#-pretty proud of it as my current longest fic
riordanness · 5 months
bad blood - [h.haddock]
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8.2K wordcount
warnings: death mention, panic attack mentions
requested: no
a/n: i usually don’t do author’s notes on my fics bc i don’t think i have really anything to say lmao. however. i wanted to say a quick word about this one, as it’s a kind of old piece but one i was extremely proud of and worked really hard to complete. i loved the humorous parts i wrote, loved the character arc i gave y/n, and just in general really liked how my writing turned out. also, it’s the second longest one-shot (currently) i’ve ever written! anyways, enjoy my lovelies <3
I disliked Hiccup Haddock more than anything else in the entire world. I didn’t like him at all for a very long time, but… well, here is our story.
“Hey love.” A voice appeared next to my shoulder, and I rolled my eyes.
“Go away, Hiccup,” I demanded, refusing to look at him. I was carving a spear out of a wooden stick, so I kept my focus on my knife running back and forth along the wood.
Even without looking at him, I could tell he had a smirk on his face. “Oh love,” he whined. “I want to talk to you.”
He tugged on one of my small braids that ran down the sides of my hair. I whacked his hand away, still not looking at him. “I said go away,” I said again.
He laughed. “I know.”
“So leave me alone.”
A moment’s pause. “But why?”
“Because I hate you and don’t want you around, annoying me to death. I’m busy.”
“But you’re fun to annoy.”
I turned on him, fiercely glaring up at him. The worst thing about Hiccup was how tall he was compared to me. He wasn’t even that tall, I was just super short. Hiccup was a full head higher than me.
Hiccup had a smirk playing around his mouth. “Hey shortcake.”
I hit him. “Shut up, Hiccup.”
“Aww, c’mon sweetheart. I’m bored.”
“That’s nice.” I crossed my arms protectively. Not that Hiccup would ever actually hurt me. Honestly, if it came down to me being in danger, I was pretty sure he’d defend me. I’d known him longer than anybody else I knew.
I might hate him, but it was the truth. Hiccup was an asshole, but I knew deep down he didn’t absolutely hate me. I guess I didn’t hate him, either. He was just a total pain.
“Go ride Toothless or make a friend or do something. Just leave me alone. I don’t care to see you.”
Hiccup sighed, running a hand through his ruffled brown hair. His green eyes flickered with amusement. “Okay, love. I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t call me that.”
He winked. “Sorry love.”
I resisted the childish urge to stamp my foot. “Hiccup!”
He held up his hands. “Okay… okay.” I almost thought he might actually be genuine, until he smirked. “I’ll stop calling you love… darling.”
I knew there was no shutting him up. I turned on my heel without a word, and stamped angrily into my cabin, slamming the door behind me.
Three seconds passed, then there was a knock on the door. I opened it. “Hiccup, go away!”
Hiccup stood there, grinning mischievously. “Fine, fine. Bye, you.”
I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I’d only just turned around when another knock sounded. I gritted my teeth. “Stupid little —“
I opened the door again and stopped short. “Oh! Stoick. Um, hi.” I swallowed. “Sorry, I, uh, I thought you were Hiccup.”
Stoick looked amused. “That’s alright, y/n.”
“Um, would you like to come in?” I offered.
Stoick nodded, and stepped inside. I suddenly felt very conscious of how messy the place was. I didn’t spend much time here, preferring to roam outside or stay at Astrid, my best friend’s house.
“How are you faring up?” Stoick asked.
I shrugged. “I’m okay. Still getting used to the fact that they’re gone, but, you know. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Stoick nodded. “If you ever need anything, feel free to let me or Hiccup know.”
I groaned internally. “Yeah, like I’d ever ask him for help,” I muttered.
I hadn’t intended for him to hear, but Stoick chuckled softly. “He doesn’t hate you, you know.”
“Sure,” I said. “Because he thinks I’m fun to annoy.”
“That’s not it.”
I waited, but he didn’t elaborate. “O…kay…” I said slowly. “Um. Great. Well, it’s getting late, so if you don’t mind, uh…”
“Oh! Sure, sure,” Stoick said. “Have a good night, y/n.”
A long time after he left, I stood in my empty, cold house, staring at the door, wishing for something to come and fill the hole that was forming inside of me.
“Y/n, did you hear?”
I turned to my best friend. “Um. No. What happened?”
Astrid brushed her hair out of her eyes. “Stoick just told Hiccup he’s going to become chief soon.”
“Cool.” I returned to making the leather straps I’d been softening for my future dragon’s saddle.
See, the thing is, I don’t have a dragon. I know, that’s so weird, everyone in Berk has one, but I’m, well… a dragon killed my parents a few years ago. I’ve never liked them anyways, but after that, I’ve struggled a lot with my feelings about dragons. I’m sure one day I will overcome this fear inside me and own a dragon, but right now? No way.
“That’s all?” Astrid looked offended. “Y/n, that’s so much cooler than cool.” She suddenly laughed. “You know what this means?”
I frowned a little. “No..?”
“Hiccup has to choose a bride.”
I blinked. “Really? Um, so?”
Astrid rolled her eyes, elbowing me as she sat beside me on the ground. “You know you’re in love with him, y/n/n.”
I pretended to gag. “Ugh, as if! Astrid, you know I hate him. I don’t care at all about him in any way, especially not in a romantic way. I don’t care a single little bit if he has to choose a bride.”
“Sure.” Astrid smirked. “You’re secretly hoping he’ll choose you, aren’t you?”
I shot her a glare that warned her to shut up. “He’ll choose you and you know it,” I said.
Astrid wrinkled her nose. “I doubt it,” she said. “Hiccup and I literally never talk. Besides, everybody knows that me and Stormfly are a forever couple.”
I shook my head at her, but I had to smile. “Well, he won’t choose me, and I don’t care about it anyway.”
Astrid looked like she wanted to argue, but she shut her mouth when she noticed someone walking over to us. When I saw who it was, I sighed.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
“Gee, you’re lovely today, darling,” Hiccup teased, plopping himself down next to us.
“Excuse me,” I pointed out. “We didn’t invite you to sit with us.”
Astrid glanced at me, a smirk playing around her mouth. Her eyes were twinkling. I glared at her. I hate you, I mouthed.
I swung one leg over the log so my back was to Hiccup. “So, Astrid,” I said, a little too loudly. “What do you want to do this afternoon?”
“I’m taking Stormfly out for a ride,” Astrid replied. “You’re welcome to join —“
“No,” I said instantly. “Uh, I mean. No thank you. I’m good.” My hands trembled ever so slightly. I coughed, swallowed, and picked up my leather strap, gripping it tightly to stop the shaking.
Hiccup poked his head over my shoulder. “You know—“
I elbowed him in the ribs so hard he tumbled off the log. “Whoa!” he yelped. “Jeez, y/n!”
“Sorry,” I apologised. “I- you startled me.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “No I didn’t. You just like hitting people.”
My mouth tightened. “No I don’t. And stop calling me a liar!”
“When did I call you a liar?” He got to his feet, one arm cradling his ribcage. “You’re violent for literally no reason.”
I glared at him. “You just said I was lying. And I didn’t even hit you that hard.”
Hiccup winced. “Uh- yeah you actually did. I think you broke a rib or something.”
I slammed my work to the ground, getting to my feet and facing the boy. “Stop avoiding the fact that you called me a liar! I never ever ever make up anything.”
My eyes glittered with unwanted tears. Involuntary memories sprang into my mind. My parents hugging me. My father’s voice in my hair, my younger voice begging them to promise to return soon. “Of course we will return, darling,” my father said. “We’ve never lied to you, have we now?”
I blinked, forcing the tears away. I hated crying in any situation, but I wouldn’t be able to stand crying in front of Hiccup. I’d never live it down.
“Whatever.” Hiccup glanced at me. His voice suddenly changed. “Want to see something amazing?”
“Yeah,” I grumbled. “The retreating back of your head would be great, thanks.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “I’m serious.”
“So am I!” I turned away from him, and only then did I realise Astrid was nowhere to be seen. She must’ve snuck away while Hiccup and I were arguing.
Hiccup’s hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. “C’mon,” he pleaded, and his voice sounded genuinely kind. “It’ll be fun.”
I rolled my eyes. “If I come with you, do you promise to leave me alone after?”
Hiccup nodded.
“Fine,” I muttered. “Where are we going?”
He grinned mischievously. “You’ll see.”
Hiccup turned, and I had no choice but to follow; partly because I was curious, and partly because I wanted him to leave me alone, and this was the only way to guarantee that.
We entered the woods that surrounded the village, and I began to get suspicious. “Hiccup?” I asked. “Where exactly are we going?”
He didn’t answer for almost a minute. “You’ll see.”
I rolled my eyes. “First, that’s not a proper answer. Two, don’t you think that you should tell me before you drag me off somewhere?”
He laughed. “C’mon. Don’t you ever do anything adventurous or risky?”
“Yes,” I answered. “I talk to you.”
“Hey!” He shot me a playful glare.
I managed a smirk. “No, but seriously. Where are you taking me?”
He glanced at me over his shoulder. “Okay. Just stay here a moment. I’ll be right back.”
I frowned, and opened my mouth to complain, but before I could say anything, Hiccup had disappeared into the trees. I had no choice but to wait where I was.
Only a few minutes later, I heard a rush of wind, and a midnight-black dragon landed in front of me. Hiccup sat astride Toothless, one hand in the air.
I yelped, taking a few quick steps backward. “I- shoot, Hiccup. Why are you…” My voice died as Toothless stared at me. A shiver ran down my spine, making me feel sick to my stomach.
“Y/n, it’s fine,” Hiccup assured. “He won’t hurt you. Will ya, bud?”
I shook my head, my throat tightening. “I- no. I can’t do this, Hiccup.” I took another step back, my entire body beginning to shake. This. This what had killed my parents. Dragons couldn’t be trusted. No matter how much Hiccup had tried to convince the village, I would never trust anyone, or anything, ever again.
Hiccup frowned. “Fine.” He leaned down and patted Toothless on the neck. “C’mon, bud. Let’s go.”
Without another word, Toothless spread his wings and they soared into the air.
I stood stock still for a whole minute before I realised I was holding my breath. I let it out all in a rush, and staggered a little. I reached out to hold onto a tree truck for support. My legs felt wobbly and unstable.
I decided it was best if I headed back for the village. I didn’t want to hang around in the woods today anymore. I had a sour taste in my mouth, and I needed some water.
I was twenty meters away from my cabin door when suddenly the ground beneath me was swept away. The village got smaller and smaller, and then I realised what was happening.
“Hiccup Haddock!” I shrieked. Toothless was holding onto my forearms, and I was suspended in the air.
“Yes, m’lady?”
“I am going to kill you!” I yelled up at him, panic temporarily pushing aside my utter agony at being defenceless against a dragon.
“Toothless, put her down,” Hiccup commanded.
Toothless flew around a huge pine tree that was significantly taller than most of the forest, and promptly dropped me onto its highest branches.
I clung to the tree truck, shaking. Tears clogged up my throat, and my legs were so trembly I thought I was going to fall and die.
At the sound of Hiccup’s voice, I slowly turned to face him. He looked almost sorry, but I knew that was impossible. The little wretch was trying to make me terrified, for what reason I could only guess. This was his biggest prank yet.
“Hiccup,” I said, trying to keep my voice level (and failing), “you will get me down from here, now.” I gripped the tree tighter. “You will take me home this instant, and you will never ever talk to me again. Do you understand?”
He blinked. “But—“
“Do you understand?!” I yelled.
“Fine,” he sighed. “Here.” He held out his hand.
I stared at it for a second, then gingerly reached out and rested my fingertips on his palm. A tingle ran up the length of my arm. He gripped my wrist, and pulled me up onto the dragon behind him.
Every part of my body that was in contact with the dragon’s felt heated up, like I could burst into flames at any moment. My head pounded in sync with my heartbeat, and my palms were getting sweaty. I was, in short, absolutely terrified.
“… let her down slowly.”
I realised Hiccup was talking. “You got that, bud?”
Toothless made an exasperated grunt, sounding more like a sarcastic teenager than a dragon. That didn’t make me feel any better.
Toothless slowly spread his wings, and for a second, I almost relaxed. Maybe he would fly down gently like Hiccup had asked.
The next second, my illusion shattered. Toothless took off so fast I almost toppled off. I was forced to grab onto the nearest thing to stay onboard (on-dragon?). Unfortunately, that thing happened to be Hiccup.
Whatever. I’d rather not die today. I gripped his shoulders so tightly my knuckles turned white. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, as if not seeing would make it better for me.
The wind whipped in my ears, blowing my dark hair all around my face. I was so scared, so worried, so distraught I felt like crying. I couldn’t, though. I wasn’t dumb enough to cry in front of Hiccup. He would never let me hear the end of it.
Suddenly, I felt the dragon beneath me twisting sideways. We started spinning, twirling in tight circles. My grip tightened on Hiccup’s shoulders.
Someone was screaming, and I was like eighty-five percent sure it was me.
“Toothless!” Hiccup yelled. “Stop this right now! You’re scaring her!”
Toothless took that as a challenge, and dove toward the ocean a hundred feet below. He showed absolutely no signs of slowing or stopping in any way. I opened my eyes, wanting to at least be able to see something in case I died because of this.
“Thanks for nothing, you useless reptile,” Hiccup muttered. I slowly began to realise that maybe Hiccup wasn’t the one at fault here. Of course. It was the dragon’s fault. Dragons weren’t to be trusted, which was exactly what I’d been thinking this whole time.
Just as we were about to hit the water, Toothless opened up his wings. We shot upward, soaring towards the sugar-spun clouds above us.
We levelled out, and my muscles lost some of their tension. Toothless floated in the air, almost flying gently now. I remembered how to breathe, and let out a long, breathless sigh.
“Hiccup,” I managed, my voice hoarse. “I am going to murder you.”
I melted into him, partly in relief that I wasn’t dead, partly in exhausted terror. My arms went around his waist, my forehead falling to rest on his back. My eyes fluttered shut, and a lone tear streaked down my cheek.
Hiccup didn’t say anything for a long while, and so neither did I. Toothless flew long and slow and level, giving me the slightest chance of not murdering him, too.
I’m not sure how long we stayed like that. All I remember is Hiccup’s voice saying softly, “Sweet dreams, love,” before I fell into the welcome arms of sleep.
I woke slowly, curled in a ball inside a warm, soft bed that didn’t feel like mine. When I finally opened my eyes, I realised why it didn’t feel familiar. I wasn’t even in my house.
I sat up, looking around, trying to work out where I was. With a start, I couldn’t even think of a time I’d been inside any other houses in the village except for Astrid’s. I had no idea whose house this was.
“Morning, m’lady,” said a deep voice from the top of the stairs.
I groaned internally. “Oh, gosh, of course it’s you.” I found myself pulling my fingers through my hair, brushing it as nearly as I could, straightening my shirt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
I dragged myself out of the bed. I was still dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, my usual top and skirt combo, with leggings underneath for warmth. My boots were lying on the floor, so I yanked them on.
I glanced up at Hiccup, who was hanging over the banisters, watching me. With a jolt, all the memories of yesterday flooded in.
Red-hot anger filled me. I clenched my fists. “Are you gonna come down here, or should I just murder you up there?”
Hiccup’s eyes widened. “I- what?”
“You heard me,” I muttered. My knife was missing from my belt, which was just great. I’d probably lost in on that horrific flight yesterday.
I stomped up the stairs, stopping on the one below the one Hiccup was standing on. He leaned against the banister, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Hey shortcake,” he whispered teasingly. “Sleep well?”
I gritted my teeth. “You are so beyond dead right now, Hiccup.”
He chuckled. “Hey. Blame Toothless, alright? There was nothing I could do!”
I wanted to roll my eyes. “Um, okay. And he’s your dragon.”
“That doesn’t mean I can control him!”
I didn’t answer, my gaze sliding away from Hiccup. I sighed, laid my palm on the cold wood banister. “I don’t ever want you to talk to me again, okay? I don’t want to see you; I don’t want to hear you. I don’t even want to know you exist.”
I felt a glistening tear streak its way down my cheek, dripping off the bottom of my chin. “Just—“ My voice broke. “Just leave me alone.”
I turned, and ran out of the house, leaving his door wide open. I headed for the only place I could think of; the woods.
I didn’t stop running until I was deep in the forest, surrounded by unfamiliar trees. I dropped to my knees in the dirt, buried my face in my hands and cried.
Hours later, I slowly rose to my feet. It was growing steadily dark, and the cold was seeping into my bone. I shivered, and wrapped my arms around myself as I walked around in a small circle.
I realised, horrified, that I was completely lost. I had no idea whatsoever where I was, which direction the village was, or what time of day it even was right now.
I eventually sat down on a rock, pulling my knees up to my chest. The darkness was growing. Soon, I didn’t think I would be able to see a thing. I began to get worried.
Who knew what things might be hiding in the shadows? My hand instinctively went to my belt, my my knife was gone. I cursed under my breath, and stood, pressing my back against a tree. I figured it would be safer than sitting on an exposed rock.
I shivered, wrapping my arms tighter around myself, my eyes turning towards the sky, hoping, for some insane reason, that someone might be out there looking for me.
Who was I kidding? Who was there that even cared about me that much? I didn’t have parents who were waiting back at home, wondering how late I was going to stay out. I didn’t have siblings who would notice my absence.
Astrid wouldn’t notice this late at night. I tended to wander during the day; she was used to that, but at night it wouldn’t even occur to her that I was anywhere but home.
Hiccup briefly crossed my mind, but I truly did not think he cared about me that much. I didn’t even want him to. I was still so mad at Hiccup, thinking about him made it hard to breathe. I hated him.
“I hate Hiccup Haddock,” I whispered under my breath, trying to make myself feel better. My breath made a wisp of steam in the cold air. I watched it as it floated into nothingness.
My vision suddenly blurred, but I couldn’t tell if it was because of exhaustion or tears. I slumped down to the ground, my legs giving way. I drew my knees close to my chest, hugging them to me. My chin rested on my knees, gazing out at the woods, though I could barely make out anything anymore. I couldn’t even see my own hand clearly, let alone anything else.
I’m not sure how long I sat there, but eventually, I slipped into a deep sleep, half-frozen, chilled to the bone, alone and crying in the darkness.
“Y/n! Y/n? Y/n/n?!”
My eyes fluttered open. I groaned in pain. I felt someone’s arms encircling me, carrying me, but I couldn’t make out anything. Everything was blurred, hazy. The person carrying me was talking, but it sounded far away and watery.
I slumped against the person’s shoulder, closing my eyes. I was tired: so, so tired. Everything ached; my head pounded and throbbed.
I don’t think I feel back asleep, but I wasn’t really aware of anything for a long while. Finally, the person slowed to a walk, and laid me down on a couch or a bed or something. A cup was held to my lips, and I gratefully accepted the water.
I blinked several times, and my eyes focused on a very familiar looking boy, who’s green eyes were staring down at me, full of concern.
“Hiccup?” I asked weakly. “What are you…?”
“I found you in the middle of the woods,” Hiccup replied, his eyes darkening slightly. “Are you okay? Do you need anything else? More water? Are-are you warm enough?”
I laid my head back, rubbing my thumb against my throbbing temple. I let out a long sigh, whether it was of annoyance or exhaustion or pain, I wasn’t sure.
“I hate you so much,” I muttered.
“Gee, thanks,” Hiccup answered. He held the back of his hand against my forehead, testing my temperature. “You don’t seem to be too sick. I think you’re going to be okay,” he said, almost to himself.
“I’m not sick at all,” I said firmly. “I don’t even know why you’re taking care of me. I don’t need you. You—“ My voice suddenly broke with emotion. “You did this to me.”
Hiccup’s eyes filled with sorrow. “Look, Y/n/n—“
“Don’t call me that,” I snapped.
He blinked. “Y/n. I-I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. I, well, I thought it might make it better if you saw that dragons aren’t always vicious. Um…” He glanced down, rubbing the back of his neck. “Toothless didn’t really get the memo.”
He looked at me. “I’m really sorry, Y/n. And I hope that maybe someday you can find it in you to forgive me.” He stood, brushed off his pants, and left, closing the door gently behind him.
I lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling. I hadn’t noticed it at first, but Hiccup had brought me home. I was in my bed, in my house. I could hear small noises from downstairs, which meant that Hiccup was still here. I wasn’t sure what he was doing down there, but I didn’t really care.
What I cared about right now was what he’d said. And what it had made happen inside of me. Was I really as mad at him as I thought I was? After all, he’d gone out and found me, brought me home, taken care of me. Maybe he’d been trying to be nice, and it really was Toothless who had been doing all those things to me. (Which just proved all my theories that dragons weren’t to be trusted).
I thought again of Hiccup’s eyes staring down at me, his sad voice asking me for forgiveness. The worry in his expression when he asked if I was okay. I hated how much I’d liked that. I hadn’t ever been in love, or even had a crush on anyone. I wasn’t sure if this even was a crush, but if it was, I didn’t like it.
I didn’t like the swirling in my stomach when I heard Hiccup’s voice. I hated how much I suddenly wanted him near me. I disliked how I kind of trusted him. I didn’t want to be in love. I didn’t want to have somebody I believed in again.
Last time I’d loved someone, trusted someone, all they’d done was break my heart and leave me forever. My parents. I wondered if part of my hatred inside was because I’d never truly forgiven them for leaving. For dying and not coming back for me like they’d sworn they would. I blinked back tears, brushing my cheeks with the back of my hand.
I swung my legs out of the bed, standing. I swayed a bit at first, but I forced myself to be steady. I yanked on my boots and slowly pushed open my bedroom door. I stepped out onto the landing, peeping over the edge of the banisters.
Hiccup was down in the kitchen. I was shocked at how much cleaner everything looked. I barely ever tidied up. Not that things got particularly dirty, as I spent little time here, but dust had certainly stocked up over the years. Hiccup had scrubbed away the five years of dirt from my home, and it was sparkling.
Something smelled good, too. It hit me like a brick wall that the fire was going, and Hiccup was cooking something over it. It looked like soup or something similar. I hadn’t had a home cooked meal for ages. I hated cooking, so I just lived on things I grew in the garden, or tidbits from friends.
I shifted slightly, and a floorboard underneath me creaked. Hiccup glanced up, and when he saw me, a slight smile flickered across his face. “Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” I said back, not sure what else to say. I mean, I’d just yelled at him, and made it pretty clear I didn’t ever want to talk to him again. What do you say to someone who’s just cleaned your entire house and taken care of you after you told them that? “What are you making?”
Hiccup glanced down at the pot he was stirring, then back up at me. “Chicken and potato soup. Want some?”
I hesitated, but nodded, with a small shrug. “Why not.” I slowly walked down the stairs, my eyes on Hiccup the whole time. I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from him.
He noticed me staring and smiled nervously. “What? Am I in trouble?”
I found myself slowly shaking my head. “No, I don’t think so.” I allowed myself a small, watery smile. “At least not yet.”
Hiccup grinned. “Good. Now sit down and eat.”
I obeyed, setting myself down at the old dining table. I wiped my palm on the wood, expecting it to be coated it dirt, but it shone with new cleanliness. My eyes suddenly filled with tears.
“Hiccup…” was all I could manage.
Immediately, Hiccup knelt in front of me. “What’s wrong?” he asked, almost urgently, staring up into my eyes. “Are you alright?”
I swallowed. “You-you cleaned the house… you’re cooking… I- you…” I let out a broken sob.
For so long, so one had cared. Astrid cared the most, but she was busy with Stormfly and her new baby brother and life in general. She’d offered a few times to have me stay with her and her family, but I’d known that would be far too hard for them. I’d always politely told her I was just fine on my own, thank you. But I wasn’t. I knew that. I needed someone to care so badly that now that someone did, someone cared, it almost hurt.
“Hey, hey,” Hiccup said softly, grabbing me by the shoulders. I realised I was shaking.
“It’s alright,” he assured me. “Come here.” He brought me into a hug, which at first both startled and scared me, but then I melted into it. The hug felt unfamiliar, different, awkward. But nice, somehow.
But this was Hiccup. I untangled myself from him. “Uh,” I stammered, tucking my hair behind my ear, eyes flitting away. “Thanks.”
Hiccup shrugged. “It’s fine.” He stood slowly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded. “Yes. I mean, no. I-I guess? I’m not sure…” I stared up at him. “Hiccup, why are you doing this?”
His eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you mean?” He gestured around. “You needed help. You need help. I am the son of the chief; soon to be the chief myself. It’s my job to help the village.”
Something inside me wilted a little. So this was just part of the job to him? The rest of me internally yelled at that bit to shut up, and that we hated Hiccup, so it doesn’t matter what he does. But why did I hate Hiccup?
Thinking back on it now, I really didn’t think he had ever done anything truly bad towards me. Yeah, sure, he’d been a total tease, but I was a rude, bitter, secluded brat to be honest. I didn’t deserve any help from him.
I blinked back unwanted tears. “Um, well, I really appreciate it,” I said. “It was really nice of you to come looking for me.”
Hiccup studied my face for a moment, then pursed his lips and nodded once. “It’s okay, Y/n/n.”
Something inside me jolted. No one had called me that in years before today, when Hiccup had started to. It was the nickname my father had given me. Hearing Hiccup use it had just opened up a deep wound inside me I hadn’t even remembered.
“Please don’t call me that,” I whispered, staring at the floorboards. My feet hung limply in the air just above the floor.
Hiccup glanced over at me from where he was standing, stirring the soup. “Um, okay. Sorry, Y/n.” He stressed my name, saying it slightly slower than the rest of his words.
There was so much tension in the air, and I realised it was all my fault. I made the room awkward and made Hiccup have to watch everything he said. I was a terrible person.
I’d even told Hiccup never to talk to me again, right after I’d woken up in his house. It hit me that he must’ve taken me there after the awful flight on Toothless. Then, I’d screamed in his face that I hated him, and gotten myself lost in the woods because I was selfish and prideful and full of hate.
Even then, Hiccup had gone out and found me. Who knew how long that had taken him? He’d brought me back here, cleaned my house, made me food, and for what? For me to be snappy, harsh, and rude.
I ran my tongue over my lower lip, staring resolutely at the floor. “Hiccup?” I managed finally.
“Why are you doing this?” I looked at him, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. “Be honest.”
Hiccup hesitated, stirring the wooden spoon listlessly around the soup. “What do you mean?” he said finally.
I sighed, sitting up straight and brushing off my skirts. “You know… helping me.” I have a little laugh. “Heavens knows you don’t need to. So why are you really doing all this?”
Hiccup chewed his lip. “Because I’m going to be the Chief of Berk pretty soon. I need to be able to protect my people.” His gaze fixed on mine. “Even when they don’t like me, or want me to.”
Under his fierce eyes, my insides crinkled. I felt exposed, as if I was being examined under a bright light. I dropped my gaze.
“I’m sorry…” I managed, the words sounding funny in my mouth. I hadn’t apologised to Hiccup, for anything, ever.
“It’s okay.” His voice sounded surprisingly even, like he wasn’t even bothered about all this. So it was just me feeling all these things, was it? He was truly just doing this out of a sense of duty. And honestly, why shouldn’t he? I’d already told myself I was a rude little brat, to be totally honest. I didn’t deserve to have people look after me, at all.
I didn’t meet Hiccup’s eyes. “Um, that’s cool. But thank you, really.”
Hiccup nodded, and handed me a steaming mug of hot soup. “Eat up,” he said. “I’ll leave you the rest… have a good night, Y/n.”
And with that, he disappeared. The house felt suddenly very small and lonely, and I shrunk into myself, staring into the fire, sipping tiny bits of soup until I was all warmed up inside.
I gazed around the cabin. It looked so different, all shining and clean. It made me feel like maybe I might be able to move on; get over them leaving me. I shook my head. That would never happen. I didn’t think I was capable of letting it go, of moving forward with my life. I was seventeen years old, and I still held a grudge against my parents for ‘abandoning’ me when I was twelve.
Thoughts whirled through my brain, at an almost dizzying rate. I left my mug on the table, and went to stand by the open window, facing out into the main road of Berk.
A few children were playing in it, kicking a round wooden ball to each other. I watched them for a minute or two, before an absurd idea struck me. I pushed open the front door. “Hey!” I yelled.
The kids turned to look at me, momentarily forgetting their game. “Can I join you guys?” I asked, feeling brave.
The oldest girl looked confused for a moment, then after a brief pause, gave me a smile and a nod. “Sure!” she called.
I grinned, and shut my door behind me, jogging over to them. Playing ball was something I hadn’t done in years, but it felt good to just relax for a while. Plus, it was amazing to see others doing an activity that didn’t revolve around dragons, so I could join in.
Dragons. I shuddered a little, remembering the awful ride on Toothless, and making my feelings around Hiccup even more complicated.
After a good long play, I collapsed to the ground in a heap, blowing up my breath. “Gosh,” I managed. “I can see why kids like playing ball. It’s fun.” I offered the girl who’d let me come play with them a small smile.
“You’re Y/n, aren’t you?” the girl asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.
I hesitated. How did they know who I was? I never really talked to anyone except Astrid, Hiccup and a few other people. Certainly not the children.
“Yeah, I am,” I said slowly. “How do you know my name?”
The little girl allowed herself a smug smile. “Hiccup told us about you.” Turning, she threw the ball to one of her friends.
I was dumbfounded. “Hiccup?”
The girl nodded. “Yeah. He told us you guys used to be friends but now you’re mean to him and won’t let him be nice to you anymore. He said he misses being your friend.”
I wrinkled my nose, staring at her. “Hiccup said he misses me?” I scoffed finally. “There’s no way. You must have heard him wrong. Hiccup hurt me incredibly badly when we were six years old, and ever since then he’s teased and bothered me almost to death. I will never be his friend again.”
I stood, suddenly angry all over again. Angry about how hurt I was, how much I hated Hiccup and my parents for hurting me. I clenched my teeth. “Thank you for letting me join you. Bye.”
I turned and began the walk uphill to Astrid’s house. Right now, I really needed to see my best friend.
When Astrid opened the door, she immediately noticed something was wrong. She frowned. “Are you alright?”
I shook my head. “Everything is so hopeless, A.”
Astrid made a sympathetic face and pulled me into a tight embrace. “It’s okay,” she whispered into my shoulder. “Come on, come inside. It’s freezing.”
Maybe it was. I felt so numb I didn’t think I would’ve noticed even if it was cold enough to give me frostbite. I felt like my insides were frozen, unable to feel anything at all.
Astrid pulled me inside, sitting me down on a chair beside the roaring fire. She knelt down in front of me. “What happened?” she asked, staring into my face.
I shook my head, looking away from her. “I… I don’t even know…” I began to cry, dropping my head in my hands.
Astrid pursed her lips, hugging me again. “Is it your parents? Hiccup? Tell me.”
I took a deep breath, and slowly began to tell her the entire story, beginning yesterday, when Hiccup took me into the woods and the whole, horrible ride on Toothless began. I kept my eyes steadily fixed on the fire as I spoke, quietly recounting the flight, the fight, being lost in the woods and then Hiccup rescuing me and cleaning my house. I even told her about the awkward hug.
The only thing I couldn’t manage to admit to Astrid was how I felt about Hiccup. I couldn’t decide if I hated his guts, or if I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again.
When I was finished, Astrid let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry, babe,” she said. “But if you ask me… Hiccup wasn’t at fault for what Toothless was doing during that flight. I think he might be telling you the truth; that he just wanted you to see that dragons aren’t dangerous.”
I nodded slowly. I was beginning to believe that. Of course, that just made me hate dragons even more, but there was no point saying that aloud. Astrid knew I hated dragons even more than I hated Hiccup. I would never, ever trust a dragon.
Astrid studied me. “Do you want to know what else I think?”
I glanced at her. “By the look on your face, no. But I guess you’re going to tell me anyway, so… sure.”
Astrid suppressed a smile. “You know me too well,” she said. “But, what I think is, you don’t hate Hiccup at all. You’re just angry. At your parents mostly. But Hiccup hurt you too, years ago. You’re alone now, so you’re taking out your anger on the only person you have any sort of justification to do so to.”
I was silent. Sadly, her words rang hard and true. I could finally see that, yes, my hatred of Hiccup was really just anger at myself, and my parents. It had honestly nothing to do with Hiccup himself. He’d just been unfortunate enough to annoy me all those years ago, so now I’d decided to hate him because of it.
I shook my head in disbelief. “I’ve been so stupid,” I muttered.
“Not stupid,” Astrid said. “Kinda crazy, maybe, but not stupid.”
I looked at her. “I think… I think I should go and apologize to someone.”
She smiled. “Go.”
I jumped to my feet and ran, leaving her front door swinging open in the wind.
I didn’t stop running until I reached Hiccup’s house. I burst inside without thinking about knocking, but stopped short on the threshold.
“Stoick!” I gaped, trying to find the right words. “I, I am so sorry—“
“Y/n,” Stoick replied, getting to his feet. “What brings you here in such a hurry?” His eyes narrowed. “Are you alright?”
I nodded breathlessly. “What? Yes. Yes, I’m fine, thanks, I just —“
“Were you looking for Hiccup?”
I pursed my lips. “I might’ve been.”
Stoick chuckled. “You’ve got spirit, lass. I like that about you.”
I blinked. “Um, thank you?”
“He’s at the beach.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Chief.”
The path that ran towards the beach was thin and steep, covered in loose rocks that skidded under my shoes. More than once I almost fell off the cliff side.
When I reached the beach, I was surprised at how small it seemed. Then again, I hadn’t been here since I was little. I guess my memories of it had faded. With a start, I realised that the last time I had been here was probably with Hiccup himself, back when we were small and best friends.
I spotted Hiccup’s figure walking through the surf a few hundred meters away. I started toward him, slowly in case I scared him with a sudden approach.
The beach itself was small and rocky, round black stones instead of proper sand. The waves here were little and inconsistent, barely making a splash. Sometimes in the summer, we would have a day or two of good weather, and the waves would be bigger, but that was a pretty rare occurrence.
I reached Hiccup, who was now standing with his hands buried in his pockets, his eyes fixed on the horizon.
“What do you see?” I whispered.
“Freedom,” he replied softly, turning to look at me. “When I’m riding Toothless, nothing is impossible. Me, a human, can fly on the back of a dragon. There is something magical about that, Y/n.”
I chewed my lip, considering his words. I guess there was something amazing about that fact, but still… dragons.
“Um,” I said. “I came here to apologise.”
Hiccup’s green eyes turned a darker shade. “For what?”
I dug the side of my shoe in the sand, my eyes sliding away from his. “For… everything.”
He waited, his eyes roaming my face.
I swallowed. “For not being your friend when I should have been. For hating you and your love for dragons. For being a terrible person. For hitting you and hating you and making your life miserable.” During this little speech, my voice had gotten higher and louder. Now it broke, and I felt tears brimming to my eyes. “I’m so sorry, Hiccup,” I cried.
Hiccup didn’t say anything. He stared at me for a count of five, while tears began to stream down my cheeks. What was wrong with me this week? For years, I’d barely cried at all, hiding my emotions inside. Now I was crying, again.
Hiccup did something I didn’t expect. He grabbed my face between his hands. They were tougher than I would’ve thought, calloused and hard from working with metals and wood and materials. He stared into my eyes for long enough for my tears to stop flowing. “Y/n,” he said. “It’s okay. You were forgiven years ago.”
He pulled me into a tight embrace. A week ago, I would’ve fought and hit and yelled at him, but now? I melted into Hiccup’s body, burying my face in his chest and wrapping my arms tightly around him, letting my tears flow freely.
For the first time since my parents died, I felt at peace.
For the next three weeks, I tried my hardest to start a routine. To start cleaning my house, cooking meals every day, and (the hardest part of all), going out and talking to someone each and every morning.
Sometimes I just talked to Astrid, when it got bad and I truly couldn’t get enough emotion energy to talk to anyone else. But sometimes I managed. I talked to the kids playing in the streets, to the other girls I never really talked to before, to the guys helping out in the dragon-saddle-making workshop.
But mostly, I talked to Hiccup. I talked to him as if we’d never stopped being friends, as if we were six years old again. It honestly surprised me how easy it was to get along with him now that I didn’t have an eternal grudge against him. Hiccup was still the same person he’d always been. It was me who had changed.
I made an effort to even start working. I’d never done anything like it before, really, but it was honestly alright. I had a few shifts at the dragon workshop a week, and it was kind of fun after a while. Yeah, sure, I still got terrified when someone actually brought their dragon to the shop, but for the most part it was good.
Hiccup worked there sometimes as well, and so did Stoick. Astrid didn’t, because she was a dragon trainer and didn’t really have the time. I would’ve liked it if we were able to work together, but there was no way I would be able to train dragons. At all.
But, you know, life was pretty alright. I still had scars, deep and hidden and probably incurable, but I also had friends. And hope. And maybe, just maybe, a future.
I woke up screaming. My bedsheets were clutched tight in my fists, a tangled mess around my legs. Hot tears were still rolling down my cheeks, and my chest heaved, as if I’d just run the length of the island in my sleep.
I tried to swallow, tried to even out my breathing. My mouth was so dry I could barely swallow properly. I reached for the glass of water that I always had beside my bed, and gulped it down.
I could still evision the awful images from my dreams. Hiccup, Astrid, my parents, all trapped in a circle of flaming dragons. They were screaming for me, calling my name. I couldn’t move, my legs seemingly stuck to the ground. I could do nothing but watch as the dragons slowly spread over the bodies of my loved ones, devouring them. I sank to my knees, screaming in agony.
I shivered, climbing out from under the sheets. I needed to get out of this empty house. I didn’t care if it was the middle of the night, I had to see someone.
I hurried down the stairs, bursting out into the night. Stars glittered in the sky, the night quiet and bright. The cold wind hit me like a wall, and I shuddered. I hadn’t thought of grabbing my jacket.
My feet moved faster than my mind, taking me somewhere that I didn’t even know I wanted to be. I slipped inside Hiccup’s house, tiptoeing to where I knew his room was.
Outside his door, I finally realised what I was doing. Sneaking into Hiccup’s room in the dead of night? What was I thinking? Was I crazy?
Maybe I am, I thought, slowly pushing open Hiccup’s door. I stood still on his doorway for a moment, before quietly slipping over to the side of his bed.
“Hiccup?” I breathed, almost soundlessly.
“Y/n?” Hiccup was instantly awake, sitting up in his bed. “What are you…? Why are you here? Are you okay?” His voice was hoarse from sleep, and he squinted at me.
I hesitated. What was I supposed to say? Oh, I just had a dream about you dying and it terrified me so I’m here to make sure you’re still alive? Of course I wasn’t going to say that.
“I had a nightmare.” I bit my lip, shifting from foot to foot. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea.
Hiccup’s dark eyes gazed into mine. He leaned back slightly, so he could see me more clearly. “Why did you come to me?” he asked quietly, his voice ragged and raspy.
I dropped my gaze. “You were the only one I thought of coming to,” I whispered. “I knew you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course I wouldn’t mind,” Hiccup said. “Do… do you want to stay here? Or do you want me to walk you back to your house?”
I hesitated. “Could I please just stay here, with you?” I met his eyes for a brief second.
He smiled. “Anything for you.” He said it so flippantly, I might’ve missed it any other time. But my brains snagged on the words, turning them over and over in my mind. Anything for you…
“Thank you, Hiccup,” I whispered. We were both silent for a while. “Can I… can I stay with you until morning?” I asked.
Hiccup stared at me, then nodded. I slowly crawled onto his bed, leaning against the bed-head. Hiccup glanced at me, then lay back down on his pillow. After a moment, I snuggled down next to him, hyper aware of every part of my body under the sheets.
We were nose to nose. I could feel his hot breath on my face. His green eyes glittered in the darkness.
“Goodnight y/n,” he whispered groggily. “I hope you don’t have any more nightmares.” With that, he closed his eyes, and I heard no more from him.
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cuttergauthier · 8 months
Hate Me First, Love Me Later
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Josh Norris x Female Tkachuk Reader
Warning: against, Swear words, wedding, Alcohol, fluff
Flashbacks is in Italic
word count:6.3k
Authors note: This is the longest Fic i've ever written, it' an enemies to lovers fic with Josh. This Fic has time jumps. Also let me know if you want me to make this an au🤍
This Insta Edit coming out that follows this fic.
let me know what you guys think🤍
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Summer 2018
It is currently summer, and I am at home in St. Louis with my family. Hockey season is officially over which means both my brothers are home. I am currently in my room sitting on my bed and I have both University letters that I applied for in front of me right now, I'm scared to open them. 
My dream school has always been Ottawa but it’s hard to get accepted. My second choice is Michigan since the Norris family lives pretty close to Ann Arbor. The only thing that sucks is that Josh will be a Sophomore at Michigan and we do not get along.
We’ve known each other since we were kids, Brady and Josh played in the Untdp together which is when we met, our parents became good friends. Dalton has always been like an older brother to me. Josh on the other hand has always been mean to me, whether it was insulting me, or pulling my hair when we were 12 years old or making fun of me in front of my friends and it never got better. I thought back to the first time I met Josh.
We are 15 years old, it is my first time spending the summer at the Hughes Lake house along with my family and Josh’s family.
We just got to the Lake house when Ellen and Traci came outside with Josh.
“Josh this is Yn, she is Brady's younger sister and she's going to be spending the summer with us.” Traci told Josh. Josh made a disgusting look when he looked at me and then back at his mother.
“I don’t want to be friends with her” he told his mom before going back inside the house. I looked at my mom with a sad look. Her, Traci and Ellen gave me a sad smile.
“I’m sorry Yn, he’s not usually like this, it’ll get better I promise '' Traci reassured me.
I nodded.
End of flashback
It never got better, it only got worse.
I snapped out of it when there was a knock on my door. 
“Come in,” I said. Matthew poked his head in the room smiling, but it soon disappeared when he saw the nervous look on my face. He came in and closed the door behind him. He made his way to the bed and sat in front of me.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.
I sighed and shocked my head before pointing and both letters that are next to him. He looked and his eyes widened.
“When did they come in?” He asked, looking back at me.
“This morning, mom gave them to me. I told her I wanted to open them alone before telling everyone but I'm scared” I told him. 
He smiled softly at me before picking them up and giving them to me.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” He asked.
“Would you?” 
“Of course, now open them so I know which shirt I’ll need to buy to support you” he said smiling. I chuckled before putting the Michigan letter down and opening my Ottawa letter. 
I took a deep breath before smiling and reading the letter. My smile soon disappeared when I learned I am on the waitlist.
“What does it say?” Matthew asked worriedly.
I brushed off tears that were threatening to fall. I shock my head.
“Waitlisted” I said sadly.
“Yn, it’s going to be okay, even if you don’t start there, you might be able to go after your first year,” he said. I nodded. I knew all of that, I just wish I could have been accepted immediately.
I grabbed the Michigan letter and opened it. I read it, and I got accepted. Matthew raised his eyebrows in question. I nodded my head. Matt leaned forward to pull me in a hug.
“I’m proud of you no matter what, and in Michigan you’ll have Josh and Quinn,” he said, trying to encourage me. I scoffed, pulling away from the hug and giving him a ‘are you for real’ look.
Matthew laughed.
“Look, maybe this will get you and Josh to be friends,” he said hopefully.
“I doubt it Matt, please don’t tell any of them i’m going there” I said. He nodded.
“I won’t but Brady might tell Quinn who might tell Josh, and we all know that mom and dad will tell Dwayne and Traci” he said, making me groan.
“Come on, let’s go tell everyone the news” he said, taking my hand and pulling me downstairs where everyone was.
“Yn has something she wants to share with everyone” he said smiling.
“Did you open the letters?” Mom asked. Brady’s eyes widened.
“Oh where are you going?” Brady asked excitedly, I know he was hopping I was going to Ottawa with him.
“Michigan… I got waitlisted for Ottawa, but i’ll try again next year” I said hopeful.
Everyone smiled and came to give me a hug and congratulated me.
“As much as i wish you would be joining me in Ottawa, you won’t be alone in Michigan, Wait till I tell Quinn and Josh about this,” Brady said happily. My eyes widened, I shook my head.
“Please don’t, Josh and I don’t get along. If you tell Quinn please tell him not to tell Josh. I don't want him knowing I'll be there” I asked. 
My mom looked at me sadly.
“Can we at least tell Dwayne and Traci, same with Jim and Ellen? If there’s ever anything and your dad and I can’t be there we know that one of them will be.” My mom asked.
I nodded.
“Can you just please ask them if they don’t tell Josh?” I asked 
“I will sweetheart, I’m incredibly proud of you, all my kids are now grown ups” she said smiling softly, with tears in her eyes. 
“Don’t worry mom, Matthew still acts like a kid” Brady said, making everyone laugh.
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First week, Michigan 2018
I’ve been getting settled in Michigan for the past week. My parents went back to St. Louis yesterday. I’m in a single dorm room which i’m happy about, I didn’t want a roommate.
My mom ended up telling Dwayne and Traci along with Jim and Ellen that I was starting the year here. They were all very happy, they also promised not to tell Josh and to let me do it once I was ready, but they did let Quinn know so he could keep an eye on me, or help show me around, thankfully he promised not to tell Josh.
Classes are starting soon, I’m excited yet nervous since I don’t know anyone here. I’ve never been shy so I know I'll be able to make friends, I just have to make sure not to tell them I'm related to Matthew and Brady because when  people find out that’s one of the only reasons they want to be friends.
I just hope everything goes well when classes start.
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One Month, Michigan 2018
I’ve been here for a month now, classes have been good, I've made a friend whose name is Molly. Her dorm is right next to mine, it turns out her brother plays on the hockey team.
I also met her brother, I have Econ with him and a few other freshmen on the men’s hockey team. After Molly introduced me to her brother, he introduced me to Nick since we all have Econ together I usually sit with them.
The boys invited me to a party tonight which the sophomore’s are throwing at their house. I was a little hesitant to accept since Josh will be there since it’s at his house.
But it’s already been a month so he’s going to find out soon anyways plus I don’t like lying to the guys about who I am, so I ended up accepting.
Molly was also going so she asked if I wanted to pregame with her, which I gladly agreed. Jimmy ended up getting one of the seniors on the team to buy us alcohol, which thank god since if i’m going to be seeing Josh, I’ll need alcohol in my system.
Molly and I were sitting on her bed talking and drinking. I've been nervous the whole day. I don’t know how Josh will react when he sees me, will he make a scene in front of everyone? Will he tell the guys not to talk to me again? Will they listen to him?
“Yn are you okay? You look nervous” Molly asked worriedly. I sighed before nodding.
“I didn’t really tell anyone here about this but um, I already know Josh Norris and I didn’t know who your brother was before but then I found out they’re teammates. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but my family is really close with him along with the Hughes family since my brother Brady played in the Untdp with Josh and Quinn.” I said she looked at me surprised.
“It’s fine I get why you didn’t tell me you didn’t want him to find out you go here, and by Brady do you mean Brady Tkachuk?” She asked. I nodded.
“Okay then, I guess we both have brothers who play hockey,” she said, making me chuckle.
“So you’re not mad I didn’t tell you?” I asked worriedly. She shook her head and smiled.
“Not at all” she said
“Great, I was worried that when you found out you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore” I said and she laughed.
“I understand why you didn’t want anyone to know, i’m not going to stop being friends with you because of it” she said and I smiled 
“I’m just worried that Josh might cause a scene tonight when he sees me,” I said.
“If it gets to much, or he starts to make a scene, let me know and we’ll leave”
“I don’t want you to leave the party because of me” 
“Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t leave you alone” she said smiling.
After a while we met up with her brother, along with Nick. We all made our way to the party together thank god. I ended up warning them about the Josh situation, just like Molly they understood.
Once we got there we made our way to the living room where it was already packed with people. Nick and Jimmy went to get us some drinks. When they got back they gave Molly and I a white claw. I’m already feeling a little drunk, but not too bad.
We kept talking when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around confused to see a happy Quinn Hughes, which made me smile. Quinn is probably one of the Nicest guys ever, I like him, and unlike Josh he actually likes me.
Quinn Smiled brightly.
“I thought that was you, how are you enjoying Michigan?” He rambled before pulling me in a hug. I Chuckled.
“I like it,” I replied. He pulled away from the hug before looking at me confused.
“I’m glad, remember to text me if you ever need anything?” 
“I know” I said 
“ I could have showed you around campus, you know” he said. I could tell he was a little hurt that I ask him.
“I’m sorry Quinn, but I didn’t want to risk Josh finding out” I said, Quinn’s eyes softened.
“Well if he tries anything, let me know, he’s not the only one who lives here” he said.
“Thanks Quinn” I said.
“He’s in the kitchen now if you just want to get it over with,” Quinn said.
I looked at him before looking at Molly and the guys. They nodded.
“Okay sure probably best to just do that, if it goes south Molly, can yo…” I started but she cut me off
“I’ll rescue you, I promise,” she said with a smile.
“Thank you” I said before looking back at Quinn and nodding.
As we started walking I got even more nervous than I already was.
we made our way to the guys.
Josh has his back to us so he can’t see us making our way to them, but Will looked our way and his eyes widened, he was at the lake house for a bit this summer.
Josh turned around confused but when his eyes landed on me, he was pissed.
He met Quinn and I half way And looked down at me with a glare. If I was anyone else they probably would have been terrified and honestly I was a little bit, Josh is way taller than me, I'm only 5”5 so he’s towering over me.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he said harshly.
Quinn looked at him Annoyed
“Josh seriously, leave her alone. She’s a student here now, and unlike you I actually like her along with some of the freshmen so she’s not going anywhere "Quinn told him.
Josh rolled his eyes and laughed. What the hell was so funny?
“Just because you go here now, doesn’t mean I'm going to start being nice to you” he said looking me straight in the eyes.
“Wouldn’t expect anything else from you” I said annoyed.
He just rolled his eyes and went back to the rest of the guys.
“Well that went better than expected, '' Quinn said surprised, which made me laugh. 
“Same Quinn, I honestly thought It was going to be worse.”
If it wasn’t the fact that Josh was angry with me, I actually thought he looked amazing. I thought, I snapped out of it, what the hell? I can’t stand the guy and now I think he looks good? I think I had enough to drink.
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March 2019
(Pretend they made it to the big ten)
With Josh finding out that I'm in Michigan I thought it would be worse than it is. I think Quinn has been keeping him in check, which I am very grateful for.
I’ve been going to the hockey game with Molly, we got even more close.
Even though Josh still tries to make my life a living hell, the rest of the guys on the team like me.
I reapplied to Ottawa about a month ago. I'm still waiting for my acceptance letter by email, I didn’t tell the guys, the only one who knows is Molly.
It’s now Monday and this weekend the guys are going to Minnesota for the Big Ten Championship. Molly was going with her parents since it’s a big game for the boys. 
I really hope they win, they’ve been playing amazing. 
I am currently in my dorm room working on some homework when my phone starts ringing. I looked to see that Traci was calling me.
I answered.
“Hey Traci” I said happily, she’s always been like a second mom to me.
“Hey sweetheart, what are you up to?” She asked
“Right now I am finishing some homework, what’s up?” I asked.
“That’s good, I always have to keep those grades up,” she said, making me laugh.
“I was actually wondering if you wanted to come with Dwayne and I to Minnesota this weekend for the Big Ten Championship game?” She asked.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Josh and I don’t exactly get along” 
“Sweetheart, that doesn’t matter, I know Molly is also going and Dwayne and I love you like a daughter so we thought we would ask, you don’t have to if you don’t want to” she said softly. I thought about it for a few seconds. I can complete all my homework before, and that way I won’t be alone in Ann Arbor when all my friends are in Minnesota.
I smiled softly.
“I’d love to,” I said.
“Perfect, I can’t wait, I’ll send you the details” she said happily.
“Thank you Traci”
“Anytime sweetheart, I'll let you get back to your homework” she said.
Once we said our goodbyes I hung up and texted Molly to tell her I was going to Minnesota with them, she’s excited and so am I.
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Big Ten Championship, 2019
Dwayne, Traci and I got to Minnesota this Morning after we made our way to the hotel. Traci and I met up with Molly and her mom, along with Ellen and we went to do a little bit of shopping at the mall. That game is tonight, so at 3 we all made our ways back to the hotel so we could get ready for the game. 
I was nervous the whole game but luckily Michigan was able to win. Thankfully it’s Friday, and everyone is leaving to go back to Michigan tomorrow morning. The guys have already said they are throwing a party as soon as they step foot in Ann Arbor. 
As soon as the plane landed Traci and Dwayne dropped us off on Campus where we both made our way to our dorms to get ready for this party and hang out with the boys.
They’re flight is supposed to land in an hour, so we have time to chat and get ready.
When the boys were ready to get the party started Quinn texted me to let me know we could go over to the seniors house.
Once we arrived we started drinking with the boys, they were already drinking full swing when we got there. 
Talking and partying with them is always fun. 
At around 8:00 p.m. I saw Josh make his way to the kitchen, probably to get himself another drink, I followed him there. He took a beer out of the cooler, he turned around to see me there, I smiled weakly. 
“Do you mind giving me one?” I asked.
He rolled his eyes before taking a second beer and passing it to me.
I smiled
“Thank you.” I replied.
He gave me a small nod and went to walk away but I stopped him.
There was no one else in the kitchen, everyone was either in the living room or outside.
“Wait” I rushed out so he wouldn’t leave.
He stopped in his tracks before turning and looking at me. He raised his eyebrows in question.
“What?” He asked, annoyed. 
I was a little drunk but not too bad, but thankfully when I have alcohol in my system I’m not scared to talk to him.
“I just wanted to say congrats, you guys played really well” I said.
He nodded and went to walk away again.
“Why do you hate me so much?” I blurted out.
Josh rolled his eyes.
“Because I don’t like you,” he said and walked away. Why can’t he see me the same way I see him? He’s an incredible person even though he’s always mean to me, he’s nice to everyone else he’d do anything for his friends or family. I just wish he liked me.
It sucks having a crush on someone when that someone hates you.
I sighed before making my way back to Molly.
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Frozen four 2019
I finally got the Letter from Ottawa. I've been accepted so it means I'll be moving there next year. Molly was a little sad when she found out I was leaving Umich but she was also excited for me to be going to my dream school, she told me that we would still stay in touch and we both promised to visit each other.
Jimmy heard the conversation and ended up telling Will who told Josh. Josh ended up coming to my door angry saying that the only reason I was going to Ottawa was because he was going to Ottawa. I was going since it’s my dream school and my brother is also there.
The argument ended in a screaming match and we haven’t talked to each other since.
I really wish we could get along but I don’t think we ever will.
I went to Tampa with Dwayne and Traci to watch the Frozen Four, sadly the boys lost, which meant Josh left for Ottawa, Quinn was leaving for Vancouver, it was an emotional time.
Once I got back to Umich, the last 2 weeks of University flew by. I said goodbye to Molly and the guys before finally heading home to St. Louis.
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Three Years Later, Summer 2023
NHL playoff we’re officially over, sadly Matty lost in the finals against Vegas and got injured but they had a good run.
Everyone has been home for a while now. We are leaving today to go to New Jersey for Brady and Emma’s wedding.
I can’t wait to finally have another sister. Emma and Brady are perfect for each other, I hope someday I’ll find that type of love.
Three years went by fast, I spent the past three years in Ottawa ignoring Josh, it wasn’t that hard since he was also keeping his distance from me.
Thankfully the flight went by fast and I was able to sleep on the plane, I didn’t spend it worrying about seeing Josh. The whole Norris family along with the Hughes family will be at the wedding. As excited as I am to see Dalton, Quinn, Josh and Jack, I am not excited to see Josh.
Josh and I have seen each other a few time in Ottawa but the only time we talked to each other was to argue, it only got worse after he accused me of only going to Ottawa to make his life a living hell since I was going to be in Ottawa. I never told anyone about that fight, they all know we don’t get along so it won’t be a surprise if we get into an argument at the wedding.
My parents warned me to try and not make a scene to ruin Brady and Emma’s wedding. I totally understand that’s the last thing I want to do, plus we are all adults here.
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Rehearsal dinner
Once Taryn and I were ready we met up with Matty and our parents to go to the venue.
I’m so nervous about seeing Josh, that's all I can think about. Once we get there he’s the first one I see, he’s with his brother and parents he had his back to me which meant he didn’t see me but Dalton did so he waved and smiled. I did the same, that’s when Josh turned around confused and saw me, all he did was send me a glare and went back to talking with his brother.
I really hope this doesn’t cause any trouble.
During the end of the night when everyone was around talking and drinking I made my way out on the balcony so I could get some fresh air.
I didn’t realize anyone followed me until I heard the door slide open and then shut.
I turned around only to find Josh.
I rolled my eyes and turned back around to look at the view.
If he doesn’t want to be anywhere near me, why did he follow me outside?
“What do you want Josh?” I asked, annoyed, when he came and stood next to me. I looked up to see he was looking at the sky.
He looks really good in his suit.
“I just thought I’d tell you not to cause a scene this weekend and ruin your brother’s wedding” he said
I scoffed before turning fully to look at him.
“Screw you, I was doing pretty good at ignoring you, why the hell did you have to come out here and start this?” I asked angrily.
He chuckled 
“This is what I meant all you had to do was agree and move on,” he said, pissed.
“You started it, What the hell is a matter with you? It’s always like this… why do you hate me so much?” I asked, pissed.
“Because you deserve it” 
I scoffed.
“Except I don’t… i’ll i’ve ever tried to do was be nice to you… what have I ever done to you to make you hate me so much?…” I said tears are threatening to fall. Before Josh could say anything Matt interrupted.
“That’s enough you two, don’t do this here” I heard Matt say before he pulled me away. I saw Dalton and Quinn giving me a sad look before he pulled Josh back inside.
I was so focused on the argument I never realized they’d made their way outside.
Once Josh, Dalton and Quinn made their way inside Matt, looked at me worried.
“What happened between the two of you? Usually when you guys know something important, you guys ignore each other, I mean brady always said you guys mostly ignored each other in Ottawa except for a few times… Did something happen?” Matt asked.
I sighed before nodding my head.
“When I got accepted to Ottawa three years ago as you know, I had only told Molly, but turns out Jimmy had heard so he told Will who told Josh… Josh accused me of only going to Ottawa because he was also going, so I could make his life a living hell, which is why i tried ignoring him as much as I could for the past three years” I said, wiping away the tears that rolled down my cheek.
Matthew signed before pulling me in a hug. I started to silently cry.
“I’m so sorry, Yn” he said sadly.
“Why does he hate me so much? Should have I stayed in Michigan? Should I never had moved to Ottawa in the First place?” I asked 
Should I have let him win and stayed in Michigan even though Ottawa to my dream school three years ago? Should I have left my dreams while he goes to live his? Should I leave the Job I’m supposed to start in September in Ottawa and stay in St. Louis?
“First off you Went to Ottawa because you had worked your ass off for it, so you weren’t ever going to back out. Second I don’t think he’s ever hated you, so you better not be thinking of turning that job down in Ottawa just to please him…” matt said 
“You literally just heard him, he clearly doesn’t like me… I just wish he could see me the way I see him” I blurt out. I look at Matt with wide eyes, I can't believe I just said that. 
Matt started smirking.
“Stop, you better not say anything” I pointed at him.
He raised his hands up in surrender.
“Look I won’t say anything… but guys are kinda idiots so we usually do stupid things when we like a girl… I think he might actually feel the same way he’s just too afraid to say anything, "Matt said, making me laugh.
“Yeah right” I said in disbelief, there is no way Josh feels the same way about me. I won’t believe it.
Matt and I finally made our way inside, we didn’t mention what happened to anyone, no chance was I going to ruin Brady and Emma’s night.
I didn’t see Josh anywhere so maybe he left.
Once the night was over we all made our ways to our rooms. Thankfully I'm rooming with Taryn. When I was finally ready for bed, Taryn was laying on her phone when she saw me making my way to my bed.
“What happened on the balcony tonight?” She was curious. She put her phone on the bedside table before looking at me.
I looked at her shocked, I didn’t realize anyone noticed we were there.
“You saw that?” I asked, before getting under the blanket.
“Yeah, Emma’s the one who noticed and told me, '' she said. I looked at her Guilty. Fuck i was really hopping neither Emma or Brady saw that.
Taryn saw my guilty look before she reassured me.
“Don’t worry, she wasn’t mad… she was just worried about you… apparently she thinks you like Josh or something?” She said
My eyes widened.
“What about me? Puff no…” I struggle nervously. Taryn's eyes widened before she started laughing.
“Oh my god, she was right? Why the hell didn’t you tell me this?” She asked
“Because he’s never going to feel the same way” I mumbled, but she still heard me.
“He’s an idiot if he doesn’t and you never know… maybe Dalton or even Quinn will talk some sense into him. Plus tomorrow’s the wedding and a lot of people fall in love at weddings…” she said.
“Are we still talking about Josh and I? Or is there something you want to tell me?” I laughed.
She chuckled.
“We’re still talking about you and Josh,” she said, chuckling.
“Whatever, get some sleep we have to wake up early tomorrow” I said.
“Good night sis” she said
“Good night,” I replied, yawning.
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Wedding day
Taryn and I woke up early to make our way to the suite so we could get ready with Emma since we were both bridesmaids.
Emma is absolutely stunning. I know for a fact that Brady will cry, Taryn and I made a bet with Matty. Once it was time to make our way to the ceremony we made our way down to meet the groomsmen, I’m walking with Quinn thankfully. 
When Quinn saw me he smiled. I stood next to him so he gave me a side hug. 
“You look beautiful,” he said. I smiled at him.
“Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself” I said, making him chuckle.
The pair started making their way down the aisle, before it was our turn, Quinn leaned in my ear to whisper.
“Josh is going to try and talk to you at the reception… I promise everything will go alright, Dalton and I talked to him last night, you should hear him out” he said, I sent him a nod.
The ceremony went amazing, I cried during their vows. When Brady saw Emma walking down the aisle he cried, both Taryn and I sent him a look that said you better pay up.
After the ceremony we all made our way outside for pictures before going to the reception.
At the reception after the speeches I saw Josh looking at me. I thought about what Quinn said, it still made me nervous so I tried to ignore him until I was at least tipsy.
I talked with Kevin Hayes and his wife. They got married about a week ago, it was a beautiful wedding.
“Why is it that when I leave St. Louis you get traded there?” I asked smirking, He laughed and shrugged.
“Promise me you’ll visit when you visit home?” He asked
“I promise,” I said chuckling.
I saw Josh make his way to the balcony, I was finally tipsy so I went to the open bar to get another drink before making my way to him. 
I took a deep breath before opening the door.
He was leaning on the railing looking at the sky in front of him.
I made my way and stood next to him.
It was quiet for a few minutes and I was just starting to get even more nervous so I decided to speak up. 
“Quinn said you wanted to talk to me?” I asked, looking at him.
He looked at me and smiled shyly. He took a deep breath before nodding.
“I’m sorry” he said
I scoffed, is that really all he has to say?
“Sorry for what exactly?” I asked, annoyed.
He rolled his eyes
“I knew you were going to be difficult” he replied annoyed 
I signed before scratching my head.
“Look Josh I’m tired of fighting with you, why are you always so mean to me?” I said sadly.
If he could just tell me why, I'll leave him alone after and he won’t have to talk to me again.
He sighed before turning to look at me fully. He was standing right in front of me. My face was inches away from his chest. I looked up at him.
“I never meant to be so mean to you, or hurt your feelings, trust me I know, i’ve heard it from our friends and my family…” 
“Then why are you?” I whispered looking up at him.
He raised his hand to my cheek stroking it with his thumb. 
“I’m really sorry, I really like you, always have but when we first met I thought you had a crush on Jack and I guess I was jealous and according to Quinn I was very wrong but when I finally figured out that wasn’t the case I really thought you hated me for the way I treated you so I just never stopped…” he said caressing my cheek.
I looked at his eyes, I could tell he was sorry, that he meant every word he just said. 
“I never had a crush on Jack, him, Luke and Quinn have always been like brothers to me…same with your brother,  you’re the one I had a crush on and Jack figured it out so he would always tease me about it when we were kids” I said chuckling.
He smiled.  
I saw him look from my lips then back to my eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked
“I’d like that,” I said smiling.
He leaned down and smashed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync. I moved my hands to his chest. 
One of his hands was still on my cheek, he moved the other around my waist and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. 
Before the kiss could get too heated we pulled away breathing heavily. I smiled looking at him.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since we were 15” he said smiling. I giggled.
“I'm glad you finally did,” I said.
I saw something in the corner of my eye at the door. I pulled slightly away only to see Quinn, Jack, Luke, Matt, and Tim Stutzle, watching us.
My eyes widened, I hid my face in Josh’s chest and groaned.
“What?” He asked, chuckling.
“We have an audience” I mumbled embarrassingly. I felt him turn his head to look at the door.
“We’re never gonna live this down are we?” He asked
“Definitely not” 
“Come on, we better go back inside before they start yelling at everyone,” Josh said, making me chuckle.
“Good idea” I said nodding
He kissed my forehead before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.
I’m really happy, I don’t even think the teasing we were about to get will even ruin my mood.
I saw Jack giving money to Luke and Quinn.
“Did you guys bet on us?” Josh asked them, surprised.
“Hell yeah we did” Jack said excitedly.
“There’s more than one, Brady, Tim and I have one going with Emma and Taryn, guess the girls were right about the fact a wedding loves bringing people together” Matt said. 
“You better go pay up and put Emma in a better mood and piss off Brady” I said, he laughed.
“Come on let’s go find Brady we’ll need his money too” Matt said, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me with him. I laughed while Tim and I followed behind. Josh stayed with the guys.
“You couldn’t have waited until we went to the lake house next week?” Matt asked me right before we find Brady
“Sorry Matty,” I said smiling, I'm not sorry at all.
Brady was talking with a few of his teammates, Emma was talking with some of the girls along with Taryn not far from him.
Brady turned around when we got to him.
He pulled us into a hug.
“I’m Married, can you believe it?” He said excitedly. I couldn’t stop laughing.
“Tone it down, we owe money to Taryn and Emma” Matt said
Brady's eyes widened then his jaw dropped.
“Seriously, you couldn’t have waited till next week? Did it really have to be on my wedding day?” He asked. 
“Clearly your wife is okay with that,” I said, smirking.
“Yeah, yeah here” he said, handing the money to me. Matt and Tim did the same. I made my way to Emma and Taryn, they both smiled when they saw me.
“Well i’m about to make both of you very happy” I said, they looked at me confused until i showed them the money.
“You guys won the bet” I continued.
“Oh my god, Finally” Emma said, hugging me. Taryn joined us.
“We’ve all been waiting for this to happen” Taryn said
“Well I'm just glad someone believed it would.” I said, making them laugh.
“I’m pretty sure everyone believed it would, we just didn’t know when” Emma said.
“Well i’m glad that i got to help you both make a little bit of money, i’ll let you guys go back to chatting, I’ll find you both later… enjoy your wedding sis "I told Emma.
“Thanks Yn, couldn’t be happier to receive two sisters,” she said.
“Love you both” i said smiling 
“We love you too, now go back to Josh “ Taryn said. I started laughing while making my way back to Josh, who smiled when he saw me.
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New Jersey, Two years later.
“You may now kiss the bride” the officiant said 
Josh put his hand on my waist and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
All the cheering in the back was loud.
 When we pulled away, we learned our foreheads together, smiling.
“I love you Mr. Norris” I said
“I love you more Mrs. Norris” he replied
“We finally have a sister” I heard Dalton yelling in the background making me giggle.
I can’t believe I just married the love of my life, it feels like forever ago we had just confessed our feelings for each other, on this exact balcony and now we're married.
I looked behind Josh to see my Brother Brady who is one of the groomsmen, he was crying which made me laugh.
“Brady, when did you become the emotional one in the family?” I joked, he just gave me the finger, with Matty slapping his hand down.
Looks like I found a love like Brady and Emma After all, I couldn’t be happier.
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303 notes · View notes
Strange Situation
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Male Reader X Red Velvet Kang Seulgi
Length: 14.7k+
Tags: High school crush, Creampie.
TW; bullying and violence
A/N- This fic took me so much longer than it should have but I finally finished it. It is now my longest fic ever and I'm a little proud of that.
Time flies. Have you heard the expression before? Because it’s honestly true. You can’t help feeling a sense of nostalgia, but it’s quite best to explain why. 
Currently, in life you are comfortable. You had your dream job as a graphic designer, for a top-of-the-line company. Working with such a great company the monetary compensation was quite nice, being able to buy your own dream home. Sure it was not as grandiose as others, but the two-room two bath home was just perfect for you alone. 
Yes, alone. Although you had these great things in your life, there was no one to share them with. The main reason is you’re a dork. Most first dates end up with girls leaving, disappointed with who you were not your looks. Oh well, nothing you can do to change your personality. 
It was an average Friday after work. You just parked your vehicle in the garage and stepped out. Making way to the entrance of your home you stop yourself from entering through the side garage door, remembering the mail. Walking out the garage gate, your legs pull you closer to the black mailbox until you are in front of it. Opening the mailbox you can see its normal grocery store fliers as well as a few letters. Pulling them out you close the mailbox and walk to the front door, entering your passcode as the door unlocks. 
Walking into your home gives you a sense of relief, and relaxation, as you enter the living room. Kicking off your shoes you sit down on your couch as you reach for the tv remote and turn it on. The light from the tv fills the room as you hear the sound of laughter fill the room from your tv. Slowly your hand puts down most of the mail you got as you go one by one opening each envelope. 
Bills bills bills and bills. That’s the one thing you can always count on getting in the mail. After looking through those documents and paying them no mind you see there is a final letter in the pile. In the right-hand corner, the insignia from your old school is present on it. 
A bit of hesitation hits as your hand reaches out for the letter. Pushing through the worries you had, your hand finally picks it up and rips open the white envelope. Pull out the paper inside you see its written document that has a few choice words standing out, HIGH SCHOOL REUNION. 
Greetings Gal Munhee. We here at Seoul Regional High hope you have been well. Five years have quickly passed and it is now time for the high school reunion. We do realize this is a bit earlier than usual but we feel after this pandemic we all might want to reconnect with others and what a perfect way than with the reunion. The reunion will be on July third and we hope to see you there. 
Sincerely, the faculty at Seoul Regional High. 
Just reading that entire letter made your heart nearly explode. The reason? You were an even bigger dork in high school. The constant teasing is what you can remember the most. It’s happened so often that you became numb to it but it still affected your life choices from there forward. 
You got yourself in better shape as well as got a makeover with those little teases always staying in the back of your mind. 
Looking at the date you saw it was June ninth, three weeks before the reunion. Maybe you got this letter pretty late but this was on short notice for sure. The question now was, are you going to go to it? 
Sure it’s been a while and you have done pretty well in life but there was still stuff you can imagine they will mock you for. The main thing that came to mind was the lack of a partner in life after all this time. Should you do it?
That question was answered as you made a quick text to your boss letting him know you will be absent that day from work. Looks like you got a lot of planning to do in the weeks coming up. 
June 16th 
That date just echoes in your head as you take a glance at your phone. A week has passed since you got the letter and you have spent the last few days after work getting new clothes for the reunion. With a brand new suit and such at home. 
The sound of typing could faintly be heard throughout the floor as the work day was coming to its end. 
Looking to the side you quickly found the source of the coughing, your best friend and coworker Wendy. 
“Oh noona. Are you all done with your work?” 
“You know me. I’m always ahead of others. Now let’s go eat. I feel like stuffing my face with some chicken and beer.” 
“Eh, I think I’m gonna keep working on the new design for the phone advertisement.” 
“No no no. I don’t want to hear it at all. Get your ass out of the seat and let’s go. You have been working the hardest out of everyone in this department. You need a small break and you're already late either way.” 
The glare that came from Wendy’s face let you know she wasn’t asking, she was telling you what you are about to do. Not wanting to make Wendy wait any longer, you quickly got up from your seat and saved the rest of the work on your desktop. Looking at Wendy you can finally see a smile as she grabs your hand. 
“Let’s go Pabo!” 
Being yanked by your best friend to the elevator just made you laugh. Arriving in front of the elevators you are lucky enough to see a group of people getting off your floor. Entering the elevator your finger presses the button to go down to the lobby. No longer holding your hand, Wendy begins to jump up and down, excited to be out of work. 
The elevator ride from the twenty-fifth floor goes by in a flash as the doors open to the lobby. Wendy begins to run out of the elevator as you follow behind her, running as well. After saying Goodnight to the guard at the desk, you walked over to your vehicle and jumped in with Wendy getting in the passenger seat. 
Stepping on the break, your hand reaches for the start button on your car as it comes to life. Driving didn’t even take any thinking from you as your mind already knew where to go. Wendy was always a big fan of unwinding after work so chicken and beer were a common thing on the menu for the two of you. 
“Peek-a peek-a-boo!” 
Those words could repeatedly be heard in your car as you and Wendy’s sang your hearts out to the song. A few more minutes pass as the song ends and there is silence in the car. 
“What’s up Munhee? 
“I still think you should quit your job and go become a singer.” 
“You know how complicated it can be trying to become one. Hearing the stories of people trying just discourages me from even trying. Plus I doubt I even have a nice voice.” 
“I don’t want to hear shit about you not having a good voice. I have told you time and time again that you have a voice to make you a star.” 
“I’d rather have a more realistic view on how it will probably go.” 
All you can do is shake your head a bit disappointed but you understand what she is saying. 
“Well no matter what I’ll always support you noona.” 
You could see a small nod come from Wendy as you look in your peripheral vision. At that same time, you happen to be parking your car on the street, getting ready to go to your usual chicken spot. 
The walk to the shop was quite uneventful as you both set foot in the busy restaurant. All around you can see servers running like crazy. 
“Wendy, Munhee! Sit down anywhere and I will bring over your usual.” 
“Thank you, Mrs.Choi!” 
Seeing that your usual corner is still open, your legs bring you towards the table as you pull back the chair and let Wendy sit down. Going back to your seat you finally sit down as your body relaxes a bit in the restaurant. At that time a waitress runs over with two big mugs of beer and places them in front of the both of you. 
“Thank you!” 
Wendy was the first to grab the mug of beer and bring it to her face. Grabbing your own you begin to chug the beer until your mug is empty. Looking at Wendy you see she drank her whole beer already as well. 
“Two more draft beers please!” 
Not even thirty seconds go by as the waitress brings over 2 more glasses of beer. Thanking the woman you grab your fresh mug of beer and begin to drink from it. 
“Jesus. Is it me or do you just seem more stressed than usual?” 
“I’ve been working on the phone advertisement so much that I barely got time to rest and when I have free time I’m going to the mall to buy things I need.” 
“Ok, you have been so secretive about what it is that you will be doing that day off. Tell me.” 
That serious look from earlier returns as you know this was a demand to tell her, not a request. 
“Ok, Wendy I need you to not freak out when I tell you.” 
“No promises now tell—“
“Here’s your chicken, you two. I threw in a few extra pieces just for you two.”
“Oh thank you, Mrs.Choi. You are always so kind to us.” 
“I enjoy seeing the two of you here all the time. I will let you two eat!” 
“Thank you for the meal!” 
Hoping to use this as a distraction you reach for a piece of the Chicken and bite into the drumstick. The crunchiness of the skin has always been one of your fav parts of the chicken here as you continue to take bites into your meal. Taking a small glance towards Wendy you see she has also started eating but remains staring at you, waiting for an answer. 
“We can be here all night, Munhee. Now tell me what it is you need time off for.” 
“Ugh fine. I got a letter in the mail last week.” 
“Ok and?” 
As Wendy raises her glass of beer and starts to drink some, you finally tell her the news.
“It was from our high school and I got invited to the high reunion, so I’m going.” 
Almost as if it was a scene from a tv sitcom Wendy spits out the drink from her mouth and spits it onto your face. 
All you could do is just stand up and stare at Wendy as she ran up to you with some napkins. 
“I’m so sorry!” 
“It’s ok.” 
With a bit of wiping you both manage to clean up the beer that got all over and sit back down. 
“What do you mean you are going to the high school reunion?” 
“I’m gonna go. It’s in 2 weeks and I have been getting myself a nice suit and dress shirt to go with.” 
“I get what you are saying but why on earth would you ever go to the reunion? I may have been your senior in high school but I always heard of how much you got teased.” 
“Well it’s 5 years later and look at me. I make enough to call myself rich so I’m sure that will account for something when I try to show off a bit.” 
“Munhee, you have nothing to prove to those idiots.” 
“I know I don’t, but this is for myself. I’m doing well in my life and have everything they used to make fun of me for. My older clothes and shoes, not having all the expensive things others did. I have all these things now, well almost everything.” 
“What could you be missing out on?” 
A sigh left your mouth as you picked up your mug of beer. 
“A girlfriend.” 
Just saying that sentence brought your mood down a bit so you chugged your second beer of the night quickly. Slamming the glass down you raised your hand and yelled out for another set of beers. 
Another minute passes by as you munch on another piece of chicken. Wendy follows your lead and eats another piece as she seems to be a bit in thought. When the new mugs of beer appear, Wendy’s takes a sip and looks back at you. 
“I’m just worried if you run into Hwan Minsu. He was the worst of them all and always showed off he was with different girls to rub it in your face.” 
“Knowing him, he will be there ready to try to show off how he is doing. He came from a rich family and didn’t have to work for anything. Plus he will probably have some girl there with him.” 
“Well if being made fun of for not having a partner is your worry then bring a date.” 
“Ok, there is a lot wrong with that sentence. First I don’t have any girl to go with. Second, no girl would want to go on a first date to a high school reunion. Third, even if a girl did agree there is always the chance she straight up leaves me there alone.” 
“Ok yes those are all real scenarios but you should still take someone. I would go with you but I have dinner with my family that night. They are visiting from Canada and don’t want to ignore them.” 
“No no. I would never ask you to come when your parents are visiting. Make sure to tell them I say hi.” 
“Of course but I think I have an idea of what you could do for a date to the reunion.” 
Wendy then reaches back and grabs her purse and pulls out her phone. You don’t interrupt her and wait for a minute until you feel your phone vibrate. Pulling out your phone you see Wendy sent you a text to a website, Rentablelove.com
“Wendy. What did you send me?” 
“Well you want to take a date so why not rent a girlfriend to play the part? I swear I saw this in a drama before and it worked.” 
“Noona, that is literally a TV plot you are trying to get me to copy.” 
“Well, tv writers are smart people. I mean you said you wanted a date and you can just get a great girl if you request one.” 
Now the idea is stuck in your head. 
“Only you, me, and the girl will know. If you are going I want you to leave satisfied that the people who teased you can’t do that anymore.” 
That was the goal you were going for. Guess it didn’t take much convincing as you begin to fill out a request for a girl as you finish your meal. The questions were mostly about what type of girls you like, preferences in looks, and such. Compared to others you didn’t care about much, your only request was a dorky, shy girl. 
This may seem like a weird request, but you have a reason why you asked for a girl like this. The shy dorky girls are usually the nicest. Not only that, they usually have some great Senses of humor. 
“Well then Munhee, looks like you have a date then.” 
“Yeah yeah. I just hope this doesn’t turn out bad for me.” 
“I’m sure it will turn out ok for you. So when do you meet her?” 
Finally pressing enter on your screen, you are taken to a confirmation notice that gives you the details. 
“Well, it says she will come to my house in two days. I’m surprised it didn’t ask for payment yet though. All I did was put in my card information.”
“That will probably come later as you discuss with the girl what it is you need and what is required of her for this job.” 
“Well, then I will see the damage when it happens.” 
“I guess you will but if anything goes wrong don’t be nervous to call me for help ok?” 
“I will noona. Let’s just finish our meals now, ok?” 
“Don’t gotta tell me twice. Oh and you’re paying tonight since I gave you a good idea” 
Laughter leaves your table as you both dig back into your meals and beer. The rest of the night goes by in a flash as you drink and eat to your heart's content. After all that you both order an Uber and pass out at your own house until the next work day comes knocking. 
You currently found yourself in your home relaxing on the couch after your day at work. Today is the day you meet your rented girlfriend and you are nervous. On your living room table, a glass of soju can be found as well as a used shot glass. Taking hold of the soju bottle you pour yourself one more shot and drink it with no regret. 
“Ok, three shots should be fine. Not a lot but plenty to loosen me up. God, why am I even doing this? Maybe I should just cancel.” 
Knock knock knock 
That choice was now out of the question as this was probably her. Standing up, you quickly hide the soju bottle in your cabinet and run to the kitchen and throw the glass in the sink. 
Knock knock knock
Guess it’s time. Your legs shake a bit as you walk towards the door until you are right in front of it. Reaching for the door handle, you hesitate a bit but know you have kept the girl waiting long enough. Turning the knob you open the door and see a girl with a mask. 
“Hi, are you Gal Munhee?” 
“U-Um yes I am. Are you who I was waiting for?” 
“Well, I sure hope you don’t have another girl coming over. Can I come in?” 
“Yeah, please make yourself at home when you enter.” 
Moving to the side the woman walks through your door, over to your living room. Closing the door, you walk over and see the woman just standing there waiting for you. 
“I know you said to make myself at home but I figured an introduction should be first.” 
At that time the woman begins to reach for her mask as you can’t help but admire her simple outfit, White pants with a white blouse. You also see her hair is in a bun that somehow completes the look. As the woman begins to take off her mask you look to the side a bit nervous but look back just in time to see what she looks like. What you were hit with was a surprise of a lifetime. 
“Oh, you know my name?” 
“I-Um, well we went to the same high school together. You were a year my senior.” 
“Oh wow, small world.” 
Your heart was racing at this moment. You thought you were nervous before but seeing Seulgi took your butterflies to the next level, why? You had a massive crush on Seulgi throughout all of high school. 
Kang Seulgi. The girl of everyone’s dreams. She was dorky but fun. Kind and caring but you do have to admit she was a bit of a clutz. You took plenty of similar classes as her since you were a smart kid. 
As Seulgi keeps looking at you, a look of surprise hits her as she begins to gasp. 
“Wait, weren't you the kid who always sat in the back of the class? You were a year younger and took harder courses than more students.”
“Um yeah, that was me.” 
“Oh my god, you look so different. No more glasses, as well as a different look with your clothes as well. How have you been?!”
“Oh um, I have been ok. Just been working a lot. Why don’t we just sit down first before we talk?” 
“Oh right. Silly me.” 
Sitting down gets you a bit closer to Seulgi as you can admire her face. Time has done her well as her beauty somehow increased.
“So we need to catch up but I have another meeting with a client after this. This was more to get the details of what you need and such since you already have the base payment.” 
“Oh well—“ 
You don’t even finish your sentence as you begin to think about it. People will probably recognize Seulgi so it’s best to let her know ahead of time so she can refuse to do this if she wants to.
“I- Um I need to be honest with you Seulgi. T-This is for the high school reunion I have in twelve days. I need someone to go with me and pretend to be my partner.”
“Oh wow. Well, I appreciate you telling me this ahead of time. I can still help you with that actually, I don’t mind at all.” 
Hearing those words made you happy as you now had for certain, a girl to bring to the reunion.
“Thank you so much! Is there anything else I need to do for this agreement?” 
“Well, we still have to sign the contract. Let me just pull it out and we will take care of that part of business.” 
At that time Seulgi pulled out a lengthy document from her purse and placed it on the table. Once again you can’t help but be enamored by Seulgi’s beauty. Her eyes were always something that stood out to you when she smiled it was almost as if her eyes disappeared and with the smile she is giving you right now, you can only feel joy seeing that familiar sight. 
You notice that Seulgi’s mouth is moving but you honestly are not listening, just staring. 
“New document but how long do you want the contract for?” 
“Yeah, one.” 
Looking at Seulgi the sound of talking just passed by your ears as you continued to admire her. Your brain starts to pick up Seulgi scrolling through many of the pages till she nods and pushes the documents in front of you. 
Seeing Seulgi handing you a pen, your hand just moves down to the document as you see the line to sign and do exactly that. Seulgi then signs the document as well and places it in her purse. 
“Ok Munhee. The business side is mostly done. You will get an invoice for what the payment will be. As I said I have another appointment to head to so I will come by in a few days so we can start to practice for the reunion.” 
“Y-Yeah. Sounds good, thank you.” 
At that time Seulgi stands up and gives you a quick bow. With a bow back you walk Seulgi to the door as she walks out into the street.
“Probably be here in three days. I will call and let you know ahead of time, ok?” 
“It was good to see you Munhee. Have a good rest of your night.” 
“You too.” 
With your goodbyes said, Seulgi walks down the street a bit into a car and drives off. Going back to your living room you can’t believe it’s Seulgi who is going to pretend to be your girlfriend. Maybe luck is on your side now in life, but now you need to just wait three days until you see her again. 
As the three days finally pass you find yourself having a day off, just relaxing at home. Nothing beats the feeling of relaxing in your bed after sleeping in. 
Well so much for relaxing in bed for a while longer. Putting on your slippers you made your way to the front door as a slight knock started again. Opening the door you are met with a man who holds out a document. 
“Hi, I’m dropping off your invoice. The payment will appear on your card in a few seconds. Have a good day.” 
“Thank you.” 
Closing the door, you begin to walk back towards your living room as you open the document. Your eyes shoot open as you look at the price. 
That third knock didn’t even get to be completed as you swung the door open quickly. Right in front of you was Seulgi, with a look of panic on her face as well. 
“We need to talk now!” 
With a push, Seulgi made her way into your home running towards the kitchen. The sound of your fridge opening gets your attention as you run in that direction. The sight of Seulgi chugging down a beer catches your attention as she puts down the bottle and pops open another. 
“Seulgi, what the fuck was that hundred thousand dollar bill?” 
A look of worry shows up on her face. Just as you are about to ask again, a yell hits your ears. 
Confusion strikes at how panicked she looks at you. The anger you felt earlier is gone as you are just now concerned about your old classmate. 
“Hey, Seulgi. Calm down and just talk to me. What do you mean it’s your fault?” 
After taking a deep breath Seulgi looks at you and puts her purse on the table. Out of her purse emerges the document you signed a few days ago. 
“This is all my fault and I’m so sorry. Look at the document you signed.” 
As she pushes the forms towards you, your eyes shoot wide open reading the words on the top.
“I’m sorry!”
The only thing running through your mind right now was those two words on top, Marriage agreement. 
“S-Seulgi what is this?” 
“It’s what you read, a marriage agreement.” 
Pulling out the chair from the kitchen table you take a seat as Seulgi takes one as well. 
“I think I need a lot more information, Seulgi.” 
With a sigh, Seulgi begins to explain. 
“Well ok, the morning when I was at the head office I spilled my coffee all over myself and needed to change quickly so I ran to the restroom. After I changed, they handed out our clients and documents for the day and grabbed whatever was in front of me as I was already running late due to the coffee mishap. Turns out I grabbed the wrong agreement.”
“Well- I mean I guess that could happen to anyone but that still doesn’t explain what I signed. It’s just an agreement so we can-“
“It’s not just an agreement. These agreements also work as marriage certificates and when our company CEO signs off on it the two parties who signed are married.” 
A nod from Seulgi confirms your statement. Sure being married to Seulgi doesn’t sound bad at all but you can only imagine how she might feel right now. 
“So what do we do now? How can we break the agreement?” 
“Um, that’s the thing. You signed the document so fast and I had never done this with a client before so I didn’t know the clause to break this contract. Go to page two, at the bottom.” 
“Dear lord.” 
Those words just left your mouth before you even saw the terms but Turning over the page nearly made you faint. 
“The terms say it’s a hundred times the price you have to pay. Normally billionaires are the ones who do these kinds of agreements, that’s why it’s so expensive.” 
Sure you had money in the bank being wealthy but you weren’t reaching double digits millions in your savings yet. 
“I don’t have that much money.” 
After you think for a bit you smile and look up towards Seulgi. 
“Hey but this was only for one night you have to pretend to be my girlfriend, well I guess wife now but once the reunion is over our marriage can end.” 
“Go back to page one. Go under the term length.” 
Going back to page one the number one could clearly be seen but it wasn’t for one day. 
“One year?” 
“Turns out these agreements have a minimum of one year so when I put one they assumed it was a year.” 
Everything was just overwhelming at this point. What can you even do now? The choice is obvious right now. Standing up you head to the fridge and pull out 3 packs of beer. Without even saying anything you walk over to the living room and sit down on your couch. Somehow Seulgi even knew what you intended as she got up from her seat and joined you on the couch. 
Grabbing a bottle of beer you take your bottle opener and crack it open. Handing the opener to Seulgi she grabs another beer and cracks it open as well. 
Time somehow passes as a couple of beer bottles can be seen empty and on the living room table. Both you and Seulgi seem a bit drunk but able to have a conversation still. 
“Seulgi. I’m so sorry I got you in this situation. I should have looked at what I signed.” 
“No, I should have looked at what I handed you beforehand. I mean this is my job and I messed this up so bad.” 
Silence fills the room as you both are just in thought. 
It might be the alcohol talking but some words just leave your mouth. 
“I guess we can just be married for a year.” 
Seulgi looks at you surprised and a bit confused but you proceed to keep rambling. 
“We are stuck in this situation but you can just take a year off from working at that company. You can stay here with me since I have a spare room and we can just be like roommates. You still help me on the reunion and you can still get paid for this job.” 
At that moment your “wife” seems to be deep in thought but smiles at you. 
“You know what. Fuck it. Let’s do this.” 
It’s quite shocking that she agreed to this so quickly but you are a bit happy. 
“Ok then. I guess we should get to know each other more these next few days, Seulgi. I can take you to go pick some of your stuff up tomorrow ok?” 
“Ok, that sounds good. For now, let’s just drink these beers and relax after this stressful day we had.” 
All you could do is a nod in agreement as the two of you drink as many beers as your bodies can handle, slowly falling asleep on the couch. 
The next day comes as the loud blaring from your alarm causes you to open your eyes. Pressing the snooze button on your phone, your arms wrap around the soft item in front of you. You couldn’t help but notice it was really warm. Funny enough you begin to feel a pair of arms wrap around you and hold you closer as well. It was a great feeling. Well, it was until you were confused about what you were feeling. 
As you open your eyes they begin to slowly adjust to the light as you notice a figure holding on to you. With a slight headache, you finally remember the night before which was just filled with drinking. The sound of a small grunt gets your attention as Seulgi begins to wake up. Moving your hands quickly, Seulgi feels a bit of a commotion which causes her to shoot her eyes wide open. 
“Um, good morning.” 
“O-Oh, good morning Munhee.” 
Pulling back from the embrace she had on you, Seulgi begins to stand up as she begins to feel the hangover from drinking so much. Reaching for your side table you pull out a bottle of pills for the headache. Grabbing a few pills you throw them into your mouth and then hand the bottle to Seulgi. 
Walking to the kitchen you pull out a bottle of water from the fridge and take down the pills. Grabbing another bottle you hand it to Seulgi as she takes her pills as well. 
“I have spare toiletries in the room you're gonna be staying in. I’ll put on a fresh pot of coffee in the meantime.” 
“Sounds good, thank you.” 
Giving Seulgi a nod she makes her way to her new room as you pull out your coffee and put it in the brewer. The sound of coffee being made lets you know it’s time to freshen up as you head to your room. After you do your morning routine, your legs bring you back to the kitchen and see Seulgi already drinking her cup of coffee. 
“I just poured your cup. I hope you don’t mind that I started without you.”
“No no. I guess this is your home now so you should never feel sorry about doing anything here.” 
“Right, my home now. Munhee, are you sure you are ok with all of this? I know we said it was fine but we were kinda drunk when we agreed.” 
“Seulgi. I am one hundred percent sure about this. Plus this can be a bit of a break from that job of yours. Just help me with the reunion and you can just hang out here for a year.” 
“I mean if you are sure about this then ok. I really could use a break from this job after a bit.” 
You wanted to know more but you weren’t gonna push any further about why she felt like that. Either way, you could assume why. 
“I guess we should get you moved in today then. I have nothing to do today so let’s go get your things from your apartment.” 
“O-Oh there is no need for that. I-I can go get my stuff alone!”
“Nonsense. Let’s go right now!” 
Happy to be able to help your Wife, you stood up and grabbed Seulgi excitedly. Jumping in your car you can’t help but notice the slight hesitation as she gets in. Once Seulgi sits down in the car you begin to back out of your driveway and cruise a bit on the street. 
“Just enter your address on my GPS.” 
Again with a bit of hesitation, Seulgi follows what you say and enters her address in the car GPS. Once the directions begin you just follow what the car told you. The car ride is just filled with silence as you just focus on driving. Another twenty minutes pass as you finally arrive in front of a small home.
Stepping out of your vehicle you see Seulgi is already walking towards her front door so you follow. As you two finally get in front of the door you feel a hand grab your arm. 
“Just wait out here and I will come out with some boxes for you to help me with, ok?” 
“I don’t mind go-“ 
“Thanks, just wait here!” 
You didn’t even get to try To ask again as Seulgi unlocked her door and slammed it right in your face. 
“Well, I guess I will just wait.” 
To pass the time you pull out your phone and begin to go over a few emails from work to see how it’s going in the office today. As you are about to open your next email a large bang hits your ears, coming from inside Seulgi’s home. Worry fills your mind as you grab the door handle and rush in. 
Looking around you can’t help but notice it’s a bit of a rundown apartment. It honestly reminded you of your home growing up. Yes, run down a bit but still looks comfy. Seeing Seulgi on the floor you rush over and see she is picking up something that broke. 
“Seulgi, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine, my lamp fell over and broke.” 
A bit of red is on the floor as you see Seulgi cut her finger on the shards. Running over to the kitchen you grab some paper towels and happen to notice a first aid kit sitting on the kitchen table. Grabbing it you rush back over to Seulgi who is picking up the shards with a cardboard box. 
“Show me your hand.” 
“Oh it’s nothing, please don’t worry.” 
“You are bleeding. Of course, I’m gonna worry so please show me your hand.” 
As Seulgi looks at you she sees you are quite worried so she complied and gave you her hand. With one hand you held the back of hers and with another, you opened the first aid kit. From the looks of it, the supplies were running a bit low but everything you needed was there. 
“Ok, I’m gonna clean it with a disinfectant wipe.” 
Opening the wipe you bring it closer to her cut and begin to clean it. 
“Aish that stings.” 
“Something I think we can all relate to. There I’m all done with the wipe now I’ll just put a bandage on it.” 
Grabbing the bandage you open the package and put it over her cut that wasn’t so bad after it got cleaned. 
“I’m guessing you cut yourself often. The first aid kit seems like it’s well used.” 
“I’m not sure you remember but if that Agreement story tells you anything it’s that I’m very clumsy.” 
“Well, I think it’s a very cute quality on yourself.” 
A small blush appears on Seulgi’s face as you wonder how you were able to say that without stuttering. 
“Thank you.” 
After you finish bandaging up her hand, you help Seulgi stand up and then take a look around her living room. 
“This is why I didn’t want you to come in. I know this is a shitty little home compared to the one you own.” 
“Do you think I’m stuck up? Seulgi, remember how I came to school? Old clothes that were ripping, everyone made fun of me for it. I would never judge someone for how their home looks or how much money they have.” 
With a smile, Seulgi wraps you in her arms as you return her embrace. After a minute you pull back from the hug and see Seulgi’s watery eyes. 
“How about we finish packing and then go get something to eat? 
Once you receive a nod from her, the two of you continue to pack her things and load them into your vehicle. Seulgi now seems much more relaxed as the two of you drive into the city. 
“Any idea what you want to eat?” 
Let’s just pick up some fast food and go back home with it. I still need to unpack all my things.” 
“Sounds good” 
Driving to the nearest McDonald’s, you make your way to the drive-thru and order a variety of different items. After paying and grabbing your items you continue your journey back home, finally pulling into your driveway. 
“Ok, the passcode to enter is 7524. You can bring the food into the kitchen and then you help me bring in the boxes.” 
“Got it!” 
Picking up the food, Seulgi makes her way over to your front door and inputs the passcode, opening the door. As she heads in, you manage to grab two of the five boxes and head towards the front door. At that time Seulgi comes back out and heads to the car to grab boxes. After dropping off the boxes in her room Suelig enters and does the same. With one last trip, you get the final box and place it in her room. 
“Well with that out of the way, LETS EAT!” 
A cheer from Seulgi lets you know she’s on board with that. Arriving at the kitchen table, you both sit down and begin to pull out all the different food you ordered. The sound of crunching is all that can be heard from the crispy fries you got. Maybe this is a good time to talk about the reunion. 
“Seulgi. Maybe we should get information on each other so we can prepare for the reunion.” 
“Oh yeah, that’s fine. I guess I will start talking about myself if you don’t mind.” 
“Go ahead.” 
“Well, this will be my cover-up story. Went to Seoul university and graduated as a business major and now work in a bank in the city.” 
“Ok well, I went to A smaller college in the city just called Royal university. Unlike its name, it was a small and rundown building. It wasn’t the best but I managed to get my degree in graphic design. After school ended some of my professors who had connections to the tech industry showed off some of my work to a major tech company and they hired me because of their recommendation. With a bit of time, I made my way as one of the head supervisors in the company for the design division. That’s all that has happened to me in those years. I’ve been rambling a lot right? I’m sorry for the information overload.” 
“No no. The more information the better. I have such a basic story because when we meet with our former classmates it’s all gonna be about you. I want to keep the focus on you and how you are doing in life.” 
“Oh ok. Then how did we meet since we weren’t at the same college?” 
“Easy, you walked into my bank to do some business. We recognized each other and decided to catch up as I was just about to get off work. Then we go with the typical butterflies filling both of our stomachs and you asked me on a date. After a year and a half of dating, we decided to move to the next step and got married at a courthouse. That will help explain if people ask for wedding photos.” 
“Wow, for not doing the whole marriage agreement thing before you are pretty good at it.” 
“Well, it’s the same when people ask for you to pretend to be their girlfriend. You need to come up with a story.” 
“I see. So now that we got the big information out of the way I’m curious, how did you get into this line of work.” 
The smile Seulgi had before disappeared as she looked down. 
“It all started with the death of my parents, a car accident.” 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s ok. With the passing of my parents, I no longer had someone to pay for my college tuition. I had never gone for scholarships and such so I had to drop out. With time I lost the house and everything else. Desperate for money I went looking for jobs in all places but most people didn’t want to hire a college dropout.” 
“The world can be so stupid like that. There are plenty of hard-working people willing to learn if you just let them.” 
“Yeah, I know. As time went by I was looking for any source of income and one day I ran into an old school senior. Do you remember Irene?” 
“Yeah, I do actually. Kinda short but had quite the temper?” 
“Yep, that's her. Turns out she had a friend who ran the company that I’m at now. When she told me about what I would be doing I was weirded out but needed money. With hesitation, I went to the company and joined. Sure the pay wasn’t the best but enough to be able to start my life again. Time went by and I finally got a raise so we are getting there but still not a lot.” 
“I see. I’m so sorry all this happened to you. Life can be a juggle. You never really know where you will end up later on in life.” 
“Yeah. And listen I just want to say I’m grateful for you taking care of me for a year. I promise I’m gonna help take care of the home and such when you go to work. I guess I’ll be a good housewife.” 
“You don’t need to call yourself a housewife, Seulgi.”
“Well, we are married so that’s what I am. Also, I think we should get used to calling each other husband and wife and maybe some nicknames.” 
“Oh um sure s-sweetie.” 
The blush on her face becomes apparent as she smiles back at you. 
“Sure h-honey.” 
Continuing to eat your meal the two of you finally finished your lunch. Out of nowhere, a thought comes to mind about something you both need.
“We forgot rings.” 
Seulgi’s eyes shoot open as she runs to you. 
“We need to go get rings. Screw unpacking, let's go!”
Knowing this is important, you left all the trash on your table and ran out to your car. Hoping in, you both made it downtown to the nearest jewelry store. Stepping out of the car, Seulgi runs up to you and grabs your hand. 
“Um, I thought we were gonna get cheap fake rings?” 
“Oh no. I’m getting my wife a proper ring, now let's go.” 
Pulling Seulgi, you enter the jewelry store and are quickly met with an employee. 
“Hi, I’m Joy. Can I help you two?” 
“Yes my wife and I got married at a courthouse but we were so happy about it that we forgot to buy rings. Could you help us get our rings?” 
“Oh of course! Congratulations first of all. Now for your wife, is there anything specific you want to give her as the ring itself? The band after will just be matching with your own.” 
“Well, my wife doesn’t like big flashy things so something with a simplistic design would be great.” 
You knew Seulgi would hate it if you got her a big flash ring from just that conversation outside so you figured just something to clearly state she was taken. 
“I have the perfect ring for you. It’s a brand new ring that we just got. Follow me.” 
Making your way over to a counter, Joy then gets behind the employee area and pulls out a ring, and puts it on the display case. 
“As you can see it’s a nice silver band around with a big diamond on top. At both sides of the band, you find two smaller gems, making it look a bit different than other rings yet keeping a simplistic design.” 
“May she try it on?” 
“Of course!” 
Picking up the ring, Seulgi then raises her hand as you put the ring on her wedding finger. It must have been destiny as the ring was a perfect fit. 
“What do you think, s-sweetie?” 
“It’s perfect. It’s just perfect.” 
“Yeah, I think this will be good. Could we just get some matching silver bands joy?” 
Ten minutes pass as you get your ring size taken and find the perfect pair of bands. After paying three thousand dollars for all the rings, you say your thanks to joy and head back to your car wearing the new accessories. 
“Thank you for the beautiful ring. I know it was expensive but it means a lot.” 
“I told you I would take care of you and I will. Plus it’s an important part of the story. It might take a bit of getting used to wearing but I’m sure it will become normal.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure too. Now let’s head home so I can unpack.” 
“Sounds good Seul.” 
You take a glance at Seulgi to see if she’s ok with you calling her that famous smile of hers to let you know it’s fine. 
A couple of days passed as you currently found yourself at work. Sitting down in the break room you pull out your lunch, ready to eat the basic sandwich you always pack but you are hit with a surprise. Inside your lunch box are little containers with rice and a variety of foods. 
“What the. I didn’t pack all this.” 
Inside the containers was a little note. As you pick it up you can see what is written on it. 
I packed you lunch honey. Enjoy! From S
A smile fills your face seeing the effort Seulgi went through. 
“Who’s S?” 
The sudden voice you hear from behind causes you to jump in your seat. Looking over your shoulder you see it’s Wendy. As you hide the note Wendy begins to pull out all of the things from your lunch box. 
“What the hell? Where did all of this come from? Where is your plain sandwich you always eat?” 
“Ok, why are you pulling my lunch out? And second, it’s none of your business.” 
A shooting pain goes throughout your body as you feel Wendy pull on your ear. 
“Yah! Respect your noona and tell me who packed this for you!”
“Ok ok ok Seulgi!” 
A sense of relief hits you as Wendy lets go of your ear, but the loud yell that leaves her mouth makes you jump once again. 
“Seulgi? I only know of one Seulgi and it’s my old friend from high school who you had a massive crush on.” 
“Ok, so when the girl I hired on the website came to my home it was Seulgi.” 
“Holy shit! That’s crazy. So she’s gonna be your girlfriend at the reunion?” 
“Noona this story just gets crazier. Do you remember how much of a klutz Seulgi is? Well, she brought the wrong documents to sign at our meeting and we accidentally got married.” 
“Thank god I take a late lunch. Yes, we got married. Long story short it’s for a year and she is staying with me at my home. Once the year is up we will part ways.” 
The room fills with silence for a minute until Wendy speaks up again. 
“That's a lot to take in but are you gonna let her go after a year? I’m one hundred percent sure you will fall deeper in love with her than before.” 
“Yeah well, I can’t force her to stay with me after a year. I’m just gonna enjoy my time with her. She’s been great to get to know more.” 
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt but I trust you. And who knows? Maybe she ends up falling for you as well.” 
“That’s very unlikely but thanks for the support. Now let’s eat, I’m starving.” 
Opening your lunch, you begin to take small bites out of your food. You can’t help but admire how delicious Your wife’s food is. After eating your food and enjoying your small chats with Wendy you returned to work, slowly closing in on your reunion. 
The next few days go by as you continue to bond with Seulgi. It’s almost as if you two were meant to find each other later in life with how much you enjoy each other’s time. 
JULY 3rd
It’s finally the night of your high school reunion. Nervous is the only term you can use to describe how you’re feeling currently. With a quick motion, you put on your suit jacket and stand in front of the mirror. Trying to keep a more cool look you decided not to put on a tie, but still have a suit to look professional.
Happy with your look, you walk out of your room and get to Seulgi’s door. 
“Knock knock knock
“Hey Seul, are you almost ready?” 
“Yeah Munhee! Just wait in the living room and I’ll be out in a minute.” 
Heading to the living room, you begin to go over everything you have learned about Seulgi so you won’t mess up tonight. A squeak from a door gets your attention as you look down the hallway. A figure gets closer and closer as you are met with the beauty that is Seulgi.
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The top part of her dress was a white color, with a small hole near the bottom of her cleavage. The bottom of her dress was a solid black. It was a bit short but helped show off her smooth legs. 
You couldn’t say anything seeing how beautiful Seulgi was. 
“So what do you think? I hope you like it.” 
“A-Are you kidding me? I don’t think I have ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life.” 
With a smile and blush on her face, Seulgi gets closer to you and begins to fix up your suit a bit. 
“Thank you, Honey. I guess we should get going. We don’t want to be late do we?” 
“No, we don’t s-sweetie. After you please.” 
Following behind Seulgi you exit your home and get into your vehicle. The entire ride was spent with the two of you going over information about each other and your backstory. A good twenty-five minutes pass as you finally arrive at your former school. The parking lot can be seen filled with the vehicles of former students, ready for their reunion. 
Parking your car, you turn off the engine and step out. Running to the passenger door, your hand pulls on the handle and opens it. Extending out your hand, Seulgi grabs it and steps out with your assistance. 
“Thank you, honey. Are you ready?” 
“I mean as ready as anyone can be heading to their high school reunion. Standing near the school is causing my heart to race. I guess I’m just wondering if I can do this.” 
“Munhee. We have been practicing for this moment for the past few days. Not only that but you are an amazing person whose life has turned out great. Don’t be nervous. I’m here with you.” 
Hearing Seulgi say she’s with you helps the nerves in your stomach relax a bit. Guess it’s time to head in. With a nod towards Seulgi, you extend your arm as Seulgi hooks her own with it. 
The walk to the front door of the school feels like it took an hour, but in reality, it was only a minute. The doors to the school were wide open as the two of you stepped through. The faint echo of music is the first thing you pick up, along with the yellow and blue drawings on the walls. It’s five years later and this place does look the same. 
“I guess this place doesn’t change huh?” 
“You must have read my mind. I was thinking the same thing.” 
Seeing a small table with a woman waiting, the two of you made your way over. 
“Hi, welcome to the reunion for the alumni of the year 2017. May I know your name to check you in?” 
“Yes, my name is Gal Munhee.” 
“Gal Munhee.” 
Looking down at her Clipboard, the woman the. Nods her head and looks back up at you. 
“Ok, I found you on the list. You can make your way to the Gymnasium where the event will be held. I hope you enjoy yourself.” 
“Thank you.” 
With a quick bow, you commence your walk over to the gym. Each step closer and closer causes you to shake a bit. Can you do this? That question got a quick answer as you felt a hand grab your own. 
“You got this. I’m here with you ok?” 
Those words helped as you stepped closer and closer. With one quick motion, you open the door as the loud music hits your ears. Walking inside shows you the gym filled with balloons and decorations all around. 
Despite the loud music, the sound of laughter and chatter is apparent as you see all of your former classmates just interacting. After a few moments, you begin to feel some stares toward you and your wife. Not wanting to be rude you looked around and gave everyone who was staring at you a quick nod as you got to your seat. 
The name tag sitting on the table helped you recognize where you needed to sit, so you did exactly that. As the two of you sit down you can’t help but look around the table and see who else is going to be sitting with you. Most of the names were people who had just seen in passing, but one stood out. 
From behind, you heard the sound of the voice of the person you were most nervous to see. You didn’t even bother to turn around as a figure stood right next to you. 
Looking forwards, you saw the rest of the people sitting at your table take their seats as the figure just stood next to you.
“Gal Munhee. Where have I heard that name before?” 
You know you can’t delay it any longer so you stood up and faced the man. Hwan Minsu was your main tormentor throughout all of high school. 
“Minsu. How are you?” 
“I’m sorry I just don’t seem to remember who you are.” 
“Well, maybe it’s the fact I don’t have glasses anymore. I’m also taller than before. I don’t know if you sure knew who I was years ago in Ms. Kim’s math class.” 
At that moment your former bully’s eyes shoot wide open as he begins to laugh. 
“Now I remember you. The dorky kid who always had harder classes. We somehow had a math class together, not sure how but yeah I remember you. Guys, don’t you all remember my doormat?” 
Hearing the term doormat caused the people at the table to all nod as they began to remember you through that name. 
“Yeah, that was me.” 
“Well, you sure look different. What happened to the dorky look? It suited you.” 
Anger was the main sentiment you felt as you said that. You could almost punch this man here and now. 
“I grew out of it.” 
“Yah Minsu. That's enough. I’m sorry Munhee, my name is Heejin and I am Minsu’s wife.” 
As Heejin extended her arm, you extended your own and shook it. The sound of a chair squeaking gets your attention as a figure stands next to you. The smell that hits your nose helps you recognize your wife. 
“Hi there Heejin, I’m Munhee’s wife Seulgi.” 
It isn’t till Seulgi said her name that the whole table recognizes her now. 
“What? Kang Seulgi? Our senior? How did you end up with him?” 
A scowl starts to form on your wife’s mouth as she hears Minsu’s question. All around the sound of murmurs begins as they all begin to recognize you and Seulgi. 
“Why don’t we all sit down and talk about how it’s been for each other?” 
“That sounds fantastic. Let’s sit Minsu.” 
Sitting down the whole table faces you, ready to hear your story.
“Well, Seulgi and I ended up meeting at her workplace. She works at a bank where I went to do business. She ended up helping me as her last customer of the day but something just sparked at that moment. I asked her to go get a coffee since her shift was done and she said yes. A year and a half later we ended up getting married.” 
“Awe, that's so sweet!” 
You give a quick smile towards Heejin who has been very nice to you so far. 
“Let’s see a wedding photo.” 
Hearing that question so aggressively from Minsu made you nervous but Seulgi responded quickly. 
“We got married at a courthouse. We didn’t want anything extravagant so we just did it there.” 
A small whisper from the other end of the table gets your attention but you can hear what the guy said. 
“Probably too broke to even afford a wedding.” 
You give the man an angry look as you begin to speak again. 
“No, I'm not broke. We just didn’t want a big wedding.” 
“My dear husband is one of the head directors of the graphic design team at the top tech company in the country.” 
A look of shock hits all of the people at the table as they hear where you work. 
“One million a year is pretty good. If I say so myself.” 
Most of the men at the table suddenly look down embarrassed. If they are gonna try to embarrass you, you will do it back to them. The only man at the table who didn’t even react to the amount you made was Minsu. 
“Not bad but I make nearly ten a year.” 
He had you beat on how much your annual income but you still managed to show off how well you are in life so far. 
A sudden screech from the speakers gets everyone's attention as someone stands on the stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Seoul Regional high reunion for the alumni of 2017!” 
Claps and cheers fill the room as the woman on stage waits. 
“If you don’t remember me my name is Hasuel and I was your student body president for all four years. On behalf of the school and faculty, we are all honored to have you return to the school and meet up with all of your friends.” 
Huh, friends. That’s really funny. 
“Now we need to have a big round of applause for a certain someone who helped make this whole event happen. Mr. Hwan Minsu!” 
The cheers this time are very apparent but the most noise comes from all of his former friends scattered around the gym. 
“Mr. Hwan paid for all the food for this event as well as a DJ so you can dance your hearts out, so please make sure to say your thanks. Now all of your meals will be handed out to all of you so please just hold on a bit and get ready to fill your belly!” 
Almost like it was timed, the room fills with waiters who bring food to all of the tables. It only takes three minutes for every person to receive a plate of food. A whole lobster was on the plate with various sides to complement the shellfish. 
The sound of cracking becomes apparent as the entire place begins to dig into their lobsters. Following everyone’s lead, you begin to eat your food, enjoying the various flavors from the shellfish and sides. 
As delicious as the food was, you almost had the entire meal ruined just hearing Minsu brag to every person who came to talk to him. A sour look was apparent on your face until you felt a like on your cheek. As you look at Seulgi, your face relaxed and showed how happy you were to just be in her presence. 
“Yeah he’s bragging a lot but you still managed to show that you have a wife and a nice life. That is all you needed to do to show you are ahead and happy with your life. Ignore all his talk.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” 
At that time a tap on the mic got everyone's attention as Hasuel stood back on the stage. 
“I hope you all enjoyed your meals. Now we figured it would be a fun little game to see how everyone is doing after high school so we will do almost like superlatives segments. I will say raise your hand if you have kids already and other things like that and then we will come over and you will talk about it a bit, ok?” 
With a nod from the crowd, Hasuel began to ask various questions, ranging from if you had children to if you were still in school. You hadn’t heard a question that applied to your own life so you just sat there until finally, it was your turn. 
“Who here married their high school crush?” 
You had no intention of standing up until you heard a yell next to you. Looking to the side you see it’s from Minsu. 
“He did! The guy right next to me!.” 
If you were a turtle you would have jumped into your shell at that moment. You had no time to react as a microphone was put in your hand and you had to speak. 
“Well then. Let’s hear your name first!” 
You could have sworn you were about to run away until your wife stood next to you and grabbed your hand. You could see she was a bit shocked at what she heard but she knew you needed help. Taking the mic from your hand Seulgi then steps forward and smiles. 
“Hi. My husband can be a bit shy so I guess I will share our story. His name is Gal Munhee and I am Gal Seulgi, formerly Kang Seulgi’s before we got married.” 
Everyone seemed shocked when they heard Seulgi’s name as they instantly recognized her. 
“Wasn’t she the girl who didn’t date anyone? 
“Everyone would always confess to her and she rejected them.” 
Wait. Wasn’t Gal Munhee the loser who had no friends? How did he marry her?” 
You could almost swear you saw a hint of anger in Seulgi’s eyes as she heard some of the statements. 
“Me and my dear husband met again at the bank I work at when he was my last client. He asked me for coffee after our business was concluded and I saw how nice and good-looking he was so I said yes. A year and a half later we got married and have been together ever since.” 
“Awe, that's so sweet! I’m glad the two of you ended up with each other then. Thank you for your response on behalf of your husband. Now onto the next statement.” 
You couldn’t even hear what the next question/statement was as you felt so embarrassed that Seulgi now knows you liked her in high school. Minsu must have remembered how nervous you were around her always and how you looked at her. 
You couldn’t even face Seulgi right now. So without saying anything you stood up and ran out of the gym. The faint sound of clicking could be heard behind you but the faster you ran, the less you heard it. 
Your legs almost by instinct brought you to the library, your safe place back in your school days. Sitting down in your corner brought back all the memories of things you felt through your years here. They may have been shitty but they helped you become who you are today. 
A few minutes passed as the silence heard through the library was interrupted but the sound of a door closing. 
“Munhee!? Are you in here?” 
You could already recognize Seulgi’s voice but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself even more as you just sat in silence. Seulgi’s calls for you continued from various parts of the library. Soon she started to her closer and closer, and just as she was near you the door closed once again. 
“Munhee? Is that you?”
The sound of running was heard as Seulgi made her way towards the door, but a sound you didn’t want to hear hit your ears. 
“Ah, I was wondering where you went to Seulgi.” 
“Oh, Minsu. I’m just looking for my husband.” 
 "I see. I mean you should just leave him alone for now. He seemed embarrassed just like when something happened in this place.” 
“Well, you didn’t need to shout out for people to hear he had a crush on me before.” 
“Oh come on! He shouldn’t care about that. Plus when he has a smoking hot wife like you, I would be glad to flaunt you to my classmates.” 
Standing up from your spot you began to sneak closer to the voices and see Seulgi and Minsu near the entrance of the library. 
“You know Seulgi. I asked you out back In our school days but you said no. Do you ever imagine what could have happened between us if you had said yes?” 
“No, and I don’t care at all. I just want to find my husband so please leave me alone.” 
Just as Seulgi tried to push her way through the door, Minsu grabbed her arm. 
“Come on Seulgi. Why don’t you stay here with me instead? Your husband isn’t here and my wife isn’t here. Let’s have a little fun.” 
“Let go of me!” 
You aren’t even sure when your legs started moving but before you knew it, your fist hit Minsu’s face. As Minsu hit the ground, you checked on your wife and she seemed a bit surprised to see you.” 
“Seulgi? Are you ok?” 
“Um yeah. Thank you Munhee.” 
“You piece of shit!” 
A hit to the stomach Made you fall back as Minsu stood in front of you pissed off. 
“Looks like I’m still gonna need to teach a nerd a lesson years later.” 
Hearing him talk to you like that should have made you scared but when he hurts the girl you love, you planned on making sure to fight him properly. 
Attempting to stand up, you are quickly tackled to the ground by Minsu as he raises his fist to hit you across the face. Unlike your younger years, you aren’t sédenles anymore so you brought your hands up and blocked the hit. Rolling your body to the side you raised your hand and returned the punch to the gut you got from him earlier. Taking advantage of this you proceeded to punch Minsu in the face, leaving him bruised. 
At that time you heard the door open and footsteps near you but you wanted to keep hitting him Before you could get another hit off you felt a hand grab your own. 
“Munhee, I'm ok. Please stop. His wife is here watching.” 
One glance to the side showed you Heejin, standing there watching. You didn’t want her to see her Husband get hit so you got off him and stood up. 
“I’m sorry Heejin he-“ 
“Oh no I heard everything. I followed behind him when he said he was gonna go looking for you. I heard all of what he said to your wife and put his hands on her. I would have let you hit him more for trying to cheat on me. But hey I got some interesting information for you to hear. Minsu is broke. His family made a risky business move and they lost everything. He just borrowed a shit ton of money from old friends to try to show off. You are doing better in life than him. Be proud of that Munhee.” 
You honestly did feel proud as you heard how he ended up after high school
“Now go ahead. I’ll look after this idiot. I’m sorry he put his hands on you Seulgi.” 
“No no, it’s ok. I think we are gonna head home now. I left you my number so if you ever need to chat just call me.” 
With a nod, Heejin made her way over to her husband who was just laying there embarrassed of what just happened to him. 
“Let’s go home, Munhee. I think we need to talk.”
“Y-Yeah let’s go.” 
Following behind your wife you both made your way back to the parking lot and walked to your car. Pulling out your keys you were ready to drive until Seulgi stole the keys from your hand. 
“I’m driving. Get in the passenger seat.”
You weren’t about to argue with her so you just compiled and got in the seat. The drive back home was just silent. All you were doing is going over in your head how Seulgi would hate you for being so aggressive and keep a secret about how you liked her before you even got married. Maybe she will think you planned on getting her stuck with you when you signed the agreement. 
The sound of the engine turning off gets your attention as you see you are in front of your home. 
“Come on. Let’s go treat that bruise on your knuckles.” 
The pain through your hand was starting to show as you winced when she touched it. Walking inside your home you saw Seulgi point at the living room, so you went to wait there. A minute passes and Your wife walks in with an ice pack and some sort of cream. 
“Being a klutz I have had my fair share of bruises and trust me when I say this freak works miracles.” 
Sitting down at your side, Seulgi then grabs your hand and begins to apply the cream. You wince a bit at the feeling but relax a bit as time passes. Once your hand has the cream applied, Seulgi then puts the ice pack on top and lets it rest for a bit. 
Awkwardness could be felt between the two of you until you both speak at the same time. Noticing this, you both laugh a bit until You feel confident enough to talk to her. 
“Seul. I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I’m not sure what came over me.” 
“To be honest it was a bit scary seeing you be so mad but at the same time, you helped me get out of a dangerous situation. Sure you went a bit overboard but all I can do is thank you for helping me.” 
A sense of relief hits your body as you hear Seulgi isn’t scared of you. 
“So how long was your crush on me?” 
There was the other part of the conversation you knew was coming. Better to just be honest. 
“About two and a half years. When we first met in your chemistry class.” 
“I don’t remember much from that time. All I did was focus on my studies to make my parents proud. I’m sorry about that.” 
“No, don't be. I was just the kid in the back who just admired you from afar. The more I saw how kind you were to others and such the more I fell for you.” 
A smile forms on Seulgi’s face as she moves a bit closer to you. 
“While we are on the matter of admiring I need to confess that’s what I have been doing for the past few weeks. You are doing so well in life but you don’t want to show off. The only time you did was to the classmates who treated you badly and no one can argue with wanting to do that. Here I am a broke girl who has done nothing with her life but you still took care of me like I was your wife. I couldn’t help but start to fall for you myself.” 
Hearing that Seulgi started to like you as well made your heart nearly explode. Looking into Seulgi’s eyes you began to draw your face closer to hers. A bit nervously Seulgi got closer to you as well until your lips were just inches away. 
“Stop me if you don’t want me to.” 
The complete opposite happened as you felt Seulgi grab your shoulders and pull you in for the kiss. At first, the kiss is very tame, just on the lips. As time went by your hands reached for Your wife's waist as you picked her up from the couch. A small Yelp leaves her mouth as you begin to walk towards your bedroom. 
Walking inside you dropped Seulgi on top as she began to laugh and look at you with a lustful look. Laying down on top of Seulgi you attached your lips to hers once again, but gone was the timid guy kissing his crush. You had every intention of making her fully yours tonight. Mark her as your wife for real.
Pushing your tongue forward in the kiss, you enter her mouth and begin to wrestle with hers. Quickly you assert your dominance as she submits and lets you enjoy the confines of her mouth. 
After some time you both pull back from the kiss gasping for air, but still craving more. Your lips move to her neck as you begin to pamper it with small kisses and bites. Little moans leave Seulgi’s mouth as you continue to work down her neck.
Moving your hands down, you begin to pull up on her dress. Your beloved understanding of what you want to do raises her body as you yank the dress off of her body, leaving her in just her matching white undergarments. Your kisses continue to live down her body as you begin to pull off your jacket. 
With the help of Seulgi’s your jacket leaves your body as the air begins to hit your chest from the buttons of your shirt being undone. As the last button gets removed, you tear off your shirt and reach down for your pants. 
At an almost superhuman speed, you unbuckle your pants and begin to pull them down. Soon you are left in just your underwear, almost the same as your wife. Leaning back down to kiss Seulgi, you are met with a surprise as you get flipped on your back and Seulgi jumps on top of you. 
A smirk appears on her face as she begins to give small kisses down your chest to your waist getting closer to your underwear. With a forceful pull, Seulgi removes your remaining clothes showing your erect cock to her. You were harder than you have ever been before. The sudden sensation of a hand around your Penis causes you to twitch a bit. A giggle leaves your wife’s mouth as she looks up at you. 
“Fuck this thing is huge. To think my husband was hiding such a nice cock. Let’s see if it tastes as good as it looks.” 
A sudden flick to your tip from Seulgi’s tongue causes you to moan a bit. You are almost embarrassed at the sound that leaves your mouth but Seulgi doesn’t mind at all. A wet sensation begins to move around your length as Seulgi begins to lick up and down your dick. 
“Fuck Seulgi.” 
“Oh, that’s just the beginning.” 
You didn’t even have time to respond as you felt Your wife’s mouth around your tip. At first, all you feel is small sucks which feels great. Then the sudden sensation of you moving down her throat nearly makes you cum. Moving your hands to her head you help her keep a slow pace as she moves her mouth up and down on your cock. 
The slow pace is amazing and lets you make sure you don’t cum quickly, but Seulgi had other ideas. Soon you feel your wife bob her head on your rod faster and faster causing you to begin to shake. As Seulgi moves deeper and dapper on your cock, you know you are close to cumming. 
“Seulgi, sweetie I’m gonna cum.” 
Taking that as an invitation, Seulgi moves her head as fast as possible on your cock making your peak arrive. You couldn’t even warn her as you began to shoot your load into her mouth. Five shots of your cum quickly fill up her mouth as you finally come down from your high. Pulling your dick out of her mouth, Seulgi then opens her mouth wide and shows you the semen just in there. Closing her mouth, your wife then takes a few gulps and opens her mouth again, showing you she drank it all. 
“Fuck Seulgi. That was amazing.” 
“That cock is fucking amazing.” 
“Well you had something to eat but I think it’s time for me to eat you.” 
Laying back down on your bed, you open Seulgi’s legs and begin to give them small kisses. Your hands reach back up for her underwear this time as you pull them down. In front of you is Seulgi's nicely shaved pussy that's glistening. 
You didn’t even give It a second thought as you have her lips a sudden lick. Not that familiar with Seulgi’s body, you begin to give her pussy small licks and see how she responds. Small moans leave your wife’s mouth but you knew you needed to do more to help her achieve an orgasm. 
A large gasp leaves Seulgi’s mouth as you push two of your fingers into her pussy. In a slow motion, you begin to fuck her pussy with your fingers. Wanting to test something out you begin to build up a bit of speed and wait to see how she responds. 
“Fuck. Faster!” 
Fulfilling Seulgi’s wishes you begin to move your hand faster causing her walls to clench a bit on your fingers. Spreading apart her lips with your other hand you notice her little nub just there without any attention. You soon rectify that by licking her clit repeatedly. The moans and swearing continue to grow as the speed from both your tongue and finger continue to increase. 
Soon her walls begin to clench harder and harder around your fingers as Seulgi begins to yell. With all the energy you have left in your hand you fucked her as fast as possible until a rush of Fluids hit your face. Not wanting to waste any of her juices you begin to drink it all, enjoying the west nectar that left your wife’s body. 
Letting your wife relax a bit, you proceed to give her neck small kisses for nice again until you hear a laugh from her. 
“Fuck that was good.” 
Raising her body a bit, Seulgi then unhooked her bra and showed you her beautiful breasts. They weren’t the biggest but you loved every part of her. Without hesitation, you brought your mouth to her nipple and began to suck on it. The sound of moans filled the room once more as you aggressively sucked on her nipple. Moving your attention to her left breast you continued your assault on her nipple as she reached down for your cock, stroking you hard once more. 
As your cock begins to throb once more you feel a warm breath on your ear as Seulgi speaks up. 
“Fuck your wife’s pussy honey.” 
Those five words were the hottest thing you have ever heard and you had every intention of doing what she said. Lining your length up with her lips you begin to push your rod into her cavern slowly, meeting a bit of resistance. 
Stopping for a bit, you look at Seulgi as she gives you a nod telling you to continue. Pushing the rest of your length into her pussy, you are met with the tightest sensation you had ever felt around your shaft. 
“So tight!” 
“Look who’s talking. You’re massive. Start slowly.” 
Not wanting to hurt your wife you pulled back on your hips and pushed back into her walls slowly, letting her adjust to your length. A few minutes of this repeated motion helps Seulgi get used to your cock. 
That’s all you needed to hear as you began to move a bit faster. The repeated motion of your cock entering and exiting her pussy caused the two of you to begin to moan more and more as the speed continued. Once you felt you were at a constant speed your hand moved down to her lips as you reached for her clit. Finding it, you begin to rub it and a circular motion as you felt her walls rub your length more and more. 
Picking up speed with your hand, you rubbed her clit faster and faster until the panting from Seulgi got your attention. Known if she was close you moved your hip faster in turn with your hand on her clit. The loud yells and shaking from her body let you know your wife has reached her peak once more. 
The way her pussy was massaging your cock nearly made you cum at that moment but you had one more position you wanted to fuck Seulgi in. Unlike last time, Seulgi quickly looked at you and smiled, kissing you on the lips once more. 
“I think it’s your turn to cum honey. How do you want me?” 
You already knew how. 
“Turn around. Let me see that ass of yours.” 
With a smirk, Seulgi hopped off your dick as she got on all fours. In front of you was one of the greatest asses you had ever seen in your life, and it was yours. 
“This is such an amazing ass. You have no idea the times I admired it.” 
“Well, you can do more than admire it. Fuck me from behind.” 
In one swift motion, you shoved your length back into Seulgi’s pussy. Your wife was finally used to your cock and began to fuck herself without any warning. Both of your hands move to her waist as you grab hold of it tightly. The speed at which you began to fuck Seulgi was unnatural, but somehow you just continued. As your right hand let go of her waist you raised it and slapped her ass a bit aggressively. For a moment you were nervous it might have been too hard but as Seulgi looks back you see that deadly smirk once more, letting you know to keep on. 
The slaps on her ass continued as you thrust nonstop into her cavern. 
Wanting to move as fast as possible you grab hold of her waist again with your right hand and increase your speed. Your orgasm is approaching, and Seulgi can tell as well. 
“I’m gonna cum! Where?” 
“In me! Let’s cum together.” 
Hearing Seulgi tells you to cum in her gave you a final boost of energy as you gave it your all; fucking her pussy with all you had left. The yell that left your wife’s mouth nearly left you deaf, but her walls trying to milk you took all your attention as you began to shoot your load into her snatch. 
You aren’t quite sure how long your peak lasted as you fell on top of your wife just breathing heavily. A few minutes pass as you look towards Seulgi and she looks toward you. The smile on her face causes you to return one. Your lips meet hers as you kiss her full of love. 
Pulling back from your kiss you just stare at Seulgi, happy. 
“Well. That was something.” 
“Yeah, it was. Do you regret it?” 
“Hell no. I had fun and the love I felt for you was just amazing.” 
“Because I do love you Seulgi. I know we have only been married for a few weeks and not because you wanted to get married to me but I plan on making you the happiest woman on earth for the rest of this year. I’m hoping that by the end of this you will want to stay with me too.” 
With a small kiss on your lips, Seulgi then rests her head on your chest. 
“I guess only time will tell but I hope I learn to love you as you love me.” 
Slowly you both begin to shut your eyes and drift off into sleep. 
One year later
It was a common day. The sun was shining and the temperature outside was just right. Currently, in a park, a couple could be seen pushing a stroller together and sitting down on a bench. 
“Munhee, Seulgi!” 
Looking to the side you saw Wendy running over with what seems to be a little plush toy. 
“Hi, Wendy. Is that for the little one?” 
“No, it’s for you. Yes, it’s for your daughter.”
Walking past the two of you, Wendy proceeds to get to eye level with your child and hand them the plushie. 
“There you go, Yerim. Just for you from your favorite aunt.” 
The sound of your daughter laughing filled your heart with joy as you looked over at your wife. The same smile that was seen on your face was on hers as well. 
“So Seulgi, Munhee. Have you guys noticed it’s been over a year now since the agreement was signed?” 
“Oh, we noticed. We just didn’t care. Not when we are happy with the little family we have now.” 
All you could do is nod with your wife’s statement as you strongly agreed with her. 
“Yeah, I figured it would end like this, and I’m happy. Anyways let’s go eat, I’m starving!” 
“Sounds good. Let’s go, sweetie.” 
“Yes, let's go honey.” 
“Gesh and I thought I could get sappy.”
Standing up from the park bench the four of you commenced your walk in search of food. 
It might have been a weird and strange situation you both got put into, but you wouldn't change anything that happened ever. 
A/N 2- So yeah i might have dragged it out a bit but i hope you enjoyed. I had a friend ask for this fic nonstop so i hope it lived it this his expectations. im not sure what i will work on next. i have to get back to work on my wattpad book but i will probbaly drop some quckies for the TSR series. Until then thank you again for reading, sorry for typos and see you next time.
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gattnk · 8 months
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Only Dolce's saccharine nature could counter Kabalè's acrid attitude.
Probably one of my best pairs in terms of contrast, hands down! I'm really proud of how they came out :D Let's go over them design notes:
While Kabalè gave me a lot of room for exploration between her two canon designs, Dolce was pretty straightforward in terms of source material, since she's a series-exclusive character.
I wanted to keep Dolce as part of the main cast because I noticed some animosity from the fandom towards her back in the day, particularly over how "dumb" and stereotypically girly she was. There should be room for ultra-feminine characters in girl-focused media, because I know a lot of girls and women love them and look up to them, and who am I to deny them their fun?
My position regarding Dolce pretty much defined what I would do with Kabalè. If Dolce got to be unapologetically feminine in the traditional sense, why, Kabale HAD to be feminine in a transgressive sense! Those familiar with Ever After High know what I'm talking about: the "opposite" figure to the pink goodie-goodie princess is the purple rebellious evil witch.
My decision to make Kabalè more tanned than her canon counterparts stemmed from the same place as Mefisto and Gabi's changes: it matched her new design much better in terms of color contrast, and adding a bit more variety to the devils wouldn't hurt. I also wanted to pay homage to her hair in both iterations by making her blonde with a high ponytail and a streak.
I studied Dolce's key traits and focused on them for her new design: hearts, pink contrasted with blue and white, and puffy hair. I actually increased the amount of pink but used less saturated hues so they wouldn't clash or feel like too much, and used cyan and off-white accessories to visually segment her body by her joints, similar to an articulated doll.
For Kabalè I chose to mix her "spooky-chic" colors from the series with her comic design, and then I focused on modernizing said design! Not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun looking at current urban fashion and playing around with Kabalè's purple palette, it's not too common apparently (outside of Gengar apparel, lol).
Dolce's mascot, a blushing phantom butterfly, is right atop her hairband to represent how Dolce is the most emotionally mature of the group, since she's also naturally open-minded and focused on positive self-growth. Meanwhile, Kabalè's badger bat perches inside her jacket's inner pocket, symbolizing how Kabalè's polarizing nature often isolates her from the world around her.
Honestly I'm glad these two came out as well as they did, for the longest time I was stuck with them until some good friends of mine gave me a crucial helping hand. To put it bluntly, I wanted them to look grand but my sense of fashion is a bit too practical... all my pants are jeans and I only wear grayscale t-shirts :V Here's the obligatory link to my rewrite fic I'll Fly With You, which I'm working on pretty diligently for now. No promises, but it takes me something like 2 months per chapter? let's hope I didn't jinx it by telling you, heh.
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every even number in the love your fandom game!
Oh bro here we go...
1- 3 things you like about your fandom:
1.1- It has a lot of content!
1.2- You can experiment and play with many characters and concepts, there are no limits!
1.3- it has a lot of nice and talented people!
2- A headcanon you where not sure about first but fandom made you change your mind:
Mmmmm... not sure about this one. I think I used to Headcanon Amon as Asexual but thanks to some nice mutuals now I can see him bisexual.
3- A character that fandom made you appreciate:
Asami and Katara. Before I get in here I was neutral about all the characters (of course my three main blorbos are the exceptions), but with the right fics and art I could connect with them a little bit better.
4- Say something nice about a ship you don't ship;
Not into Korrasami really, but if there's one thing I can't deny is that the ship has good artists, (haven't read fics but I guess there are good writers too).
5- A thing you see often in fics:
We collectively refuse to accept when a character we love is dead in canon. (canon is clay and we can shape it into whatever we want).
6- A thing you see often in fan arts:
When we make Korra strong and pretty. Also Yue art, she is so pretty and I heard that if you are a cool artist you have drawn her at least once! (Please don't mind if you haven't drawn her, I am sure your art is great).
7- Tropes you enjoy to read/write/draw:
To draw- arranged marriage, basically any amorralok au where Tarrlok and Amon live, for Azulaang any modern, cute or funny comfort au, (tea or coffee shop, school au, flowershop), and love drawing dirty mechanic/prince Irosami.
I guess any cute, comfort au actually.
To read- Arranged marriage, castaway Amon, equalists plot continuation, GIMEEE.
Also love coffee shop aus and spirit traveling au's for Azulaang.
Irosami is interesting with equalist or spy Asami au's but love some good cute domestic aus.
Basically anything related with spirit travels, equalists continuation, action and fluff included.
8- Something you would like the fandom to love aittle bit more:
Any ship and character that doesn't get as much appreciation as it deserves around the fandom.
9- A ship that it's not your Otp but you ship:
Yuetara, have neglected it WAY too long but whenever I see it I appreciate it.
10- A blog or mutual that has made your experience in fandom better:
Can't name all the people that have made my experience better, fortunately, there have been too many nice mutuals. Some are no longer active but to name a few I would dare to say @flameo-trashman @crookedmouth-mountainbones @lotus-ashi @orangepanic @moreamorra @amorra-tlok @writebecauseyoucannotbreathe and @mokonahapuuuuuu
Thank you all for your kindness and your presence in this chaotic site!
11- An artwork/fic you are proud about:
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12- Say something nice to a mutual!
Orange, Lotus, Crooked, Neffy, Write, Mokonahapuuuu and Moreamorra: Never stop being awesome and having cool art and fics.
And for everyone else reading this: you are great too and your presence enriches this fandom.
13- Favorite fandom event?
Ship week! (loved the avatarsunkenshipweek by the way).
14- A ship that makes you smile:
Mostly Amorra but Korrlok, Irohsami and Azulaang hold an apecial place in my heart. 💜💙🤎❤🧡💛❤️‍🔥
15- A character that makes you smile:
Baby Korra, she is too precious. Baby Noatak and Tarrlok too, must protect.
16- A thing in canon you would like to get noticed by the fandom?
17- A thing in canon everyone likes, including you:
Seeing Iroh and Aang back in tlok and Jinora getting her tattoos.
18- A tag you follow?
Just Tlok
19- Current fandoms:
Again just Tlok haha.
20- Your first fandom:
Can't recall the first one I got interested in.
21- A fandom you miss:
22- Mutual you have known the longest?
Mokonahapuu, it's been a lot since we knew through this lil place.
23- A fandom you are curious about thabks to a mutual:
The dragon Prince.
24- How has fandom positively impacted in you?
Mutuals helped me to work in my art and storytelling skills. 💛
25- Advice to take care of you in fandom spaces:
Do not get too invested in any fandom, it can be overwhelming to deal with too many opinions so it's better to try to be nice and not worry about what the rest could say.
Get 2-5 psychos, (affectionate), and stick together, it will probably help you a lot.
Also, you don't have to like what everyone else does or agree to everything, not everything is made for you or a single person. Keep in mind you will have to learn to cope with the things you dislike.
Finally, look for other activities to entertain yourself, focusing too much in fandom can be bad in the long term.
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writingmochi · 9 months
! "untitled #3: writer's edition" tag game !
credits to that anon who gave an ask on @/fairyofshampgyu's blog + idk what to name it so i just do that instead lmao
rules: write your favorite thing you’ve written, the least favorite, and one you think deserved more hype! then also post a screenshot of your recently saved on pinterest (just so it looks pretty)
tagged by: smiles @boba-beom! you've been posting so much more fics i haven't keep up yet :") but thanks for tagging me! this is fun!
another episode of lissie, the breaker of the chain. also warning: profanity, i will fucking curse + don't mind me expanding it. still creds to that anon though. i freaking adore you for asking that
part 1. favorite work(s) i've written (aka @/writingmochi staple and a must-read for people who finds my blog for the first time [welcome, new followers! hope you enjoy them!]):
crossroads, a enhypen jay one-shot
still is the proudest fic i've ever written. very studio ghibli (according to @/jeongwins) and also very movie-like. @/orochxi melodramas got me in the feels to write this but this is more wholesome that viv's memento mori-coded fics lmao... fun fact: this is almost a nct chenle fic inspired by parasite (2019) hence the fish-out-of-water scenario
troubled pixies, a txt taehyun one-shot two-shot
definitely my favorite character-building-wise. the fact that i have to figure out not only mc + taehyun but also the sisters, their partners, and the sisters' parents' characteristics here is so complicated yet fun, especially how intricate it is. also currently my longest one-shot i've written (52k) that tumblr hates it so much, it has to be divided into two :") (also, this is one of @/boba-beom's fav fics. i've successfully infected her with 80s/90s songs hehehe) + istg mc here is a definite lux lisbon if she live in 90s instead of the 70s, complete with the chainsmoking and her taste in 90s alt songs
time wave, a txt yeonjun series
now, this is my favorite world-building-wise. i made haeyang this intricate place and setting with its supernatural aspect only some people get (you will know when you read). before writing this, i know i had to make a life is strange (2013) inspired au because it is one of my favorite story-based games of all time. and i’m proud that it kinda becomes its own self especially with my own twists on it. hope you are ready because the [redacted] spin-off will be posted around october! fun fact: this was supposed to be written for stray kids han
part 2. least favorite work i've written:
a story of two broken hearts, a enhypen jake series
i am still proud of this even though it is my least favorite!!!! why, you ask? because this is the first building block of my blog as a whole which is then continue with time wave's chapters as i honed my writing skill. it is the shortest one-shot currently (at 9k though which is still considered long-fic) but you could definitely sense my style even with that. and i don't wanna change it any other way... :]
part 3. work(s) that deserve more hype:
smirch, a txt and enhypen series
I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD! THIS IS ALSO ONE OF MY FAV FIC TO WORLD-BUILD AND I'M SO SAD THIS DOESN'T DESERVE MORE HYPE ABOUT IT! i made a social media au style of the characters' intro/profile and i also allow you guys to talk to them if you want and help with the world-building. please make their world grow so it can also motivate me to write this series! + this is a naughty teen series but not euphoria-esque, if you like skins uk especially gen 1 with tony, cassie, and a little bit of effy, please consider reading this :")
isobel, a txt soobin one-shot
this deserves more hype because tumblr let me down by not putting it in the tags aaaaaaaaaaaaa i re-post this 10 fucking times istg and ughhhh D: D: if you like magical realism or any of the genres written at the top, please consider reading it too
pizzeria run, a enhypen sunoo one-shot
the more time this fic is available on my blog, i have accumulated a few thoughts: (1) enhablr peeps are horny and like smut more than any other creative writing genre; (2) enhablr peeps don't read sunoo fics like they read heeseung/sunghoon/jungwon/niki's; and (3) enhablr peeps don't like anything except for romance. and that is sad to me because there are so many writers who write any topic other than romance or smut that is as great. so, if you want something different or if you like horror, do consider reading this one :D
part 4. recently saved pins on pinterest:
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all of them are smirch post-episode updates! since the last entry is jay's, most of them are what happened to jay and mc after jay's episode (and one for heeseung's post-episode update). more pins will come soon as i make my moodboard for a few of my fics public!
tagging: my fellow writer mutuals @orochxi @impuritywritings @tyunlatte @heart2beom, my favorite seonghwa ateez writer @tenelkadjowrites and any other writers who want to join!
p.s. if someone tags me this tag game again when i've posted ateez fics, I'll definitely include one of them in here!
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chameliyun · 6 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
thanks for the tag @spacejammie-eimmajecaps!
How many works do you have on ao3? Officially 8, but I have one on anon and one currently unrevealed in a fic exchange
What's your total ao3 word count? 61,996
What fandoms do you write for? So far I've written for Death Note, Tangled the Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Haikyuu, plus a couple of crossovers. Haikyuu is definitely my main rn though
What are your top five fics by kudos? #1: Frosting and Freckles: 69 (nice) #2: Draw Me Near: 39 #3: [embarrassing anon fic]: 35 #4: Varian Is Not a Wizard: 25 #5: Midnight Coda: 21
Do you respond to comments? Yeah, I love to! I don't get a lot so they always make me happy :)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably the anon fic sdfsk but other than that, Midnight Coda is kinda bittersweet because of what happens later
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? hmm idk but the sappiest is definitely Frosting and Freckles
Do you get hate on fics? Not so far, thankfully! I don't think I have a big enough readership for that haha
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have not; not sure what kind it would be if I did
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I love writing crossovers! A PJO/HP crossover was actually what got me into fanfic. Unfortunately most of them are merely concepts or abandoned (for now), but as for crazy, I think my Lunar Chronicles/PJO one is the craziest in terms of how the plot grew out of control from a simple "what if these two characters interacted" to "I could rewrite most of this series," which is why I got stuck and put it on hiatus lol but I do want to get back to it someday. Maybe once I finish my other active crossover
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest? Uhhh well if we count "working on" as "having it in the back of mind to get to but haven't worked on in months," probably Sent from the Heavens lol. If not, then Varian Is Not a Wizard (just over two years since I published the first chapter). Shortest is definitely Midnight Coda, since I wrote that pretty much in a day iirc
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds like it could be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms? Dude I have no idea how to narrow that down. Best I can give you is my current fave is Tsukkiyama from Haikyuu
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably my "Leo Valdez ends up in the ATLA world" one :sob: It never made it past the word doc and about three pages of story and I haven't looked at it in like two years
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at dialogue and grammar/spelling
What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else (jk). I am awful at describing scenes/settings; I get bored writing them so I don't put as much effort in as I should haha. I also tend to ramble and use passive voice too much
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I haven't done it, but I think it's fine as long as it fits the context
First fandom you wrote for? Published: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Unpublished: Percy Jackson
Favorite fic you've written? I think it's still Bent Out of Shape. It's so niche, but I had an idea and I executed it, and I'm proud of what I accomplished. Although once I finish Varian Is Not a Wizard, that might take the top slot.
No-pressure tagging: @supermarine-silvally @starrynightarchive @litterateur97 @palant1r @soreiya @lilac-writes @oloreandil @kandybarkreepshow @ellegamgee and anyone else who wants to!
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elijahlittle · 1 year
I have been scouring this fucking app for Julian fics, never really occurred to I can just request some lol.
So yeah, if you're up for it I've got a little plot/trope set up that'd id love to see. Outsider(fem)reader/julian.
Something along the lines of a reader moving into the park from the southern us, new to Canada and parks in general. As an outsider, Julian expected you to be trouble or judgemental, so he acts like a dick to you at first. Later on, he starts to see instead how kind you are to everyone, understanding and totally up for doing ppl favors even when there's nothing for you in the end. This makes him feel real guilty for bein an ass to you, and also makes him start to feel other things towards u.. Take the fic in whatever direction you'd I wanna see u work ur magic
( + no pressure 2 write it ofc!!)
pairing: julian/fem!reader fandom: trailer park boys tags: smut (cis man/cis woman), fluff, a bit of angst, idk this is one of my more normal ones, heavy plot some porn (i kind of felt more plot focused with this one), julian is kind of hung (he gives me big dick energy)  author's note: i'm much more of a ricky kinda guy myself but when i got this request, i got really fucking excited. i loved the idea. i will say, this fic isn't structured traditionally. it's very dialogue heavy and kind of leaves some things up to the imagination. i wanted to establish relationships between the reader and other people in the park as well as share some of julian's private conversations about her. i'm really proud of the way this has turned out, though i'm sorry if it's not the interpretation you might have been hoping for (i'm a little insecure about the way i interpret storylines). i hope you like it, though. i worked hard on it and i'm pretty sure it's the longest julian/reader fic currently on the internet so i'm going to take that fucking win rn. also, i actually live in the southern united states. (fun fact: i'm looking to move because i'm a trans man and life here is kind of ass if you're trans), so i gave the reader a backstory that's kind of unique to what a woman in 1999-2000 would have gone through. i'm not satisfied with the ending though, i'm sorry if this fic is a little lackluster, but we can only go up from here i guess. text blocking this shit was a fucking BITCH. word count: 6,442
everything i've ever let go of has claw marks on it.
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The cultural climate of Sunnyvale Trailer Park wasn't exactly the most inviting. There were people who lived in the park and then there was everyone else. For the most part, newcomers never lasted more than a few weeks. The bottle kids drove away the weakest among them, but if those kids weren't effective usually Ricky's antics drove away the remaining lot. Sure, there were a few people here and there who moved in quietly, but those were usually the kind of people that minded their own business because lot rent was low enough for them to just ignore Lahey.
But in general, new people were not welcome. Especially know-it-all hipsters trying to live the simple life by casting away their possessions in an expensive storage unit and downsizing to a more humble trailer. Those were the kinds of guys that gave up quickly. Plus, new people threatened the balance of park politics. For the most part, Julian was well-liked and well-respected among the others due to his caring nature and dedication to his loved ones. He protected his own. And if there was one thing Julian didn't like, it was newcomers coming into the park without already knowing someone in it.
"Barb, I really think you should reconsider letting this girl in. I mean, you don't even know who she is." 
"Julian, this is a business, not a family estate. Her credit was just below decent, she has an okay-paying job, and paid three months of rent in advance. From a business perspective, she seems like she'll be a reliable tenant. It's a good thing you've grown close with your community, but you have to remember at the end of the day, this trailer park is here to make money. Whatever fit of paranoia you're suffering through, deal with it on your own time. Next time you come here with a complaint, make sure it's a business one." 
And just like that, Barb had shooed Julian off. What more could he say to that? Well, he had a lot more to say to that but she didn't want to listen. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, she only guided him further to the door. If Julian thought he was the one who ran this trailer park, he had another thing coming for him that's what. This dump needed more reliable tenants - normal folks who didn't like to get into trouble. Barb was trying to turn the park's image around.
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"Julian, I just don't understand why you're so against this lady stayin' here. You know I'm no fan of newcomers myself, but she's been mindin' her own. She actually keeps her yard clean, which is pretty fuckin' nice if you ask me. It's nice to pass a yard that doesn't have a million fuckin' pieces of trash thrown all over the front. She even has one of those pink fuckin' yard flamingos in her yard. It's so bright and colorful. There ain't nothin' wrong with a little bit of color, Julian. Ain't nothin' wrong with a little bit of change." 
"Are you even listening to yourself talk Bubbles? Can you hear what you're saying? You're saying change for this park is good. Who knows what she believes in. She might hate dope growers, she may be workin' with Lahey, she could get nosy and bust us for dope and you know Ricky and I are growin' a lot of dope -" 
"- I know, I've seen that big fuckin' setup you got in that fuckin' trailer in that shitty little lot -" 
"- so then Bubbles you should know that new people aren't good. We can't trust new people, especially not now. Especially not when we're so close to selling them to those prison guards and retiring. A stranger could compromise the whole thing. Remember those bible scammers that came through here? I've learned my lesson since then and I'm not tryna repeat old mistakes." 
"Jesus Murphy Julian, you need to calm down. Those fuckin' assholes were obviously scammers, it's not like this lady is goin' door to door scammin' people." 
"Sure maybe she's not taking advanced orders on bibles Bubbles, but she is goin' in and out of everyone's house doin' favors for them. Why does she need to see the inside of everyone's house? Do you think she's lookin' for something?" 
"Have you ever stopped to think that maybe she's just a nice person doin' a nice thing? Nice people exist. You've been dealin' with dope and crime and jail so much that it's like you forgot how to trust someone. All you think about is dope and how you're going to protect it from everyone else." 
"You're only defendin' her because she brings you boxes of canned cat foods for your cats. She's buyin' you off and you don't even know it." 
"So what if she's helpin' me take care of my kitties? My kitties are the most important things to me and unlike you, she fuckin' knows that. If someone's offering to help take care of my precious little kitties, who the fuck am I to say no?" 
"Bubbles, look -" 
"No, no, nevermind." Bubbles tucks a gray cat further into his arms, his posture becoming more rigid. It's clear that he's done with the conversation, no longer interested in trying to hammer commonsense into Julian's brain. He couldn't see past his own paranoia and it was infuriating. In Julian's mind, everyone in the world was out to get him - even the nice lady across the street who helped his friend support his kitties. "You just don't get it, Julian. I'm goin' back home, come talk to me when you get it." 
Julian was still convinced he was right about this girl. If the bottle kids didn't run you out, he'd just take matters into his own hands. He didn't care whether or not Bubbles helped. Julian was a man of many connections, and even if he couldn't find someone else to get the job done he had no qualms with taking care of the situation himself.
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"I mean, if you think that lady's dangerous then you know I'm gonna follow you Julian 'cause you got the brains and stuff behind the projector, but I just gotta let you know I'm still workin' on my grade ten so whatever idea you have you got to make sure it's not illegal 'cause I can't go back to jail, not right before Trinity's birthday. That means we can't do any property damage or breaking and entering or any shit like that." 
"I promise you Ricky we're not gonna go back to jail, we're just gonna annoy the shit out of her until she leaves. I was thinkin' maybe you and Cory and Trevor could host like a really loud party across the street tomorrow night, you know - something to keep her awake. If we get a noise complaint, we'll just shut it down, but then once the cops leave we'll start it back up again. We'll do this for a few nights until she finally decides to move out." 
"That's a pretty fucking good idea, that's smart. Plus, since it's a party we can get drunk and high."
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It's 2 a.m. and that fucking party is still going. There were several times you considered calling in a noise complaint but you decided that it was a better idea to just wait it out. It had to end at some point and overall, it was never a good idea to get involved with parties like that because sometimes they got out of a hand, and you were too smart to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Though when you stepped outside to 'check your mailbox' - spy on the party still going on into the early hours of the morning - you find yourself tripping over something. You stumble onto your hands and knees and it's only when you pull yourself up do you really get a good look at the man passed out by your mailbox. It's Ricky, and he's mumbling things almost incoherently. He mutters something about dope, bitches, Trinity, more bitches, Lucy, and good booze. It's a pathetic way to be, but you can't help but feel bad for you.
You use the toe of your shoe to rock his face awake. Ricky sputters before waking up in a drunk panic. He's angry and yelling incoherently, but your promise of a hot shower and a hot sandwich satiates his anger. He struggles his way through a shower, though almost slips a few times. He eats hand to mouth, chewing loudly, and drunk conversation ensues. He shares a lot with you - stuff he probably wouldn't have shared sober. He eventually passes out, not remembering much in the morning. That morning you share breakfast and a little bit about each other. He tried to hate you, he really did, but you were charismatic in a friendly way. There weren't any ulterior motives, you just enjoyed conversation.
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"I don't know Julian, she seems fine to me. I mean, she's not all that bad. Her yard is pretty clean and you know, she has that pink little flamingo in her yard and honestly it's pretty fuckin' cute. I mean yeah she's kinda annoying and I hate that fuckin' southern fuckin' cowboy accent she fucking has but whatever. I think you're gettin' worked up over nothin'. You've been so busy tryna push out this lady who hasn't done nothin' wrong to you while I'm over here slavin' away watchin' after these fuckin' dope plants and tryin' to study for my grade ten all while play peepin' tom spy guy on some poor fuckin' lady." 
"You're just saying that 'cause she let you spend the night and made you breakfast."
"You know what I sure as fuck I am! She made me breakfast and kept me from sleepin' on the fuckin' ground drunk as piss and let me use her shower and shit and I didn't even have to put out! It's not like I trust her or anything like that - I didn't talk about dope or nothin' like that at all." That was the truth. "It's just at this point anything is better than fucking Cory and Trevor. I'm not sayin' you gotta like her or trust her, but she's not all that bad Julian. Maybe if you actually got to fuckin' know her like I have you'd see that you're just being a paranoid dickbag." 
"You know what Ricky, you don't anything about her. You're just seeing what she wants you to see. But I'm smart, so I see right through it -" 
"Come on Julian don't be like that -" 
"- and since nobody is going to take care of this fucking situation then I guess I'll have to." 
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Julian felt like everyone around him was failing him. Nobody else seemed to feel the same way he did about your existence in the trailer park. As each day passed, Julian grew more overtly snide. When approaching Ricky and Bubbles, Julian never took the time to acknowledge you. It was obvious that he was just being an ass, so you opted to ignore it, preferring not to fight. Silence was Julian's strongest weapon. But as the days ticked by, the tension between you and Julian only seemed to mount itself higher.
It's not like you inherently disliked Julian. In fact, you liked to believe that there was good in everyone and you prided yourself in your ability to be able to pull even the toughest people out of their shell. However, Julian was no easy project. Every time you tried to approach him, he simply brushed you off. You weren't even sure that the two of you had even exchanged any greetings. He hadn't even said hello. So when trying to talk to him didn't work, you simply tried to stay out of his way. This was frustrating for Julian because what he wanted you to do was to blow up and make it a big ordeal. But you didn't. You simply kept to yourself and resumed helping others around the park without complaints. 
There were times where Julian thought about approaching you in the way Julian thinks about approaching any pretty thing in a summer dress that talks to him. But he remains strong in the face of adversity. Gone were the days of chasing anything in a dress. He had a dope business to worry about.
But sometimes the thought would creep up onto Julian ever so slowly. Sometimes, he'd get this kind of fantasy in his head - especially on the Sunday afternoons you'd spend gently pushing yourself back and forth in your rocking chair, enjoying the summer sunlight. He could think of a million ways you two could enjoy the afternoon together, but he often pushed the thought out of his head. He had a park to protect. Friends to protect.
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"You know, you have some real nerve comin' up here in this trailer park and putting on a show like you're doing." 
You look up from the rocking chair you were gently pushing yourself back and forth in and offer Julian a small smile.
"So you're Julian?"
Julian can't help but be a bit enamored with your slight southern drawl. It sounds like you're somewhere from the deep southern United States - one of those more rural provinces like Texas or Alabama. He can't quite pinpoint the accent, but he secretly finds it endearing.
"And how do you know that?" 
"I mean, with how much you do for the people here it's kind of hard not to know who you are. Plus, Ricky and Lucy both never seem to shut up about you. You know, if I didn't know any better I'd say they're both in love with you or something. Also, yesterday you came to pick up Ricky and he pointed right at you and said well, there's Julian, see ya later. I just put two and two together." 
"I'm not here to make small talk, (name)." 
"Then what are you here to do, Julian?" 
There's silence. What is he here to do. There wasn't anything that he could reasonably do and he wasn't the terrorizing type if he didn't have to be. Fuck, he had even promised that his greasy trouble-causing days were over. But here he was, standing at the edge of the patio stairs, contemplating whether or not he should threaten a woman.
"I'm just here to ask you about your intentions with Ricky, that's all." 
You can't help but laugh out loud at the comment. "Oh, please. There's nothing going on between us." 
Julian knows that because if there was something going on between you and Ricky, Ricky wouldn't shut up about it and the whole park would know. But he's trying to be covert about his intent to interrogate you.
"Yeah, well . . . there better not be . . . Ricky's a good guy and I'd really hate to see him get hurt . . ." 
"Why are you really here, Julian?" 
Julian stands in silence, thoughtfully cradling his glass in his hand as he tries to come up with a clever lie - but it's hard to think when he catches a glimpse of your thighs pressed together underneath your thin summer dress. He squints and then looks away briefly.
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you more about the culture of Sunnyvale. You know, we're really tight-knit. Like family."
"I know." 
"And you know, family protects family." 
"I know." 
"And you know, I'd do anything for my family." 
"I know." 
"What are you getting at?" 
"I'm not getting at anything, (name). I'm just givin' you a little more info about our park, just trying to get acquainted with you." 
"Oh, you're trying to get acquainted with me? This is the first time I've spoken to you in the month I've been living here." 
"Well, you know, I was busy with the business I'm running -" 
"- that lawn mowing business you and Ricky got?" 
Is that what Ricky is calling it? "Yeah, we've had a lot of customers so I've been having to do a lot of bookwork to keep up with the business you know. But it's been busy, so I haven't had time to talk, but now I do and I want to get to know you." 
"You want to get to know me?" 
"That's what I just said isn't it?" 
"Well I'll tell you what Julian," You push the chair backwards in thought, looking up at the bright summer sky. The sun shines in your face, warming your skin. It's a nice feeling. "If you really want to get to know me, you'll come over for dinner tonight." 
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Julian wasn't going to admit it but he was excited at the prospect of dinner. The last time he shared time - much less a meal - with a woman, she ended up stealing his dope plants and lying to him about being in love. In all fairness, most people would have been wary of someone saying I love you within the first week of getting to know them, but Julian (for the most part) was a hopeless romantic. He liked the idea of a life with someone else. 
Julian told himself that this was strictly business - that he was here to set the record straight. This wasn't get-to-know-you dinner, this wasn't a date. He was just here to let you know that he wasn't going to tolerate funny business. He just happened to be wearing his nicest clean black shirt and he just happened to be wearing one of his nicer pair of jeans - the ones that didn't have the holes in them. Julian knocks on your door. The two minutes he waits for you to answer feels like an eternity but when you open the door, he's glad he's waited. 
"You got a hot date you're going to after this?" 
"What, this?" You look down at the pink summer dress you're wearing, "This is casual." You had always been the more feminine type, enjoying softer clothes and pretty dresses. Plus, unlike jeans dresses were more comfortable. You usher him inside and he obliges, being careful to not spill his drink when he steps in. 
"Dinner is served." Dinner being a massive fucking bowl of macaroni and cheese with cheap ass hot dogs. "Sorry it's not exactly the best, but -"
"It's fine, don't worry about it." Julian sets his glass down. He's actually ecstatic. Macaroni and cheese and fucking hotdogs? "You know, I don't know where you're from but around here this is a five-star meal." 
You give a dry laugh. as Julian picks up his fork to eat. "You'll have to forgive me, I'm kind of new to the whole trailer park life and the whole being poor thing." 
"Oh yeah? Where are you from?" 
"Southern United States." 
"What state?" 
"That's a long way from here, basically on the other side of the continent. Why'd you come up this way?" Julian tells himself that he's not trying to get to know you because he's interested in you - he's trying to get to know you to get dirt on you, to know what he's up against. 
"I needed an abortion." You answer dryly, "And even though it's been legal for some years now, no physician was wiling to perform one on me." 
"Why come to Nova Scotia? Why not just go to another state?" 
"Well, I figured things were just better here than they were there. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect by any means but it's better than where I was from. At least here I know if I need the service again, it's a little more reliably accessible. Plus, it's not like I had anywhere or anyone I could turn to. So I just kind of . . . stayed." 
"Heavy stuff." Julian sets down his fork, "Didn't have any family to turn to?" 
"No, and even if I did they're not the kind of people I'd want to be around." 
Julian could relate to that.
"So you just came to Canada for an abortion and then decided to stay? You know, when Americans come to Canada they want to go to Quebec. Nova Scotia isn't exactly on the top of the list, let alone Dartmouth. Let alone fucking Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Nobody just moves in here. Come on, (name) . . . what's the real reason why you're staying here?" 
Your mouth runs dry as you consider answering him honestly. "Well, uh . . . you know . . ." You twiddle your thumbs a bit, "I came to Canada with my passport and got my abortion and then . . . I just uh . . ." There's a long pause as your appetite disappears completely. "I didn't have anywhere to go to so I just . . . never left . . . this place was the only place that'd rent to an illegal resident . . ." 
"Holy fuck you don't have your papers?" Julian wasn't sure what kind of story he was expecting but it wasn't that. Now he feels like an asshole. "How did you get a job? How did you even afford this place?" 
"Well, I had some savings so that was a good cushion, but when that ran out I was able to find a job working as a waitress at that little restaurant just out of town. I'm not technically on the payroll, they just don't make me report my tips, and any extra money is kind of . . . earned under the table." You respond sheepishly.
God, Julian feels like such a fucking jackass for being a raging asshole to you. 
"That's . . . hard." Julian doesn't really know what else to say.
"Well, I've shared my deepest darkest secret with you. Do you want to share anything with me?" 
You and Julian talk well into the early hours of the morning, swapping life stories, funny anecdotes, and talking about all of the small things in between. Honestly, he feels at ease with you in a way he hasn't felt at ease before. The conversation flows naturally and even the silence you occasionally fall into feels comfortable. It's nearly two in the morning when you both look at the small clock hanging on your wall and realize the time.
". . . well, it's a little late . . ." You stretch in your chair, still sitting across the table from Julian. You don't really want him to go, but you've both run out of things to talk about and you still have some errands you have to run before work tomorrow. "You know, I have some things I gotta do tomorrow . . . but if you're feeling nice, maybe you can pay me back for dinner by making some for me. I'm usually too tired to cook when I get home . . . you know, only if you want to." 
It's hard for Julian to say no to that face.
"What time do you get off work?"
. . .
Julian continues to insist that he doesn't feel some kind of way, that he's just taking the opportunity to really get to know you - you know, in case you ever pose a threat - but the nightly dinner-dates seem to differ. 
"Why is it so hard to admit that you have a hard-on for (name)? It's so fucking obvious." 
"It's not like that Ricky. You know, I have somewhere to be so why don't you just fuck off and give me some fucking space?" 
"Oh yeah I know exactly where you want to be, all up in -" 
The truth of the matter was that even though Julian fantasized about it at night, truly nothing had happened. You were sweet, kind, intelligent, patient, compassionate - a truly wonderful person. And that was the problem. Normally, Julian found himself happy to jump into a relationship, but he found himself afraid of making a fool of himself. Guys like him didn't get with girls like you. Simple as that. Besides, love just wasn't in the cards for Julian. It just never worked out like that.
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Tonight was yet another night of disappointment. You had lingered on Julian's doorstep after dinner, hoping that maybe he'd make a move and at least give you a kiss goodnight - but the two of you simply stood there awkwardly until he nodded, saying he was probably going to go off to bed now. It was frustrating because you thought you were sending all of the right signals. Light touches, flirtatious giggles, risque comments - the works. But yet again, you find yourself leaving empty-handed. It wasn't that you weren't satisfied with the friendship, you really liked the dynamic the two of you had. You liked that Julian showed you ways to save money, ways to spruce up the trailer home so it felt more roomy, showed you around town a bit - but it left you feeling a bit stupid because you could have sworn the two of you had something more. You could just feel it. But he never addressed it and it drove you crazy. 
You knock on the door nervously, your hands shaking.
Julian answers the door again. "What's going on?" 
"I don't want to go home just yet. This is about the time J-Roc films his adult films. Can I just sit here for thirty more minutes? He usually finishes up around one in the morning or so." 
"Uh, yeah, sure, come on in. You can hang out here. I have to shower because, you know, I got somewhere to be in the morning -" Tomorrow was the day he was supposed to drop off the product with the prison guards, "- normally I'd wait up but I got some important stuff I gotta take care of tomorrow. I'm about to get ready for bed, so you can just leave whenever you're ready."
You find yourself sitting awkwardly on the couch as Julian disappears into the bathroom. The trailer shakes a bit when he turns on the water and you can hear the pipes rush before the water falls like rain into the tub. You sit in silence and contemplate. You couldn't keep going back and forth like this, it'd get nowhere. He had hinted a few times at maybe having feelings. Sometimes his hand would linger on the small of your back too long when he was moving past you, or he'd stand too close to you - so close your shoulders would touch - whenever he got the chance. But nothing would ever come of it, and you were tired of it. You think about maybe joining him in the shower but that's too ballsy of a move, so you simply sit there and listen to the shower run until it's turned off. There's more shuffling and you can hear him go into his room. The hallway light turns off and the door clicks close. You should probably get going by now, but you can't bring yourself to just leave.
. . .
You feel like a psychopath drifting down the hallway. You only came down here to use the bathroom, but now you were standing at his bedroom door - contemplating whether or not you should knock on the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Ricky, is that you? I told you to stop picking my fucking lock -" 
"No," You answer meekly, "It's me. I uh, wanted to take that book back I lent you before I went home. I didn't see it in your living room so I figured you might be keeping it in here." 
Julian stares up at the ceiling in thought. Julian is pretty book-smart and it doesn't take a genius to know the game you're running. He's been down this road a thousand times. He wants to say yes, but there's still the lingering fear of ruining the good friendship that's already there.
Julian turns his head to look at his nightstand, the small paperback book sat there. Shit, maybe you weren't playing any games.
"Yeah, give me a moment, I'll come bring it to you." 
"You don't have to go through that trouble, I'll just come get it real quick . . . if that's alright with you." 
". . . that's alright with me." 
You gently push the door open, slipping through before gently closing the door behind you. You can only see the outline of Julian's body in the dark, a few shadows illuminated by the moonlight that drifts in through the blinds. 
"It's right over here." You see the shadow of Julian's hand reach over and grab the thick book. Infinite Jest.
"I'll come get it." You pull yourself up onto the bed, you're knees on either side of his feet. Gently, you shimmy your way up, crawling over him on your hands and knees. Julian shifts a bit. Both of your breaths are heavy and as you sit yourself comfortably on his waist, you watch his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths. Gently, you pluck the book from his hand. "Thank you." 
"You're welcome." Julian's voice is barely over a whisper.
You thumb through the thick book, landing on a page barely illuminated by the moonlight, reading the page you've thumbed to. "Everything I've ever let go of has claw marks on it." Truer words have never been spoken. Like everything in life, Julian has sunk his fingernails so deep into it he's drawn blood. He likes to pretend he can let things go, but he can't. 
Julian's hands gently grip at your hips, squeezing them softly - almost like he's afraid that if he squeezes too tight he'll hurt you. His fingers grip at your waist, gently pushing your hips backwards, guiding them in a gentle rocking motion against him. Your hips follow the movement of his hands, rocking against him with a pleased hum.
"Is that right?" Julian asks in a whisper.
"That's right." You respond gently.
"Me included?" He can't hope that you want him so bad that you'd sink your nails so deep into him that he'd never be able to leave you, even if he wanted to. And even if you wanted to leave him, he'd probably stay around and beg for you to take him back anyway.
"If you'll let me." 
If he wasn't rock hard before he's rock fucking hard now. "I want you." Julian's voice is hoarse, completely contradicting his typically firm and masculine present. He melts under you. Whether he wanted to believe it or not, Julian was a romantic and the touch of a woman he really valued meant a lot to him. His breath is labored as he guides your hips against him, "Please, I want you." 
If this were someone else in the park, it'd be a different story. Sleeping around with people in the park for Julian wasn't about emotions, it was about releasing a physical need, and when you can't keep a boyfriend sometimes you have to turn to your neighbors for some help. Everyone slept with everyone. But you're not them, this isn't just casual for Julian - he doesn't want to fuck it up. He shudders when your fingertips drag across his chest, tracing patterns and circles into his shirt as you rock against him, grinding your hips downwards to create more friction. You're a tease, you take your time, and he hates it but he loves it. Two large hands reach up to cup your breasts over your shirt gently, His hands trail downwards, over your abdomen, grabbing gently at your stomach for a short moment before finding themselves at the hem of your shirt. 
"What are you waiting for?" You ask him between small breaths, still making rhytmic riding motions. It's a softly-asked question but also a plea for action. "Please, Julian. I've wanted this since the moment I saw you." 
"God, fuck you're so fucking hot." It's like a flip switched in his head and he can't hold himself back anymore. Strong hands placed firmly on your hips flip you onto your back. Now he's on top of you, every part of him everywhere. His lips touch yours in a kiss, teeth pull at the skin of your neck, and tongue sooths the freshly bruised areas by rubbing itself on it in small circles. Like always, he can't help himself, and unlike recently, he stops wasting time.
Your shirt is the first thing to come off - Julian helps shimmy it off of you, throwing it to the side. The next thing to come off is your pajama pants, which he also tosses to the side after helping shimmy it off of you. He has half a mind to compliment the pretty color of your underwear and tell you it looks good on you, but he doesn't pay it any mind since it's about to come off anyways. His hands lift you up by the small of your back just long enough for him to unclasp your bra, letting you fall back down onto the bed. His hands hook underneath your knees, lifting them up and pushing your legs up so he can help slide your underwear easily off of your body. You're left naked under him while he remains fully clothed, lowering himself onto you before you can complain that he hasn't undressed yet.
His thumbs roll against your nipples, gently pinching and pulling at them before taking them into his mouth. Julian has never been the most gentle lover, especially when he gets excited, always eager to take matters into his own hands - but that's part of his appeal.
Kisses trail down your stomach, followed by him dragging his tongue along the skin, pushing your legs apart. He takes his time adorning your inner thighs with kisses, sucking on the skin and taking it between his teeth. He likes the way he makes you whimper and moan, it's intoxicating. But eventually the teasing becomes too much even for him, he's growing impatient, so he lends his tongue to you, circling it around your clit, strong nose pressed into sensitive skin.
Your body writhes as you feel a familiar pressure build in your abdomen, thighs tightening around his head so tight he thought he might suffocate. What a way to go that would be. Your fingers curl into his short hair, gripping and pulling at his hair while your toes curl. You whimper but that only encourages him to slowly push his thick index finger into you, followed by a second after you properly adjusted. His mouth and fingers work in tandem, his fingers curling and pressing inside of you in a come hither motion while his tongue continues to stroke your clit.
"Fuck, Julian, god, fuck -" But before you can climax, he's gone - pulling away. If Julian enjoys anything, it's edging. There's just something about bringing a woman to climax and leaving them nearly in tears that turns him on. 
"You look disappointed." Julian catches a glimpse of your lopsided frown illuminated in the moonlight, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." His shirt is pulled over his head, exposing his bare chest. When you touch the muscle, it's firm from years of consistent working-out. You trace a tattoos that look like they were done with a sewing needle and ink - probably stick and poke tattoos - but Julian frowns. He doesn't like those tattoos, he's not proud of them and he's not proud of his time spent in jail. But you only offer him an encouraging smile and place your palm over the tattoo before dragging your hand down to his belt, pulling at the buckle. Julian offers you a half-hearted smile. "Can't wait?"
Julian pushes your hand out of the way gently, taking his time to unfasten his belt and slowly pulling it through the loops. The belt is tossed to the side, along with his pants and underwear, leaving you both equals. Two hands hook themselves underneath your knees, placing your ankles on his shoulders while he uses his right hand to stroke his cock a bit, helping to harden himself up more. Sometimes the nerves just get to you.
"Holy fuck Julian you're big, you gotta be careful with that thing you're carrying a whole fucking concealed weapon -" 
Julian chuckles a bit at the comment but presses a gentle kiss to your ankles. "I'll be careful with you if that's what you're trying to say." 
The tip is pushed in slowly with great discomfort, pushing himself in. There's a stiff moment of silence as you let out a labored breath. 
"You good?" he asks.
You nod, dragging your teeth over your bottom lip. Julian takes his thumb against your bottom lip, peeling it out from underneath your teeth. His thumb drags your bottom lip down, exposing the inside of it before pushing his thumb into your mouth. Your lips wrap around his thumb, letting your tongue slide against the skin, sucking on the appendage as he pulls out just a bit, repositioning himself before he thrusts back in. Your body pushes upwards with the motion, head pressing against the headboard slightly. His thumb is still pressed in your mouth while his free hand keeps hooked underneath your knee, pushing it backwards so he can angle himself better - each thrust pushing itself deeper inside of you. Sweat coats his chest and runs down the side of his face, abdomen flexing the closer he gets to coming, but he restrains himself - wanting to ride it out for as long as he could. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." 
"Oh, God, Julian -" 
"Fuck, (name)." 
"Julian -" 
"(Name), (Name), (Name)." 
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"I heard you did a real good job of running that girl out of the trailer park last night, Julian." 
"Hey, Barbara, why don't you fuck off?" 
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 4 months
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
Created by @floydsin
I literally told @frownyalfred I had strict personal rules about not doing this until the year was actually OVER, but I can tell I won't finish my WIP by the end of the 31st, so I might as well. 😩
For comparison, here's 2022.
1.How many words have you written this year?
19,738 published works. I'm not counting the unpublished WIPs. I'll get credit for them when they're done.
2. How many works did you publish this year?
Five full fics and seven prompt snippets, which honestly is more than I expected. What a killer of a year.
3.. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Meh. Maybe Hounded or Endless Road, just because they're fun to write. No, you know what, Endless Road because I wanted to evoke that Ted Lasso fic and by gum I got as close as I could.
I changed my mind. The Damian love language snippet. That one.
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
The snippets are within a larger collection, so it's hard to tell what they might have had separately. Of the standalones, There's An Endless Road to Rediscover has 4,253, currently.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
No surprises here in terms of more.
6. Favorite title you used?
Hounded's alright, since I love those double meanings. Satisfaction is pretty good, too, though.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I used one Avicii song and one Fall Out Boy song.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
The math gets weird because of the snippets. Of the twelve works, I wrote:
Tim & Jason: 2
Bruce & Jason: 2
Selina/Bruce: 1
Dick & Clark: 1
Dick & Jason & Tim: 1
Bruce & Tim: 1
Tim & Alfred: 1
Damian & Jason: 1
Damian and Dick also each had sort of solo fics.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Tim & Jason always, though Tim & Bruce is close too.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
The prompt snippets, by their nature.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Technically Nowhere Safer because I'm still working on it. But all of the true fics took forever. Did I mention this year was a beast?
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
LOLLLL. Actually sort of at least started? Five or six. Sitting as ideas baying for attention in my notes doc? So many.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
The first snippet in the 2023 set.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
I still don’t understand how this is different from #12. They're not done until they're done.
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
The coconuts collection throws this off, because not all of those tags qualify, but it looks like a three-way tie between "Hurt/Comfort" "Whump" and "Loss of Parent(s)". That tracks.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Always Tim or Jason or Bruce.
18.The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Selina, because she was and is a mystery to me, and her fic was more about her perceptions of Bruce than her own interior anyways.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I've deeply missed writing Bruce and Clark this year and I didn't do ANY Dev, which is a crime.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
One of the Mutual Aid fics, probably. They're good boys.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
2,214 plus however many from the collection came in this year.
22. Which work has the most comments?
Setting aside the collection because who knows, It might be your wound, but they're my sutures has 44 comment threads.
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
Yes. One for @frownyalfred, one for both @frownyalfred and @audreycritter, and one for @a-canceled-stamp. Which means without gifts I would've written like nothing.
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
Yes! One from @frownyalfred about a conversation we had in our group chat and my beloved Poison Fic Sequel from @audreycritter. Also, a podfic!!
26. What’s your most common category?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
See #3
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Jason’s stomach shriveled to the size of a bean. If they could forge Alfred’s handwriting, he would never trust another piece of paper again.
or maybe
That didn’t mean that he didn’t miss her. He did, fiercely, but with the empty yearning of standing in the sand as the receding tide sucks water and earth alike from beneath your heels. Hers had been a slow, stretched death. He had missed her long before she was gone. So when Jason would lie in his too-soft bed and stare across a room that was his and only his, he would press on that stone-bruise ache to feel it hurt, then roll over and try to sleep. He didn’t know any other way.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
How little I actually wrote. This year took it right out of me. And apparently I need the sharp stick of Whumptober in my side to really push me over. Now I know. Also, anecdotally, I feel like commenting has dropped off a lot on AO3, which makes me sad.
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Thanks so much for tagging me, @cocoamoonmalfoy (who also made the v pretty graphic above!!)
Rules: Shout out 1 of your newer works, 1 you're super proud of, and 1 of your older works!!
1) eggs in heaven
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Masters of the Air | Gale x Bucky | 1.2k | T
Gale wondered, was it still beautiful with the windows shot out, the German planes in their crosshairs and them in theirs? Would it be beautiful again, he wanted to ask John.
This was my first fic for my current fandom! I love rereading this because seeing how I (or anyone) wrote a character for the first time always fascinates me. How do I describe their mannerisms, their internal tensions, the tone of their presence? Sometimes you learn the most by going back to the start!
2) For Now, We May Remain Silent
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Spider-Man | Peter x MJ | 179k | T
And even though his hands are shaking when he places them on his thighs and pushes up from the curb, Peter totally understands. He understands how he’s just disqualified himself from having a place in Michelle’s life. He understands, with the force of the asteroid colliding with Earth to wipe out the dinosaurs, that he’s in love with her.
I'm never not gonna talk about this one. My Pride and Prejudice AU baby! It's the longest thing I've ever written, and the AUiest AU I will probably ever attempt. A labour of love from start to finish. The feeling of sitting at my desk and turning the pages of Pride and Prejudice as I wrote will always be with me.
3) All the Belles and Whistles
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Bridgerton | Eloise x Penelope | 11.4k | T
If catching Colin’s eye in a way that made him think of marriage had proved impossible, kissing Eloise was even more impossible than impossible. How was it that [Penelope] had accomplished the unlikeliest thing? Everything was upside-down and oh, she would associate late summer with Eloise forever and if she could be Lady Whistledown today, she could be near to El always.
With season 3 of Bridgerton (FINALLY) almost here, I recently reread this one! I'm so excited to see Polin in TV canon, but I had to write a lil Peneloise first. I love these girls and wanted to watch/make them fall in love. A very satisfying fic to write and read, if I do say so myself.
Tagging: All writers reading this! Hype your work! Luxuriate in it! You worked hard and you deserve it!
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misteria247 · 1 year
Here's some of my fanfics that I've written that I'm super proud of personally-
Universal Collision: My Tmnt/Rottmnt crossover fic. It's one of my personal favorites that I'm incredibly proud of. Despite it not having many chapters, I'm thrilled with what I've gotten down so far!
Of Love and Heartbreak: One of my Lupin III fanfics. It's a oneshot involving my favorite OT5 as well as a character study on Jigen Daisuke. Mainly the aspect of his love life and how his past effected him currently in the present. It's also one of my longest oneshots and I'm super proud of it!
The Roles We Play: Another Lupin III fanfic as well as my first one for the fandom ever. It's a fic that again is an OT5 kind of thing but instead it focuses mainly on the LupZeni/LupJig/JigZeni pairings. It also features an injured Zenigata and a feral Lupgang of which I love and adore.
The Princess and Her Dragon: A reader x Malleus fic for Twisted Wonderland. Basically it's a romance story that's got a twist in it. The main protagonist is actually a reincarnated princess who breaks a powerful spell that has been placed on Malleus and his group. Lowkey incredibly proud of this one.
The Dragon's Son: Also another reader x Malleus story but with the reader having grown up and leaving Twisted Wonderland. The reader accidentally takes something more with her though and six years later, she returns to Twisted Wonderland with her beloved son Elliott. Pretty pleased with this one.
My EngIta Week submissions: I'd been asked to join a Hetalia rare pair week last year and had a blast writing for it! I'm honestly incredibly pleased with how my little stories turned out!
These ones are the ones that I'm most proud of and are the ones that I put a lot of effort into them. While I'm proud of all my stuff, it's these ones that I feel like are some of my best written stuff that I've ever published within my lifetime.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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I can’t believe we’re at 2023!! What a year it’s been...both good and bad. First and foremost, I want to say thank you to my followers, readers, mutuals, friends, whoever you are - thank you. I couldn’t have made it through this year without you! 
I did this last year and I wanted to do it again with a few added/removed questions, but I feel like we all need a little moment to celebrate our successes and accomplishments, so here’s mine under the cut!
Fandom(s) written for: The Hobbit, Our Flag Means Death Pairings written for: Bilbo/Thorin, Ed/Stede  Number of works (total): 20 How many of those are completed?: 11 Word count (prev year): 241,178 Word count (2022): 534,448 (293,270 more than last year, not counting tumblr drabbles) # of WIPs: Enough?? Literally, I don’t know anymore loool. I have 7 active fics currently, 8 plot bunnies that have outlines/content written, and at least 15 sitting in the little brain-crockpot (aka my idea spreadsheet) waiting to be fleshed out.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I’ll always say I wish I had posted more, there were some chunks in my year that really hit me hard and made writing nearly impossible, but looking at the actual numbers...posting almost 300k on ao3 this year? I can’t be mad at that. Here’s to hoping next year maybe I can break 300k!! 
To put my year into perspective a little bit, I broke it down a little bit more!
Posted 37 chapters/updates
Posted 7 oneshots (2 within my King and Lionheart collection)
Posted 9 plot bunnies
Finished 2 big fics (6 chapters each)
This doesn’t count the drabbles I did for tumblr, and looking at it this way, I am definitely feeling pretty good about my 2022 - here’s to hoping 2023 is even better!!
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I feel like I did!!
Participated in TRSB
Created a fic writer’s blog to support other fic writers @fellowshipofthefics
Wrote for a new fandom (OFMD)
Hosted a new Hobbit Event via FOTFICS
Plot bunny follower event!! SO MANY IDEAS.
I did a lot of birthday gift writings this year
SO MANY COLLABS!!! And more to come...
Did you participate in any fandom events this year?
I took part in two! It was my first time participating in the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang this year, and I was partnered with the ever delightful @mysandwichranaway! We came up with a very fun modern!royalty AU that I am very proud of. Sandy did some amazing artwork for it as well, and honestly, this was my first multichapter fic finished (6 chapters!) and was written in about 3 months. Not too bad! → Between Vices and Virtues
Fellowship of the Fics hosted a Hobbit event, An Unexpected Collaboration where I was partnered with @consultingpacha! I had a few plot bunnies stored away and one worked so well with our prompt, and it was nice to get one off the list! Pacha’s artwork continues to blow me away, and I’m very happy with this fic. The positive response has been overwhelming already! → The Night We Met
Both fics have potential sequels! We’ll see how time goes for me this next year.
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
I’d like to finish projects first and foremost, as well as unleash some new ones. Alongside that though as a writer I’d like to explore new situations/tropes/vocabulary/smut and just expand on what I’m doing already. I’m hoping to put out more words than I did this year, and focus more on my fics rather than events (though I had a lot of fun!)
Next year is the year of Razzy fics - I have so many different plot bunnies I want to tackle! That in itself will help me expand my horizons.
From the past year of writing, what was your…
Longest story: May Your Forge Burn Bright (79,010 words)
Shortest story: Concerning Dwobbits (2,635 words)
Top 3 by kudos: Though I don’t like to think that stats say what is a good fic and what is a bad fic, sometimes I just can’t help but look at them. My current top 3 by kudos in no particular order!
→ Seasalt and Silk (OFMD) → May Your Forge Burn Bright → Dragonhearted
Best story of this year: I am picking this one purely on the fact that in 2 chapters, it’s blowing some stats out of the water, and we’re on the pirate train (thank you, OFMD) I am thoroughly impressed with the feedback and response from this fic already, and I am so excited to continue it! It’s going to be a fun ride! → As The Tide Turns
Personal favorite of 2022: My first collab project, and with my beloved @stardryad-random!! Honestly, this story feels so original even though it has head nods to other forms of media, and it just took on a life of its own. This one will also finish out in 2023!! So be on the lookout for more updates from both myself and Star! → When Darkness Shines Brightest
Most fun to write: I think this one is a tie. I feel like I have the most genuine happy-crackshit-fun when writing two of my modern AUs that have been around for a while, both for completely different reasons. First there’s the band AU, there’s just something about a slice of life journey featuring music and books (which are two of my favorite things) that really touches my heart. Then there’s the real crackshit fic, my WWDITS inspired vampire fic, where I can literally put the stupidest ideas and it just...works, somehow. It still has a plot, I promise!! I feel like the readers have fun with these fics as well! → Bookbinder//Songwriter → Where The Shadows Lie
Most challenging to write: I think every fic is going to be challenging in some way, but the one that springs to mind (which is why it was delayed so much) is Dragonhearted. The latest update was a bit chaotic. Lots of characters, lots of fighting, and it was very important for me to ensure it was clear to the reader as to what was going on. Battle scenes aren’t something I’m overly confident in yet, but this made me figure it out pretty quickly (or slowly, actually).  → Dragonhearted
Fic I’m proudest of writing: Honestly, this is the year of events (yes, even just two) and I am insanely proud of both of them. They may not be “big behemoth fics” by any means, but considering they both have decent word counts and I did them in 1-3 months a piece, I’m pretty grateful and have every reason to be proud! → Between Vices and Virtues → The Night We Met
Story with the single sweetest moment? (Top 3)
Bookbinder//Songwriter (The Acorn Tattoo) - Bilbo has spent the evening with Bofur, Nori and Ori, preparing for Bree Bash with a more “rockified” look, which includes piercings and one tattoo. We have an “acorn” scene, a declaration of not needing to change for the other, and overall, it’s just very sweet.
Between Vices and Virtues (Gold and riches cannot compare to you) - Here we have a cliche train scene, but with a small twist. Thorin doesn’t make it to the station in time to catch Bilbo before he leaves for the Shire after a misunderstanding/falling out. He pulls strings to make the train come back so that he can right some wrongs that never should have happened in the first place.
(Take Me Back To) The Night We Met (Forget-me-nots) - Without spoiling too much as this is a newer fic, we see Thorin and Bilbo talking about a few keepsakes, such as a rune stone, some forget-me-nots, both gifted by the other. Give it a read!
Story with the most angsty moment? (Top 3)
When Darkness Shines Brightest (The Fall of Erebor) - This whole story takes the cake on “angsty” but this particular scene where Bilbo is whisked away into a shadow dream to witness for himself what happened to Erebor truly wins the angsty award.
May Your Forge Burn Bright (Mine Collapse) - Bilbo is caught in a mine collapse, and Thorin desperately tries to unbury his hobbit with doubt in his head and worry in his heart that it may be a body to be recovered.
Kurdu ‘abadaz (My sister’s sons) - Thorin gets to see Fili and Kili for the first time since Ravenhill. He’s smacked with the severity of their injuries, and naturally, blames himself.
Least popular fic: A one shot request that is a gen fic for Thorin, Fili, and Kili. I found it very fun and sweet to write, but it’s definitely showing me that ship fics get way more attention. → I’ll Keep You Safe
Biggest Disappointment: While there are always going to be highs and lows with writing, I am pretty disappointed in the response to my TRSB fic, which is one I am very proud of, and it just didn’t seem like there was the response I was looking for. I understand that the event was VERY Silm heavy, and probably should have altered my expectations, but I had wanted it to do better. Sandy and I both worked very hard on this Modern Royalty Bagginshield fic. I know modern!au can be a bit finicky with the fandom...but give it a chance!! → Between Vices and Virtues
Biggest Surprise: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Collaboration - honestly, this fic was a small nugget of a plot bunny after spotting some artwork some months ago, and I wanted to do a little short story based off of it. It blew up. It was a perfect prompt for Pacha and I’s collab, and it’s not even been out a month, and it’s SOOOO loved by the community??? I’ve never had a story with so many comments asking for a sequel. It’s overwhelming in the most unexpected, yet amazing, way! → The Night We Met
What can we expect in 2023?
Word Count: I almost hit 300k this year, so I want to surpass the 300k mark if possible!
Finishing Fics: I am determined to finish a few of my big fics such as ”Dragonhearted”, “May Your Forge Burn Bright”, and “When Darkness Shines Brightest”!
Starting Fics: Some of the plot bunnies are going to show up in 2023, you can check them out → here!
Collaborative Works: I would love to do more collabs with my fellow creators! (Stay on the look out, you just might see @sunnyrosewritesstuff and I working together soon enough.)
FOTFICS Participation/Drabbles: While I don’t really take requests anymore, I will be participating in more FOTFICS monthly challenges - which means taking suggestions from my followers <3
Positive Vibes Only: A more positive Razzy.
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Now, to tie off my Year In Review, the ever lovely @i-did-not-mean-to tagged me in a fun little game to show off some of my favorite bits of work I’ve done this year.
Five works I'm proud of (tho I’m proud of them all)
When Darkness Shines Brightest
As The Tide Turns
May Your Forge Burn Bright
Four new WIPs I am excited to release next year
Fuck Thy Neighbor (Accidental Marriage)
Led Only By The Stars (Space!AU)
Sweeter Than Honey (Modern!AU)
Heartstones (Soulmate!AU)
Top three improvements
I’ve improved in expanding my horizons to different tropes/Ideas I didn’t think I would touch before.
I do not check the stats regularly, and I feel a LOT better as a writer and just overall mentally.
My outlining/organization process has SIGNIFICANTLY improved this year, and it’s making my life a ton easier.
Top two resolutions
Finish some big fics!!!
Never compare myself to another author. There is only one of me, and my stories are unique to me and make me happy, that’s what matters.
(Honorary mention: I want to read more fics!!!)
Favorite line
This is an impossible question, but I threw an imaginary dart that landed on my pirate AU, so we gotta go with this one!
“What have we here? A stowaway, or a rat? I’ll give you this, you almost had it…but the secret to escaping somewhere quietly,” that blade tilted a bit, forcing Bilbo’s chin upwards as the man holding it crouched, knees bent to bring them near face to face, “is to be quiet.” (-> As The Tide Turns)
I picked this because....let’s be real, the sexual tension of this scene alone is just....yes. Bilbo’s chin tipped up with a sword, hell yeah.
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urchintoast · 5 months
I was tagged by @colettebronte and @fayes-fics! Thanks for thinking of me darlings!! 🫶🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Bridgerton and Fellow Travelers. But I’ve also written for The Umbrella Academy, Star Trek, Harry Potter, MCU, and Kingsman (though I don’t have any fics on ao3 for the last 2)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ooh by Kudos?
It’s Not Saturday with 565
I See You with 452 (ooh this one’s moved up! TUA had been my top 3 for the longest time!)
Blush with 416
The Last Man with 415 (very close!)
His Everything with 410
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! If someone made the effort to leave a comment for me, the least I can do is thank them for taking the time to read my silly writings 🥹 I have a lot of kudos/likes but the comments are rarer and mean the world to me 🥹
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Milk? It’s in Hawk’s pov and I just find it very hard to not be angsty in his voice. Idk.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love happy endings (don’t we all? 😜) so I tend to write happy endings for most of my fics. The absolute cheesiest is Pebble, although the relief in Fear is a great pay off in my opinion.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did. I had some really mean comments a few years ago and that’s why I took such a long break from fic writing. A few people told me that my fics made no sense and told me to stop trying. It’s taken me a while to build my confidence back up after that, and I’m still really struggling with writing smut again after that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to write some mlm and omegaverse fics but as previously mentioned, got some hate on them and stopped. Currently no, at least not that I’m comfortable sharing yet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve never written crossovers, though some AUs are fun!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🤔 hopefully it stays that way! Please don’t steal! 🥺
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not that’s been published, but with friends in discords over the years we’ve written some fics for ourselves. Always befriend authors, you get the best riffing!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I can’t pick just one!! Ummmm. Nope, I can’t even pick just one for each fandom lol. I like different ships for different reasons, I can’t choose just one!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m determined to finish it! But right now Surprising seems like it’s not gonna be finished any time soon, just cause it’s been a published WIP since May, and then life happened and I just lost inspiration for it. Hopefully my muse will return soon once work and things settle down 🤞
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh this is hard. I’m so critical of myself. Umm I’ve gotten some nice comments about funny dialogue so I guess that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Besides finishing them? Length. Smut.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Please just have the translation available at some point (like a footnote) so I don’t have to open a new tab to look up what they’re saying because then I get distracted and forget that I was reading something lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter is the first one I published on ao3. No clue what the real first one is 🤷🏻‍♀️
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I don’t really have a favorite? I’m pretty proud of them all for different reasons. Ease My Mind cause it was omega/omega and I’d never seen anyone do that before. Surprising because it got me back to writing. I See You because it’s the longest fic I’ve ever finished. Milk because I was the first one on ao3 to write for that pairing!
Really I could go on and on about why I’m proud of each fic 🥹
Thanks for tagging me!! 💗
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2022 end-of-year fic review ✨
thanks so much to @vivilove-jonsa for tagging me! I’m putting this under a cut because ya girl can get wordy
1. what’s your ao3 account?
2. how many words did you write in total in 2022?
434,360. oops
3. how many fics did you publish in 2022 // multi-chapter vs. one-shots?
8 multi-chapter (I’m counting ephemera in this because I’m lazy), 6 one-shots, 2 follow up one-shots.
4. what was your longest-fic // shortest fic?
longest: you on the run (73,410)
shortest: say anything (2,290) (possibly something from ephemera, but I’m too lazzzyyyy)
5. what was your most popular // least popular?
my most popular are always the ones I dub my “rom-coms”, and the least popular are always my darker stuff, but I also think longer fics tend to be more popular too, so because I need things to be very organized, I’ll split them up.
-most: take me out
-least: the ghost inside
-most: i’ve got your number
-least: red lights mean you’re leaving
(see! this tracks with rom-coms vs dark lol)
6. what fic didn't perform as well as you thought it would?
I don’t know. Because I have terrible anxiety, I always feel like the thing I’m currently writing is the least performing and then once it’s completed I go “oh! the response it got was so nice!!” no matter what it is. Like I was slightly disappointed the ghost inside didn’t do 'better' because I personally adored it and had it sitting around half written for years, but also I posted 4 chapters in 4 days for the event, and the tags are SUPER off-putting. So is the format. And the subject matter.
7. what fic performed way better than you thought it would?
i’ve got your number. It was a one-shot that did a lot better than I was expecting. But I personally love it and I’m so glad everyone else did, too.
8. what was your favorite fic you wrote in 2022?
very tough. I think help me out of the shape I’m in is the one I’m the most proud of, though half of it was written in 2021. But I’m also really proud of sketches of what was there before, if only because it’s the only thing I’ve written that wasn’t shippy (in this fandom). This question is hard because as I’ve said before, I write for me and so I have a deep fondness for everything I’ve written (with some exceptions lol)
9. what was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022? 
OOF I’m so bad at this. I’ve already admitted I don’t read a ton of fic anymore, and I also get SO anxious about leaving people out or making anyone feel not included? I also just plain can’t remember because time is an illusion. So I'm choosing a bunch?? These are not the only great fics though!!
I always love me some good @thewolvescalledmehome fics, like Reach Out With Both Hands and currently enjoying On the Edge of a World so Cold
@vivilove-jonsa​‘s you give me goosebumps was such a fun ride to start off the new year
Late Night by @justadram​ because I always love reading fics where it feels like the writer is very interested in/knows a lot about the subject
Death and the Dancer by @sibyldisobedience​ because I LOVE ghost/spooky stories
The Man Called Snow by annie_loves_starwarsstories just updated and reminded me that I also love historical fic
I did consume a LOT of Edissy fic this summer, but I also fell pretty quickly out of it and can no longer remember what I read & liked
10. tag your friends so they can play as well
@hilarychuff​ @northernladywriter​ @sibyldisobedience​ @justhereforfandomandfriends​ @mkstrigidae and whoever else wants to play! I’d love to see them
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cultofsappho · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you so much @myheartalivewrites!! i feel so guilty getting these tags when I haven't posted on ao3 in a hot minute haha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, 16. but i orphaned a lot back in the day. I think i've probably written closer to 25-30 total in my life.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Red, White & Royal Blue mostly but i've been thinking baout branching out soon. I've also written Snowbaz, Cemetery Boys, and Jonjay
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Family Lines
How To Be Friends With The FSOTUS
With All The Air In My Lungs
Asking For Permission
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but i'm not the best honestly, working on getting better and replying to more! I always feel guilty when I can't think of a response haha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely I'm Taking A Ride With My Best Friend. It's bittersweet to say the least. When you've gone through hell and back with your person, and he's hurt you, but he's also the best part of your life... how do you move forward? how do you re-learn to coexist when you're no longer running for your life? I somehow thought I could answer those questions in one epilogue chapter....
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are very very happy, but probably Family Lines. Adoption, and family, and recovery, and ahhhh adorable family being adorable things!!
2nd place might be Poison in His Blood bc i wrote this angsty ass chonic illlness werewolf au fic and the fluffy (lol) ending took all of us by suprise I think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but i've had a few like "i really wanted it to end like ____ :( " or "I think there's more you could have dug into with ____ :(" which i know aren't hate, but disppointing readers feels similar.
And once, a trump supporter got mad at me in my Superman and Lois fic's comments. Which is still fucking hilarious to this day bc for some reason they thought a literal alien wouldn't support immigration reform... and this was a comic book fan fic about superman's son being bi as all hell... fascinating...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes and no. Have I written smut? yes. like, twice total. Do I enjoy writing it? no. I read a ton of it but, it's not my writing niche.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not yet! very open to it tho!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I don't think I would. I'm too much of a perfectionist
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
alex and henry 🥺 the best boys of all best boys
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the spiderman one. I had an idea for Henry being Pretty Darn Sure that Alex is spiderman and putting himslf into situations where he'd run into him but... if across the spiderverse didn't reignite my love for spiderman enough to write it then idk what will
16. What are your writing strengths?
probably dialogue, including internal dialogue, I think. It comes much easier to me than ambiance/setting descripitons.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
smut for one. definitely need to work on pacing too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I avoid it heavily. I took 4 years of french in high school but it's been years since then and my knowledge on it is preschool at best. another thing to work on tho!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I can't even remember anymore and I never want to know. trist me, you want me to repress that shit even more than I do.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
jesus how could any writer pick??? Maybe I'm Taking A Ride With My Best Friend. It's my longest fic, and was definitly my biggest challenge. And, although there's things I'd change about it if I could, i'm still very proud of what I made! my traumatic little baby...
oh my no idea who to tag here so i'm going for the mutuals again, so sorry if you've already been tagged and no pressure!! @penna-nomen @cosmicalart @sherryvalli @jesuisici33 @14carrotghoul @cha-melodius and open tag to anyone who hasn't shared yet!!
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Hey there! Thought I'd return the favour...
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
9. How do you find new fic to read?
10. How do you decide what to write?
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
31. What's your ideal fic length to write?
32. What's your ideal fic length to read?
45. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fic?
And if you want, 49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you're up for it!
Very excited to read, and if you have a fic suggestion that I might enjoy of yours to get started, please do share! I'm always happy to check them out!! 🥰
Thank you so much, dear! I am putting this under the cut because it's LONG :)
2. What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits
Here we go:
Fluff (15)
Kissing (12)
Flirting (9)
Fluff and Angst (9)
Friendship (7)
That's pretty accurate, I would say :D I have started writing more angst and less fluff but there is still a good amount of fluff and kissing in anything I produce. I am a little disappointed 'sentient tardis' isn't on here, so maybe I'll need to write more stories with that specific premise :)
9. How do you find new fic to read?
I ask you. Just kidding. Well, I do, but not exclusively.
I often go via filter, starting at the dw 2005 page and then mostly character combination wise, sometimes as a ship, sometimes I just want to see certain people and add them separately. Then sometimes I add a certain keyword (like 'fluff', I do love fluff dearly as you know) or I decide on which array of ratings I feel like and exclude the rest. Also I often know which pairings I DON'T want to see rn, so I exclude those, too.
And then I look at summaries mostly (since the tags are already to my liking, aren't they?) and read whatever catches my eye :)
Sometimes I will specifically look for specific crossovers too (otherwise I mostly exclude them) which is done via the search function. Or I tag a minor minor character like Lorna Bucket because really if they don't get enough time on the show then I need to read all the fanfic!
(this is all about dw, obviously. Because we are living like royals and can be picky. For other fandoms I literally read what there is because they have like 100 fics)
10. How do you decide what to write?
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[ID: gif of a fluffy dog with animated question marks on their head. end ID]
Next question.
(Honestly, I don't know??? whatever is shouting the loudest inside my head??)
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I don't know? Anytime someone says 'tropes' I can only think of 'only one bed' and that's the only trope then that exists for me. I know there's more but I never can think of any. I've always liked 'only one bed' though. It's so silly; just sleep in that bed?! And then there's always that big thing around it, and everything is so awkward because it's only one bed. It's great. Not really an answer to your question, but now you know that I don't understand the 'only one bed' trope but I do love it a lot.
31. What's your ideal fic length to write?
2k-10k. I often don't manage to stay below 2k and anything above 10k I most likely won't finish. If I have to put a pin in it.... 3000 words, that's the perfect amount to manage AND feel very proud of how much I wrote :)
32. What's your ideal fic length to read?
If it's by someone I'm unfamiliar with: <5k. Then I will be most likely to say 'alright, we'll give this a try, I can do this.'
If it's by someone whose writing I already love: any length. I'll never get enough of you, give me the longest most convoluted plots or 5 words you scribbled during lunch, I love you, I smile like an idiot whenever I get an email notification and it's in one of my fandoms ❤️❤️❤️
45. What's something you've improved on since you started writing fic?
English <3
Okay, actual answer now:
I think I have become a lot better with tackling queer themes? Maybe 'better' is not the best word but 'more comfortable'. When I first started writing fic, it had to be a boy and a girl and then they got together. Because of course that's how it goes. (Also I was way back in the closet then.) (bear in mind I am talking of 10+ years of writing fic now.) (also yes, I've always been writing a lot of gen and family/other platonic relationships, too)
And then I slowly, carefully, started writing wlw and mlm ships. And then some poly ships. Maybe even some ace characters. A year ago I finally wrote a coming-out fic.
And it's still difficult. I especially struggle with trans and poly characters because I don't identify as such - or well at least I lean towards not identifying as trans or poly - and I am still so scared of doing harm and doing something wrong and I am questioning whether I am the right person to write those stories.
But it's getting better? I'm trying to get more into the mindset of 'I AM the right person because when I'll make mistakes, hopefully someone will notice and I will learn and do better next time'. And I definitely feel way less ashamed about queer topics in general and writing queer themes in particular, so that's an awesome step.
It's definitely not just about the writing, but the reading of fic too, spending time on tumblr (one of the things where this webbed site actually has a positive influence imo) and meeting more queer people in real life. But writing something queer and someone telling you 'I liked this' or 'I feel this' or 'they are so cute together'? That's simply amazing and it feels so good that it has become basically normal for me.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you're up for it!
I mean, you know it's primarily the cat fic. Let's have some of it, shall we?
River is being very naughty here, so I am sorry. I have to say, I am still feeling kinda uncomfortable about the lack of informed consent in part of this. But, tbh, I am also totally living my best life here.
(what to expect, in case you'd rather avoid it: accidental flashing of underwear to Yaz by the Doctor, also Siren is both checking the Doctor out while she doesn't know who the cat is and giving Yaz little cat kisses while Yaz isn't aware that she isn't a cat.)
“Holding you might even psyche me up for talking to her” Yaz murmured while turning towards the door, “as it seems I am developing some sort of crush, there.” It was the first time she had said it out loud and the words hung heavy on her tongue, however softly she had spoken them. Something rough graced her cheek and when she turned, she realised Siren had licked her face. The cat was looking at her with shining eyes, she almost seemed excited. Then she leant forward, bopping Yaz's chin with her nose. Yaz laughed, the weight of her feelings for the Doctor immediately feeling lighter. “Does this mean, you approve?” she asked amusedly and Siren purred, very loudly. “Well then” Yaz snorted. “Can't go nothing wrong with your approval, can it?” Siren meowed, possibly to support the point, and Yaz finally left her room, cat in her arms. She couldn't deny though, that after that talking up, there was a certain spring to her step and energy to the knock on the Doctor's door, that otherwise wouldn't have been there. She was, however, not prepared in the slightest for what awaited her, when the Doctor opened the door. She was wearing her working goggles, her hair pulled back into a bun that half the blonde mess had fallen out of already, and underneath, on her torso, she was wearing a dark-blue, sweaty sports bra, her suspenders and nothing else. “Uhh” Yaz said, quickly averting her eyes and staring at a spot next to the Doctor instead. “Hiya Yaz” the Doctor pushed up the goggles and when Yaz's eyes flickered to her face she could see a beaming smile between smudges of engine oil. “What's up?” “I've got your cat” Yaz got out, trying to push her towards the Doctor but tiny claws held onto her shirt for dear life. Apparently, Siren wasn't ready to part yet. When Yaz looked down on her, she could see that contrarily to herself, Siren was blatantly staring at the Doctor's state of undress and she had a silly, yet strong urge to cover the cat's eyes.
Oh, btw, that situation was totally orchestrated by Siren, as you might have guessed. The Doctor is oblivious, she doesn't even remember taking her shirt off. So, yeah, someone tell River to behave. Not me though, unfortunately, I'll basically let her do whatever she wants 🤷‍♀️ Because I can barely say no to River or cats and both combined is too strong a force
Also, I have added some angst so you can have a bit of that as well :) it came out of nowhere and poor Yaz is again my victim. But at least they talk?
(here again Siren is dealing out cat kisses to Yaz, I am planning on making them have a conversation about that later btw, I don't think I can just leave that in and have Yaz not confront River about it. Also Siren is in Yaz's bed here. And the Doctor is barging into Yaz's room without waiting for permission or knocking. And they're fighting, but I think that's it. I cut off before we get to the angsty details.)
Siren purred louder as if she wanted to drown out all of Yaz's worries. “You're a good friend” she murmured and a tiny tongue licked her chin. It tickled and Yaz even had to snort a little. “Thanks” she repeated and prepared to fall asleep with the cat in her arm. Unfortunately, that was when the Doctor finally coughed up the idea to visit Yaz's room. She didn't knock – why would she need to knock, really, on someone's private door – but burst right in like she usually did. She even switched on the light before the door was completely open. “Doctor!” Yaz shot up in her bed, glaring at her. “Yaz!” the Doctor beamed back, noticing the cat – who was hissing at the lamp and looked about as unhappy as Yaz about the turn of events. “You found Siren! Brilliant! Got you both in one place!” “Doctor, I was sleeping!” Yaz exaggerated slightly and the Doctor blinked. “Oh” she said and then. “Why would you do that? You haven't come round my place yet?” She looked highly confused and even a little crestfallen and Yaz had the very stupid urge to hug her. Which she luckily couldn't follow, seated in bed as she was. Because she was angry with her and this was not the time to pity her. Instead she sighed, bracing herself. Maybe she could still ward off the fight until tomorrow, but she needed to be ready. “I'm not coming to your room tonight, Doctor.” “Why not?” “I'm tired” she said simply. “You can sleep in my bed again” the Doctor proposed. “Doctor” Yaz ran a hand through her hair. “I'd like to be alone, tonight.” The Doctor frowned, scanning the way Yaz was avoiding her gaze now, the way her hand was fisted in the bed sheets, the way Siren was sitting at her side like a bodyguard ready to pounce. She was probably also seeing the tear streaks on Yaz's cheek but Yaz refused to brush them away for fear of drawing attention to them. “Have I upset you?” the Doctor miraculously came to the right conclusion and addressed it with her usual degree of directness. “Do you really think it's a good idea to discuss that now?” Yaz asked quietly. “Maybe I should take the night to calm down.” “I don't want you to be miserable for a whole night!” the Doctor exclaimed, dropping down onto the rim of her bed without invitation. “What happened?” Yaz took a deep, steadying breath. Alright, so they were doing that now. Siren pushed into her side as if to give her strength and Yaz gratefully buried a hand in her fur. Then she finally looked the Doctor in the eye.
So, it's so much fun, I can tell you :) No, it actually is, I just don't understand what possessed me to hurt Yaz. But they'll have a fight here, make up (not make out yet but we're getting there - that is until plot happens) and then the three of them will sleep in Yaz's bed for once. Because, as I told you, I believe that if you've got one bed, you've got a BED. So you should use it to sleep, especially if you're a chronically awake alien running on adrenalin and cookies <3
Fic recs
You should definitely read the Division!Mels AU as I've said before. It is mainly a Fugitive Doctor/Mels AU, but there is a little Fugitive Doctor/River and 12/River in there and quite a bit Mels & Karvanista and general Doctor & Lee & Gat & Karvanista & Mels. Just one big TARDIS team getting up to hijinks and basically everyone being on the verge of breakdown at any given moment. (mostly Gat, tbh, I am not gentle with the poor woman, but honestly Mels and the Doctor are hanging on by a thread, too and the Doctor then takes it out on Lee (and Gat). The only chill person is Karvanista - until he decides Mels is his pup now and he needs to look out for her. Because we all know looking out for River is a handful. She's the woman who jumps off skyscrapers expecting her mum to catch her somehow.)
For the AU, I think you should start with the fic Dance with Me (or: Selling the Cover for Gat). The works in the series are all written out of order so technically you can read them however you want. But this one shows pretty nicely what the series is about, I think. Plus, it's the one I wrote first. Storywise this is the turning point of 'friends to lovers' in the 'enemies to friends to lovers to strangers/enemies to lovers to strangers' narrative.
Oh yeah, btw, the works in the series are all finished but the series isn't. So everything's ready to be read in full but you cannot get the whole story yet. Their first meeting is missing for example and we don't know where they end up finally either. Well I do and we kinda do because of canon but the details are yet to be written.
Furthermore, there are bits of the Paternoster Gang in A Family Wedding, Somewhere in My Memory and The Responsible Thing to Do. I would mainly advise you to read the first two, neither really focus on them either but The Responsible Thing to Do only mentions Vastra briefly and that's it. I put it here anyway bc it is my first fic on ao3 and I think it is quite cute. (Also I kinda wanted you to know that I mention Vastra in my first fic on ao3 :) )
Family Wedding, as I may have said before, is my most popular fic and VERY fluffy. Unfortunately, it also merely mentions the Paternoster Gang but at least a few times and we kinda get to see them from afar. Big focus on 13/River and Jenny & Doctor and Jenny & the Ponds in this. Jenny, as in the Doctor's daughter, I have to admit I have written way more for her than for your Vastra's Jenny. But the two Jennys meet here - albeit very briefly - and get along great.
And Somewhere in my memory is again Doctor/River-centric but it's the fam 2.0 visiting the Paternoster Gang for Christmas so at least they show up properly. Not nearly enough but they all get their little scene - Jenny has a bit of a 'how are they suddenly hot wtf this feels wrong' problem with the Doctor being a woman and a 'get out of my kitchen asap' problem with the Doctor stealing cookies, Strax reacts to the Flux (not sufficiently, I've got thoughts on this that didn't make it into the fic, ask me about them if you like) and almost gets probic vented on accident and Vastra gets to trick the Doctor on behalf of her bestie River :) Since Christmas is coming up and it is my main Paternoster Gang fic, maybe it is fun for you? They mostly appear in chapter 1, so you could also just read that if you wanted to. I have to warn you chapter 1 ends on a cliffhanger, though.
Now I realise that I have just advised you to read my two most nsfw fics. Which maybe isn't too clever knowing your preferences. (I haven't ever written any actual smut but Somewhere in my memory comes close and Dance with me has a lot of internal Mels monologue - which includes a lot of checking out of the Doctor and accompanying thoughts (so this gets quite violent, too) .)
Hang on, let's pick out some nice gen fic as a third option, why don't we?
I've plugged A Bright Blue Box to you once before (Jenny & fugitive Doctor) and I still think that one's best for you. But I think you could also enjoy The Rose. It is one of my earliest works and a crossover of dw and The Little Prince. (You don't need to know The Little Prince to understand it, but should it be unfamiliar to you I would advise you to read it. It's beautiful and a little fairytale like.) It's just 12 being depressed about all his friends dying and meeting the Rose who has been waiting for her Prince to return but gets a sad and grumpy alien instead. I even made some art for that fic here - which I am currently using as my header btw - and it continues to be one of my favourites.
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