#;; dwight is a fun lad to him
dweetwise · 4 years
First kisses Steve x David, Steve x Dwight, Steve x Quentin ?
steve is fun to write and kiss prompts are adorbs <3 hope you like!
Steve’s first kisses with Quentin, David & Dwight
Quentin: sleepy kiss
“Quen,” Steve says, nudging his boyfriend. Said boyfriend is about to fall asleep on his shoulder, head gradually drooping lower until the side of his face is smushed into Steve’s collarbone.
“Mm?” Quentin slowly raises his head, blinking at Steve as he tries to wake up. “Oh. Sorry,” he says, leaning away and slapping his cheek lightly to try to rouse himself.
“Don’t be,” Steve insists, grabbing Quentin’s hand to prevent him from moving too far away. “I was gonna suggest you lay down properly, I can be your pillow,” he offers, patting his thighs.
Quentin blearily processes the request, before nodding with a muttered “thanks” and moving to lay down. Steve shuffles his legs into a better position, wanting the other to be as comfortable as possible.
“Love you,” Quentin mumbles and leans up to give Steve a sleepy peck. Steve only has time to blink in surprise before Quentin’s lips are gone and he’s lowering his head into Steve’s lap and cuddling into him.
When Quentin sighs happily and starts dozing off, a dumb grin spreads over Steve’s face and he gently cards his fingers through his adorable boyfriend’s hair. He hopes Quentin will remember the kiss when he wakes up, but even if he doesn’t, Steve is more than happy to remind him.
David: angry kiss
“The fock ya do tha’ fer!?” David, predictably, is pissed at Steve for having interrupted his plan to sacrifice himself for the team. “I was trying to protect you!” Steve protests. “Yeah, an’ ya got us both killed! Lemme handle meself!” “No way! You’re always dying for me, and I’m sick of it!” “Tha’s my choice!” “And trying to stop you is mine!” “Bloody stubborn little shite—”
Steve doesn’t know what comes over him. Part of him just wants to shut David up by any means necessary. Another part of him is sick of hiding his feelings for the bull-headed Brit.
He’s never kissed a guy before, but here he is, grabbing fistfuls of David’s jacket, blood staining the fabric after the brutal trial, and mashing his lips against the other’s aggressively.
David is frozen under his touch and Steve expects to get punched. Hell, he probably deserves it.
He doesn’t expect David to groan and deepen the kiss. Steve’s heart is hammering in his chest, nervousness and excitement muddling together as David’s tongue tangles with his own and it’s all too much too fast. When a hand finds his ass and squeezes, Steve pulls away with an embarrassing squeak. He breathes a sigh of relief as David chuckles softly and his hands settle on his hips instead, much more comfortable with the innocent touch.
“Didn’t know ye fancied me, luv,” David says with a satisfied smirk, but his eyes are soft and his demeanor is calm. Huh, he’s never seen David’s temper cool that quick. Who knew kisses were the key to defusing the brawler?
“I’m, uh, sorry for like, jumping you—” Steve feels the need to apologize, but David interrupts him with a chuckle and shakes his head.
“Handsome lad like you can snog me anytime,” David murmurs, hands on Steve’s hips squeezing affectionately and face settling into a fond smile. Steve feels butterflies flutter in his stomach as he leans in for another kiss.
Dwight: happy kiss
“That was amazing! You were amazing!” Steve is smiling brightly, beaming at his boyfriend.
“How did that work? We should both be dead!” Dwight has an equally big smile on his face even though he’s still shaking from the adrenaline.
“It’s because you’re amazing.” Steve sounds like a broken record at this point but he doesn’t care. All his brain capacity is reserved for thinking about how his Dwight is the bravest, most selfless soul he’s ever met and seeing him this happy makes Steve’s heart soar.
“What about you?” Dwight insists. “That was the most perfectly timed styptic I’ve ever seen!”
Steve thought his own grin couldn’t get any wider, but he feels the corners of his mouth quirk even higher from the praise.
“How did you even know to—? I can’t, you’re just—!” Dwight seems to get gradually more excited until he can no longer find the words, opting instead to grab Steve by the collar of his Scoops uniform and smash their mouths together.
Steve responds with matching enthusiasm, hands finding Dwight’s waist as their lips move eagerly against each other.
“S-sorry,” Dwight stammers when they finally pull apart for air. “I should have asked—”
“Never apologize. You’re my hero and I love you,” Steve says sappily, heart clenching from the surge of affection and he leans in for one last peck on Dwight’s blushing face.
steve, probably: you like my shirt? it’s boyfriend material
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highdwightofmylife · 4 years
I need Jake stuff. Anything will do! IM STARVING FATHER PLEASE
General Jake Park HCS
Jake isn’t really into PDA. He doesn’t have a problem with it per se, he just... Doesn’t care. He isn’t gonna stop you if you try and get all lovey in public, but he won’t initiate it himself.
When y’all are alone though? He’s pulling you onto his lap and whining for you to kiss him and just being a real clingy bitch. We love him. 
Jake’s the man that will see a bird with a hurt wing or leg and he’s immediately attempting to grab it and help. Imagine the two of you crouched in a goddamn bush while he’s pointing out a poor little bird that’s just hobbling around. “We gotta help him,” he tells you seriously. “You distract him, I’ll grab him.” And he will 100% nurse this bird back to health don’t test him. And he will cry when he has to set it free again. Please console him. 
He isn’t a romantic person or sweet person, really. But when he is... He’s half asleep. He wakes up in the morning and he’s really sleepy and he rolls over and wraps his arms around you and just kinda mumbles into your ear that you’re the love of his life and he doesn’t know what he’d do without you. If you bring this up with him later, he will deny ever saying anything of the sort.
He’s okay with you talking to other people. He doesn’t even mind gentle friendly flirting. You can call Dwight cute in a friendly flirting way and Jake’s like yeah lmao cool. He trusts you! Buuut... He does have his limits and if he feels like the other person is getting too friendly with you, he will step in. For example, Ace likes to flirt with you all the time because that’s, well, Ace, it’s what he does, but sometimes he can get a little too touchy and that’s the point where Jake’s gonna step in like “alright alright i’m thieving my babe now bye”
He usually sleeps with all his limbs stretched out and isn’t really a cuddler but he won’t complain if you lean your head on his chest or wrap yourself around him. As long as he can stretch out, you’re welcome to sleep on him however you want.
Jake likes to just sit in front of you and lean back so his arms are awkwardly draped over your thighs and his shoulders and pushed up to his neck as he lies down. It looks ridiculous, but he’s comfy. And he likes to do it because he knows it gives you incentive to play with his hair and god he loves when you play with his hair.
It’s rare for Jake to be forced to wear a cowboy hat in trials, but y’know, The Entity does like to act like you’re all her little dolls and she dresses you however she sees fit. But when Jake does have that cowboy hat? He really embodies it. You don’t know whether he’s absolutely losing his mind or he’s just having fun, but the trial is very entertaining. Jake, spamming a flashlight in the killer’s face in an attempt to distract them from you: “now y’all listen to sheriff jake and leave the young lass/lad alone before i drag yer sorry behind to the gallows”
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velshie · 5 years
First Meetings - Kingfield
A/N: It’s a long one boi’s. forgive me because it has been a long damn time since I have written anything, so I’m rusty in my writing, grammar, and all that jazz. It’s not perfect but I did want to contribute to the Kingfield fandom too. Welp, enjoy!
The first time David met Dwight was around the campfire when he was so kindly chosen by the entity to join the trials. He never took notice of the man, not really, he gave off the first impression that he was quite the weak, sniveling kind that David would go after when he was just a lad in uniform before he was kicked out and sent to a new school just to repeat. He had grown out of such things, he preferred to pick on someone his own size or bigger to feel the adrenaline thrum through his bones and to help blow his ego up a little more if he won. The rest of the people that he has met around the fire seemed to have a respect for him. Not even the grudging kind of respect that came with being around someone to long but the kind that made it seem that they looked at this scrawny man almost for guidance, how absolutely bloody ridiculous is that? This man, a leader? Stupid if you ask him.
Dwight had come to say hello, but David wasn’t going to have it. He glanced away from the campfire to look him in the eye before leaning towards him “Piss off mate before I throw ya in the campfire and we ‘ave cooked weasel.” The thinner man looked surprised and more than a little offended at the threat but was smart enough to walk to the opposite side and avoid eye contact looking from surprised to dejected. Not that David gave a rat's ass but the ladies were outraged at the treatment and the quiet Asian man sent him a nasty little look that David caught in the corner of his eye. Bigger than Dwight, but smaller than him, doesn’t seem like he would be much fun in a brawl but if he was challenged, who was he to say no? However, it seems the entity had a different idea as he was chosen for a trial along with Nia, Meg, and of course Dwight.
Great. Ain’t this going to be a successful trial.
They appeared in what seemed to be a large plot of land with long, thick patches of cornstalks. From what David could see, there seemed to be only one, large tractor and he couldn’t help but pray that they were broken and he would not be running from a giant hunk of machinery. It seems that the girls may be in the trials together while he was stuck with Dwight. David rolled his eyes, of course he would be stuck with him, now he was going to have to be the big dog as this wimp probably cowers behind him.
“I can tell you aren’t my biggest fan, but I need you to listen to me for just a sec here.” David looked down at Dwight, startled that he had said anything. “I have done these trials for god knows how long and trust me, they aren’t pretty. As long as you don’t go in blind and we work together, you may get out with just a gash or two.” David scoffed, before walking away. Work together? Is this guy completely out of his gourd?
“I don’ fuckin’ think so mate. What, ya think I’m going to sit and hide in the cornfield? Ya maybe a bloody coward, but I sure as ‘ell ain’t.” He heard Dwight blow a bunch of air out of his mouth in frustration.
“I’m not asking you to hide in a cornfield. I’m asking you to be smart.” David could almost feel the insult on the tip of Dwight's tongue that he was smart enough to keep to himself if he didn’t want a fist to his face. “Stick to the generators, I’ll be there to help. We do five of those and we are out the door with as little bodily harm possible. If you have to hide, then I strongly recommend it to keep you alive.” David shot Dwight a look as if he told him a stupid joke.
“Do I look like a bloody mechanic to you? Generators? Get fuckin’ real. I’m going to make that fucker cry for ‘is mum.” David cracked his knuckles and grinned if everyone was so afraid of this bloke then he must be a good time for a fight. However, Dwight didn’t look very impressed, actually, he was looking at him like he was quite stupid.
“David. Do you see those hooks over there?” He said as he pointed to the hanging meat hook swaying in the slight breeze. David felt suddenly unsettled, he had to admit he had not seen those when he took a quick look. “If you’re caught, your body is going to be swinging on that like uncut deli meat. Personally, I’d like to see it not happen to you but if you want to go playing fisties with a killer, be my guest. But I would like to survive, so you can come and do a generator with me or you can be the liability. The choice is yours, friend.” With that Dwight, walked off behind a corner of a wooden fence, not even looking behind him as he went out of sight behind a large wooden panel. David casually followed suit, seeing Dwight working on a red, fairly rusted up, generator without even glancing at his direction as David came to his line of sight. ‘Well slap my ass and call me sally, the guy actually ‘as a spine.’ David thought with a smirk, sinking down to a crouch as he fiddled with the generator. Davids smirk, dwindled down to a frustrated grimace, as he fumbled his way through the cluster of wires. ‘I have no idea what the fuck I’m even doing.’ He made a frustrated hum as he grabbed the green and blue wire, fusing it together only to cause the generator to blow in his face loudly, making him cover his face to make sure nothing got him in the eye.
“Shit, we gotta hide!” Dwight said urgently as he tugged on Davids' bicep firmly before he let go heading into the large cornfield patch near them. David followed in suit, wanting to see first hand what he was up against. The scrapper felt his hair stand, his heartbeat growing louder in his ears and the feeling of an overwhelming presence coming near. He swallowed nervously as he and the small leader stayed crouched within the thick stalks trying to keep his breath steady as his heartbeat became louder. Then he saw him and for the first time in years, David actually felt fear settle in his belly at the sight of the behemoth of a man with an off white mask caked in dirt and dried blood, bits of metal embedded in the skin of his arms. He glanced at Dwight, who looked him in the eye and put a finger to his mouth, signaling to keep quiet. ‘Oh yeah, like I’m gonna go ask ‘im over fer tea.’ He thought deadpanned. Dwight put his hand on his arm, David was unsure if it was for his benefit or Dwight’s, but it grounded him enough to focus on his breathing. The large man glanced around briefly before kicking the ever-loving shit out of the generator they were working on, causing it to spark. He suddenly turned to the locker, ripping it open, then slamming it closed when no one was in it. He walked towards them and David felt himself freeze in place and stop breathing altogether. He felt Dwight sweaty hand slide down and clasp at his wrist and squeezing it firmly. The man hunting them all down walked past them briskly, neither of them moving as they heard his footsteps getting quieter and quieter, then no sound at all except for the wind and the mechanical sound of the broken generator.
They both let out a loud breath in relief, Dwight letting go of his wrist to rub at his face, his glasses moving up to his forehead as his fingers went beneath his glasses then perched messily onto the tip of his nose. “Okay, let's try and fix this before he comes back or worse, finds one of the girls.” He said, fixing his glasses and hurrying himself to the generator. David quickly followed his lead, hauling ass to try and finish the hunk of junk, Dwight instructing and encouraging him to finish. They heard a pop of the generator coming to life, and both sprinting away from it as fast as they could, they heard two more generators going off in sync, making Dwight laugh merrily as they are all rushing, only having two more generators to go before they can get the hell out of here. David couldn’t help but look in awe at how lovely he looked when he laughed.
As the two started another generator, they saw Nea come sneaking by, hiding in the cornfield while keeping a hurried pace. Dwight had always admired that trait of hers, he always wished he could be that quick, but alas he was a slow walker no matter if he was crouched or not.
“Hello boys, I would love to ask if you need help but I already know that you do.” She said with a smirk as she put down her toolbox and went at it. Dwight snorted at the comment, but said nothing to dispute it, he knew that when it came to generators it was a case if ‘The more the merrier.’ and with two tool boxes? They’ll get this generator back in no time.
“Where did Meg go?” Dwight said keeping his eyes out for the Trapper and their redheaded track star. Nea shrugged, not once looking up from the generator. Dwight was always on the lookout and would always give them the warning if he even caught wind if the killer. He was always the better multitasker anyways. “Don’t know. I’d put my money on giving the killer the runaround though. Trapper was heading in her direction when she finished off her generator.”  Dwight's mouth settled into a thin line, concerned of the younger girls well being, but he knew better. No one could catch up to the track star unless they duped her, if it was the Pig or Legion, he would be a little more worried. But with the Trapper, he had no doubt that she would run him around until they were done.
“Okay. Then we can’t let her down, am I right?” Nea smirked and continued working. When they were finished they hopped on to the next and then to the next to finish the last generator. They heard Meg cry as the Trapper cleaved her in the shoulder, making Dwight stop. David glanced up at the brunette, then to where he heard the woman cry, only to hear another not so long after.
“Shit, girl down! I repeat girl down!” Nea hissed. She didn’t turn to where the girl was knocked down. She just gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and-
A blood-curdling screaming traveled through the area Dwight face turned grim and David who looked horrified.
“I’ll be back. You two do the generator and I’m getting her off the hook.” Dwight nearly took off, until a large hand grabbed his, dwarfing it in size.
“I think it’s m’ turn ta be useful now, don’ ya think?” David said, given the leader a lopsided grin before getting up and tugging him near the halfway done generator. Dwight frowned, grabbing David’s wrist to keep him from letting go of his hands.
“You're new! You need to learn the ropes first, I can’t just stick you out into danger with no issue! It’s my responsibility to make sure you get out of this trial alive and informed, You could be next on that hook!” David snorted, no way. The guy might be good but David has never backed from any challenge or fight.
“Listen, m’ faster, bigger an’ stronger than ya, so have some faith. Also, you're faster than me on those stupid things, so you should stay. ‘S no mither, mate.” He said as he grabbed Dwight’s wrist and gently pried his hand off him, but didn’t let him go.
“Look, ya proved to be not a bad guy ta follow. I see now that yer nervous but not cowardly and I can fuckin’ respect that. But ya know that it would be better to send me in.” Dwight looked like he was going to protest that statement until Nea stopped working and let out a frustrated groan.
“Let the big guy get her Dwight! Or else she’s going to get gutted by the entity before you guys wanna finish you dick measuring contest.” Dwight’s face went as red as a beet and David couldn’t help the thought of ‘cute’ cross his mind before Dwight took his hand back. He looked unsure and he hesitates with his movements, but in the end, he agreed.
“Just...Just be careful. When you grab Meg run to the North side and we should have that open for you to go.”
Nea also popped her head up to look at him “Meg might be hobbling and in pain but she’ll know where to go. She might also curse you for your stupidity, but don’t worry, she’ll forgive you back at camp.”
“Fly you fool.” She said urgently before David looked at Dwight, saluted and took off in the direction where Meg is hanging. Nea looked at Dwight with a raised eyebrow and smirked “I think that’s the closest thing you’ll get to an apology from earlier. I still think he’s a giant dick but hey, you managed to charm him like the rest of us.” Dwight looked at her confused, looking like he was going to respond but decided to drop it. He wanted to get this trial over with as soon as possible.
David ran as fast as he could to where the girl hooked, only slowing down to a crouch when he heard the heartbeat indicating that the killer was near. As he hid behind the giant roll of hay, he could hear the girls strangled sounds of pain as she swung of the hook, the curved end protruding out of her grotesquely, blood staining her clothes and clotting around the wound. David gritted his teeth and looked up in time to see the giant go off in the opposite direction. When he was out of sight David rushed forward, grabbing her from the armpits and hauling her off with a slick noise from the open wound.
She looked at the ground, seemingly trying to catch her breath before she looked up at him with a pained glare. “Are you gonna just sit there or are you going to patch me up you- Oh. It’s you.” She said, voice absolutely deadpanned before she started healing herself with the medkit she had brought into the trial with her.
“You’re new, and I’ll forgive you for not knowing what you're doing In term of taking care of your teammates but I don’t care for you much after what happened at camp.” She said as she finished up healing, looking like she had never even been hooked in the first place. ‘What in the fu- never mind not important, I’ll ask later.’
“I know, not m’ shining moment, but right now I’m followin ‘is lead. Dwight told me ta go fer the north side of the exit once I’ve grabbed ya.” Meg looked a little astonished for a brief moment, blinking at him like he had grown a second head.
“Huh. Listening to him now after being-”
“Such a major cock, yes I know.” David finished, making Meg smirk.
“Well, since you’ve admitted it, I guess we can head there until they’ve-” all the generator lights went on and an alarm sounded through the area. The two athletes looked at each other and Meg bolted in the direction of the door. As they reached it, she didn’t hesitate to crank the handle down with all her strength. It went by slowly, almost too slowly.
As the second light came on they heard their heartbeats pound in their ears, looking at each other in panic, they looked towards the third red light flickering before it became fully red and three loud alarms went off as the door opened.
They saw Dwight and Nea running like a bat out of hell with the killer quickly descending on them. Nea and Meg rushed out of there but David just couldn’t leave Dwight on his own.
“David, move your fucking ass!” Dwight shrieked, grabbing the rugby players had and dragging him into the fog. They heard the cleaver swing down behind them, only to hear it connect with something sharply. David looked behind him to see the killer being blocked of by black branches. Standing there menacingly.
“Have you not watched a horror movie before? First rule, don’t look back!” With that Dwight tugged on his hand harder as they kept running into the fog until they saw the light of the campfire where they started.
“Wot th’ fuck was that,” David said breathlessly, looking at Dwight who was bent over trying to catch his breath still.
“That...Was...A trial.” He said, gasping for air. David frowned as he straightened the thinner man up, lifting his arms above his head.
“You won’ get any air in ya if yer all crumpled up like that luv.” David chortled, putting a finger underneath Dwight’s chin and tilting it up to looking him in the eye. “Tilt yer ‘ead up, so ya can actually ge’ some air.” Their eyes met and there was a delay in reaction as Dwight stared at him, mouth agape before turning completely red.
“A l-little close don’t you t-think.” The shorter man stuttered, choking on his words as he averted his eyes. David grinned leaning in closer to the flustered man.
“Mhm, an’ what a treat. Can’ believe a called ya a bloody weasel, I was either daft or blind.”
If Dwight got any redder, his head would probably pop off. Putting his hands down to cover his face, dislodging David’s fingers from his chin.
“A-are you flirting with me? It feels like your flirting..” his voice was muffled and barely clear, but David heard him.
“Guess ya can say I am, yeah.” David teased, grabbing Dwight’s wrist to pry it away from his face.
“B-but why?” David could help but find it cute how Dwight couldn’t look him in the. Such a contrast from the anxious but brave leader he met in the trial.
“Ya proved yerself. Ya were a great leader and ya showed bravery in a situation tha’ woulda made grown men piss ‘emselves. Can’ say many ‘ave my respect but you? You blew me outta th’ water mate.” David’s tone dropped low and Dwight looked at him in awe. “I also ‘ave a thing for bossy men.”
It was adorable how absolutely flustered and outraged the leader looked at the same time. “I-I am not Bossy!” They both heard a snort, looking to the side where Nea grinned cheekily at the display she was exposed to.
“Oh no, you're definitely bossy. C’mon love birds, you guys can continue your mating ritual near the fire. She patted David hard on the back making him grunt. “Glad to see you saw the light, but if you fuck this up like you did at your arrival, I’m leaving you on the hook newbie. If your gonna fuck something, make sure it’s his juicy twink a-”
“Nea please for the love of god!” Dwight cried out as he fell to a crouch in embarrassment, hands above his head still being held by David who was in tears with how hard he was laughing.
“Alright alright. Come on let’s go homo’s.” She said as she lifted Dwight back up and pushed both the boys back to the campfire.
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cpknightly1 · 3 years
Happy Valentine's Day Surgy Buddies et all!
Make your favorite Nurse a Valentine made from the paper Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner menu. But don't forget to order first! Or.. just make a hat.
Ah.. NY State.
Last night I had a craving for Corned beef, Cabbage and Potatoes. So I thought this is New York. (🎶If you can make it here they'll make it anywhere 🎶) I'd order a delivery. (It was 7pm.)
I found plenty of corned beef hash, corned beef sandwiches, corned beef tacos? NOPE. WTF?
I know there is a high population of Irish people, pubs etc here. No match for Boston but still. Heck I even tried a Diner. The man says they only have it on Thursdays. Is every Thursday some kind of holiday for the wonderful Irish folk? What'd I miss?
Now, my sister is a wiz in the kitchen and makes a great recipe. She's in Michigan. Much like real Polish food - there is no substitute for good Corned Beef and Cabbage!!!! (sigh)
The day of Romance is yet again upon us. Sure when you're with the one you love, and in the same room congrats. However trying to kiss with a mask on, well it's just not safe. You'll chafe, ya know. Not to mention the risks of catching a pandemic. And where the hell does your tongue go? In a "normal" situation, believe me I know where it goes. (snort)
In grade school I always felt a little awkward. The teacher tells you to give your Valentine's out. The problem is I wanted to give mine to all the girls. Not icky boys. I had already been engaged in kindergarten. Yep. To the boy down the street. Dwight. Scottish lad.
He gave me a ring he had gotten out of a gumball machine. Already engaged at age 5. But by 6th grade I'd have socked him and broken his nose for saying "women belong in the kitchen and having babies ". {ZAP! POW!} Quick divorce.
I also think of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre...I'll let you think on that one.
When in a relationship I liked doing wonderful and unique things. Yes, very romantic and sometimes silly. The nice dinner or feeding each other is fun. And making love till 4 or 5 am HURRAH!
This is my list for Valentine's Day this year.
An early nice hot bath. Putting on comfy jammies and my silly socks. Playing with the puppies.. ORDERING CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE! (Early, dammnit)
Some strawberries and whipped cream (in a can) Giving the puppies some strawberries and whipped cream (in a can)
Make a bucket of hot buttered microwave popcorn. (I never burn it) extra butter of course.
Crawling under my sofftt blankets and pillows. And watch some of my favorite movies.
1.) JAWS 2.) Die Hard 3.) Independence Day 4.) The Matrix - Reloaded 5.) Airplane 6.) Superman 1 & 2 7.) Avatar 8.) Terminator 3 9.) Strangers on a Train 10.) A Knights Tale 11.) Daredevil some Film Noir and maybe finish my evening with a marathon of the L Word. What?! Sometimes I'm up till 3 am.
Absolutely nothing educational, crafty, emotional and not that romantic. See, I gotta plan. I'm saving all my ideas for this Holiday. When I decide to let them out..oh I pity the poor woman. Is it possible to drown someone in romance? How about a full body, hot oil massage? Nope..just getting started. One thing I know is there's that one very special thing you give her, that she'll never forget. I'm not gonna tell you!
Anyway. In a relationship? Make the day an occasion. Sweet, sexy, romantic and memorable. Whips, furry handcuffs...Okkk... Make her feel she's the only one in your world. Because she is.
Happy Valentine's Day You Love Sick Puppies. Enjoy.
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junker-town · 7 years
How did you become a fan of your NFL team?
Here’s some fun stories. You can also tell us your own!
SB Nation’s team sites have taken on a fresh new look, just like the mothership did. The makeover inspired our team blogs to tell the tales of how everybody became fans of their teams, and some of them are pretty darn great.
We wanted to share some of the best stories from our NFL team blogs, who bring you news and insight at a level that only a fan of your team could deliver.
Getting a star receiver in Terrell Owens did the trick in making new Eagles fans:
There are two words that explain why I became an Eagles fan. Well, two letters, actually.
I instantly found myself so much more drawn to the Eagles after they got Terrell Owens. As my understanding of football was maturing, I simply loved the idea of getting a huge wide receiver with an even bigger personality. I understood he was the missing piece that was going to put the Eagles over the top. I remember first seeing him on the news cooking up cheesesteaks (and he wouldn’t eat one because he was a health freak) and I couldn’t have been more excited.
For some, a pretty logo could make you a Cowboys fan:
Back when I was just a wee lad, on January 16, 1972 (yes I'm old, no jokes!), I watched the Cowboys play the Dolphins in a Super Bowl. I don't remember anything about the game, I just remember that helmet with the star on it. I thought that was the coolest thing in the world. Ever since then, no matter where I lived or who I met, I was a Cowboys fan. I've lived and died with the team through the good times in the 70s, and the great times in the early 90s, but I've also endured the terrible times like the late 80s. I cheered when Butch Johnson made his circus catch in the Super Bowl, and cried when Jackie Smith dropped a sure touchdown. I had to throw a few things when Dwight Clark made The Catch, but got my revenge when the Triplets ruled.
Never in all that time have I lost my passion for the Cowboys.
It could be an accident, after having no other allegiances, and you become a Falcons fan:
I grew up during a time when the Patriots were a pretty sad sack franchise, having made it to one Super Bowl and then sort of fading back into irrelevance for my formative years. To the extent that my parents were football fans, they were fairly non-serious ones. My dad was a Packers fan who had only had a light attachment to the Pats, my mom grew up a Vikings fan thanks to a healthy crush on Fran Tarkenton. There was no real pressure to choose a team in that house, and the Falcons crept into the vacuum.
Becoming a Browns fan can have a good start to it:
Regarding my initiation to being a Browns fan, the very early stages began during the 1999 season, when I remember hearing the team’s first victory on a Hail Mary against the Saints. I was somewhat fortunate to have not suffered through the realization of what the heck was happening when Art Modell abandoned Cleveland for Baltimore. I was too young at the time, and with the Cleveland Indians having a ridiculously good team, they were my No. 1 team by far.
There’s no other option in your city (Jacksonville), until there is:
Why am I a fan? There wasn't much in the way of professional sports in Jacksonville when I was a kid. We had minor league baseball's Jacksonville Suns and with Atlanta Braves games broadcast in our city, I thought I'd grow up with baseball as the sport in our house.
And then the Jaguars happened.
That 1995 season was a whirlwind and after the 1996 season I was hooked. Winning seven straight, recording the radio broadcasts on cassette tapes, listening again and again and again to Morten Andersen's miss, watching Mark Brunell run with winged feet in what would become the Mile High Upset -- the window closed just a few short years later and the magic has yet to descend upon Duval in quite the same way, but I'm still hooked.
National exposure and a friendly rival in a teacher created 49ers fandom:
I grew up in Las Vegas. My dad is a Patriots fan, but we focused more on baseball in the 80s. I had become a John Elway fan as I was starting to read more sports-related books, but then 4th grade arrived. The 49ers had last been in the Super Bowl following the 1984 season, before I really remembered much about sports. In 1988, the 49ers were on TV a decent amount where I lived, and I found myself becoming a fan of them, and Joe Montana in particular.
That winter, I got a 49ers t-shirt for Christmas. My fourth grade teacher happened to be a Cincinnati Bengals fan. Somehow that is the first real instance of my own trash-talk. I think having something resembling a friendly rival in my teacher somehow made me that much more excited to see the 49ers win the Super Bowl. They would go on to win that year and the following year, and I was hooked.
If you’re born in Wisconsin, you’re born a Packers fan:
As a child of the early 90’s in Wisconsin, Packers fandom was a birthright. I vaguely remember Brett Favre’s first game as a Packer, but what really locked me into my football allegiances -- both to the Packers and the Wisconsin Badgers -- was the 1993 football season. More accurately, it was the postseason games that year that did it. Both teams were pulling themselves up out of the doldrums of decades of losing, and I just happened to be getting old enough to appreciate football at the right time.
Head over to your favorite NFL team’s blog to share your own story.
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hemcountry · 7 years
INTERVIEW: Seattle country band the Country Lips
We’re lucky to receive loads of new country music from around the world, however, that can present a problem, who do we write about? What will our readers find interesting?
Well, one band caught our attention long before we heard a note of music, they are Seattle-based band Country Lips who had sent us their single Grizzly Bear Billboard.
The band are made up of 8 members Austin Jacobsen (bass) Trevor Pendras (electric guitar, vocals) Miles Burnett (drums, vocals) Hamilton Boyce (electric guitar, vocals), Alex Leake – (acoustic guitar, vocals) Jonah Byrne (fiddle) Kenny Aramaki (Keys) and Gus Clark (accordion, mandolin).
Trevor took some time to answer our questions.
Q. Where did the name for the band come from? Was there any other name suggested?
A. I lived with our drummer’s older brother and we used to jam on country tunes at the house. I remember him calling up to me that he wanted me to come down and play some country lips. I assume it was an instance of misspeaking and he meant to say country licks, but we laughed at it and somehow it became our band name. There may have been another suggestion, but I don’t remember there being much debate.
Q. Now Google tells me that Seattle is 2,391 miles from Nashville, so how do 8 lads from Seattle find themselves in a country band?
A. We all had our own backgrounds with country music, whether it was growing up with it or just having an appreciation for the musicianship. Seattle and the northwest has actually had a solid country scene for as long as it’s had a music scene. Though more recently it may been known for it’s folky americana output, there are a number of great country bands playing all manner of country music in venus around town. I fell into it through the guitar, country pickin’ is some of the quirkiest and most nuanced style of electric guitar playing and it was the style I most wanted to learn to play ever since I picked up a guitar.
Q. I’m not a fan of labeling music, I think people should just listen to what they like but to give our readers an idea of your music what style would you describe the band?
A. I’d say it’s party country. West-coast country. Honky tonk meets norteño.
Q. Listening to the album ‘Till the Daylight Comes’, I found myself imaging this music from the era of Johnny Cash. Was this something you was conscious of/aiming for?
A. We certainly focus on the harder-edged side of country music, which Cash brought to the masses back in his heyday. I think the best country music is the kind that is a little bit dangerous and aggressive, so that much is on purpose.
Q. Which musicians inspired your sound?
A. There are a lot, and it depends on which member you ask. A few that we set out to emulate early on were Merle Haggard, George Jones, Dwight Yoakum, Charlie Rich, Willie Nelson, that ilk. More recently we’ve drawn influence from tex-mex and norteño bands.
Q. Where did the song title Grizzly Bear Billboard come from?
Grizzly Bear Billboard some “imagined lyrical imagery”. Photo by Jake Clifford
  A. That came from a bit of imagined lyrical imagery. It’s part of a song that was about remembering things in a certain way. For some reason I imagined a billboard with a bear on it, maybe inspired by Grizzly chewing tobacco or Big Bear malt liquor, but it was a vivid image in my mind and I just went with it.
Q. The song Only Here Long Enough to Leave has the essentials for a country song: steel guitar, deep voice, a cheeky little bit of honky tonk piano and a story about heartache.
A. Yeah Hamilton brought that idea to the table. The idea became to scale it up with each verse, speaking first about being in a place, then in a relationship, then on this earth… just long enough to leave. We imagined a video for it that still hasn’t happened but would just be Hamilton looking really bummed just going from place to place and immediately leaving.
Q. Where do you find your songwriting inspirations from?
A. A lot of mine come as exaggerated (or not) versions of my own frustrations with work or life or relationships and the general social deviance that comes with such frustrations. Musically I like to try to pick a different avenue or niche of country music to try to write in each time, in part to challenge myself but also to keep things interesting. Sometimes too we’ll just come up with a fun country one-liner and just have to build a song around it.
Q. If you had to highlight one or two tracks that just had to be on the album, which ones and why?
A. I’d say Laundromat and Grizzly Bear Billboard. Laundromat has that bouncy two-step feel that we often use as our backbone, a stacked riff we all play together, and the relentless two-part harmony which I feel marks our sound. And Grizzly Bear Billboard marks one of our first somewhat serious take on a mid-tempo country song, and it comes with a music video we made at a county fair in southern Washington with Coco Foto.
Q. I read a review by a SongKick user who said
“Many of the band members are very individualist and I am happy that they have the courage and ability to not have to conform to what is considered “normal” behavior when performing”
Q. What do you think of that? I can see why one would say that. We certainly are a group of characters and I think that shows. We are like any group of great friends, all unique and all having a lot of fun.
Q. Do you feel pressure to conform and be normal? Certainly not. The pressure we put on ourselves, beyond being great musicians, is to continue trying to be original and unique.
Q. Jacob Uitti at KEXP 90.3 Seattle said:
“In a city not known for its folk music, accordion playing and hip shaking, Country Lips bring the best out of their considerable audiences”
This kind of touches on my previous question, I’m not sure people are expecting to find such a sound in Seattle, so why do you think fan’s in Seattle are attracted to the music?
A. This has been one of the more inspiring things to happen. We all love country music because we know it can be fun, party music and so we made a point to try to play to that side of country. And along the way we were able to share that with people who may not have thought they liked country. Its fun and easy to dance to, its songs about relatable everyday problems, and theres drinking.
Q. What’s it like trying to get 8 musicians plus instruments on the road?
The Ford E350 keeping the Country Lips on the road – Credit Connie Aramaki
A. Its a challenge! Logistically it’s always tough getting 8 people to be able to take the time out of their lives to travel around together. We have a little bus, a ford E350 shuttle – it looks like an airporter or a retirement home van – that has been super reliable for us and has taken us as far as Texas and back safely.
Q. When can we expect you in the UK?
A. Sooner than later we hope! We certainly want to make it overseas as soon as we can, its just about working out the logistics and finding the gigs. Keep an eye out for us though for sure.
Make sure you find the band online:
Facebook /countrylips | Twitter @countrylips | Instagram /country.lips | Website countrylips.com
INTERVIEW: Seattle country band the Country Lips was originally published on HEM COUNTRY
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