#- the outside world and that miu was planning to kill him and gonta decided to kill miu to save everyone else from the awful mess that was -
g0nta-g0kuhara · 5 months
Do you think if Gonta kept his memory he could have won trial 4?
Okay I've thought about this for a little while, and I've come to the conclusion that he probably still couldn't have.
It kinda comes down to the fact that the whole "Killing Game Busters" plan was never meant to succeed to begin with. Kokichi was never going to let himself die in this trial, and I believe that even if Shuichi hadn't lied about him to his face, eventually Kokichi would've brought everyone to the true culprit of the case. He wanted to both "turn Gonta into a murderer" to make himself look more like the mastermind, as well as to break the spirits of everyone else to discourage them from seeking the truth ("This is the truth you all wanted SOOOO Badly!") so he could try to break the killing game with his plan written in his ch5 script.
The reason this matters is because the alibi evidence used at the end of trial 4 to finally convince Kaito that no one else except Gonta could've commited the crime is extremely damning. Every single person has an alibi for Miu's murder except Gonta and Kokichi, and Kokichi has that extra rule that he would freeze if Miu touched him. That leaves Gonta as the only suspect. And with this and Kokichi actively working against him, this would've made it very difficult to get out of.
The reason why it's not "definitely not" is because I still think there is a chance you could pin it on Kokichi. I always thought there was a bit of a hole in the idea that Kokichi couldn't have strangle Miu with the toilet paper because he couldn't touch her. I think he *could have*, it just would've been very difficult and he would've had to have been very dexterous about it. This makes it Gonta's word against Kokichi's. Gonta lying and Kokichi telling the truth.
Rather than being disoriented and half-accepting (as in, being confused about but not immediately outright denying) whatever accusation Kokichi threw at him, he could insist that he was searching for the Truth of the Outside World outside the mansion, and suggest that Kokichi is lying about being in the parlour and pointing out his agility/dexterity in the past that he could've used to strangle her. Plus the fact that they had made plans to meet in front of literally everyone.
It makes me wonder what Kokichi's plan would have been if Gonta hadn't lost his memories. It wasn't part of his plan- he couldn't really have known that 1. Gonta would cross the wires and 2. the impact of that mistake would have been memory loss. I think the trial would've been a different kind of painful for Gonta if this had happened. Instead of Kokichi suddenly accusing him and everything spiraling from there, I think Kokichi would've decided to "give up" part way through the second half of the trial and "admit" their plan because he and Gonta cared about everyone So Much and that they just wanted to help them. That everyone else should've Never pursued the truth of the outside world to begin with, and now both Miu and Gonta were going to die because they HAD to see the trial to the end. Even if never seeing the truth and accepting a mercy-kill would have been Better For Everyone.
Outside of trial logistics, I do think Gonta would've had it in him to manipulate everyone to try and reach the mercy-kill. I imagine he was feeling this very painful mix of depression, despair, and determination. He'd failed to protect every single person who had died before, so now was his chance to help them all. In any other headspace, a mercy-kill would not have been seen as a kindness by Gonta, but he was in a really terrible place mentally. I think he would've also not have wanted Miu's death to go to waste by losing the trial and killing her for no reason. I think he would've tried really hard to win.
We don't have any extended conversations with Gonta in the virtual world after he sees the Truth of the Outside World, but in the few that we do get, to me he seems a bit more reserved. It's also possible he would just not have been able to keep up the facade of his normal personality during the trial because of what he saw, which would have made him suspicious. If Kokichi did try to throw him under the bus, his panic at trying to win the trial may come across as panic in being accused, so maybe it would've cancelled out?
Regardless, because of Kokichi never actually being fully on his side to throw the trial, and because of the really strong evidence in everyone's alibis, I think it would've been very very hard for Gonta to win trial 4 even if he still had his memories.
Thinking about this did give me the mental image of almost everyone voting for Kokichi, and the results coming back that they were all wrong, and Gonta had just successfully gotten away with being the blackened. I think he would've just completely broken down. He would've apologized to everyone over and over again, both relieved that he managed to do it, and anguished for what was about to happen next.
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dangan-meme-palace · 2 years
do you think miu would've helped kokichi's plan in ch4 if she wasn't trying to kill him? like, for example, if she decided to take out shuichi instead?
No, I don't.
The thing with Gonta and Kokichi is that they both really wanted to help the cast and often put the cast before themselves. I think that their desire to help the cast is what helped Kokichi and Gonta pull themselves together, despite their overwhelming despair, to be able to put the plan into action.
However, Miu is... the exact opposite. She puts herself before the others at every single opportunity and is already really emotionally unstable as it is. If Kokichi had shown her "the secret of the outside world" Miu would be too focused on her own despair to even think about helping the others– much less be willing to be the only one left alive, trapped in the school with only monokuma for company and no where else to go, like Gonta was.
Miu just isn't that kind of person.
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dragon-cat-eyes · 3 years
I am just gonna leave these pregame head cannons for the v3 cast here, they are based around our mastermind rp we are currently doing. Most of them are just meant to be funny and stuff , so if you like a character and you don’t think we did them justice hit me up with your own head cannons.
Kaede- she was pretty quiet around most people. She no longer valued her life and was ready to throw it away at the drop of a penny but decided it would be useful for team Danganronpa. She is really oblivious to compliments but over all a good person lacking confidence. ( not everyone here is good)
Shuichi- he is obsessed with Danganronpa , he has seen every episode and season. He claims that it saved him from his depopresion and he would do anything to be in it. He owns tons of merchandise and has written many terrible fanfiction with his own Oc. He strongly believes since he knows so much he might as well be the mastermind and basically gets off to being in the presence of Rantaro and Tsumugi.( the previous games survivors)
Kaito- This mans is probably capital of douche bag central. He is a womanizer and shows a lot of toxic masculinity. He isn’t the smartest man but works out a ton. He wanted his character to be likable so when he got out of the game and was famous everybody would love him. All he cares about is the money and he’ll go through whoever he has go to get it.
Maki- Still not the most emotional however she has very clear Intents. She has been taking care of children her whole life and happily does so. Caring for other kids so they never have to deal with the terrible care she had as a orphan. She is a pretty natural born leader and isn’t joking Dangronpa for the fame. She is joining so that if she wins the money can go to those kids and if she doesn’t win maybe she’ll be able to convince the others to atleast donate when she is gone.
Miu- Dummer than a bricks. I’m sorry, but she is barely making it through school and is only getting good grades through favors. She knows what she has and isn’t afraid to use it to her advantage. School can be stressful and she worries about her future…she figures if I can win a killing game I’ll be set for life. She eagerly signs her life away and basically begs to be made the smartest character there.
Kiibo- He was your everyday edgy guy, decided he would join Dangronpa to escape the outside world. He had very specific wants , he wanted to be a robot , flawless , unbreakable, and claiming flesh was to fragile. He wanted to be everything he wasn’t friendly, confident, and useful. Everyone was pretty sure he already thought he himself was a robot with no emotion this was just a step to come make it come true.
Kokichi- piss baby man. This man would cry at the drop of a pencil. Someone must of bullied this boy to the point he decided his life no longer mattered. He gets very intimidated by new sistuation and pretty people. He didn’t have the balls to stand up for himself at first but he later starts trying to act like his new character and gets a bit cocky. He can’t argue without crying though but he does throw weak blows to get under people’s skin. He is pretty baby and loves cuddles and being treated like a little kid, it’s almost like he is completely touch starved.
Gonta- Meat head with no brains. He is here for the fame and gladly displays his muscles to show he has what it takes to get rid of everyone in this game. He has the strength to end a life in a snap but he worried if he wasn’t likable his fame would be nothing. He decided his character needed to be the most beloved character in the entire show, he wanted to be raised by wolves, being very intimidating and silent. His character would be so cool and badass like him that the fans would love him….to bad he didn’t care for bugs but he was fine with being the ultimate entomologist anyway.
Tenko- Shy lesbian girl who was just ready to end it all. She had been taken advantage of by men and decided she hated herself , she no longer wanted to live in her body or with herself. She was still hesitant about the killing game but she felt it was the only way she could escape the past, she unlike her current game self isn’t afraid to speak up to a pretty lady and was in a relationship with Kirumi before the game started.
Angie- she is a lot like shuichi a huge fangirl of Danganronpa. She has drawn tons of fanart and written her own fanfiction that include unpopular ships and such. She isn’t as obsessed as Shuichi but she feels honored to be in the presence of Rantaro and Tsumugi. She will argue with anyone that she is a Mikan Kinny and that the love of her life is nagito. She feels toxic just standing next to her but atleast she tries to act nice even if she is obvious to her hurting other people.
Himiko- Little spitfire. She kicks ass and takes names, sporting all leather and coming from a gang she thinks she is tough shit. She is here for the game and quickly phorms a James and Jessie dynamic with Gonta. She is very flirty little thing very quickly sizing up her opportunities. She used to preform magic shows in school and still remembers a lot of tricks so that is what makes her decide to be the ultimate magician. Gonta and her planned that ethyl would leave the game together and basically rule the world with their fame…they had feeling for each other they chose to ignore for the sake of the game they were about to be in.
Korekiyo- This was your everyday traveler just trying to escape his past. His older sister groomed him and caused him a lot of trauma ,once he could escape from home he did and never went back. He has delicates his life to figuring out everything he can about humans and why they do the things they do. This killing game intrigued him to the point where he decided to join and see what made humans tick this way. He didn’t want a crazy story just being the ultimate anthropologist was good for him, he didn’t realize he overstated giving them all ideas on how to ruin the man.
Kirumi- Seemlessly already had a character in mind and was acting as such. She already planned out she wanted to be a maid and fulfill needs before her master even knew they needed them. Everyone was pretty sure she somehow got off to being a maid with how happy it made her. She was a bit suprised with Tenko admiring feelings for her but decided to let herself indulge one last time in the idea of self worth. She unknowingly asked for compliments and acceptance, she just wanted to help everyone…never realizing to help herself.
Ryoma- was a basic man who had no one in his life that cared for him. He took up to raising and taking care of cats in his Freetime and before the game he is looking to rehouse those cats in good homes since he knows he won’t be coming home to them. He is a soft man just not will left to live. He disctracts everyone with kittens while he talks about wanting to be a tennis player that has killed a mafia…somehow he got the exact part he wanted.
Tsumugi & Rantaro- both being from a previous game have a lot of trauma and nightmares from it. They got into a relationship once they were free of the first game and were always there for eachother. Rantaro was rich from his family and didn’t mind spoiling his new girlfriend who didn’t have anything before that. They both just wanted to live out their normal lives and leave Dangronpa in the past but got dragged back in due to popular demand. The entire world was in love with their romance and would gladly have the couple shoved into another killing game to satisfy their needs. They weren’t happy about being in another killing game but had no choice and put a stop on their lives to work for Team Dangronpa. They both knew this would be the most changing thing they have gone through together next to meeting each others parents.
I have more on some of the characters but this is a long post already so I’ll just leave it there for now.
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saimotass · 3 years
how i’d rewrite v3
warning: long post
chapter 1:
everything is essentially the same with one key difference
when voting ends, shuuichi is revealed to have abstained, leading to his death alongside kaede’s
thus resulting in a double protag switch, with kiibo becoming the protag
chapter 1 results in three deaths
this establishes the arc number, makes things interesting by killing off three of the seemingly most important characters, and gives leeway for the rest of the cast to shine
chapter 2:
the motive is the same, and maki gets hoshi’s tape
however, maki refuses to trade with him and he gets angry about it
because he’s always wanted to feel like he was worth something, and there’s someone standing in the way of letting him know if there’s anything outside waiting for him, he kills maki
however, after that, he watches his tape and realizes that he’s completely alone
he leaves the crime scene as is, and kokichi tries to throw the trial because he has maki’s tape and has revealed her as the SHSL assassin
kokichi attempts to make it be that maki committed suicide as a means of escaping her past, but he also posits that maybe she was framing hoshi since he was already a convicted murderer
hoshi, having nothing left to live for, confesses, and kokichi gets angry, citing that it would have been so much more interesting if he had fought his fate
maki and hoshi die in a fiercely antagonistic, ultimately self-destructive mess
chapter 3:
there’s a similar motive, and it’s established that there was a pair of relatives in the cast, but one of them is dead
miu has already cemented herself as being pretty isolated from the rest of the group, and people suspect that she and kaede were twins, based on them knowing that kaede had a twin sister
other guesses include rantarou being related to tenko or kirumi, and shuuichi being related to korekiyo or tsumugi
angie decides to hold a seance so that they can figure it out and reunite them
himiko offers to help and it’s during the seance that himiko is killed
this is a 1 victim chapter, subverting the expectation, and also making sense since 3 people died in chapter 1
during the trial, people start to suspect miu, but korekiyo starts acting weird
korekiyo has a meltdown completely out of nowhere, and believes himself to be possessed by the spirit of shuuichi
he reveals that shuuichi was his brother, and that he was vengeful towards the group for not stopping the killing game (making his, kaede’s, and rantarou’s sacrifices be in vain)
he also claims that shuuichi was trying to target the mastermind, but when himiko volunteered herself to help, he ended up killing her instead
korekiyo is voted, despite a couple people claiming that shuuichi would be the true culprit
korekiyo is executed, and in retaliation for monodam having killed monokid and monosuke during the prior executions, monotaro and monophanie kill him
chapter 4:
virtual reality is still part of the motive
angie has a breakdown, having lost the one person that was most receptive to her teachings about atua
miu and tsumugi are shown to be very close after the last few chapters due to their self-isolated nature
angie snaps and tries to kill miu, but tsumugi steps in in her place, killing angie as defense
the world glitches, and miu goes missing for a bit, leading people to believe that she was the victim
when they get out of the game, miu is still alive, and so people believe her to be the murderer
it’s revealed that miu caused the glitch in order to save tsumugi
kokichi’s been part of this too, having noticed how close they were and putting pieces together, as well as eavesdropping and coercing info out of miu
kokichi ouma, revealed as a magnificent bastard
miu begs everyone to vote for her, but tsumugi confesses, and she is executed
during tsumugi’s execution, monotaro seems like he’ll be next to die, but monophanie sacrifices herself for him, in line with this chapter’s theme
after this trial, miu and tenko start hanging out, having lost their closest friends (tsumugi and himiko respectively)
chapter 5:
everybody hates ouma: the musical
after it was revealed that he manipulated the events of both chapter 2 and chapter 4, literally everybody suspects him of being the mastermind, or at least a traitor of some sort
he decides to try and enlist miu to help hack into kiibo to make him a minion of his
miu goes along with it, thanks to some masterful manipulation tactics on ouma’s end (he’s good with words, the shit)
kiibo’s software goes blank for a bit, but he eventually gets better thanks to an unforeseen software update
(during the time that kiibo’s offline, we play briefly as the other cast, who are all either preparing to confront or already confronting ouma by this point)
ouma is also shown to be causing injuries to himself, hoping to die by his own hand and cause a trial where nobody knows the real killer, taking everyone with him because they’re all so bad at playing the game
ouma is the victim and nobody knows who killed him, not even monokuma
everyone is hesitant to admit that they confronted him, but only gonta, kaito, and tenko confess to having fought him physically
miu and kiibo work together to reveal that kiibo was still recording during the time he was offline, and they show ouma inflicting injuries to himself
everyone believes that ouma committed suicide, but just before everyone goes to vote, gonta confesses
gonta delivered the killing blow accidentally, not realizing his own strength
over the course of the game, gonta and kiibo had gotten close, and gonta got so angry seeing kiibo malfunctioning that he killed ouma on accident
tenko and kaito both then claim that they killed him, not wanting gonta to die
kiibo has to convince them that voting for gonta is the right thing to do
gonta is executed, and it seems like monotaro is safe, but right at the end of gonta’s execution, monotaro commits suicide
chapter 6:
after talking to monokuma during the previous trial about rules and what to do if the results of a trial were unclear or ambiguous, they realize that the mastermind broke a rule back in chapter 1
the rule being that someone killing more than 2 people isn’t allowed
when kiibo’s attempting to find out who the mastermind could be alongside kirumi, miu, tenko, and kaito, they are given class files for each student
nowhere in either korekiyo or shuuichi’s files do they mention a brother, while in kaede’s, her twin sister is mentioned
after gathering evidence and demanding a retrial of the first case, kiibo confronts monokuma, believing that korekiyo is the mastermind, having hidden his death after causing the deaths of kaede, rantarou, shuuichi, and himiko
it’s revealed that shuuichi was actually the one faking his death, and that he is the mastermind of the killing game
danganronpa is still a show, but shuuichi passes it off as an experimental documentary on how people can be forced to kill, based on a real life set of video games
he confesses that he fabricated his relation to korekiyo, but that it worked well, as korekiyo was a traitor, having worked with shuuichi on his experiment
he also reveals that kiibo was made solely for the experiment, as a camera and an audience surrogate, making him essentially a conduit for amateur sleuths to solve real life murders on TV
this breaks kiibo and we play as the other four survivors to help him
it’s revealed that the show technically hasn’t even aired, and that shuuichi was planning on killing all of them in order to survive to share his findings with the world
shuuichi is thwarted, and the survivors all agree to die alongside him if it means destroying the video
kiibo initiates self-destruct, but after seeing that the others are safe in a bunker, accepts his death and kills himself alongside shuuichi
the survivors are kaito, tenko, miu, and kirumi, subverting the theme number of 3
it’s revealed that rantarou had memories of surviving two other experiments led by shuuichi, explaining the v3 -- this was the 3rd version of his game
the footage is destroyed, and the four survivors walk away from the rubble, unsure of how to assimilate back into society having pretended that nothing happened
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oumakokichi · 3 years
Do you think that Kokichi had any remorse for Gonta during trial 4 or did he actually not care? I've seen a lot of people saying different opinions from both sides of the argument. But I'm really confused because there was a moment where after Gonta was executed, correct me if I'm wrong but Shuichi asked Kokichi if he could reveal the secret of the outside world (?) But Kokichi replied with something like “I don't want to....” and seemed generally upset? But then a few moments later he snapped out if it and began acting like he had no sympathy whatsoever. I just really wanna know how Kokichi actually, truly felt about Gonta and if he regretted manipulating him. Sorry if you've already been asked this and have already given an answer, thank you!
Hi anon—I actually wrote a pretty big master-post on chapter 4 not too long ago which I think more or less sums up my thoughts on Ouma’s behavior in the post-trial! You can find it here if you want (it’s pretty long and I tried to answer a whole bunch of questions about Ouma in chapter 4 specifically, since it’s the chapter I get asked about the most).
More specifically though, I’m afraid that there is no easy, definitive answer to that question. I can only share my personal opinions about how I believe Ouma felt in that scene. And personally? I do think he was genuinely upset and distraught about Gonta’s death, that he even momentarily considered giving up all his plans and being executed alongside him, and that he cared about Gonta and deeply regretted using him as a sacrificial pawn in his plans.
I’ll discuss what I mean in more detail, but it’ll probably get pretty long, so I’ll put the rest of this post under a cut as always!
The thing is, though, I’ve shared my personal thoughts about the chapter 4 post trial many times, including my reasoning and all of the textual evidence that shows how much Ouma cared about the rest of his classmates. But ultimately, there will probably always be some people who disagree, because their reading of the text will always be a little bit different. Unless we ever have an interview from Kodaka in the future where he directly says, “this is what Ouma was thinking and feeling at this exact moment,” there really won’t ever be a way to know what was going through his head with 100% certainty (and I do feel like leaving it open-ended is something of Kodaka’s intention, anyway, especially since Ouma is supposed to be a very polarizing character).
That being said, I do think it’s worth analyzing the text and drawing your own conclusions, because ndrv3 is a game that changes a lot depending on how you interpret it, and Ouma’s character is included in that. It’s really easy on a first playthrough to get wrapped up in what Ouma says or does without really looking at why he says it, or at his underlying motivations. Going back through the game on a replay though, I do personally think it’s possible to guess at what he might have been feeling during those super conflicting scenes in chapter 4.
In my opinion, I think Ouma did truly care about Gonta as a friend, and that his guilt and remorse over what he did was genuine. Not only did Ouma and DICE have a very strict taboo against killing (mentioned directly in his motive video in Japanese, though the part about it being an actual rule was stripped from the localization), but we don’t see Ouma’s façade crack like this very often. Most of the time when he does his trademark “crocodile tears,” it’s with his very loud, exaggerated crying sprite, and he bounces right back to acting normally within a moment or two.
There are a few exceptions to this, of course—he uses the “crocodile tears” sprite to cry at Kaede, Amami, and Toujou’s deaths, but it’s still very likely he was shaken up by seeing them dead). Nonetheless, we don’t see his much more subdued crying sprites more than a handful of times, particularly in the chapter 4 post-trial just before Gonta’s execution, as well as in Momota’s flashback in chapter 5 when he talks about how Ouma actually hated the killing game the whole time.
I’m aware that some people simply brush these moments aside and assume that Ouma is lying though all of them, but I personally just can’t agree with that interpretation. Assuming that Ouma is lying whenever he shows remorse or guilt or hatred for the killing game means assuming that he’s telling the truth in pretty much every other scene—which doesn’t make much sense, given that his entire character is centered around the concept of lying, as well as moral ambiguity and subverting expectations. Assuming that Ouma actually means what he’s saying 100% of the time unless it just happens to involve showing any kind of guilt or remorse turns him into a very boring, predictable, uninspired character (none of which are words I would use to describe him personally).
Ignoring those moments where Ouma shows genuine attachment to his classmates and distaste for the killing game also means ignoring several key pieces of evidence and clues about him that we are directly provided in the game, including his motive video and Momota’s flashback in chapter 5. Personally, I don’t feel like there’s any reason to include these scenes at all unless it’s to help shed light on Ouma’s motivations and provide players with a clear reason to try and go back through the game again to look at Ouma’s actions through a new perspective.
I also feel that Ouma genuinely cared about Gonta because to put it simply, there was no incentive for him to lie in that scene. He got absolutely nothing out of it—and considering he turns around and starts playing the villain on purpose all of 5 minutes after Gonta’s death, he definitely wasn’t trying to earn sympathy points or trick the rest of his classmates into trusting him. In fact, he could’ve easily tried to make himself look more sympathetic by putting all of the blame on Miu for trying to kill him, or even on Gonta. But instead he fully admits to coming up with the plan to kill Miu and spends the entire post-trial trying to convince everyone not to hate or blame Gonta.
If he was truly as sadistic and horrible as he pretended to be, I think he would’ve pulled a 180 and started throwing names and insults around while Gonta was still alive to hear it, not after he was already dead. If he didn’t care at all about Gonta’s feelings, he had no reason to try and take all the blame on himself while insisting that none of what happened was actually Gonta’s fault. If anything, revealing himself to be this horrible, evil villain who enjoys seeing other people suffer or die would’ve really been adding insult to injury, and probably would’ve crushed Gonta completely, even before his execution started.
But… Ouma doesn’t do any of this. Despite having every opportunity to either portray himself as more of a victim and fling all the blame on Miu and Gonta, or else to completely embrace being a villain who loved seeing people suffer, he doesn’t do either of these things. The way I personally see it, Ouma waits until Gonta is already dead, and when the rest of his classmates begin pushing him for answers about the outside world and demanding to know what Gonta saw, that’s when he finally snaps and resigns himself to acting like a villain in order to make everyone hated.
You could argue that trying to make everyone hate him had a twofold effect: it helped set the stage for him to pretend to be the ringleader in the next chapter, which he clearly wanted, but it also was a way of taking things out on himself and shows just a small glimpse of how much he hated having to dirty his hands in chapter 4. After all, Ouma even says it himself: that the “role of a villain is perfect for him,” because he’s already made everyone hate him. We see Ouma occasionally tease or antagonize the rest of his classmates plenty of times throughout the game, but it’s true that he doesn’t really step into that “villain” role until the end of chapter 4, once he’s crossed a line that he can never come back from by manipulating both Miu and Gonta to their deaths.
None of this is to say that what Ouma did to Gonta is okay, by any means. I think he definitely did care about Gonta and even thought of him as one of the few trustworthy people in the killing game, even someone close to a friend, but that doesn’t mean that manipulating him and using him like a chess piece was okay in the end. I just also think it’s important to realize that there were plenty of extenuating circumstances that led Ouma to act the way he did—including the fact tha he knew Miu was going to kill him, that he already suspected she had measures to prevent him from fighting back or killing her himself in the VR world, and the fact that he did not want to die or get everyone else killed in the trial.
It’s possible for people to care about others without necessarily treating them the best or doing the right thing. A huge part of Danganronpa, something that’s been evident from the very first game, is that sometimes characters can and do hurt each other, even when they care about each other or wouldn’t be a threat otherwise.
It’s the existence of the killing game itself that causes so many characters to go to extremes that they normally wouldn’t, whether it’s Maizono trying to frame Naegi in dr1 despite caring about him a lot, Kaede deciding to try and commit murder under everyone’s noses despite trying to unite the group and wanting everyone to trust her, or Ouma using Gonta as a pawn to kill Miu in his place because he didn’t want to die.
At the end of the day, people are still probably going to have very polarizing opinions about Ouma and the things he did in chapter 4, and that’s honestly okay. In my own opinion, Ouma definitely isn’t a completely flawless, innocent baby who “did nothing wrong”—he absolutely is manipulative, cold, and calculating when he wants to be, and it’s a fact that he got two people killed, even if he didn’t want things to reach that point. But I also personally don’t think it’s fair to write him off as the exact kind of “evil villain” he pretends to be; not only is it a shortsighted interpretation of his larger motivations, but it also completely ignores any replay value and completely shoots down the appeal of trying to interpret Ouma’s thoughts and actions because “he was lying about feeling bad anyway, what’s the point in analyzing him.”
Tl;dr: I do think Ouma cares about Gonta, that he probably even thought of him as the closest thing he had to a friend in the killing game, and that what he did to Gonta in the end wasn’t okay. I think he really did respect Gonta for being such a sweet and kind person, but that he also knew Gonta was extremely naïve and that he would be one of the easiest people in their group to manipulate, hence why he decided to rely on him instead of anyone else. Their friendship is an important part of both of their character arcs, but it’s definitely not what I would call “on equal footing.”
I understand why Ouma’s actions might make some people really resent him, but I also believe that kneejerk reaction of anger and dismissal is exactly the point: Ouma does feel terrible about the things he did, but he doesn’t want anyone’s sympathy or forgiveness, not even the player’s. This, in my opinion, is why he starts embracing the villain role so completely from this point on, and why he’s never quite able to make the same sort of cold, calculating sacrifices in chapter 5 that he did in chapter 4.
I hope this helps answer your question, anon, along with the other chapter 4 post I wrote! Thank you for all your support!
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aj28gaming · 3 years
Isn't the majority of the characters an anti-villain/anti-hero in Danganronpa?
What exactly counts as an anti-villain? A person who does bad things with good intentions right?
Wouldn't that be the same for a lot of the characters in Danganronpa?
In the first game, wouldn't every blackened fall onto that category for murder for the sake of escaping to end the killing game?
Wouldn't Aoi Asahina count as an anti-villain for trying to kill all her classmates because of Sakura's death?
Wouldn't all the main characters be technically be counted as anti-villains since they convict and in turn kill the blackeneds for the sake of saving everyone else?
I'm mostly basing that on how everyone says murder is unforgivable especially for characters like Nagito and Kokichi
Wouldn't Peko and Fuyuhiko be counted as anti-villains for killing Mahiru due to the death of his sister?
And wouldn't all the remnants of despair and Genocide Jack count as anti-heroes/anti-villains since they definitely murdered a lot more people? More so for the remnants, since they did a lot more than murder?
Again, basing this on "murder is unforgivable"
If being an anti-villain/anti-hero means being the thorn or obstacle for the protagonist in the story, isn't everyone who is the blackened and every person that debates with the protagonist technically an antagonist/anti-hero/anti-villain in that regard?
What exactly counts as an anti-villain?
Nagito and Kokichi are usually seen under this category
For Nagito,
During the first trial, he already starts plotting his own murder to kickstart the killing game so everyone has a chance to escape and not be trapped on the island in a killing game
He does this to give the blackened a chance to escape and the others a chance as well, all due to his supposed "death"
But his plan fails due to his luck and kills Byakuya in the process while Teruteru still remains the blackened. Nagito helps Teruteru soon after during the trial
If Nagito counts as an anti-hero for that, wouldn't Teruteru also count as an anti-hero since he is the actual murderer?
If he isn't because he was manipulated, wasn't he technically just provoked? After all, he could've just told the others and it's just due to him wanting to see his mom that he even went through the murder in the first place. He even knew he was gonna kill someone but kept saying it's to save everyone from Nagito
Bad action = murder
Good intention = stopping Nagito
Isn't Teruteru an anti-hero as well in that regard?
Another thing Nagito does is give hints in the trials without actually giving the full answer, that's not really an anti-hero thing to do, that just seems like giving hints at a typical mystery game when you have a hard time lmao
If anything, the others are technically worse since they usually debate with the main character and some even go as to lie or hide the truth just because they don't wanna accept the truth like Fuyuhiko and Sonia. They do this a lot while so far Nagito has done it twice I believe
(I say twice because him making Hajime suspicious during Mikan's trial in order to solidify Hajime's innocence and alibi technically counts as one but it really depends on how you look at it as twice or once only)
Wouldn't everyone else be counted as anti-heroes as well?
And with Nagito trying to kill everyone in chapter 5, the thing is I don't think that was his main goal
He gave so many hints about his plan that I believe he was giving the remnant of despair a chance to redeem themselves by thwarting Nagito's plan and finding out the traitor
So if anything, what Nagito should really be guilty of is for testing everyone's lives and chances at redemption. But keep in mind, everyone including Nagito was a bunch of terrorists that killed, manipulated, tortured thousands and some even raped and dismembered "Junko's body" to replace their own.
Now compare this to Aoi Asahina's case where she actually tried to get everyone killed, no terrorists, just innocent classmates that were assholes to Sakura.
Arguably, what Asahina did was far worse than what Komaeda did so isn't she even more of an anti-hero?
I could also compare Kokichi and Gundham. For Kokichi, it's when he and Gonta teamed up to kill Miu to prevent everyone else from dying due to Miu's murder plan. Kokichi couldn't have done it on his own due to the settings on his character that prevent him to move when touched. So he "manipulates" Gonta to work with him.
In reality, Kokichi mostly just told Gonta about the outside world and Miu's plan and Gonta decided on his own to murder Miu. Not because of the glitch cuz all the glitch was a memory wipe
So, Kokichi murders Miu to save everyone
Doesn't Gundham do the same? He murders Nekomaru to save everyone else and allow them to not starve. The only difference is that he was actually able to kill Nekomaru while Kokichi had a glitch that prevents him from moving when touched
Isn't Gundham also an anti-hero in this regard?
I hope I explained my questioning and reasoning well enough for people to understand what I am trying to ask
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geminiamethyst · 3 years
Momoharu Week 2021. Day 7: Talent Swap/Free Day
Warning: characters will be a little OOC but I’ll try to keep that to a minimum.
This takes place before the 2nd trial.
Kaito usually wasn’t one to run away. If anything, he’d rather stand on his own two feet and fight to see another day. However, this wasn’t one of those times.
He didn’t know how it happened, or why, but Gonta was on a rampage. Not a murderous rampage, but he had been running around and grabbing anyone he could get his hands on. Kaito tried warning Shuichi, but was forced to abandon him as Gonta carried him off the to Ultimate Entomologist Research Lab. Gonta seemed to had settled down, but only for a minute. Now Kaito was once again running from the giant. He ran as fast as he could. He was heading to his own Research Lab to hide. He had been keeping everyone out of it so far, so Gonta shouldn’t think to go there. If he does, Kaito will have to scare him off somehow. Without being over the top.
Kaito ran into the main building, just hearing Gonta starting to chase him. He’ll have to hurry up and get to his lab. However, Kaito skidded to a stop as he heard someone coming up the stairs from the basement. He waited until he saw a familiar girl with long dark hair that was tied back into two ponytail with a star hair clip and a skirt that had a constellation pattern. Maki Harukawa. She didn’t seem to notice Kaito as she had her nose stuck in a book that she took from the library. She was walking towards his direction, seeming to be without much care in the world.
Kaito didn’t know what to do at that moment. Warn Maki about Gonta? Or use her as a scapegoat to get to the safety of his Lab? Kaito didn’t have much time to ponder over that as he suddenly heard Gonta coming to his direction from around the corner. Throwing all of his dignity away, he dived into the girls bathroom, where he had been standing next to. Since Gonta was doing his best to be a gentleman, he’ll never look inside the bathroom. However, Kaito peeked through a slit in the door. Maki was still making her way towards his direction, continuing to be wrapped up in her reading. Kaito felt like if she got caught, it wouldn’t be his problem. However, something told him that he should spare her from whatever it is that Gonta was doing. Ignoring his original plan to use her as a scapegoat, when she got close enough, Kaito flung the door open and dragged her inside. The book she held landed with a soft thud as she dropped it. He held onto her tight, covering her mouth to muffle her surprised yelp. He quickly hushed at her, doing his best to hold her still as she struggled to pull away from him. Holding her steady, Kaito kept an ear out for Gonta. Maki seemed to fall still as she heard the giant’s footsteps as he walked away from their hiding place. They both held their breath, waiting patiently until they could no longer hear Gonta nearby. When the corridor went silent, Kaito breathed a sigh of relief. That didn’t last as he suddenly felt a harsh elbow jab him in the stomach.
“Ow! Son of a bitch!” Kaito exclaimed, immediately letting go of the girl that he had been holding. He rubbed his stomach as he glared at Maki, who was glaring a little herself. “What was that for?!”
“What are you doing, you idiot?! Are you trying to kill me?!” Maki shouted backing away from Kaito.
“If it weren’t for me, you would’ve been grabbed by Gonta!” Kaito argued back, ignoring his internal advice to stay calm. “I don’t know what the hell set him off, but I don’t think you’d want to be in his way!”
“I can take care of myself.” Maki sighed, brushing something off of her skirt.
“I can see that!” Kaito growled, rubbing the forming bruise on his abdomen. “You should be more aware of your surroundings, nerd!” Maki didn’t look impressed, but she didn’t resume the argument. She only silently turned on her heels and left the girls bathroom. Kaito stayed where he was for what felt like an hour when it was several minutes. He wanted to make extra sure that Gonta was gone. If Maki got caught, that’s no skin off his nose. He saved her once, he doesn’t need to do it again. He’s not a hero after all.
Kaito finally left the bathroom. He couldn’t hear Gonta nearby, so he was alright to go hide in his Ultimate Lab. That was what he thought until he looked down at where Maki dropped the book she previously carried. It was gone, meaning that she picked it up. Kaito shrugged it off, or tried to at least. He had still wanted to go to his Ultimate Lab, but something told him to check on Maki. ‘Damn it all.’ Kaito sighed internally as he changed direction. He went outside the main building, heading towards the dormitory. He scanned the surrounding area, keeping an eye out for Gonta and Maki. He would’ve thought that Maki was either caught or was now sleeping in her room. However, he spotted her out on the grass. He quickly climbed up a tree, hiding himself away from Maki in case she felt someone was watching her. She didn’t seem to notice someone spying on her. She was laying on the grass, flat out on her back. She was hugging her book to her chest. She was looking up at the night sky, seeming to be smiling as she was watching them. Kaito never understood anyone’s fascination with the stars, but he wasn’t one to judge people who were like Maki. He didn’t admit it out loud, but he was glad to see her looking so peaceful.
However, for Kaito, that peace was interrupted. He spotted Gonta again. The giant was skulking around, until he started making his way towards Maki. She was too fixated on the stars, not sensing the giant nearby. Kaito once again wanted Gonta to catch her, but he suddenly had the urge to protect her. He didn’t know why, but he just had that feeling. He waited until Gonta was about to walk past the tree that he was hiding in. When Gonta was close enough, Kaito jumped down, landing on his feet effortlessly, surprising the Ultimate Entomologist.
“What are you doing?” Kaito asked, unfazed by Gonta’s surprised look on his face.
“Oh! There you are Kaito! Come! Gonta take you and Maki to Insect Meet and Greet!” Gonta smiled, overcoming his shock.
“No thanks. I want nothing to do with it. And leave Maki be. She’s quite happy right now.” Kaito rejected, stepping back. He pointed behind him to show Gonta his point. “Wouldn’t want to disturb her, would you?” Gonta followed where Kaito was pointing. He spotted Maki and looked conflicted.
“No, but-“ he finally started.
“Do you wanna die?” Kaito suddenly asked, glaring at the giant. He wouldn’t kill Gonta, not really. But he did want to scare him off. And it seemed to work as Gonta suddenly turned pale, his frame starting to tremble. “Now be a gentleman and don’t come anywhere near her.”
“Y-yes sir! Sorry!” Gonta stammered, before he quickly ran away. He was going to the direction towards the gym. Kaito waited for a couple of seconds until he took a deep breath, calming himself down. He felt like he had just showed who he really was, but hopefully, Gonta won’t be smart enough to put two and two together. Kaito looked back out at Maki. She was still laying down, facing the stars. Kaito once again hid in the tree, watching out for her. She was vulnerable and wide open for an attack. Kaito did contemplate killing her, knowing that he might get away with it, but decided not to. There was no point in it.
Kaito continued to look out for Maki. A while ago, he notice that Gonta was chasing Miu only to turn tail after she stripped down to her underwear. The poor guy got flustered and ran off, most likely confused about what he should do in a situation like that. He then ran back to his lab, carrying Angie and Himiko back to his Ultimate Lab. After that, no one seemed to be out and about other than him and Maki. Kaito looked back at her, only to find her asleep. Remembering the night time rule, Kaito immediately walked over to her. She was going to get into trouble for falling asleep outside her room. He stared down at her peaceful, sleeping face. He was going to wake her up, but decided not to. He gently carried her bridal style. He went back to the dormitory, finding her room instantly. Her door was surprisingly unlocked. This took him by surprise as Maki didn’t seem like the type of girl who’d carelessly leave her door open. Kaito shook it off, putting it down to an accident on Maki’s part. He gently placed her on her bed, carefully taking the book that she lightly clutched in her hands and placed it on the bedside table. After covering her up, Kaito glanced down at Maki again. He was worried that she might wake up at that moment, but she was still blissfully whisked away into her dreamland. He briefly wondered if she dreams about the stars, being the Ultimate Astronaut after all. He looked at her face, surprising himself as he thought that she looked quite cute. As soon as he realised that, he shook off those feelings. He felt like a complete idiot for thinking that. But as he looked at her again, he felt...something...strange deep inside him.
Kaito grumbled at himself and left Maki’s room immediately. He made his way back to his Ultimate Lab, for definite this time. On the way, he was still cursing at himself. Stupid! It can’t be love that he felt, he barely knows the girl. He shouldn’t be falling in love anyway. Besides, even if he loved her, she could never love him.
Who would fall for someone like the Ultimate Assassin anyway?
“Ryoma? What do you want?”
“Kaito, I’ve come to ask about the motive videos.”
Day 1: click HERE
Day 2: click HERE
Day 3: click HERE
Day 4: click HERE
Day 5: click HERE
Day 6: click HERE
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toriliashine · 3 years
Hold on, I’m conflicted
side 1: Kokichi wanted to Mercy kill them all to not be stuck between a hellish world and a murder school.
 a) If that was so, why didn’t he just let Miu kill him? He knew about the plan, and could’ve just let the plan run smoothly. The rest of them could be executed innocently without tasting the hell of the outside and Miu could’ve felt true despair on finding out all her plans of murder and escape were for naught when she saw it.
Result - Miu lives, and feels despair yadda yadda; everyone else is execute blah
ai) But, what if Kokichi found out about the outside world after he found out Mu wanted to kill him? It was a short time span between her making it and him possibly doing the tunnel thing but like. What if he was like, hey, one of my classmates that i thought was an ally is trying to kill me. that sucks, whelp, at least let me look where this card key leads, maybe it’ll get my spirits up in some way before i decide how to take care of her????
K: well then.
Then, after that, the pieces for the plan couldve started falling in place? He couldve then showed Gonta what was going on, making him feel the same despair and how the only right way to escape this hell word was to die. 
Gonta agreed.
Result! - this would have made Gonta the sole survivor if the plan worked. Would have depressingly thought it was the gentlemanly thing to do for the rest of his friends to find peace in death while he held the pain of surviving in that hell alone. (also alsjklsn Kokichi said yeah i wanna DIE but Gonta is the sweetest person here and the most worthy to live through all this shit HE’S gonna be the blackened and i’ll use my lies and trickery to make sure he LEAVES THIS DAMN SCHOOL)
b) In the trial, after both Kokichi and Gonts knew about the outside world. Kokichi could’ve just let him continue ‘pretending’ to not know what was going on. It would’ve hurt to have the only person you confided such delicate information ‘lie’ and throw all of you and your plans under the bus like that but it wouldv’e got shit DONE. He couldv’e continued lying pinnning the crime on anyone else, even himself as long as it meant the plan worked.
Result! - Gonta lives! He’d probably only be told why after the incorrect vote though. Monokuma would laugh as he brought Alter Ego Gonta out to say what the plan was. Alter Ego Gonta and Kokichi would’ve had a bittersweet feeling knowing their plan... succeeded... The rest of them would be executed. And Gonta would have to rely on the knowledge this computer version of him had to say abt the outside, he mightve not had enough time to prepare himself due to him forgetting though :(. -> Monokuma might push him out and shut off the school. He might fully succumb to despair :(
-> this relies on Monokuma actually bringing out Alter Ego though, he might just force him out crying and sobbing, feeling nothing but despair as his friends get executed while goNTA DOESN’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON. WHY - HOW AM I THE KILLER. WHY KOKICHI LIE. MY FRIENDS SHOULD NOT DIE. WHY -
side b- Kokichi didn’t want to mercy kill them all, and still wanted to survive after 
Oohh this is a VERY sinister side when u think about it. I don’t like it and want to see it as a last minute plan B that he chose during the trial but i have to be KIND of objective :(.
This was all triggered once he found out Miu was planning to kill him though.
a) He found out Miu was going to kill him, showed Gonta the despair of the outside world which made him agree to kill her.
Easiest path to go down when attempting to understand chapter 4′s trial. 
The chapter (according to a random comic i found 5 minutes before rechecking the trial nyeheheheeh im so reliable) The trial relied on Kaito supporting Shuichi to choose the truth. By making a point to prod them both in the trial, he could succeed in making the trial interesting and still let them find the culprit. 
bi) He did it plainly to survive
A truly evil route! Would suggest he truly cared not for Gonta, Miu nor the rest of his classmates, yet this is refuted by how he acted in the Chapter’s end and the next. If he didn’t care about the mastermind’s doing, a lot of what have happened next - simply would not have. it’s a really popular choice of events for people who just dont like kokichi though akskal His previous lies could’ve just been accepted as truth and he couldve gone the rest of the game ignored and hated just because. But this ouldve gone against a lot of things.
bii) He did it for a final ultimate goal - to find and expose the mastermind. 
He couldnt diiee!! He had come so close! to get all that ( to be revealed) evidence on the mastermind, secrets of the school and after. He couldn’t just die, he needed to save the rest of them and - look the other 2 he couldn’t save in the eye and lie. Must have been painful. In this route, i want to believe he truly did care for them all,, his tears were real. but the final endpoint was so close! he couldn’t leave now! But by doing this, and watch a friend kill another for his own chosen greater good would have cemeneted, in his heart, that he truly was a villain. And led to him fully accepting, living in and dying in that role after the trial and in the next chapter. Aka: damn, boy was straight suicidal after det :///
Will i think more on this later??? No idea but im tired and hungy rn - bye
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eggs3123 · 4 years
In defense of Kokichi Ouma
Yo drv3 spoilers if you don’t want that close your eyes
So I find a lot of people hate Kokichi cuz like. He’s a heartless bastard, he lies, he’s hard to read. But ngl I love all those things about him. Minus the heartless bit, he’s human too y’know. Humans are hardwired with these things called “Feelings” that are complicated and hard to understand and slip out when we want them to the least. Kokichi’s whole thing is that he’s constantly lying. Lying to Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, and even himself. Kokichi figured that in a killing game getting all buddy buddy with your fellow participants is the last thing you wanna do. So he quickly distanced himself. He acted disgusting so all the others would want to distance themselves. He practically teamed up with Monokuma just so the others wouldn’t get near him. And he wasn’t just protecting himself, oh no. He also tries to split up groups and instill suspicion in as many people as possible. People who get chummy end up dead, that was his though process. From the start he was trying to end the killing game. And during chapter 6 we find that he wasn’t wrong. Tsumugi framed Kaede for the murder of Rantaro Amami. 1) Because Rantaro was about to uncover a secret. And 2) Because Kaede being the blackened would instill such scintillating despair. When you’re the central figure you become a target to break the group apart. Fast forward to chapter 4 and this is where I find a lot of people started to hate Kokichi. The sacrifice of Gonta Gokuhara was cruel but I don’t think it’s really all the justifiable of a reason to hate Kokichi. He was just doing all he could to survive. If you think he could’ve found some other way allow me to prove you wrong. Kokichi found out pretty early that Miu was planning his murder. He also knew that Miu probably had some surefire way to kill him. She’d rewritten the Neo World Program after all. Miu had mentally backed Kokichi into a corner (completely on accident) before she physically backed him into one. Now I ask you, how could Kokichi have handled this? Option A) Die. No. Option B) Kill Miu himself. Avatar restrictions, this was cleared up in the trial. And even if he didn’t use the toilet paper what in the world could he have used. Huh? Miu got rid of all potentially weapon-like objects except for the hammer. Option C) Outsource. Bingo, now who could Kokichi get to kill Miu? Oh yeah that’s right, most of the cast hates him and thinks he’s a liar. Except of course for the pure soul Gonta Gokuhara. Gonta’s a man who believes in second chances. And third chances. And fourth ones. and so on and so forth. So Gonta believes that Miu’s trying to kill Kokichi and Kokichi decides to use the secret of the outside world to convince Gonta. Kokichi was just doing all he could to survive, nothing more, nothing less. Also if you think Kokichi felt zero compassion towards Gonta I believe you’re wrong. Even a compulsive liar who’s trying his best to distance himself will start liking someone who’s persistent enough in becoming their friend. You’ll notice that after the murder happens Kokichi insults Gonta constantly. He digs into him more than usual. He’s trying to distance himself from Gonta. Trying to make Gonta hate him so he’ll feel less horrible about what he’d done. He’s under a lot of emotional strain due to everything happening. And then Shuichi commits a Perjury against him. Shuichi, Mr. White Knight, Mr. Protagonist, Mr. You shouldn’t lie even if it’s for the greater good. Kokichi even says at one point that some lies are better than the truth to Shuichi. But he completely rejects the philosophy and keeps seeking the truth. And yet he lies to Kokichi. To try and prove Gonta innocent. Imagine that. Imagine being told that your way of life is wrong only to have that fucking hypocrite throw your way at life back in your face. I don’t know about you but I’d snap. And Kokichi sure as hell did. He decided he couldn’t fucking be in that Trial Ground anymore. He was surrounded by enemies and hypocrites and on top of that he was about to lose the only thing resembling a friend he had in this game. The only thing he could do at that point is speed up the trial. So he exposed the culprit. The whole while he’s yelling and screaming at Gonta. Trying to further distance himself from him. The trial ends and the verdict is reached. Kokichi is barely keeping his composure. He just wants the class trial to end quickly. But he has to keep his act up. Kokichi says the line “Then... can’t you accept everything about this case? You can imagine the rest right?” If that’s not pleading, begging them to hurry it up so he can leave and break down in his room I don’t know what is. But when all is said and done, Gonta forgives Kokichi and all his hard work to distance himself was immediately undone. I’m fairly certain that Kokichi’s lines and tears were genuine in chapter 4. Like seriously, looking back on it now there are so many unnatural pauses and out-of-place lines. Like Kokichi admitting he should’ve taken on the responsibility of killing Miu. It’s painfully clear he feels genuinely guilty. Kokichi even asks to be punished as well. I remember when I read that line the first time I thought “Oh christ he’s so full of shit.” But thinking of Kokichi less as a lie and more as a person I start to see that he really meant that. Generally towards the end of the game Kokichi’s actions start becoming less and less about deception. Or moreover. His emotions are getting to him. Causing him to have to struggle though keeping his face on and always greeting the day with a warm “It’s a lie!” Kokichi yells out to Gonta not to go, that he doesn’t want this. Then Punishment Time hits. Kokichi sees the closest thing he has to a friend die at the hands of Monokuma. He’s alone. Nobody trusts him, nobody likes him. He’s completely and utterly alone. Kokichi decides to take advantage of that. He sees a way to end the killing game. So he goes all out, he passes his tears off as fake crying and saying he never cared about Gonta he decides to make his final move. He reveals himself as the mastermind. With the mastermind being known to everyone what point is there in continuing the game. Stacked on top of the fact that the “outside world” has been completely destroyed the remaining characters fall into despair. Except for Maki and Kaito of course. Kokichi figures he’s got a leg up. A weak leg at that, but a leg nonetheless. And he decides to make one final finishing blow. Then chapter 5 happens. Ultimately Kokichi’s death was a sacrifice for the greater good. If Monokuma couldn’t pass a fair judgement the game couldn’t continue, and the remaining people would be saved. Ngl if that plan worked Tsumugi probably would’ve gotten the ball rolling again but still Kokichi sacrificed himself for everyone else. He sacrificed himself so that he could finally have a chance at ending the killing game. Plus, his death was probably super therapeutic for him, considering the guilt he was carrying on his shoulders.
In summary. Kokichi’s an lying asshole but he’s human too. He’s not insane like Syo or Nagito or Korekiyo. He’s just a dude doing his best to survive the only way he knows how. His ultimate goal was always to end the killing game. He may not have liked many of the other participants but that doesn’t mean he wanted them to die. Sure the deaths technically worked in his favor because less people meant less likelihood of a murder and less likelihood for them to regain hope. But I’m sure he would’ve done it after the first trial if he could. But people kept dying and he kept having to hold his mastermind plan for later and instead lay more little bread crumbs for everyone else to think he might be the mastermind. So ultimately please don’t hate Kokichi. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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toxkeepxbreathing · 3 years
About Danganronpa V3′s Ending... (Spoilers)
Please, if you read this, read to the end. I’m seeing a lot of people express rage and hatred at Danganronpa V3′s ending. Claiming it invalidates and falsifies the entire plot up and steals away character development and pain and suffering and makes it all not matter anymore. But that’s wrong... I’m sorry if I offend people with this opinion. I’m pretty triggered and probably can word this a little less aggressively:
I don’t know how to say this first part without it sounding pretty black and white and accusatory, but... But I think its a sad tragedy, because for all people’s claims that Chunsoft took away the character's developments. Chunsoft never ever did that. The idea that their pain doesnt matter really wasn’t the point. And it kind of feels like it’s actually the gut reaction of the people themselves. But... But isn’t that the point? Doesn’t this anger prove that they mattered? That Kaede, Rantaro, Ryoma, Kirumi, Angie, Tenko, Korekiyo, Miu, Gonta, Kokichi, Kaito and K1B0's deaths meant something? They were still brainwashed, kidnapped and forced into a killing game that actually killed the real life auditionees of those characters; Were they not?
That Himiko's pain and breakdown and tears over Tenko and Angie. That Maki's psychological torture over Kaito and her relationship with him. That Shuichi's experience of all his friends dying and having to condemn people like Kaede and Gonta and Kaito to brutal executions.... That they suffered through all of that? That it damn sure still happened to them. Their breakdowns were real. Their resolve was real. Maki decided that, even if Tsumugi or some sort of God, which Tsumugi was essentially playing, wrote her relationship with Kaito. That it didn’t mean that it was FALSE. She still loves Kaito. Her feelings for him are real. And Himiko decided that even if Tenko’s care for her was scripted in and beyond their control. It still happened. It still mattered. And it still made her the person she is at that last trial. That’s what they decided. That’s what CHUNSOFT decided.
And it was in that autonomy. In that reality. In that pain and suffering and despair, that Maki, Himiko, Shuichi and K1B0 chose to REFUSE to vote. To no longer be puppets to the torturous, murderous whims of Team Danganronpa and the people watching them suffer and lose and bleed and cry and breakdown and die all for the sake of feeding their need to escape. To witness Hope triumph over Despair. To reach the happy ending to prove to in turn give THEM hope in the REAL WORLD. Chunsoft took the route of IT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER THEY WERE PLACED IN A SO CALLED "FICTIONAL" WORLD, THEY THEMSLVES ARE REAL PEOPLE, WITH REAL FEELINGS, WITH REAL SUFFERINGS AND REAL LOSSES AND THEY THEMSELVES ENDED THE KILLING GAME AND STRUCK OUT ON THEIR OWN INTO THE UNKNOWN WORLD BEYOND TO FIND THE TRUTH OF THEIR EXISTENCE.
And this is all just TSUMUGI'S claims. There’s numerous hints that the truth isn’t quite so black and white or cut and dry. Some of her last words are even that the failure of her plan at the end makes her a “True Cosplaycat Killer”. And Rantaro’s existence hints strongly that maybe he saw the death of a dozen or so people in DR52. Again. REAL PEOPLE. And even so. Even if DR1 and DR2 are part of this fiction. (Again, DR1 wouldn’t have a fandom to audition for, either.) But even if DR1 and D2 are part of that fiction then the people in DR1 and DR2 were still taken and kidnapped and placed in this world where their real bodies?? What’s going on with them? They can’t return to the real world. Tsumugi said so. And if they were audtionees, what is the world they step into beyond the Academy?
There’s so many questions unanswered. And ultimately we don’t know the full truth of the matter. We just know that Team Danganronpa has started hosting killing games with real people being brainwashed and trapped in academies and forced to kill and survive for realsies under the guise of fiction. That still means all 53 Danganronpas kidnapped, brainwashed and sacrificed real humans. That an average of 583 people have been murdered across the 53 proposed games. With the remaining 265 being stuck in this virtual world for the rest of their lives and puppeted for the sick amusement of Team Danganronpa’s fans. Ergo: US. (Those numbers are an estimate going from 5 people surviving DR1 and DR2.)
I just feel like this game requires a certain level of criticial thinking to be seen in the right light. It’s a mindblowing thought and social experiment that questions the suffering we enact on the characters we come to love and adore to satiate our own need for escapism. And comes to the conclusion that no matter what happens -- No matter how we label it -- That their suffering is very real. It touches our hearts. It makes us think. It changes our lives. It gives us hope and teaches us love and how to be human and happy. The stories nad morals are still very real. The characters are still very real. And everything we just witnessed and cared about is VERY REAL.
Didn’t you care about DR1 on release? Even though it was a fictional video game in real life? You RP'd all the characters, made all the fanart and fanimations, put together the cosplay, shipped and fanficced and bought the posters and t-shirts. You loved them with all your heart and soul and followed the story through DR2 and the DR3 anime. You cheered for them and wanted them to win. Because they mattered. It didn’t matter that they were FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. They were YOUR CHARACTERS. OUR CHARACTERS. So why does Chunsoft bringing that to light in the game itself invalidate the characters in said game? Why when DR53 literally takes that stance and points out that all the DR games are just fiction but that their messages and feelings and how they changed our lives suddenly make the characters any different from any other character in any other game or anime or tv show or movie? Why does the pain and suffering of the DRV3 cast matter any less than the pain and suffering of the DR1 or DR2 casts? It shouldn’t. All three were videos games. DRV3 was just metaphysically portrayed as a game within a game. And that the outside world is just us as a community. Only the murders and killings and pain and torture and people in DRV3 are still real.
Danganronpa is real. No matter what. And as someone who has been touched by the game... It really hurts to see people reacting like this...
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
Ah, yes. The question of the outside world or more specifically, the reason why Gonta had murdered Miu. Even now, they still didn’t have the answer to that quandary. Of course, the most prevalent question was what could be so horrible about the outside world that Gonta, sweet, gentle, Gonta, was willing to mercy kill everyone to prevent them from learning about?
She exhaled a shaky breath as various horrific scenarios swirled through her mind. After a moment, though, she gave herself a mental shake. No matter how bad things were out there, it was nothing compared to being held prisoner and forced to kill each other for someone else’s sick amusement. Outside, they could control their own fate and there wouldn’t be a group of demonic stuffed animals telling them what to do. Hopefully, anyway.
Somewhat heartened by this, she turned her attention back to Kaito and his boisterous attempts to rile everyone up. For the most part, it seemed to be working. Everyone around her was suddenly bursting a renewed sense of vigor and a fire in their eyes. Even shy, meek Shuichi had a determined gleam in his eye. Once again, she marveled at how easy it was for Kaito to gather everyone to his side.
Upon hearing Maki’s comments, though, she broke her attention away from the general atmosphere of the group and zeroed in on hers. Despite everyone’s praise of how the girl had seemingly undergone a personality overhaul, she still never quite trusted her and her second attempt on Kokichi’s life only cemented that feeling. Maki was willing to dirty her hands when it came to him and she would have to watch her very carefully if she was going to prevent another incident from happening.
Suddenly, she realized that Tsumigi’s attention was now on her and she looked up to meet the girl’s nervous. She found it personally hilarious that the girl who had accused her of being a coconspirator with Kokichi was now asking her opinion on whether this was a suicide mission. But then again, Tsumigi had always hit her as a follower and not even this tense situation was going to break that mentality.
She somehow fought down the urge to make a smart aleck remark and replied instead, “Wouldn’t you rather fight to live than lie down and wait for death? We really don’t have anything else to lose, at this point. We should at least try.”
She shoved her hands back in her pockets and thought, And if this doesn’t work, I’ll have a backup plan.
Tsumigi stayed silent for a second, seemingly thinking— before she nodded her head, ‘Well if everyone is going to do it... Then, I refuse to be left out!” Kaito cheered, a bright but weak smile on his face as he lightly pumped his fist in the air; his movements had been slower than usual, and significantly weaker.
God, did he wish he could just suck it up and pretend everything was okay.
Himiko couldn’t really see the reason why Tsumigi had decided to ask S/o if she was going to go too, but, like Kaito said; they really did need to work together. So… Himiko had no choice but to sit idly by as they trusted a suspected 'Kokichi team' player. That didn't mean Himiko had been planning to start trusting S/o—but it's not like she could've discriminated against her completely. It seemed like she managed to fool a few others too.
Kaito choked out whatever was left of his optimism, "... Then let's do this! Everyone! Grab the hammers!" Kaito sighed in relief as some vomit-inducing pain had lessened in his body, conveniently on time for when they had started gathering the hammers at his command.
He tried to self-rejuvenate as he picked up the hammer, pretending as if the weapon had surged energy into his body, he swiftly started jogging out of the gym with a pep in his step; yeah, he was losing it. No one seemed to question the hopping man that had vomited seconds before.
The familiar dripping and echo of the tunnel, made the fact known; they were going to do this. For the second time, and hopefully, for the last time; as they would escape successfully this round.
Shuichi gulped as he eyed the spot he remembered Kaede stood at when she told everyone to keep going. Shuichi didn't know the others' reasons as to why they were doing this. Perhaps for their escape; but Shuichi had his own personal reason as to why he wanted to defeat this tunnel. He was going to do this... for Kaede.
Kaito found himself wondering if he was going to make it through the tunnel— yes, it hadn't been positive thinking, but after the whole... thing that happened, he knew he would be an idiot to ignore a huge symptom like that. Well, it wasn't like he didn't know he was getting worse. So like that, he claimed his title as an idiot.
As Kaito approached the tunnel, heads perked up in his direction as they all watched him carefully, following his lead.
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21ate · 4 years
[sdr2 and v3 spoilers below]
when shuichi describes kokichi’s cruelty with the word malice at the end of the fourth trial, i felt a pang of anger boil up in me - because malice is also the word hajime uses to describe komaeda when he speculates on his true motive for his actions post ch.4 through ch.5
like..describing kokichi with the same words as komaeda had been before makes perfect sense, especially since theres a correlation in their characterizations as leitmotifs anyways. however, something about comparing their malice just doesnt sit right with me
komaeda did what he did in chapter 5 because he genuinely thought everyone including himself (but not chiaki) deserved to suffer for being the remnants of despair, and personally i cant fault him for that entirely. i mean what else was he supposed to think about the information he received, information that spells as plain as day that he and the others had literally been a huge contributing factor to the end of the entire fucking WORLD????
i cant even be all like “yeah trying to kill everyone except the traitor is probably a bit excessive” because...the remnants of despair have all of humanity’s blood on their hands, even if they had no memory of it in the neo world program. and besides, komaeda’s options for how he could feasibly either 1) kill the remnants or 2) save his classmates ultimately ended up being only one choice - which is the actions he takes in chapter 5
kokichi though? he finds out that miu is planning to kill him and instead of just not going to the rooftop and avoiding her so that her plan would fail (thatd be a boring choice afterall), he decides not only that he was going to kill her instead, but to use gonta to do the dirty work for him by manipulating his naivety, kindness, insecurities, and showing only him the flashback light depicting the outside world to really drive the despair into gonta to get him to agree to the plan - all the while gonta cant even remember the fucking murder or whatever his avatar saw with the flashback light because of a simple, honest, and fatal mistake on his part with mixing up the cords
its the lengths of cruelty and malice kokichi demonstrates in chapter 4 that drastically changes the tone of the entire ordeal in comparison to what komaeda does, even IF they are the same plot points structurally. even if kokichi, just like komaeda, felt like it was up to him to make a move in the name of the greater good of everyone else and ultimately it was necessary to progress...his treatment of gonta is just flat out horrifying all on its own because he took advantage of gonta’s mental vulnerabilities and total lack of agency to his decisions within the virtual world from the outside and made him do something he otherwise NEVER would have 
contrast this to when komaeda manipulates teruteru into killing: yes, he also took advantage of teruteru’s compassion and desire to protect his friends which pushed him to murder which he never wouldve done otherwise as well...but fuck, at least teruteru had the ability granted to him to make the decision for himself. i seriously dont think its fair to say its a 1:1 comparison with kokichi’s actions because gonta was so much more vulnerable to being taken advantage of
both kokichi and komaeda’s actions were selfish and cruel, both of them carried out their overall plans for same reason of setting the ball in motion for revealing the truth of the killing games, and both of them have some pretty fucked up ideals and manipulative means of action...they have a LOT of things in common without a doubt, and they are both flawed because of these things
its just, god damn...gonta REALLY did not deserve any of that and gets executed for a murder he cant even remember being tricked into doing! that alone would already be very cruel for any other character, but it being gonta’s fate specifically is what really makes my skin crawl with disgust towards kokichi more than anything komaeda has done
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ultimateshc · 5 years
V3 boys reacting to their selective mute S/O sing for the first time, and she has a really beautiful voice?
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I want to apologize to every mod on this blog because it must look like I’m doing crack with how much I’ve been writing lately. I have finals coming up, and I don’t want to study. This will have major spoilers for the end of the game, for those who haven’t finished it yet. So beware.
- Mod Korekiyo
Gonta Gokuhara
He was just coming back from making sure all of his bug friends were put to bed before going back to the dorms.
He was passing by your room when he heard an unfamiliar voice through the door.
He was a bit worried that someone outside the academy was inside with you, so he did the most gentlemanly thing possible!
He knocked on the door.
He was quite relieved that it was you who answered the door.
“Gonta heard a strange voice in the room! Is Y/N okay?”
You looked around the dorm hallway before pointing to yourself.
“It was Y/N!? That’s why sound was so pretty!”
Pretty sure you’re more flustered than he is.
Robots can’t exactly sleep, and he accidentally overcharged when he was low on battery during free time.
So he decided to take a stroll around the academy.
As he walked towards the trial grounds, he saw you on one of the benches.
He was wary, you might be planning a murder!
As he got closer, it sounded like someone was talking to you.
Oh wait, it’s just you?
Prepare to be bombarded with questions, he thought you couldn’t speak!
Oh wait, you chose to do that? He doesn’t quite understand it, but he wants to!!!!
Thanks to his awesome memory, he has a recording of it, as well. It was very pretty, it’d be a shame to lose it.
He wasn’t sure that anything other than Miu’s “flirting” could make him blush so hard.
Bet your ass that he had that recording playing in his head when he sacrificed himself for the other survivng students.
Kaito Momota
If he can help Shuichi with his self-esteem and anxiety, he can help you, too!!!
He made you take part in the daily training with Shuichi and Maki.
Though you still didn’t speak, you seemed more… open, which he took as a good sign.
It was just after the daily training, and he wanted to get a quick snack before heading off to bed.
He was also hoping to visit you before you fell asleep, he couldn’t find you when he went looking for you when you didn’t show up.
It was when he approached the door to the dining hall did he hear the singing.
The voice was unfamiliar, but beautiful nonetheless… was it the mastermind?
He burst through the door, fully expecting to find the mastermind and a dead body.
Wait… it’s just you?
It was only when he saw your red face did he realize what he had heard.
You both look like cherries now.
He’s suddenly hugging you, not wanting you to see his flushed face.
Thanks, Kaito.
Kokichi Oma
He was getting ready for another prank to pull on the next unsuspecting victim.
Nobody usually went to the library after Rantaro’s passing, so he wen’t there to prepare it so he could set it up in the arcade next door.
Just before he opened the door, he heard a voice.
It surprised him, not many people would be singing during a killing game.
He opened the door slowly, he didn’t want to get caught in case it was a psycho in the middle of committing a murder. 
But all he saw was you on one of couches reading a book, in your own little world.
You hadn’t noticed him yet, and he was unsure of what to do. Scare you? Prank you? Blackmail you with your own voice? 
Instead, he just sat against one of the bookshelves, listening to the voice he wished he had heard before.
It was when you stopped did he come to the conclusion that he should probably wipe the awestruck look off his face.
“Neeheehee… I knew there was something Y/N was hiding from us!”
Don’t worry though, he won’t tell anyone, as long as you promise to keep singing for him.
Korekiyo Shinguji
You were hanging out in his lab together, and he was teaching you about rituals and how to preserve them.
You were helping him clean everything up when he had to run out for a second to replace the wrappings on some of the artifacts.
When he returned, he heard a singing voice through the door of his lab.
He was afraid at first thinking someone was messing with his relics, but listening more closely, it was one of the songs used for a ritual.
It was you, signing, and for the first time, he got to hear it.
“How beautiful, kukuku…”
So he stood outside the door, not wanting to intrude and ruin the song you were singing oh so perfectly.
When you were finished, he waited a minute or two before entering, not wanting to embarrass you.
Only after wrapping up the relics and putting them away did he say anything about it.
“You sing them better than I do, my dear.”
Rantaro Amami
He was walking towards the dining hall for breakfast when he heard the singing.
He wasn’t sure it was you, but his Big Brother Instincts kicked in, and he went looking for the owner of the voice.
It wasn’t long before he found himself at the door of the messy greenhouse.
He opened the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to bother the singer.
Instead of a new student or someone in trouble, it was you.
He leaned against the door frame, watching as you pulled weeds out from the cracks in the concrete.
He has a small smile on his face as he watches you work, happy to know that even in a killing game, it’s possible for you to feel safe and comfortable enough to want to use your voice. 
After a few minutes of practically being in a trance, he knocks on the door to get your attention. 
With a wave of his hand, you’re following behind him to get breakfast. 
The smile hasn’t left.
Ryoma Hoshi
He was in his lab hitting tennis balls back and forth off of the wall, not wanting to lose all of his skill while trapped in the academy.
It isn’t long before the racket breaks from overuse, and cuts his hand.
He thought it best to wash it off in case anything had gotten in it, and so he heads to the connected bathroom.
That’s when he heard a small, quiet voice from outside the window.
It takes a while due to his short stature, but he eventually is able to look out the window and into the pool area.
With a small laugh, he goes back to his practice, using your singing as a sort of soundtrack.
It’s only when you stop does he confront you.
“Keep going, sweetheart, I didn’t get to hear any good music in prison.”
You decide to just go to his lab, instead.
Shuichi Saihara
Class trials always tire him out, as he usually carries the entire discussion.
He found himself with his head in your lap, using his hat to cover his blushing face.
With him being naturally tired, and you playing with his hair, it’s no surprise that he eventually drifted off to sleep.
After maybe an hour or so, he’s awoken by someone singing.
As the voice is pretty close, and his head is still being pet, he’s pretty sure that the voice is yours.
He’s very thankful that his self-conscious being made him put his hat over his face to not make a fool of himself.
As he laid there, he thought about how you may react if he responded to your voice.
In the end, he simply listened to your voice, and allowed himself to slowly drift off again.
Maybe one day he can wake up to this again, but he’d rather not risk you being too embarrassed to sing for him again.
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oumakokichi · 3 years
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@rovelae​​ I mean, realistically speaking, none of the events of the chapter 5 trial would have taken place at all if Maki hadn’t gone to the Exisal bay with the poisoned arrows specifically intending to kill. I love her to pieces, and she’s a fantastic character, but I honestly don’t understand when people say that Ouma was singlehandedly responsible for the events of chapter 5, or that he “forced” Momota to participate in the plan despite Momota himself saying that he agreed willingly in the chapter 5 trial because he thought the plan would work.
That being said, I’m incredibly glad she lived in the end, and I think she does more or less atone for her actions considering Momota, the person she cared about most, does die as a result of everything that happened. I don’t honestly blame her for killing Ouma, because Tsumugi manipulated her so skillfully. It doesn’t necessarily exuse what Maki did, but I do think it makes sense why she took matters into her own hands, considering she thought Ouma was an incredibly dangerous person beyond reasoning with and that everyone else was naive for thinking they could just “talk him down.”
The one thing I would’ve actually liked to see is her apologizing to everyone else for nearly getting them killed in the trial. Dr1 chapter 4 is incredibly similar to ndrv3 chapter 5 in that Asahina is also manipulated by the mastermind and tries to mislead everyone to their deaths in the trial, but she later realizes how horrific this is and apologizes immediately afterward. But even without a direct apology, it’s true that Maki becomes much more of a team player from this point onward and contributes a lot towards helping the group in chapter 6, so I think she expressed her regret with her actions if nothing else.
I also personally don’t agree that Ouma was ever planning his own murder-suicide before Maki stormed into the Exisal bay. This is because it’s pretty heavily implied that Ouma’s plan to “end the killing game” was him pretending to be the ringleader and showing everyone the outside world in order to break their spirits.
According to Momota’s flashback in the chapter 5 post-trial, Ouma word for word says that he believed showing everyone the “despair-inducing truth” of the outside world would finally make them stop thinking about trying to escape from the school, and that would be enough to “make the killing game end.” That, combined with the fact that Momota was holed up in the Exisal bay with Ouma for at least a few days and Ouma never once broached the subject of a murder-suicide plan with him even once until after he was poisoned, makes me think the plan itself was a direct response to realizing the real ringleader had kickstarted the killing game back into action, and not something he accounted for prior to this.
In this same flashback, he also confirms that Maki being manipulated by the real ringleader was “a move up their sleeve that even he never saw coming.” This seems to be backed up by the genuine surprise that he shows when Maki storms the Exisal bay and tries to interrogate him. Not only does he have no idea who Junko Enoshima or the Remnants of Despair are, but he also repeatedly asks her why she’s even doing this. I believe these reactions show that he really did, genuinely believe the killing game was over right up until the moment Maki showed up.
As for why he kept Momota around if not for the sake of the murder-suicide plan initially, I think it was specifically to try and force Momota to cool his head after Momota came running at him with one of the electro-hammers. Not only that, but if there was anyone in the group likely to bolster everyone’s morale and try to get them to all work together and think about escaping the school again, it was Momota. Keeping Momota separated from the rest of the group had the added benefit of making sure none of the others became motivated enough to start thinking about trying to escape, which Ouma very much believed would’ve started the killing game back up.
I definitely believe Ouma thought it was likely that something was going to happen to him during the killing game, considering how paranoid he was--that’s why he left his will in his room with clues for everyone else, just in case he was killed. I just don’t think he ever actually planned to willingly die until his back was against the wall and he had no other choice. That was the moment at which I think he realized he couldn’t repeat the same sort of undehanded tricks that he’d aleady done to Miu and Gonta in chapter 4, and decided to use his own death as a “plan B,” to to speak, once his initial plan was already ruined.
I went through the chapter 5 post-trial just to double-check some of this information, and these lines in particular do seem to confirm that Ouma’s murder-suicide plan was something he started forming almost immediately in response to his initial plan being ruined, rather than something that he was planning from the start:
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These are just my thoughts on it, anyway! I personally think that Ouma being so convinced that playing the villain would be enough to end the killing game makes his death a lot more tragic, since as smart and cunning as he was, even he really had no idea just what kind of ace Tsumugi had up her sleeve with the flashback lights.
As for Maki, I definitely would’ve liked to see some of her actions towards the other characters addressed a little more, but I don’t really blame her for trying to eliminate Ouma when she thought he was a huge threat and impossible to reason with, and the moral greyness of her actions is something I like to see. She absolutely does do some things that are in the wrong in chapter 5, but it does help to flesh her character out and she winds up growing a lot as a result of her mistakes.
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kimmysfandomblog · 4 years
Oooookay so 3, 10, 11, 12, 17, 32, 38, 39, 42 and that should be enough lol
Oh man XD Thanks so much, Chloe! I think I quite agree, it’s enough :P
I answered 3, 17, and 32 here! And 39 here!
10. Which was your favorite trial from THH?
I think that the 5/6th trial is an obvious one!It was something built up throughout the game (and it gets a bit ridiculoushow many times we hear about “MukuroIkusaba, the 16th student, hidden somewhere in this school. The one theycall the "ultimate despair."” It put’s Naegi’s and Kirigiri’slives on the line, with Naegi ultimately getting chopped off because he got soclose to the truth that the trial was a farce. And then saved, because of luck?He did a good deed and Alter Ego saved him for it? I guess Kirigiri’s optionwas more of a dream ending than anything canon, anyways, so it doesn’t matter.I remember how hyped I was, because for once no one was actually technicallyblackened… no one actually killed anyone since Sakura’s dying wish moved themthat much. I’m still not really fond of some things, like Hagakure thinkingKirigiri was a ghost in the 5th trial? And I have a few otherthings, like how they all decide Naegi was guilty in the first place. Kirigiriwas pushing them to that conclusion so she could show the trial was a farce inthe first place, and she wasn’t expecting the mastermind to cut the trial shortand lie about who killed Mukuro. I still kind of feel pretty bad about thatpart in particular, although she’s clearly super angry it turned out that way,she really didn’t want Naegi to be voted the blackened. The 6thtrial, though, I really liked the reveal of Junko, not even being the “Junko”they met, and how her face was covered in every picture… As a person whostarted off with the anime, I didn’t exactly have time to catch that particulardetail (I should rewatch it sometime honestly, see how much info was reallyleft out). The world being in an apocalypse… a little bit less exciting I guessthan the Junko reveal. And Naegi being proclaimed the Ultimate Hope was cheesy,but kind of expected and in that moment, it was empowering!
(Although it was hard not to say Sakura’s trial for thisquestion, simply because gosh I LOVE Sakura)
11. Which was your favorite trial from SDR2?
I flipflop between trials five and six, honestly XD I’llchoose the 5th Trial though for now! Trial 5 had my top threecharacters playing really important roles, and it made me appreciate Komaedaand Nanami. I was touched Nanami wasn’t really fighting the fact she wasblackened and there was a mystery to her and Komaeda that is unresolved, andeverything about the trial was a rollercoaster of emotions XD This is great forHinata’s character, as well, as he actually is able to understand Komaeda’splan. The trial breaks my heart in how cruel it was to all of the characters,Komaeda dying horrifically through a plan he made himself, and Nanami, a personso against the killing game, ended up killing someone unknowingly… and Hinatahad been so close to Nanami, and probably the closest person to Komaeda on theisland, that it’s hard not to feel bad for him, too, for his losses. Not to saythe others who died were less, just that they weren’t as close to him. And thenof ourse, the actual plan was chaoticgenius. That was a really wild ride of a trial!
12. Which was your favorite trial from V3?
The only one that really held my interest in a more positiveway was probably the fourth one! Because the rules of the virtual world meantthe creators didn’t have to defy actual laws of physics and, well, commonsense, it actually makes sense.Mostly. The one thing that I guess doesn’t is where Kokichi got the flashbacklight? Anything to do with Kokichi leads to plotholes in the story, I swear… Thatand Miu’s partnership with him is ??? Still, I found it to be an emotionaltrial because… it was really not Gonta’s fault even when it was… I really likedhim, he was really sweet.
But yeah, this trial is the only one that I’d say was a goodmurder case in V3, with the others kind of just working through chance? Pureluck? Idk, they were just so weird…
38. Which character doyou feel is too popular amongst the fans, in your opinion?
Ouma… and look, I really don’t hate him at all, but thereasons people say they like him don’tmatch up. “He’s a complex character!” No, he really isn’t… the creators of thegame explained next to nothing about him and his past. Any bit of complexity isprojected thoughts on his character. My prime example is when someone who knowsJapanese had said that Spike Chunsoft had gave a hint that Ouma hatesmurder/killing, which the translators of the game “removed,” when it waseventually proven by native Japanese speakers that there was no suchcomplicated connotation. So everyone to this day keeps spreading this rumoraround that Ouma hates murder/killing as if it was an integral part of his character.
And my honest thoughts on why people like Ouma is… becausehe likes guys and is dismissed by his classmates. He has a crush on Saihara,clearly, and might have had crushes on Rantarou and Momota. His continueddismissal by Saihara and the others serve as the base for people to project their story on Ouma, with them addingmeaning to him to make him out to be a more complex character. They willed him to be important. They ignoredthe plotholes he creates by having knowledge of things we don’t know why heknows, or having a flashback light from a room a keycard opened, which we nevergo to see where that was, or writing a complete script for Momota for the trialin the three hours he had left to live… This isn’t a complex character- this isthe creators of the game making a decision not to explain important details becausethey can get away with it, as he is a liar. The problem with a liar is that younever really know him at all. You canonly guess.
What I dislike about Ouma is the fact that people arepolicing that he is a complex character based on, well, not that much. He doesn’tgive that much, so they make up things to make him seem more complex than heis. The reasons to like him should be his personality, how silly he is, thefact that he’s a great actor… and it can be that you think you can relate tohim. But just in general, I just don’t like the hype around Ouma and peopleputting their noses up at others who have differentinterpretations of Ouma.
42.  How do you feel about the Danganronpafandom as a whole?
The Danganronpa fandom as a whole… it’s done me a lot ofgood, even with all the bad it’s done, too. Through this fandom, I came out ofmy shell. I’ve never been confident enough to write for a fandom and post it. Ihad, once, when I was in middle school, but with a fandom as large as Naruto,the work got drowned out and it wasn’t all that good, honestly, so I nevertried again XD I absolutely would never have created fanart for the fandom,either XD It was rough in the beginning, but I found my artstyle!
But most importantly of all, I’ve met some really incrediblepeople! It’s because of these friendships I’ve made that I got the courage todo more. I could write, I could draw, I could create pixel art, I couldanimate, I could run events and participate in them, I could become a part of azine, and I could mod a zine… All ofthese things I never would have had the courage to do alone. And even outsideof fandom, they would support me, validate my frustrations, congratulate me onmy victories, listen to me, laugh with me…
I met some important people who I’ll never forget. I havefriends who I hope will stick around for long past the fandom. And well, I foundsomeone I actually really love through this fandom as well ^^ (he runs eventswith me on the Hinaegi blog
I’ll admit, my active participationin the fandom is pretty weak these days with me getting sucked into playingPokemon in my free time instead… but Danganronpa’s left its mark. Even with allthe bad of fandom “discourse,” fandom drama, and some really rude people onsome rare occasions, it was worth it to have found the confidence and supportthat I did!
The fandom is far from dead, rude people may still exist,but at least at the moment, I’m pretty comfortable where I am in it with the otherpeople that have made my stay a welcome one!
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(Indirect Murder Anon) It's no trouble; your writing's amazing nonetheless. But, if it's alright, I'd still very much like for you to try again with the prompt now that I've clarified a bit better.
Well it's my fault I accept and write mostly when it's after midnight and I should probably go to sleep so I misunderstood probably because of that-
ALSO I'M SO SORRY BUT THERE IS NO GONTA. I JUST HAD NO IDEAS FOR HIM AND THIS REQUEST WAS TAKING SO LONG BECOUSE I HAD NO IDEAS FOR GONTA AND KAITO (aaaand becouse I struggled to get somewhere and was just too stressed to write) BUT WITH KAITO I KINDA HAD TODAY BECOUSE I HAD TO WAIT IN QUEUE FOR A SHIT TON OF TIME (Wich has to do with the other reason why it took so long). But then I fucked up with Kaito becouse I assumed reader's gender and then I had to have ANOTHER idea for male s/o since I really liked the idea with female that I didn't wanted to delete it.
I also feel super duper bad because Ryoma has very long comparing to others (as allways)... This one whould be probably one of the worst angsts I have ever written but believe me I tried my best! It's mostly cuz I overused first trial-
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V3 boys indirectly killing their S/O
Ryoma Hoshi
He told you that Kirumi wanted to meet him at his lab late at night. Both of you knew where this was coming... But you decided to act like you didn't figure it out.
You were planning to stop it and so you were earlier than Kirumi at his lab. And it seems like she finally came just in time.
Kirumi was surprised to see you instead of him. But she was determined to do what he has to. Right now her plan whould be ruined but she didn't think that Ryoma told you about their meeting. And even so if Ryoma whould be here with you her plan whould be impossible.
She told about everything. It was a bit scarry and you knew that she will try to kill you. And so she managed to knock you down.
Unlucky for you Ryoma was late there and Kirumi managed to finish her plan before he even got there.
There wasn't anything off when he came however. Kirumi was there and made up quick excuse for her call. He didn't suspect it and was surprised by the fact that she didn't actually kill him.
But the next day he couldn't find you anywhere... The two of you were supposed to watch Himiko's show together... Maybe you went straight for the gym?
He was very worried about you and expected the worst. Looking at the fact that show already started and you weren't here yet...
As he saw your body dropping along with piranhas he couldn't feel bigger despair. And when everything left were your bones... He just couldn't stand sight of his loved one dying again. So after all Ryoma can't find happiness without hurting someone...
That's when it hit him. This time it was his fault too. Kirumi did it and he knew it was only him to blame. If he didn't tell you about it... If he wasn't late... Then it's safe to say that he whould be the one laying dead.
Few of the students tried to cheer him up (Kaito Angie Korekiyo Gonta) but they knew it won't work no matter how hard they try. And they have to move on with investigation or else they whould join you.
But only Kaito decided to stay with Ryoma before 'helping Shuichi out' he managed to motivate him enough to try and live for your sake.
Still it was visible that he didn't care if he lived or died. The world without you was just so empty. Only thing that helps him keep going is memories the two of you managed to make.
After Angie got murdered Keebo volunteered to help with ritual. Just to find out that he couldn't be the one to stay there.
So you gladly took his place. You were quite scared but you wanted to do it for keebo.
And so you volunteered to be inside the cage (no matter if you are male or female. If you are a male Korekiyo whould find you worthy and whould kill you anyways becouse your heart belongs to Keebo so he could risk it).
While ritual was starting Keebo and Shuichi were carefully investigating Angie's death. Your boyfriend was quite worried about you... But he didn't thought that something could go wrong.
But sometimes things aren't going as smoothly as it seems. S/O was found dead...
Keebo couldn't belive it and he wished he could cry. He rushed towards you and looked at your lifeless body.
And so the investigation began... Keebo tried his best to find culprit and looked at every corner of the room carefully. But it didn't change one fact... He blamed himself that you weren't there with him anymore... If he wasn't useless robot... He could be the person who took part of the ritual...
Keebo whould do anything to bring you back and if anyone said something mean about you he whould defend you. He won't let anyone say such things about you.
Kaito Momota
(Fem! S/O)You and Kaito decided to make every second count since the time limit was close to an end.
He had an idea and decided to start a small waterbaloon fight since surprisingly there were some balloons.
So the two of you went to the bathroom and filled few. But when you entered girls bathroom there was Tsumigi... She opened some kind of passageway.
You were really surprised but she told you that she found it you were excited since there maybe will be something that can reveal mastermind!
So you followed her inside and she killed you once your back was turned. Then she got Rantaro. She decided to cover up this and say that you just broke rules and got immediately executed and she was the only witness.
She acted scared and shocked as she looked for someone just to find Kaito outside bathroom with a bucket. He was quite surprised and asked what happened.
That's when Tsumigi told him those lies on how you broke a rule by punching monokuma when he appeared next to you when you were filling water balloons.
He couldn't belive it and immediately went inside the bathroom and saw nothing... There was no corpse no blood nothing... She lied again by saying that probably monokuma cleaned it up. But your corpse was actually in the secret room.
Kaito couldn't belive you died like this... And it all whouldn't happen if he didn't come up with this stupid idea...
(Male! S/O) Both you and him knew about Shuichi and Kaede's trap. So you decided to go there and see if it was alredy set. Since it was to expose mastermind not to kill them you didn't think it would be any dangerous.
But both of you couldn't go there... So you insisted that you go. Kaito was trying to keep an eye on you from outside the library but the amount of obstacles kinda made it impossible.
You looked around the library and tried to act like you were looking for some random book in case you were dealing with cameras.
When you moved towards the hidden door however a picture with flash was taken you yelled "Kaito I think I found it" you moved towards the shelf and that's when a shot put ball landed in front of you.
It kinda scared you when you realized that it whould probably kill you. Kaito was surprised by the sound and asked if you were alright. When you said yes he felt relieved.
Kaito decided to stay outside the library however and he couldn't witness Tsumigi killing you.
Since you didn't go outside yet he started lowkey panicking. So he went inside and saw you...
He was very surprised by this. But now he knew that mastermind was the only person who could do it...
Unluckily for Tsumigi she didn't heard you and Kaito talking before she killed you so the fact that shot put ball missed will be no secret.
He couldn't belive that he let you go there and more importantly that he didn't enter the library... Why whould the two of you even check the trap... After all he was an idiot... An idiot that let his S/O get killed. But thanks to that the mastermind was revealed.
Shuichi Saihara
You were hanging out with Shuichi and to be honest you were glad he was there with you in such terrible times.
So many of you have died during the killing game its just horrible...
While you were investigating his lab together you got quite scared to see poisons... You had to remember that and be cautious when people whould offer you something.
However Shuichi accidentally knocked down one bottle of lethal poison. You told him that you whould go get something to clean it. He insisted that he would go but you told him to investigate other labs.
When you came back to his lab you noticed Miu grabbing one bottle. You asked her what she was doing with it and shouldn't she be working on the program? She got caught off guard but she was determined to get out. If it ment killing you here and now so be it. She couldn't risk you suspecting her if she tried again. But if she kills you she won't have to go through all that bullshit with Kokichi in the program.
What you didn't knew was that she had weapon with her just in case someone saw her. She didn't act suspicious when putting back the bottle "I can't believe I was caught by a virgin like you" she didn't reach for anything and her hands weren't hidden but when she got close enough to you she quickly took her pocket knife out and stabbed you multiple times.
Miu left you there to bleed to death and luckily for her nobody saw her on her way back so she got to change and didn't left much evidence.
Shuichi was in Tsumigi's lab when he noticed that you were gone for quite a while. He began to worry and quickly got to his lab.
He couldn't belive his eyes... When he saw you he felt weak and fell on his knees. He started crying when he saw you move... You were still alive. Suffering a lot. You couldn't even say anything or show to let him know it was Miu.
Shuichi was panicking and he didn't knew what to do. But he didn't even got to say anything before it was over... He stayed with you for few minutes.
After that he got few more people to make it an announcement. Shuichi swore to himself that he won't give up until he finds the culprit.
He knew it was his fault that you were there at that time and didn't stop blaming himself.
Rantaro Amami
He trusted you even though it was risky. And the two of you investigated the library. He told you about hidden door and everything he knew.
So to make everything seem less suspicious you decided to be the one to keep investigating the library and told Rantaro to look for the card key.
He was hesitant at first but he believed in you.
You were quite scared to be left alone but you know that it's for the best. When you moved towards the door you were surprised when the hidden camera took photo.
Since you didn't wanted any evidence against you you had to delete the photo. Then the shot-put-ball landed right in front of you. You were quite scared by this but you were glad it didn't hit you. When you turned around you saw Tsumigi and she immediately hit you in the head with another shot-put-ball killing you instantly.
In the meantime Rantaro was doing his best looking everywhere to find the card... But he never managed to make it as he heard body discovery announcement...
And when he found out that you were the one who died... He felt more than guilty. If he didn't let you stay there you whouldn't be dead now...
His thoughts were mixed and heart was broken... If he was the one in the library or just left it be this whouldn't happen.
But he knew that you whouldn't want him to give into despair like this. His goal was to find the real culprit and he was determined to do so.
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi explained his plan to Gonta and you knew about it. It was crazy but sometimes you just need to do something crazy in order to do something right.
But there was one unexpected problem. The glitch... This Gonta was far different from the real one and the glitch itself confused him.
Wich results in Gonta fucking up the plan... The code mixed up his memory and since Kokichi brought you up in the conversation instead of killing Miu Gonta ended up killing you since he thought that Kokichi told him to kill you.
The worst part is how you struggled to get out fighting untill your last breath trying to free yourself...
Kokichi was shocked when he found you dead. His master plan whould move into motion shortly but it was no use since you ended up dead before it even started.
Still Kokichi decided to stay strong and he tried to lie his way out of others pity. But he was in pain because he lost you...
It didn't took long before he realized what really happened. He waited for the right opportunity to speak with Gonta. Even though he figured it out he really wanted to confirm it.
He didn't said anything afterwards. But he was mad... Very mad. Why? Gonta killed you for fucks sake he doesn't care that his plan failed all he wanted is to end this game for you. No matter what sacrifice he needs to make he wanted to get you out of this nightmare even if it ment that he whould have to die.
One thing is for sure he has to make it an interesting trial. But of course he won't keep the killers identity secret.
He can't stop thinking about the fact that he won't ever see you again. And when he was informed about the glitch and found out that the glitch made Gonta think that he needed to kill you becouse he brought it up he didn't blame himself. He blamed Miu because she didn't bother to check if everyone got wires right... Well then his plan whould make trial boring since Gonta whould immediately confess or not be able to hide the truth... But who cares!? Kokichi doesn't want this sick game to be fun! How does seeing your classmates die can even seem fun!?
Korekiyo Shinguji
As soon as he saw Gonta walking towards you he let himself get captured just so you could run. Thanks to that you were able to get away. But you didn't know where to go.
You were walking in the hallway and heard something from Ryoma's lab. There were two people talking to each other. One for sure was Ryoma the other person was a girl for sure.
You decided to enter the lab since you didn't like where this was going. But you were too late Ryoma got knocked out and Kirumi put handcuffs on him dragging his body.
She noticed you immediately when you entered and she couldn't let her plan fail. You tried to run away but she caught you quickly. After drowning both you and Ryoma she decided to change her plan a little. With Ryoma she did exactly like she wanted but you... At first she wasn't sure but there is no time to overthink it. She just left your body on the pool area. Looking at how she left it it looks like you were asleep.
Next morning everyone was shocked when Ryoma's body was discovered but Korekiyo was more concerned that he didn't see you anywhere and he was more than worried...
Now that he thinks about it he doesn't remember seeing you after he managed to get away from Gonta's lab either...
When investigation began and he gave needed informations he looked for you and that's when another body discovery announcement played...
As he saw you he didn't knew what to think. There was a small injury on your head but other than that you looked like nothing happened to you. But when he placed his hand on your cheek he noticed how cold is your body. It was terrifying thought to look at you and know that you aren't alive.
During the trial when Shuichi figured out time of death Korekiyo started thinking about what whould have happened if Gonta managed to take you to that nightmare called insect meet and greet you whouldn't get killed...
He didn't blame himself entirely but he knew that it was his fault even though he couldn't possibly predict something like that...
~Mod Chiaki
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