#31 day horror house oc info
helloemptyset · 3 years
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[ image: a drawing of warren beek with the philadelphia pride flag draped over his shoulders. he's facing away from the camera in the front hall of the house, looking back with a small smile. he says 'happy pride.' the square windows show a pale sunrise coming up behind some hedges, with sirenae, the gardener, peering in through a window. ]
happy pride month from my happy home! i hope everyone has a good time!!
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OC questions : All of them. :p
….Massi. Ca fait BEAUCOUP. BEAUCOUP.
1. Your first OC ever?No idea honesly. The first I really though about were probably really bad ^^’
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?Francis is so fucked up and Jo is SO PURE and Will is such a little shit and Alex is so caring, and don’t get me started on Ela/Elo/Gabe/Cyrius or ANYTHING from FSF.  non fsf: Anna is a plane-driver scientist, red haired, ace & aro, who travels a world were populations from all periods of time come from Earth and live in floating islands. The land beside them is wild and Anna kind of map that, note what kind of culture or invention are ther, and after months she comes back to the Academy for like a week and she’s out again.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?I love @trashlord-watson‘s OC Mino and I helped raising him so I guess that counts?
4. A character you rarely talk about?My Quator. Four persons having different backgrounds, races, genders, sexualities,  together to kinda fight evil with kinda characteristics from animals? Their animals are Axolotl, Flamingo, Echidne and Artic Fox.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Mino? Or one person from FSF, because that mean everyone from FSF is popular, and that mean FSF is popular that’s good
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?Nah, don’t got these ._.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!Not at all x)
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?Give only if they treat them well, if they’re going to make a story with them and I can’t, I guess I could?…
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Anna got an eye-patch, and her friend  the mercenary Arthurius has lot of scars at precise points of his face (three on his left eye, two on his nose, some on his cheek with one going all the way to his upper lip), but I don’t have any tentacle or really weird one…
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? JO. JO IS PURE AND PUPPY AND SUNSHINE.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lotOllie (a Doctor Who OC by @trashlord-watson) and Mino (by the same man)
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? …This is about Will, isn’t it?
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory …I swear we don’t have enough time for all FSF characters. I’m gonna post them one day, I swear, but we really can’t right now.
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?YES. Talk about my oc and especially THEIRS.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Anna I guess? Or E (the Echidne from the Quatuor)?
17. Any OC OTPs? …I should rally post FSF one day.
18. Any OC crackships? Meh?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)Francis means a lot to me because it’s François Theurel as a fucked up gay cop.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?Will sings. Very well. Jo too. They met  because one was singing musicals in his shower and the other started singing the other part in his own shower and they sang duets and thet’s how they started talking.
21. Your most artistic OCLike which one like more the Arts? A, from the Quator.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I don’t talk about my OCs enought XD
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?FSF was supposed to be a dark cop, a sarcastic mafia chef and the mafia chef’s lover who sleeps with the dark cop to get infos, except the cop knows it and use it too and the other knows that he knows and basically it was a dark psycology thriller. Now the cop is a DRAMAQUEEN babe with mental issues, the mafia chef is… well still sarcastic but caring and mostly done with everything, and the mafia chef’s lover is a MASSIVE LITTLE SHIT and he passive-agressive the cop, also now there’s Jo who is pure and nice and everything pure
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?Jo
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)The most self insert would probably be Anna and/or Axolotl
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? Naaah :D
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? Nope x)
28. Your most dangerous OC? Francis when he’s off his meds, or Arthurius because well, mercenary.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?…Francis beacuse he’s reckless and stupid.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Arthurius probably. Jo’s one is not secret.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)Will’s blog would be just a serie of discourse, passive agressive  response to antis,  “lmao” and memes.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? Francis would be the hero of a survival zombie game.
33. Your shyest OC?The two at the Academy (a purple haired chimist lady and a green haired mecanist guy) who have a massive crush on Anna.For FSF,
34. Do you have any twin characters?Yup , but again another story in the same world as Anna and Arthurius (the floating island one) : they’re member of a pirate crew for genderfluid chef Olfd Tom, on the Down Land, or rather the Down See.
35. Any sibling characters? Well, these two, and the 12 siblings of Jo :D
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? Nope!
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human I… don’t think I have one?… Well I have my story about romanticizing Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux, so like, the four werewolves in it ^^
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? Will can Magic Mike a dancefloor. Francis and Alex aren’t bad either. Ela like to dance but I don’t know if she really knows how to. (and in the Quatuor, Flamingo can do everything)
39. Introduce any character you want Anna’s manager, the one planning her travels and checking the sate of her airplane and fixing it, is short, wears chapkas, has five kids and and and a husband at home, and always complains
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!Naaaah
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)I did x) Anna & Axolotl here
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Anna ^ and Axolotl v
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42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? No idea.
Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to
favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confessI DON’T GET WHAT YOU MEAN PLEASE LET MY FRANCOIS THEUREL CHARACTER ALONENo but for real, the silent badass with gender neutral clothes, who doesn’t say much but act and is lawful neutral/Neutral good… Also the puppy sunshine ready to fight.
44. Something you like about your OCs in generalTheir clothes. And the fact that they act.
45. A character you no longer use?Nah. I don’t talk about that.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?Nope. I’m pure and so are they. (MWHAHAHAHAH HALF OF MINO AND FSF PROBLEMS ARE BECAUSE OF ME but Léo like it :D )
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?Me. They are all my children.
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureStill Jo.
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesWILL.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I… literally can’t. Too much to talk about. x)
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sofunsd · 6 years
ㄧ整個忙碌的10月,終於要來到最高潮、也是孩子們最愛的萬聖節啦!雖說萬聖節在下週二,但到10月底的萬聖節就幾乎是秋季豐收季的大集合,鬼屋試膽、costume parade、南瓜車競賽、秋季嘉年華會齊發,還有墨西哥的亡靈節(Día de los Muertos)慶祝活動也跟著擠進這週末呢!趕緊跟著小編來看看洛杉磯和橙縣萬聖節週末的熱鬧活動吧!
周末去哪 Fun?SOFUN 帶您漫遊OC & LA~
Anaheim Fall Festival & Halloween Parade (10/28)(OC)
橙縣安納罕市中心的秋季嘉年華暨萬聖節遊行可是既有歷史又大有來頭的喔,自1923年首次遊行就集結了兩萬名民眾,到五十年代中期還被洛杉磯時報稱為全國最大的萬聖節派對,有近15萬名觀眾圍繞遊行路線,而到六十年代末期,遊行還會在洛杉磯和橙縣的KTLA上轉播呢!目前已經成為安納罕年度盛事,今年第94屆萬聖節遊行更結合Dia de los Muertos亡靈節,將由無頭騎士領軍,帶著南瓜、女巫、貓、太空��和各種意想不到的生物出現在安納罕的街頭上,歡迎各界ㄧ起來參加這1.5英哩的遊行活動喔!絕對會讓你驚叫聲連連、歡呼聲不斷!!
時間: Oct 27 Sat, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
地點:  195 W. Center St., Anaheim, California 92805 (Downtown Anaheim)
網站: http://anaheimhalloweenparade.org/
Casa Creepy:Haunted House (10/27, 28,31)(OC)
位於橙縣San Clemente的Casa Creepy Haunted House號稱是南橙縣地區最大、最適合闔家同遊練膽的萬聖節景點,這個Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens原先是San Clemente市創辦人的豪宅,在萬聖節變身成為佔地2.5英畝、20年代復古主題的鬼屋。狼人、吸血鬼、地精、殭屍等躲在這個豪宅的各個角落,期間還會播放《不死殭屍—恐慄交響曲》和特效,讓大家感受鬼屋的毛骨悚然!建議家有八歲以上的孩童的家庭參加,歡迎穿著萬聖節服裝、但請勿攜帶面具。
時間:  October 27, 28 & 31,  7: 00 pm -9:00 pm
地點: 415 Avenida Granada , San Clemente, CA 92672
網站: http://www.casaromantica.org/events/casa-creepy/
票價: 13歲以上票價$12 ,12歲以下的兒童票價 $7
9th OC Film Fiesta (10/18-28)(OC)
橙縣Santa Ana的第九屆橙縣電影節這週繼續在Santa Ana的多個戲院播映。電影類型呈現了橙縣的文化多樣性、有傳奇人物、革命家、浪漫主義者等…..特別是週四晚上開幕式Santa Ana College 戲劇系第一部製作的故事長片「The House That the Devil Built」。電影節主要著墨在西裔美籍電影工作人員和墨西哥新興導演的作品,今年也將有韓國片放映,眾多導演和製片人也將親臨放映戲院,等待與影迷進行映後QA講座。單場票價成人10元、 學生軍警和Santa Ana居民5元。有興趣的民眾請洽官網查詢各影片放映時間。
時間:Fri, Oct 26,  8:00 PM –Sun, Oct 28,  10:00 PM
地點:Various Locations in Santa Ana, CA
Happy Hallowiener Doggy Dress Up & Races and Kids Costume Day – (10/28) (OC)
在Hungtington Beach已經舉辦ㄧ個多月的慕尼黑啤酒節(OKTOBERFEST),將以萬聖節狗狗服裝比賽和孩童服裝派對作為整個活動的閉幕活動,現場有跳跳屋、臉部彩繪、各式嘉年華遊戲、還可以為奇裝異服的狗狗們評分喔!孩子們玩得開心的同時,大人們可以享受德國啤酒、德國香腸和其他傳統道地的德國美食,最後ㄧ起在舞池裡跳著歡樂的雞舞,為萬聖節和啤酒節畫下完美句點!成人票價10元,6至12歲孩童票價3元,5歲以下免費!
時間: Oct 28, Sun, 1:00 pm – 7:30 pm
地點 : Old World Village, 7561 Center Ave ,Huntington Beach, CA 92647
網站: http://www.oldworld.ws/blog/event/happy-hallowiener-doggy-dress-up-kids-costumes/?instance_id=4161
Horror Made Here (10/18-28)(LA)
如果你心臟強大熱愛看恐怖電影的話,可不要錯過華納兄弟片廠在每年萬聖節期間特別設計的「Horror Made Here」 活動,這個參觀Tour將帶領大家ㄧ窺恐怖電影製作的秘辛和重溫電影中營造出來的駭人氣氛。除了在主街上有萬聖節為主題的布置、音樂還有美食餐車可購買外,也可以看到恐怖電影《牠》(IT)、《厲陰宅》(The Conjuring) 和《半夜鬼上床》(A Nightmare on Elm Street) 的經典場景和恐怖道具。如果沒看過《牠》(IT),也可以走進複製電影場景裡的鬼屋 Neibolt House,在 5000 平方英呎的場地裡身臨其境奔跑、裡頭還有「演員」出沒呢!小心,拿著恐怖紅氣球的那個小丑就在你身後!票價69元起,限18歲以上成人參加。
時間: Oct 25 Thur to Oct 28 Sun  , 6:00 pm入場
地點: 3400 W Riverside Dr, Burbank, CA 91505, USA
票價: 69元起
Los Angeles Fall Fair (10/26-11/4)(LA)
這週末洛杉磯秋季嘉年華 LA Fall Fair登場囉!佔地12英畝的場地有著超多遊樂設施、手工藝攤位和國際美食廣場 。而且秋季嘉年華採ㄧ票到底制,只要付票價15美元,就可以無限次數乘坐各種rides和免費看現場娛樂表演喔!孩童只要身高未超過36英吋的話則可以免費入場,但若要玩跳跳屋、旋轉木馬、雲霄飛車等任何ㄧ種遊樂設施則需附5元門票。停車免費。
時間:  Friday, 5:00 pm  -11:00 pm  | Sat, 12: 00 pm-11:00 pm)| Sunday, 12:00 pm-10:00 pm)| Wed & Thur ,  5:00 pm-10:00 pm)| Monday &Tuesday closed
地點: 1600 Rosemead Blvd, South El Monte, CA 91733, USA
網站: lapradaevents.com/events/los-angeles-fall-fair
票價: 15
Pumpkin Race at the Pier (10/29)(LA)
南瓜除了拿來刻、拿來裝飾之外,還可以拿來幹嘛呢?ㄟ,要不拿來做南瓜車、還跟其他人比賽吧!這週日在洛杉磯曼哈頓海灘(Manhattan Beach)將舉行第28屆世界著名的南瓜車趣味競賽,整個碼頭都將改造成南瓜車的賽車場地,您可以帶著穿著萬聖節服裝的孩子來這邊發揮創意,製作自己的南瓜賽車,並在南瓜賽車中和他人一較高下!活動將於四點半左右進行總決賽,決賽後還有頒獎儀式和夕陽音樂會喔!如果不做南瓜賽車的話也沒關係,在市中心也將舉行trick-or-treat,直接帶孩子去要糖也不錯!
時間:  Oct 28 Sun, 11:00 pm-5:00 pm
地點: South Bay, Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Ca
網站: https://www.citymb.info/departments/parks-and-recreation/special-events/world-famous-pumpkin-race-festival
Hollywood Forever: Dia de los muertos(10/29)(LA)
這週末在洛杉磯的好萊塢永恆公墓也將舉行亡靈節的慶祝活動,今年的主題是「萬神之母Coatlicue 」(MOTHER OF THE GODS),向這位包山包海、堅不可摧的女神致敬,活動將會有來自世界各地文化的靈壇、遊行、紙雕作品、骷顱頭女、各式祭品和亡者食物。 孩子們將通過講故事、舞台劇、手工藝、臉部彩繪、拉丁舞蹈、拉丁音樂、墨西哥美食等,感受這個以斑斕的色彩展現對生命的喜悅、以及對死去親人的敬愛的亡靈節節慶意涵。主辦單位建議民眾穿著Calaca服裝,建議事先計畫停車地點並共乘。
時間:Oct 27 – Oct 28 at Various times
地點: Hollywood, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, 6000 Santa Monica Blvd. , Los Angeles, Ca
網站: http://www.ladayofthedead.com/event-info/
票價: ㄧ般入場劵20美元,8歲以下兒童及65歲以上老人至下午四點前入場免費。
Downey 6th Dia de los Muertos Art Festival(10/29)(LA)
Día de los Muertos是墨西哥和其他拉丁美洲國家一年中最重要的節日之一,在墨西哥幾乎與國慶日相當,日期定在11月1日和2日,這時家人和朋友團聚在一起,爲已經去世的家人和朋友祈福。而這週日在洛杉磯唐尼市就將舉辦第六屆亡靈節藝術嘉年華,有隨處可見的骷顱藝術裝置、色彩繽紛的祭壇設計比賽、骷顱臉彩繪、亡靈節藝術展覽、拉丁歌手獻唱和拉丁舞蹈秀等,當然嘉年華常見的美食餐車、啤酒花園、手工藝攤位、Kids zone等也絕對不會少喔!
時間:  Oct 28 Sun, 11:00 am-8:00 pm
地點:  8435 Firestone Boulevard, Downey, California 90241 (Downey Theatre Plaza)
網站: http://ddlm.downeytheatre.org/
Movie of the week 週末電影推薦!
凸搥特派員:三度出擊 Johnny English Strikes Again
ONgoing! OC /LA Fun不停
Spooky Science@ Discovery Cube (10/6~10/31)(OC)
在橙縣Santa Ana的Discovery Cube在10月也舉辦了應景特展「Spooky Science」,讓孩子們到怪物學院跟各個怪物學習毛骨悚然的科學課程吧! 整個特展會有許多食屍鬼、地精的布置,孩子們可以在「The BeWitchery」會有常駐女巫教你怎麼做毒藥;在「Bolton’s Shock Lab」學習如何用coding創造一個通電的雕塑品,或透過光影做出獨一無二的創作;在「Help Vlad」在鏡屋裡找到學生吸血鬼;或在「Support Webster」運用各類圖形和pattern成為網頁設計師、練習組合骨架打造萬聖節的骷顱人等等…..所有Spooky Science展示的project都圍繞著發展孩子們STEM的核心能力概念去設計,非常適合學齡期的孩子去一探究竟喔!!
時間: now to Oct 31, every day 10:00 am- 5:00 pm
地點: 2500 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705
網站: http://oc.discoverycube.org/event/spooky-science/
Oktoberfest (9/9-10/28)(OC)
慕尼黑啤酒節(又稱「十月節」,德語:Oktoberfest)是每年九月末到十月初在德國的慕尼黑舉行,也是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活動。如果去不了德國慕尼黑也沒關係,來南加橙縣的Hungtington Beach舉辦的慕尼黑啤酒節體驗一下也是很不錯的選擇。 從1977年、在Hungtington Beach的德裔居民舉辦的慕尼黑啤酒節可算是相當有歷史了,整個慕尼黑節長達一個多月、活動也相當豐富,被德國世界雜誌選為世界其他城市所舉辦的最棒且最多��的慕尼黑啤酒節(BEST&Most DIVERSE OKTOBERFEST) ,遊客可以與來自德國的Oom-Pah-Pa樂隊吃飯、一起吃道地的德國香腸、漢堡、Strudel,椒鹽脆餅等,當然還要搭配著知名的德國啤酒Bratwurst囉~!其他活動還有喝啤酒大賽、臘腸狗競跑、德國傳統的雞舞、還有特別設計給小朋友的Kinderfest或設計給成人的成人之夜等等,活動相當多元。有興趣的朋友們在這段期間抽空去體驗看看喔!
時間: Sep 9 Sun to Oct 28 Sun, 詳細活動時刻表請見官網
地點 : Old World German Village, 7561 Center Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92647
網站: http://www.oldworld.ws/oktoberfest-orange-county.html
Tanaka Farm Pumpkin Patch(9/22-10/31)
爾灣有名的凱蒂貓專屬農場–Tanaka農場的pumpkin patch,今年預計從本週六開放喔!而Hello Kitty 和她的朋友們將作為農場教育大使,除了她們的插畫像會不時出現在農場裡的拍攝地點裡,而凱蒂貓本人也將出現在開幕日當天早上10點到12點半喔!!官網表示這是凱蒂貓今年唯一會出現在農場的時段,當天迷粉們也可以選購Sanrio和田中農場聯名的專屬限量商品,Tanaka農場南瓜田活動每天都會有 petting zoo、玉米迷宮貨車、U-pick蔬果花園、拖曳車巡禮,而在10月的每個週末都將舉行秋天收獲節(Fall Harvest Festival),除了上述的活動外,再加上臉部彩繪、騎乘沙灘越野車、挖土機體驗、各式crafts、農場美食、還可以體驗農場最有名的射南瓜(Pumpkin Cannon Shoots)。喜歡Hello Kitty的朋友們不妨把握難得的機會去一趟爾灣喔~!
時間:9/22-10/31,每天 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
地址:5380 3/4 University Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
費用:門票每人4元,2歲以下兒童免費。拖曳車(Wagon Ride)$ 6元(不限次數)。Petting Zoo$ 4元。基本套票$ 12美元,含入場費、Wagon Ride和Petting Zoo。其他遊戲和活動每張ticket 4元。週末須收停車証5元,停車証僅能上官網購買。
Halloween Time at the Disneyland Resort (9/7-10/31)(OC)
時間: Sep 7 to Oct 31
地點:  1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802
網站:  https://disneyland.disney.go.com/events-tours/halloween-time-at-the-disneyland-resort/?CMP=VAN-FY13MHP_Halloween
The Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor
時間:  9/27-11/2,  19:00-24:00 (每天開放時間不一,請洽官網)
地點: 1126 Queens Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
網站: queenmary.com/events/dark-harbor
Irvine Park Railroads Pumpkin Patch(~10/31)(OC)
南加的爸爸媽媽應該都對橙縣爾灣的Irvine Regional Park耳熟能詳吧!裡頭應有盡有,有playground、有小火車、小馬場、小動物園,還可以走trail、騎腳踏車、腳踏船,是南加溜小孩或和三五好hang out的好去處。而到了秋天,整個Irvine Regional Park也變身成為超大型南瓜樂園、玉米迷宮、跳跳屋、hay rides、臉部彩繪、套套樂、越野車競賽、panning for gold、小小孩也可進去的鬼屋等等,再加上常設的遊樂設施,絕對讓孩子們玩到拉不走!停車費週間 $3 per vehicle,週末 $5,holidays $7 ,請盡量提早出發,以避免入園時大排長龍的車陣。
時間: now to Oct 31, Weekdays 10:00 am- 5:00 pm & Weekends 8:00 am-6:00 pm
地點: 1 Irvine Park Rd, Orange, CA 92869, USA
網站: http://www.irvineparkrailroad.com/events/pumpkin-patch/
票價: ticketㄧ張5元,每種遊樂設施約需1-2張。
King Tut in  LA (3/24-Jan 2019)(LA)
埃及最有名的法老圖坦卡門(King Tut)來到南加州囉~!號稱在埃及境外最大的古墓文物展「圖坦卡門:黃金法老珍寶」(King Tut: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh),在洛杉磯市中心的加州科學中心展出。此次展出超過150件工藝品,遠高於過去一般展覽50件的限制。主辦單位表示,展覽將展出Boy King所使用和擁有的東西,像是黃金首飾、雕刻,雕塑和古物。此次展出的文物大約40%是第一也是最後一次離開埃及喔!展出完畢將返回到埃及,未來在正在建設的大埃及博物館(Grand Egyptian Museum) 做永久展示。所以說機會難得,趕快去買票喔~
地點:California Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90037
票價:$19.5~ $29.95
網址:californiasciencecenter.org or kingtutexh 
週末去哪 FUN?帶你漫遊 Orange County & LA(10/26~10/28) ㄧ整個忙碌的10月,終於要來到最高潮、也是孩子們最愛的萬聖節啦!雖說萬聖節在下週二,但到10月底的萬聖節就幾乎是秋季豐收季的大集合,鬼屋試膽、costume parade、南瓜車競賽、秋季嘉年華會齊發,還有墨西哥的亡靈節(Día de los Muertos)慶祝活動也跟著擠進這週末呢!趕緊跟著小編來看看洛杉磯和橙縣萬聖節週末的熱鬧活動吧!
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helloemptyset · 3 years
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[ image: a drawing of Janies, a person only visible from the inside of a pink, oval magnified make-up mirror. her eyes are large, with the pupil filled with many thin concentric circles, and her mouth is wide and full of small, pearl-like teeth. you can see two nostrils and some of her hair and an eyebrow, and she has her mouth wide open in a weird sneer, as if laughing. behind the mirror are many beauty products, all featuring the same sort of 'mascot' a plain person with hair brushed to either side and a very wide not-smile. all of the mascot's eyes are looking toward the mirror. from the left, there is a small tube of lotion with a pear on it, the mascot coming up from behind some blue on the design, yellow with green speckles. the next is some conditioner, with a grey bottle and golden sticker, the mascot sitting at the bottom of the design with a tomato and some corn next to them. the pump is golden as well. the next is a small grey compact, then a large light purple and dark grey bottle that is mostly obscured by the mirror, with a single strawberry visible. next, a pomegranate flavored perfume, with the mascot's face on the pomegranate sticker, a chunk removed from the fruit to show the bubbly red pieces inside. the pump for the perfume is shaped like a pomegranate as well. behind that, a can of hair spray, the mascot's features stretched around the orange cap, the main can yellow with a light green sticker on it. where any text would be, letters or numbers, there are only dots of various shapes. ]
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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description under cut
a sneak peek of one of the pieces im doing for the full story of 'My Happy Home', with one of my favorite drawings i've done so far
[ image: a re-drawing of Bulliam W. from last years 31 Day Horror House thing. Bulliam is a doll-like creature with a large, round, yellow face haloed by orange, yarn-like hair. a pair of black and white horns spiral off of the top of his head, and his wet, pink eyes are surrounded in an orange frill. his teeth are small, and tightly packed together, turned diagonal by how tight he's gritting them in his smile, and his nose is an afterthought, a dot above his mouth. he is wearing a green polo shirt under a pair of overall shorts with crochet'd decorations on the bottom. he has three loops for tools on the belly of his overalls, one empty for his hammer, and two full for a wrench and a pair of pliers. his arms are obscured by what seems to be an obnoxious amount of bandaging, lumps with multicolored fingers pointing out of his right hand and a hammer pushed through his left. his legs are bird like and fleshy, barely holding him as they turn inward like a puppet being barely held above a stage. his tail drifts behind him, yellow and ending in a small pom pom of multiple colors. behind him is a nightmare of a car crash, a green car crumpled up into itself, tires deflated, windows shattered, doors open and oil leaking everywhere... some of the spills are hidden underneath piles of blue garage paper towels, in an attempt to clean the mess. ]
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helloemptyset · 3 years
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[ image: a drawing of Reach and their friend, a long, pale arm reaching out of a golden mailbox latched to the side of a brick fencepost, and a dark blue bird that sits atop reach's arm, closest to their small hand. their arm has countless elbows, bending in random directions as they wrap around the brick fencepost, hanging above the sharp, wrought iron points atop the fence. the blue bird is looking to the viewer and wearing a little black hat, stress creasing under her eye. the house sits behind them in a brown insert, showing the hedge-obscured middle passage of the house and two windows. ]
here’s Reach and their friend!
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helloemptyset · 3 years
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[ image one: a drawing of M.P., a creature wearing a pink bear mascot suit wearing a blue scout uniform. the pink bear's eyes are rolled back, and the jaw is torn off, something red staining the fabric around it. the mascot suit has one arm left, the other emerging stretched and greenish, knuckles sliding across the rocks they are making their way over. their legs are intact, one missing a shoe and the other wrapped poorly in bandages. the scout uniform has a blue handkerchief that flows out behind them, held together under the collar by a golden smiley face, and they have a golden pin on the bottom hem of the uniform shirt, a red tag sewed on saying 'X O X' on the other side. from the darkness of the inside of the suit, something grins darkly, with a turned up nose and freckles, and dark eyes with light pupils and heavy eyebags.  they are walking along a path of stones, lit up lightly orange by something ahead of them.
image two: a drawing of Boletus, a zombie-esque creature leaning over theirself on piles of dry, dead leaves. their face is shoved against the ground, and they are peering at some orange mushrooms growing from the rot. their skin is a dull grey, and their body is top-heavy, their torso and shoulders and head much bigger than their small hips and legs and arms. their head is malformed, flattened slightly and lacking a lower jaw or lips or nose, pouring saliva out over the leaves. their head blends into their neck, and their neck is only slightly smaller than their shoulders, with their arms pushed out to the sides as they lean on their hands and knees on the ground. their eyes are red with yellow pupils, and a blue, almost flame-shaped bruise has grown over their cheeks and the whole of their upper face. their hair is thin, barely there, and sticks up in strands. they are only wearing a pair of muddy jeans and socks. ]
not posting these in any order, but i am posting them. i’ll still be working on this project, i just wanted to put some of them out
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ image: an incredibly small warren beek. he’s very round and squat, and he is standing with his beak pointed to the ground, eyes nearly closed. ]
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ image: a drawing of warren beek, reciting a meme. he's standing, holding an elbow up to his beak as he says, 'i wake up every day, and for what? more asbestos. truly we are oroboros, the eternal glutton.' he unfortunately thinks of his embarrassing younger brother rubedo, whom has his very own oroboros that accompanies him. rubedo, in warren's imagination, holds up his wings and coughs out a single ‘HA!’. ]
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ image: the recycled demon from day 17 of the horror house, having spilled out of their trash can. they're stretched out very far, showing how long their body is, and showing small, not quite formed arms and wings along the rest of their body, ending on what seems to be large flat scales and small, spindly back legs. they are sitting on their short forearms, in front of some garbage that was just left out in the alley. ]
they’re a long fella, and hate garbage left around willy-nilly
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helloemptyset · 5 years
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[ image: the chef, a large great adjutant-like monster wearing a floral sundress and little sunhat, holding up the housekeeper, warren beek, by the back of his fancy little coat with her big old beak. she has her arms tucked under her wings, laughing with a soft ‘hm hm! hm hm!’ as warren wiggles his wings and kicks his legs. he yells ‘aaaaaa put me down!’. ]
i need to come up with names for the rest... but the chef acts as a mean big sister to warren, happily tormenting him during her days off from cooking. she likes to stand ominously in the garden otherwise, watching the groundskeeper and picking up sticks. nobody knows what she does with the sticks.
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ image: warren beek in polka-dotted pajamas, sleeping on a bed, on top of his blanket. there's a note tucked under his pillow, and he looks very serene. the whole picture is colored in purples. ]
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helloemptyset · 5 years
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[ image: doublet dad, the men from my day 12 of the 31 day horror house, with warren beek. doublet dad is giving warren a thumbs up, happily saying 'We'll be your dad!', with the other echoing 'Dad.' behind him. Warren is turned away, embarrassed and refuting, 'i don't need a dad' 'i can take care of myself'.]
doublet dad thinks warren is too young to be taking care of a whole house, but warren thinks he’s doing just fine! thank you very much!
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ image 1: a small doodle of see-sayer (link to story), the carousel creature, ruminating. her horse is pretending to eat on from the ground, and her eye is pointed downward, staring thoughtfully at the ground.
image 2: a baby kiss ray (link to story), sitting on their butt. written around them is 'BRO I AM JUST S' on top of the image, and 'I AM JUST SITTING HERE' on the bottom. ]
see-sayer cannot say where she’s from, but she can say that she’s seen too much to go back. she isn’t always sad, but a lot of the time she’s overwhelmed by the sights
both the mother and the babies are kiss rays, but the mother hasn’t come up with a name for herself, and the babies are too young to think some up. she’s happy being called ‘Teacher’, for now
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helloemptyset · 4 years
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[ images: two black and white doodles of housemates, one of U.F.R.O.G. and one of Rubedo Beek. U.F.R.O.G. is taking a library book with a tractor beam, happily exclaiming the image of an open book. Rubedo is teary as he looks at a tattered photograph of his father, showing a man with a heavy shadow over the top half of his face and thin teeth brought in a tight smile. in the man's arms is a large polkadotted egg. Rubedo's ouraboros is unwound, floating behind his head with an uncomfortable look in its eyes. ]
some doodles i had done but hadn’t posted yet
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helloemptyset · 5 years
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[ image: a picture taken before disaster. the lamb, having eaten as much as they’d like, has a full, if unruly, coat of leaves, with large branches arching off of their back and chest and long bushy tail. they brag aloud, bleating, ‘Baa-haa-hest co-o-at!’.behind them, though, the groundskeeper has snuck up, holding one claw up above the proud lamb. they utter a simple ‘ ) ‘, a smiley face without eyes. ]
the groundskeeper takes care of every plant in their garden, no matter how loud
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[ image: the lamb post-grooming. all of their wayward branches are gone, and their tail was cut very short. they sit, humiliated, on the ground, glaring at the viewer. ]
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