#4.08 analysis
reviewdiaries · 9 months
Nancy x Ace and the enigma of hope in 4x08
The timeline for this show is insane. Like, we knew it was insane, but this is truly melt your face off crazy fast. In world, Ace and Nancy have had their “we’ll take our space” moment the night before. Game night was last night. Nick is still riding on the high of being freaking awesome, and Rebecca wants to know why Ace snuck back in looking like he’d been crying with two boxes of her silver…
But the speed with which things are happening just makes the start of this episode more painful, because when Ace shows up after Nancy’s text to the group, she truly didn’t expect to see him. She thought they were back to space and not talking and nothing but fissures in her heart where it hurts to see the lack of him. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It also adds a whole new layer of pain to how Nancy has responded over the previous few episodes. When you’re anticipating a tough anniversary it can often be hardest in the days leading up to it when you’re braced for the pain. Suddenly her devastation the night before when Ace leaves her is even harder to watch. Her determination to distract by showing up bright and early at Nick’s door the day before makes even more sense with the context this offers. Her taking a moment to enjoy an uncomplicated moment with Tristan after a traumatic event where she nearly died, even more understandable.
Grief is complex, it layers everything, and how we react to it can often be confusing and inexplicable to those around us. But Ace knows what day it is - of course he does, he absorbs everything about Nancy. And whilst he will almost always show up (work and breakups permitting) there was no way he wasn’t going to be there today, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much he’s said they’ll have some space. He’ll have told Connor he couldn’t work today because he needs to be there for her. Found himself at a loose end after the night before and ended up sat having breakfast with his dad unsure what to do with a day stretching out empty in front of him. He’ll have sat with the thumping insistence of her wanting space to move on juxtaposed against her text asking everyone to meet at The Claw for a few minutes after his dad left, trying to work out what to do, before he follows his gut, trusts his gut finally and goes to her. For all his fears and doubts he cannot leave her this day, not this day.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams 
It’s there in the little moments, the little pieces of understanding. The quiet comprehension in that Ace way of his without pushing. He’s there for her, in whatever way she needs, no matter how it hurts.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
 And it does hurt, being around her like this with the pain of their words the night before stuck like barbs under his skin. But so does not being around each other. So does the haunted grief he can see in her eyes. And he’s finally starting to trust his gut again, to listen to the quiet thrumming insistence that he stay, that he help, that he hand her the necklace. Because yes everyone expects to see it on Nancy’s body, but if anyone who doesn’t know about the body swap were to see it on Ace he would be the one person it wouldn’t be strange to see wearing it.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti
It’s been a year of the two of them causing mayhem and getting into places they shouldn’t. And Horseshoe Bay are familiar with the sight of the Drew Crew causing havoc, but more so the sight of Nancy and Ace, Ace and Nancy, the two so often in orbit around each other, a silent support at the other's side. Ace’s mouth a stoic line against Nancy’s playful hijinks that tells whoever she’s up against that he’s got her back, that if they mess with her he’ll be there too, that he has her back, always.
But the problem these few weeks hasn’t been a lack of feeling, of not being there for the other. It’s been a lack of communication, of fighting so damn hard to protect the other that they end up hurting themselves and then the other - not necessarily in that order. It’s being so twisted up in the pain of wanting and not having that they’ve forgotten how to be around each other, how to find the words to admit what they want. And they want the same thing, they have all along, too afraid that they aren’t worth the fight to actually stand up and say how much they want the other to fight for them.
Tied up and desperate and there’s nothing like being stuck in the other’s body to clean the dirt away and show what’s underneath. Love and hope and a depth of feeling that feels like they could drown in it if they slip.
It’s the little details. It’s Ace finding out that Nancy was learning ASL - not so much for him, although of course it’s for him too, but so she can talk to his dad, so she can be part of his family, carve out her own space next to him. And for a moment he looks at her head on (it’s hard to look directly at her whilst she’s in his body, too confusing to see the love he’s worked to keep hidden shining so blindingly obvious from his eyes, how direct his gaze is, how sure he is in his own skin - like looking in a slightly skewed mirror. Because this is something new. This is a sign that she thinks he’s worth it. This is not him doing something to be useful for her, this is her spending her free time learning something to make his life, their life, easier. It’s a chink in the armour, a small sliver of sunlight breaking through the clouds. It’s a lifeline for him to hold onto.
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GIF Credit @yellenabelova
It’s the way they speak without words again, how even with his own face staring back at him he knows what Nancy is thinking, knows the quiet reassurance she offers him as he leaves her alone with his dad. She’s got this, and he trusts her. Doesn’t trust many people with his dad - protective in a way he can’t quite articulate, but that’s how he’s found he feels about the people that mean the most. Can’t put the words out into the world, just ties them to his tongue and leaves his heart on his sleeve.
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GIF Credit @erinchristmaselvis
It’s allowing the frustration at Nancy barging into the club even though it jeopardises the investigation, to bubble to the surface. Biting out the words that she wanted space, she asked for space, and she’s there, looking confident and competent in his skin and it grates on him in a way he can’t fully articulate. Just as the smell of her shampoo being all around him makes him feel electric in this skin that isn’t his. The feel of being close, so close to her, and unable to feel like he can relax, like he’s constantly stepping over unseen lines and it’s too much and too close and makes him want to scream.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s noticing that she’s slipped out the moment they’re in their own bodies again and not being able to say no to the tug under his ribs that tells him to go after her, check she’s ok, check in, show her he’s there and he cares (he still cares).
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
And he’s not thinking about the bannister at the yacht club. Not really. He’s thinking about the little pieces of her he’s seen today. The tension in her body, coiled too tight and desperate to flee, to do something, to keep busy, to push down the memories that keep threatening to surface. He’s thinking about how tired he felt, how she must not be sleeping. How it felt to be working a case with her, trapped into proximity and cut loose to try and be Nancy Drew for an afternoon. To feel useful and wanted and seen. He’s thinking about the weight of her necklace warm and close to the skin by his heart. The knowledge that she’s been learning ASL. That when he comes to stand next to her by the water’s edge she moves slightly closer to him, weight shifting as though pulled on an invisible string.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He’s thinking about the layers of the conversation. Because they’re talking about the mystery and the yacht club and Nancy’s tendency to slip off and get herself into dangerous situations on her own. But they’re also talking about how Ace wouldn’t want her to change, wouldn’t want her to stop being her, but just needs her to let him be there, let him in, not be alone in this, to lean on him a little and let him help keep her safe. That he sees her, that he understands her, that he can’t do it, can’t bear the space, can’t bear being apart. And so here they are, even when it hurts, even when they rub each other the wrong way, and he cannot stand to leave her. Just wants her to be safe and happy and near him. Selfishly - he just wants to be selfish, just for a little while. And maybe, just maybe, if Nancy was learning ASL, maybe she wants to be selfish too - maybe they can be selfish together, maybe they can find a new way of being that doesn’t pretend that they don’t love each other. That each other are true north, the compass point that never wavers. That maybe they can find a way back to each other. That maybe this thing between them isn’t twisted into something poisoned. Maybe it was just a rough patch whilst they worked out how to be with each other - reminded themselves what they’re fighting for, what they stand to gain if they keep trying to break the curse.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s the slight wince as he knows he has to give the piece of her back. That he can’t keep the necklace, no matter how much it feels like a piece of her next to his heart. That  for all the lightness in her words (her voice, her eyes, her face) he has to tell her he knows. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He’s known all day. And he risks bringing that heartbreak to the surface but he can’t not tell her he knows her, he sees her. Can’t resist the lightest touch of fingertips against her palm as he gives this piece of her back again.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
Can’t take his eyes off her, bathed in the sunset and all fire and fight and beauty and he knows he can’t risk being burned, but god the fight is getting harder and harder to maintain. It’s getting harder and harder to remind himself all the reasons they shouldn’t break the curse when all the reasons why they should are clamouring to be heard.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
It’s the layers to their conversation as he leaves to go fishing with his dad. Because Nancy is talking about her mum, and what it is to lose a parent, but she’s also talking about them. All they’re left with now are memories, messy stupid memories. And he can see in her face the memory of their kiss, has been trying so hard to shutter out the feel of her jaw under his palm, the frantic flutter of her pulse, the feel of her lips rising up to meet his own, the gasp he let slip at the touch of her that she swallowed down along with the longing that he’d kept hidden for so long.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
But he can see the shadow of other memories that she has that he can only hold onto the brief outline she sketched for him - of his lips on her skin and promises murmured into the crook of her neck and waking up together tangled in nothing but sunlight and sheets. 
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
And it breaks his heart as her voice catches slightly on the idea that he gets to make more memories - with his dad, with another woman. And she is left with ghost of her mother and the ghost of his lips. The pain in his eyes, the pain in her voice. As he looks at her you can see how desperately he’s tamping down the urge to pull her close, whisper into her hair that she’s not alone, that he’s there, he’ll always be there, even when it hurts. It’s another promise, another chink in the armour, in the wall that’s ready to crumble at the slightest push.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
He doesn’t want to leave her, feels like she’s sending him away. But crushes that voice under the understanding that she’s giving him a gift, asking him to make memories with his dad for her, for him, for the knowledge that one day there won’t be any new memories to make. That it will just be these to take out and hold in the sunlight and to remember the good and the bad and the hard and know that they are a patchwork of a father who loves his son. That this is a way for him to honour the memory of Kate, for him to embrace the opportunity to spend time with his dad who’s still here, Knows that this conversation isn’t over, it’s just a pause for breath, to regroup, to allow them both to process the day, knows that he’ll go out on the water and talk to his dad and unpick some of the knots of his feelings and come back calmer and clearer and certain of his way forward.
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GIF Credit @livelovecaliforniadreams
Because he doesn’t bother with a greeting or telling her who it is. He’s come back to shore knowing he wanted nothing more than to hear her voice, to check she’s ok after an evening remembering her mum. Barely made it into the car after saying goodbye to his dad before he was hitting the call button. Needs to make sure that she understands. That he knows what she was doing and he’s grateful, that he sees her, sees her pain, sees the ways they make each other better and all the ways they might make each other worse, and he loves her, can’t stop loving her.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
The emotion so thick in his voice that he can barely choke the words out around the tears in his throat and the fear that’s been winding its way around him all day. 
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GIF Credit  @nancy-drew
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
Last night they ended on a discordant note, unsure what the other wanted, poised on a precipice that they never jumped from. And he’s been off kilter and unsure for so long, but today. Today has been sunlight on the water, breaking through the clouds, a chance to breathe a full lungful of air and feel the tension drop from his shoulders. Because he’s been there in all the little ways for Nancy, but he’s started noticing all the little ways she’s there for him too, and to listen to all the ways she’s telling him she loves him too, that she thinks he’s worth it, that she wants to be with him, be near him, keep trying. He can see the disconnect between her words last night and her actions, and it fills him with hope.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
The pauses are filled with all the things he doesn’t feel he can say yet. All the layers he’s starting to peel back.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He’s able to be honest, to let some of what he’s feeling come out. And this is why they haven’t spoken on the phone before now. There are too many opportunities for them to misread, to misunderstand, to second guess when they’re face to face and clouded with emotion and want and the pain of seeing the other. But this, he can speak to his phone, speak to the quiet night around him, let the truth out in small pieces as he lets his guard down and the words out from the confines of his heart.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He can tell her these things, doesn’t need to hear anything back, just needs to let the words drop quietly into the silence between them, and to feel a little lighter with the admission. Ace is so good at listening, and being there for her, but he’s bad at admitting his own needs, at expressing his own wants and desires. The most confident we’ve seen him was in those first few episodes of the season where he finally pieced together the curse, and they were on the same page trying to break it. Since then he’s been lost and adrift and in pain and doesn’t know how to right himself, how to staunch the bleeding.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And then she says the magic words. I’m not happy without you in mine. Not, I need you, not you’re useful, not you make my life easier. Those are all quantifiable things that Ace can do things about by being of service, by being helpful, be being needed. This is something ephemeral, magical, something other that is simply him being in her life. This is Nancy wanting him for him, for the joy and the peace and the love. They make each other better.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
It’s such a rare and precious thing to see him smile. And he’s not even smiling for anyone, simply cannot help the surprise huff of joy, the way her words fill him up with something new, something missing from the darkness of the last weeks. Can see him begin to say something
I - 
Bites it off, cuts himself off, doesn’t want to say it yet. Doesn’t want the first time he says it to be to empty air and the sound of Nancy’s soft breathing over the phone. Wants to be able to see her face. Simply sits for a moment in the knowledge that he makes her happy simply by being him, no agenda, no need to make himself be anything more or less.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And there’s so much more he wants to say. Is filled up with wanting. Could sit and just listen to her be at the other end of the line for the rest of the night. Fall asleep listening to the sound of her voice, the catch of her breath, the way his heart beats out the rhythm of her name in his chest. In the darkness where he can start to unspool his feelings it no longer feels so insurmountable, his feelings, his fears, his desires. He can start to untangle the simple fact that he loves Nancy, and he wants to be with her, and they’re going to break the curse. Together.
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henrysglock · 5 months
It's Been Months, But Here's NINA Installment #3.
Just alerting anyone who cares to a new pattern I found in the NINA Massacre of 1979 re: El's eye-blood.
This first part is specifically about 4.07.
As I briefly discussed here, in an earlier post on the topic, El's eye blood is massively out of wack in 4.07.
I'll start here for people who don't want to read the original:
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Baby El is done up with the same brain-squeeze (read: not Vecna) eye blood pattern as teen El, and she should exist, since that version of teen El is shown launching a Henward away from her. However, we never see this version of Baby El on screen.
...or do we?
I want to take us back to March, back to my two original posts about mirrors and cracks in NINA. If we recall, we have 2 distinct sets of wall cracks (plus one set without cracks at all) and two distinct, reversed mirror orientations:
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I linked the orientation from the first image to both gate cracks and no cracks, but I didn't get confirmation on the mirror orientation for the second set of cracks (Likely impact cracks from dematerialization. See: ST1 demogorgon impact crater). Logic says it's the second picture, but I couldn't say for sure.
This is where this new pattern comes in.
Every time we see El with the Vecna eyes and a mirror on screen, the mirror matches the second picture I listed (read: the tall shard is on her left):
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Most times, Henward is entirely excluded from the shot. When he and El are both visible on screen, they deliberately hide his identity from us:
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That is to say: we can't see his jumpsuit pattern to get any kind of confirmation, but El is serving Vecna victim.
And when we can confirm Henward's jumpsuit pattern with both a mirror and El in the shot?
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He's Jumpsuit D (read: Mindflayer guy), the tall shard is on El's right, and we are not allowed to see her eyes/eye blood pattern.
This pattern persists even though the end of 4.07:
No reflected gate? Vecna eyes, tall shard on El's left.
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Gate? Eyes not visible, tall shard on El's right.
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All this to say...BASED ON 4.07:
The mirror alignment that is visibly linked to the Dimension X gate (read: to the Shadow) and to the no-cracks outcome does not allow us to see El's eye blood.
The mirror alignment that's not visibly linked to an outcome (read: logically linked to the impact crater) shows us El with Vecna eyes.
They're hiding gate-El's eye blood pattern from us, and I suspect it's because the pattern is not Vecna style.
And then 4.08 happens.
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4.08 initially maintains the pattern. We're shown El with Vecna eyes from the front, but no evidence of a gate outside the red lighting. Then, we swap to show her back with the gate closing, and we swap back to see her with Vecna eyes but no evidence of a gate...and then we get Him...the infamous and unknowable Bisecting Brenner who's got blood from his forehead all the way down across his opposite cheek:
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And then we get this:
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El with the gate and the tall shard on her right...and Vecna eyes.
The pattern seems to have reversed! They're "no longer" hiding El's face from us (or so they want us to think).
However!! At the same time!! Bisecting Brenner is swapped out for him:
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And then no cracks, tall shard on El's right, and Vecna eyes:
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In short: When bisecting Brenner is there, the pattern of eye blood and mirror orientation from 4.07 is maintained. As soon as half-face Brenner appears, the pattern reverses.
The pattern seems to reverse not by episode, but by witness.
My interest here increases with the context provided in my first Mirrors/Cracks analysis post. We are not allowed to see the Baby El associated with the impact crater cracks, nor are we shown the associated mirror shard orientation. She is hidden from us, just like 4.07/Bisecting Brenner's Gate-El.
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Originally, I thought it may simply have been due to an absence of El given the way dematerialization pulled her through into the blue UD in 1983. While that's absolutely still bouncing around in my mind, I wonder if it's not just that.
It feels like they're deliberately hiding what El's eye blood looks like in the 4.07 gate outcome and the 4.08 dematerialization outcome.
I wouldn't be shocked if those hidden Baby Els had Teen El's brain-squeeze eye blood pattern:
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This, in essence, would confirm the existence of 2 different kill styles for One: Vecna-style, and not Vecna-style. It would also confirm the timeline split, given the pattern reversal based on which Brenner is witnessing it, and it would support the theory of the existence of 6 total different outcomes as well.
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I did the Community episode sorter. According to the sorter these are my top 10 episodes.
1. cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2. mixology certification (2.10) 3. contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4. physical education (1.17) 5. emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6. virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7. origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8. foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 9. regional holiday music (3.10) 10. accounting for lawyers (2.02)
sounds about right.
Full ranking behind the cut - some rankings may shock you.
rankoptions 1 cooperative calligraphy (2.08) 2 mixology certification (2.10) 3 contemporary american poultry (1.21) 4 physical education (1.17) 5 emotional consequences of broadcast television (6.13) 6 virtual systems analysis (3.16) 7 origins of vampire mythology (3.15) 8 foosball and nocturnal vigilantism (3.09) 8 regional holiday music (3.10) 10 accounting for lawyers (2.02) 11 pillows and blankets (3.14) 12 studies in modern movement (3.07) 13 paradigms of human memory (2.21) 14 basic email security (6.06) 15 messianic myths and ancient peoples (2.05) 16 abed's uncontrollable christmas (2.11) 17 advanced dungeons and dragons (2.14) 18 critical film studies (2.19) 19 basic rocket science (2.04) 20 for a few paintballs more (2.24) 21 epidemiology (2.06) 22 early 21st century romanticism (2.15) 23 intermediate documentary filmmaking (2.16) 24 basic rv repair and palmistry (6.10) 25 social psychology (1.04) 26 anthropology 101 (2.01) 27 introduction to film (1.03) 28 romantic expressionism (1.15) 29 beginner pottery (1.19) 30 curriculum unavailable (3.19) 31 course listing unavailable (3.18) 32 urban matrimony and the sandwich arts (3.12) 33 applied anthropology and culinary arts (2.22) 34 basic crisis room decorum (6.03) 35 the science of illusion (1.20) 36 spanish 101 (1.02) 37 basic lupine urology (3.17) 38 home economics (1.08) 39 modern espionage (6.11) 40 bondage and beta male sexuality (5.07) 41 environmental science (1.10) 42 advanced advanced dungeons and dragons (5.10) 43 a fistful of paintballs (2.23) 44 aerodynamics of gender (2.07) 45 celebrity pharmacology (2.13) 46 communication studies (1.16) 47 intro to political science (2.17) 48 advanced criminal law (1.05) 49 vcr maintenance and educational publishing (5.09) 50 introduction to teaching (5.02) 51 asian population studies (2.12) 52 documentary filmmaking: redux (3.08) 53 digital exploration of interior design (3.13) 54 geothermal escapism (5.05) 55 advanced safety features (6.07) 56 modern warfare (1.23) 57 introduction to statistics (1.07) 58 analysis of cork-based networking (5.06) 59 cooperative polygraphy (5.04) 60 ladders (6.01) 61 competitive wine tasting (2.20) 62 biology 101 (3.01) 63 remedial chaos theory (3.03) 64 interpretative dance (1.14) 65 comparative religion (1.12) 66 investigative journalism (1.13) 67 intro to recycled cinema (6.08) 68 the psychology of letting go (2.03) 69 football, feminism, and you (1.06) 70 conspiracy theories and interior design (2.09) 71 custody law and eastern european diplomacy (2.18) 72 competitive ecology (3.04) 73 horror fiction in seven spooky steps (3.05) 74 geography of global conflict (3.02) 75 pilot (1.01) 76 contemporary impressionists (3.11) 77 cooperative escapism in familial relations (4.05) 78 herstory of dance (4.08) 79 advanced documentary filmmaking (4.06) 80 advanced gay (3.06) 81 basic human anatomy (4.11) 82 the art of discourse (1.22) 83 english as a second language (1.24) 84 the politics of human sexuality (1.11) 85 debate 109 (1.09) 86 app development and condiments (5.08) 87 basic intergluteal numismatics (5.03) 88 repilot (5.01) 89 grifting 101 (6.09) 90 basic genealogy (1.18) 91 digital estate planning (3.20) 92 intro to knots (4.10) 93 g.i. jeff (5.11) 94 paranormal parentage (4.02) 95 history 101 (4.01) 96 economics of marine biology (4.07) 97 introduction to finality (3.22) 98 the first chang dynasty (3.21) 99 advanced introduction to finality (4.13) 100 basic sandwich (5.13) 101 basic story (5.12) 102 wedding videography (6.12) 103 queer studies and advanced waxing (6.04) 104 pascal's triangle revisited (1.25) 105 lawnmower maintenance and postnatal care (6.02) 106 laws of robotics and party rights (6.05) 107 heroic origins (4.12) 108 conventions of space and time (4.03) 108 alternative history of the german invasion (4.04) 108 intro to felt surrogacy (4.09)
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soumyafwr · 15 days
Animal Drug Compounding Market Analysis, Size, Share, and Forecast 2031
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neha24blog · 2 months
Herpes Simplex Virus Treatment Market Outlook By Type, Drug, Vaccine, Route Of Administration, End-Use, Region And Forecast Till 2030 : Grand View Research Inc.
San Francisco, 1 March 2024: The Report Herpes Simplex Virus Treatment Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (HSV-1, HSV-2), By Drug (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir), By Vaccine (Simplirix, Others), By Route of Administration, By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 – 2030 The global herpes simplex virus treatment market size is expected to reach USD 4.08 billion…
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jayanthitbrc · 5 months
Global Aerospace Couplers Market Overview: Unleashing Growth Analysis and Key Drivers
The Aerospace Couplers Global Market Report 2023, provides comprehensive information on the aerospace couplers market across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa for the 27 major global industries. The report covers a ten year historic period – 2010-2021, and a ten year forecast period – 2023-2032.
Learn More On The Aerospace Couplers Market’s Growth:
As per The Business Research Company’s Aerospace Couplers Global Market Report 2023, the global aerospace couplers market size is expected to grow from $4.08 billion in 2022 to $4.37 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.94%. The Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term. The war between these two countries has led to economic sanctions on multiple countries, a surge in commodity prices, and supply chain disruptions, causing inflation across goods and services and affecting many markets across the globe. The global aerospace couplers market size is expected to reach $5.90 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 7.81%.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables):
Technological advancements are a key trend gaining popularity in the aerospace couplers market. Companies operating in the aerospace couplers market are adopting new technologies to sustain their position in the market. For instance, in March 2022, CCX Technologies, a Canadian-based aviation products manufacturer, launched a new GPS Antenna Coupler. The improved GPS Antenna Coupler provides greater signal separation from satellites and interference with other neighbouring aircraft's GPS radios. The GPS Antenna Coupler is easy to use and comes with CCX's full testing kit, which also includes the T-RX GPS Signal Generator and T-RX tester.
The aerospace couplers market is segmented:
1) By Type: Emergency Breakaway Coupler, Pressure Coupler, Hydrant Coupler
2) By Application: Commercial, Military
North America was the largest region in the aerospace couplers market in 2022.
The table of contents in TBRC’s aerospace couplers market report includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Aerospace Couplers Market Characteristics
3. Aerospace Couplers Market Trends And Strategies
4. Aerospace Couplers Market - Macro Economic Scenario
…… 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Aerospace Couplers Market
29. Aerospace Couplers Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
30. Appendix
Learn About Us:  The Business Research Company is a market intelligence firm that pioneers in market, company, and consumer research. TBRC’s specialist consultants are located globally and are experts in a wide range of industries that include healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, chemicals, and technology. The firm has offices located in the UK, the US, and India, along with a network of proficient researchers in 28 countries. Through the report businesses can gain a thorough understanding of the market’s size, growth rate, major drivers and leading players.
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Citric Acid Market Analysis, Key Player, Business Opportunities, Current Trends and Forecast by 2035
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According to a report by ChemAnalyst titled "Global Citric Acid Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End-User Industries, Type, Sales Channel, Regional Demand, Company Share, 2015-2035," the Citric Acid market is projected to reach around 2800 thousand tonnes by 2035, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.08%. This expansion is anticipated to continue throughout the forecasted period, driven by the demands from various end-use sectors such as Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Detergent & Cleaning, Cosmetic & Personal Care, and others.
Read Full Report Here: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/citric-acid-market-695
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ailtrahq · 7 months
ETSY is trading at $64.72 with an intraday trading volume of 2.738, its average trading volume over the last 10 days is 4.063. The company has a market cap of 7.961 Billion, and floating share value is 122.035 Million with a basic EPS of -5.65. The company reported its Q2 2023 earnings recently, which showed a revenue of 628.88 Million and a net income of 61.91 Million. The company had a profit margin of 9.85%, which shows its efficiency and profitability. However, the profit margin was lower than the Q1 2023 earnings indicating a decline in performance. The stock had a poor performance this year, as it gave a return of 46.74% to its investors since the beginning of the year. However, recently, the stock has shown signs of weakness, as it failed to break above the resistance level of 50-day EMA. The stock is also trading below the key moving averages, which are bearish signals. As per TradingView, out of 26 indicators, 13 are on the sell side, 9 are on the neutral side, and 4 of them indicate a buy signal. However, the overall weightage of indicators is on the sell side. Furthermore, 13 analysts gave a maximum estimation of a price to be 170.00 and a minimum estimation of a price to be 46.00. Moreover, out of 32 analysts, 15 are giving a strong buy signal, 2 are giving a buy rating and 12 are hinting at a hold, 3 rate a strong sell. ETSY Stock Technical Analysis According to the technical chart, ETSY took a sharp rejection from the upper trendline of $102.88 and broke the 50-day EMA line. The price was currently trading below the 50 SMA line. MACD breached the middle line and headed downwards. MACD line (-3.79) is beneath the signal line (-4.08) demonstrating bearishness in the stock. The RSI line is also heading towards an oversold zone, breaching the median line. RSI line (34.71) is beneath the 14 SMA (30.37) line demonstrating bearishness. On the 4-hour charts, Etsy stock is on the verge of a most awaited breakdown, which registers when the price trades below $60. However, buyers are accumulating the stock by defending it from the support of $64. RSI shows sellers’ presence. The RSI curve is floating near 41, which indicates that the stock is oversold. This could be a sign that sellers are starting to lose control of the stock. However, the RSI is still in the neutral zone, so it is too early to say for sure that a breakdown is imminent. The MACD indicator is bearish and maintains red bars on the histogram. This suggests that the momentum in the stock is bearish. However, the MACD is not yet in the oversold zone, so it is possible that the stock could stage a rally before breaking down. Conclusion Etsy Inc, stock price is heading downward breaking 50 and 200-day EMA. Most trustworthy technical indicators like MACD and RSI are indicating a downtrend in ETSY price. Etsy Investors avoid the FOMO (fear of missing out). Scarcity is created in the stock market for accumulating more investors and creditors. It is better to keep it at arm’s length as this may result in one of the emerging reasons for market volatility. Technical Levels Support Levels: $62.63 and $51.70. Resistance Levels: $70.00 and $82.22. Disclaimer This article is for informational purposes only and does not provide any financial, investment, or other advice. The author or any people mentioned in this article are not responsible for any financial loss that may occur from investing in or trading. Please do your own research before making any financial decisions. Source
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reviewdiaries · 9 months
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GIF Credit  @nancydrewcentral
Look, can we just take a minute to appreciate this moment. This beautiful, heart breaking moment. And huge props to Kennedy for conveying all of this because it is just absolutely chef’s kiss.
Nancy has been dealing with grief in her own way, and in the first year of course a lot of that is going to be focussed on the trauma and the bad stuff and trying not to think about her mum in any context, except when the memories of those last awful few months slip through. It’s going to take her much longer to start to be able to remember the good stuff and not just those last days and weeks. And given how her mother died and the trauma she experienced around going to do a fun thing for herself and coming home to her mum dead, she absolutely has PTSD and complex grief around all this.
But then she has this conversation with Carson where he doesn’t know he’s speaking with Nancy, as far as he’s concerned it’s just Ace and of course Ace knows the little details about Kate - he’s seen the way Ace looks at his daughter as though she’s hung the moon, he’s not blind or stupid. So he expects Nancy to have shared these little moments with Ace, he thinks nothing of it.
And Nancy is catapulted unsuspectingly into thinking about this little non-trauma related detail about her mum, which leads to more memories, and she sees the way Carson’s face lights up remembering his wife. In that moment Nancy realises she needs to put her dad first, because that’s what he’s been doing for her all along, and having this brief non-Nancy interaction with him she can see all that he’s pushing away for her.
So she invites everyone round, because they’re her family, and her mum would have been part of that, even though part of her knows that she only found this little family because her mum died, so there’s going to be a whole load of mixed emotions in there over that too. But she knows Carson needs to celebrate the good and wonderful moments, because his last moments with Kate are different, and his grief is different, and his trauma is different. So she puts aside her needs and gets a cake, and makes a speech, and she dredges up these good memories that she’s already touched on earlier in the day and it hurts. God it hurts so much to remember the good things, to remember her mum at all. This entire show is an exploration of how we deal with grief in all its many forms, but that’s a meta for another day. This memory, this anniversary, this moment hurts. It is brutal, and Nancy is putting her own needs last to do this for her dad. 
And this moment. God, this moment. You can see how much she does not want to do this. She has to take a breath to bolster herself, steady herself as she scoops up the cake. Can’t look directly at Carson as she does it, because this should be her mum, not her. And she is so close to tears, fighting to hold them back for her dad, for this moment, for trying to hold onto the joy that her mum would bring. You can see her face twist with grief, with the desperate need to just sob. But she knows that this is the kind of sob where once you let it out even a little bit you can’t stop, you are at the mercy of the grief screaming out of you. 
By the time everyone else joins in she’s regained some composure, but this tiny moment shows the cracks in the facade, the desperate pain she is in as she does this, the overwhelm of the black hole of grief as she succumbs to the overlay of grief and joy and heartbreak that she works so hard to keep at bay the rest of the time.
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henrysglock · 10 months
Do you think that Henry/Vecna will get a redemption arc in season 5? What would you like to see happen to Henry? I don't know if you've gotten that question before and sorry if you have. I find the idea of a redemption arc fascinating but I do know he kind of already rejected the idea of one. I wanted to know your thoughts because I like your account and I think you're swag! Thanks!
Gugh Okay! My thoughts about this very much follow the lines of "Our main Venca is 001, and Henry is not 001". So we can start with that!
But do I think Vecna should get a redemption? No. Do I think he will? No. Best I can do is a suicide arc, sorry 😭 At this point Vecna is beyond "saving" in the sense of "coming home and being forgiven/making reparations". He's totally leaned into the monster side (not to mention that I'm not even sure he can survive in the right-side up anymore, based on his physical changes).
The same goes for Mindflayer guy, and any other Vecnas we may have (I'm not sure if you've read my script analysis posts or the posts about his changing appearance/jumpsuits, but that's another good place to start).
Now as for Henry...I think there's a place for some kind of comeback under specific circumstances, ones which do have some merit when it comes to ST5. Were there to be a leftover Henry in Hawkins Lab, one associated with the no-gate/no-dematerialization timeline (re: my post about the cracks in the Rainbow Room in 4.08 and my post about the missing gate), then that would mean there's a timeline where Henry has done nothing wrong. There's nothing to be redeemed for.
Thus, no redemption arc necessary outside of uncovering the truth of the situation and realizing that hey, this guy isn't the bad guy. More of a "who done it" than a redemption, if that makes sense.
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shambooget · 9 months
Industrial Roller Chain Drives In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
Industrial Roller Chain Drives Market Research, 2031
The global industrial roller chain drives market size was valued at $2.81 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $4.08 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 3.6% from 2022 to 2031. Industrial roller chain drive is a mechanism used for transferring mechanical power from one component or machinery to another. It includes a sprocket, which drives a roller chain by engaging its tooth between the gap of two consecutive rollers. Thus, when sprocket rotates, it transfers its energy to the chain that is connected to a driven sprocket on the other machine; thereby, transferring mechanical power.
Roller chain drives are widely used for mechanical power transmission in various industries and machineries, owing to its advantages, such as high efficiency in power transmission, high power to weight ratio, and smaller footprint. Moreover, it is inexpensive and easy to maintain. Such advantages of industrial roller chain drives are anticipated to drive their demand during the forecast period.
Manufacturing sector is witnessing a rise, owing to rise in demand for consumer and industrial products, such as consumer durables, packaging media, and metals. This is attributable to rise in disposable income of people in general. Since, the manufacturing industry utilizes industrial roller chain drives for mechanical power transmission, rise in demand for its products is anticipated to drive demand for industrial roller chains during the forecast period. Furthermore, owing to rise in population, demand for energy and minerals is growing rapidly. This is a major factor that drives growth of the mining industry. Machineries in the mining industry are major users of industrial roller chain drives. Thus, increase in demand in the mining industry is expected to fuel growth of the industrial roller chain drive market. Moreover, owing to rapid rise in population, demand for food and other agricultural products is rising; thereby driving demand for agricultural machineries. Agricultural machineries being the major users of industrial roller chain drives propel their, which is projected to drive growth of the industrial roller chain drives industry.
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The industrial roller chain drives market is segmented into Type, Application and End User Industry. By type, the market is categorized into single-strand chain, double-pitch chain, multi-strand chain, and others. On the basis of application, it is categorized into power transmission, conveyor, and hoisting & hauling. On the basis of end user, it is categorized into manufacturing, mining, material handling, and others. Region wise, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Asia Pacific dominated the market in 2021, accounting for the largest industrial roller chain drives market share, and is anticipated to maintain this trend throughout the forecast period. This is attributed to availability of a large manufacturing industry in the region.
Compeition Analysis
Key companies profiled in the industrial roller chain drives market forecast report include AB SKF, Allied-Locke Industries, Diamond Chain Company Inc., Ewart Agri Services Ltd., iwis, HKK Chain Corporation John King Chains Ltd., KettenWulf Betriebs GmbH, Martin Sprocket & Gear Inc, Peer chain, Ramsey Products Corporation, Regal Rexnord Corporation, Renold plc, Rubix,, Tripcon Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Tsubakimoto Chain Co., and Wippermann Jr. GmbH.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/industrial-roller-chain-drives-market-A17018#:~:text=The%20global%20industrial%20roller%20chain,3.6%25%20from%202022%20to%202031.
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sandhyarani1999 · 1 year
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rohitinkwood · 1 year
Warehouse Racking System Market: Top Benefits & Common Types of Pallet Racks
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Proper inventory management is integral to warehouse operations, which is also a challenge faced by warehouse professionals. This can be eased by selecting the right warehouse racking system. A warehouse racking system is a storage solution for racking materials in horizontal rows on multiple levels. As per Inkwood Research, the global warehouse racking system market is set to register a CAGR of 4.08% during the forecast period, 2023-2032.
Businesses today are prioritizing warehouse optimization, given the surging e-commerce operations and the increasing home delivery trends. Accordingly, companies are streamlining warehouse operations through tactics like pallet racking to meet the increasing demand for speedy goods delivery. Pallets are a major component in a supply chain and substantially influence overall efficiency.
Inkwood Research’s analysis of the global warehouse racking system market by type includes drive-in racking and drive-through racking, selective pallet racking, cantilever racking, pallet flow racking, and pushback racking. As per our evaluation, selective pallet racking is the largest revenue-generating and fastest-growing type in the market. It is expected to garner a revenue share of 44.31% and a CAGR of 4.58% by 2032.
In this blog, we take a look at the top benefits & common types of pallet racks:
Top Benefits of Pallet Racks
Space Saving
The foremost benefit of a pallet racking system is maximum storage space. It uses more vertical space over floor space, facilitating more storage capacity. Similarly, an increased storage capacity will result in increased revenue. The forklift trucks can drive into the racks, enabling easy handling of goods.
For instance, push-back racking systems expand storage capacity for high-density product stock-keeping units (SKUs). In addition, drive-through or drive-in pallet racks save space by minimizing the number of aisles within a warehouse for efficient workflow management.
Enhanced Warehouse Safety
Safety is a topmost priority in any industry. Warehouse safety rules should encompass worker logistics, height restrictions, machinery operations, and pallet & load weight. As a result, the demand for rapid fulfillment and convenience has increased in the last few years in warehouses alongside warehouse injuries. As per a 2020 study by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 4.8 injuries among warehousing & storage workers for every 100 full-time employees.
A busy warehouse can immensely benefit from a pallet racking strategy as it eliminates common hazards that cause injuries, minimizes clutter, and streamlines workflow. Additionally, pallet racking systems are designed to meet the capacity, weight, and height needs of warehouses, which enables safe & proper loading and storage.
Minimal Damage to Merchandise
Merchandise wrapped on a pallet and secured on solid beams and wire decking is less prone to fall or accidental damage. Pallet racks can aid in keeping goods safe and reducing unnecessary transportation. Also, enhanced material handling increases profits by minimizing waste and damaged merchandise.
Common Types of Pallet Racks
Double-deep racks are created by placing one row of selective racks behind another. It can increase the storage capacity by 40% and is the least-expensive method to create high-density storage.
Selective Pallet Rack
As the most versatile and popular pallet racking system, a selective pallet rack helps in effective space utilization. It also offers easy access to every load stored through any forklift. It is available in easy-to-clean structural and debris-resistant steel, which is ideal for food-handling operations. Moreover, it is recommended for low-turnover retail, manufacturing, and general warehousing.
Pallet Flow Rack
Pallet flow racks use a first-in/first-out (FIFO) loading system and sloping racks. New pallets are added at the higher end and removed from the lower end. Also, pallet flow racks can increase the storage capacity twice or thrice more than drive-in or conventional pallet rack systems. These are ideal for food distribution centers, freezer warehouses, and storage of perishable, high-volume consumer goods.
Drive-In/Drive-Thru Rack
The drive-in rack utilizes a common entry/exit, while a drive-thru rack has a separate entry and exit. It requires a smaller number of aisles.
Key features of drive-in/drive-thru racks:
Highly rigid and strongly welded frame construction
Enables the use of structural or roll-formed steel components with several rail and arm combinations
Designed for functionality and longer durability
Minimizes space costs
High-density storage solution
Such racks are recommended for high-turnover retail products, general warehousing, freezer/cooler, etc.
Warehouse Racking System Market Future Outlook: Expanding 3PL Services
3PL (Third-Party Logistics) helps online retailers in supply chain management. The prevailing 3PL services include inventory & warehouse management, retail distribution, shipping arrangement, returns and exchanges. The flourishing e-commerce industry is the primary growth driver of 3PL activities worldwide. Since warehouse activities are part of 3PL, the expanding 3PL services are set to augment the global warehouse racking system market demands.
By Akhil Nair
Which are the leading players in the global warehouse racking system market?
Vanderlande Industries BV, SSI Schaefer Group, Kardex Holding AG, Daifuku Co Ltd, etc., are among the leading players in the global warehouse racking system market.
Which is the prominent end-user of the global warehouse racking system market?
Retailers are the prominent end-user of the global warehouse racking system market.
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