#70 000 tons of metal
metalindex-hu · 5 months
PÓLÓMÁNIA – BUGA B MINIKOLLEKCIÓJA - https://metalindex.hu/2023/11/17/polomania-buga-b-minikollekcioja/ -
Ideje beszélnünk a pólókról, gondolom, ezt belátjátok. A metalpóló minden igazi metalos alapkelléke, és minden jóérzésű feleség/barátnő halálos ellensége. („Minek ennyi fekete póló? Nincs még elég?”) Én baromira szeretek pólót vásárolni, főleg koncerteken, pár sör után, és most, hogy már elég nagy mennyiség felhalmozódott belőlük, gondoltam, bemutatnám a nagyérdeműnek a kollekcióm pár érdekesebb darabját, és reménykedem, hogy ebbe majd a Rattle-s szerzőtársak is szép sorban beszállnak.
A kollekció alapját egyértelműen a Nine Inch Nails-pólók alkotják, hiszen belőlük van a legtöbb, amit John Quail kolléga minden egyes találkozáskor meg is jegyez, én pedig már Óbarockra is úgy pakolok, hogy minden nap új darabbal riogathassam őt. Összesen 9 NIN pólóm van, de az alap, sima feketéből kettőt is vettem, mert akár színházba is tökéletes :-), Illetve még a Woodstock 2-s fellépésen készült, sártól mocskos Reznort ábrázoló T-shirtből is kettő van, mert szerintem baromi jól néz ki, és még a feleségem is kedveli. Mármint a pólót, nem a NIN-t.
Aztán ott van a két póló a 70 000 Tons of Metalról 2015-ből és 2023-ból, amikre baromi büszke vagyok, mert mindig arra emlékeztetnek, hogy sikerült beteljesítenem az egyik álmomat,  vagyis hogy eljussak erre az úszó fesztiválra. 2024 elején pedig ez a kollekció 3 tagúra fog bővülni, ha minden jól megy, mert már megvan a jegyem januárra Miamiba.
Nem együttes-pólók, de metal-tematikájú az a két T-shirtöm is, amiket a Mosher Clothingtól vettem. Ez a cég azt tűzte ki célul 2014-ben, hogy metalosoknak gyárt egyedi, ötletes pólókat, és szerintem nagyon jól csinálják, imádom a mintáikat, a cég pedig a thrash metalt, amiből csak jó sülhet ki. A kedvencem a sárgás beütésű „Thrashelj, mintha 1986 lenne” feliratú darab.  Azt hiszem, ez lehetne a mottónk Majka kollégával. Az a gyanúm, hogy fogok még tőlük rendelni:
Miközben a cikkre készültem, és a pólóimat válogattam, érdekes mintára lettem figyelmes: az igazán nagy kedvenceimtől (kivéve persze a NIN-től) MINDIG két pólóm van. Nem 1, nem 3, nem 5, hanem KETTŐ. Ez igaz a Dynaztyra, a Sepulturára, a Kreatorre és a Helloweenre is. Véletlen? Fogalmam sincs. Van jelentősége? Aligha.
A nagy masszából még két pólót emelnék ki, amiknek van némi különlegességük. Az egyik egy Annihilator, ami egy sorozat része, ugyanis ha jól tudom, Jeff fejében megfogant, hogy a Never, Neverland album 5 számához készítsenek egy-egy külön pólót egy magyar grafikussal (Havancsák Gyula) szövetkezve. Én a The Fun Palace-t választottam, Dávid Laci barátom kérésére a Stonewallt rendeltem meg, de mindegyik nagyon mutatós darab, és meglehetősen különleges, szerintem szuper ötlet volt ez a bandától.
A másik érdekesebb darab egy Finntroll-póló, amire cirill betűkkel van ráírva a banda neve – és még valami, amiről régebben fogalmam sem volt, hogy mit jelent. Aztán egy nap ebben mentem le az edzőterembe, és edzés közben egyszer csak odajött hozzám egy 50 év körüli hölgy azzal, hogy ő orosztanárnő, és tudom-e, hogy az van a pólómra írva, hogy „Halál a világra”. Nos, nem, nem tudtam, csak sejtettem.
A saját pólókról ennyit, már csak az van hátra, hogy elsírjam a bánatomat, vagyis azt, hogy még milyen pólókra vágyom mindenképpen, és eddig nem sikerült beszereznem. Az első és legfontosabb egy Wehrmacht-póló lenne, lehetőség szerint a Shark Attack, de egy Biermachtot sem dobnék ki az ágyamból (ruhásszekrényemből), amit sajnos meg fog nehezíteni az, hogy a banda tetszhalott állapotban van, webshopja nincs, a saját barkácsolás meg nekem nem megy.
A másik pedig a Destruction Life Without Sense-e lenne, amiben többek között az is megragadott, hogy Majka kollégát annak idején az általános iskolában emiatt a póló miatt küldték haza átöltözni.
Jaj, bocs, és még egy! Annak idején Majkának és nekem is volt fehér, klasszikus Anthrax pólónk a State of Euphoria-korszakból egy karikatúrával a bandáról. Na, azt a mai napig visszasírom, de az akkori példányom valószínűleg most csak a jobb karomig jönne fel rám.
Ez volt az én póló-sztorim, kommentben várom a ti különlegességeiteket, a kollégáktól pedig a saját sztorikat!
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metbuat · 2 years
$600 mlrd.-lıq ultra yüngül metal yatağı investorlar axtarır
$600 mlrd.-lıq ultra yüngül metal yatağı investorlar axtarır
Meksika Sonora litium yataqlarının 600 milyard dollar dəyərində olduğunu açıqlayıb. Banker.az xəbər verir ki, Meksika Maliyyə Nazirliyinin hesabatına görə, ölkənin şimalındakı Sonora əyalətində potensial olaraq böyük litium yatağının dəyəri 12 trilyon Meksika pesosu (602 milyard dollar) və ya daha çox (800 milyard dollar) ola bilər. Qeyd edək ki, litiumun qiyməti bu il bir ton üçün 70 000…
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psitrend · 13 years
Inside China E-Waste Hell
New Post has been published on https://china-underground.com/2011/05/20/inside-china-e-waste-hell/
Inside China E-Waste Hell
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China is the second-largest producer in the world of electronic waste, with more than one million tonnes per year.
It’s also the largest importer of electronic waste since every year 70% of e-waste from the rest of the world flows into its territory. But here, more than elsewhere, e-waste is also an important source of profit, as well as being a cause of pollution of rivers and land. According to some studies, a computer monitor contaminates 80 tons of water.
Related articles: The Evolution of China’s Environmental Policy, The most polluted cities in China, Chinese pollution is so bad that is almost poetic
Guiyu (贵屿), in Guangdong Province, was widely perceived as the largest electronic waste (e-waste) site in the world.
UPDATE: According to the “Comprehensive Scheme of Resolving Electronic Waste Pollution of Guiyu region of Shantou City” (汕头市贵屿地区电子废物污染综合整治方案), approved by the Guandong government, workshops were relocated into an industrial ecology park where the wastes can be properly treated and recycled. In 2017, most workshops were merged into larger companies and moved to the National Circular Economy Pilot Industry Park. However, many areas are still contaminated by the remnants of E-waste processing and have not been cleaned up. [wikipedia]
China E-Waste images
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Since 2003, China has scrapped at least 500 million television sets, 4 million refrigerators, 500 million washing machines, 500 million computers, and tens of millions of mobile phones, becoming the second-largest producer of e-waste, just behind the United States. In the photo, the Xingtai farmer’s Jiu Jiadian courtyard is filled with old televisions.
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China is also the largest importer of electronic waste in the world. Each year, China imports 70% of electronic waste in the world, between twenty and fifty million tons. In the photo, old mobile phones from Japan.
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In the West, electronic waste disposing costs are much higher than in China, since there are strict laws that regulate the flow. Thus, it is much easier to pack and ship our waste to China. In the photo, a landfill in an industrial park in Taizhou, Zhejiang.
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Some dangerous and highly polluting elements recovered from electronic products can be returned to the market. Although there are international conventions that prohibit the import-export of e-waste, the benefits derived from this business are worth the risks.
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Boards are washed with sulfuric acid and then dismantled or melted manually
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Thanks to e-waste, local people have been enhanced easily. Guiyu for example has 15,000 inhabitants. 12 000 are in the business of electronic waste, a business that produces up to 75 million dollars a year
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But at what cost? The photograph, taken on December 5, 2003, shows the thick black smoke emanating from heavy metal e-waste incineration.
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A woman sitting on a pile of electronic waste feeds her daughter
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pictures of china’s pollution
#EWaste, #Guangdong, #Guiyu, #Images, #Pollution, #Taizhou, #Zhejiang
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wintersunukyespana · 4 years
asim_searah Guitar lessons available on board @70000tons DM for bookings. Cant wait to rock out with you all who are coming 🤘🏽 Heard soo much good stuff about the cruise 🚢 . 📸 by Jblom of @musicalypse from my clinic at @oceanhoarse Fest . . #wintersunband #70000tons #ibanezguitars #neuraldsp #evertune #guitarlessons
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
source: Asim’s Instagram
Thursday With Asim Searah/Jueves con Asim Searah 78 asim_searah Guitar lessons available on board @70000tons DM for bookings. Cant wait to rock out with you all who are coming 🤘🏽 Heard soo much good stuff about the cruise 🚢 . 📸 by Jblom of @musicalypse from my clinic at @oceanhoarse Fest . . #wintersunband #70000tons #ibanezguitars #neuraldsp #evertune #guitarlessons source: Asim's Instagram
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headbanger98tv · 7 years
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Stam1na - Live @ 70 000 Tons Of Metal
( x , x )
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clouds-of-wings · 5 years
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When I’m 400 years old and on my deathbed, I will tell my 39450349 spiders grandchildren about the time I played BG with a group of bards and didn’t even stealth my way through the Candlekeep dungeons but instead left no stone unturned, no monster unfought and no chest unopened.
How did I get to all these chests considering the dungeons are heavily trapped and one of the many things bards are useless at is thieving skills? Well... I chose the character which I cared for the least (which was the lead lutenist, because lead lutenists are self-infatuated jerks who think they have to play a generic solo in every. fucking. song.) and gave him a ring of fire resistance, boots of electricity resistance, a shit-ton of healing potions and Spiderbane for freedom of movement and just made him trigger all the traps. Hey, I know it’s unpleasant but sometimes you gotta bleed for your art, literally. If Christofer Johnsson can get cortisone injections from his doctor so he can play on 70 000 Tons of Metal with two herniated disks in his neck, you can get electrocuted and poisoned a few times without whining about “your spleen” the entire time. Pff! Bards these days. Just be glad you’re not a miner.
Uh, no, of course my Bhaalspawn didn’t go triggering any traps even though he has the most HP, why do you ask? He was busy... coordinating.
Ghouls are slow and easily defeated from a distance. Basilisks are allergic to wands of fireball. All in all, this was nowhere near the hardest part of the game so far. I had to go all the way to Nashkel afterwards to replenish my healing potion supplies though.
Only chapter 7 remains to be finished now!
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simonesimonsfrance · 4 years
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Simone Simons 70 000 Tons of Metal Day 2 Royal Theater 📷 By @dark_room_photography_pr #simonesimons #epica #smoonstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Mh8oKopQe/?igshid=ontvppvw5tg0
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juchechat · 5 years
Metallurgical Industry of Korea
[February 19 Juche 108 (2019) Naenara]
Thanks to the consistent economic development policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea government, the metallurgical industry of Korea has made a rapid progress in consolidating its independence and Juche character and in modernization.
The government has long set the Juche-based production of iron as its policy and made steady effort to develop a new metallurgical method with abundant domestic raw materials and fuel.
Since the 1960s pilot bases were set up in iron and steel plants to make the metallurgical industry Juche-based, and thus many successes were scored in developing and introducing coke-free iron- and steel-making method.
In particular, entering the 2000s, epoch-making successes were achieved.
The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex opened up a bright vista for producing iron with domestic raw materials and fuel by succeeding in producing iron with oxygen by its own efforts and technologies.
The Chollima Steel Complex introduced high-temperature air combustion technology into the 6 000-ton press forging heating furnace, laying a solid foundation for turning out steel using least heavy oil in the sector of metallurgical industry, and developed the boron trace alloy steel with local resources.
The Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and the Songjin Steel Complex established wad dressing and ferromanganese production lines that rely on locally-abundant middle-grade manganese ore, and the Hungnam Electrode Factory succeeded in the production of electrodes for UHP electric arc furnace with natural vein of graphite.
In the Kim Chaek and Hwanghae iron and steel complexes, establishment of the Juche-based iron production system based on oxygen-heated blast furnace put on normal track the production of steel in oxygen blast furnace with molten iron from oxygen-heated electric furnace.
The government ensures that while the Korean-style iron- and steel-making technologies are perfected, the quality of metal products is improved decisively, thus encouraging the development of the metallurgical industry.
Factories and enterprises in the metallurgical industry sector direct attention to increasing the number of varieties of alloy steel, which are essential in promoting the quality of metal materials, and to reinforcing their raw materials bases.
Under the state concern, the metallurgical industry sector now pushes ahead with the effort for the renovation of techniques and equipment in the iron- and steel-making and rolling processes.
The government sets it as a major principle to modernize the metal factories with home-made machines and other equipment.
Iron production is increasing with the introduction of PLC control system into the large oxygen-heated blast furnace at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex and the completion of a new anthracite powdering process in revolving furnaces at the Posan Iron Works.
The Chollima Steel Complex is accelerating modernization of its melting, refining, continuous ingot and rolling processes, and the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex is mass-producing sheet steel of various purposes like roofing materials by expanding and modernizing its production capacity.
It is the government’s invariable policy to further strengthen the material and technological foundations of the metallurgical industry sector by expanding the production capacities of iron ore mines and consolidating the electrode, alloy steel and refractory production bases in step with the favourable conditions created for the development of the metallurgical industry.
The country has scores of billions of tons of iron ore deposits, many iron and steel works which can produce millions of tons of iron a year, a 70-odd-year history of iron making and a coke-free and heavy oil-free iron production system.
By utilizing these favourable conditions and environment, the metal industry turns out high-quality iron and steel.
The government also directs great efforts to the production and export of zinc, lead and other nonferrous metals.
Across the country there are large-size nonferrous metal production bases including the Komdok Mining Complex that produces zinc and lead of high grade and smelteries that turn out nonferrous and rare metals like cadmium and mercury, and promising mineral deposits.
The DPRK government pushes ahead with the efforts, as required by the developing reality, to hasten the modernization of production lines, improve quality, increase production and set up new production bases and, at the same time, is strengthening economic exchanges and cooperation with other countries on the credit-first principle.
Building on the successes achieved already in the metallurgical industry sector, the country will put the metallurgical industry on a higher level of Juche orientation and modernization to further consolidate the foundations of its self-reliant economy, true to the tasks advanced at the Seventh Congress of the WPK.
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In the art of gaining national trust ahead of the upcoming December presidential elections President Joseph Kabila seems to be living up to his promises made last month concerning the local miners’ payments.
Our sources have word that as of Monday this week the miners representatives where in close handshakes with the president’s circle and relative. It is believed that a few households on the 9000 have started receiving the long awaited payment for their minerals in the president’s custody.  It is not yet clear how many households where paid and how much was received.
However the critics and the opposition have already started questioning the source of the money used in the payments, “that is not your money to spend; your trying to bribe the people buying their sympathy using government funds illegally for your own benefits and dealings” word from the opposition camp of critics.
Our sources revealed that the pressure imposed on Kabila is too much that he had to make the move in anticipation that the attention on his business would shift away let him and his relative smuggle out the blocked tons of the countries precious metals now under tight over look by the ministry.
 Month after month, new revelations show that the Congolese mines continue to be plundered by a coalition of unethical miners and corrupt local officials which bizarrely remain in office.
Congo is endowed with mineral riches but there is little trickling down for the people. One of the reasons is that companies do not pay to the state treasury or to the state-owned company Gécamines what they should in terms of taxes or dividends. And examples abound. Last January, two reports were published on two subsidiaries of the Swiss-based giant global trader Glencore. Action pour la défense des droits humains (ADDH), set up by the lawyer Daudet Kitwa Kalume, which specialises in mining governance expressed concern about the lack of profitability at the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) joint venture set up by Glencore’s subsidiary, Katanga Mining and Gécamines. Accordingly, KCC borrowed money from other companies of the Glencore Group, at rates excessively high rates, in total contradiction with the Congolese Mining Code provisions.
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ADDH also highlights a US $ 22.1 million gap between the amount of the tax on profits for 2014, which was declared to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) by KCC and the figure which appears in this company’s accounts. ADDH also deplores the transfer by KCC of $ 880 million of royalties owed to Gécamines to the Cayman Islands-based Africa Horizon Investment Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the Israeli tycoon Dan Gertler’s Fleurette Group, following a bizarre agreement between Glencore, Fleurette and Gécamines. Likewise, ADDH blames Gécamines’ passivity to defend its own interest namely for failing to ask for the payment of a $ 15 m. entry fee for 2013 and of a $ 9.45 m. lease for the 2009-2014 period, both owed by KCC.
Parallel mining office
Simultaneously, another NGO called Initiative pour la Bonne Gouvernance et Droits Humains (IBGDH) published a report wondering why the Mutanda Mining (Mumi) company, 69% owned by Glencore and 31% by Fleurette, curiously lacked financial records. IBGDH calls for the payment by Mumi of $ 115 m. of unpaid taxes to the Congolese Treasury. The authors of the report also consider that Gécamines’s sale of its stake Mumi in 2011 to an offshore company called Rowny Assets Ltd, owned by Gertler’s family, without a prior assessment of the value of these assets, represented a net loss of $ 225 m. in terms of uncashed royalties and entry fees.
Glencore itself seemed to realize in early 2017, that its relationship with Gertler’s companies could be detrimental for its reputation after revelations during the last quarter of 2016 by U.S. officials that Gertler’s business partner, the U.S. based hedge fund Och-Ziff  Capital Management Group LLC acknowledged participating in the bribing of Congolese officials. Gertler denied any wrongdoing and hasn’t been charged so far. Yet, on the 13 February 2017, Glencore announced it had agreed to a $960 million deal with Dan Gertler’s Fleurette Group to buy out his holdings in Mutanda Mining, the world’s biggest cobalt mine, and in Katanga Mining Ltd. The governance of the state-owned company Gécamines is a serious matter of concern for the New York-based Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) which suspects the national miner to have become a de facto parallel mining office, which awards concessions to companies without allowing anybody to check whether or they make the lowest bids or come up with the best technical capacity to develop projects. Furthermore, the NRGI report points out that Gécamines increased since 2008, the number of exploitation permits it owns from 38 to 73, well beyond the ceiling of 50 permits which is imposed by the Mining Code of 2002.
Moreover, there are suspicions that in Gécamines is also acting as an arm of the Kabila family interests. The Belgian daily Le Soir revealed in October 2016 several transactions which were detrimental to Gécaminesbut benefitted to the Kabila family. A former executive of the BGFI Bank, Jean-Jacques Lumumba, told the Belgian paper that Gécamines was given a US $ 30 million credit line and repaid twice the interest of US $ 2.7 m. owed for this service. Coincidently, BGFI DRC is 40 % owned by Joseph Kabila’s own sister, Gloria Mteyu and the Bank’s CEO is Kabila’s adopted brother, Francis Selemani Mtwale. A copperbelt-based political group called the Katanguese Patriots(PAKAR) reported in December 2016 that only $ 13 million of this BGFI loan were spent for the purchase of mining equipments by Gécamineswhose President, Albert Yuma Mulindi is the only person to know what happened with the rest of the money.
Kabila’s network
Curiously, despite the poor performances of Gécamines whose 2016 output was a miserable 11 000 tonnes of copper, below the 24,000 tonnes target for the year, representing barely one percent of the country’s output, Albert Yuma remains in office. In fact, it’s an open secret, in the copperbelt capital, Lubumbashi that there is only one explanation for the Yuma’s permanence since 2011 at the helm of Gécamines. Yuma’s links with the Kabila family are close. Coincidently, although no formal agreement has been struck with Gécamines, three of its mines are currently exploited by diggers who are forced by soldiers to sell their products below market prices, to a company called Acacia, according to a French consulting firm Sofreco report to the World Bank.
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Acacia is majority owned by president Joseph Kabila’s own sister, Jaynet while their younger brother Masengo, Joseph Kabila’s 16-year-old daughter, Sifa, and his financial assistant, Emmanuel Adrupiako, are the other shareholders based on corporate records from September 2014, according to a Bloomberg story published by mid- December, with the support of the « Pulitzer Centre on Crisis Reporting ». The need to protect these opaque deals is widely in Kinshasa as one of the reasons why Joseph Kabila is so much willing to stay in office after the expiration of his second and last presidential term, on the 19 December 2016.
According to Bloomberg, thousands of documents reveal the existence of a 70 companies network established by the Kabila, which spreads its tentacles from United States to Panama and even to the tax haven of Niue, in the Pacific. “His wife, his children and eight of his brothers and sisters are controlling more than 120 mining permits “ to exploit gold, diamond, copper, cobalt and other minerals, says the Bloomberg report which points out that two companies of the network are controlling diamond concessions which stretch over more than 700 km along the Angolan border. One of them is called Osifal after the names of Joseph Kabila’s spouse, Olive Lembe and of their children, Sifa and Laurent-Désiré. A fish rots from the head down.
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shyearthquakedaze · 2 years
70 000 Tons of Sabaton Metal 2018 Vlog
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The North Country Primer #1: Michael Wohl, Seattle WA
Originally published at North Country Primitive in March 2015
In the first of a series, we fire eight questions of varying quality at an unsuspecting musician. First up is Seattle-based guitarist, Michael Wohl, whose Solo Guitar album is available at his Bandcamp page on compact disc. Our thanks to Michael for taking part in this. Please be sure to look him up at his website and his Bandcamp page.
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Tell us a bit about yourself and the musical journey that took you to a place where you concluded that playing an acoustic guitar on your own was a good idea… I’ve played guitar since I was nine years old. I am now 28 so I guess that was 1995. The bands that made me want to start were Nirvana, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins - big dramatic 90s rock bands. My dad was really into Queen and got me some of their albums - I really liked Brian May’s guitar. Still do. It seemed like pretty much the only acceptable thing for a young person to do was to play in a band. So I set out to do just that. My mom and dad wouldn’t let me play drums, but a guitar was okay if I started on an acoustic. I started taking lessons at the Old Town School of Folk Music, the legendary Chicago spot, back when it was on Armitage. I lived very close to the school, also in Old Town. People like Big Bill Broonzy, Pete Seeger, and Josh White played there back in the day. So I guess the irony is that I went there to take guitar lessons because I was into Kurt Cobain and Kim Thayil, but I’d get dropped off early for my lessons, sit around, and hear people playing all sorts of folk and traditional music. I heard a lot of blues and bluegrass and I guess it crept in my mind along with big loud rock. I heard Jimi Hendrix at around that same age and I was pretty much a lost cause for anything other than playing the guitar at that point! I took guitar lessons from a teacher there named Ramsey Gouda. He also showed stuff from Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Clash and David Bowie. So I was lucky to get exposed to a lot of really wildly different music. By the time I was 12 or so, I was trying to start bands with my friends and playing wherever would have us - rec centers and stuff. It was pretty cool at the time. A lot of them let us book our own bills and they actually paid us! Pretty cool, now that I think about that. We played in punk and metal bands, because that’s the only thing that makes sense for teenagers to play! So at that point, I was full on into Black Flag, Iron Maiden, Minor Threat & Fugazi, things like that. I played in punk bands until I was about 20. That was my first experience going on tour, putting out records, and all that cool stuff. I was in a few different bands and had a lot of fun and got to travel around and meet a lot of people that I am still friends with. Then I moved to Seattle. I moved pretty, uh, impulsively, so I spent a lot of time hanging out by myself and I guess I started coming back to acoustic music and folk music around that time, because it’s the best music to play by yourself. I got headlong obsessed with Neil Young and Bob Dylan and the Harry Smith Anthology of American Folk Music when I was around 20 and didn’t play in a band for a couple years. I got into John Fahey and all the Takoma Records stuff around that time too. And of course Doc Watson, Blind Blake, Mississippi John Hurt, and Skip James. After that I started playing in rock ‘n’ roll bands. Heavy stuff inspired by the 60s and 70s. Ten Years After, Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac stuff, the Allman Brothers, Deep Purple and all that jazz. But I had already started playing this acoustic stuff by myself, so I’d come home from getting stoned and jamming out and play by myself on my acoustic guitar and write all these songs I didn’t know what to do with and learn old songs too. After a while I had quite a few, so I started recording them to teach myself a little about recording - then I started playing that material out for other people. And that’s how I got to where I am now. I guess I never decided that playing acoustic guitar on my own was a “good idea” per se. I always did that when I was by myself. The decision was maybe that I should start sharing it with other people and performing that way. I can’t say for sure why I did that, I just felt like I had a lot I wanted to say that I wasn’t communicating.
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What has influenced your music and why? I guess I kind of answered that by rambling on in the first question. I just try to listen to as much as a I can. I think that’s really important. If you’re not playing, be listening. Anyone who picks up a guitar - or whatever instrument - and plays it like they mean it might be an influence to me. I think playing a guitar is absolutely the most fun thing a person can do - when I see another person play one and really feel it, really enjoy themselves, it communicates something to me that makes me want to play one too.
What have you been up to recently?
I got back from a West Coast tour in September and have been chilling out, writing a lot of new songs, learning some other traditional tunes, trying to expand the proverbial songbook. I went to Maui with my fiancée’s family last month and played some amazing music with some people out there. Some people who sang Hawaiian music, some who played more bluegrass and folk tunes. One of the coolest songs I’ve ever heard was by a player out there, a trucker ballad about being a pilot on an ore freighter bringing back minerals and things from the asteroid belts and missing life back on Earth. Heavy! I’m booking more shows for the spring and summer and hope to hit the road sometime soon. And I’m working on a new album, which has been taking a long time cause I keep writing new songs that I want to be on it.
What are you listening to right now, old or new? Any recommendations you’d like to share with us?
Right now, like this second, I’m listening to Dave Van Ronk. The last two records I bought were Japanese bamboo flute music and a guitar duet album that looked nice, but I haven’t listened to either yet. I’ve been listening to a lot of Djalma de Adrade, aka Bola Sete, lately. Gillian Welch & Dave Rawlings - they’re so good, I can’t believe they’re real. I listen to a lot of jazz around the house. A Love Supreme has been on there a lot lately, Bill Evans live at the Village Vanguard. I just got a nice collection of Chopin’s mazurkas at the record store for like six dollars. Bela Bartok. I’ve been hooked pretty hard on The Dead - Europe ‘72 particularly. The label Lights in the Attic from Seattle put out an album by Karen Dalton that I can never seem to get out of my head if it rains called 1966.
I also listen to stuff from bands I’ve played with and people I know around the West Coast. Lonesome Shack and GravelRoad are two really good electric blues bands from Seattle. Some really insanely talented, psychedelic, heavy-as-hell blues bands from California, JOY and Radio Moscow. A favorite record of the past year is Bruce Langhorn’s soundtrack to the movie The Hired Handon Scissortail Editions. It’s the soundtrack to a Western from the 70s he did.Takoma Records alum Toulouse Engelhardt sent me a copy of his new record,Mind Garden and it’s really great good too. Wonderful guitar instrumentals, really nice spatial and textural stuff, with some insanely formidable picking. Marisa Anderson’s Mercury is another phenomenal solo guitar record I’ve been listening too. That came out on Mississippi Records, along with Creekside by Lori Goldston, a solo cello record I got last spring that I really love.
The guitar nerd bit: what guitars do you play and what do you like about them? Is there anything out there you’re coveting?
For my acoustic stuff I have a Martin 000-15 with a slot headstock, a 12-fret model. It has a nice wide nut and ample string spacing for fingerpicking stuff. I gave it a bone nut & saddle and changed the tuners and now it’s a dream to play. I was coveting a D-18 for a while, but I was lucky enough to get a really good deal on one recently, so I’ve been playing that a ton.
Banjos: yes or no?
Banjos…don’t have one myself. I like when other people play them. When I play them I find myself wishing I was playing a guitar.
What are you planning to do next?
Finish the album I’ve been working on. Hit the road and play those tunes. Play as much music as I can and meet people in as many different places as I can go. Most of my acoustic guitar recordings were done between a year and a half and almost three years ago. They don’t really reflect what I’ve been up to these days. Instrumental numbers, while I do play them, don’t make up the majority of what I’m doing - usually about a third or less even of my set when I play live. I’ve been more focused on playing live than recording for the past year… I have more fun doing that than recording, I guess. These days most of what I’m doing is singing and playing guitar with a few instrumentals here and there. Some traditional songs, many original songs, some fingerstyle, some picked. The last thing I wanted to do was get pigeonholed and lost in the cloud of open tuned fingerpicking. I love that sound, don’t get me wrong, but it’s only one component of my sound and style. That stuff alone doesn’t scratch my creative itch. I don’t feel fully expressive or like I’m really communicating what I have to say with limitations like that.
What should we have asked you and didn’t?
I don’t know, it’s hard to think of questions to ask yourself without getting pretty existential! Thanks for contacting me and keep in touch.
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wintersunukyespana · 4 years
Awesome shot by @cromcarl at @70000tons 🤘🏽 Hows your week coming along? 🛳 #wintersunband #70000tons #bestcruise #independenceoftheseas2020 #asimsearah #angryface
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source: Asim’s Fb page
Thursday With Asim Searah/Jueves con Asim Searah 83 Awesome shot by @cromcarl at @70000tons 🤘🏽 Hows your week coming along? 🛳 #wintersunband #70000tons #bestcruise #independenceoftheseas2020 #asimsearah #angryface source: Asim's Fb page
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randallvangundy · 4 years
2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review
My travel experience with my dog was the inspiration of this 2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review. Traveling with a dog sounds like fun until you try it for the first time and realize how inconvenient it is. I may have brought my dog with me countless times, be it by air or land travel, but I would be lying to you if I say that the first experience was a breeze. Frankly, I never thought I’d do it again after the initial try. We went to a vacation house for the weekend and decided to bring our Labrador Retriever with us. Well, describing the experience as a “disaster” is quite an understatement.
I didn’t bring a carrier or crate with me. So, that was a mistake on my part.  It took us a while to bring the dog on another trip, but this time, we already bought the 2PET Foldable dog crate after researching multiple travel dog crates.  This review serves as you gauge in figuring out if you need a dog crate when traveling. But before we talk further about the product, I want to make sure you know what to look for in a dog crate designed for travel.
How to Choose the Right Dog Crate for Travel
From the moment you decide to bring your dog along for a road trip or weekend getaway, then you should immediately invest in a crate designed for travels. Although there are hundreds of choices out there, remember that not all dog crates and pet carriers are designed to withstand the inconveniences of travel.
When shopping for a dog travel crate, be sure to focus on these things:
The last thing you want is to force or squeeze your four-legged buddy on a three-hour trip. The reason why dogs don’t like being inside a crate in the first place is that it restricts their movement. If you want Fido to behave appropriately inside the car, put him in a crate that has enough space to lie down, stand up, and stretch. So, be sure you get the dog’s height and length before you go shopping for a travel crate.
Dog travel crates come in two varieties – one that’s made from hard plastic or metal and the other built with fabric and reinforced with steel frames. If your dog has this nasty habit of biting or chewing on anything, then you should stay away from fabric-made crates. But if you have a well-behaved pooch, a soft-sided dog crate or pet carrier is the best option since it is light and portable.
Since you’re spending your hard-earned money on something that is by no means cheap, then you should go all-in and purchase something that can last for a long time. The only way to make sure that you get a durable dog crate is by doing a ton of research. You won’t run out of information since most companies sell their products online; it’s up to you to do some comparison shopping.
2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review
Check Amazon’s Price
Although made from a soft fabric material, the 2PET Fold and Carry dog crate flaunts a water-resistant exterior and robust frame made from steel. The manufacturer pitches it as a capable and reliable product that can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments. With an Oxford 600D fabric cover, you can’t go wrong with this pet travel aid.
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Quick Glance
What’s Good
Attractive design
Sturdy yet light
A wide array of sizes
What’s Bad
Not ideal for destructive dogs
Specs don’t qualify for air travel
Average quality mesh windows
Foldable Design
The foldable design is what makes this dog crate stand out from the rest. Since you can minimize its footprint by folding it when not in use, it means that you won’t experience the usual inconveniences of bringing a dog along. It’s a crate that fills your need to restrain and protect your canine buddy for outdoor excursions, visits to the veterinarian, and fun road trips.
Check Amazon’s Price
Multiple Sizes
Dog travel crates should come in different size options, and it makes sense because these pets vary in size, too. The good news is that 2PET understands this predicament, which is why its foldable dog crate is offered in multiple sizes, i.e., small, medium, large, XL, and XXL. We bought the XL one for our Labrador Retriever. Remember that you’re better off purchasing a large-sized carrier instead of getting the small one. Some extra room for your pup wouldn’t hurt.
Durable Steel Tube Design
The rationale behind a steel tube design is to steer away from a flimsy product that is reminiscent of most pet carriers made from soft material. Even if this crate is classified as a soft-sided dog carrier, it is reinforced by a lightweight and robust steel tube design that can withstand pressure and weight with no issues.
Equipped with a Top Handle
The nifty top handle makes perfect sense as you can convert this travel crate into a fully-functional pet carrier. The truth is that this feature is the reason why I decided to get the 2PET foldable dog crate after carefully weighing other prospects.
Easy-To-Clean Soft Fabric Cover
The sturdy steel frame is covered by a premium quality Oxford 600D fabric cover that can easily be removed and washed. This is an attribute of soft-sided dog crates that hard plastic ones don’t get. Aside from being machine washable, the material is also water-resistant, making it an ideal carrier for your pooch on outdoor activities.
Full Frontal Zipper
Check Amazon’s Price
The full-frontal zipper may appear like nothing special, but it is an ingenious way of making sure that your dog can’t get to it. It’s a practical design feature for dogs that love to chew and munch on the soft material of the crate when they are restrained and uncomfortable.
Sufficient Ventilation
The bone-shaped windows aren’t just for aesthetics. Coupled with the mesh panels, this 2PET dog crate offers by far the best natural ventilation I’ve seen. The air conveniently passes through the windows, giving your dog a relaxing time and room to breathe inside. This is especially helpful for dogs who quickly get claustrophobic when placed inside a tight space like a traditional crate or kennel.
What do Other Users Think of the 2PET Foldable Dog Crate?
If you’re still on the fence on which dog travel crate to buy, these actual user feedback and 2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review comments can help you decide:
B. Brashear and his wife think they bought the best available dog crate that’s perfect for a long road trip.
Brent S. recommends the product from 2PET as a multi-function dog crate.
The folding mechanism of the dog travel crate is what JPage is most impressed with.
Alternatives to the 2PET Foldable Dog Crate
With lots of competition out there, you have the luxury of choosing a dog crate that addresses all your needs and provides a solution to the inconveniences of traveling with a pet. If you still want more proof to convince yourself that the 2PET foldable dog carrier is the right choice, then why not compare it with these:
Petmate Sky Kennel – If you want the complete opposite of the 2PET dog crate in terms of construction, then you might want to look at the Petmate Sky Kennel, which is made from a durable plastic shell. There’s no doubt it is a big and heavy crate, but if your dog loves to chew on anything it could get its mouth on, this one is a viable option. See the features of this pet carrier here.
EliteField 3-Door Folding Soft Dog Crate – This product has a couple of similar features to the 2PET folding crate. First, its frame is made from durable steel tubes. Next, the covering comes in the form of a 600D fabric combined with hex mesh. This is almost the same construction and design. Learn the specifics of this dog crate by visiting this link.
Noz2Noz Soft-Krater Indoor and Outdoor Crate for Pets – Marketed as an indoor/outdoor pet travel crate, this product features a premium-quality tight-weave mesh fabric and lots of ventilation. I believe that its strongest suit is that it can hold a dog weighing up to 70 pounds. Only very few dog crates can equal this feat. So, if you have a large breed, this is an excellent proposition. Click here to read more about the Noz2Noz soft-sided crater.
Wrap Up
I enjoyed writing this 2PET Foldable Dog Crate review and I hope you got value from it. Regardless of how long the drive is, I feel confident that taking my dog with me will always be fun. But I don’t recommend long trips without a dog travel crate. The 2PET Foldable Dog Crate made everything easy and convenient for my buddy and me. I’m sure you can’t wait to do the same.
>> Click here to get current pricing on Amazon for this dog carrier <<
The post 2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review appeared first on Furry Friends Gear.
2PET Foldable Dog Crate Review published first on https://furryfriendsgear.tumblr.com
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tamboradventure · 4 years
The 17 Best Things to See and Do in Madrid
Posted: 6/25/2020 | June 25th, 2020
Madrid is an energetic city known for its late nights, historic sites, and delicious cuisine. It’s a massive city bursting with beautiful architecture.
I’ve been to the city numerous times. It’s an incredible city where little alleys reveal hidden restaurants and bars and locals who like to start their nights late and go early into the morning. (It’s definitely a night owl city.)
As the capital of Spain, there’s a lot of history and art here. You could spend weeks here. There’s an endless amount of things to see and do in Madrid.
To help you make the most of your trip, here are my favorite things to do in Madrid, from museums to food tours to cultural experiences and more:  
1. Take a Free Walking Tour
I love taking free walking tours. They’re a budget-friendly way to see the main sights, learn some history, and get a feel for the city. You get access to a local guide who can answer all your questions and give you insider tips on where to go and what to do. Free Walking Tours Madrid and New Europe both offer comprehensive tours. Just make sure to tip your guide at the end!
For a more in-depth tour, Take Walks offers the best paid tours in the city. It’s my go-to walking tour company because its tours are super detailed and insightful.  
2. Visit the Royal Palace
Construction began in 1735, and the palace was home to Spain’s monarchs until the 1930s. The palace is only used for official state functions now. You can visit and explore the historic buildings and grounds via both guided and self-guided tours. The palace has over 3,400 rooms and encompasses a massive 1.4 million square feet. The interior is lavishly decorated with massive vaulted ceilings, paintings, murals, and intricate wood carvings.
Oriente Square, +34 914 548 700, patrimonionacional.es. Open daily 10am–6pm (8pm in the summer). Admission is 14 EUR ($15.75 USD).  
3. See the Cathedral of Madrid
The Catedral de la Almudena, which took over 100 years to complete, is the main cathedral in Madrid. It opened in 1993. Built in the Gothic Revival style, it offers some beautiful views overlooking the city.
Almudena Square, +34 915 422 200, catedraldelaalmudena.es. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. Please dress respectfully, as this is a place of worship.  
4. Relax in Plaza Mayor
Dating back to the 15th century, this square is the heart of Madrid. It’s a popular place for locals and tourists to gather, eat, and shop. It’s a bit overpriced these days but it offers some nice people-watching, and there are also usually events and concerts during the summer.  
5. Take a Food Tour
Madrid is a foodie’s dream. If you aren’t sure where to start, I suggest taking a food tour. I took the Devour Madrid Food Tour run by fellow bloggers and ex-pats Lauren and James. It was informative, delicious, and absolutely filling. You can learn more in this video here:
For more on their tour, visit their website Devour Madrid.  
6. Wander the Mercado de San Miguel
This covered market used to be a massive central market. Opened in 1916, it eventually fell into disrepair but was recently revitalized with amazing restaurants and food stalls. There are a lot of restaurants and stalls to find affordable tapas and drinks. It’s very popular with the after-work crowd.
Plaza de San Miguel, +34 915 424 936, mercadodesanmiguel.es. Open daily 10am–midnight.  
7. See the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales
Built in the 16th century, the Convent of Las Descalzas Reales (which means “Monastery of the Royal Barefooted”) was the former palace of Emperor Charles V and Empress Isabel of Portugal. Single noblewomen were invited to reside here as nuns, bringing with them any wealth they had accumulated prior. Today, it is home to just a few nuns who look after the grounds and its relics, which include (alleged) pieces of Jesus’s cross as well as the bones of St. Sebastian.
Plaza de las Descalzas, +34 914 54 88 00, patrimonionacional.es/real-sitio/monasterio-de-las-descalzas-reales. Open Monday-Saturday 10am–2pm and 4pm–6:30pm as well as Sundays 10am–3pm. Admission is 8 EUR ($9 USD).
8. Visit the Naval Museum
The Museo Naval de Madrid highlights the history of Spain’s historic naval capabilities and accomplishments. It covers the 15th century to the present, with information on ships, wars, and colonies and how those all related to Spain as a world power. The museum has all kinds of maps and drawings as well as weapons and navigation equipment. It also houses the oldest map of the Americas, which was made in the year 1500. There’s a detailed section on the (failed) Spanish Armada that I found pretty insightful too.
Paseo Prado 5, +34 915 238 516. Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am–7pm (3pm in August). Admission is 3 EUR ($3.40 USD).  
9. Stroll Around the Royal Botanical Garden
Founded in 1755, this park is home to lakes, labyrinths, squares, fountains, and lots of flowers. There are some 90,000 plants here and over 1,500 trees, as well as greenhouses, sculptures, and some immaculae gardens. It’s incredibly beautiful and serene.
Plaza de Murillo, +34 914 203 017, rjb.csic.es/jardinbotanico. Open daily at 10am; closes between 6pm and 9pm depending on the season. Admission is 4 EUR ($4.50 USD).  
10. Explore the Reina Sofía Museum
The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía is home to the country’s national collection of art from the 20th century. It has many of Pablo Picasso’s works (including “Guérnica”), as well as art by Miró, Kandinsky, Dalí, and Bacon. Named after Queen Sofía, it is the ninth most-visited art museum in the entire world!!
Calle de Santa Isabel 52, +34 917 741 000, museoreinasofia.es. Open daily 10am–6pm (hours vary in the summer and winter). Admission is 10 EUR ($11.25 USD) but free from 7pm to 9pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.  
11. Relax in El Retiro Park
Covering over 350 acres, this is Madrid’s main park. It’s the perfect place to relax and lounge on a beautiful day. There’s even a small lake where you can rent a rowboat. There’s tons of green space for picnics, walking paths, and a monument to the victims of the Madrid terrorist bombings in 2004. The famous Crystal Palace (it’s made completely out of glass) features a rotating collection of art too.  
12. Visit the Prado Museum
The Museo Nacional del Prado is the third most visited museum in the world. Opened in 1819, it has around 20,000 works by Spanish artists such as El Greco, Velázquez, and Goya; Flemish and Dutch artists, including Rubens, van Dyck, and Brueghel; Italian masters such as Botticelli, Tintoretto, Titian, Caravaggio, and Veronese; and German artists such as Dürer, Cranach, and Baldung Grien. You have to visit when you’re here.
Ruiz de Alarcon street, +34 913 302 800, museodelprado.es. Open Monday-Saturday 10am–8pm and Sundays 10am–7pm. Admission is 15 EUR ($16.90 USD); however, free entry is available Monday-Saturday 5pm–8pm and Sundays 5pm–7pm.  
13. Learn Flamenco
Flamenco is a traditional style of dance that originated in Spain. It’s a lively, expressive style known for its intricate footwork and hand movements. If you’re looking to take a lesson, Madrid has a few affordable classes where you can learn the basics:
Amor de Dios
El Patio
Dance Classes Madrid
If you’d rather just take in a performance, some venues worth checking out are:
Corral de la Morería
Torres Bermejas
Café de Chinitas
Tickets for performances usually start around 20 EUR ($22.50 USD), while classes will cost 15-30 EUR ($16.90 to $33.75 USD) per hour.  
14. Watch a Soccer Match
Spaniards are crazy about soccer. Real Madrid, the capital’s home team, is one of the most famous soccer teams in the world. They play at Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, which has a capacity of over 81,000 people. Games here are super popular, and fans take them quite seriously. If they’re playing during your visit, be sure to watch a game. It’s an amazing experience!
15. Explore the Museo de la Historia de Madrid
The Museum of History of Madrid covers the city’s evolution from the 16th century (when it became the capital) to World War I. Opened in 1929, it highlights daily life throughout the ages. There are lots of artifacts, maps, paintings, and sculptures to give you a much more nuanced understanding of Madrid.
Fuencarral street, +34 917 011 863, madrid.es/museodehistoria. Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am–8pm. Admission is free.  
16. Get Off the Beaten Path
Madrid has tons of quirky and off-the-beaten-path sights to see. If you’re looking for some more unique experiences, here are a few worth checking out:
Reverte Coma Forensic Museum – A macabre museum full of deformed skeletons, torture devices, dissected fetuses, and much more. Insightful but unsettling!
The Muslim Walls – These walls date back to the ninth century when Madrid was under Moorish rule. They’re one of the oldest structures left in the city.
Rocker Grandma – Located in the Vallecas neighborhood, this statue commemorates Ángeles Rodríguez Hidalgo, who became a local heavy metal fan when she was 70.
Guanche Mummy of Madrid – This mummy is located in the National Archaeological Museum and was embalmed by the indigenous people of the Canary Islands between the 11th and 13th centuries.
  17. Visit the Temple of Debod
The Temple of Debod is an Egyptian temple that dates back to the second century BCE. Originally located near Aswan in Upper Egypt, it was dismantled and given as a gift to Spain by the Egyptian government in 1968 as thanks for helping to relocate monuments from the Aswan Dam site. The temple can now be found in Madrid’s Cuartel de la Montaña Park. Although the inside of the temple is off-limits, you can still walk along the outside.
Whether you’re a foodie (like me), a history buff (also like me), someone looking for fun nightlife, or a traveler just hoping to soak in some incredible culture, Madrid is a city that won’t disappoint you. Madrid has energy and excitement and this list of things to do here can help you tap into that!
  Get Your In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!
My detailed, 200+-page guidebook is made for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guidebooks and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel and save money while in Europe. You’ll find suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on- and off-the-beaten-path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, and bars, and much more! Click here to get a copy!  
Book Your Trip to Spain: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld, as it has the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hotel, use Booking.com, as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them both all the time. My favorite hostels in Madrid are:
Sungate One
The Hat
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use — and I think they will help you too!
Want a Guide? Madrid has some really interesting tours. My favorite company is Take Walks, which has expert guides and can get you behind the scenes of the city’s best attractions. It’s my go-to walking tour company!
Looking for more information on visiting Madrid? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Madrid with more tips on what to see and do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo Credits: 4- Richard Mortel, 6 – Jose Luiz
The post The 17 Best Things to See and Do in Madrid appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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simonesimonsfrance · 4 years
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Simone en train de signer une guitare pour 70 000 Tons of Metal avec d'autres musiciens. #simonesimons #epica #smoonstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KEgMAqgVT/?igshid=1luzoouttpmj
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metalindex-hu · 5 years
Új albumán dolgozik a Visions Of Atlantis
Új albumán dolgozik a Visions Of Atlantis - https://metalindex.hu/2019/02/25/uj-albuman-dolgozik-a-visions-of-atlantis/ -
Az osztrák formáció története egészen az ezredfordulóig nyúlik vissza, 2000-ben alakult meg Bruck an der Mur-ban a szimfonikus metált játszó zenekar, Nicole Bogner énekesnővel, aki akkor alig 16 éves volt – ő 2005-ben operaénekesi karrierje miatt hagyta ott az együttest. A hosszú betegség után, 2012 januárjában, 27 évesen elhunyt lányt több fronthölgy követte a sorban: Melissa Ferlaak, Joanna Nieniewska, Maxi Nil (aki jelenleg a görög Jaded Star tagja).
2013 óta pedig a francia Clémentine Delauney áll a mikrofon mögött, aki tagja szülőhazája egyik legnépszerűbb zenekarának, a Melted Space-nek, de az Amanda Somerville által alapított Exit Eden egyik dívája is.
A Visons Of Atlantis legutóbbi nagylemeze The Deep&The Dark címmel, 2018 februárjában jelent meg, a banda pedig több országban is koncertezett a kiadvánnyal – novemberben még Budapesten is láthattuk őket.
Clémentine a 70 000 Tons Of Metal nevű, óceánjárós fesztiválon elárulta: készül az új album, amely a fent említett korong vonalát viszi majd tovább.
“Szimfonikus lemez lesz, de pár dal teljesen új formában mutat meg minket. Michele Guaitoli (a csapat férfi hangja, 2018-ban csatlakozott a zenekarhoz – a szerk.) csodálatos énekes, eltérő stílussal, de nagyon várjuk, hogy elkészüljön az új album. Fejlődnünk kell, így nincs értelme egy “The Deep&The Dark II” lemezt csinálni. Akik viszont szerették ezt a lemezt, biztosan elégedettek lesznek az újjal is.”
– mesélte Clémentie, majd hozzátette: 2020-ban lesz 20 éves az együttes, és bár nincsenek még különleges tervek, de nem zárja ki, hogy valami igazán különleges fellépéssel készüljenek.
A csapat első DVD-je egyébként február 22-én jelent meg a Napalm Records gondozásában.
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