eggwhiteswithspinach · 8 months
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weeklydrarryficrecs · 2 years
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Every Me and Every You by bixgirl1
Harry liked his life just fine, thankyouverymuch — so it was bad enough when a sly fairy cursed him to leap into alternate realities. But seeing Malfoy in all of them? Definitely way too much. And worse yet: needing the bastard's help to figure out how to get out of of it.
It was a disaster waiting to happen, really.
Well... probably. Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 69300
Link to Fic:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14705559/chapters/33983157
My Thoughts: This is a delightfully indulgent fic that is wholly satisfying and warm. Harry and Draco have wonderful chemistry, and there is just the right amount of snark to keep their interactions snappy and smart. If you want an AU sampler and almost a meta-esque commentary on these AUs, this is the fic!! Header Art generated by Wombo Dream.        
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tazacoverage · 6 months
बेंगलुरु में आयोजित भव्य रोड शो में 4600 करोड़ रुपए के एमओयू, अब तक हुए रोड़ शो के दौरान कुल 69300 करोड़ के हुए एमओयू
देहरादून। शनिवार को उत्तराखंड सरकार तथा राज्य में निवेश हेतु उत्साहित विभिन्न क्षेत्रों की 18 कंपनियों के मध्य बेंगलुरु रोड शो में कुल 4600 करोड़ के MoU किए गए जिनमे भारत सेमीकंडक्टर सोसायटी (सेमीकंडक्टर विनिर्माण इकोसिस्टम के लिए एमएसएमई इकाइयों का क्लस्टर), हेज प्रिसिजन प्रोडक्ट्स लिमिटेड (ऑटो कंपोनेंट प्लांट), रेडवुड ग्रुप (पर्यटन रिज़ॉर्ट) , केईसी एग्रीटेक (वैकल्पिक ��र्जा),हिमालयन बास्केट…
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kennak · 7 months
1それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)11:59:02.45ID:CyCg6 妻「それみおのランドセル代に使うから」 ワイ「あっはい…」 つらい 2それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:01:23.56ID:JiyM0 オーダーメイドのやつでマウント取らなあかんからな 3それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:02:36.57ID:DCdVg ボーナスって給料の3ヶ月分やろ 月給2.3万? 6それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:05:23.66ID:CyCg6 >>3 どこの大企業ですか… 46それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)13:08:40.03ID:mX5Bl >>3 ワイのところは2.9ヶ月や なお第一基本給と第二基本給とかいう謎の区分けがあるもよう 4それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:03:00.44ID:caQ5K 7万じゃ足りない定期 7それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:05:47.35ID:CyCg6 ちなみに冬は業績悪くて本当はボーナスカットなんです… どうしようか迷い中 8それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:06:33.27ID:7dUwh ��通ランドセルってお下がり貰うよね 12それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:09:38.19ID:CyCg6 >>8 流石に可哀想やろ それが原因でいじめられたらどうすんねん 10それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:08:28.82ID:H15KB ランドセル舐めてたわ 14それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:10:19.06ID:CyCg6 >>10 地味に高いよね 11それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:09:22.67ID:hWH0G ランドセルっていいやつやと120万くらいするやろ 15それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:11:01.06ID:K6u4g じいさんばあさんがホイホイ買ってくれるやろ 17それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:11:39.47ID:CyCg6 >>15 貧乏で金ないから買ってくれない 23それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:16:21.17ID:K6u4g >>17 両方の家から1万円ずつ献金させるんや 18それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:12:00.08ID:2W9GP よくそれで結婚したな 21それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:12:51.00ID:CyCg6 >>18 お互い若かったからね 将来のこととか一切考えてなかった 20それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:12:44.13ID:vxaCb アルバイトのワイでももう少し賞与出たぞ 22それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:15:05.78ID:x8Ohr 7万って寸志レベルやろ 28それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:23:07.69ID:G8TCS 結婚したくね~… 29それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:24:53.15ID:7CSYu 天使の羽でいい定期 30それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:25:15.33ID:AmDCA ランドセルって普通祖父祖母に買ってもらうもんちゃうの? 39それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:43:01.63ID:cKodA >>30 コロナで祖父母死滅したかもしれんやろ 35それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:37:25.93ID:v3bwv ランドセルってジジババに買って貰うもんやろ 37それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:42:55.06ID:xNm2v 中小企業は寸志のことも賞与って言い張るからな あの書き方はマジで規制したほうがいいわ 38それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:43:00.58ID:GGdzO 昨年の型落ち買うといいよ 三万くらいでいいの買えるから 42それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:46:55.22ID:mgnoC ランドセルとか今時8~9万はするぞ 44それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)12:53:27.07ID:60mgC ノースフェイスのリュックの方が安いし機能的だし ランドセル感もあって良いかもしれない 47それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)13:19:20.97ID:WZS4O ランドセルって親どころか祖父母の経済力まで反映されるから 貧乏なやつ可哀想やし廃止しようみたいな声無いんか 50それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)13:25:05.63ID:vTsMe それでも見限られないとかw いい奥さんじゃないか 51それでも動く名無し2023/10/09(月)13:27:31.75ID:AXniZ 天使の羽が71500円 ららちゃんランドセルが69300円 小学生に人気のメゾピアノブランドのランドセルが10万7800円
妻「冬のボーナスいくらでるの?」ワイ「えっと7万円くらいかな…」妻「ふーん」 : 育児板拾い読み
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mohansmotors · 1 year
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2015 Invoice AUDI A6 35 TDI PREMIUM PLUS in Immaculate condition available with us @mohansmotors ▫️AUDI A6 35 TDI ▫️2014 Model 2015 Invoice ▫️69300 Kms Done ▫️Garnet Red Colour ▫️With Sunroof ▫️Insurance till March 2024 ▫️50% NCB on Insurance ▫️Service History Available ▫️Brand New Tyres ▫️Recently Serviced ▫️Single Owner More details: 📱8977410222 📧 [email protected] ▪️BUY▪️SELL▪️EXCHANGE▪️FINANCE▪️INSURANCE Selling your Car? Call us: 9848666600 MOHANS MOTORS®️ #Audi #AudiA6 #AudiIndia #Hyderabad #India #Telangana #carsofinstagram #cars #luxurycarshyderabad #ceramicprolifestyle #Travel #Vacation #London #german #preownedcars #Quality #Certified #WithWarranty #BuyWithTrust (at Hyderabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqcThoxh2Qf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spotzuydblog2 · 1 year
Ergotherapie in Canada!
Hey allemaal;
Hadden jullie mooie feestdagen? Het nieuwe jaar 2023 staat als klaar voor ons. Afsluitend voor dit jaar willen wij jullie nog informatie leveren over ergotherapie binnen Canada. Canada is 260 keer zo groot als Nederland. Dat is best wel een groot verschil, toch? 
In Canada zijn er volgens een meeting in 2021 20.067 ergotherapeuten actief aan het werken. In vergelijking met 2020 is er een stijging van 3.9% te zien. Wij kunnen dus zeggen dat er een minimale vergroting van het beroep binnen Canada plaats heeft gevonden. 82% van de ergotherapeuten werken in directe contact met de patiënt. Opvallend is dat de ergotherapeuten binnen de laatste jaren steeds meer kiezen voor werkplekken in ziekenhuizen en grotere instituties. Zoals bij ons in Nederland alsook in onze buurlanden Duitsland en België is er in Canada een therapeutentekort. Ook daar zijn er erg op zoek naar nieuwe ergotherapeuten. Vooral zoeken zij ergotherapeuten in eerstelijnspraktijken en in ziekenhuizen. Als jij in Canada werkzaam bent, mag je een salaris van ongeveer 69300$ tot 98400$ per jaar verwachten. Omgerekend in euro zouden dat ongeveer 64936,00€ tot 92203,75€ zijn. In Nederland ligt het salaris per jaar bij ongeveer 49943,00€ per jaar. Toch een verschil, zeg!
Wat moet je nou precies in Canada doen om ergotherapeut te worden? Om ergotherapeut in Canada te worden, moet je een universitaire opleiding voltooien. Een masterdiploma is vereist. In bijna alle provincies in Canada gelden dezelfde toelatingseisen en moet ook een toelatingsexamen worden afgelegd. Het studieprogramma duurt ongeveer 2,5 jaar. Praktijkopleiding en theorie lopen naast elkaar. Tijdens de opleiding moeten de studenten minimaal 1000 uren praktijkervaring opdoen. In de theorielessen leren studenten verschillende zaken op de volgende gebieden:
o   Psychologie
o   Statistiek
o   Anatomie
o   Geneeskunde
o   Sociale wetenschappen
o   Integratie en toepassing
o   Geestelijke gezondheid
o   Interprofessioneel werken
Zo, genoeg informatie voor vandaag! Wij wensen jullie veel succes in het aankomende jaar en hopen jullie allemaal weer terug te zien bij onze nieuwe blogs.
Het SPOT-team
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sokonowa · 1 year
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SUSURI | ススリ 2022aw
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fredericbrumby · 2 years
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lyonurb · 4 years
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“Mobilier urbain”
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the water filter in my dorm has a counter to display the number of plastic bottles saved by using the filter
and after weeks of the entire building keeping careful tabs over the group chat
we’re about to hit 69420
im genuinely nervous to go to sleep in case someone gets it in the middle of the night
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danskjavlarna · 3 years
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Source details and larger version.
Bizarre money imagery? Here’s an entire vault’s worth.
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samunicorngamer · 5 years
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My Ariana Grande God Is A Woman Inspired body paint! Woohoo! I know it is not perfect. But it is my first body paint I ever made.  Anyways you can find it under tattoos. So you can as seen in the pictures here wear cloths over it. Or bare it all and go naked. It is up to you. You may convert to other games, recolor it. Upload it with a sim or a cc folder. But you may not hide it behind a paywall. Sorry I want it to be free for everybody to use. Oh but I do have a request if you do convert it to Sims 2 or Sims 3. Please share it with me. I play those games quite often and I don’t know how to create or convert cc to them games yet.  Also recommended but not needed for it to work. Believe hair (I used in the pics) by @adedarma Or if you have the God is a Woman braid by @arminforever-cc still. (Also if you have there body paint use it over mine. Their’s is 100 times better then mine.) Anyways if you want what has to be about the crappiest body paint cc out there. Feel free to download below: https://simfileshare.net/folder/69300/
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mymindsmadness · 5 years
Drarry Fic Rec #29 (or something like that)
Every Me and Every You by bixgirl1
I can’t remember if I’ve recommended this one yet
Word Count:  69300
Summary: Harry liked his life just fine, thankyouverymuch — so it was bad enough when a sly fairy cursed him to leap into alternate realities. But seeing Malfoy in all of them? Definitely way too much. And worse yet: needing the bastard's help to figure out how to get out of of it.It was a disaster waiting to happen, really. Well... probably.
My Notes: I’ve read this one more than once, but it always reads like the first time. Super interesting story revolving around universe-jumping. Always fun to see flashes of AU!
Warnings: Bottom!Harry, Bottom!Draco, Multi-Verse, Bonding adjacent, Forced proximity, Dub-con for some (in some places), Evil!Harry, BDSM, Honestly, so many different plots. Just read it!
“No, really,” Hermione said, sitting forward. She, at least, didn’t have to fake her enthusiasm, though she still seemed as confused as Harry. “That’s brilliant, Malfoy. Well done.”
Malfoy nodded, relaxing. “Thank you.” He cleared his throat. “You’re here as a witness so that Potter will feel more comfortable taking it.”
Hermione blinked and looked at him; Harry smiled at her weakly. “I thought it might make him less inclined to ask personal things.”
“But the whole point is that you can choose not to answer,” Hermione said, baffled.
“I didn’t know that part yet!” Harry said. “You saw that little presentation he just gave us.”
Malfoy huffed. “Presentation?”
“Can I go then?” Hermione asked.
“Hell, yes. Please,” Harry said. He shooed her away. “I don’t really want to answer stuff in front of you, either, if I don’t have to.”
Looking vaguely offended, Hermione said, “I already know all your stuff.”
“Presentation?” Malfoy asked again.
“You don’t know all my stuff,” Harry said, frowning.
“I could quote all of your stuff,” Hermione said. Her lips twitched.
“It was an explanation,” Malfoy insisted, and Harry threw his hands up in the air.
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magpiefngrl · 6 years
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Title: Every Me and Every You (PLACEBO!!!!)
Author: the queen  @bixgirl1
Word count: 69300 !!!!!!!!!!
Rating: lol
Summary: Harry liked his life just fine, thankyouverymuch — so it was bad enough when a sly fairy cursed him to leap into alternate realities. But seeing Malfoy in all of them? Definitely way too much. And worse yet: needing the bastard's help to figure out how to get out of of it.It was a disaster waiting to happen, really.Well... probably.
This is me going to AO3 (and it’d better be you too):
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Getting Off by J.R. Hart
Getting Off by J.R. Hart
Title: Getting Off Author: J.R. Hart Publisher: NineStar Press Release Date: 02/08/2022 Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex Pairing: Male/Male Length: 69300 Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, romance, contemporary, new adult, family-drama, gay, bisexual, demisexual, questioning, college, sports team Add to Goodreads Description JJ is certain he’s got everything figured out. He’s straight, right? He’s just not…
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bookstattoosandtea · 2 years
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Getting Off by J.R. Hart
Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway: Getting Off by J.R. Hart
Title: Getting Off Author: J.R. Hart Publisher: NineStar Press Release Date: 02/08/2022 Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex Pairing: Male/Male Length: 69300 Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, romance, contemporary, new adult, family-drama, gay, bisexual, demisexual, questioning, college, sports team Add to Goodreads Description JJ is certain he’s got everything figured out. He’s straight, right? He’s just not…
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