lemonthepotato · 2 months
Collage of enneagram characters I made for an amino post.
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Edit: Replaced Chiaki with Napstablook. She’s an obvious 5 that I typed wrong.
Edit 2: Rarity is likely a 2w1, my apologies. Sera might be E6, I saw a good argument for her. I’ll make a part 3 going into subtypes.
Edit: Massive Update
Edit 2: Not sure if I’ll make the subtypes one. It’s taking so long to find all these different examples. I’ve only gotten to so5. Also Natsuki being E4 was a CRAZY take.
Edit 3: Nicole is a sp7 I just don’t feel like changing it. I was doing an analysis for this acc (coming… whenever) and reading subtype descriptions and nope, not a sp8.
Edit 4: No longer stand by Shion sx4. She’s a sx7. Probably, anyway.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 months
Barbie: Barbie [ESFP 3w2]
MBTI Type: ESFP Barbie is a stereotype at the beginning in that all she does is party, have fun, and think about doing her own thing; but her Se also comes in handy later when she confidently decides to go to the real world (a place she has never been) and meet people, and change their minds. For the most part, she’s content at first to live in a world without questioning anything she sees or…
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assertive types are very “I have to learn from experience” people. You can’t tell an assertive type anything. They have to hit a wall and learn for themselves before they incorporate anything into their internal knowledge system. It is important to let all humans be free to make their own mistakes but it is especially important for assertive triad people
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blueopinions49 · 2 months
The SX3 dilemma
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Meg March ESFJ 3w2 sx/so (From Little Woman)
Hello there! im sorry for not posting much I've been having a bit of hard time this semester with graduation and school admissions. Thats why my posting hasn't been consistent at all. However, im gonna try and at least finish the healthy/unhealthy enneagram series. Im writing this post cuz I've noticed that there is a bit of misunderstanding of what is the SX3 and how we identify them. As well as some differentiation between an E2 vs E3.
What is an SX3
Sexual Three "Charisma" or "The Cheerleader"
"Sexual Threes seek to experience Essential Value through their desirability and the magnetism of their attraction displays. Sexual Threes want to be the most magnetic person in the room. They feed off of generating intrigue, mystique, and even controversy, and they aren't much concerned with being liked or pursuing practical achievements. Competition in Sexual Threes revolves around being the most attractive and having the most captivating sexual display, and they're most likely to have cultivated a striking personal flavor meant to stand apart from others. People of this type are not interested in generic beauty, so some Sexual Threes, especially performers, play with attractive yet experimental personas or go for an overtly sexy image.- (P.209 John Lukovich, The Instinctual Drives& The Enneagram)
However, while I really like this definite of SX3 id like to add that the attractiveness of the SX3 isnt necessarily physical. It can be like the materialism of the SO3 or the Humility of the SP3. The SX3 desires to find an ideal partner in which they can find success and love. The SX subtype is ALL about interpersonal connection.
How to differentiate them from other types
I think the easiest way to different two types from each other is usually through core desire and triads. most people usually confuse them due to the squishy nature the SX3 has. Imo unlike the SO3 which are usually easier to spot due to their leadership, ambition and overall way they carry themselves. The SX3 is somewhere in between the SO3 and the SP3. The SX3 MAY have the assertiveness of an 8. However, they can also have the playfulness of a 7. The timidness of a 6, the calmness of a 9 or the desire of love of the 2. Which is why I think relying on the look of the type can fall short a bit when it comes to looking for traits. So I think the more important aspects of them can be seen as:
I think allot of people forget that the E3 core desire is validation so they create an image (a performance if you will) to show the world.
Unlike the E2 the SX3 will NOT sacrifice their own needs in those for the partner. The 3s desire is their own and so are their ambitions. The SX3 is an idealist romantic and what doesn't fall in that image will be cut out.
NOTE: The relation to the other individual doesn't need to be romantic necessarily.
yes, they are an image type BUT unlike the other two heart types the 3 has a need to attract through conventionality. Unlike the SX4 they don't pose as hurt, broken and sad individuals or the SX2 more sacrificing nature the SX3 will use "whats in" or what their target of desire likes.
Characters that are SX3
Charlotte York 3w2 sx/so
Finnick Odair 3w2 sx/so
Lestat Di Lioncourt 3w4 sx/so
Amy Dunn 3w2 sx/so
Dionne Davenport 3w2 sx/so
Johnny Storm 3w2 sx/so
Steve Harrington 3w2 sx/so
Fiona 3w2 sx/so
Sansa Stark 3w2 sx/so
Lady Dimitrescu 3w2 sx/so
Dennis Reynolds 3w2 sx/so
Emma Frost 3w4 sx/so
Ino Yamanaka 3w2 sx/so
Rosalie Hale 3w2 sx/sp
P.S This post came to mind cuz im low-key regretting making that SX3 Azula post. As well as rethinking my typing of Tomie.
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fnec · 2 years
do u guys ever like discover ur type in another typology system and then just feel so cool and smart adding it into every bio u have like
"Hah oh yeah I'm a ILE ENTP (NeTi) [S]L/O/aI FEVL PBNV(4324) 7w8 739 sp/so sang-chol ph-phsa-ch "🧍🏾‍♀️
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innammoratta · 10 months
Enneagram Meems - prt 2
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journalofanoldsoul · 10 months
Enneagram Types (Part 1)
The Enneagram system consists of nine core types, and each type can have a dominant wing, which is one of the adjacent types on the Enneagram diagram. The wing adds additional nuances and characteristics to the core type.
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Here's a description of each Enneagram type, including their core motivations, fears, desires, and typical behaviors, along with information about their wings:
Type 1 - The Reformer: Core Motivation: Ones strive to be good, moral, and virtuous. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and seek to improve themselves and the world around them.
Core Fear: Ones fear being corrupt, immoral, or flawed. They strive for perfection and can be highly critical of themselves and others.
Core Desire: Ones desire to have integrity and to be right. They long for a sense of balance and order.
Typical Behaviors: Ones are responsible, principled, and have a strong work ethic. They tend to be self-disciplined, organized, and strive for excellence.
Wing 9 (1w9): The Idealist
Nines tend to soften the rigidity of Ones and bring a more peaceful and easygoing approach to their perfectionistic tendencies. They may be more patient, accepting, and able to see multiple perspectives.
Wing 2 (1w2): The Advocate
Twos add a caring and nurturing element to Ones. They may be more focused on helping others and may strive for perfection in service to others. They may also struggle with boundaries and a need for external validation.
Type 2 - The Helper: Core Motivation: Twos seek to be loved, wanted, and needed. They strive to be helpful and to win the affection and approval of others.
Core Fear: Twos fear being unwanted, unloved, or rejected. They may worry about being seen as selfish or needy.
Core Desire: Twos desire to be appreciated, valued, and loved. They long for connection and meaningful relationships.
Typical Behaviors: Twos are caring, generous, and empathetic. They often put others' needs before their own and seek to be supportive and helpful.
Wing 1 (2w1): The Servant
Ones bring a sense of responsibility and a focus on ethics and doing what is right to Twos. They may have higher standards and may feel a sense of duty in their helpfulness.
Wing 3 (2w3): The Host/Hostess
Threes add an achievement-oriented and goal-focused aspect to Twos. They may strive to be the best at helping and seek recognition and validation for their efforts.
Type 3 - The Achiever: Core Motivation: Threes seek to be successful, admired, and accomplished. They strive for excellence and are highly driven to achieve their goals.
Core Fear: Threes fear failure, being seen as incompetent, or worthless. They may worry about not measuring up to others' expectations.
Core Desire: Threes desire recognition, approval, and validation for their achievements. They long to be seen as successful and competent.
Typical Behaviors: Threes are ambitious, hardworking, and image-conscious. They often excel in their chosen fields and are focused on presenting a positive image to others.
Wing 2 (3w2): The Charmer
Twos bring a nurturing and helpful dimension to Threes. They may be more focused on building relationships and connecting with others in their pursuit of success.
Wing 4 (3w4): The Professional
Fours add a unique and individualistic flair to Threes. They may strive to stand out and be recognized for their uniqueness, bringing creativity and depth to their achievements.
Type 4 - The Individualist: Core Motivation: Fours seek to be authentic, special, and unique. They desire to express their individuality and connect with their innermost emotions.
Core Fear: Fours fear being ordinary, mundane, or without significance. They may feel a deep sense of longing and struggle with feelings of emptiness.
Core Desire: Fours desire to be seen and understood for their authentic selves. They long for deep, meaningful connections and to express their innermost emotions.
Typical Behaviors: Fours are creative, introspective, and often express themselves through art, music, or personal styles. They value authenticity and tend to have a rich emotional inner world.
Wing 3 (4w3): The Aristocrat
Threes add a focus on success and achievement to Fours. They may strive to stand out in their unique way and desire recognition for their individuality.
Wing 5 (4w5): The Bohemian
Fives bring an intellectual and introspective element to Fours. They may be more withdrawn and focused on gaining knowledge and understanding their complex emotions.
Type 5 - The Investigator: Core Motivation: Fives seek knowledge, understanding, and independence. They strive to conserve their energy and protect their inner resources.
Core Fear: Fives fear being overwhelmed, invaded, or inadequate. They may worry about not having enough resources or knowledge to cope with the demands of the world.
Core Desire: Fives desire to be competent, self-sufficient, and capable. They long for space and privacy to explore their interests and pursue intellectual pursuits.
Typical Behaviors: Fives are observant, analytical, and tend to withdraw into their inner worlds. They often have a thirst for knowledge and may have a few close, trusted relationships.
Wing 4 (5w4): The Iconoclast
Fours add an emotional depth and a unique perspective to Fives. They may have a more artistic or expressive approach to their intellectual pursuits.
Wing 6 (5w6): The Problem Solver
Sixes bring a practical and skeptical dimension to Fives. They may seek security and may be more cautious and attentive to potential risks.
Remember that individuals may vary within each type, and the wings offer additional dimensions to their core motivations. The Enneagram system is a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, helping individuals understand their patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Stay tune for Enneagram Types (Part 2)
xoxo J.
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rainytypology · 7 months
Enneagram Type 3
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Center: Heart/Image/Shame
Other triads: Competent, Assertive, Attachment
Basic motivation: To be successful, be admirable
Basic fear: Being a worthless failure
Wings: 3w2, 3w4
Disintegration/Stress: 9
Integration/Growth: 6
- Strengths -
Hard working
Ambitious, doesn't give up easily
Supportive and encouraging
- Weaknesses -
Deceptive, very image conscious
Needs to be impressive all the time
Can be arrogant
Detached from their feelings; does not understand their own heart
- 3w2 -
With 2's need to be loved, a 3w2 is often very charming and likeable. They can shift their image and personality to suit the preferences of others. Is good at making others feel seen and valued.
- 3w4 -
The 4 wing makes the 3 core more introverted, usually. A 3w4 is more focused on work and success, always working towards their goals. They have a push and pull of wanting to put a perfect front while valuing authenticity.
Disintegration: 9
Disintegration to 9 causes a 3 to slow down and become passive. Their ambitious nature is dead and they often give up on doing anything. Even if they are still keeping busy, these tasks will not spark any life into them. They will not bother to accomplish much, only needing to numb themselves with distractions.
Integration: 6
Integrating to 6 shifts a 3's competitive mindset to a more cooperative one. Becomes more considerate and more of a team-player. They learn to become more comfortable with who they are instead of wearing a mask all the time. They learn to be vulnerable.
Subtypes of 3
- Sp 3 -
The least stereotypical 3 subtype. This subtype tries to avoid their vanity. Usually the most workaholic subtype, tries very hard to reach success and build the life they want. They want to be genuine in what they do and how they present themselves, not just do and have things just for the sake of it (e.g wanting a nice car bc it shows they worked for it, not to show they're rich and cool).
- Sx 3 -
More focused on their relationships (family, friends, and partners usually). They want to help others be successful, are very supportive; basically like to be people's personal cheerleaders. If their close ones are successful then they too consider themselves successful. Having this sort of power can allow them to have some control over others. They want to seem perfect and valuable to close ones, so they will shape themselves to fit their expectations and preferences.
- So 3 -
Probably the most typical 3. Often an outgoing and charming type that can network with anyone. They care about social hierarchy and power, they want to be influential. They enjoy the spotlight and work hard to cultivate an admirable, successful image to impress others.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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enneagramgoodvibes · 6 months
It doesn’t matter if it’s actually you’re enneagram type, if it’s what you feel like right now, then it’s what your pain point is, and you should work through it. If you’re still that type after, great, if you’re not, now you’re healthier and can keep looking.
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deliaistyping · 7 months
tumblr dot com is the place where each Enneagram type comes to be the most insufferable version of ourselves
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disneymbti · 8 months
Hi! Could you do one of the mbti and zodiac for Steve and Chrissy? Thanks 😄😄😄
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Steve Harrington's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFP [The Entertainer]
ESFPs are very outgoing and lively people. They thrive in groups and prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They are very observant, focusing closely on the details rather than the grand scheme. They think in terms of the present.
Entertainers tend to prioritize emotion when making decisions, concerning themselves more with how their decisions will affect others. They are empathetic and diplomatic.
They rely more on opportunity than rigid scheduling. They are spontaneous and playful people, with a passion for finding new adventures.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Libra Moon and Aries Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Libra Moon: Moon in Libra is makes for a relationship-oriented individual. They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. 
Aries Rising: Aries ascendants are known as the go-getters of the zodiac. They don’t let anything stand in their way of achieving their personal goals.
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
Chrissy Cunningham's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFJ [The Consul]
As extroverts, Consuls are talkative, energetic, and thrive around people. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
Highly observant, their focus lies more on the details than on how everything connects together. They trust facts over theories—and they make decisions based on what they can see right now.
ESFJs are feelers who prioritize emotion rather than logic in their decision-making.  Empathetic and diplomatic, they do what feels right rather than what makes sense.
They’re structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead so they know what’s going to happen. They like rules, processes and schedules.
Big Three: Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising
Pisces Sun: The planetary ruler for Pisces is Jupiter and Neptune, which gives Pisces Suns a sentimental, intuitive, imaginative, and dreamy nature. 
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Cancer Rising: Cancer ascendants tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and take care of those they love.
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
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lemonthepotato · 5 months
It hurts
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funkymbtifiction · 7 months
Frozen: Hans [ENFJ 3w2]
MBTI Type: ENFJ Hans is excellent at discerning the emotions of other people, and manipulating them to his own advantage. He quickly reads the emotions of the room and adapts to them; this enables him to be very good at offering encouragement, affirmation, giving the impression of falling in love, and responding to Anna’s needs. He is personable, charming, outgoing, comfortable with leadership,…
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4 and 6: Both Envy types
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This is a symbol from Sufi enneagram, which far predates Naranjo enneagram. It shows that 6 is the Envy type, NOT 4. However, later enneagram removed Envy from the 6 personality and attributed all Envy in the human psyche to 4. This should explain why so many 6s mistype as 4s.
In this post I will explain how 4s and 6s differently experience Envy. 4s experience Envy just as all types do, but a whole psychological complex based around Envy is 6, not 4.
4s are envious of people from a position of competing for attention. If they feel they have worked extremely hard to project a meaningful image of themselves and their story, and then you strut in and you appear to be more worthy of attention from their desired people than them... the 4 can become very insecure and envious of you. They will usually react by trying to peacock flamboyantly, trying to prove they are better, more worthy of attention than you, in their personal way (4 -> 2 response, displaying immense Pride in their image or ideal that they want to be recognized for, displaying how much more special, more worthy of attention they and their vision / story are).
6s are envious of people because they suppress so many of their desired behaviors and their very Faith in themselves, due to fear. They are always comparing themselves to others due to Doubting their own intuitions about what to embody. Doubt makes 6s lack Faith in their own abilities and intuitions and feel hopelessly incompetent. When they see people who don't suppress themselves as much, people who appear to have Faith in themselves and behave with the boldness the 6 secretly wants to embody, and most of all, people who are competent in the way the 6 wants to be competent, they can feel very envious and frustrated. Sometimes this Envy can manifest as hero-worship and trying to copy you as if you are an ideal set for them on TV, secretly hoping they will eventually surpass you. Sometimes Envy manifests as the 6 directly competing with you (both are 6 -> 3 responses).
Since 4 and 6 both disintegrate into an Image type that is competitive for attention, they get confused a lot. The way to distinguish between 4 and 6, is to distinguish between 2 and 3.
6 is disintegrating into a Competency, Attachment image type (3). 4 is disintegrating into an Optimist, Rejection image type (2).
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blueopinions49 · 6 months
Healthy/ Unhealthy Type 3
Healthy Social 3
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Johnny Cage MK1 (3w4 so/sx)- While obnoxious at first Johnny is a great example of a 3 who's integrated to his 9 perfectly. He doesn't shy away from others and stops indulging in his sense of vanity. Usually tryin to keep the group together
Cordelia Chase (3w2 so/sp)- Outgrew her mean girl status and became a force to be wrecked with. Her development in angel is probably my favorite thing about her. Great example of a E3 moving to E6.
Elektra Abundance (3w4 so/sp)-Yes she's mean, BUT she has always retain a strong voice in helping others out in the later seasons. Her sense of competition has always been about self improvement and becoming a better version of herself.
Unhealthy Social 3
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Pearl (3w2 so/sx)- Desire to be accepted and love by the masses paired with her circumstances makes her ideal self a frustration for her eventually lashing out at everyone that reminds her of her failure. In X we see a fully disintegrated 9 Pearl.
Sally Reed (3w4 so/sp)- Oddly similar to Pearl in the sense to have a desire to enter a career in acting HOWEVER Sally sadly gets met with the reality of Hollywood; eventually seeking emotional refuge in Barry. However in the end of the show we see a fully realized Sally.
Draco Malfoy (3w2 so/sp)- Brought up in a life of privilege and bigoted opinions made him on of the most obnoxious charcaters In the series. While we see some remorse In the later books in the majority of the series we see a Draco who would use cruelty in look for validation from his superiors.
Healthy Self Preservation 3
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Gary Prince (3w4 sp/so)- I was a bit confused with this typing at first however ive settled for this . Gary's desire to be at a master at his own craft and have his own personal bakery? come into question when he is met with the reality of business. Eventually choosing to stick to his own values.
Nancy Wheeler (3w2 sp/so)- Idk why I ever typed her as an SP1. very clear example of an SP3 who grows in each season wanting to use her profession as a reporter to do good. Rewatching the show I can see how she might look like a SP1 however her core desire was never perfection.
Dick Grayson (3w2 sp/sx)- Ive finally settled...His core desire to separate from being on Batman's shadow gives us one of the most honest arcs about the E3s shame+image conflict. Eventually settling for a new identity as Nightwing. Idk why people type him as an SO2, SO7 or SO6.
Unhealthy Self preservation 3
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Molly Carter (3w2 sp/sx)- Love her but sometimes her own personal desires seemed mixed with her view of others specially with Issa. Sometimes being unnecessarily cruel to her because she doesn't have her life together as if she herself has hers together.
Miranda Priestly (3w4 sp/so)-The believe that no one can do her job better than her makes her a menace to whoever crosses her. Yes, Andy wasn't the best at her job however Miranda wasn't a good person either and allot of people seem to ignore that. Even cutting her friends off when it comes between her and her profession.
Mima Kirigoe (3w2 sp/so)- Her struggle to fit into what is expected of her as an idol makes her struggle with her personal image and who she is at her core. In the end of the movie we see a Mima who proclaims she is the real Mima. Asserting her own identity without the outside perspective.
Healthy Sexual 3
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Emma Frost (3w4 sx/so)-She does all for her student and finds success through knowing she did something to help them in life. She sometimes dances between villain and hero however when written by someone who understands her character we can see why she is the way she is. Cold but caring.
Hercules (3w2 sx/so)- His desire to find success in relation to others makes him struggle a bit at first however we see him grow out of it as the movie goes on.
Sansa Stark (3w2 sx/so)-When young her desire to find the perfect prince and move away from her culture. I hate what they did to her the series and how she got to her end BUT I do think seeing Sansa as queen and embracing her culture made sense for the most part.
Unhealthy Sexual 3
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Lady Dimitrescu (3w2 sx/so)- Her desire to be Mother Miranda's selected favorite makes her own personal goals be ignored. Her view of success is through mother miranda's eyes and no one else's.
Dennis Reynolds (3w2 sx/so)- Identifying through what others deem successful and attractive makes him have an identity crisis every episode.
Azula (3w4 sx/so)- Her desire to fulfill all of her father's wishes and see all of his ambitions met drives her to her own self destruction. Even in the comics we see an Azula who is trying to push Zuko into Becoming a worst version of her father.
Honorable Mentions-
Kung Lao 3w2 so/sx (you aren't anyones #1 but still)
Shiv Roy 3w4 sp/so (Girlfauilres pray to her everyday)
Lestat Di Lioncourt 3w4 sx/so (You are hot but toxic)
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 3 summarised!!
Core type- Passion: deceit. E3s want to be known for their status and accomplishments. In order to keep this up, they won't admit to anything that might harm this image, thus using deceit. Fixation: vanity. They create strategies on how to make this image and appearance they care so much about as impressionable and useful as possible. Trap: efficiency. They always search for ways to reach their goals, and so improve their status, faster. Having little patience for others and even themselves. Defence mechanism: identification. To keep up this status, e3s take on parts of another person that make them seem impressive and so build up their status and fit in with the people they feel like they would as themselves. Virtue: truthfulness. They need to realise their essence can't change and they don't need to use their deception in order to keep their external image and status. Key traits: Other-directedness, achievement orientation, focus on success, competitiveness and the drive to win, image manipulation and self-deception, 
Subtypes- Self preservation [sp]: The sp3 is less concerned with overall image and more so with their security in success. They want to achieve for what it gets them, like money. They can appear similarly to e1s sometimes, as they care about doing things the correct way. Once something isn’t correct, it could take away from the security they constantly work on to achieve. Sexual [sx]: Sx3s are more concerned with having an attractive image than things like money and security. While they can be very hard working, this is always to support someone and help them achieve success or security. They fear letting people down in these ways, they work to avoid being seen as a disappointment to those around them. Social [so]: Deceit is probably the most active in the so3. Their image is their all, they see life as a stage where they must appear perfect and successful. They need to show off importance in money with external things everyone can see, like clothing or accessories. Success for them is purely based on social validation and hierarchy.
Contradictions- INTP, ISTP, INTJ, ISTJ, INFP, ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ Any cognitively introverted type is incompatible with e3. This is due to its inherent dependence on social and materialistic value and success. Even a subtype like sp3 wouldn't be compatible because it's still reliant on materialistic value and security. Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e1, e4, e5, e6 and e7.
Compatible types- Self preservation: ESTJ, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ Sexual: ESFJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, ENTJ, ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP Social: ESFJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, ENTJ, ESTP, ESFP, ENTP, ENFP
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