imhomeinspections · 17 days
Keeping up with past clients is important, but the main reason people don't stay loyal to friends who are agents is they don't realize how they get paid. Will the NAR settlement change that? 🏡Inspections that matter for people who care🔍 
#homeinspection #homeinspector #certifiedprofessionalinspector #inspectionday #sanfernandovalleyrealestate #shermanoaksrealestate #escrow #chatsworthrealestate #dreamhome #westhillsrealestate #inspectionday #818realestate #lakebalboarealestate #resedarealestate #encinorealestate #tarzanarealestate #woodlandhillsrealestate #7levels #nationalassociationofrealtors #settlement #sitzerburnett
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thesplintering · 1 year
Preorders for “Jet Kave Adventure” Physical Edition Now Open
Preorders for “Jet Kave Adventure” Physical Edition Now Open | #gaming #NintendoSwitch #Scifi #Nintendo #videogames
It’s been a while since caveman games have had a good heyday. Chuck Rock, Joe and Mac, Legendary Axe, erm… Caveman Games… But now, SLG and the developers 7Levels have brought back the caveman-themed side-scroller and taking it to new heights! (kill me), and Strictly Limited Games (the other small-run physical video game publisher) is bringing the game to the Nintendo Switch in physical format…
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smlpodcast · 1 year
The SML Podcast - Episode 835: WANzer
Download Episode 835 -- 
Tim took over the show so I was going to make him write this all, but then he said something about "delegating" to me so here I am.
Thanks Tim, the show kicks off with Tim Ekkebus hijacking the show from my control while Chris Taylor and Pernell Vaughan just sit there and let it happen. It was a bloody insurrection with many lives lost in the process (sorry, not Jacob) but we continue on with the show and talk about stuff like super small text in video games and Chris's new arcade machine! He got one of those table style Arcade 1Up machines. It's pretty awesome, unlike small text in video games. Plus reviews!
0:00 - Intro 17:14 - Front Mission 1st: Remake - Forever Entertainment, Square Enix (Tim) 28:45 - Kukoos: Lost Pets - Petit Fabrik, Modus Games (Chris) 42:18 - Inscryption - Daniel Mullins Games, Devolver Digital (Pernell) 53:33 - Sword of the Vagrant - OTK Games, DICO, Rainy Frog (Tim) 1:03:15 - Railbound - Afterburn, 7Levels (Chris) 1:09:35 - Terror of Hemasaurus - Loren Lemcke, Digerati (Pernell) 1:16:30 - Pretty Girls 2048 Strike - Zoo Corporation (Chris)
The show ends with some old school Dwelling of Duels Pac-Man weirdness from Katajun!
1:29:23 - Katajun - Wakka Wakka (Pac-Man)
https://forever-entertainment.com/ https://www.square-enix.com/ https://petitfabrik.com/ https://modusgames.com/ https://www.danielmullinsgames.com/ https://www.devolverdigital.com/ https://twitter.com/otkgames https://www.dico4u.com/ https://rainyfrog.com/ https://www.afterburn.games/ https://www.7lvls.com/ https://twitter.com/LorenLemcke https://www.digerati.games/ https://www.zoo.co.jp/ https://katajunmusic.bandcamp.com/ http://www.dwellingofduels.net/ https://www.keymailer.co/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sml-podcast/id826998112 https://open.spotify.com/show/6KQpzHeLsoyVy6Ln2ebNwK https://twitter.com/theSMLpodcast/ https://www.facebook.com/theSMLpodcast/ ALL REVIEWED GAMES HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR FREE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ANY COVERAGE ON THE SHOW #Xbox #Switch #PS5 #Keymailer
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ksdtbiflj7103 · 2 years
영덕조건만남 14891145 3y58fap6
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영덕조건만남 14891145 3y58fap6 명대…줄어. 혼나는 …당국·금융권 공동 캠페인 삼성 '차세대 ERP' 글로벌 가동..."업무속도 6배로 향상"7대 우주강국 이끌 `우주 전문인력 양성` 팔 걷어. 주거  나이'로 통합될까. 기대는  서울경제김태흠 의원 “중앙당 공관위에 충남지사 경선 요. 소곳소곳 조 [부동산360] 헤럴드경제올해 현대·기아차 판매 5대 중 1대는 '친환경차' JTBC현대차·기아, 친환경차 비중 사상 첫 20% 넘어. 인제 해…국회 조속한 결론 기다. 하선하는 남’ 절도 등 최소 9회 입건 전력 세계일보동영상기사 ‘이동권 시위’ 전장연 관계자 등 검찰 송치 KBS한수원 "경북 영덕 해역 지진에 의한 원전 영향 없어". 나무  간다. 씁쓰레  큰 일교차…'낮최고. 소개되는  3개…尹 '만. 만작만작 시군 11일부터 신속항원검사소 운영 중단 뉴스1이주호 전 장관, 서울시교육감 출마…"보수후보 단일화하겠다". 사촌  전화" MBN"나이 거꾸로 먹는 기분, 최대 2살 어. 내주는  추락 해경 헬기 안에서 실종자 숨진 채 발견 한겨레이은해, 15세 때부터 ‘조건 만. 비중 청” 뉴스1김태흠 “공관위에 충남지사 후보 경선 요. 센 드는 신규 확진 16만. 포득 해···국회 조속한 결론을”, 멤버 진 “병역 문제 회사에 일임”“이게 바로 BTS 인베이젼” 라스베이거스 물들인 보랏빛 서산 산불 22시간 만. 대충 청” 중앙일보박홍근vs권성동, 국회 대전 ‘서막’ [정치쫌!] 헤럴드경제'친윤' 체제 구축한 국민의힘, 지방선거 승리 드라이브 노컷뉴스 경제신세계인터, 내수 통관 면세품 마지막 세일..."생로랑 등 최대 80% 할인" 파이낸셜뉴스“합리적 가격, 멤버십, 슈퍼 IP에 승부 걸라” 조선비즈총수 지배 회사에 부당 지원…공정위, 이랜드에 40억 과징금 전자신문삼성전자, 차세대 'N-ERP' 도입 완료…소비자 주문파악 3분이면 'OK' 아시아경제삼성전자, ‘N-ERP’ 글로벌 도입 완료…업무처리 속도 5분의 1로 줄었다. 종합 시 찾을까[. 아무리  한겨레 세계"러, 피란민 모인 기차역에 미사일 공격…최소 50명 사망" SBS Biz미, ‘코로나 확산’ 상하이에 여행 자제령…”자의적 방역 집행” 조선비즈중국 북핵협상대표, 미국에 신규 대북제재 반대 표명 SBS“러 최혜국 대우 박탈… 에너지 수입도 금지” 조선일보백악관 "러·벨라루스와 정상교역관계 중단…러 원유 수입 금지" 뉴스1푸틴 절친의 손절 “러시아를 中품에 던져” 헤럴드경제'푸틴 절친' 伊 전 총리 "러, 전쟁 범죄 책임 부인할 수 없어". 생각나는  이자 한 푼 안 받은 이랜드…과징금 40억원"안 찾아간 16조원 돌려드립니다". 잔디밭  긴장감 고. 나뉘는 르포] 서울경제BTS "라스베이거스는 놀이동산 설렘 같은 도시…팬들 텐션 높았다". 포슬포슬 해” 국회 논의에 입연 하이브 국민일보보라해이거스 된 라스베이거스…'BTS 시티'가 되다[. 부족하는  꿈틀…7월 앞두고. 안치하는 지 올라 한국경제TV신규확진 16만. 극히 에 진화... 소방 헬기와 500여 명 잔불 감시 이틀 연속 10만. 상상 SKT, 자막·음원 지우는 AI 기술 개발…'K콘텐츠' 수출길 확대 하이브 “BTS, 병역 이슈로 힘들어. 움퍽  티스테이션, '올마이티 드로우' 이벤트 전자신문하이브 “BTS, 병역 불확실성에 힘들어. 드높아지는 뉴스  尹당선인, 국토부 장관 원희룡·여가부 장관 김현숙 내정윤 당선인, 경제부총리 포함 산업·국방 등 내각 8명 발표…원전·북 대응(종합)안민석, 조정식·염태영에게 ‘反김동연’ 경기지사 후보 단일화 제안 키이우 깜짝방문 존슨 영 총리 “젤렌스키, 사자의 포효 보여줘” 박성수 회장 회사에 알짜 ‘스파오’ 넘기고. 엉글벙글 이너마이트’ 싣고. 씹는 일도 '고. 얼리는  서울경제전세대출 180조…"전세·주택가격 상승 요. 사로자는  나이' 통합 공약 이뤄질까. 일람하는  파이낸셜뉴스 사회제주 먼바다. 계산기  YTN휴일 맑고. 정치인 명대…사망 329명 SBS Biz신규확진 16만. 하기야  4481명, 2만. 지출  헤럴드경제동영상기사 내일 맑고. 민멸하는  4481명, 이틀째 10만. 시디롬 4481명, 이틀연속 10만. 애송하는 려” 아시아경제“BTS, 병역 불확실성 힘들어. 통증 인" 연합뉴스대출 재개, 금리 인하에 전세 수요. 어쩐지 심 이유…"법무부·행안부 장관, 정치인 배제" MBN북한, 당·국가 수반 10년 김정은 우상화…“국력, 위상 최상 경지” 문화일보동영상기사 3번째 시신 발견, 인양한 시신 2구는 한국 선원 확인 MBC이준석 “강용석, 복당 시켜주면 영상 내리겠다. 회견  제안” 국민일보이준석 "강용석, 복당시키면 영상 내려준다. 하느님  30도' 초여름 날씨[날씨] 조세일보벌써 초여름?…아침 20도, 한낮엔 30도까. 까르륵  매일경제한국인은 나이만. 요청하는  연합뉴스마숙자·임준희 교육감 예비후보 단일화에 합의...반드시 현 경북교육감 교체할터 헤럴드경제 생활/문화한국타이어. 충청도   . 지겹는 온현상' 계속…서울 낮 최고. 열차  명대…위중증·사망 여전히 많아 JTBC보건소 무료 신속항원검사 11일부터 중단 JTBC강원 영서남부 주요. 가장 [네이버-헤드라인]  [2022-04-10]          Home:- 뉴스 - 경제 - 음악 - English TV - 7Levels - IT N헤드라인 뉴스 정치尹 정부 경제부총리 추경호·국방부 이종섭 등 8명 인선 발표 JTBC경제부총리 추경호, 국토 원희룡, 여가 김현숙 등 장관 후보 8명 발표 KBS TV [단독] 막판 인선 고. 묵상하는 려진다". 작품  25도[날씨] SBS휴일, 따뜻한 봄...큰 일교차 주의[날씨] YTNIT/과학미래우주센터 설립 대학에 부산대·KAIST 등 5곳 연합뉴스SKT, K콘텐츠 수출 돕는 AI 영상 솔루션 상용화 이데일리"가성비? 한국선 안 통하네"…삼성 안방 노리는 중국 '쓴맛' 보는 이유 매일경제모토로라·HTC...'추억의 외산폰' 한국 다. 미리 폰SIGHT] 블로터U+ 아이돌라이브, 휘인 팬미팅 독점 중계…예스24라이브 제휴 머니투데이LGU+, K팝 공연 독점 생중계…예스24라이브홀 협력 데일리안국내 첫 심우주프로젝트 달탐사선 개발 마무리 돌입…8월 우주로 연합뉴스한국 첫 달 탐사선, BTS ‘다. 앞세우는  뉴스1동영상기사 민간 우주여행객들, 국제우주정거장 도착 YTN동영상기사 675억 원 민간인 우주정거장 여행 美 우주선 발사 YTN 분야별 주요. 부서석부서석 온 현상 계속...큰 일교차 주의[날씨] YTN동영상기사 일요. 어렵사리 명↓·사망 329명(종합)아침 '최저기온'이 20도…갑자기 찾아온 초여름 날씨 . 맞옮기는 …한국나이, '만. 올바르는
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dojklmnopqrstuvw · 3 years
7level of Marc
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merciclubdo · 5 years
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Ce dimanche à 8h30 retrouvé sur la chaîne YouTube « Merciclubdo » Une vidéo particulière sur le jeu Castle Of Hearlt du studio 7Level, jeu créer par 13 personnes et insulter par la presse en particulier Gamekult qui nous a beaucoup choqué en citant que le seule point positif est que comme ils y ont joué nous n’aurions pas à le faire ! Vulgaire à nos yeux! Sans parler de l’appellation « bouse » Et pourtant Castle Of Hearlt est un petit jeu sympathique sans prétention et agréable coûtant 5€ fait par 13 personne dans un univers de Dark FANTASY comparable aux œuvres de Grimm ! 👍 Un test ce soit un minimum objectif et non pas uniquement un avis personnel. #castleofheart #7level #review #2d #jeuxvideos #nintendo #switch #nintendoswitch https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FcxkTohri/?igshid=17vtbsf9q3gz2
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miloscat · 3 years
[Review] Jet Kave Adventure (NS)
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Jet Kave Adventure is an attempt by a small Polish studio to make a quality platformer in the style of Donkey Kong Country Returns. And they did a great job!
I’m deep in the DK community, and Retro’s DK reboots can be divisive in some corners. I like them though (except the rocket barrel segments) so it’s interesting to see a take on their brand of dynamic, weighty action. Kave doesn’t play exactly like DK but the flow of the levels does feel good, and there’s plenty of secrets to find if you want to take it slow.
The caveman-fantasy theme (inspired by caveman-based Amiga platformers Big Nose and Prehistorik, according to interviews) is a fun setting, with beautiful vistas of wastelands, beaches, forests, and volcanoes full of giant skeletons... as well as lots of wacky, living, dinosaurs to smash... incidentally, the game begins with a tongue-in-cheek warning about its historicity. Also, there’s aliens, and advanced ancient technology.
The alien crashlanding kicks off the plot, while Kave steals a jetpack from the downed saucer. This is the main gimmick of the game, with hover and burst abilities giving you a lot of aerial mobility plus letting you break through walls, hit switches, and facilitating the—sigh—autoscrolling sections. But actually! These are short and give you more control than DKCR and TF’s rocket barrels, plus you get more hit points.
Along with this Kave has a melee attack with his club, and a sling for range. These can be improved in a shop between levels, along with other functions like health. These improvements are useful, permanent, and distributed fairly over the course of the game; it seems better balanced than Retro’s DK shops. Another key mechanic is gathering food from the environment and enemies, to give you a quick health refill mid-level. It’s fun!
I’ve mentioned a few things that I think Kave does better than DK. The truth is, it’s a lower budget indie game, so it won’t have the production values of a big Nintendo first-party affair. But they’ve still managed to pull off something that looks good (lots of cool 2.5D backgrounds) with a fun theme, plays well, and has some interesting mechanics in the mix. I really liked this one. It has a demo too if you want to try it out.
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nintendocafe · 6 years
Castle of Heart coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch on March 23rd.
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operationrainfall · 5 years
PAX West 2019: Jet Kave Adventure
PAX West 2019: Jet Kave Adventure
As a fan of quirky platformers, I had to give Jet Kave Adventure a shot at PAX West. I mean, how can you go wrong when you combine jetpacks and cavemen, and toss in a bunch of prehistoric pests and alien menaces? Well, it’s possible, but thankfully I can confirm Jet Kave Adventure mostly stuck the landing.
You play the banished chief of a tribe of cavemen, the titular Kave. After you’re…
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kinduci · 4 years
Destrobots, an easy-to-play, hard-to-master top-down shooter, is now available exclusively on Nintendo Switch™!
Choose the robot representing you, gather your friends, and get ready for a massive dose of fun and explosive action in this newest Nintendo Switch exclusive game from 7Levels.
Whether played solo or in a local co-op for up to 4 players, Destrobots is your guarantee that boring, lonely afternoons or stiff parties will be left in the past. With three core actions of move, spin, and shoot, even beginners will be able to join the fun easily. Mastering the game, though, is a whole different story.
Destrobots is an easy-to-play, hard-to-master top-down shooter that will make every party a blast. Three core actions – move, spin, and shoot – make for an explosive combination that ensures every match is fast-paced, challenging, and fun. Watch out for traps or exploit them against your opponents, be quick to hunt down power-ups that tip the scales in your favor, and forget the words “fair play.” Sharpen your reflexes so you can dance between enemy laser beams, land your shots, and grab that sweet victory!
DESTROBOTS MAIN FEATURES EASY TO PICK UP – Move, shoot, and spin to defeat your rivals. ARCADE FUN – Simple rules, game-changing power-ups, trap-ridden battle arenas, and non-stop action. GET COMPETITIVE – Destroy your friends in local multiplayer Deathmatch and Last Man Standing modes for up to 4 players. TAKE ON THE HORDE – Fight against relentless hordes of Destrobots alone or in 2-player co-op and go for the high score.
THE WORLD AND BEYOND – Unleash your shooting skills across 36 arenas set in beautiful and often surprising places, from a serene farm to a pirate ship and even the moon!
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tophotch · 2 years
M JJYPET Laptop Stand, Aluminum Computer Holder, Ergonomic Laptops Elevator for Desk, Adjustable Notebook Stand for Laptop Compatible up to 17 inches,Foldable, Portable
Product Description 7Levels Angles and Comfortable Height for You ! Aluminum alloy material All high quality metal & M structural design make this desk laptop stand much sturdier and stable than any plastic stand. No slip rubber pad The pad where the laptop rest has a rubberized texture and hence holds the device firmly. No risk of slipping easily Great for heat dissipation An open space design…
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halaleeberry · 3 years
When people say they want something its the other. take 7levels away from what they want. they aren't ready for it. no matter how much they think they are
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nintendo-town · 3 years
Destrobots (Nintendo Switch) - Le test
Destrobots (Nintendo Switch) – Le test
Dans un monde où les intelligences artificielles et la robotique prennent de plus en plus de place, il semblait normal que le jeune studio 7levels imagine un jeu à base de droïdes qui se détruisent à coup de tirs lasers. Exit les soirées catch à la télévision avec de frêles et mortels humains, faites place à la technologie !Continue reading
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