lilmeawmeawblog · 9 months
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜
𝚃𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝟻 : 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛
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the quiet kids, kids who like to disappear inside their own mind, kids who don't want to lose the safety it provides. Its likely that E5 kid didn't feel nurtured enough, especially by their mother which caused the painful feelings of longing, isolation. To defend themselves against those feelings the kids started to occupy their minds with something else, they retreated into their mind. The kids thought by not wanting any emotional nourishment from the nurturing figure they can truly become independent. Its possible the kids never felt safe with their family. Detachment & forcing themselves to not desire any emotional engagement with others became their defense mechanism. As a child it feels very overwhelming and unsafe for them to leave their mind. When the E5 kids needed other people's mental support the most in order to survive , they were neglected & left alone. Most likely the mother figure was unresponsive to E5 kid. As an adult, they are forever stuck in the last & third phase of separation "detachment" since childhood.
{ writing this was a bit uncomfortable for me as an E5 because it brings back the painful feelings from childhood. }
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 5 summarised!!
Core type-  Passion: avarice. E5s are cautious and value anonymity with what they share in order to maintain the peace and calmness they worked hard to achieve. They need this space to consume information about the world without having to participate in it. Fixation: stinginess. They have a huge thirst for knowledge, usually this will accompany knowledge on how to strategically control their environment. Trap: observer. The e5s fascination with the world comes from a place of anxiety. They want to know everything about life while refusing to really live it. Defence mechanism: isolation. To avoid emptiness and keep their self image of being knowledgeable, they isolate themselves from any painful or intense emotions. Instead they want to focus on their knowledge in hope to completely remove these thoughts. Virtue: detachment. To relieve themselves from their isolation, they will need to detach from their hiding place, experience the world and let go of the anonymity they so crave.  Key traits: The centrality of thinking, emotional detachment and feelinglessness, fear of engulfment, autonomy and self-sufficiency, hypersensitivity.
Subtypes-  Self preservation [sp]: Sp5s build clear walls around themselves to protect their safe space. They have a strong need for things like boundaries and dislike surprises and intrusions. Once they feel as though these boundaries are crossed, they rely on their safe space to retreat to. They generally strongly value control. Sexual [sx]: Sx5s are often more artistic than the other subtypes. They want to find the perfect partner they can share every part of themselves with. Even the parts they’ve suppressed for a long time. Because of this, they are often disappointed in the people they trusted in to be like this perfect person for them. Social [so]: So5s have this same desire to be able to share their ideas and thoughts with others, but this is much more group focused for them. They want to find people who they share interests with and bring them together. They are more obvious in their search for knowledge, but focus less on truly shutting themselves off.
Contradictions-  ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESTJ, ENTJ, ISFP, INFP, ISFJ The main contradiction in e5 is extroversion. E5 is a very reclusive type, they tend to observe instead of participate and try. This contradicts with the inherent external involvement of any cognitively extroverted type. The second is partially the feeling dichotomy, this is due to their emotional isolation. The sensation dichotomy is also considered to be debatable due to e5s abstract thought process.  Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e3, e4, e6, e7 and e9.
Compatible types- Self preservation: ISTP, INTP, ISTJ, INTJ Sexual: INFJ, INTP, INTJ Social: INTP, INTJ
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phlve · 5 months
The Enneagram of Divine Forms — Point 5: The Observer
Will narrow the universal view into the particular and subjective point of view of the observer
Always losing perspective of the forest because their entire attention is on particular trees
Is found collecting bits and pieces
Can spend a lot of time trying to disclose the riddles of life and society
Continuous interest in observing others
Fear that they are also the focus of attentive study and observation by others
Inclined to hide and be anonymous around people
General inclination to play the social game without giving of themselves completely and openly
General attitudes of fear of the environment, natural and social, ‘nervous wrecks’ because of the pressure of their fear and stress
Perceives and projects their distortion of reality by thinking that they have been alienated by their siblings or the world
Ego-delusion: of being stingy or a person who keeps to themselves as they judge others exclusively from their personal perception and narrow point of view
Passion of avarice: amass information and accumulate, pieces of knowledge and gossip about others, as well as collecting material things
Meddling on one side and antisocial on the other
Introjection: their primary defense mechanism, in which they absorb themselves in and internalize the attributes and personalities of others by assimilating their behavior, emotions or characteristics
Self-obsessed, see themselves as a separate bystander
Assert to themselves: ‘I am sociable and self-sufficient’
Shyness which makes them nervous socially
Ego-reaction: distrust, which produces a constant looking in every direction
Ego-justification: to face facts with cynicism because of their poor idea of the motives and self-interest of others
Intense aversion or repulsion that is felt acutely, which becomes the starting point for their plotting and scheming
Considerate on one side and imposing on the other
Source: @/if u seek amy on PDB
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wheresmyfuckintea · 1 year
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-> concerned with knowledge & competence
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding Type 5
An intro to enneagram 5
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Beth Harmon (Queens Gambit) INTJ 5w4 so/sp 
Core Desire (Exploration of the Mind)- They crave knowledge and understanding of the world around them. 
Vice (Avarice)-They will cling to things (Not necessarily material) and keep them guarded in order to feel a sense of comfort. 
Fixation (Miser)- Will hide away their knowledge and general understanding of things due to feeling like it doesn't give as much result as it takes to share it. 
5w4 (The Philosopher)- With the w4 they become more interested in metaphysical constructs and imaginative processes. Interested in the aesthetic and symbolic representation of things. Might be more introverted possibly a bit more on the intense side. Emotionally inaccessible while maintaining a level of intesity. But due to being a withdrawn type and a rejection type all of this emotional intensity is purely internal. 
5w6 (The Troubleshooter)- While the 5w4 will focus on metaphysical constructs and the understanding of the metaphysics on knowledge the 5w6 will be more interested in the  categorization of this knowledge. Will be more practical than then 5w4. More likely to be interested in the applicability of this knowledge in the outer world. Due to their interest in practicality they are gonna be more interested in methodical processes than imaginative ones. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
they have a tendencies to withhold all of their emotions to avoid all form of emotional attachment. 
Harmonic Triad- Competency (1-3-5)
Focuses on the gain of information and performs action in an “objective” manner withholding their emotions from getting in the way. 
Hornevian Triad- Withdrawn (4-5-9)
Detach themselves of reality to preserve their selves due to their being avarice they will withhold allot of themselves around others. 
Object Relations- Rejections (2-5-8)
They will reject any form of emotional attachment that comes their way. will withhold from any form of emotional attachment. 
Social (so)- The social 5 focuses on sharing their knowledge to others they want to expand on information. This subtype will use the knowledge and sharing it in order to keep themselves from feeling. They are more on the social side due to them wanting to share the knowledge they have gained in their life. They are extremely driven, social and competitive. Due to this qualities they can look like 3s and 7s. 
Ex- Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) INTJ 5w4 so/sp, Reed Richards (MARVEL COMICS) INTP 5w6 so/sp and Lara Croft ISFP 5w6 so/sp
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 5 this subtype will focus on gaining the perfect relationship. They will start the relationship slowly by putting you via certain trails if you will. This subtype is only interested in connecting with someone who they can share their inner world with another who understands them. They can be more sensitive than the other 5s and due to this they'll look like 4s while still being a 5 at their core.
Ex-Joe Goldberg (You) INFJ 5w4 sx/sp, Mister Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)  INTJ 5w4 sx/sp and Mother Miranda (RE Village) INTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp) the self-preservation type 5 will hide themselves from others by maintaining themselves away from others by creating physical and metaphysical walls between themselves and others. However they minimize themselves in order to have a safe space for themselves in comfort. They can be more social however it's a social battery that can run out. They can look like 6s sometimes. 
Ex-Alice Liddle (Alice in Wonderland) INTP 5w6 sp/sx, Raven INTJ 5w4 (Teen Titans)  sp/sx and L (Death Note) INTP 5w4 sp/so
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 8
Positive- They become In tune with themselves and uses their anger to pursuit their goals more. They become assertive in their wants
Negative-They become more withdrawn and uses their anger punitively to push others away more.
Moves to 7
Positive- They become in tune with the enviorement less paranoid and fearful. Becomes more interested in the outer world and experiences they can find in it. 
Negative- Overindulges and becomes distracted easily. 
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lemonthepotato · 2 months
Collage of enneagram characters I made for an amino post.
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Edit: Replaced Chiaki with Napstablook. She’s an obvious 5 that I typed wrong.
Edit 2: Rarity is likely a 2w1, my apologies. Sera might be E6, I saw a good argument for her. I’ll make a part 3 going into subtypes.
Edit: Massive Update
Edit 2: Not sure if I’ll make the subtypes one. It’s taking so long to find all these different examples. I’ve only gotten to so5. Also Natsuki being E4 was a CRAZY take.
Edit 3: Nicole is a sp7 I just don’t feel like changing it. I was doing an analysis for this acc (coming… whenever) and reading subtype descriptions and nope, not a sp8.
Edit 4: No longer stand by Shion sx4. She’s a sx7. Probably, anyway.
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rainytypology · 7 months
Enneagram Type 5
An overview of an enneagram type. Not an expert. May change later.
Center: Head/Thinking/Fear
Other triads: Competent, Withdrawn, Rejection
Basic motivation: To be competent, knowledgeable
Basic fear: Being useless and helpless
Wings: 5w4, 5w6
Disintegration/stress: 7
Integration/growth: 8
- Strengths -
Curious and observant
Analytical and rational
Innovative and inventive
- Weaknesses -
Detached and distant
Can isolate self too often
Intense, doesn't understand feelings
Feeling incapable, incompetent
- 5w4 -
5 and 4 are withdrawn types so a 5w4 is a very internalized type. 5w4s often need a lot of alone time to reflect and recharge. This type is a deep and sensitive thinker, very observant and detail oriented. Can be very focused and attentive. They work hard when it comes to things they are passionate about.
- 5w6 -
The 6 wing makes 5 a little more open and receptive to people. They're quite organized and structured with a plan for pretty much everything, considering 5's need to be knowledgeable and 6's need to be prepared all the time. They can be creative problem solvers and are quite practical.
Disintegration: 7
Disintegrating to 7 shows up in a 5 as scatterbrained behavior. Easily distracted and impulsive. Can have a hard time concentrating as their mind is filled with too much and keeps jumping from one thing to the next. A disintegrated 5 is very restless.
Integration: 8
Integration to 8 means a 5 is learning to become more comfortable in participating in the real world. Fear no longer makes them want to hide away all the time. They are capable of living outside of their minds and fully living in reality. They don't get stuck analyzing choices over and over again to the point of paralysis - they learn to just do things regardless of their paranoia.
Subtypes of 5
- Sp 5 -
Sp 5s are the most protective over their time and energy. They have clear boundaries they are not shy to set. Sp 5s have a need for independence and will not allow anyone or anything to take it away from them. This subtype is much more of an observer of life rather than a participant. They would rather focus their time and energy into personal projects that bring them life.
- Sx 5 -
Sx 5s are less concerned with boundaries as they seek to find a person who has a similar mindset like them. They want to find someone who can truly understand them so that the sx 5 can comfortably open up their private world to them. However, their independence can still make them fearful - it can take a lot of time for them to genuinely open up. They try to attract by having various interests and having interesting inner lives.
- So 5 -
So 5s want to be seen as competent and wise by others. They want to be seen as intellectual and so will be drawn to opportunities that allow them to showcase their knowledge and skills. However, their need to be alone conflicts with the desire to be viewed as an intelligent role model. They don't want to be overwhelmed by the world yet still want to participate in it. Although a social subtype, they may still struggle to connect with others, but they will still be drawn to like minded individuals.
Enneagram list
Side blogs:
Kpop astrology @rainy-astrology
Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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boredintjqueen · 1 year
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fnec · 2 years
do u guys ever like discover ur type in another typology system and then just feel so cool and smart adding it into every bio u have like
"Hah oh yeah I'm a ILE ENTP (NeTi) [S]L/O/aI FEVL PBNV(4324) 7w8 739 sp/so sang-chol ph-phsa-ch "🧍🏾‍♀️
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funkymbtifiction · 3 months
Young Sheldon: Sheldon Cooper [INTP 5w6]
MBTI Type: INTP Sheldon is highly analytical, always asking questions, and so logical he doesn’t understand why other people get emotional about foolish things. His interests are all highly abstract and mathematical—astrophysics for example, and he intends to earn a living doing them one day. He easily memorizes and learns equations and thinks he has solved those high above his grade level,…
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View On WordPress
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thinkingmystic · 4 months
Enneagram pages about Fives: weird logical lil bugs, super shy
Actual Fives:
I am an unfillable chasm yearning for oblivion
I could eat the whole world and hunger still for death
My emotions blot out the sun; can you not hear me screaming?
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5s are bigger sadbois than 4s. both are emo as fuck. 4 emos are crying out for their lost utopia and crying out for love. because they disintegrate into a 2 and idealize integration into the idealistic 1. 5 emos are like "its over. I can never be saved. the world is too big and crushing for me. lets bleed and die and become robots". they disintegrate into 7 where they are lost in the big picture and become sad about their lack of impact in the enormous world (because they lack the positivity of a true 7). and they idealize integration into 8 which is an over-embodied animal, a "beast" with zero idealism whatsoever. but they also seem to fear this greatly... ???
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mistype360 · 27 days
mbti/enneagram typing for @sevilemar
istp 5w6 sp/so 584
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enneagram: 5w6 sp/so 584
i notice that in most answers about your activities, you almost seem to view them as a "skill" that you collect, rather than something that you do solely for the enjoyment. you're also pretty aware of how these things help you, particularly in the future or in daily life.
for that reason, you likely have a 5 somewhere in your tritype. 5's like to "collect knowledge/information," which seems to match with your intent of collecting "skills." this is also why many 5's main desire is to be "competent" in the world, because they believe it will help them in the future or in life, as you describe.
this is also what differentiates you from a type 3. an enneagram 3 would try to be more "competent" in order to succeed by societal standards, but i don't see you as the type of person to want to climb that ladder. for instance, you say that you find yourself analyzing people bc it helps you with your wants (make life easier, don't hurt you), which seems to me that you don't really care about success, you do it for yourself (5w6 - somewhat focused on security). while it isn't the sole reason, this is why you have a higher valuation on sp than on so or even sx.
you also repeat a couple times that you find yourself pretty interested in self improvement. i don't think this is EXCLUSIVE to type 5's (which would be ironic- since there are people from each type that are interested in enneagram and self improvement), but again, i think your intentions speak a lot more to why you are a type 5.
as for your wing, it seems to me that you have a so6. in questions about leadership and work, you say that you don't like doing things harmful because you don't agree with the intentions to maximize profit. you also say that your leadership style is personal, and you like to get to know the people. plus, you say that you find yourself valuing efficiency in more social/professional settings. i think this description by haiki.es about social 6's puts it well:
"They tend to orient themselves toward duty and doing the right thing. They can be quite efficient and responsible."
your tritype seemed balanced with each type, so it was hard to point out what exact fixes you had. somewhere in there though, i see you might have an 8w7, as i notice with some of your descriptions on anger as well as your emphasize on having new experiences. the 7 is especially present, although i can't repeat it in your tritype (although this makes sense, as your are very thinking prominent). your 4 wasn't too big, but it was more seen than having a 3 or a 2 :p
(link for anyone who needs help understanding cognitive functions!! + feel free to ask if confused)
for your mbti, you say that you learn from past, live in present, and are pretty much comfortable with future because it's "unpredictable."
this suggests that you have balanced sensory/intuitive functions, meaning they are placed in your aux/tert placements. the part about being comfortable with the future for the reason that it's unpredictable AND being pretty much comfortable with the past + present suggests to me that you are pretty balanced between si and se, so you are very sensory based.
something that solidified for me why you have ti is when you say that when you learn, you "put everything into [your] own categories and systems," and then "integrate it into what [you] already know." this is pretty much the defintion of ti.
the part about feeling stifled with set times/lists and liking structure, but not TOO much suggests that you have a lot of ti. also about how you disagree with rules, and might even break them if they don't align with your beliefs, means maybe even a slight more ti than you have si.
conclusion: ISTP
you are def very sensory based in general, so your si is mostly equal to your se. for that reason, since you have such a strong ti, i'd go with typing you as an ISTP (ti-se-ni-fe), which is the most likely. this also pretty much fits the vibe of your questoinnaire/answers!
if i type you by a crazier method, i'd say you are an ISTJ (ti-si-ne-fe) by a less commonly accepted/known way to structure mbti functions, since i think that you have higher si than ne. this is an unusual typing, since many think that two functions can't be back-to-back extroverted or introverted. also, this isn't the same as 99% ISTJ descriptions you find online, but i'll link some abt this specific type if it helps:
debate/analysis on this istj
most comprehensive blog on this structure i've ever seen
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enneagramgoodvibes · 6 months
It doesn’t matter if it’s actually you’re enneagram type, if it’s what you feel like right now, then it’s what your pain point is, and you should work through it. If you’re still that type after, great, if you’re not, now you’re healthier and can keep looking.
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innammoratta · 2 years
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Enneagram Memes
Part Two
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 5
Healthy Social 5
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Milo Thatch (5w4 so/sp)- he rejects allot of the traditional notion about the E5 we usually see. He is open about his feelings and is extremely extroverted, always eager to share his knowledge . He is always able to express how he feels and live in the moment.
Barbara Gordon (5w6 so/sx)- Even at her lowest Barb is always capable of thinking of solutions. She's always there for the team and always open to helping others.
Dale Cooper (5w4 so/sx)- The most charismatic E5 in media. He was always up to learn about things and kept a very clear mind on what was going on in the moment. Always seemed to care about getting his facts right and was open to understanding others.
Unhealthy Social 5
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Doctor Doom (5w4 so/sx)- I was very close to typing him as an SO3 but honestly after paying a bit more attention it's very clear he is an SO5. Dooms whole idea revolves around outsmarting Reed Richards and proving he is his superior drives him into obsession and isolation.
Beth Harmon (5w6 so/sp)- Her desire to be the best at chest drives her to obsession and as the series goes on we see her disintegrate towards 8 and eventually moving back to her normal self. In the end we see a Beth who has let go of her need of perfection in chest and just finds enjoyment in the sport.
Quan Chi (5w6 so/sp)- His desire for knowledge intertwines with his need for power and control. Eventually deciding to create and army of the undead and resurrect multiple people who have been long gone.
Healthy Self-preservation 5
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Peter Parker TASM (5w6 sp/sx)- This version of Peter Parker is more focused on the look for knowledge and understanding. He is a bit less focused on the external world but rather his own personal understanding of his family. However he never rejected others and always stayed
Wednesday Adams (5w4 sp/so)- While she can be looked at as detached from others. In the second movie we see a Wednesday who clearly has her heart in the right place. She is caring and always looking for the vest for her family.
Ellie Chu (5w6 sp/so)- At the beginning of the film we see her reduce her self as much as possible trying to go by unnoticed. but as the movie goes on we see her become more open about her feelings and stop being afraid of creating connections with others.
Unhealthy Self-preservation 5
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Donnie Darko (5w4 sp/so)-In the movie we see him spiral completely down and detach himself from others.
Walter White (5w6 sp/so)- Wanting to feel alive in the little time he has he decides to over indulge and let him self go. He disintegrates towards 8 a bit each season. In the end eventually loosing everyone.
Haymitch Avarnethay (5w6 sp/so)- Due to the effects the games had on him we see him make a slow move to 8. While he is Katniss mentor we see him improve himself and become more centered in reality.
Healthy Sexual 5
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Simon Petrigrof (5w6 sx/sp)- In the beginning of F&C we meet back with him completely sad and focused on getting Betty back. He has comply withdrawn from others and grew to believe he didn't have ay value outside of getting with Betty. In the end of the show we see him make peace with Betty and moving on.
James (EOFW) (5w4 sx/sp)- He spent allot of time detached from others and due to this he believed he has APD. However when Alissa finds him they become close and form a bond that couldn't be broken. While their Journey has consequences they were able to come together to figure out in the end.
Alan Wake (5w4 sx/so)- While allot of his actions are morally dubious, his desire was always to share the stories he had to tell. And his love for Alice kept him sane in the dark place.
Unhealthy Sexual 5
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Hannibal Lecter (5w4 sx/so)- His intense desire to have a relationship with Will Graham sends him spiraling down to the point of obsession.
Gendo Ikari (5w4 sx/so)- He completely withdraws from the world once he loses Yui and neglects Shinji in the process. He eventually tries to make the third impact happen in order to get over the core fear of enneagram 5.
Mother Miranda (5w6 sx/so)- She intended to substitute someone else's baby for her own...Yeah pretty self explanatory. Her desire to have that special bond with Eva takes her to dark places. Eventually neglecting her "children" this eventually causing all of them desiring her personal admiration and validation (dying for it too).
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