exquisitelyeco · 2 months
What does existence think of knowledge?
I am currently studying Benjamin Fondane, a Rumanian Jewish Philosopher murdered in Auschwitz, and a disciple of Lev Shestov (also worth reading!) And in my last conversation with my mentor, she gently explained that although I have so much truth and good knowledge, the way I share it makes it null and void, as I put my recipients off with my arrogant attitude. This is know to be true. And I…
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jesuschristisgod · 7 days
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Do everything in love.
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poweredinpeace · 3 months
1Cor. 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
Understanding God is to understand all that Christianity stands upon the stone Christ built the temple of God upon. Enjoy the audio posted above.
Nothing is done with any measure of success without a purpose, what is the point and purpose of Powered In Peace.com?
It is designed for those that honestly know that real peace is lost on this earth. That no matter the applied knowledge being given from every institutions of our world its not bring them peace.
They have come to a point of saying: “I am tried of feeling plagued, I am tried of living a lie, putting on an act that if I say certain words, and do certain things that I've been told, but truth is, it does not brings me peace.
Real peace comes from real truth, first with ourselves and then with others. God and Christ are the foundation of real truth. When we tap into the peace that comes down from above, not by human power or wisdom we will have lasting eternal peace that cannot be taken or shaken.
It is the purpose of this website to help those that are seeking not a religion, not an agenda, nor fearing of what theirs peers think of them, but those that want to come to know the Father of peace YHWH, and his Son Christ Jesus.
Thus, as the world is losing peace, and its religions, philosophy, and the wisdom of this world is falling apart; being shaken on every level to its fundamental core; we have an outstanding opportunity to feel the living power of real peace coming from God's love.
Truth is always freedom and good for us, even if it burns our hearts, mind, and soul, the end results will always be greater peace with God. Let us remember after the plagues of falsehood, and lies we all have been taught and mislead by are washed away; revelations of profound and everlasting truths follows.
Peace is the hallmark of truth, if we are lacking in peace then we our incongruent with truth, and subsequently, incongruent with God. The world and its beliefs systems are being shaken, it is by design, it is for a good and everlasting purpose.
This website is not mind numming repeating of canned dogma that brings contention and hate. It is not provocative for attention and praise of humans. It is about real thought that will upsets our preconceive ideas about God and who he is.
The truth will be not in words, but in outcome easily measured if your peace is increased to you, then stay the course and let God and Christ honestly direct your life in Spirit and truth.
Daniel -
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hiswordsarekisses · 5 months
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Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that "Love keeps no record of wrongs." (1Cor 13:5) and "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs." Proverbs 10:12
Thank you @petitefleuriste ~ I love you Ruby. 💕
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wisdomfish · 8 months
Are you succeeding in mastering your sinful emotions?
I once knew a man who confessed to having a terrible temper, but he was one of the mildest men I had ever met. The reason was he had mastered his temper. He mortified it every day of his life so that it was suffocated by grace. It was an illustration of what Paul meant when he said that he beat his body and made it his slave.’ (1Cor 9.27). ~ Warren Peel
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franziskus0 · 1 year
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I, Paul, send this greeting with my own hand. Let anyone who has no love for the Lord be accursed. Our Lord, come! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. (1Cor 16:21-23)
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incamminoblog · 24 days
Mons.Francesco Follo Lectio Pasqua: giorno in cui una tomba diventa una culla
Rito Romano – Domenica di Pasqua – Anno B – 31 marzo 2024 At 10,34a.37-43; Sal 117; Col 3,1-4; Gv 20,1-9 Rito Ambrosiano  At 1,1-8a; Sal 117; 1Cor 15,3-10a; Gv 20,11-18 Domenica di Pasqua nella Risurrezione del Signore              1) La Risurrezione di Cristo è un fatto storico e un dato (dogma) di fede.             La risurrezione è un dogma della fede cristiana, che si innesta in un…
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ilfalcoperegrinus · 3 months
DOVUNQUE PASSA, EGLI CHIAMA un commento al vangelo della 2a Domenica del T.O., disponibile anche come audio-commento e con testo tradotto in lingua spagnola, entrando nella sezione "Commenti al vangelo" del menu principale
II DOMENICA DEL T.O. anno B (2024) 1Sam 3,3-10.19; 1Cor 6,13-15.17-20; Gv 1,35-42 https://predicatelosuitetti.files.wordpress.com/2024/01/ii-domenica-del-t.o.-anno-b-2024.mp3  Giovanni stava con due dei suoi discepoli e, fissando lo sguardo su Gesù che passava, disse: «Ecco l’agnello di Dio!». E i suoi due discepoli, sentendolo parlare così, seguirono Gesù. Gesù allora si voltò e, osservando che…
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proud-spaniard · 5 months
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"¿Sabes que tu cuerpo es un templo de Espíritu Santo en tu interior, que has recibido de Dios?
Tú no eres de tu propiedad, pues fuiste comprado por un precio.
Glorifica a Dios en tu cuerpo."
1Cor 6, 19-20.
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swanoopdev · 6 months
Feast of the Dedication of the St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome is a universal feast for the Roman Catholic Church, because it is the Pope’s cathedral, and his church is the spiritual home of the people who are the Church. The first basilica on the site was built in the fourth century when Constantine donated land, he had received from the wealthy Lateran family. That structure and its successors suffered fire, earthquake, and the ravages of war, but the Lateran remained the church where popes were consecrated. In the 14th century when the papacy returned to Rome from Avignon, the church and the adjoining palace were found to be in ruins. Pope Innocent X commissioned the present structure in 1646. One of Rome’s most imposing churches, the Lateran’s towering facade is crowned with 15 colossal statues of Christ, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and 12 doctors of the Church. Beneath its high altar rest the remains of the small wooden table on which tradition holds Saint Peter himself celebrated.
We find in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament, that Temple is always considered a House of God. For the first time God encountered Human beings in the Garden of Eden, but when they profaned that Holy Ground, God chased them out. Since then, human beings always longed to have a House of God. The Ark of the Covenant was considered a mobile temple of God till Solomon completed the Temple of Jerusalem, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, considering the Holy presence of Yahweh. This was destroyed during Babylonian invasion in 597 BC. And finally, it was completely wrecked by Romans in 70 AD, as Jesus predicted in Mark 13:1,2.
The Gospel reading of today is an incident, where, we find Jesus’ expression of anger, when he finds the temple as market place and a place of exploitation of the poor. However, Jesus becomes the New Temple and we all are called to be the body of the church (Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 3:6, 5:23, Colossians 1:18 and 1: 24) “Jesus Christ is seen as the head of the body, which is the church, while the members of the body are seen as members of the Church.” Every baptized person is inducted as member of this CHURCH. “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…. (1Cor. 6:19). It is my responsibility to keep this temple holy and pure. The husk of impurity must be removed before the seed of holiness is generated.
What sort of business do I do and profane my body?
How many years did I take to build this temple without God?
Can I destroy this temple and allow Jesus to rebuild a new temple in me?
Jesus my Lord, the corner stone of God’s temple, forgive me for turning this temple into market place, where I engage myself trading with anger, revenge, ego, lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy and pride etc. and profane my body. Chase away the darkness of my being and help me to rebuild it with love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, purity of mind and body. Create in me the zeal for your house till I devour myself in you and enter into new Jerusalem.
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jesuschristisgod · 4 months
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so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
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love-letters-blog · 2 years
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1. Bajo ninguna circunstancia le grites a tu esposa. Es muy doloroso para ella. ( Prov.15, 1)
2. Nunca hables mal de ella. No uses términos despectivos, ella se puede convertir en lo que tú le digas. ( Génesis 2, 19)
3. Nunca compares a tu esposa con otra mujer. Si la otra hubiera sido la mejor para ti, entonces Dios te la hubiera dado. ( 2 Cor. 10, 12).
4. Tu amor marital, afecto, piropos, etc. son sólo para ella, no lo hagas con otra mujer, puede ser que se ponga celosa.. ( Mateo 5,18).
5. Nunca descuides tu intimidad sexual. Tu cuerpo es de ella y viceversa ( 1Cor. 7, 4-5)
6. Sé amable y cariñoso con ella. Ella sacrificó todo para vivir contigo. A ella le duele cuando eres áspero, rudo e irritante. Sé comprensivo. (Efesios 4, 2)
7. No escondas nada de ella. Ahora son uno, es tu ayuda idónea. No debes tener secretos para con ella. ( Genesis 2,25)
8. No uses palabras difamatorias y mucho menos delante de los hijos. Si tienes algo que resolver hazlo con buenos términos y en la intimidad de tu recámara. ( Mateo 1:19)
9. Sé agradecido con ella, por ser esforzada contigo, con tus hijos, tu hogar, negocio o ministerio. Es un gran sacrificio éstas funciones. (1 Tes. 5,18).
10. Quizás tu esposa no cocine igual o mejor que tu mamá, pero igual aprecia su cocina. No es fácil cocinar 3 veces al día, 365 días al año, rompe el ciclo y llévala a un buen restaurante, o sorpréndela y cocina tú. (Prov. 31, 14).
11. Nunca pongas a tus familiares antes que a ella. Ella es tu esposa. Ella es uno contigo.. ( Genesis 2, 24)
12. Invierte intencionadamente en su crecimiento espiritual. Cómprale libros, materiales, música espiritual, retiros, cosas que edifiquen y fortalezca su caminar con el Señor.. (Efesios 5, 26)
13. No olvides hacer el Altar Familiar, ora con ella, con tus hijos, comparte la Palabra de Dios ( Santiago 5, 16)
14. Saca tiempo de esparcimiento, disfruta de su compañía, juega, ríe, no seas aburrido. (Ecl 9, 9)
15. Nunca uses el dinero para manipularla o controlarla. Todo lo tuyo es de ella. Ella fue unida a ti por la gracia de Dios
(1 Pedro 3, 7)
16. Nunca hables mal de ella con otros, estarás hablando mal de ti también..Sé un escudo alrededor de ella. ( Efesios 5, 30)
17. Honra a sus padres y sé amable con sus familiares. (Cantares 8, 2)
18. Nunca dejes de decirle cuanto la amas. Hazlo todos los días de su vida. Las mujeres nunca se cansan de ser amadas y de oírlo. (Efesios 5, 25)
19. Nunca le hagas comentarios negativos de su cuerpo, esto es fulminante. Recuerda, cada vez que te dio un hijo, arriesgó su vida, cuerpo y belleza. Ella no es sólo carne. Su cuerpo no determina su valor. Apóyala en sus cuidados estéticos. Apréciala y valórala aunque lleguen los años. ( Efesios 5,25)
20. Y Tú crece, sé más como Jesús, pues Cristo debe ser tu cabeza, no hay nada que le regale más seguridad a una esposa que tener al lado a un Varón de Dios. (1 Cor 113)
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poweredinpeace · 3 months
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1Cor.4:13 Being defamed, we entreat. We are made as the filth of the world, the dirt wiped off by all, even until now.
So much for the “prosperous” preacher and his multi-millions dollar Church, with thousands dollar electric bill and the high dollar band along with massive broadcasting cost selling his prosperous message for his rich scheme.
James 2:5 Listen, my beloved brothers. Didn't God choose those who are poor in this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him?
James 5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming on you.
Revelation 3:17 Because you say, 'I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;' and don't know that you are the wretched one, miserable, poor, blind, and naked;
The phrase “the filth of the world” is taken from the Greek word perikatharma, a compound of the words peri and kathairo. The word peri means around, and the word kathairo means to cleanse or to purify. The latter word depicts the removal of disgusting grime, like the dirty ring left on the sides of a bathtub when dirty water is drained. If that filth is allowed to remain on the bathtub very long, it becomes hard, crusty, and difficult to remove. At that point, getting get rid of that hardened “ring around the tub” requires determination and a lot of hard work. It means someone has to get on his hands and knees and scrub! Only after a lot of persistent, nonstop scouring can that hardened, grimy ring around the tub be eliminated. https://renner.org/
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coolksaposts · 1 year
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Warnings from Israel's Past …12So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. 13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it. 14Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.…1 Cor 10:12-14
Amplified Bible No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. 1Cor 10:13
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(13) There hath no temptation taken you.--What is meant by a "temptation common to man" (or rather, suited to man) is explained further on as a temptation which one is "able to bear." From the warning and exhortation of the previous verse the Apostle passes on to words of encouragement, "You need not be hopeless or despairing." God permits the temptation by allowing the circumstances which create temptation to arise, but He takes care that no Fate bars the path of retreat. With each temptation he makes a way to escape from it. And that is so, must be so, because God is faithful. The state of salvation to which God has called us would be a delusion if there were an insuperable difficulty to our continuing in it. We have in this verse, perhaps, the most practical and therefore the clearest exposition to be found of the doctrine of free-will in relation to God's overruling power. God makes an open road, but then man himself must walk in it. God controls circumstances, but man uses them. That is where his responsibility lies.
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kerrkez5ec · 11 months
20 Consejos para un esposo ❤️
1. No le grites a tu esposa.(Prov 15,1)
2. No uses términos despectivos, ella se puede convertir en lo que tú le digas. ( Génesis 2,19)
3. Nunca compares a tu esposa con otra mujer. (2 Cor 10,12)
4. Tu amor marital, afecto, piropos son sólo para ella ( Mateo 5,18)
5. Nunca descuides tu intimidad sexual. ( 1Cor 7,4-5)
6. Sé amable y cariñoso con ella (Efesios 4, 2)
7. No tengas secretos para ella. Ahora son uno, es tu ayuda idónea ( Génesis 2,25)
8. Si tienes algo que resolver hazlo con buenos términos y en la intimidad de tu recámara ( Mateo 1,19)
9. Sé agradecido con ella, por ser esforzada contigo, tu hogar, negocio o ministerio (1 Tes 5,18).
10. Agradece y elogia su comida. No es fácil cocinar 3 veces al día, 365 días al año (Prov 31,14).
11. Nunca pongas a tus familiares antes que a ella. Ella es tu esposa, ella es uno contigo ( Génesis 2,24)
12. Invierte intencionadamente en su crecimiento espiritual (Efesios 5,26)
13. No olvides hacer el Altar Familiar, ora con ella, con tus hijos ( Santiago 5, 16)
14. Saca tiempo de esparcimiento, disfruta de su compañía, juega, ríe (Ecl. 9, 9)
15. Nunca uses el dinero para manipularla o controlarla. Todo lo tuyo es de ella. Ella fue unida a ti por la gracia de Dios
(1 Pedro 3, 7)
16. Nunca hables mal de ella con otros, estarás hablando mal de ti también. Sé un escudo alrededor de ella. ( Efesios 5, 30)
17. Honra a sus padres y sé amable con sus familiares. (Cantares 8, 2)
18. Nunca dejes de decirle cuanto la amas. Hazlo todos los días de su vida. Las mujeres nunca se cansan de ser amadas y de oírlo. (Efesios 5,25)
19. Nunca le hagas comentarios negativos de su cuerpo, esto es fulminante. ( Efesios 5,25)
20. Y tú, crece, sé más como Jesús, pues Cristo debe ser tu cabeza, no hay nada que le regale más seguridad a una esposa que tener al lado a alguien que ame a Dios. (1 Cor 11,3)
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shatar-aethelwynn · 1 year
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