minaj Camila Cabello or Miley Cyrus Beyoncé or Lady Gaga Bruno Mars or The Weeknd Halsey or Dua Lipa Shawn Mendes or Charlie Puth Drake or Post Malone Body spray or perfume Kisses or hugs Tattoo or piercing Early riser or night owl Pants or shorts Shy or outgoing 3 meals a day or +5 meals a day Nutella or peanut butter Plane or road trip
My Fears
Big crowds Spiders Fire Being alone Bees Elevators Sharks Darkness Losing someone I love Small places Airplanes Clowns Snakes Supernatural Frogs Public speaking Death Ocean Cars Heights Gun Cats
[RED] You have a fiery personality You get angry easily Red is your favorite color Spicy food is your favorite You’re a red-head You like fire You’re patriotic You’ve had sex this week Cherries or strawberries are your favorite fruit You blush easily Number: 6
[ORANGE] You love tropical vacations You put cheese on almost everything Orange is your favorite color You’re Irish You watch Orange Is the New Black You’ve been to prison You’re a very cautious person You’re from Florida You’ve lost someone to Leukemia Aquaman is your favorite superhero Number: 2
[YELLOW] You’re blonde You get scared easily You love the sunshine Summer is your favorite season Yellow is your favorite color You’re very loyal Lemon is your favorite scent You like to take things slowly You don’t brush your teeth everyday You have a lot of friends Number: 4
[GREEN] You love money You like to smoke weed You get jealous easily You’ve had absinthe Your birthday is in May Green is your favorite color You’ve been in the army/are an Army brat You love nature Reptiles are your favorite animals You’re always on the go Number: 4
[BLUE] You love the ocean You suffer from depression You’re pretty good at staying calm Blue is your favorite color You enjoy studying the sky You’re related to royalty Swimming is your favorite thing to do in the summer You spend too much time on Facebook People find you soothing Blueberries are your favorite fruit Number: 3
[PURPLE] You get bruised easily You’re not straight Grape is your favorite fruit Purple is your favorite color You watched Barney as a kid You use Instagram You like eggplants You’re loyal Your birthday is in February You have dark skin Number: 4
[PINK] You like your steaks rare You’re very feminine You’re in love Pink is your favorite color You shop at Victoria’s Secret You own at least one Polo You like to kiss Mean Girls is your favorite movie You like ham sandwiches You’re very upbeat Number: 3
[SILVER] You feel like an afterthought a lot You’re classy You’re middle class You enjoy classical music New Year’s Eve is your favorite holiday  Silver is your favorite color You save change You like to build people up You have a pet horse You’re great at keeping your cool Number: 3
[GOLD] You’re a show-off You enjoy the finer things in life Gold is your favorite color You own your own car You like getting attention You listen to hip-hop You wear a lot of jewelry People borrow money from you a lot You demand to come first in people’s lives You own a lot of things with glitter Number: 2
[BLACK] You’re very serious You have a lot of tattoos You’re obsessed with death You listen to metal regularly Black is your favorite color You watch a lot of old movies You wear a lot of eyeliner Hot Topic is your favorite store in the mall You buy things off Etsy You can name at least one Edgar Allan Poe poem Number: 2
[WHITE] You love snow You’ve done cocaine You expect to get whatever you want White is your favorite color You’re a virgin You want a big wedding You love to go sailing or skiing You’re a very honest person You’re pale You like the simple things in life Number: 3
[GREY] You’re morally ambiguous Elephants are your favorite animal You’re older than 50 You have grey hairs Grey is your favorite color You love big cities Thunderstorms are your favorite kind of weather You cry often You like to be different than the average person You like to work with electronics Number: 3
[BROWN] You’re very down to earth You love outdoorsy activities You don’t wash your hair every day You enjoy eating nuts Bread is your favorite food Brown is your favorite color You like to work with wood You hate shaving Dogs are your favorite animal You like to go antiquing Number: 2
You Are: Red
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
OK, November 23
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeff Bridges opens up about the fight of his life 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Lori Loughlin’s life behind bars -- Lori’s been having a hard time adjusting to her new reality
Page 6: The holiday season will look a little different for Prince Harry this year -- originally the plan was for Harry to travel to England around Christmastime and Meghan Markle reluctantly agreed though she was far from happy with the idea but now with new travel restrictions in place due to Covid-19 she’s told him there’s no way they’re leaving California which is crushing for Harry who was looking forward to spending the holidays with the royals especially since he missed out last year and he’s been horribly homesick these last few months and he misses the holiday traditions he grew up with even though he loves his life in America with Meghan and son Archie 
Page 7: Newly single Kelly Clarkson has been swooning over country crooner Brett Eldredge her collaborator on the flirty new Christmas tune Under the Mistletoe -- they spent lots of time together in the studio and on the phone and really bonded while they were cutting this sexy song, Brad Pitt’s most recent ex-girlfriend Nicole Poturalski has started talking to friends about what happened between them in detail and it’s an embarrassing mess for Brad who prides himself on privacy, after 16 seasons as colleagues and sparring BFFs on The Voice Adam Levine and Blake Shelton are besties no more because there was a lot of talk between them about keeping in touch and hanging out after Adam left the show but amid lingering tensions neither has made an effort and Adam may not even be invited when Blake marries Gwen Stefani
Page 8: Ever since Sofia Richie split for good from Scott Disick she’s been out every night with some really shady types to the dismay of her dad Lionel Richie who is not liking what he’s hearing about her partying and dating habits -- Sofia has already jumped into a new relationship with Cha Cha Matcha founder Matthew Morton and is hanging nonstop with his crew -- Lionel thought breaking free from Scott would mean a calmer life but it just sees like she’s gone off the rails, Betty White is already gearing up to celebrate her 99th birthday in January with a low-key yet reverent bash, she’s been linked to several Hollywood hunks of late but Lily James just wants her old beau back and she’s regretting breaking off her five-year relationship with Matt Smith -- since the split she’s been linked to Dominic West and Armie Hammer and Chris Evans and the onslaught has only made her miss Matt more -- Matt’s always had her back and Lily knows she made a mistake letting him go but Matt feels duped regarding all the rumors about her and other guys but she swears nothing happened and that she misses him
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars wow in romantic ruffled gowns -- Keke Palmer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirsten Dunst 
Page 11: Lupita Nyong’o, Halsey 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Renee Bargh vs. Alessandra Ambrosio
Page 14: News In Photos -- Paris Jackson posed for a portrait in Beverly Hills days before releasing her debut solo album 
Page 15: Adam Brody with his newborn son in Malibu, pregnant Jinger Duggar stepped out in Venice with husband Jeremy Vuolo and their daughter Felicity for lunch, Lady Gaga on stage at a drive-in concert in Pittsburgh 
Page 16: Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell headed out for brunch with one of their twin daughters in Encino, Camila Cabello held on tight to one of her three pups while chasing another one who escaped from his leash in Miami, Pierce Brosnan playing golf in Hawaii 
Page 18: DJ Diplo took a dip in the ocean in Miami, John Legend took his Ford Mustang out for a spin with wife Chrissy Teigen and one of their dogs in Beverly Hills 
Page 19: Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo in Rome, Scott Disick was Ace Ventura for Halloween in L.A. 
Page 20: Ruff Life -- stars show love for their canine companions -- Ariel Winter and her latest rescue Cobey, Jamie Chung and her dog, soccer star Alex Morgan with her dogs Kona and Blue 
Page 21: Nev Schulman cuddled up with Dancing With the Stars partner Jenna Johnson’s dog Ziggy, PLEASE ADOPT, DON’T SHOP  
Page 22: Shawn Mendes on a walk in Miami, Kate Mara stopped by Target with her daughter, Ellen DeGeneres dressed up as a nurse who is her favorite superhero 
Page 24: Skai Jackson headed to rehearsals for Dancing With the Stars, Elizabeth Lyn Vargas of Real Housewives of Orange County gave a tour of her home, Joe Jonas strolling daughter Willa around the neighborhood 
Page 25: Thomas Brodie-Sangster attended the premiere of Stardust a biopic about David Bowie in London, Donnie Wahlberg and Steve Schirripa filmed a scene for Blue Bloods in Brooklyn 
Page 26: Taking over duties from Prince Harry his stepmother Duchess Camilla arrived at the Field of Remembrance to commemorate those who lost their lives in the armed forces in London, Amber Heard enjoyed a hike with her dog in L.A., Renee Elisa Goldsberry and Sara Bareilles and Paula Pell and Busy Philipps filmed a scene for Tina Fey’s upcoming series Girls5Eva in NYC 
Page 27: Offset delivered free food to voters waiting in line on Election Day, Ciara in Seattle 
Page 28: Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have finally become husband and wife in a low-key ceremony in the backyard of their L.A. home with just a handful of family and close friends like Steve Carell and Emma Stone were in attendance -- Ryan wore jeans with a button-down shirt while Eva wore a red dress from her own collection -- now that the party’s over Eva and Ryan have been talking about having a third child
Page 29: Reality hit Love Is Blind hooked viewers with its OMG premise but the show’s married cohosts Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey were decidedly less riveting and their presenting style was laughably wooden and stiff and while the duo is slated to return for the show’s second season Nick and Vanessa have been put on notice to spice it up, Tori Spelling is freaking out at the prospect of her husband Dean McDermott spending six months alone in Toronto which is the same town where he cheated on her seven years ago -- Dean has signed on to star in Canadian TV show Lady Dicks and while Tori should be thrilled that that he’ll be bringing in some income for their often-struggling family of seven she is preparing for the worst 
Page 30: While it appears Nina Dobrev and Shaun White have spent 2020 in hardcore flirt mode Nina’s friends have cautioned that this is a dead-end romance because Shaun shows up and posts pictures of them on social media but the fact is they’ve barely spent any time together and they hook up and then he goes back to his own place -- Shaun rarely invites Nina to either of his two Hollywood Hills pads and is proving his flaky reputation is legit, things are looking up for parents-to-be Kit Harington and Rose Leslie after a rocky start to their marriage the two are finally in a happy place -- Kit has stopped boozing and this baby has put a fire under him to be more accommodating and besides helping update and baby-proof the couple’s 15th century countryside manor Kit’s been more attentive to Rose in every way, Love Bites -- Erika Jayne and Tom Girardi split, Maya Erskine and Michael Angarano are engaged and expecting, Ashlee Simpson welcomed her second child with husband Evan Ross 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Jeff Bridges: I’m not giving up -- how the beloved star is coping during his brave health battle 
Page 36: Katherine Heigl why she disappeared -- the reason Katherine walked away from the spotlight ad how she found her way back 
Page 38: Home Alone turns 30 -- in honor of the holiday classic’s milestone anniversary secrets and trivia about the movie and its stars 
Page 40: Feel the Burn -- fitness fanatic Morgan Coleman is here to take your home workout up a notch 
Page 42: Healthy Holidays -- how stars stay fit and feeling their best during the festive season 
Page 46: Style Week -- Olivia Culpo has teamed up with her siblings on an exclusive collection for Macy’s 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- Madewell wants you to Make Weekends Longer with its new sustainable MWL collection 
Page 49: Steal Her Style -- Drew Barrymore 
Page 50: Dress the Halls -- festive pieces to rock through the holidays even if you’re celebrating at home -- AnnaSophia Robb 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A -- Jake Tyson
Page 58: Buzz -- Just weeks after Kim Kardashian West was slammed over her 40th birthday bash Kendall Jenner received similar criticism for throwing a jam-packed soiree for her 25th birthday 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Cameron Diaz on having a baby at 47, Conan O’Brien on the props that were stolen from his late-night set, Sacha Baron Cohen joking that he and his wife Isla Fisher are not A-listers, Anne Hathaway on the embarrassing ways she handled the lockdown 
Page 61: Florence Pugh on her close relationship with her Black Widow costar Scarlett Johansson, Christine Quinn on not being bothered by negative comments, Chelsea Handler on crushing on New York governor Andrew Cuomo 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Lisa Bonet turned 53 on November 16 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Colin Jost
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kariachi · 3 years
So on Sunday my brain decided to throw Gwen/Mike/Kevin/Argit at me for some reason and today decided to continue with it, so.... Have a couple thousand word double feature.
The house was smaller than the one Mike had been living in when they met, but just as if not more grand. Enough so that even Gwendolyn, nonetheless Kevin and Argit, had to stop as soon as they were out of the car to stare at its white stone walls, intricately paned windows, and the sheer amount of well-tended greenery and flowers. For all they had been told this wasn’t the normal place for family get-togethers due to being ‘not fit for hosting’, they simply couldn’t see it. It was still huge and gorgeous. No wonder Mike had been rolling his eyes when he said it. They couldn’t have been stood there gawking long before the front door opened to reveal a small woman dressed to impress.
“Monie!” And immediately Michael Morningstar- who in the three years since he’d gotten clean and the two he’d been a part of their little quartet had not engaged in displays of affection more grand than jewelry- bolted across the lawn, scooped the similarly excited woman up into a spin, and hugged her fiercely as soon as her feet had touched the ground.
“Remind me to get him to spin me at least once during this relationship,” Kevin grumbled as he and Gwendolyn rounded the car. “I don’t care if it happened right before he drops me into a volcano, as long as it happens.”
“Jealous, much?”
“Don’t be a hypocrite, Red. And stop scowling, she’s his cousin for fuck’s sake.” Something that was easier to tell as they came closer. There were plenty of differences- golden toned versus pink, tall versus short, blond versus grey, blue eyed versus green- but a few key features stood out. Their eyes were the same shape, they were of similar narrow build, and they carried themselves with the same proud bearing. The woman- Monie- stepped back as they approached, flashing them a toothy grin as Mike turned to present them.
“And these are my…” He goes quiet, mouth twisting and hand curling shut. They’ve never really worked out terms. Kevin and Gwendolyn were boyfriend and girlfriend, Kevin and Argit were partners, but Gwendolyn and Argit? Any of them and Mike?
“Yours?” his cousin offered in fond amusement. Mike nodded.
“Mine. Kevin Levin, Argit Levin, and Gwendolyn Tennyson.”
“Monette Morningstar,” she introduced herself, stepping around Mike and towards them. Gwendolyn stepped forward to offer a hand to shake, only to be wrapped in the same fierce hug Mike had gotten, and for Monette to quickly do the same to Kevin and Argit. “It’s a pleasure and an honor to have you here.”
“It’s a pleasure to be here,” Gwendolyn answered, still reeling a bit from getting a warmer welcome than she got from a fair chunk of her own family.
“We were beginning to think Sparkles was lying about having relatives,” Argit continued, “to make himself look better.” Kevin and Argit only had family in the Amalgam Kids and Cooper, who were always around, and they all were practically tripping over Tennysons, but Mike was the only member of his family he interacted with in their area, and the three times he’d gone to family events since they’d gotten together he’d insisted on going alone.
“Not surprised,” Monette said with a nod, “most of the others already hate you.” Gwendolyn snorted derisively while Kevin groaned beside her. They’d been warned the entire drive up, but still. “He doesn’t shut up about you, you know. Well, he hasn’t shut up about you since he was twelve-”
“Monie!” The woman kept her same easy, welcoming smile as he and Gwendolyn both went red around the edges.
“-but he’s even worse now. Shame, it would’ve been so fun to see him just drop you all on the family at once.” Stepping forward, Mike scowled at her.
“I am not putting them through that,” he said with finality as Argit snickered.
“Of course not,” she replied, waving off the very idea. “It’ll still be the funnest holiday since you ran off.” With another flash of perfect teeth she gestured them towards the house, falling in behind the little group with light steps. “Now come on, lunch is all ready and you kids must be starving-”
They had claim over the master bedroom whether they wanted it or not, their hostess more willing to eat her own legs than to risk them being crowded in one of the smaller beds. Not that it was much of a concern. Kevin had always been a tactile man, Argit had been born for piles of people, and between them it wasn’t at all difficult to cram the four of them into a space smaller than they had available.
It just meant they got to stretch out a bit, was all.
Gwendolyn was taking up as much space as possible, her legs hanging off the side of the bed and her head on Kevin’s chest. Meanwhile Mike had pressed the whole of himself against Kevin’s other side, stretched over him just enough so he could hold a tablet in place for he and Gwendolyn to read the book on it together. Argit didn’t even bother with distractions, content to doze splayed out across the boys’ legs, tail wrapped around Gwendolyn’s wrist. This was the norm for them, and Kevin had long accepted his destiny to be a mattress, generally working on a project or a book over the others’ heads until one of them groggily forced him to set it aside and go to sleep.
He’d already set it aside himself tonight.
“So,” he said into the quiet, fighting back a smile, “are we just not going to mention the whole ‘mine’ thing?”
“Yes.” Ears twitching, Argit snickered.
“Good. I’d much rather hear about how you talk about us all the time.” Mike groaned, shifting forward to bury his face in long red hair.
“Gwendolyn, lovely, perfect Gwendolyn-”
“Sorry, it’d work with Kevin but you know I can’t shut Argit up.” She shuffled away, just enough that she could turn her head and crane up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “It was nice to hear though. You’re harder to get an ‘I love you’ out of than Argit.”
“Because I don’t love you, Red,” Argit cut in cheekily, as Mike heaved something between a huff and a groan, “I tolerate you for the men’s sakes.”
“Uh-huh,” she replied, fidgeting with his tail, “you keep saying that.” Beneath them, Kevin chuckled as he reached out to tug gently at a lock of blond hair.
“We love you too, Sparkles.” In response Mike just pulled away with roll of his eyes and a huff, as if he wasn’t going red for probably the fourth time just since they’d pulled into the drive.
“I hate you all,” he answered with far less bite than he likely intended, “and one day I’m going to eat you out of pure spite.”
The first day of their holiday was definitely the best one. A nice, if simpler than expected, lunch with Monette. Meeting Mike’s Uncle Hector (Zombozo. Mike’s uncle was Zombozo. Zombozo, who wanted to start over fresh because apparently his line in the sand was risking making things harder on his nephew.) They’d had fresh pasta and baked apples at dinner, spent the evening exchanging stories, watching movies, and looking at pictures of Mike from birth to his teen years. Pictures Mike assured them, with a pained expression, had not been gathered for this event. His cousin and uncle were just exactly the types to have them on hand.
Monette’s parents had shown up on the second day and things had started getting tense. They loved their daughter, that was evident from the first moment they’d arrived, but otherwise… Nobody could really blame them for being openly unimpressed by Hector- excepting the younger Morningstars, apparently- but they treated Mike the same way some of Gwendolyn’s relatives treated her. Loving, but with the sharp edge of impossible expectations. The rest received polite distance, like they were some fling Mike’d drug along rather than people he’d been with several years. Still, they managed a nice, if awkward, dinner, and sat up late listening to embarrassing stories of Monette and Hector’s childhoods. It wasn’t fun, but there were fresh desserts and the evening wasn’t any more painful than larger Tennyson gatherings.
The third day though, that was Thanksgiving proper, and it brought the rest of the family. The middle cousin, Teddy, and his fiancé. His parents. Great-aunt Winnie. And suddenly, like a curtain was flung open, you could see how Darkstar happened. You could even see how Zombozo started.
These people did not like mutants.
They did not like aliens.
They did not like bastard children.
It hurt to know that the two had been outnumbered for so long.
Dinner was beyond awkward. Passive-aggressive comments flew to a degree even Argit hadn’t seen before, and he made it his job to antagonize Gwendolyn’s mother’s family whenever they met. Both sides threw jabs back and forth- about people’s jobs, people’s diets (never before had Kevin been seen passive-aggressively giving someone food but the moment Winnie had said something about Mike’s appetite it had been war), people’s lifestyles, people’s taste in clothing. Nothing, it appeared, was off limits, with the exception of a single “while you’re around” comment batted at Gwendolyn that’d had Mike tensing on the other side of the table and Monette putting her foot down as hostess. What sort’ve jab it had been was unknown to the non-Morningstars in the room, but it took a good forty seconds for people to begin talking again after the snapped reprimand.
By the end of dinner nobody was in a good mood. There was a steak knife lodged to the handle in the far wall of the dining room, from where Kevin had lost his temper and flung it at Teddy’s head (in his defense, he had warned the table about making any more comments about his partners, and Monette treated it no differently than if he’d had the misfortune to drop it on the floor), Argit was muttering about “no wonder you didn’t bring out the good cutlery for these people”, Mike, Gwendolyn, and Hector evacuated the room as soon as it was polite to do so for their own mental health, and Monette had a smile on her face that was sharp enough to cut glass. It was amazing nobody (namely Winnie) had been thrown out a window and most likely that was only because they were really nice, presumably expensive, windows.
The rest of the evening didn’t even have the decency to be entertaining. Just a slog they got through with tight-lipped politeness and a healthy dose of passive-aggression before heading to bed- ignoring the pointed comments about ‘making’ Monette give up her room as they went. Mental and emotional exhaustion had them sleeping soundly, waking at first light. They stayed long enough for coffee, breakfast, and Mike to hug his proper family members goodbye before heading out before anyone could wake up enough to start in again.
They were an hour down the highway when Kevin pulled over.
“Okay, I’m saying it now,” he announced in a tone that brooked no argument, “Monie can visit anytime, your uncle is a maybe, but I am never sitting at a table with the rest of those fuckers again in my life.” The others nodded at Mike in agreement, though Gwendolyn at least had the decency to try to look sorry.
“You know,” he replied, honestly looking like a weight had been taken off his shoulders- and with how Gwendolyn could be about her own family it probably had been- “I think I can live with that.”
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Ingrid’s Second Chance
Prompt: Ingrid betrays her country and her friends. She falls in love and dies for it. She fought for the better of Fodlan so why did she feel so much regret? 
The Black Eagle Strike Force marched ahead merrily, Byleth and Edelgard in the lead as they prepared for the incoming battle with Faerghus and the Church of Seiros. Victory from their last few battles filled them all with confidence, the end of the war on the tips of their tongues. 
Ingrid schooled her expression as the royal blue of Faerghus’s banners became visible in the distance. She knew who waited on the other side of the enemy lines, her close friends now enemies; Dimitri, Sylvain, Mercedes, Dedue. All of them had shared food and spent days laughing alongside each other. But not today she supposed as she clutched Luin in her hand. 
A sleek gray ribbon was wrapped around the lance’s shaft-- Felix’s hair tie. It had been she who slew her friend in Arianrhod, His harsh words echoing in her mind, he had called her a traitor, turning her back on her people, her friends, her word, and most of all Glenn. He couldn’t understand that she was doing what she thought was right. She was sure that Glenn would see from her perspective had he been alive. But then again she supposed that even if he had agreed with her views he would never help her-- help Edelgard. 
Her gloved fingers reached up to rub the ribbon gently, it reminded her of her past. Of days in the training yard in Fraldarius, Glenn helping her tie her blonde tresses back before they began yet another grueling training session. Tears pricked at her eyes as more memories flooded her head. 
She was in Galatea now, sitting on her comfortable bed, a letter from Felix in hand. He had written her promising that he wouldn’t be a knight. Telling her that all they were good for was dying for the sake of something so silly as chivalry. She remembers the white hot anger coursing through her veins as she read. 
Suddenly Edelgard’s demanding tone filled the air distracting her from her thoughts. 
“Right, there’s no time to be sentimental now Ingrid. You’re on a battle field.” 
Edelgard was warning her army that the battle would begin as soon as they neared the first squadron of Kingdom soldiers. This gave Ingrid enough time to clip any stray strands out of her face, steel her nerves, and reassure her steed. 
“Glenn would’ve loved you.” She thought solemnly as she patted the snow white pegasus below her. “Damn it.” She cursed, once again ridding her head of her somber thoughts. “Get your head in the game Galatea.” Her heart stopped as the name slipped off her tongue, her mind imagining the hungry yet hopeful people of her fathers territory. The smiles on their faces when she told them that one day she would bring them enough food for a feast. She remembered tussling in the dry dirt of her farmlands, easy laughter escaping her lips. 
“Ingrid.” The pained expressions her servants wore when they watched her eat her filling dinner. 
“Ingrid.” The neighing of the knights pegasi as they traversed the Galatean skies.
“Damn it Ingrid snap out of it!” A hand was waving in front of her face, bringing her back to reality. Caspar’s wyvern was hovering beside her, its rider leaning over so that he was very close to her. “There we go! Finally back with us yeah?” He smiled his ever present cheery grin. “We’ll be heading in a few minutes, make sure you’re here with us by then okay?” He then waved at her before soaring over to Byleth’s side, yelling some sort of joke as he went. The blonde sighed before gently nudging her steed forward, easily falling into formation. 
“Ingrid, you’re with me.” Byleth commanded from the ground, his voice clear and to the point, though there was a tinge of concern mixed in. He pulled something from his pocket and held it up to her. 
“Right, oh what’s this professor?” She lowered to the ground and reached over to take the item in his hand. “A-A ring?” It was a light silver band, it had many ruins engraved into it, but they were too small to decipher. A flush coated her cheeks, not believing it to be real. 
“It’s an evasion ring, I know how hard this battle will be for you so I’m hoping this will help you evade anything that comes your way.” Though his tone remained neutral, the look in his eyes was something akin to sincerity... or was that something else? “I’ll do my best to keep you safe but even I can’t promise that I can do the same for your heart.” She smiled at his well meaning words and allowed him to slip the ring over her leather clad finger. 
“Thank you professor, in turn I will watch your back. Please don’t worry about me, I knew what taking this route would entail.” Byleth gave her a look that said he didn’t believe her but refused to push. Edelgard’s war cry was then heard and they ran into battle.
Her armor was tattered, cuts marring her pale skin, rain drops sliding off her face and lips, the stench of blood and metal in the air. Despite the discomfort she felt, she charged onwards, never yielding. Not even when she pierced through soldiers that she trained with as a child, not when she tore her javelin from Mercedes’s sopping corpse. However the loud voice that called her name caused her hands to become clammy. She halted for a moment, paying no mind to Byleth’s worried glances. Her forest green orbs searched the bloody terrain until her gaze fell on the one who yelled her name with so much heartache.
It was Sylvain, riding into battle a top his beloved steed Berg (short for Bergamot, but he refused to let anyone besides his close friends know its full name). His wild red hair was matted to the sides of his face, rain drops cascading down his armor. His honey like eyes were filled with betrayal as he neared her. Gautier’s Lance of Ruin in his hand, glowing eerily in the cold light.
“Stand down Ingrid, I know you don’t want to die here.” He pleaded with her, his eyes swirling with desperation, heart ache, and love. The look had her grip on Luin loosening, though she clenched her hands, reminded herself that every action had consequences and that this was one of hers. Her own heart breaking within her chest she forced a hateful glare on her face and said the very words that caused Sylvain’s mask to crumble.
“I will not. I will never ally myself with the likes of you.”
His upper lip curled up in disgust (for a second she swore she saw Felix’s face instead) as he looked at her for the first time and truly saw her for the person she had become. A bitter smile formed as he raised his lance and prepared to strike. 
“Stubborn as always. I always did like that about you.” He lunged forwards, relic extending to pierce through her. But she was too quick for him and forced her pegasus to barrel roll out of the way. Breathlessly she huffed out her last words to him before utilizing her own relics full power. 
“And you never cease to amaze me with your false flattery. Don’t waste your breath.” Pushing as much of her spirit and strength into her strike as she could she then zoomed forward and pierced her friends heart in one fell swoop; her crest fading away as she realized what she had just done. “Oh Sylvain... it shouldn’t have come to this.” 
Sylvain fell from his steed, crumpling to the grassy field beneath him. Blood leaked from his fatal wound, a sharp cry escaping bloodied lips. His eyes were glazed as he glanced up at the sky above, his mouth muttering soundless words. Ingrid felt tears well up in her eyes at the sight, silently streaming down her face. As he exhaled his last breath she made out a few of his words. 
Felix, a promise, His Majesty, an apology, then nothing.
She hopped off her pegasus and knelt beside his corpse, gently shutting his glazed over eyes with two fingers. Not for the first time since she chose this path she felt her heart twinge with regret and she wondered again if she had chosen right.
“Ingrid are you all right?” 
Byleth slid to a stop beside her, the Sword of the Creator in hand. One glance at Sylvain’s body and he immediately knew. He moved to obscure her view of the corpse and placed his glowing palms on both sides of her face.
“Stay still and I’ll heal you.” A few seconds later the pain across her body dulled immensely. “Do you think you’re still in fighting condition? You may retreat if not.” She blinked at his words, letting out a shaky sigh before flashing him a determined look. 
“I can still fight... I just needed a moment to collect myself.” She promised, turning her head away from her teacher. “I-I came this far already. I need to see this battle through.” A sympathetic look flashed in the mans eyes before he nodded.
“Well then, come with me and we’ll finish this war with Faerghus. King Dimitri and the royal guard are the last obstacle before Rhea.” Ingrid nodded stoically, shaking the blood off her weapon and mounted her pegasus, following Byleth as she always had. For a split second she wondered where she would have been now if she hadn’t followed him into the Black Eagle house. Alas, she thought, it was too late for such thoughts, too much Faerghusi blood soaked her hands. 
She ushered her mount forward, adrenaline rushing through her veins. The man she had sworn to serve was just a little ways away from her, screaming at a newly killed Dedue as he collapsed to his knees, Dorothea’s Levin sword protruding from his chest. She couldn’t tell from this distance but she was sure that it was not just rain that soaked his face. 
How cruel, she thought, knowing all your friends died to protect you at the hand of a traitor. Her gut wrenched in horror as she realized how numerous her crimes were. 
Byleth was already forging ahead, swinging his whip like sword at the King. Dimitri dodged most of his slashes, but ended up getting a large slice in his cape. 
He twirled Areadbhar in his hands and expertly lunged at Byleth, his crest flaring up brightly behind him. Luckily, the professor saw it coming and rolled aside, the lance barely missing him. Their duel continued on for what seemed like forever (Ingrid was busy dealing with the royal guard so she wasn’t fighting against him yet), however, this also meant that fatigue was kicking in. For the first time during their duel (that she knew of) Byleth miscalculated his foes next attack and was about to be pierced by the legendary lance. Fearing that the strike would connect, Ingrid literally leapt from her pegasus, deftly threw Luin, then tackled Byleth to the side (knocking him unconscious along the way). Dimitri turned just enough that Luin only punctured his thigh, causing a guttural growl to escape him. This caused her to curl up and roll so that she could avoid further injuries. His gaze turned from Byleth to her, his sea blue eyes widening before narrowing again.
“Not only have you become the emperor's lap dog, but you have turned against your own people. How could you Ingrid, I thought you wished to be a knight? What would Glenn have said?” He heaved, yanking Luin from his thigh as if it were a tiny needle. It clattered to the ground beside him, it’s otherworldly glow slowly fading away. 
She gulped, picking herself up from the ground. The only other weapon she had was her javelin and a silver lance, her chances of beating him were next to none. Recklessly, she decided that she had to have faith in her allies and stall until they arrived to assist her. 
“Your ma-- no Dimitri.” She said thickly, sweat beading down her neck. “Edelgard has a reason for all of this, her war is to rid of the secret evil of Fodlan. G-Glenn would have understood why I did it. I know he would.” 
“So I see, you’ve become so desperate to believe you are seeing justice through that you’ve begun lying to yourself. Perhaps you and I are not so different my old friend.” He murmured lowly, an odd look in his wise eyes. Areadbhar’s crest stone gleamed evilly at his words. “Alas, no amount of lies can save you from the truth. You, Ingrid Brandl Galatea, are a traitor to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. As your king... it is my duty to execute you for high treason.” 
The two battled each other for a long while, long enough that Ingrid soon began to lose hope about reinforcements. She was not suited for fighting on foot, both she and her opponent knew this, so fatigue soon found her. Suddenly a harsh blow from Dimitri’s lance split her own silver one in two. Obscenities escaped her lips as she struggled to avoid his onslaught. However, the wet concrete beneath her caused her to stumble, which led her to slide... straight into Dimitri’s next attack. 
Burning hot pain flooded her entire nervous system as Areadbhar was shoved into her heart. Her gaze began to waver and soon she fell to the ground, her king standing over her. A small, breathless, laugh escaped her lips as memories flooded her mind. 
Snow days in Fraldarius with Felix and Glenn, sparring in Fhirdiad Castle with Dimitri and the Kingdom knights, late night talks with a younger Sylvain, hidden smiles from her father, Glenn’s lessons, shared laughs with the Blue Lions, warm tea with Byleth, oaths sworn to her new Adrestian comrades, Edelgard’s private advice before a hard battle. 
All these things filled her mind as she laid on the hard tile. She briefly wondered if this is what Ashe, Felix, Mercedes, Sylvain, and Dedue had felt like when they died. Did it hurt just as much for them? What did they see before they breathed their last? She supposed that she would never know. Or maybe she would see them again. Wherever it was people went after death. Was there an afterlife that Sothis reigned over? Ingrid wondered if the goddess would accept her soul there. Perhaps not, she thought, for she had joined the side that wished to kill her children after all. 
Her minds eye had never been clearer, she mused, a new thought surfacing. Perhaps all this heartache and suffering she had experienced and caused could have been avoided if she had chosen the Kingdom. Damn her naive teenage heart; Byleth was a wonderful man, one she had been so set on following to the ends of the earth, but not even he was worth all of this. So that being said...
“Y-you always b-beat me in t-training...If only... I stayed...” Ingrid confessed as the life left her, words only heard over the sounds of battle by a few others. Dimitri met her eyes and smiled sadly, a soft good bye leaving his lips. Byleth blinked groggily from his place on the side lines, noiseless tears escaping as he watched the one he so loved perish before him. 
Her words didn’t fall upon deaf ears however, Sothis’s power humming beneath his skin. He had used all of his divine pulses but he would give all his remaining energy if it meant he could grant her wish. 
Dimitri saw his movement from the corner of his eye, Byleth dropping his sword in surrender. With a tired sigh, he nodded towards the blonde’s body, one last mercy before he killed his professor. 
“Thank you.” Byleth hummed softly, sitting beside Ingrid’s corpse and pulling it onto his lap. He pressed a kiss to her gloved knuckles, reaching into his pocket and retrieving his mothers ring. He slid it onto her finger and rocked her close, apologies escaping him as he channeled all his remaining power into a final divine pulse. Behind him Dimitri poised his relic and prepared to strike. 
“I love you Ingrid. Sothis please grant our dying wishes, let her go back and have another chance.” 
A sharp movement, a lance through the heart, a splatter of blood, Edelgard’s heartbroken screams in the distance, Dimitri’s soft cries, a mournful lovers dying plead to the Gods, thuds of falling bodies, a clatter of a lance, and a flash of green light. 
Ingrid opened her eyes, a slight pain in her gut and a relieved feeling in her heart. Today was the day that the Blue Lions would be assigned their new professor! She sighed happily, the feeling of life flowing through her veins more welcome than before. She had a good dream but couldn’t remember what it was. The only thing she remembered hearing was “stay and second chance.” But it was probably nothing important... What was important was today’s breakfast! Stomach rumbling with hunger, she left her room to join her new house mates for breakfast. 
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dragons-bones · 4 years
5 Questions for Writers
Tagged by: @frostmantle (thank you!)
Tagging: @ishgard, @starsandauras, @twelveswood, @autumnslance, aaaaaaand YOU (because I cannot keep track of who’s done this or not XD)
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
Cut for length!
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why?
I am, of course, obviously quite fond of snarky, quick-witted characters, and my OCs banter a lot. Dialogue is one of my favorite things to write, so chatty characters in general I find easier to approach. It’s fun slinging sass back and forth! (This tends to be why I focus a lot of Synnove and Rereha most often--they’re the snark queens of the Squad and the most likely to turn the sarcasm filter off and just go off on someone. Which further reminds me I need to have Thancred and Rereha trading jabs, too, at some point...)
I’ve also really been enjoying writing Aymeric specifically, even if it is intimidating to do so at times. I obviously headcanon him as ridiculously smitten with Synnove (the feeling, of course, is mutual), and finding the right balance of “deeply in love with a Warrior of Light” without it coming off as overly saccharine or out of character is a great mental exercise. Also of course I enjoy indulging my personal fantasy of having a handsome man be a badass, deeply in love with his lady, and perfectly delighted to kick ass beside his lady!
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
Food porn. My mother’s Italian, I grew up being taught to enjoy food, I love sharing my enjoyment of food. Plus it’s usually accompanying some happier moments, or domestic ones, and is basically a cue to the readers that the story is meant to be light and fun.
I have no idea what the proper trope name would be (and going to TV Tropes to asking to start a rabbit hole dive I shouldn’t begin), but as we all know, I love Shenanigans. I typically write them in reaction to how serious the setting is; I deeply enjoy stretching how far I insert some humor and levity without it becoming crack. I think it provides some fresh air; I enjoy angst and hurt/comfort and dark themes, but frequently it’s not something I prefer to write for myself.
I also enjoy found family, battle couples, magic-as-science... Anything that gives me an excuse to write character interactions and/or worldbuild. The great fun of fanfiction, particularly in a setting like FFXIV, is that we’ve got a bare bones foundation, with some areas more developed than others, but otherwise there is a ton of room to grow my own ideas. I personally like to work within lore, but it is hugely enjoyable for me to figure out how to get certain concepts to work with the lore rather than against it. (See: my approach to arcanima.)
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written?
This obviously changes all the time, but there’s a couple I really love:
From Pearls of Wisdom:
It was one of the most basic principles of magic, not just arcanima: astral elements and umbral elements. It was such an accepted, unquestioned foundation that she had never even considered that the three elements most commonly used by arcanists for their carbuncles were not all the same primary polarity. Every element could manifest as either polarity, but Roksana Blackspark was correct, now that Synnove properly thought about it: wind, earth, and fire were much, much more likely to be found in a stable state. Even the Guild’s enormous aether batteries, all the way down in subbasement twelve, had been initially tricky to install until they found the right combination of overgrown elemental clusters, with most of the problems coming from the water, ice, and levin clusters.
Of course trying to infuse any sort of gem with those three elements specifically was going to fail, they were fucking overaspected to astral or umbral. The equations didn’t fucking work as they should because they were built to account for elements that naturally occurred in stable states, and so the infusions fizzled and the gemstones cracked and no carbuncles could manifest.
But if she did account for instability, or, in fact, deliberately found crystals with which to infuse gems that were of opposite polarities so that the final infusion was stable…
A new thought made itself known, and Synnove stuffed the rest of her cake in her mouth, set the plate and fork aside, bookmarked her spot in the journal, and opened up the note taking program, yanking the stylus from the side of the case. As she chewed, she began scribbling in frantic shorthand. Perhaps in addition to ensuring stable aetheric polarity, she could also try infusion over time as well? Even when artificially infusing emeralds, topazes, and rubies, the stones still cracked every one time out of eight. Certainly, working with water, levin, and ice aether would benefit from a slower infusion speed, as it would allow her to keep a better eye on maintaining polar equilibrium, and if that issue was what was affecting the failures for wind, earth, and fire, then that would be two problems solved.
…Perhaps three, Synnove sucking in a deep breath and her heart pounding as she wrote. A proper balance of aetheric polarization combined with a slow enough infusion potentially meant that she could, theoretically, infuse any precious stone she desired, not just ones with a specific hardness and durability. Of course, the equations would need to be further adjusted to take into account the specific chemical properties of the specific gems and how they would need to interact with different elemental aether, but that, while difficult and tedious, was still doable.
Writing characters smarter than oneself is really difficult and intimidating, but I think I did a really good job showing Synnove’s thought process, and based on some of the feedback I’ve gotten, I succeeded! So I’m really, really proud of this passage.
From Suffer, Promise, Witness (FFXIV Write 2019 #19):
The ground shook, suddenly, and Synnove whipped her head around to the direction from which it originated, staring in shock. In the distance, an enormous red…key, for lack of a better term, pulsing with blue aetherlight, had struck the ground. The dust cloud kicked up rose immediately into the air and began obscuring it, and even from here she could see that the force of the strike had knocked down allies and foes alike around it.
Then a roar of sound—a deep, resonant thunder of triumphant, all-consuming rage—engulfed Carteneau, drawing every eye skyward, to see Dalamud’s outer shell, glowing with more of that sickly blue aetherlight, cracking open.
And Dalamud exploded.
The shockwave hit her first, throwing her and every other living being on the Plains still alive and standing to the ground with a force that punched the air from her lungs. The sound came next, shaking her bones and cracking the stone around her in an awful crescendo of combusting, howling aether. Her ears rang—or maybe it was just the screams of terror from every damned soul on the Carteneau killing fields all blending together.
The sky was aflame, and then the first of the pieces of Dalamud impacted the ground. Molten earth flew into the air, and then again from another impact, and another, and another, until the heavens and the earth were indistinguishable from how they both burned. Synnove desperately tried to sit up, feet scrambling to find purchase on the broken ground, as Galette and Tyr converged on her, eyes wide with fear as they tugged and pushed on her to get her upright.
Honestly I love this whole piece, but trying to describe what’s basically a trailer from another perspective (while also trying to portray the passage of time in an accurate manner) was difficult. I’d been dying to write the Synnove at Carteneau piece for a long time, and I just let myself write without worry. I think it came out pretty well! (Everyone screaming at me after the fact certainly boosted my confidence. :D)
From Assessments (FFXIV Write 2017 #25)
He did not attempt to step softly, as it was always a poor idea to sneak up on any warrior, never mind a Warrior of Light, but apparently Synnove was deeply enough engrossed in her text to not register his approach. Tyr, however, looked over as soon as he noticed the loud clacking of boot heels on stone floor coming closer to his mistress. He perked his ears up and came to meet Aymeric, shoving his face into the elezen’s hands.
“Maow!” the topaz carbuncle said, deep and echoing like a brass bell, only a little bone-rattling.
Aymeric laughed softly and obliging scratched behind his ears. Tyr thrummed happily, enjoying the attention for a few moments, before he disengaged and went back to Synnove. He braced himself on the rungs of the ladder and reached up with his paw to tap her foot, chirruping quietly.
“Hmm? Whazzit, honey?” Synnove said, voice distant and distracted. She did not look up as she turned the page.
Tyr sat back on his haunches and said, “Maow!”
Aymeric hadn’t the faintest idea of what Tyr had said, but Synnove most certainly did, as her head jerked up in surprise. (He winced sympathetically; when she had straightened, her spine had made an awful crack.) She frantically looked around until her gaze settled on Aymeric. She blinked rapidly, quite obviously not yet comprehending what she was seeing, until a smile finally bloomed across her features, her green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, fancy meeting you here,” she said, her cheerfulness tempered by the slight slur of exhaustion in her voice.
There were dark circles under her eyes, her hair was obviously unkempt up close, and her fingers were ever-so-slightly shaking from the particular combination of too much caffeine and not enough sleep, but Synnove Greywolfe was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Aymeric grinned up at her, not bothering to disguise how besotted he was with no witnesses about to see, and said, “What brings one of the celebrated Warriors of Light to Ishgard a bell before midnight?” He took a few steps closer to the ladder and held out his arms.
Synnove winced as she closed and shelved the book she had been reading. “Thal’s balls, that late?” She slid to the edge of the ladder’s seat, pushed off with her right hand and foot, and unceremoniously dropped into his grasp.
He tightened his hold on her as he caught her, drawing her close, and he dropped a kiss on each of her eyelids, relishing the giggles the action elicited from her. Another kiss on her nose, one to the beauty mark at the side of her chin, and then he finally kissed her properly. Synnove, in turn, languidly draped her arms around his shoulders and ran her fingers through the hairs on the nape of his neck, practically purring as she did. He hummed appreciatively against her lips, and they both ended up laughing into the kiss.
(Next to them, Tyr sighed, and rolled his eyes.)
Aymeric reluctantly drew away and set her on her feet, keeping Synnove steady as she wobbled and her spine cracked yet again. His beloved immediately leaned back into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and slouching so her cheek could rest over his heart. He smiled and returned the hug, resting his chin on her head. He closed his eyes and swayed with her gently, enjoying the familiar and much-missed comfort of her presence.
An older bit, but I love these two goobers, and I love writing them being physically affectionate and just basking in each other. Fucking cuties.
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written?
FUCK I HAVE TO CHOOSE. Okay, let’s start with Pearls of Wisdom again:
Rereha threw open the doors to Aymeric’s office, shite-eating grin firmly plastered on her face as she skipped inside, and sang out, “Congratulations! It’s twins!”
Two things happened.
First, as soon as the doors opened, but before Rereha even opened her mouth, Lucia, she of finely honed Frumentarium instincts and years of friendship with a lalafell infamous across the realm for her Theatrics and Shenanigans, reached out and yanked the multitude of reports on the desk in front of Aymeric out of the way.
Second, Aymeric, who had been taking a sip of tea at the exact moment Rereha entered the office, choked and spat out said tea across his desk—and where all of the paperwork had once been not even a second before—in the most glorious spit take Rereha had ever engendered. A tiny part of her was saddened at the waste of perfectly good tea, but, wow, that had been spectacular. She gave herself a mental pat on the back and came to a stop in the middle of the office, grin widening to manic levels.
Lucia pounded Aymeric on the back between his shoulder blades as he coughed and sputtered, stopping only when the Lord Commander wheezed out, wide-eyed, voice high-pitched and halfway to a full-blown panic, “WHAT?!”
From Needling (FFXIV Write 2019 #17):
Merlwyb drained her cup dry and poured herself a fresh serving (no whiskey this time, however). Grudgingly, she filled a second, and slid it over to Synnove, along with the bowl of maple sugar cubes and jar of cream. The arcanist doctored her tea as she preferred it—three lumps, generous dash of cream—and took a luxurious sip, humming in satisfaction.
“Why are you here?” the Admiral finally said, tea cup in hand and elbows braced on her desk. She wedged her feet a little firmer beneath Tyr.
“Mmmm, we had to bodily force Thubyrgeim to take a vacation,” said Synnove. She took another slow sip of tea. “Accounting realized she hadn’t taken a proper one in nigh on three years. So, we kicked her out of the Gate, with the caveat that she wasn’t to come back until next moon, and then we divvied up her usual responsibilities among the lot of us. I volunteered for the pleasure and delight of taking over our dear Guildmistress’s sennightly meetings with you.” Here the woman batted her eyelashes.
Merlwyb eyed her. “You have an ulterior motive,” she said, enunciating clearly for emphasis. “You always have an ulterior motive.”
“I enjoy the faces you make when you are confronted with the stark reality that every single one of your arcanists is capable of rewriting the laws of creation but are, simultaneously, godsdamned lunatics who should be taken out back and shot.”
“I should start with you.”
“Start with aetherochemistry; they just invented a new plague.” Synnove took the top folder from the pile and slid it across the desk to the Admiral.
“Of course they bloody did,” Merlwyb growled, opening the folder and skimming the abstract on the first page. Dear gods, did they really decide to mix malaria and consumption? Always so busy wondering if they could they never bothered to consider if they should. She plucked her reading glasses from their usual spot, sliding them on as she turned the page to the formal report, written in the aetherochemistry department chair’s tiny, cramped hand. Absently, she said, “And no, we are not testing it on the faculty of the University of Radz-at-Han.”
Synnove pouted. For the first time that afternoon, Merlwyb cracked a grin.
Merlwyb doesn’t get enough love, in my opinion, and of course I imagine she’s a salty bitch underneath the cool, commanding exterior. Couple that with Synnove probably letting loose the Full Sass (she would never behave such with Raubahn, Nanamo, or Kan-E, but she’s been an assessor for fifteen years, she knows exactly how far she can poke the Admiral and is well aware it’s tolerated only because she’s been an arcanist for so long) and the “out back and shot” line is my single favorite sentence from the whole of FFXIV Write 2019, and this is my favorite character exchange that’s I’ve done in a long time.
From Of Taunting and Tales (FFXIV Write 2019 #25)
Knock knock a-knock—knockknock! “Guess who~.”
A loud groan answered her. “Go away, you debauched scandalmonger!”
Rereha poked her head into one of the private rooms of the Rhalgr’s Reach infirmary, wicked grin firmly in place. “Now, now, Mr. Scaeva, is that any way to speak to the lady come to relieve your unending boredom?” she drawled.
The former tribunus laticlavius of the XIVth Imperial Legion raised his arm, hand up and middle finger extended, without lifting his head from his pillow.
Rereha cackled and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her. A disgusted sigh came from Nero’s direction, and he flopped his arm back down on the mattress with a characteristically overdramatic wave of his hand. She grabbed a chair sitting by the wall and dragged it behind her as she waltzed towards Nero’s bed, the wood shrieking angrily against the stone of the floor, and whistled a cheery little ditty deliberately out of tune. She could see his jaw clenched in annoyance as she set the chair up near the head of the bed and cackled again as she hopped up into it. She placed the book she had been carrying on her lap and folded her hands primly on top of it, beaming.
“How are we feeling today?” she chirped.
“Like I’ve been run over by a flock of rabid chocobos.” Nero stubbornly refused to open his eyes, instead folding his hands on his stomach in unknowing mirror of her. “And then sat upon by a buffalo.”
“That’s an improvement! Last time you said you felt like you’d been chewed and spat out by an enraged king behemoth!”
“Rereha,” he sighed, still not opening his eyes. “Why are you here? Garlond and Greywolfe are infinitely more stimulating conversationalists, for all their damned sanctimonious self-important morals and ethics.” He spat out the last word like it was a particularly loathsome curse.
“I’m hurt, Nero,” said Rereha, placing her hand on her heart. She pitched her voice to express layers of emotion: disappointment, regret, sadness. “Genuinely hurt. A friend of mine has been grievously wounded in the course of his attempts to safeguard not just Eorzea, but Hydaelyn as a whole from an interdimensional entity of vast and unfathomable power. I come in my spare time to bring some light and laughter to his dreary hospital room as he heals, and he insults me and wishes for the company of others.”
A long silence descended over them both. Finally, Nero arched one golden eyebrow and cracked an eye open to stare at her incredulously.
Rereha pursed her lips together and said pensively, “Laid it on a bit too thick, didn’t I?”
He raised his hand and held his forefinger and thumb a quarter of an ilm apart.
“Damn,” Rereha said, crossing her arms. “Ah, well.”
Rereha basically exists to let me write Sass and Irreverent Humor. Nero is full of Salt and Sass. Together they could flay someone with words alone. I also really enjoyed writing Nero being a sassmaster without using words. Wordless dialogue is fun!! :D
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
One day I’m gonna get over my hesitation about writing (and sharing) smut and fucking write the first time Synnove and Aymeric had sex. I know exactly when and where and how.
...Also Synnove getting ravished in one of the Neo-Ishgardian dresses. That’s, like, second on the list. Ooohh, and the Vacation Fic; maybe I should write that one as scenes and worry about connecting them after the fact. I think because that one will require chapters and I’m more of a one-shot person is a reason I have yet to start it.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Crush // Shawn Mendes mini-series part 1
okay so wow ummmm i started writing this sometime before christmas so it’s set at that time, idk i just had this idea about this story and went for it. it’s not gonna be long, not like a million parts, probably maximum five, im writing the very end of it now so i thought i would start posting it and im also trying to makeup for not bringing a new boundaries chapter lol but that’s also coming i swear!!! anyway, enjoy this short story of mine, i hope you’ll like it!!
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Christmas is always the same for me. I come home a few days before, spend most of my time on the couch watching reruns on my favorite series, I watch my younger brother, Eric come in and out of the house as he keeps meeting up with his friends, being a popular kid. I eat basically everything I can find in the kitchen and just… forget about the world. Then we have family dinner at our place with all my uncles, aunts and cousins, the house turns into a chaos for one evening and then being so selfless I help Mom clean the mess up in the morning while Dad is sleeping his hangover off, because as a host, he must have a drink with every guest. Then we watch Home Alone together and boom, Christmas is already over.
This year, I expect everything to be the same when I throw my suitcases in my old Honda Civic and head home for the holidays.
“Charlie, your family literally lives forty minutes from here, but you pack like you can’t come back if you forget something.”
I roll my eyes at Maddi’s comment. Looking up at her I just stick my tongue out as I close the trunk of my car. She is shivering, because she didn’t bother to put on her coat to help me bring my stuff down. Her long brown hair is all over her shoulders, and she has some mascara on her cheeks, probably from last night. She never cares what she looks like at home and that’s the kind of people I like to surround myself with. I’m always a hot mess at home and I just don’t get those who try to look fine when at home.
“Have fun at your sister’s,” I tell her hugging goodbye. She is leaving to New York tomorrow morning to spend the holidays at her sister who just got married this year and insisted on having their family gathering in their place this year.
“They’ll have booze, so I’m fine,” she scoffs. She is not always this grumpy, she is just not in the mood to fly to NYC on one of the busiest days of the year.
“Alright, see ya next year!” I wink at her getting into the car. She steps aside and waves for me as I leave the small parking lot of our apartment complex.
I sing along with Adam Levine while listening to some Maroon 5 on my way to the house where I grew up. I moved out after high school. Not because I hated living with my family, but I felt like this is a step I should be taking at that age. The start was rocky, I had my ups and downs, but all in all I didn’t regret it. I met Maddi, she moved to Toronto from Ottawa and was looking for someone to share a flat with. I was hesitant to live with a stranger, but we soon became best friends and I was eager to have new people in my life after my graduation. This is how we ended up together.
My heart warms as I turn into our old street. I loved living here, I have a lot of good memories from my childhood and I’m thankful I don’t have anything to complain about regarding my younger years.
I park next to my mom’s car and when I get out I see the curtains move in the window of the living room. A moment later the door opens and my dad walks out holding his arms out for me.
“Chipmunk! Hi!” he greets me with a wide smile and I basically get lost in his arms. He is so much taller than me, I look like an elf next to him. I inherited my mom’s height so I stopped at 5’6, have been that tall since I was sixteen. My brother, on the other hand, the little devil is 6’2 at fifteen, turning sixteen soon. Life is unfair, I could be a model with legs to live for if only my DNA took more from my dad.
“Hi Dad. You smell like cookies,” I chuckle. Letting go we both go to the trunk to get my stuff from the car.
“Because your mother is trying to turn the house into a gingerbread house,” he sighs grabbing both of my suitcases and we head inside.
“Why? She hates gingerbread.”
“Because your brother has his girlfriend over and she is trying to make everything so festive,” he says rolling his eyes as we finally get inside. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“Girlfriend? Since when does Eric has a girlfriend?” I gasp feeling pretty much left out. No one told me Eric is dating a girl, but they keep updating me about the tiniest stuff in the group chat, like how a cat crossed the backyard last week. Who cares! I want to hear the tea about Eric’s love life!
“About three months. She is nice though, but your mother goes crazy every time she is over.”
“Three months? I’m offended, dad.”
“I thought he already told you!” he defends himself setting my stuff down.
“Charlie!” My mom comes barging out of the kitchen in the apron she got for Christmas a few years ago. Embracing me in a tight hug she kisses my forehead. “Are you hungry? We have some leftover carbonara, but I haven’t started making dinner yet. I’ve been cooking all day.”
“I heard you are into gingerbread lately.”
“Yeah, you want some? It turned out pretty good,” she smiles at me tugging her short blonde bob behind her ears. Her blue eyes are shining like a diamond, she is always so happy to have me home. It was a bit hard on her, watching her first kid leave the house, Eric said she kept checking in on him in the night the first month after I left. She got used to it by now, but she is always treating my arrival as a celebration, though I come home pretty often, namely to every birthdays, their anniversary, Easter, Christmas and a whole month in the summer, but I guess it’s not enough for her.
“Eric! Charlie is here!” she shouts upstairs for my brother. “So, hungry?” she asks again.
“Yeah, I could eat.”
We all move into the kitchen as my mom warms up a plate of pasta, Dad tests the gingerbread and I assume he doesn’t taste anything for the first three times, because he keeps eating it.
“How is Maddi? Is she going home for the holidays?” Mom asks handing me the food and getting back to decorating the rest of the gingerbreads.
“She is going to New York to her sister, Lara.”
“The one that got married this summer?” she asks.
“Mhm,” I hum with my mouth full.
I hear footsteps on the stairs and I quickly swallow the pasta, not wanting to look like a chipmunk when I meet Eric’s girlfriend for the first time. Take a guess why my dad calls me Chipmunk, I’m a full-face eater.
“Chipmunk!” Eric laughs walking into the kitchen. I roll my eyes at him.
“Shut up,” I spat. Standing up we exchange a quick side hug, this is the most we ever do. The moment I let go of him I see a girl walk in behind him.
She has long brown hair parted on the side, she is almost taller than me, the nice knitted turtleneck dress she is wearing was a great choice, it allows Eric to gape at her figure, but the turtleneck makes it more conservative for my parents. Smart girl.
“Charlie, this is my girlfriend, Aaliyah. Aaliyah, this is my sister, Charlotte.”
I hop off the stool and hold out a hand for her that she takes with a smile.
“Hi, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh really? I hope you didn’t believe everything this dummie told you,” I scoff looking at Eric.
“Don’t worry, from what he told me about you he is obsessed with you,” she winks at me making Eric’s eyes go wide.
“What? No I’m not!”
Aaliyah steps closer to him hugging his waist with a bright smile on her face.
“Oh, don’t be shy, on our first date you mentioned her a million times. It’s okay, baby,” she giggles to herself making me instantly love her. Roasting Eric together can be our thing!
“Eric, it’s okay to love your sister to death,” I chime in enjoying the situation more than I should be, probably.
“Aaliyah, are you staying for dinner?” Mom asks smiling at her and offering her some gingerbread. She shakes her head no but takes a cookie.
“No, my brother is also coming home tonight, so I have to go home. But thank you.”
“Oh, okay.” I can tell she is disappointed that she has to go. I guess Mom loves Aaliyah, and from what I saw I can’t blame her. In fact, she might be too good for Eric!
We all stay in the kitchen while I finish my late lunch. I chat with Aaliyah finding out that she and Eric go to the same school, the school I also attended, and that she and Eric have math together. Aaliyah tutored Eric for one of the tests that ended up with him asking her out and the rest is history. She is very nice, well-mannered and pretty mature, that’s why I don’t know how well it all sits with my immature, ass little brother’s persona. Okay, I might exaggerate, he can be fine. Sometimes.
“I’m really sorry, but I have to head home now. But that you for everything, Mrs. Parker and see you on Tuesday, right?” Aaliyah nicely says standing up from the table.
“What is on Tuesday?” I ask.
“Oh, I forgot to mention, we are having dinner at Aaliyah’s with her family, is that alright, Chipmunk?” Mom caresses my cheek and I just shrug. Not that I have any special plans for the holidays.
“I thought we are having the usual family dinner.”
“Oh no.” Mom shakes her head. “We are skipping that this year. Aunt Mary and Lance are in Switzerland, your cousins Harry and Donald are too occupied with their studies, or that’s what they say. And then…”
“Okay, I get it. Everyone I busy,” I cut her off chuckling. “Then, dinner sounds good. Hey, Aaliyah, do you need a ride home?” I offer, but she shakes her head no putting her coat on with Eric right behind her.
“No, it’s good, I live two streets down, Eric will walk me home.”
My brother nods approvingly putting his own coat on. Wow, he is whipped! Good job, Aaliyah!
“It was nice meeting you!” I smile at her.
“You too, Charlotte!” She waves goodbye, and they leave.
   This year’s Christmas is starting off just the same. I watch Brooklyn 99 during the day, work on a paper that is due to after the holidays and just casually hang out with my parents and Eric. The only thing that is different that Eric always has his phone in his hands, texting Aaliyah non-stop.
On the 25th I help Mom make come cookies that we can bring over for our dinner invitation, and she asks me about my love life, as per usual.
“So, have you been on any dates lately?”
I can’t help but roll my eyes as I hand her over the milk.
“Not really,” I admit sighing. Not because I’m sad I haven’t, but because I’m tired of these questions. I’m twenty, I still have time, it’s not like I’m supposed to get married anytime soon.
“I really wish Dylan didn’t turn into an ass.” She shakes her head and I scoff.
“He didn’t just turn into one, he was always one, he was just good at fooling people.”
Dylan Sanders, aka my only ex-boyfriend. I dated him from the age of fifteen until I almost turned eighteen. It’s a long time, and I’m kinda ashamed it took me so long to realize how big of an ass he really is. The pink clouds made me blind, but fortunately, it cleared up at one point and I successfully ended our toxic relationship. Too bad this point was after I ruined all my friendships because of him and ended up on my own when we ended things. This is one of the reasons I was excited to start a new life at the university, make new friends and just stop being Dylan Sanders’ girlfriend.
“Hey, maybe Aaliyah’s brother is nice. How amazing it would be if you dated him!”
Seeing her dreamy eyes I start laughing.
“Mom! I haven’t even met him, but I know you are already planning our marriage. Stop it, please.”
“Aaliyah is pretty great, I’m sure her brother is alike her.”
“Whatever, just please don’t make it awkward,” I plea. She just waves in dismiss.
 I talk to Maddi right before it’s time to leave. I’m finishing up my makeup as the phone is laying in front of me with her on speaker.
“I’m serious. Nothing is more embarrassing than being the drunkest at a family gathering,” she moans painfully.
“Maybe you learnt your lesson now,” I chuckle fixing my mascara.
“Not really. Chapter 2 comes tonight, my cousins are arriving and they are hardcore drinkers.” She sighs tiredly. “Whatever. So, dinner tonight at Eric’s girlfriend’s? How is she?”
“She is cute. Almost too good for my stinky brother, but they look cute, it’s like a puppy love.”
“Aw, that’s the best! Well, I’m interested in the details so text me when you get home.”
“Will do.”
“Charlie! We are leaving!” I hear mom shouting from downstairs.
“Gotta go, talk to you later,” I quickly say before ending the call.
I stand up and check myself one last time in the mirror. I chose to wear a mustard colored knitted jumper with a pair of black jeans and silver hoops in my ears. I grab my phone from the table and join my family downstairs.
Aaliyah really lives close to us, we don’t take the car, just walk and we arrive in about ten minutes. It’s a nice two story house, kinda typical around here.
“Please don’t embarrass me, okay?” Eric asks us right before ringing the doorbell. The kid is too in love.
Aaliyah opens the door for us in a nice nude dress and she kisses Eric on the lips shortly before we all walk in.
“Mom!” She shouts while we are taking our coats and shoes off and a blonde woman appears soon in the hallway.
“Hi! So good to have you here!” She greets us with a wide smile. “I’m Karen, and this is Manny, my husband,” she introduces herself and the man who joins us in a moment.
“I’m Evelyn, this is George and Charlotte, Eric’s sister,” Mom introduces us and we all shake hands.
As we walk into the living room where there are wineglasses waiting for us I remember that Aaliyah has a brother. Just when I realize this I hear another male voice behind me.
“Oh, and this is our son, Aaliyah’s brother,” Karen gestures towards the door and I turn around just to have my jaw drop to the floor. “Shawn.”
Shawn Mendes is standing there, shaking hands with my parents and Eric and when his eyes find me he is just as shocked as me.
“Um, hi. I-I assume we already know each other,” he mumbles stepping closer and I shake his hand very shortly. I can’t believe he is Aaliyah’s brother, how did I not see the resemblance?
“Yeah. Hi,” I say nervously and Karen gives us a confused look.
“How do you guys know each other?”
“We-“ I start, but Shawn cuts me off.
“Mom, you remember my friend, Dylan from high school? Um, Charlotte dated him for a few years,” he says uncomfortably and I feel the same.
Shawn and Dylan were best buds when we started dating. They hung out all the time and I was trying my best to be on good terms with him as well. I wanted to be friends with Dylan’s friends so badly, but Shawn… He always seemed to hate me. No matter how friendly I tried to be he was always pretty rigid and weird with me, often avoiding to be in the same room as me and he also had a few quite hurtful comments that I tried to shake off for the sake of my relationship. Oh, and the worst was when he made an attempt to break us up telling Dylan lies about me.  Thinking back at it now I wish he succeed, but it was still an asshole move from him, working so against me all that time, I wish I stood up for myself, but I was so into Dylan I was willing to put up with everything, even a mean best friend.
I haven’t seen him since about, tenth grade, when he became a private student to purchase his dreams and become a singer. Dylan kept in touch with him for a while, but I think they eventually stopped talking at one point.
“For two and a half years, to be exact,” I add bitterly.
“Oh! Wait, you are…” Karen starts, but Shawn gives her an unreadable look and she quickly gets quiet. “Never mind.” I raise my eyebrows seeing the scene, it’s quite odd. What did she want to tell me about? Did Dylan tell her stuff about me when he was still friends with Shawn?
I keep thinking about it as we have a nice glass of wine and move over into the dining room where the table is already set. The two families take place around the oval shaped dining table, I have my mom on my right and Eric on my left and I’m so lucky to have Shawn right across me, staring at me, making me quite anxious.
This is too uncomfortable, I think to myself. I try my best to ignore his gaze on me, and I mostly focus on Karen and Manny. They are extremely nice though. The dinner is amazing, the parents seem to hit it off immediately finding all the common things. Aaliyah and Eric seem to be satisfied, while I just sit there, ignoring Shawn’s eyes on me.
“And Shawn, which university are you studying at?” Mom asks making Eric laugh and she gives him a confused look. “What?”
“Mom, Shawn is…” Eric starts, but I cut him off before I could even stop myself from talking.
“He is a singer, Mom.”
“A singer? Like, a famous one?”
“He was voted as one of the most influential people this year,” Eric informs her and her eyes go wide. In the meanwhile, Shawn is just sitting there with a shy smile on his face.
“I’m sorry, I’m not really good with these stuff.”
“It’s fine. But, yeah. I don’t go to school. What about you, Charlotte?”
I can’t help but cringe how he calls me Charlotte, again. He did this in the past even though I hated being called Charlotte. I had this obsession to be a tomboy and though Charlie sounds better with my image. Now I don’t mind it, but still, most people call me Charlie, and he knows it, I think.
“I- Um… I’m a student at the University of Toronto. I study literature.”
“Oh, that sounds lovely! How much do you have left?” Manny asks clearly interested in my education.
“One year.”
“And what are you planning after?” Shawn suddenly asks and I’m surprised he is interested in anything in connection with me.
“Um… I don’t know just yet,” I mumble feeling nervous in the center of attention.
“Don’t be silly, Charlie!” Mom starts rolling her eyes. “Charlie is already working on a project for a book publisher. They are working on a book especially for sick children that has stories with characters with illnesses or disabilities.”
“That sounds amazing!” Karen cheers looking at me proudly and I can feel myself blushing.
“So you are still very generous,” Shawn comments and I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Still?” He shakes his head clearing his throat as if he just realized what he said.
“Um, yeah. Dylan used to tell me how much you volunteered and stuff…” he mumbles with his eyes fixed on his plate.
Oh, so he and Dylan talked about me and he still remembers it? That’s quite surprising, I thought he forgot about me as soon as he set his foot outside of Toronto. He never seemed to be interested in anything about me.
After dessert the table breaks up. Karen and my mom starts bringing the tables back to the kitchen, Manny and Dad move to the living room and Shawn disappears somewhere. Aaliyah is helping in the kitchen while Eric is just about to join the dad section, but I pull him to the side in the hallway.
“Why didn’t you tell me Aaliyah’s brother is Shawn Mendes?” I hiss at him, but he just gives me a puzzled look.
“Why do you care? I thought you are not a fan of these celebrities.”
I roll my eyes at him.
“Yeah, but a heads up would have been good, and if you told me who he is, I would have gotten ready to meet him. We weren’t really the best of buds in school.”
“Okay, and how would have I known? I was eleven when you and Dylan got together, even if you told me about Shawn, I wouldn’t remember it for my life. And besides, what is your problem with him? He is cool and nice.”
“Now he is, but he was an ass when I was dating Dylan.”
“Okay, well… that’s the past. Get yourself over it.”
He pats my shoulder before walking away. I growl in annoyance, because he is right, he couldn’t have known my past with Shawn. I don’t think I shared anything with him back then, it was way before our relationship matured and could actually talk without getting into a fight on the floor. All siblings need time to get over this phase. Ours ended sometime right before I moved out.
I rub my face to pull myself together and turning around I’m about to go after Eric and join the conversation in the living room, but then Shawn appears on the stairs and I stop.
“Hey,” he quietly says and I nod at him awkwardly. I have no idea how to deal with this situation. “So… I know, it’s awkward after all these years.”
“Yeah, it is,” I chuckle with a grimace.
“Are you… How are you and Dylan these days?”
“I have no idea how he is. After we broke up in senior year I saw him once. Two years ago at McDonald’s with some blonde chick.”
“Why did you two break up?” he asks it nosily. I find it pretty weird to stand here, at the Mendes house’s hallway with Shawn Mendes and talk about my breakup with my high school sweetheart.
“Um… He cheated on me with Kristi Burgess.”
“Ouch,” he frowns. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” I shrug. “I cried for about a month, but I guess I’m over it now,” I say jokingly and he also cracks a smile.
There is a short silence that is rather awkward, I don’t know if I should say something, or just walk away, but he is the first one to speak up.
“Listen. I know I was quite the asshole back in high school and I’m sorry for that. I’ve matured, I changed and I thought that maybe… we could start over. I haven’t talked to Dylan in years either and I was acting like a douche because I thought it was impressing him. I was so stupid.”
I can relate to that. Dylan had this power over people, he could make them want to satisfy him and make him impressed, but it’s all bullshit.
“This sounds great. Let’s forget about everything in connection with Dylan,” I offer and he smiles at me nodding.
“Deal. Well, it’s nice to see you again, Charlotte.”
“Okay, as a starter, you could finally call me Charlie,” I tell him chuckling.
“Yeah. Sorry, I guess I’m used to calling you Charlotte,” he apologizes. “Charlie, why don’t we join our families for another drink maybe?”
“Sounds like a plan,” I nod and I follow him into the living room.
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kcookendrick · 6 years
everything i need
who: adam levine and anna kendrick (anam) @hfamelevine
when: spetember 21st 2018 
summary: it’s the morning of dusty’s birthday and the couple shares a sweet moment with one another  
Adam: When they had finally returned home to L.A from Paris, the first thing that Adam had wanted to do was go and pick up Dusty from Behati’s place. They had agreed that because Behati had just taken care of her for so long while Adam was gone, that he could have her for the night before her birthday. He was exhausted, but seeing Dusty had made it all worth while. The trip home from a Paris was a long one, and mixed with the fact that he had been all over the place for the last almost two weeks touring, Adam was exhausted the minute that he and Anna had stepped through the doors of their home with Dusty. After getting situated and Adam barely unpacking considering that he and Anna were leaving for Fiji tomorrow night after Dusty’s birthday party, he had gone to bed the second that he had gotten the chance to. As the next morning rolled around, the level of exhaust that Adam didn’t even know that he had, had completely and utterly hit him. He was /exhausted/, and it showed in the amount of time that he chose to sleep late today. Yawning as he rolled over in the bed, he doesn’t notice that Anna’s body heat is no longer there and that she’s no longer in the bed, and his eyes are squeezing closed as he pulls the covers for the bed further up and over himself, a pillow over his head now as he lets out a long yawn.
Anna: She was exhuasted, Anna was exhuasted and the brunette knew that Adam was exhausted too. Home, the women was so happy to be home and to have Adam home too. Him surprising her in Paris, that felt like a dream and even though they were there for less than 24 hours the actress was happy he surprised her. It was the day of Dusty's birthday, and Anna had bought so much stuff for the now two year old. She wrapped everything last night even though she was over tire, and hid it in their closet until the party. She needed to pack for Fiji, and when Dusty woke her up this morning at the crack of dawn the women has been up ever since. She got Dusty dressed, and placed her in the high chair. Putting on the music quietly, Anna only knew how to make banana pancakes. Once getting them fixed for Dusty, she walked over and began to feed the toddler "Can you say ba-na-na-na?" She questioned, sounding like an idiot but Dusty was of course laughing. "Daddy's tired, so I'm helping him out by making you breakfast this morning. What do you want to do today babygirl hmm?" She asked Dusty again, and then toddler continued to eat her pancakes. "It's nice out, should we go swimming?"
Adam: “Banana! Banana, nananana!” Dusty is laughing as Anna talks to her, but her attention is turned and fixated on the pancakes in front of her. She continues to eat the small pieces that Anna has cut up for her, but she looks up and her eyes widen when Anna mentions swimming. “Swim! We swim?” She asks, and upstairs, Adam is turning in the bed. His eyes are slowly opening and he moves the pillow from his head, letting out another yawn. He looks around and noticed that Anna isn’t in the bed this time, and he gets up carefully from the bed. Pulling on a pair of boxers and his sweatpants, he makes his way downstairs toward where he can hear Dusty laughing. “Is that my birthday girl I hear?” He teases.
Anna: Watching the toddler be fixated on her pancakes, Anna hoped they tasted good. Taking a breath, she smiled big when Dusty repeats the word swim. "We'll ask daddy okay?" She questioned, and then kissed Dusty on the forehead. Handing her the sippy cup Anna prepared, the brunette smiled "Drink babygirl, I think Anna's cooking is a little dry." Chewing her lips, Anna watched as Dusty drank her milk and looks at Adam when he walks in "Hi." She said softly, and still sat across from the high chair looking at Dusty "Good morning."
Adam: “Okay,” Dusty repeats back to Anna and is still smiling, if not bigger now at the mention of Adam. She’s giggling at Anna’s words but picks up her sippy cup to drink from it, and as Adam is walking into the kitchen, he loves the sight that he’s walking in on. “Hi, baby.” He whispers, kissing Anna’s lips lightly. “You made breakfast for her?” He asks, then moves over to Dusty. “Happy birthday, Dusty!”
Anna: Smiling at Dusty, Anna rested her elbow on the arm of the chair and she sighed. She felt a little guilty that Behati didn't get Dusty on her birthday in the morning, so she was sure to take a bunch of pictures to send to the women. Chewing her lips, Anna kissed Adam back "Did you sleep good bub?" She questioned Adam, and then looked at Dusty who was finishing up her pancakes and Anna nodded "Yeah, I hope I don't give your kid food poising. I don't know if they're good or not, you wanna try them?" She asked , laughing nervously "It's your birthday?" She asked Dusty, knowing it was "How old are you hmm?" Holing up two fingers, Anna looked at the toddler "You're two babygirl."
Adam: “Eh, I slept alright. I’m still...exhausted, but it’s getting late and I wanted to spend some time with her before later.” He’s careful on his words because he doesn’t want to spoil the party that was happening later, and then he laughs at Anna’s words. “You’re not gonna give her food poisoning, stop.” He teases, kissing her cheek. “I don’t know, D? You gonna let Daddy try a pancake?” He asks, leaning down against Dusty’s high chair, opening his mouth playfully. Once Dusty feeds him a piece of pancake, Adam is playfully chewing it before leaning forward and kissing Dusty’s cheek. “She’s right, you’re two!”
Anna: "I didn't know if Behati was going to pick out an outfit, or if you were going to later so I just dressed her in this." Anna said, and then watched Adam and his daughter interact. God she loved him, Anna was so in love with Adam and his daughter. Laughing a little, the brunette smiled softly when Adam kissed her cheek "Do you want some pancakes babe?"
Adam: “Mom!” Dusty says suddenly at the mention of Behati’s name, and Adam laughs. “Yeah, mom! You’ll see her later.” He kisses Dusty’s cheek and then nods his head. “This is fine for now babe, thank you. You didn’t have to do all this.” He says, “I do, yeah. They’re good. I don’t think you have to worry about food poisoning.” He teased. “Thank you, baby. I appreciate all this.”
Anna: Anna smiled softly when she heard Dusty say mom, taking a breath Anna nodded and chewed her lips again "No I, I wanted too. Don't worry about it." She said, and then looked at him "Are you sure, or are you just saying that? I'm not the /best/ cook, but I /do/ love making breakfast food." Kissing him softly, Anna pressed her forehead against hers and nodded "You're welcome.” This is what she couldnt wait for. Mornings like this with Adam and their kid 
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hollywoodjuliorivas · 4 years
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It’s 2022. What Does Life Look Like?
The pandemic could shape the world, much as World War II and the Great Depression did.
David Leonhardt
By David Leonhardt
Mr. Leonhardt writes The Morning newsletter.
July 10, 2020
Credit...Illustration by Zak Tebbal; Photographs from Getty Images
It’s 2022, and the coronavirus has at long last been defeated. After a miserable year-and-a-half, alternating between lockdowns and new outbreaks, life can finally begin returning to normal.
But it will not be the old normal. It will be a new world, with a reshaped economy, much as war and depression reordered life for previous generations.
Thousands of stores and companies that were vulnerable before the virus arrived have disappeared. Dozens of colleges are shutting down, in the first wave of closures in the history of American higher education. People have also changed long-held patterns of behavior: Outdoor socializing is in, business trips are out.
And American politics — while still divided in many of the same ways it was before the virus — has entered a new era.
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All of this, obviously, is conjecture. The future is unknowable. But the pandemic increasingly looks like one of the defining events of our time. The best-case scenarios are now out of reach, and the United States is suffering through a new virus surge that’s worse than in any other country.
With help from economists, politicians and business executives, I have tried to imagine what a post-Covid economy may look like. One message I heard is that the course of the virus itself will play the biggest role in the medium term. If scientific breakthroughs come quickly and the virus is largely defeated this year, there may not be many permanent changes to everyday life.
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On the other hand, if a vaccine remains out of reach for years, the long-term changes could be truly profound. Any industry that depends on close human contact would be at risk.
Large swaths of the cruise-ship and theme-park industries might go away. So could many movie theaters and minor-league baseball teams. The long-predicted demise of the traditional department store would finally come to pass. Thousands of restaurants would be wiped out (even if they would eventually be replaced by different restaurants).
The changes that I’m imagining in this article are based on neither an unexpectedly fast or slow resolution, but instead on what many scientists consider the baseline. In this scenario, a vaccine will arrive sometime in 2021. Until then, the world will endure waves of sickness, death and uncertainty.
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Before we get into the details, there is one more caveat worth mentioning: Many things will not change. That’s one of history’s lessons.
The financial crisis of 2007-9 didn’t cause Americans to sour on stocks, and it didn’t lead to an overhaul of Wall Street. The election of the first Black president didn’t usher in an era of racial conciliation. The 9/11 attacks didn’t make Americans unwilling to fly. The Vietnam War didn’t bring an end to extended foreign wars without a clear mission.
Yet if the pandemic really does shape life for the next year, it will probably be remembered as a more significant historical event than those precedents. It could easily be the most important global experience since World War II and the Great Depression. Events that hold the world’s attention for long stretches — and that alter the rhythms of everyday life — do tend to leave a legacy.
Credit...Illustration by Zak Tebbal; Photograph from Getty Images
Weak companies will die
“It’s only when the tide goes out,” Warren Buffett likes to say, “that you learn who’s been swimming naked.”
His point is that companies with flawed business models can look healthy in good times. Out of habit, many customers continue to buy from them. But when the economy weakens, people have to make decisions about where to pull back. They often start with products and services that they find the least valuable or that they can replace with a cheaper alternative.
A downturn, says Emily Oster, a Brown University economist, “is an opportunity to revisit inefficiencies.” And the coronavirus is likely to cause a larger version of this phenomenon than a typical recession.
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Local newspapers will be one casualty. They were already struggling, because Google, Facebook and Craigslist had taken away their main source of revenue: print advertising. Between 2008 and 2019, American newspapers eliminated about half of all newsroom jobs.
The virus has led to further declines in advertising and more job cuts — and could end up forcing dozens more papers to fold or become tiny shells of their old selves. If that happens, their cities will be left without perhaps the only major source of information about local politics, business, education and the like.
Traditional department stores are another example. In recent years, they have lost significant business to online retailers and quietly lost even more to big-box stores. Many Americans have decided they prefer either specialty stores (like Home Depot) or discount stores (like Costco) over the one-stop-shopping experience that Sears, Macy’s and J.C. Penney have long offered.
Now the virus has interrupted in-person shopping and caused many consumers to shift even more business online, to Amazon, Target and Walmart. “The retailers doing fair to poorly are absolutely not coming out of this,” said Mark Cohen, a former executive at Sears and Federated Department Stores who teaches at Columbia Business School. “Many, many of them are going to fail, have already failed or will fail when they reopen.”
If they do, they will create spillover victims — the hundreds of malls that rely on department stores for rent and foot traffic. The roughly 250 fancier malls around the country, like The Westchester in suburban New York and The Galleria in Houston, are likely to survive, Mr. Cohen predicted. Some will convert old stores into spaces for experiences, like dining, bowling, medical care or a golf driving range.
But many of the country’s remaining 1,100 or so traditional malls are at risk of failing. Even before the virus, Amazon turned two former malls near Cleveland into warehouses, a physical manifestation of changing shopping habits.
A third at-risk industry — higher education — is a bit different from the others, because it’s so heavily subsidized by the government. Yet dozens of colleges, both private and public, are facing real trouble.
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College enrollment in the United States has been growing almost continually since the Civil War. It kept growing even after the baby boomers finished college, because a rising percentage of young people were enrolling. But the 150-plus-year boom appears to have ended about a decade ago. Undergraduate enrollment fell 8 percent between 2010 and 2018.
Why? Birthrates have fallen, and the percentage of young people going to college isn’t rising significantly anymore. The population trends are especially stark in the Northeast and Midwest, where many colleges are. Late last year, the Chronicle of Higher Education published a bracing report called, “The Looming Enrollment Crisis.”
The virus is exacerbating almost every problem that colleges faced. They have already lost revenue from summer school, food service, parking fees and more. Perhaps most significant, the recession is hammering state budgets, which will probably lead to future cuts in college funding.
The immediate question is whether colleges will be able to bring back students this fall, as administrators are desperately hoping. If they can’t, enrollment and tuition revenue are likely to drop sharply, creating existential crises for many less selective private colleges and smaller public universities.
Yuval Levin, a conservative policy expert and the founding editor of National Affairs, put it this way: “The top 20 schools are probably not going to change. But what is actually higher education — more than 4,000 universities — I think will change a lot.”
Of course, business failures can be healthy. They are part of the “creative destruction” that the economist Joseph Schumpeter famously described, allowing more efficient and innovative rivals to rise. The disappearance of many old department stores won’t be a tragedy if they are replaced by stores people prefer.
But some of the virus-related destruction will have damaging side effects. When local newspapers close, corruption and political polarization tend to rise, while voter turnout tends to fall, academic research has found. Cuts to higher-education budgets could make it even harder for poor and middle-class students to graduate.
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“The biggest danger that we face as a sector,” Ted Mitchell, a former college president who now runs the American Council on Education, an industry group, told me, “is a loss of the gains we’ve made over the past 20 years in the access for first-generation and minority students.”
Credit...Illustration by Zak Tebbal; Photograph from Getty Images
Habits will change
If you talk to students, parents and teachers about remote learning during the pandemic — from preschool through college — they’re likely to tell you that it’s been disappointing. It went “very, very badly” last spring, Mr. Levin says, and many parents assume it will not be much better this fall.
But if you talk to white-collar workers about their experiences with videoconferencing, you will hear a different story: It doesn’t replace the richness of in-person conversations, but many meetings work perfectly well over Zoom, FaceTime or Google Meet.
Millions of workers are returning to the office or will be soon. Many have no choice, including teachers, janitors and retail workers. But for many white-collar workers, the remote-work experiment shows no sign of ending — a trend that could depress the commercial real-estate market and business travel long after a vaccine is available.
Twitter has told many employees that they can plan to work from home forever. In New York, several major companies, including Barclays, JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, have said they don’t expect to use as much Manhattan office space as they did before the pandemic.
As Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive, said this spring, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” Working from home creates its own efficiencies — less time spent on traffic-clogged roads, more flexibility for parents and people caring for elderly relatives.
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Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has 200 economists around the world who report to him, and he has noticed that they are more efficient than before the pandemic struck. In the past, he would often get on a plane for a short meeting with a few economists. The virus has caused them to move these meetings online, where they share screens with one another and work on databases at the same time.
“We’ve gotten used to it very quickly and like it,” Mr. Zandi said. “I just don’t see us going back.” Because other businesses are having the same experience, he predicted, “Business travel is going to fundamentally change.”
In-person meetings and conferences will continue to happen. But the threshold for what requires travel, and the time, cost and fatigue it brings, will rise. “Maybe we’ve discovered that we don’t need to travel as much as we did before,” said Cecilia Rouse, the dean of Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs. American Airlines and Delta Air Lines recently offered buyouts to employees, and Airbus cut thousands of jobs, signs that the companies expect airline travel to be depressed for years.
The larger theme is that crises can force or accelerate behavior changes. Some of the old behavior will revert when the pandemic ends. But not all of it will. In some cases, people will realize that they were sticking to old habits out of inertia and prefer their new habits.
Credit...Illustration by Zak Tebbal; Photograph from Getty Images
Politics will shape the economy
The biggest source of uncertainty about the post-virus American economy is political. Past crises have transformed the economy, but almost always because of government policy.
The Civil War allowed Abraham Lincoln and his allies to create a transcontinental railroad and a national network of public universities. The Great Depression led to a raft of federal laws that reduced inequality. The housing crisis that began in 2007 helped elect a Democratic president and Congress that extended health insurance to millions of people.
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If President Trump wins re-election this year, it may not lead to any major new economic legislation, partly because he has not proposed any. But Mr. Trump would continue to have vast regulatory authority, and he is likely to continue giving businesses more flexibility to behave as they want.
One of the key post-virus implications could be further consolidation in many industries, with big companies becoming even bigger. Early signs indicate they are surviving the lockdown better than smaller rivals, in part because they have more cash on hand, better access to loans and an easier time switching to online sales.
Consolidation, in turn, tends to increase income and wealth inequality, in part because the largest companies are run by highly paid executives, typically based in major metro areas, and the companies’ stock is disproportionately owned by the affluent.
“My basic fear,” Heather Boushey, a leading progressive economist, said, “is that it leads to a rule by the oligarchs.”
At this point, however, Mr. Trump is the underdog; he trails Joe Biden in both national and swing-state polls. Democrats also have a realistic chance to retake control of the Senate. (They would need to win five of the 11 races that appear competitive.) If Democrats control both the White House and Congress, they will be poised to embark on a sweeping economic agenda.
Some analysts believe that they may even see some support from across the aisle. A big Trump loss, amid a pandemic and recession, could jolt the Republican Party into being more open to government action. “The debate for Republicans to be having in the 21st century is not big or small government — it’s what do we need from our government,” Mr. Levin said.
Jake Sullivan, a top Biden adviser, said: “Even Republicans — younger Republicans — have recognized that the center of gravity is shifting on the relationship between the state and the market.” The virus, he added, “will only accelerate that.”
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True, predictions of forthcoming Republican moderation haven’t fared well in recent years. Yet even if they again prove wrong, Democrats may pursue an ambitious agenda by abandoning the Senate filibuster, as many progressives favor, and passing legislation on a majority basis.
That agenda is shaping up to have two defining features. The first is reducing inequality — through higher taxes on the rich, greater scrutiny of big companies, new efforts to reduce racial injustice and more investments and programs for the middle class and poor, including health care, education and paid leave. The second is acting on climate change, which could cause even more global misery than the coronavirus. “Climate change cannot be solved by the private sector,” Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democrats’ minority leader, told me. “People under 45 realize it.”
Mr. Biden may not seem like a history-altering figure, certainly like less of one than Barack Obama did. But he could wind up presiding over a larger scale of political change than Mr. Obama did, for reasons largely independent of the two men themselves.
Ms. Boushey, who runs the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, argues that progressives are better positioned to pass sweeping change in 2021 than they were in 2009, after the financial crisis. Then, the only major policy area in which Democrats had a comprehensive, politically viable plan was health care — and, not coincidentally, it became Mr. Obama’s biggest policy success.
“Although you had this crisis, you didn’t have the ideas that were ready to go,” Ms. Boushey said. Today, by contrast, progressives have spent years working through the details of plans on climate change, high-end tax increases, antitrust policy and more. And while Mr. Obama’s team had only a couple of months to plan for taking office amid a national crisis, Mr. Biden’s team would have almost a year. “There is a whole vision that I think is ready,” Ms. Boushey added. “And there is a lot more runway.”
Mr. Biden and congressional Democrats would need to avoid getting bogged down in intramural squabbles between the center and the left. But the potential exists for the farthest-reaching period of legislative change since Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
In less than 15 years, the United States has suffered the biggest two economic crises since the Great Depression, the worst pandemic in more than a century and the election of two presidents unlike any before them — and diametrically unlike each other. If there is a single lesson of the current era of American politics, it’s that change can happen more quickly than we imagined.
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