astroa3h · 3 months
venus through the houses (negative traits) 🦢
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Venus, often celebrated for its qualities of love, beauty, and harmony, also has a shadow side that can manifest in various ways, depending on the house it resides in. Imagine Venus not just as the planet of love but also as a complex character with its virtues and vices, navigating through the neighborhoods of the zodiac.
✨1st House: The Mask of Vanity✨
When Venus sits in the 1st House, it's like wearing a mask of charm and attractiveness. However, this placement can lead to an obsession with personal appearance and a compulsion to be liked, often at the expense of genuine self-expression. People with this placement might struggle with superficiality, using their charm as a shield to hide their true selves.
✨2nd House: The Hoarder of Pleasures✨
In the 2nd House, Venus's dark side turns to materialism. Here, the love for beauty and comfort can morph into an unquenchable thirst for possessions and luxury, leading to greed or excessive indulgence in sensory pleasures, making it hard to understand the true value of things beyond their price tags.
✨3rd House: The Sweet Talker✨
Venus in the 3rd House can weave words like a spell, but this gift might be used manipulatively. The desire for social harmony can become a fear of confrontation, leading to dishonesty or saying what others want to hear instead of the truth. Relationships may suffer from a lack of depth due to an avoidance of uncomfortable discussions.
✨4th House: The Homebound Heart✨
In the 4th House, Venus's shadow shows in the form of clinging to comfort and familiarity, leading to resistance against change and growth. Emotional security might be sought in possessions or the home environment, creating a bubble that's hard to leave for the fear of losing stability.
✨5th House: The Drama Lover✨
Venus in the 5th House loves romance and creativity but can get caught up in the drama of love, treating relationships like a stage for personal amusement. This can lead to superficial connections or a chase for eternal honeymoon phases, avoiding the reality of deeper, more mature partnerships.
✨6th House: The People Pleaser✨
Here, Venus's need for approval manifests in the workplace or daily routines, leading to over-accommodating behaviors. A desire to be liked by peers and superiors can result in neglecting one's own needs or values, causing burnout or resentment in the long run.
✨7th House: The Co-dependent✨
In the 7th House, Venus's dark side is in its fear of being alone, leading to co-dependency in relationships. There's a risk of losing one's identity in the quest for harmony and partnership, with a tendency to compromise too much or stay in unsatisfying relationships for the sake of peace.
✨8th House: The Obsessor✨
Venus in the 8th House can bring intense relationships, but with a potential for possessiveness or jealousy. The desire for deep connections may turn into an obsession, where love is confused with control, leading to toxic dynamics that are hard to escape.
✨9th House: The Eternal Optimist✨
While optimism is generally positive, Venus in the 9th House can lead to unrealistic expectations, especially in love and beliefs. There's a tendency to idolize partners or philosophies without acknowledging their flaws, which can lead to disappointment when reality checks in.
✨10th House: The Status Seeker✨
In the 10th House, Venus's influence can focus too much on social status and success, valuing relationships based on how they enhance personal reputation or career. Genuine connections might be sacrificed for the sake of ambition, leading to a sense of emptiness despite outward achievements.
✨11th House: The Fair-weather Friend✨
Venus in the 11th House may love to be surrounded by friends, but there's a risk of superficiality, where connections are maintained only when they are beneficial or enjoyable. This placement can struggle with commitment to deeper, less convenient friendships.
✨12th House: The Secret Lover✨
Lastly, in the 12th House, Venus hides in the realm of secrets and sacrifices. Love may be expressed through suffering or martyrdom, leading to unrequited loves or relationships that exist more in fantasy than reality. There's a danger of losing oneself in illusions, avoiding the practical side of love.
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saturnrevolution · 2 years
moon through houses - your emotional wellbeing
Moon in the 1st house
You are rather sensitive to your outer environment, this is why you have the tendency to close off sometimes, as it’s easier to do so rather than be vulnerable. However, vulnerability is your greatest asset. You are empathetic and loyal and would make a great loving partner/parent. You are conscious of the connection between emotions and body and sometimes care about the way you appear, way too much. Whenever you feel stuck, expressing your emotions in an assertive way, speaking up on how you feel or through your appearance is your way of healing. Exercising helps your release emotions. Heal yourself by opening up about how you feel.
Moon in the 2nd house
Your emotional well-being comes from feeling secure and safe on a daily basis. Ways in which you feel safe are having a stable job, gaining money, saving money, investing in valuable things, or working on your self-worth. However, sometimes your self-worth can be connected to your material environment too much. This is why it’s important for you to not get too attached to things, your house, possessions, your job, or money, but rather let them come and go. Life will give you ups and downs in this area to teach you to feel your emotions from within, rather than through an outer source. You are likely going to gain money through the things you are passionate about.
Moon in the 3rd house
You are curious, observant, and communicative, but sometimes can also be shy. Your mood influences how open you are to those around you. School might have been an impactful period in your life on which you look back with nostalgia, both good and bad. You feel most safe in your hometown or the places you are familiar with and you might have a close connection with your siblings/early friendships. You get easily discouraged by words, so it’s important for others to be gentle and for you to not let what other people think to influence your mood. You are highly intuitive and intelligent, so trust what you feel rather than what you believe in order to find inner healing.
Moon in the 4th house
Your home environment is very important. Emotional healing happens when you have a safe space to go to. You might be into decorating your home or needing to feel cozy at home in order to be able to process your emotions. The relationship with your mom might have been prominent and you might want to have children in the future or would be a great parent. Growing up, emotions were expressed and sometimes you felt responsible for them, so you don’t open up easily, unless you feel comfortable. Healing comes from being empathetic with yourself and others, while still setting boundaries and having time alone. Taking time to pamper yourself is highly important.
Moon in the 5th house
You like to express your emotions through your hobbies, so you might be really talented or working on cultivating a talent you resonate with. You fall in love easily and you also easily get hurt, but might not show it, because you like playing it cool. There is the potential for you to have more than one child. You might sometimes be a little bit dramatic and you like to share the emotional rollercoasters you are experiencing, as it helps you feel understood. Emotional healing happens when you allow yourself to just enjoy the present moment and be your child-like, goofy self, and also when you put the time into your passions, rather than in others.
Moon in the 6th house
You are someone who likes to express their emotions on a daily basis. So, you like to react to things on the spot and come up with practical solutions. Your routine needs to be thought out, otherwise your emotions are going to be all over the place, as there is a high connection between your lifestyle and overall health and your emotional wellbeing. You might love pets and they help you get balanced emotionally. You are sometimes scared to make mistakes and can get too caught up in how your lifestyle is influencing your life. Your working environment needs to have some type of order. Healing happens when you allow yourself to make mistakes and accept your routine cannot always be perfect.
Moon in the 7th house
You are someone that finds it harder to accept their emotions, but whenever you get close to people or when you are dating someone, you are able to open up more and show your vulnerabilities. You are scared that you won’t be accepted for who you are deep down, so you don’t always express your feelings right away. Collaborating with someone, getting married, or building close relationships helps you discover yourself. You are actually romantic and ready to be there for others when in need. Healing happens when you feel your emotions and understand how people are a mirror to you. How can you express your feelings?
Moon in the 8th house
You are a very strong person and might have been through a lot emotionally. You have developed this ability to adapt during hard times and keep your struggles to yourself. You might be inclined towards spirituality. When in close partnerships, you open up more, but few people see the sensitive side of you. You feel the weight of the world often and sometimes you might bottle up your emotions for so long, that you end up exploding after a while. You might not share personal information unless you already built an emotional connection with someone. Think about it, though, how can you build an emotional connection with someone you haven’t shared anything with?
Moon in the 9th house
You might never feel at home anywhere, other than in the moment when you are on the go. You are a nomad at the soul, even if you do travel or not. Traveling, though, and meeting new cultures is your way of emotional healing. Learning about different topics of interest or languages is also a way for you to emotionally connect to others and to yourself. Your beliefs are the most valuable thing to you and you get close to those that share the same thinking. However, you sometimes run away from emotions and like to keep things rather light. Sometimes you need to stop and allow yourself to feel the darker things as well, as a way to gain more energy for your next adventure.
Moon in the 10th house
You are really sensitive to your outer environment, especially when it comes to your career. You need to be working in a space in which you feel included and appreciated and the relationship with your boss matters a lot to you. When you learn how to set boundaries and mind your own goals, rather than the relationships you built on the way or comparing yourself to others’ success, that’s when you will be able to follow your heart and be noticed. You are made to make a change through empathy and passion for the work you put in. Success is on its way if you express the way you feel, especially your ideas, rather than holding them inside.
Moon in the 11th house
You are a rebel at heart, there might not have been a lot of emotional closeness while growing up, so this is why you like calling your friends your home. Your friendships are really important to you and building or getting yourself in a community that shares the same interests as you is what would help you heal. Emotional expression for you is rather detached and focused on solutions. The challenge here is to not let yourself be influenced by what others think and be your authentic self. Whenever you follow your own calling, you succeed and end up being noticed by people that matter.
Moon in the 12th house
You are a daydreamer and sometimes find it difficult to understand your emotions. The thing is that whenever you try to rationalize them, they won’t make sense. Emotions are meant to be felt, so allow yourself to be guided by that and always choose intuitively. The relationship with your mom might have been rather distant, but there is still a telepathic, spiritual connection you carry. You are someone that needs to dive deeper into their subconscious through journaling and dreams in order to understand yourself and who needs to meditate or use spirituality or religious, beliefs to better the connection to your emotions.
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astrologycharts242 · 4 months
People with a strong 2nd or 8th house get lots of free gifts. My 8th house is all messed up 😂
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astronavigator9 · 2 years
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Your Jupiter/Venus House Position and the Moon sign/Rising Sign you may marry
Sometimes the house position of Venus (for men) and Jupiter (for women) can simply indicate the rising sign or Moon sign one may marry though I have found it working more for moon sign.
Venus or Jupiter in 1st House : Aries Moon or Aries Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 2ndHouse: Taurus Moon or Taurus Rising.
Venus or Jupiter in 3rd House: Gemini Moon or Gemini Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 4th House: Cancer Moon or Cancer Rising.
Venus or Jupiter in 5th House: Leo Moon or Leo Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 6th House : Virgo Moon or Virgo Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 7th House: Libra Moon or Libra Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 8th House: Scorpio Moon or Scorpio Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 9th House: Sagittarius Moon or Sagittarius Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 10th House: Capricorn Moon or Capricorn Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 11th House: Aquarius Moon or Aquarius Rising
Venus or Jupiter in 12th House: Pisces Moon or Pisces Rising.
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#TaurusMoon ♉️♉️be like…“Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you.” — Paulo Coelho . . Luna leaves Aries and arrives in Taurus this afternoon at 4:07 pm EDT, and over the next couple of days, we have the energetic support we need to animate our dreams in this earthly realm. If you want it and are willing to fight for it, it can be yours. Trust and believe in the power of manifestation, my friends. . . NEXT UP >> TOMORROW, July 31, 2021 at 9:17 am EDT: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus. . . #suninleo #leoseason #2ndhouse #moonintaurus #bookasession #bookareading #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #planetsinmotion #moonbelike #paulocoelhoquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CR9tbd2NzDo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cards-and-stars · 4 years
✧ 2nd House
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✧ The House of Personal values, self-worth and resources
Type Succedent
Trinity Wealth
Element Earth
Mode Fixed
Rulership Taurus/Venus
Polarity Mine (2nd House) VS Ours (8th House)
Keywords Self-worth, values, resources, skills, money, income, abundance, material possessions, stability, foundations.
Once we have manifested and the initial spark of identity with our 1st House, we meet the 2nd House where we gain more substance, a more precise definition of what is ours and what is everyone’s else’s, starting with our own body. The 2nd House is all bout the forging of a more solid sense of “I” or ego. We learn where what is “me” ends, what it implies and where others begin. This allows us by extension to become aware of our own worth, our abilities and our limitations.
Our sense of identity and security tends to come from what we  own, possess or attach to ourselves – be it the body, the home, the bank balance,  the spouse, our job or a religious philosophy. However, deriving an identity  from anything external or relative is ultimately precarious and conditional. To paraphrase C.G. Jung: “we only discover what supports us when everything else we thought supported us doesn’t support us anymore”.
The 2nd House affects several areas of our lives: 
✧ Our Personal Values
The 2nd house is where we form opinions on what we value and cherish and what we feel like we should accrue or gain in order to enrich the Self and to build our self-worth which underpins external wealth. This is extremely crucial, because we base our whole existence on such criteria. When our values change, our whole life-focus can alter dramatically. 
By extension, it shows what we desire, as what we desire is what increases our self-worth. We become biased towards these desires (becoming selective in our perception of things/events and their values) and this bias starts to influence what we attract into our lives.Through valuing and appreciating the qualities associated with a planet which falls in the 2nd house, we are likely to create  situations which draw this principle to us, or bring it to the fore.
Ultimately, the 2nd House can also inform us on what we chose to physically defines us: our sense of fashion, our charisma, our attitudes towards make up, etc. Here, we take the traits bestowed upon us in the 1st House and we try to shape them into what we think adds to our self-worth.
Transits and progressions to the 2nd house indicate times of shifts and alterations to the desire-nature, to our values and to the way we present our selves.
✧ Our  External Wealth
The 2nd house describes what we possess or hope to possess, as well as those resources or attributes which, when developed, will give us the sense of substance, value, worth, safety and security. For most people this is money, but  our  attitudes towards the material world and the conditions we encounter in this realm are defined by the 2nd House placements. What brings us safety will depend on the planet / ruler of the sign that resides here. 
Our financial assets and material possessions are the building foundations we gain through acquisitions, through relationship with money and with our own body. This is what our sense of security and stability rests upon. 
✧ Our Inner wealth
The 2nd house informs us on the resources we develop: skills, talents, likes and interests that give us a sense of value and provide security. By extension, it also implies our limitations.
The sign on the cusp of the 2nd House provides us with details on the way in which we approach our earning abilities, our financial success. It can hold clues about our job or ideal career.
✧ Assessing the 2nd House
When assessing any of the workings of the 2nd House, a number of factors needs to be considered:
the sign on the cusp of the 2nd House
the ruling planet – its sign, house and aspects
planets in/near the 2nd House
any sign (other than the one on the cusp) that is present or intercepted in the 2nd House.
✧ In combination with other houses
The chart is meant to be read as a whole and there are therefore many parallels, contrasts and combinations an astrologer can draw in order to better understand it. For instance we can look at the 2nd House as opposing the 8th, informing us on the the possessions and assets we bring into our relationship with other and those that others ultimately share with us. Along with the 5th and 10th houses, the 2nd House could hold clues to our work ethics and the jobs that we attract us the most or those we have innate predispositions for.
More on this in a future article along with details on 2nd House placements and the Ruler’s placements through houses and signs. Currently working on those :)
Also please keep in mind this article will most likely get expended with future readings and further experience.
astrology astro zodiac horoscope 1st house first house ascendant ascendent rising sign rising 12 houses 12 astrological houses twelve houses twelve astrological houses angular fire mars aries persona
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divinedevana · 4 years
Sun square Part of Fortune Natal
Sun in Sagittarius in the 4th House square Part of Fortune in Libra in the 2nd House.
Since I was 18 I have been struggling. I birthed 4 beautiful babies by the time I hit 25. I had my son Donovan a month before my 19th birthday, my daughter Ashlynn was born 1 month after I turned 21, Allynia was born 1 month before my 23rd birthday, and Ayriel was born when I was 24. Being financially stable with 4 kids and minimal support has been a battle for quite sometime. Fortune does not come easily for me. I do not have the supportive loving family to bail me out when things get tough, I don’t get handouts. Everything that I have I have busted my ass for. I used to think that I was just a cursed individual. It makes sense as my name is Kirsten...family members and those close to me call me “Kirst”. Throughout this hardship it makes one with this aspect become frustrated and envious, drowning in their own self pity. In reality, these are the cards I have been dealt, I made choices and I have to figure out how to live with them. I’ve learned that this hardship gives me the motivation to try harder, to work harder towards my own good fortune. 
I hated life for a long time, I felt like I just existed and I still feel like that from time to time, but I also feel like I am making progress. I realized that I have been working hard for material gain and not spiritual gain. Until I realized this I was drowning in constant disappointment and it caused me to be bitter and negative. This closes you off from receiving good fortune. All these materials things that we think we need, all these voids we are trying to fill in ourselves and in our children don’t work. Good fortune comes from within, until you recognize that, you won’t be able to be satisfied and grateful for the things that you do have. When you realize good fortune comes from within you are happy and satisfied with having little. You can’t take your things into the next life, but you do take what you’ve done and didn’t do into the next life, so what’s the point of focusing on all this “stuff”? When you can focus on being a better person for your kids and those around you. 
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naplesgolfguy · 3 years
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What You Need to Know About Relocating to Florida. The combination of warm weather and no personal income tax makes Florida a desirable place to relocate.  Are you ready to relocate to the sunshine state. 
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witchyaqua · 4 years
planets in the 2nd house
Money (finances, currency, cash)
Property (possessions, valuables, stocks and bonds)
Adding what you “have” to your identity - your toys, your clothes, your pets, your mother, etc.
Ethics and values; what you deem worth having, important, valuable, admirable, or useful
Self-esteem, or whatever gives YOU worth or value
SUN IN THE 2H:You are a very materialistic and money-oriented person. You are likely to accumulate wealth, property, material possessions, and collections, all because of your drive for ownership. Money tends to come and go rather quickly, but you have enough creativity and frugal financial skill to save up for emergencies, bigger purchases, later investments, and your future properties. Saving and spending are who you are; delegating resources is what you are all about!Money equals security in a lot of ways, and you earn it in order to feel safer in life. But while you hoard away money through the security it brings you, and protectively guard it in case anybody were to try and take it, you are also very generous. To those you love, you give endlessly. For your family you may spend on luxury home furnishings, squirrel away money for their university tuition, dress them in high quality clothes, and save all year for Christmas. For your spouse may save for retirement and vacations together, or plan on buying a second income property. 
MOON IN THE 2H:This is a marvellous placement for your Moon. Your Moon seeks security and protection because it is a reactive (as opposed to active) force in your chart. When we are babies it is our mother that first shelters us and provides us with all we need in order for our emotions to grow stable. Your mother’s love protected you, calmed you, and made you feel safe inside this new, uncertain world. As you grew older and became more of an individual (separate from your mom), your external sources of security changed. That feeling of safety and protection that had once solely stemmed from mother was found in the things that you owned.“Sentimental value” is perhaps one of the strongest emotional bonds you can have to anything, be they the values inherited from your family, old friendships, or the trinkets you have had since you were a child. Your feelings are all tousled up with that which you own; your emotional fluctuations are based entirely on their changing condition.The idea of finding comfort in things outside of yourself makes perfect sense. The Moon has no light of its own, only reflecting the light of others. Your emotions are responses to what is going on around you. They reflect, take the form of, and react to the conditioned impulses and desires you have been building since birth. As your moods change based entirely on external factors, the more routine and predictable the environment you are in the more routine and predictable your emotions become. You need a strong, reliable source of income from a career (or industry) you have lots of experience in. You need good food and happy, nostalgic memories of the past. Shelter is obvious, as you need a secure home environment for you to feel that you (and all that you love) are safe inside its walls. And we all need other people with shared moral values to feel safe in expressing ourselves.
MERCURY IN THE 2H:Your mind was made for handling material resources. You have an intelligent understanding of money, property, and possessions and how to manage them wisely. Financially, you do well because you know how to think rationally, organizing your wealth into pools and delegating funds to where they need to go. Alternatively, you are vulnerable to your own carelessness and impracticality, both of which can undermine your efforts. Your mind is quick and alive, but it is too easily bored, and your impatience in saving and spending money can spell disaster at the wrong times. Still, you can use Mercury to your advantage if you learn to move with its energy in the most productive way. Often, you find yourself happier with more than one source of income, pulling money from various different places. It is suggested that you earn from intellectual enterprises, communication, technology or mechanics, as your bank account is most prolific when you use Mercury to make money. These include everything from writing, public speaking, teaching, singing, accounting, and sales to working with your hands. Your 2nd House Mercurial nature means you possess a quick mind for financial opportunities and can manipulate resources to work in your favour; selling and bargaining skills accompany this, furthering your abilities.What you choose to spend your money on is also under the influence of this placement. And with Mercury here, there is no shortage of random possession under your roof. You like to own things that reflect upon the qualities of Mercury: communication, intelligence, practical skills, mental stimulation. Phones, computers, televisions, tablets, video games, internet, and other communication technologies are big in your world. Books and education are a close second, for you have a great appetite for learning materials. Travelling is another expense you’d gladly pay for the opportunity to pick up and leave on some exciting trip somewhere; whether the trip is across the globe or within driving distance doesn’t matter, as long as you are out and about doing something. But, as mentioned before, you must watch that you do not spend money carelessly. Even little impulsive increments can add up. As Robert Kiyosaki once said, “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” 
VENUS IN THE 2H.Your inner femininity (or goddess) adores anything that gives it pleasure, most often placing materialistic endeavours on a pedestal above all other sources of happiness. Venus in the 2nd House means you have highly refined tastes for the finer things in life. You are the kind of person that insists on the real and the expensive, preferring a handful of authentic goods to a lifetime of cheap plastic knock-offs. You buy for value and enjoy every penny spent. Rich foods, stylish clothing, expensive furnishings, pampering vacations, and exquisite properties – these are all lavish items you spoil yourself with. Although you work hard and save up money well (and guard it jealously) you are not afraid to spend it when it is worth the investment. You do not waste money and spend thoughtlessly but you do treat yourself, sometimes spontaneously, when your desires turn into something delicious or beautiful. That is what you care about, and that is where your values lie.Your beliefs center around similar Venusian principles of pleasure, beauty, and harmony. You buy for quality because you care very much about getting the best items for every dollar spent, guaranteeing that they will work and last a lifetime. One may call you materialistic for placing such value on these things, and they may also call you vain or shallow for caring so much about beauty – these are both characteristics of feminine values colouring what you desire for yourself. The heart of this placement lies in coveting the goddess: her allure, her class, her attractive good looks. You believe in what she stands for, and you likewise desire the high-end radiance she emits for yourself. It is a fact that when we desire something enough we have a way of drawing those things to ourselves. And not only do you draw Venusian themes into your life, but you do it in a Venusian way
MARS IN THE 2H:You are always ready to fight for and defend what you believe is right and true. Yet you also force your beliefs, tastes, and values on others and condemn those who do not share your worldview. Your strength in all these things is admirable. But you must not allow yourself to become narrow-minded.There are obviously very good qualities that come with having Mars in the 2nd House. You are gifted with a strong conviction to following what you have always believed in. You are a determined, hard-working, and goal-oriented person who recognizes the need to move slowly and carefully throughout life. You are a loyal and reliable worker who works well independently and never expects anything to be given to you. Your drive and willpower are applied to achieving status and wealth, two things which you value highly and are intent on getting. You desire money, beauty, and expensive possessions because they are sources of strength and symbols of prestige. But while you are exceptional at accumulating various kinds of wealth, you are no stranger to indulgences and it seems you have no issues about spending money carelessly on things for yourself. You work exceptionally hard, earn a lot of money, then spend that money impulsively, and so have to start all over again. But nobody can say you have bad taste.
JUPITER IN THE 2H: To say that you are lucky with money would not be wrong. But to paint an image of funds just falling into your lap unprovoked would discount the efforts you do put in to gain it. You gain money easily because of your talent for finance, and your confidence in your resourcefulness carries you further than you might imagine. Here, in the 2nd house, you are honest in all your dealings and visionary about your potential to earn more. You can achieve the most when you use Jupiter to further your career forward, bringing gifts of generosity, kindness, enthusiasm, humour, and drama to everywhere you derive an income from. You do very well in the art and entertainment industries for these reasons.  People are attracted to your charisma and trust in your abilities. Often you benefit largely from these social contacts, never discounting how important they have been on the road to your success. Other areas where you prove successful include gambling, travelling, and education – three very different fields that each epitomize Jupiter in different ways. To gambling, you bring luck. To travelling, a wandering spirit. To education, an open mind which never closes, that makes you both perpetual student and lasting teacher. In general, you do well in any sort of business, as you have a knack for it.
SATURN IN THE 2H:Saturn always begins with some form of hardship. Your family could have been born poorer than church mice or as wealthy as royalty, but you still felt there was a lack of financial security and that your parents were constantly worried about money. A fear developed then. A fear that all your money, possessions, property, resources, everything you owned and everything that made you feel safe, could be taken away from you at any moment. You have became anxious, overly-cautious, and quite controlling of all that is yours. With money especially, you scrimped and saved and hoarded it away. Like the dragon Smaug, you wrapped yourself around your riches and protected them with your life, fearful of the day when someone might creep in and steal everything away from you. Poverty scares you the most, and you bear great loads of financial stress when your bank account runs low. You feel your best when you have enough money to pay all your bills on time, a roof over your head, possessions kept safe, food on the table, a job to go to, minimal debt, and other conventional signs of a stable life.Wealth also begets status and success, which is another reason you chase after it. The underlying issue of Saturn in the 2nd House is that you doubt your own self-worth if you have nothing to show for it. This can manifest in your chart in one of two ways. In the first, you seek to amass wealth to build up your image as well as for security. Like royalty or celebrity, you seem bigger, more influential, more powerful when you are surrounded by all the luxuries of the world, and this makes you feel better about yourself. It makes you feel valuable. Those who go this way may become materialistic and status-seeking, ambitiously climbing up the social ladders of high society. The other way s the opposite, where you may shun materialism altogether. Belittling the formers who care only about how much money they have and what sorts of things they own, these people take the moral high ground of humility. It is an underlying jealousy or bitterness at not having that causes this side of Saturn to come about, and low self esteem for the former. Neither extremes are particularly healthy, nor are they productive uses of a placement with so much potential.
URANUS IN THE 2H: The way you earn money is likely to be unusual in some way, outside of conventional business economics, as you approach this area of your life with an inventive mind and an intellectual bent. The way you earn your income is different than the way most people do; many artists, writers, sports stars, and entertainers have this placement. (Perhaps it is your attraction to certain areas of work, coupled with your tendency to spend quite heavily, which explains your unreliable income?). You appreciate money for the freedom it gives you, as this is a planet that needs freedom to express itself on a whim. But you do not want to be bound by attachment to material items. In fact you may shun materialism altogether and spend your money on experiences rather than possessions. The things you do own reflect your Uranian inclinations, showing off your weird, different, alternative side. You like things that show off your uniqueness or your individuality, your unusual hobbies and your unconventional interests. You have an eye for value, and when you really want something, can be quite resourceful.
NEPTUNE IN THE 2H:Neptune, being made of spirit, does not understand the workings of the material world. Neptune creates chaos and delusion wherever it is placed in your chart, and in the 2nd House that means your personal finances. She swathes the way you view money, property, resources, values, and possessions in a foggy haze, leading to financial difficulties throughout your lifetime. You have an idealistic image of money and the power it can bring you. Often you fantasize about being wealthy, possessing expensive, big ticket items, and owning high end real estate. You dream up visions that are so out of touch with reality that when you finally do get what you work for, it ends up being a major disappointment. But seeing the material, financial world clearly is not in this placement’s vocabulary. Many unforeseen difficulties have had a negative impact on your bank balance. They seem to descend out of nowhere, making you victim of fraud, poverty, and bad investments. In reality you fall on hard times due to your own confusion, financial negligence, laziness, and impractical decision making. Even when you are buried under a mountain of debt, however, many with this placement are able to keep up the illusion of wealth.What Neptune does give you is a loftier, more spiritual view of the 2nd House. Being separated from the material world, you are gifted with apathy towards money that shallower, more materialistic people lack. Your possessions mean more to you based on their sentimental value, not their commercial value. You collect items which reflect beauty, spirituality, imagination, your hopes and wishes and dreams. You hold onto a vision of what you have, seeing what you own through emotional eyes. Sometimes you feel guilty for the amount that you have compared to everyone else and seek to generously share it through charity towards those you care about. Other times you get frustrated and believe other people’s wealth should be given to you. Furthermore, you indulge in Neptunian escapist routes like entertainment (movies, music, nights out, trips abroad), drugs, alcohol, shopping, and creative projects. This planet sees you bank balance as better than it is one minute, then cries about how little you have, then spends carelessly, then feel elated at the many wonderful things you now own. Money is worshipped by you as the key to everything, the fulfiller of all your fantasies and saviour to your victimhood. Yet you also remark it with casual indifference, reminding yourself than there is more to life than what you have.
PLUTO IN THE 2H: This planet and its lessons seem to counter to the goals of this particular house. Money and things of value are supposed to be saved and accrued gradually, and they are supposed to be a lasting source of security, and they are meant to bring a feeling of reliable safety to a person. Pluto is here to destroy, uproot, and devastate you to teach you lessons in change. The two simply do not work well together. The struggle between two opposing forces mixing inside of you was sparked when you were still a child. In your younger years you were made to feel insecure by others who put you down, bullied you, belittled you, and fought you. In your short life others had stripped you of the value you held as a person and reduced your self-worth down to pennies. Without strong inner resources to fall into when things got tough, you relied on building outside safety nets to make yourself feel safe and big in world where you felt very small. In effect, you regained a sense of worth and a sense of power from the idea of being wealthy. It is very important that you dig into and explore your motivation for your obsession with gaining material things. The origins which, no doubt, will be rooted in fear and unhealthy emotions tied to the past. Both of which will be present well into adulthood.
-all the information I found is from canaryquillastrology.com
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♡ 2nd House: angelic self-care💡
Aries in 2nd: Arian’s define their self confidence/worth through their passions, accomplishments, & interests. Everything is filled with passion & excitement. Angelic energy. ☁️
Taurus in 2nd: Taurian’s define their self confidence/worth through material items & security. Everything is filled with grounding & self sufficiency. Angelic grounding. ☁️
Gemini in 2nd: gem’s define their self confidence/worth through their creativity,uniqueness, & intellect. Everything is filled with wit & creativity. Angelic eclecticness.☁️
Cancer in 2nd: cancerian’s define their self confidence/worth through their self love, intuition, & emotions. Everything is filled with care & motherly energy. Angelic mother. ☁️
Leo in 2nd: Leo’s define their self confidence/worth through their ability to shine, show their true selves, & passions. Everything is filled with drama & shine. Angelic aura. ☁️
Virgo in 2nd: Virgo’s define their self confidence/worth through their stability & influence on others. Everything is filled with kindness & smart decisions. Angelic service.☁️
Libra in 2nd: Libran’s define their self confidence/worth through how balanced their life is & their interpersonal relations. Everything is filled with love & support. Angelic love. ☁️
Scorpio in 2nd: Scorpion’s define their self confidence/worth through their intuition & soul level experiences. Everything is filled with higher knowledge & spiritual experiences. Angelic intuition. ☁️
Sagittarius in 2nd: Sagittarian’s define their self confidence/worth through their humor & positive personality. Everything is filled with light, love, & happiness. Angelic upliftment. ☁️
Capricorn in 2nd: Capricorn’s define their self confidence/worth through personal development & maturity. Everything is filled with self sufficiency & maturity. Angelic duty. ☁️
Aquarius in 2nd: Aquarian’s define their self confidence/worth through individuality & rebellion. Everything is filled with uniqueness & rule breaking. Angelic independence. ☁️
Pisces in 2nd: Piscean’s define their self confidence/worth through your empathetic & spiritual gifts. Everything is filled with empathy & intuition. Angelic empathy.☁️
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astroa3h · 3 months
venus through the houses (positive traits) 🦢
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Let's talk the positive side of Venus through the houses. Venus is your cosmic bestie dictating your love life, cash flow, and what makes you tick aesthetically. She's all about the allure, the glam, and the heart-flutters in relationships. Where Venus lands in your chart is like your personal love and beauty filter, shaping how you flirt, treat yo' self, and chase what you value. She's the vibe for your romantic escapades and your secret weapon for charm and attraction.
✨Venus in Your 1st House✨
When Venus graces your 1st house, you radiate charm and attractiveness. You're the person who catches eyes the moment you walk into a room. Even if you don't notice. Your vibe? Irresistibly magnetic. You care deeply about your appearance, not for vanity, but as a form of self-expression, making you a walking piece of art.
✨Venus in Your 2nd House✨
With Venus in your 2nd house, you find joy in the material world. Luxury to you isn't just about splurging—it's about surrounding yourself with things that have real beauty and value. You have this knack for making everything around you lovely and comfortable, creating a personal oasis that reflects what you value most.
✨Venus in Your 3rd House✨
Venus in your 3rd house makes you a master of words. Whether it's a heartfelt note or a witty text, you have a way of connecting that's utterly enchanting. Ideas and conversations aren't just exchanges of thoughts for you; they're opportunities to bond and share the beauty you find in the world.
✨Venus in Your 4th House✨
In your 4th house, Venus creates a sanctuary of love. Your home? The warmest, most inviting place on earth. You have this incredible ability to make everyone who enters feel cherished. Harmony in your personal space is not just a wish; it's a must, and you pour your heart into making it a reality.
✨Venus in Your 5th House✨
With Venus playing in your 5th house, life is your canvas. Romance, creativity, fun—you approach all of it with a heart full of joy. Your love stories are the ones people dream about, filled with grand gestures and heartfelt creations that showcase your unique way of expressing affection. Not to mention, you're a huge flirt, in the best way.
✨Venus in Your 6th House✨
In your 6th house, Venus finds beauty in the routine. A perfectly brewed morning coffee, a workspace that’s both functional and beautiful, the satisfaction of a well-done task—these are your love languages. Acts of service are your go-to, showing love through the meticulous care you put into the everyday.
✨Venus in Your 7th House✨
Venus in your 7th house is all about partnership. You shine brightest in a duo, thriving in relationships that are built on harmony, fairness, and mutual respect. For you, love is about creating balance and understanding, making every partnership an opportunity to grow closer and stronger. You may have been a twin in a past life.
✨Venus in Your 8th House✨
When Venus delves into your 8th house, love goes deep. You're drawn to relationships that transform you, craving emotional intimacy that breaks barriers. Your approach to shared resources and values is equally profound, finding beauty in the trust and closeness that comes from true partnership.
✨Venus in Your 9th House✨
With Venus in your 9th house, love is an adventure. You're drawn to different cultures and philosophies, finding beauty in diversity. Your open-hearted curiosity leads you to form connections that broaden your horizons, teaching you that love, in its many forms, is a journey of continuous learning.
✨Venus in Your 10th House✨
In your 10th house, Venus elevates your public image. Your career or social standing benefits from your innate charm and aesthetic sense. You understand the power of appearance and relationships in achieving success, using your grace and diplomacy to navigate the professional world.
✨Venus in Your 11th House✨
Venus in your 11th house dreams of a better world. Your friendships and community involvement are guided by shared ideals and hopes. You believe in the beauty of collective dreams and the power of working together to create a more beautiful, harmonious world.
✨Venus in Your 12th House✨
In your 12th house, Venus speaks softly of hidden love. You find beauty in solitude, in the acts of kindness that go unnoticed, and in a compassion that knows no bounds. Your understanding of love is deep and spiritual, connecting you to the universal in profound, often private ways.
xox astro ash 💖
Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net
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saturnrevolution · 3 years
Jupiter is the area where you feel most at peace
by saturn revolution/more on instagram
Jupiter in the 1st house
Your looks or sense of self are never really something you are too worried about. Sure, you do have insecurities like everyone else does every now and then, but you do not like to dwell on them as you know that this is one area where you have been blessed in some way. You are comfortable within your body, your identity and both of these things, together, are a great tool of manifestation.
source of happiness: being yourself and being appreciated for it, giving to others through positivity
Jupiter in the 2nd house
Your income or source of money is never really something that you are too worried about. Sure, you always want to strive for more in this area, but at the same time this is something you have always felt like you received. Whenever you felt like giving up - you had a new opportunity coming your way or you made one up or you were offered money out of nowhere, as this is an area where you are manifesting a lot.
source of happiness: financial stability, cause then you can focus on improving other areas of your life
Jupiter in the 3rd house
Your communication skills are never really something that you are too worried about. Sure, you might say some things you do not mean at times and you might have your insecurities, but you always felt like you are gifted in this area and you do know that the words you say have an impact and you can even use them as a way to express yourself and to manifest good things in your life.
source of happiness: being able to speak your truth and teaching others your experiences, being listened to and heard
Jupiter in the 4th house
Your home life is never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you had your problems while growing up within your family, but you know that this is the one place you can always go to and one great source of abundance for you (even if home doesn't mean being with your family for you). You are great at manifesting places that make you feel safe.
source of happiness: having people you can call family or a place that you call your own and that represents who you are
Jupiter in the 5th house
Your talents were never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you might have neglected them sometimes or felt like they are not good enough, but you always knew that you have that spark in you and this is always one activity that belongs to just you. You manifest best when you are in a happy, fun environment.
source of happiness: being just you and your hobbies, being appreciated for your natural talents and showing them to the world
Jupiter in the 6th house
Your health was never really something that you were too worried about. Sure, you might have had your difficulties or low moments when you neglected it, but you know that you are blessed and lucky in this area of your life and some of your habits really make you happy. Discipline is something that helps you manifest.
source of happiness: having your life together in terms of your body, health and maybe routine
Jupiter in the 7th house
Love was never really a department you are too worried about. Sure, you do have your bad experiences or doubts and you might feel like it's not working for you, but you know that this is one place where you are blessed and you really appreciate those who love you and care about you and the things you learn from connections.
source of happiness: human interaction, showing and getting affection in your own way, relationships
Jupiter in the 8th house
The darkest parts of yourself are never really something you worry too much about. It can get hard on the way, but your self awareness and strength is something that helps you get up and overcome the emotional rollercoasters. You know that you have endless resources to build what you wish for in the long run.
source of happiness: deep connections and understanding the way people function and think, loving your darkest desires
Jupiter in the 9th house
Your education and belief system are never really something you are too worried about. You know that when it comes to learning, knowledge and seeing the bigger picture, you have what it takes for personal expansion. Even when you feel like things are not working out, opportunities come your way. You manifest best through travel and learning.
source of happiness: travel, education, answering the bigger questions of the world
Jupiter in the 10th house
Your career is never really something that you are too worried about. You do get stressed and feel discouraged, but you do know that you have your own way on the long run and you are going to reach your lifetime goals as you manifest best in this area of your life. Your perseverance is inspiring and will be appreciated and seen.
source of happiness: having a sense of purpose, career and long term plans, personal success
Jupiter in the 11th house
Your friends group is never really something that you are too worried about. Like in any friendship, there are ups and downs, but you have always felt like you have your own community that you can always go to and they accept you for who you are. Through your friendships, you grow in the future.
source of happiness: friendships, feeling like they belong to a community, helping others, future goals
Jupiter in the 12th house
Your dreams and things of the unknown are never really something you are too worried about. Even though you are not sure how to get there at all times, you do know that your purpose is greater and that if you put your mind to it, you can manifest anything you want.
source of happiness: daydreaming, understanding others, compassion and imagination
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astrologycharts242 · 30 days
Rahu in the 2nd house (MY PERSONAL STORY 😔)
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timestar20 · 4 years
Food Astrology
Check your Moon sign and the sign on the 2nd House cusp!
Hot Food, Broiled Food, Spicy Food, Crispy Foods, Strong-Tasting Food, Beer
Beets, Carrots, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Radishes, Rhubarb, Tomatoes
Herbs/ Spices
Arnica, Bayberry, Cayenne, Chilies, Capers, Juniper, Milk Thistle, Mustard, Nettle, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Witch Hazel
Sweets, Candy, Baked Foods, Fatty Foods, Hearty Stews, Chocolate
Cereals, Wheat
Bacon, Beef, Pork
Apples, Blackberries, Berries, Cantaloupe, Figs, Grapes, Mangoes, Peaches, Raspberries, Sweet Pears
Artichokes, Beans, Celery, Carrots, Potatoes
Herbs/ Spices
Cloves, Marshmallow, Mint, Rose, Sorrel
Snacks foods, Fast Foods, Auditory Foods, Healthy Chips, Crispy Foods, Crunchy Foods
Hazelnuts, Lemons, Nuts, Pineapple, Popcorn, Walnuts
Above-ground Vegetables, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot
Herbs & Spices
Aniseed, Black Pepper, Caraway, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrtle, White Pepper
Comfort Foods, Childhood Foods, Fresh Watery Foods, Juicy Foods, Foods with High Water Content, Soups, Juices
Crabs, Freshwater sea-food, Frogs, Shellfish
Milk/ Dairy
All Dairy Products
Coconut, Melons, Papaya, Pears, Watermelons
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Lettuce, Melon, Mushroom, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Turnips
Baked Foods
Crab, Elk, Fish, King Crab, Salmon, Steak Fish
All Citrus Fruits, Almonds, Bananas, Grapefruits, Lemons, Olives, Oranges, Sunflower Seeds
Fats/ Sugars
Honey, Olive Oil
Herbs/ Spices
Cinnamon, Coriander, Juniper, Laurel, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron
Barley, Cereals, Corn, Grains, Millet, Oats, Wheat
Eggs, Deer, Fox, Possums, Rabbit, Rodents, Squirrels
Milk/ Dairy
Hazelnuts, Lemons, Nuts, Pineapple, Popcorn, Raisins, Underground Fruits, Walnuts
Aboveground Vegetables, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Endive, Escarole, Parsley, Peanuts, Potatoes, Underground Vegetables
Herbs/ Spices
Aniseed, Black Pepper, Caraway, Lavender, Licorice, Marjoram, Myrtle, White Pepper
Steamed Foods, Steamed Vegetables, Balanced Flavors, Sweet Foods
Cereals, Wheat
Bacon, Beef, Lean Meats, Pork
Milk/ Dairy
All Autumn Berries, Apples, Berries, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Figs, Grapes, Mangoes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Pomegranates, Raspberries, Sweet Pears, Strawberries
Artichokes, Beans, Celery, Carrots, Potatoes, Squash, Yams
Herbs/ Spices
Cloves, Marshmallow, Mint, Rose, Sorrel, Thyme, Vanilla
Foods that grow in extreme weather or extreme tastes and conditions, Deep-fried foods, Blackened foods, Boiled foods
Lambs, Pigs, Scavengers
Beets, Carrots, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Radishes, Rhubarb, Tomatoes, Wild Mushrooms, Winter Squash
Herbs/ Spices
Arnica, Bayberry, Cayenne, Chilies, Capers, Horseradish, Juniper, Milk Thistle, Mustard, Nettle, Paprika, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Wasabi, Wild Thistle, Witch Hazel
Soups, Grilled Foods, Barbecued Foods, Oversized fruits, Oversized Vegetables, Foreign Dishes, Exotic Delicacies
Bison, Camel, Elephant, Fatty Meats, Horse, Livers of Hoofed Animals, Soybeans, Thighs of Hoofed Animals, Turkey
Bilberry, Mulberry
Asparagus, Bulb vegetables, Celery, Cucumber, Dock, Leeks, Onions, Tomatoes, Yams
Herbs/ Spices
Borage, Cinnamon, Milk thistle, Sage, Thistle, Thyme
Foods Grown Deep in the Earth, Foods Grown Deep in Harsh Conditions, Foods Grown Deep in Mountainous and Rocky Regions, Full Meals, Simple Foods, Starchy Foods
Malt, Pasta, Rice, Rye
Cloven-footed Animal Meats, Goat
Milk/ Dairy
Beans, Onion, Potatoes
Preserved Foods, Canned Foods, Hybrid Foods, Unusual Delicacies, Raw Foods, Unusual Flavor Combinations, Frozen Foods, 
Cereals, Malt, Pasta, Rice, Rye, Wheat
Bacon, Beef, Cloven-footed Animal Meats, Goat, Pork
Milk/ Dairy
Apples, Blackberries, Berries, Cantaloupe, Citrus Fruits, Cranberries, Dried Fruit, Figs, Grapes, Mangoes, Peaches, Raspberries, Sweet Pears
Artichokes, Beans, Beets, Celery, Carrots, Eggplant, Onions, Potatoes, Turnips
Herbs/ Spices
Cloves, Marshmallow, Mint, Rose, Sorrel
Ocean foods, 
Caviar, Crabs, Fish (Vertebrate), Freshwater Seafood, Frogs, Lobster, Seafood, Saltwater Fish, Shellfish
Milk/ Dairy
All Dairy Products
Coconuts, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Melons, Papaya, Pears, Watermelons
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Kelp, Lettuce, Mushroom, Pumpkins, Seaweed, Tomatoes, Turnips
Herbs/ Spices
Sage, Saxifrage
Sources: (1)(2)
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ameoamour · 4 years
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« The transit » spread 🌸💗
1️⃣ what can I let go of 
2️⃣ why 
3️⃣ what needs to grow 
4️⃣ why
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