#@ rey this is entirely your fault and i hope you know it also im pretty sure this is ugly af but its 3 in the morning and i cant tell SHIT
soccialcreature · 4 years
Why you (I) did not like Rise of Skywalker
I’i wish i cud just tell ppl that i simply did not vibe with rise of skywalker but everyone just says “oh, youre just a hater” or “youre so cynical” so im going to put into words Exactly what i didnt like about tros so ppl cant say that i just hate it for fun? i guess? or to b cool? idk. under the break so that i dont annoy casual scrollers. and of course u can like it if u want i rly do not care.
The stakes were too high
If our characters failed, then we would see essentially the destruction of the entire galaxy. Or at least, that’s what they made it seem like. Because of this, you knew that the characters were going to succeed, but it was lowkey really stressful, and NOT in the fun, tension-y way. I felt like I was just sitting there thinking “get this done already!” And I just felt annoyed (again, not in the fun way) at every setback. 
I know this is lowkey how every story works, so I’ll give an example of a piece of media that DOESNT do that and it’s going to be clone wars because I’m always thinking about clone wars and im such a clone wars hoe im sorry.
In The Clone Wars, the stakes were much lower. It was always something like, keep this planet from Separatist control, or win this battle, or make this political step. And sometimes, our characters failed. Deathwatch burned down the village, or they just lost a battle to the Separatists and had to retreat, but it was never such a crushing defeat that there was no hope afterward. Watching the show, you didn’t know if they were going to win or not, and you wanted to see what was going to happen and HOW it was going to happen. It made it really fun to watch. Another example is the Mandalorian. Low stakes, but we still care (do not TOUCH baby Yoda or I will LOSE IT).
We didn’t get any time to get to know our characters
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. There was so much going on in the movie and so much that needed to happen to reach the climax that there was no time for character development. This is where the “I wish there was more sitting and talking” comes in. The characters stayed stagnant the whole time. Their views on things didn’t change, and they learned nothing. This was one of the biggest issues with Force Awakens, too (which I liked a lot! Who didn't?), that the characters were essentially being dragged around by the plot with no agency of their own. It was just them moving on to the next plot point and then the next, etc. What’s supposed to happen is that the characters are put in a situation and then they get something out of it that they didn’t expect to. Instead, we didn’t have time for any of that and just moved on to the next plot point.
Again, I’m gonna use the prequels as an anti-example. The whole trilogy was about Anakin’s character arc and his fall to the dark side. What came with that was his relationship with Obi-wan, and Obi-wan’s character arc, etc. The clones in TCW are also perfect examples of good characters.
No themes or morals
Frankly, it was just kind of a bummer. For a happy ending, I walked out of the theater feeling pretty defeated. It may have been because Ben died, but I’ve never really been a fan of Kylo Ren. I know this is so so contradictory because I’m a prequel hoe and the prequels had the most depressing ending ever and no one was happy, but I mean let's be real. It kind of had to for the original trilogy to happen. And it showed a lot about being human and love and anger and corruption etc etc. The issue with this trilogy’s ending, though, is that there was really no reason for it to be sad. It didn’t show anything, and there were no underlying themes of the film at all.
I’ve really had enough of Palpy
Sorry, but we did not need to bring him back. There was no reason for him to come back. It just ruined Anakin’s sacrifice in Return of the Jedi and honestly, this is the worst of Palpatine. What made him interesting was watching the way he would manipulate Anakin and the rest of the senators and the Jedi as a secret Sith Lord. And I didn’t need to see him do the exact same thing that he did to Luke in Return of the Jedi to Rey. Villains where the description is just “the most powerful being in the galaxy: impossible to defeat” don’t really interest me.  
I’d rather be at home watching Clone Wars
I know this is essentially what happened with people who grew up watching the original trilogy and why they didn’t like the prequels, and it’s really not fair for me to judge this piece of Star Wars media based of off how it holds up to this other part that I’ve held so dear for so long, but hey. I think that’s perfectly valid. It’s fine if you don’t like the prequels because they’re not as good as the originals. That’s just how it happens. Sorry sequels, it’s really not your fault. It’s my fault for watching TCW and the prequels first. Don’t get me wrong, the prequels had their issues. There were some annoying characters, bad dialogue, weird choices for who the movies would focus on (Obi-wan should not have been such a side character in Phantom Menace), but the goal and ideas of the prequels were really good. I didn’t get any of that in Rise of Skywalker.
In conclusion, you can totally like the movie if you want. I really wish I did like it. And I didn’t hate it, really. There were a lot of cool parts like the scene of Luke training Leia to become a Jedi which I think was super fun. And Kylo Ren/Ben Solo at the end using a blue lightsaber was cool and again, fun. But ya. I doubt you read this if you liked TROS but. People should let people like what they like, and also let people not like something just because they don’t like it. We shouldn’t make people have to justify or argue everything, but I’m just doing it because my family’s been calling me a hater because I immediately went home and turned on Clone Wars. And also I’m majoring in Screenwriting at college next year so I feel like I should sort of know how to write good stories and characters. Or at least try to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Thanks! <3
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aicosu · 5 years
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Hey so, I’m making this post mostly for readers of Kismet or Ladylionhart. I knew both her and her story had a pretty hefty following, and despite it not being updated I know as a fic reader myself, I would be wondering what happened if I went looking.  SO! I got a tumblr message a few days ago saying that LadyLionhart’s reylo story “Kismet” was plagiarizing my solavellan story “Message Sent.”  It’s not the first time I’ve been linked stories claiming this. Message Sent is a Wrong Number texting slow burn. And those are way more common than you’d think. Anyway, I investigated, and this time it was pretty damning.  Feeling sorta deflated and honestly just… tired, at seeing the amount of praise in the amount of it clearly ‘heavily inspired’ if not just straight lifted, I didn’t take any screenshots or comparisons. Im not the kind of person to make call out posts. So I messaged Ladylionhart on tumblr, before even deciding to make a report or a post… or whatever. I was also worried maybe I myself was being paranoid about the similarities.  In the morning I got the above messages, and no opportunity to respond, because her entire ao3 account, the story, and her tumblr were all deleted.  So that’s that I guess. Sorry to the readers of Kismet. That sucks. I know it was well loved. Sorry I had to be the one to pull the plug on it.  As I said, I didn’t take any comparison screenshots. I didn’t think it was gonna be straight deleted. But here is my list of notes from what I found similar in the stories, so hopefully it doesnt seem I inadvertantly got it deleted just cause it was a text/wrong number fic.  And if you have read Kismet and want to compare yourself, here is my story Message Sent published in march, 2015  (TFA/reylo came out dec, 2015 and Kismet, from what I remember, was published early 2017) -wrong number au, texting based romance -Professor and younger romance interest, age gap -she calls him professor, he calls her troublemaker  -the first message is about a book, and a misidentify as the professors assistant -Her name is stated, His name is a pseudonym -his texting is super formal, hers is young and casual -scene where he texts her during a meeting  -scene where he shoes her his view from a balcony -scene where she mentions a bakery and he visits  -he leaves her a gift, visit a bookstore -scene where they go to the same party and pass by each other but dont notice -scenes where he shows her pictures of his apartment -text convos about how theyd rather be with each other (flirty pre-sexts) during the party they are at together but dont know it -text convos of her being a roomate/living alone, convos where she trie sto guess his taught subject -She loves his hands/picture of hands not face, he did not mean to take picture of his hands -guided masturbation scene  -scene where he leaves the dinner table because of sexts
Whole text conversations seem lifted straight out of my own fic at times. Which is a little strange to read, since me and my bf roleplayed the texts in my fic. (Reading my boyfriends texts in someone elses fic, even with a slight word or lore change, is just really weird. Sorry im not trying to make this personal, it just happens to be) Kylo/Ben seems to talk a ton like Solas, in tone, cadence, formality. Etc. She also seemed to go on hiatus right before they were to meet and I went on hiatus right after I wrote them meeting. That one could be a coincidence but ehhh I dunno. Maybe she ran out of ideas. 
As far as what my response would have been? I dont know. A simple dedication page would imply I consented and I really… didn’t and I dunno that I would have. I honestly dunno what my response would have been tbh. I’m still unsure. Lots of the lore and surrounding events were changed and word choices were, if not the topics. And I feel for her readers.  But did Kylo have to be a professor? Did they have to visit a bakery/coffeshop/bookstore? Does he have to also show her a picture of his balcony? You can tell this exact same story without these exact details I think. I don’t think I would have cared or messaged her if it was a wrong number and Kylo was a tattoo artist and Rey was a thief who’d stolen the phone, or something.  Anyway, Sorry to all the Kismet readers. Sorry, she decided to delete all her works and account, and not just this story. Hope that clears it up in case you go back to your favorite bookmark and get a 404. :/
EDIT: I do not condone or want anyone calling out Kismet readers for not knowing that it was stolen. Its not their responsibility to check for plagiarism, and uts not their fault at all. It is the fault of the author and even then I DO NOT CONDONE ANY HARASSMENT OR CALLING OUT OF HER EITHER. I speak for myself do not speak for me.
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 10 liveblog/review thing
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i appreciate anyone who is actually reading these weird liveblogs, hahahahahaha. i know that i kind of ramble on and on and on. hopefully you guys like my rambles!!!
my previous liveblogs:  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9)
watch the episode here: http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-10-the-grab-start-of-hope-775641
"it wasn't anything special," says albert. haha this reminds me of something i get annoyed by... i hate when a highly skilled artist says this after making an amazingly good-looking artwork!! they're like "this is just a quick 10-minute doodle. sorry it's so ugly," and yet, it looks waaaaay better than my artwork *sob* *sob* *sob*
okay, that's a nice shot of albert's gorgeous body <3333
makoto knows about odin??? aaaaah he's so smart!!!! lol i had no idea who odin was.
so albert is not an alien, but a god?!?!?! and... haru's mind has been torn apart?? ;__;
STUPID GUY!!!!! he asked everyone else to leave, but i think he should give a married couples exception for makoto to go talk to haru <3
rin and sousuke meeting again ^_____^
that shirt rin gave him is so kawaii, lol. i wanna see him wear it tho.
rin being a little embarrassed was so precious!!!
*dramatic pause* A SUCCESS!!!!!!! (yay!!!)
rin isn't crying. he has pollen allergies that make his eyes watery, or something.
i know it was just a fist bump but it was the most romantic fist bump ever <33333
haru, come on, text makoto back pls ;__;
mako is so sweet, he apologizes when he did nothing wrong XD
just fyi, i am trying to watch this episode while eating and i keep forgetting to eat because i am too nervous lol
"i heard something from a friend..." uh, who?
massage?? =) =) =) sounds like a good idea to help haru =) *prays to kyoani writers to create this scene* PLEASE? ...PLEASE? ...PLEASE? ...PLEASE?
what happened to nao's eye? if this has already been revealed, then i forgot ^__^U
mako leans down while talking to masaki, that's a little detail i noticed that is so cute <3333
wait, we didn't find out who nao's "friend" was...
even ladybugs are attracted to makoto's awesomeness. hey if i were a ladybug, i'd land on makoto too.
mako's phone is vibrating. IT'S HARU!!!!! ... no, it's not =(
omg what??? congrats, rei!!! and to think, he didn't even like swimming.
i love how a dark cloud just randomly appeared behind rei lol
nagisa mentions how everyone is going to see each other in tokyo... omg, there's going to be a big reunion!!! =D i am so excited!! =D
haru suddenly becomes this magical fairy tale prince. okay, i'd watch that anime. XD
omg makoto looks adorable in that outfit. <3
"BKC NANASE" LOL WTF GOU. what is wrong with you. XDDDDD
hahaha makoto's facial expression is like "uhhhh this is kinda strange"
makorin date yaaaaay XD all right, to be honest, i kinda ship it. >////< like, not seriously, but like... kinda sorta. a little bit. they are cute together!!!
um, that thing is not cute at all. ^__^U
rin, how are you calling someone else weird when you have shark teeth????
makoto being so happy about sousuke's surgery is melting my heart... (but my heart has already been melted many times this season so i don't understand how it is still melting more and more...)
makoto (casually): oh btw, haru swam an IM. rin: *spits his drink out all over makoto* WAIT WHAT?!?!!?!??!?!?!? hahahahahaha
rin is so dramatic, like he is about to lead an army into battle. but he's just going to go with makoto to see haru. XDDDDD
whoa, haru looks mad o__o
hey coach... don't be so hard on haru!! it's not haru's fault that he lost to an alien god.
no, haru wasn't always this competitive. he is acting out of character...
haru's like "this is stupid, i'm outta here." lol.
there is really dramatic music during this casual conversation so it's kinda weird
"he doesn't listen to a thing i say." but that's because what you're saying is confusing and vague.
"i haven't looked at my phone in two weeks" huh??? how are you a young person in today's world who doesn't use their phone??? something is extremely wrong here. XD
hahaha i figured this would happen. makoto would explain things in a way haru would understand. of course haru understands mackerel, hahahahaha, makes sense to him!!!
i love how haru took a moment to think about what mako said. that was funny. ^__^
rin is like "good, i approve of this mackerel teaching method."
i can imagine that haru is pretty surprised to suddenly see rin appear out of nowhere!!! o__o
"i was swimming, but it didn't feel like i was swimming." huh???
soft piano music in the bg, awwww it's so cute.
huh? makoto heard what rin said, through the windows? either rin was talking very loudly or makoto has hearing superpowers. XD
"what can i do?" asks makoto. well, makoto, i have an idea. why don't you give haru a massage, like nao instructed you to do earlier in this episode????? come on!!! (okay, so maybe that's not exactly what nao said, but that's what i heard!!)
yes, mako knows haru well, but it's also true that he is good at reading people in general, not just haru. of course, haru is the person he can read most of all, but makoto can also read others.
wooooow that little part with haru taking off his swimcap and shaking his head as sparkling drops of water fall around him was one of the most magical moments of my life and i will cherish it forever.
"don't tell him that." makoto should totally tell him that. =P
i literally laughed out loud at the timing of haru (and rin) walking into the room. haru, you should have come in just a little bit earlier and then you would have heard what was just said about you that you weren't supposed to hear!! lol!!!
haru is so confused like "why is he a good coach? he's just annoying."
ugggghhhhh, makoto, you are not listening to me. -___-UUUU you are blatantly ignoring what i said. i said give HARU a massage. you've got the wrong person!!!! ;___;
misaki doesn't really know all the specific examples you're talking about, makoto... ^___^U
"i'm sure swimming with natsume-kun again will open your eyes, too." well, idk about that. i thought haru was the only one who has the power to give people epiphanies while swimming with them...
well this is awkward. misaki and natsume aren't happy to see each other =(
his goggles flew off??? i feel sorry for his eyes, then! XD but i guess this is the "opening your eyes" makoto was talking about hahahaha
awwwww that is so sweet. natsume was happy for just a second and then he held back because he didn't want to make misaki feel bad awwwww ;__; ;__;
...but misaki was a good sport and congratulated him anyway. okay, it's official: these two kids are extremely adorable!! =)
why is makoto so shocked that he helped misaki? that's kinda the entire point of his job. XD
makoto has a new dream!!!! he's so fired up and determined. aaaah i love him so muuuuuch <3333
aaaaaaand here comes the iwatobi crew. this will be fun!!! =D
ummm okay, that's it. the episode's over... i am sad because that was a fun episode to watch. i really liked it, and that's because this episode had a lot of makoto in it, so of course i'm going to like that. XD and i just loved seeing makoto discover some of his own strengths. he even figured out his new dream at the end. he's just so special!!!! he is someone who has a positive impact on other people around him, and that is so clearly seen. it makes a lot of sense that he wants to be a trainer. he knows how to bring out the potential in others, because he can understand their feelings and figure out the best way to challenge them and encourage them.
oh, and... as of now, it is a real, true, canon fact that makoto is good at massages, which is yet another thing that makes him more perfect. <333333 this is really important to me. no seriously, this is something that matters to me a lot. this is like if the writers had thought, "hmm. what can we make makoto do that would be the #1 most amazing wonderful thing that sachi-pon would love???" it's like they read my mind and are trying to appeal specifically to me!!! ^___^ this is exactly what i would have thought of... uh... i mean... already thought of. okay, i thought about this a long time ago. >///////< but now this has gone beyond my fangirl fantasy and is a real thing that exists in the actual show. XDDDD hooray!!!!!! *waves pom-poms like a cheerleader* now all i need is a scene of makoto using his massage skills on you-know-who, and i'll be fine. ^__^
yes, i do have a problem with being too addicted to makoto. no, i do not intend to see a doctor. i intend to live with this problem forever. <3
wait... were there other people in this episode too? i forgot about everyone else besides makoto. uh, oh yeah. there was haru. he was so sad after the loss, but i think he's starting to feel better now, so that's good. i was getting worried when he wasn't texting makoto. =( don't do that anymore, haru!!! ;__;
also, there was rin, and later, makoto, finding out about sousuke's surgery. both of them had such excited reactions!!! and yes, rin, you cried, admit it!!! (haha) but yeah, it just shows how much those two care about sousuke. i loved those moments!!!
i am so happy for the big reunion in the next episode. i think it's going to be a little crazy, but definitely a lot of fun!! and of course, rin and haru's big showdown. who will win?!?!?!? also, what about the mysterious alien god????? how can anyone defeat him? the only way to defeat him is for haru to... TURN INTO A MERMAN!!!!!!!!!! (yes, i am still talking about merman throughout this whole season)
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lvtvr · 7 years
Deepest Shade fic playlist
i made one bc i am Basic™. updated as i go along! it’s gonna be so fuckin long lads
note: the final song on this playlist is instrumental music that gives off the noir vibe i’m going for, so it’s good to just have on in the background while reading!
read the fic
listen on youtube
listen on spotify
Feeling Good - Michael Bublé
Donatella - Lady Gaga {warning: potentially triggering lyrics re: eating disorders}
Autumn Leaves (jazz standard)
La cathédrale engloutie - Claude Debussy
Reflets dans l’eau - Claude Debussy
Nights Of Love - Papa Roach
Toxic - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Blow Your Mind (Mwah) - Dua Lipa
Runaway (U & I) - Galantis
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
Ain’t My Fault - Zara Larsson
Gambling Man - The Overtones
Desire - Meg Myers
The Man - The Killers
Call Me Devil - Friends In Tokyo
Chandelier - Sia
Dazzle - Oh Wonder
Casual Affair - Panic! at the Disco
Just (Tap) Dance - Lady Gaga (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Kung - Samir & Viktor
Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless
Hit & Run - Hayley Kiyoko
Fever - Peggy Lee cover by Sloane Skylar ft. Shaun Canon {original version on Spotify}
Million Dollar Man - Lana Del Rey
I’m A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Runnin’ - Adam Lambert
BLUE - Troye Sivan ft. Alex Hope
Hotter Than Hell - Dua Lipa
After Party - Adore Delano
Stay - Zedd, Alessia Cara
Trouble - Valérie Broussard
Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears (Postmodern Jukebox cover)
Still Falling For You - Ellie Goulding
Buy The Stars - Marina and the Diamonds
Constellations - Adore Delano
No Money - Galantis
Symphony - Clean Bandit ft. Zara Larsson
Ambient jazz music
more notes/thoughts about each song under the cut! ♡
Feeling Good: This was the song that inspired the fic. It was originally going to be a oneshot, and this was my soundtrack for it. Love that big band swing. Also I’ve heard from a reliable source that it has a James Bond vibe, which is just *ok sign*
Donatella: I’ve listened to this song so many times while writing this. So many. It was originally my sassy Lance song, but is also an A+ Lotor song ksdlgjsg
Autumn Leaves, Reflets, Cathédrale: Played on the piano by Lance in ch. 1. I picked the Debussy songs because they’re both water themed.
Nights Of Love: HOLY SHIT THIS SONG. A forgotten gem from my long-buried emo phase, this song is ridiculous and a bit embarrassing and incredibly indulgent. This song is this entire fic in music form. I am so happy. *wipes tear*
Toxic: Look, you just don’t need to explain why Toxic is on a smut fic playlist. Ever.
Blow Your Mind (Mwah): Possibly one of the most Klance songs ever. Just look up the lyrics trust me on this. Also the video is kinda gay and full of hot girls like can blonde pixie and camo shirt both date me pls
Runaway (U&I): God. This is so Lance I die. “I know that I’m rich enough for pride” GOD leave me alone
How To Be A Heartbreaker: I fuckin love this song and I can’t believe I didn’t put it on here earlier, so thanks to the asker who reminded me that I should.
Ain’t My Fault: Just ... a good thirst song in general.
Gambling Man: Self-explanatory. Recommended bg music for chapter 2.
Desire: It’s just. Sexy. And honestly reflects what I imagine Keith’s sexuality to be like? Very wild, untamed, yet needy as fuck
The Man: This was recced by Yulivee @AO3 as a good song for Lance and the act he puts on!! 
Call Me Devil: The Lotor song holy shit im dyin scoob
Chandelier: Langst™ Dazzle: THIS SONG IS SO IMPORTANT THIS SONG WAS MADE FOR THIS FIC I HONESTLY CANNOT DEAL IM A MESS PLEASE LISTEN TO IT. Also this was originally from Ruvi’s playlist for this fic!!
Casual Affair: This is what I listened to while I was writing the first scene in chapter 5. I love it so much. Also from Ruvi’s list.
Just (Tap) Dance: That’s right!! From Ruvi’s list!! Why don’t I just put u in charge of the fic, mate. Also I like this version better than the original tbh
Kung: Okay listen I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist......... this is basically a trashy Swedish party song about living like a king and there’s one line that goes “boys who struggle, cry and fight / no one can lose it like we do” and I just. Listened to it a lot while thinking about Lance and Lotor. It’s an open secret that I love trashy pop music so just indulge me here DJSDKGJdg
Heaven Knows: Gives me a Keith vibe just in general???
Hit & Run: I love this song so much. Inspired the piano bar scene. From Ruvi’s list.
Fever: This is what Lance plays at the bar and I would DIE for this version I love it SO MUCH.
Million Dollar Man: This is about Lotor. Got dam. (thanks Ruvi im just stealing all of ur recs jsgjsdg)
I’m A Wanted Man: Also gives me a Keith vibe. Good for when I’m thinking about his backstory.
I Don’t Care: I listen to this to picture Keith thirsting for Lance tbh
Runnin’: GOD I love this and you can actually interpret it as being about any char but for me? It’s Lotor. Most definitely.
BLUE: Keith’s feelings for Lance. catch me crying in the club
Hotter Than Hell: Listen I’m always here for that good sexy content and this is it aaa (also this artist is like my age im???? wow)
After Party: the actual best lancelot porn song bye
Stay: This was recced by Sky, and, well, Klance.
Trouble: I love this song so much?? Just the vibe and her voice and everything? I mostly put it on here to indulge myself. (Also, I found it via that space cowboys AU by Mytay on AO3, so check that out if y’all wanna!!)
Oops!... I Did It Again: Lancelot!!! Also I fuckin’ love these covers, goddamn.
Still Falling For You: Okay so I couldn’t resist putting this on here too, because it’s like... the quintessential (heh) Klance song. If your Klance dynamic doesn’t fit this song, you’re not doing Klance right; that’s just an objective fact.
Buy The Stars: The Lancelot Song, pals. oh my god. ohhhhhhh my god.
Constellations: this is for a scene that hasn’t appeared in the fic yet but oh boy am i crying
No Money: This is a Lance song and I’m not telling you why.
Symphony: Sky linked me this one too and I have been crying ever since I think y’all can figure this one out for urselves aaaa
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lilietsblog · 7 years
im feelin like shit and i dunno how much ill liveblog
hahaha just kidding i can never shut up
this episode... I kind of remember it? It had lots of Rei, I remember that... I remembered this whole arc as a sequence of 'Kunzite tries to determine who the princess is becuase she would be the best at everything, repeatedly targets one of the other senshi instead because Usagi is terrible at everything' (which is also why I didn't want to watch it again)
but hey so far there's been a lot of awareness of how Usagi actaully is, it's mostly wacky coincidences and Usagi's closeness to other girls that foil him the true power of friendship: a shared hairbrush fucking up a DNA test
awww and Usagi is just complaining about how unfair everything is to her GOOD JOB GIRL
also I think I remember this as the episode where the 'love triangle' of Rei/Mamoru/Usagi is resolved bc Rei gets a new love interest I sure hope that's not accurate
aww skiing Rei <3 ambitiously romantic
btw Rei is my icon for 'cupioromantic' = craves the romantic images of having a relationship, has 0 care for WHO to be in that relationship with other than surface aesthetic matching
also I gotta love Usagi's title of the episode sounding so resigned to the fact that OF COURSE THERE IS A MONSTER
also hey I guess this is the much tauted Usagi/Rei friendship beginning: they finally are talking to each other in ways other than antagonistic
ahaha and Usagi doesn't expect Minako to be manipulative XD
ah yes! Yuichiro sure has been lying in wait for some time
I love Usagi <3
also I can't believe that the senshi actually... did buy into that
gotta love Endy sassing Kunzite though 'it was entirely due to you underestimating them as opponents'
also Kunzite I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to remind Endy of his time as Tux I wonder how much he really doesn't remember there...
awww heated tables <3 wish we had those here... awww cats <33333333
I love Rei's relunctance and Usagi's surprise at adding 'san' there also 'HOLY WOW HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU A RICH KID' XD
oh girls you wouldn't want to interfere with their special time would you~ that is to say, their time as TWO COMPETENT SKIERS
awww poor Usagi XD
yeah I think Kunzite is out of workable plans and into desperately grasping now the first two were good tho
why couldn't he use the info from those tho... like the second one narrowed it down to three girls... altho Rei was one of them XD
...this makes me want to try skiing...
I love the youma's self pleasing in saying 'IT ACTUALLY GOES STRAIGHT TO HELL'
and oh Rei you naive child seirously how did you not see through the 'Moon Princess Contest' thing also how do you not see that Usagi is desperately flailing jfc
and yea the monster has no clue what's what
Kunzite guessed well with frisbee but skiing, just... no
oh Rei has started NOTICING hasn't she
it's a pure miracle of princesshood that Usagi's still standing isn't it muscle memories of past life keeping her upright
oh hey Yuichiro how about saving the girl you PUSHED here while she was too scared to start because she actually has no idea how to ski
um I hope Yuichiro is alive there
I love their attitude clash
I wonder if Usagi is just fucking with Rei at this point
really Usagi is this a good time to be thinking about Tux ah actually he was the one who supported and encouraged her so kidn of yes
but also wow Rei sure did give up on that climb easily no way it's that impossible ...or maybe it is
aww Usagi is considerate of Rei's boyfriend feelings but ah Rei was never actaully in love, it was just boyfriend-as-accessory + normal human attachment to people you know
okay it sure is a good thing it didn't take another dude appearing to get this resolved <3
also hahahaha did I actually write here that I called that solution or did I get distracted by the cat but anyway I totally called that Rei's fire powers are a good solution to ice traps, when Usagi said that there must be some other way
thankfully Usagi doesn't just apologize THIS TIME
and aww Yuichiro <3
this is reminding me of the Witch skiing episode in a good way they probably copied off this didn't they
lol this monster was clearly not informed by Kunzite the way the last one was
and I love that the dude's heroic sacrifice is played for so much goofiness instead of pathos here <3
anyway if Kunzite were watching he'd know which of them was Sailor Moon at this point... maybe he was??? and this is the end of the arc???
awww poor monster in over her head
and Rei is already possessive over her new accessory-to-be XD
her 'i will chastise you' is never not hilarious never change Rei
jfc their shared SQUEE over Tux <3
I couldn't not read that as 'Blizzar, you fuck off' at first and honestly accurate
but really Endy repeatedly bailing the girls out of tight spots like I WILL HANDLE THIS how much does he really not remember
awww Rei is being so adorable and romantic here??? and aww the rose is there flashing red <3
oh Tux you fucking liar
and ahaha I think Usagi successfully forgot that she only ever saw Tux during fights for like one minute at a time and everything about Mamoru's attitude just MINE NOW COME BACK TO ME
and Rei is grumbling about Yuichiro being an idiot, as if that's not what she wants <3
yeah I think the Moon princess contest was aborted
gotta love the precise lie 'the pretty soldiers showed up and rescued up'
AND HEY OTHER GIRLS Minako and her not-quite-nerdiness-enough is THE CUTEST
REI FUCK YOU PERSONALLY WHY THE FUCK have you actually ever had anyone treat you like that have moments of friendship in private, then have them treat you like shit in public did that ever happen to you because what the actual fuckign fuck are you doing how fucking dare do you do this to Usagi ever ever ever ever???????
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