logwire · 4 years
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omotesando  12:38:38
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mkk228-blog · 5 years
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thelonesomequeen · 6 years
Hi girls. Do you know how is choose actors/actresses for the walk of fame ? I found strange for example Chris Pratt has his star with this career. I already saw him in movies before GOTG or JW but it's only his big roles he has. So i wonder how some actors have it and others having a big career and more talent no. Thanks
Found this article about it : http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-laz-pick-hollywood-walk-of-fame-stars-20150504-column.html👑
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educ7545fran-blog · 7 years
Learning music educates mind and soul, but often falls to school budget cuts
SMH - Colleen Ricci 11 May 2015/The Guardian - Rebecca Ratcliffe 9 October 2016
Two newspaper articles 12 months apart, one from Australia and one from the UK but both espousing the value in music education in terms of benefits for students, from areas of language development to spatial awareness and both claiming that music programs are often among the first to be cut in response to ever-tightening school budgets, making them the domain of the rich and private educated only. Music advocates claim that music is an ‘essential art’ with benefits of cognitive development and academic achievement and should be seen as important as reading, writing and maths. They argue that music assists in the development of listening and concentration skills and can improve language development, comprehension, creativity, memory, spatial awareness, communication and higher order thinking skills. It also enhances a school's atmosphere and helps create a sense of community. Whilst music programs are well funded in countries like Finland, Sweden and Denmark, in the US and England programs are being abandoned due to lack of funding. There are concerns that there will be a generation of young people who will see TV programmes such as The X Factor and The Voice as the only way into a music career. In the UK, a report last year by the Warwick commission, a comprehensive review of the creative sector, warned that arts and creativity were being “systematically removed from the UK education system”. 
What is interesting is that countries that perform well in international assessments such as  PISA , have strong music programs. Another issue is that for students who have difficulties in other learning areas, music can provide an opportunity for them to do well or provide a future vocational direction. There is a fear that if music education continues to decline, there will be ramifications, not just for local music industries, but also for society and culture.
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bienetretoxicbot · 4 years
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fukudamasaki · 5 years
名称 行政書士事務所 きずな北海道 社会保険労務士 札幌労務・助成金手続き事務所 代表者 福 田 昌 樹 行政書士・社会保険労務士登録番号 日本行政書士会連合会 第09010001号 全国社会保険労務士会連合会 第01130039号 会員番号 北海道行政書士会 札幌支部所属 第4918号 北海道社会保険労務士会 札幌東支部 第0112109号 札幌入国管理局長承認 入国在留資格審査 申請取次行政書士 札(行)第13-10号 郵便番号 〒065-0028 住所 北海道札幌市東区北28条東2丁目2-…
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longassridewithnct · 6 years
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blogizart-blog · 6 years
Engaging Public Media
Learning music educates mind and soul, but often falls to school budget cuts
Much evidence indicates the cognitive and learning improvements associated with children learning music yet availability to such life-changing lessons and programs is haphazard at best.
by Colleen Ricci (MAY 11 2015)
The article begins by claiming that despite decades of research which claim that music education promotes positive developmental outcomes for students in the realms of cognitive functioning and social engagement, decreases in school budgets too often result in the reduction of funding for music education, in Australia. Alongside the individual benefits, music education is argued as holding the potential to enrich a schools community. The article discusses the implementation of well-funded music programs overseas as a consequence of a strong national value for the arts, and therefore its integral role within the education system. Consequently, there is a correlation between countries which provide music education and consistent high performance in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) rankings.
Ricci claims that in Australia there is a great disparity between the music education being offered, in terms of both instruments and specialist teachers, between public and private schooling with only 23 percent of public schools offering school-wide music programs compared to the 88 percent of private schools. Another concern discussed is that in Australia primary school student teachers are provided with a mere 17 hrs of music education, compared with other countries which sit up in the hundreds. This has been combatted with the establishment of the National Music Teachers Mentorship Pilot Programme in 2015, which seeks to provide funding for selected classroom teachers to be mentored by professional music educators. This programs aims to assist Australia moving towards equitable music education opportunities for all students, regardless of whether they attend public or private schools.
Notably, while there is an acknowledgement that music holds the potential to be taught across curriculum areas in conjunction with multiple learning areas, as outlined in the Australian Curriculum through its links to the General Capabilities, for it to be valued as an art unto itself, it needs to be explicitly taught as a separate subject. The views in the article align with the Rationale for Music Education in the Australian Curriculum, which posits that effective implementation of music within the classroom can positively impact students’ cognitive, affective, motor, social and personal competencies.
Significantly the ways in which the Australian Curriculum is implemented across primary education institutions is dependent on many factors including, budgets, resources, availability, capability and dispositions of education staff. I argue that regardless of whether a teacher is a prolific instrumentalist, with a plethora of musical resources, they are capable of instilling in their students a value and deep appreciation for music as an engaging art form, with real-world applications.
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banalerna · 6 years
More than 15 million euros ($21 million) worth of cocaine has turned up in boxes of bananas delivered to Aldi supermarkets, police say.
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ladyspeeddr-blog · 6 years
Too many high school sports coaches use “passion” to justify being over worked and underpaid. Why do we settle? Why don’t we fight? Why don’t we create better opportunities for one of the most important individuals in a child’s life, their coach!
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yakymenko · 7 years
НУ, ЯКИЙ ТИ, В БІСА, БАЙКЕР? * * допис 06 травня 2015 року, Андрій Якименко, Фейсбук Залдостанов, він же Хірург, він же байкер, він же ватажок "Нічних вовків", він же Путінів друг, він же кримнашівець, він же мужик із косметичкою, він же тимчасово перебуває на волі, набрався хоробрости і видав російським ЗМІ (українським видати йому лячно): "Мы будем во Львове, пусть не сомневаются. Там же будут висеть георгиевские ленты, там будут установлены все наши памятники Победы… Обязательно восстановим все символы Победы". Ну, хіба це сильний і сміливий байкер? От, запорозькі козаки, до речі, - ото була сила! Навіть турецький султан знав, що козак голою сракою їжака уб'є! А дехто іще дужчий з козаків навіть голку міг одним пальцем утримати! Ну, чого ти, Залдостанов, собі ціну набиваєш? До Львова він приїде власовські стрічки розвішувати... Хто повірить такому хвалькові? Ти хоча би спробував розвішати цих стрічок у Дніпропетровську - геть російськомовному місті, що близько Донецька! Візьми спершу, як кажуть ваговики, меншу масу. А то який із тебе байкер, коли ти навіть у Дніпропетровськ в'їхати боїшся? Не лякайся - зустрінемо як належить! І мрія про Львів тобі забудеться вмить! http://m.ria.ru/victory70/20150504/1062487714.html 04 травня 2015 року
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bokooco-33-blog · 7 years
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dougv00 · 7 years
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