#7 of cups
ali-croft7 · 4 months
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Seven of cups is related to lots of options, choices, multiple possibilites, dreams and aspirations. With the card reversed, those choices can be overwhelming, missed or poor to take.
Second and last card for @lambdeck tarot zine 🌟 Thank you so much for letting me in this beautiful project ❤️
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monratarot · 18 days
Minor Arcana - Suit of cups - 7 of cups
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
7 - Lord of Illusionary Success
false hope, all that glitters is not gold
Season: Summer
Element - water
Astrological association - Venus in Scorpio
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✥Upright meaning
relationships - new doorways opening again
beginning a new project
having a new choice come along and disrupting the flow of your current relationship
if you are looking for love it can indicate that options(usually highly unexpected ones) coming your way
warning that you need to be paying better attention to your health
a lot of good things ahead for you
✥Reversed meaning
extreme emotions are in play
the danger of idealizing a situation and avoiding the difficult truth
relationship - being deceived by appearances(a new lover may not be faithful)
swayed by temptation
feeling overwhelmed
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asscrasher · 3 months
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Resurrection of Magneto #1 was incredible! I’ve mapped out Storm’s journey by correlating the tarot imagery. Interestingly, she is not taking the lightning path despite her motif, instead starting at Malkuth heading to Netzach, followed by Hod and ending in Gavurah.
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Magneto as the 5 of Cups in the Broken City (Gavurah)
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Storm as the 7 of Cups in the Waiting Room (Netzach)
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Tarn as the Hermit (or maybe the Devil but I’m leaning Hermit due to the serpent imagery)
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The 7 of Cups featuring the Wheel of Fortune
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Ashake, servant of the goddess Ma’at, as Adjustment (Justice), but the black cat and magical attributes are also giving Queen of Wands
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Storm as the Tower
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The Domains as the Sun in Domain Space (Hod) peeking into Beyonder Space (Yesod)
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Storm and Magneto as the Hanged Man
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Storm as the 5 of Swords, featuring elements of the 5 of Cups, in the Broken City (Gavurah)
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Card - Queen Of Swords Edition
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link. 
I actually did this the same day as the Judgment pick a card reading, but it took me awhile to type this post.  Same reasons as the Judgment reading (basically this card showing up a bunch when I did the February reads).
Pile 1/Alice In Wonderland
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The first card to come out for this pile was the 7 of Teacups reversed, which is basically the 7 of Cups in this deck.  This card can suggest quite a bit of daydreaming, which is fitting with the Alice In Wonderland theme.  There is also a sense of being overwhelmed by options/possibilities/what ifs/etc with this card.
The second card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Spears reversed, which is basically the Ace of Swords in this deck.  This suggests a lack of clarity in a situation, likely in regards to the overwhelming options with that 7 of Teacups reversed.  Basically, it doesn’t seem like any of those cups seem to be the obvious choice to you with the haziness of the Ace of Spears reversed.
The third card to come out was the Page of Spears reversed, which is basically the Page of Swords in this deck.  This can suggest some issues with communicating ideas.  This can include keeping ideas to yourself and/or not quite knowing how to put your thoughts into words.  
The oracle card for this pile was Passion: Do What You Love.  Basically, some advice to pursue something that you’re passionate about.  Perhaps one of those options available to you is something that you are passionate about.
Basically, this pile is encouraged to act logically like the Queen of Swords in regards to an overwhelming/unclear choice that they need to make.
Pile 2/Teddy
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The first card to come out for this pile was The Moon.  This is a card of mystery and more going on than meets the eye.  There can be some heavier emotions with this card, such as fear and anxiousness.
The second to come out for this pile was the Knight Of Cups.  This is a card associated with taking action on emotions.  This card is sometimes associated with the Prince Charming archetype.  For the majority of you, I feel like this card represents someone else rather than you.  
The third card to come out for this pile was the Queen Of Cups.  This card is associated with a loving and nurturing individual.  They tend to be open with their emotions and are often supportive to the emotional needs of others.  I feel like this card is the one that represents you in this case.  
The oracle card for this pile was Allowing: Let It Happen.  Basically, allow something to happen, especially if it is beyond your control.  This doesn’t mean that you have to accept it, but also knowing not to stress yourself out over things that are out of your control.
This pile was a bit different, but I feel like this pile is mostly about someone that will deal with someone else wanting to pursue them.  I feel like this catches you off-guard with The Moon card.  I do feel like you’re being encouraged to hear them out before you choose to reject or accept their offer.  
Pile 3/Anime
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups.  This is a card about new emotional and/or creative opportunities.  Some of you may be exploring new creative outlets.
The second card to come out was the 7 of Wands.  This is a card associated with tensions and standing your ground.  Their is quite a bit of perseverance with this card as well.
The third card to come out was the Queen of Cups.  This card is associated with a loving and nurturing individual.  They tend to be open with their emotions and are often supportive to the emotional needs of others.  They also know the value of addressing their emotions rather than trying to ignore them, which could explain that Ace Of Cups as you exploring new ways to release frustrations connected to that 7 of Wands.
The oracle card for this pile was Honor: Acknowledge You, Me, And We.  Basically, be willing to accept the role that you’ve had in your accomplishments, as well as the ways that others in your life have helped you.  
Basically, this pile seems to be advised to find a healthy outlet for their emotions while they deal with some potential disagreements and tensions with others around.
Pile 4/Mystical Manga
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The first card for this pile was Strength.  Basically, using your strength, physical and emotional, to get through situations that come your way.  Quite a bit of endurance and perseverance is associated with this card.  You may have been going through some tough times lately that have required your strength to carry on rather than give up.
The second card for this pile was the 3 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with working with others.  As a pentacle card, it is generally more associated with co-worker type partnerships, but can also represent closer connections too at times.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 10 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with financial stability and happiness with connections in your life.  
The oracle card for this pile was Playfulness: Just For Fun.  Basically, doing something just for the fun of it rather than focusing solely on the necessities.  
Basically, this pile seems to have been rather focused on handling things.  Things seem to be pretty good for this pile in general, although it certainly wouldn’t hurt for them to take some time to do something just for the fun of it.
Pile 5/Rider-Waite
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The first card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Cups.  This is associated with new emotional and/or creative opportunities.  This can also be about exploring new creative/emotional outlets.  This may also be someone expressing their emotions to you/asking you out for a few of you.  
The second card to come out for this pile was the Page of Pentacles.  This card can be associated with learning new skills.  Those new skills could go with that Ace of Cups if it is a new hobby or something like that.  For those of you that the Ace of Cups is an offer from someone, this Page of Pentacles may represent that person, who wants to offer you something (the pentacle that could turn your 9 of Pentacles into the 10 of Pentacles).
The third card to come out was the 9 of Pentacles.  This is associated with financial stability and independence.  You aren’t reliant on anyone to provide for you.  
The oracle card for this deck was Instinct: Trust Your Intuition.  Basically, trusting what your intuition has to tell you about a situation.
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thepigeontarot · 4 months
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Today may be a confusing mess of emotions. You may be presented with a new path or project. Maybe you've received big news you'll need to take action on. You're not too sure of what to do in this situation. It's important to focus on what is best for yourself and what will lead you toward your goals and spiritual growth in life. The choice may not be obvious at first, but not taking this path and pursuing other things is also a valid choice. Let your intuition guide you here and be ready to start something new.
If this resonates with you, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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tozsoss · 1 month
Dreamed of the 7 of cups yesterday night are my spirit guides telling me to stop daydreaming?🕵🏻‍♀️
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sigh4diamond · 1 year
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thewormsdontstop · 5 months
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This was a much easier card to draw than a lot of the others lol
7 of cups
Previous card
Next card
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arcanespillo · 6 months
lmaoo i need to see those cards! can i ask them about my increasingly distant relationship with my brother? feels appropriate
you have a lot of nostalgia for the past, you're stuck in your childhood, or maybe you want the naive-ness of it all back. you have a big decision to make in your future. you're being unrealistic about the decisions you can make for others. you have to be more wise with your moves. you must think of the consequences of what you do, but you must be sure to focus on whatever will get you moving and how to do it. this seems urgent, thats all it says
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6-and-7 · 1 year
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Huevember 10b
TARDIS Tarot 7 of Cups / Peri Brown
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hermitsmirror · 10 months
TAROT DEEP DIVE 🌹🐍🌹 7 of Cups
Desire can be intoxicating
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The 7 of Cups has so many layers that I can’t cover them all here. One that I don’t mention is the number 7 as the number of Venus in the Qabalistic Tree of Life. (I don’t know if there are planetary associations in true Kabalah.) The copper goddess offers a double dose of love and fantasy through number and planetary designation (and then there’s the Cups’ element of water).
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 7 of Cups in this tarot deep dive? Anything I missed?
And if you’re looking to expand your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning on top of each other to find your ideal reading method, you want to learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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asscrasher · 2 months
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Guys! There’s one missing!!
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Marvel’s upcoming Blood Hunt event vs the Tarot’s 7 of Cups:
✅1 A Greek statue head
✅2 A veiled person
❌3 No Snake
✅4 A tower ?
✅5 Precious gemstones
✅6 An honored skull
✅7 A twisted blue dragon (I see it, personally)
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
Pick A Card Reading - Hermit Edition
Pick a hermit card to choose your pile
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Pile 1/Rider-Waite
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This pile starts out with the 9 of Wands reversed.  This suggests that you are giving up on a situation that you’ve stuck with for awhile.  This is a situation that was likely rather exhausting to you and wasn’t abandoned without effort to stick with it.  
The second card that came out was the 6 of Pentacles reversed.  Basically the situation that you’ve given up on is one that you were not getting back as much as you were giving.  Some of you may have been taken advantage of by others around you, but you seem to be leaving that behind.
The third card that came out was the 5 of Swords.  This suggests conflict.  This may be caused by you choosing to give up on a situation that others benefited from.  This conflict may also be what you are choosing to give up on as well.
Your love oracle card is Calling In Your Soulmate.  This seems to suggest that many of you are single at the moment, but your desires for a partner are being heard.
Your next oracle card is Dark Moon.  Basically, this card is incredibly similar to the Hermit card.  This has to do with spending time in contemplation and meditation to find greater understanding of yourself and others.  Basically, I feel like this is what you have been doing and will likely continue to do.
Your final oracle card is Full Moon In Sagittarius - Look At The Bigger Picture.  Basically, I feel like this is what you’ve been doing.  You’ve realized, or are realizing, that there are situations that are not worth your time and energy.
Pile 2/Supernatural
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Your first card is The Wheel Of Fortune.  A lot of things seem to be going in your favor recently.  You may be feeling lucky and hopeful at this time.
Your second card is the Queen of Pentagrams.  This is basically the Queen of Pentacles in this deck.  Basically, you have a good balance between your financial and social life.  You are at a good place emotionally and practically.  
Your third card is the 7 of Cups.  You are exploring your options.  There may be something else that you want that leads to you exploring possibilities.  Whatever choice you make will likely be good since you do have The Wheel Of Fortune, which suggests that luck is on your side.  This exploration isn’t out of a need, but a desire to have something else.
Your love oracle card is Past-Life Relationship.  This suggests a strong bond/connection between you and whomever you are in a relationship with.  This is also applicable to any new partners.
Your next oracle card is Moon Totem - Hare - It Is An Auspicious Time For New Beginnings.  Basically I feel like just about anything new that you start will work out well for you.
Your next oracle card is Cardinal Moon - Be Bold And Make The First Move.  Basically, you will have to make a choice on the option you desire since it won’t just come to you without any action on your part.
Pile 3/Animal Totem
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The first card that you got was the Page of Wands reversed.  This suggests that you may be experiencing some communication issues.  There may be some frustrations and desire to rush through things.  These issues may contribute to some confidence issues.
The second card that you got was The Magician reversed.  This hints at someone that isn’t using their skills to their fullest potential, possibly due to not realizing how skilled you are.  This can also suggest some issues with your confidence at the moment.  
The third card that you got was the Knight of Pentacles.  This is someone that is very detail-oriented.  You may be taking your time on projects, or at least trying to.  This may also simply be advice for you not to rush things, despite a desire to get things done quickly.
Your love oracle card is Keep An Open Mind.  This suggests that your next partner, or someone you’re talking to, isn’t your usual type for a partner, but that be good for you.
Your next oracle card is Waning Moon.  This is connected to releasing emotions that are not serving you.  I feel this is especially referencing whatever self-doubts that you may be dealing with that are leading you to doubt your skills.
Your last oracle card is New Moon In Cancer - You And Your Loved Ones Are Safe.  Basically some nice reassurance for whoever needs to hear it.
Pile 4/Mystical Manga
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Your first card is the 5 of Cups.  This is strongly connected to disappointment.  Many of you may be addressing the negative emotions that you have and taking time to process disappointments that you’ve experienced.
Your next card is the Page of Coins.  This card can hint at a student, so some of you may be planning to learn something new.  This doesn’t have to be a new academic pursuit, but even a new skill or way to cope with your emotions.  This may also be someone considering a new financial idea.
Your next card is the 10 of Cups.  This is a very happy card with healthy connections.  Some of you may be in relationships that are going well.
Your love oracle card is New Love.  So, some of you may be about to get into a relationship.  Others of you may have more recently started a relationship, which seems to make you happy with that 10 of Cups.
Your next oracle card is Moon In Scorpio.  This is a card that suggests that negative emotions are present at this time and are an issue that you’ll need to deal with.  This card recommends getting into some kind of activity, like gardening or decorating, to help get any frustrations out.  
Your last oracle card is Full Moon In Aries - A Fiery Climax Is Approaching.  Something seems to be getting closer to a completion for you, hopefully any negative or dark times.
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thepigeontarot · 3 months
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Today, you are focused on turning your skills into something productive that will help you on your financial path. You may feel inspired and motivated to learn all that you can. Your eagerness wants you to move forward now. But keep in mind you have a lot of choices on where to go next. You don't have to decide right now. Take a moment to think about your decisions, what other opportunities you have ahead, and where these paths will lead you. Don't feel pressured, and don't be too hasty in what you decide.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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thesirensoracle · 1 year
Weekly Tarot!  Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2022
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Card of the Week: 7 of Cups reversed ✧☾゜・。
Bonus Oracle: Ancestors reversed
This week’s theme is tantalizing desire.
To stop admiring from afar and finally following the siren’s lullaby. After times of sadness, anxiety and regret, where rationality has reigned for more than it should, we find ourselves at a crossroads and with the need to make a choice. Should we stay where we are, even if it leaves us unsatisfied? Or should we go after our dreams and finally make them a reality?
This week we are being asked to be assertive and go after our desires. Creativity, beauty, and pleasure are present and welcoming us with open arms to heal the numbness we’ve been feeling lately. If in the past weeks we’ve denied ourselves of these energies, they are going to present themselves in very seductive and alluring ways, encouraging us to bite the juicy red apple that ignites our inner fires. However, we must consider two warnings before willfully drowning in the sea of desire:
A lot of options lie ahead of us, some are offering us the opportunity to plant the seeds to make our dreams a reality, others are just offering us a temporary gateway to pamper ourselves with pleasure, and some others are pure poison disguised as sweet candy. Choose wisely.
Like Cinderella, the opportunity we have here is temporary. It’s in our hands to take advantage of this energy to later create something that leaves lasting rewards later… so don’t hold on to things too tightly! If you do, you might poison the blessing, turning it into a curse.
Overall, this week is great to indulge in dreams and desires that genuinely make your soul shine brightly, and not to follow meaningless pleasures to scape reality. 
You must remember, if you don’t follow your heart’s calling and indulge in false illusions… you’ll be left unsatisfied, with a never-ending hunger for true pleasure.
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The week starts with moon in Ashlesha. (Speaking of desire lol). The moon at the birth of Mercury makes today and the rest of the week especially good for going after our true desires, but with the enough discernment and skill that allows us to choose the right way to do it. Being the height of femininity, Ashlesha asks you to pursue only what truly makes you shine, otherwise you take the risk of being paralyzed by unfulfilled cravings.
☾ Blessings: Never-ending options and opportunities to make your dreams come true! If you choose wisely, you might set the foundations for those dreams to become a reality.
☾ Warnings: Beware of illusions! Follow your gut, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Also, don’t overindulge in pleasure, for this card is one of the significators in tarot for addiction.
☾ Random messages/tips: 
Ask your ancestors/guides for help when in need! If you’re not sure which path to go, the universe is there to show you the way.
Some of you’ve been working hard, please rest.
Go for a walk in nature, whether it’s in the sea or the forest, the wisdom of the ancient earth is ready to be delivered to you by the whispers of the wind.
Wear something orange this week for good luck.
Appreciate the beauty around you. Recognizing the bliss in simplicity and everyday life will bring you abundance this week.
If it doesn’t make you dance internally, don’t pursue it.
Pamper yourself by watching your favorite movie about female manipulators lmao I recommend Jennifer’s Body.
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staceymatch · 1 year
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7 of Cups
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