adoras-jacket · 3 years
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aceofanxiety · 6 years
Rito I never thought I would say this but I love you.
For a while the game League of Legends known online for its toxicity and how hard it is for newcomers to play, has had a character or champion named Varus. Previous to this week he was this mysterious darkin thing that was a cool bow or something that corrupted someone... If that didnt make any sense yep. That's how darkin were to the lore they made no sense. But now we have an actual character with story. (Go to the league of legends website and read it and watch the music video, but i am going to give a summary kinda.) So the darkin came to an ancient runeterra (the planet league takes place on) after some magicbois did too much magic, and they were a big ole race of conquerors that traveled through magic bridge portals (idk.) And they wanted to like enslave em all, if you read homestuck what adult troll society is. And what happened pretty much is they killed all of Varus's warrior buds when they came and imprisoned him in his own weapon. And he sat there for a while until a big ole battle happened and this boy named Kai got real badly hurt so his boyfriend Val carried him into this temple place right. Ok so first off they are 100% canon lovers, maybe boyfriend isnt the right word but they are in love think Achilles and Patroculus relationship from the Iliad. So Val and Kai go into this water (idk why) and Varus seeing a chance to enact vengeance merges together into one the bodies of the lovers and has primary control of the body while the souls of Val and Kai are also still in it. And like this is the current state; Varus wants to go murder all humans for REVENGE and Val and Kai struggle against him to try and get him not to kill folks and overpower him through their "love." Yep you heard that right Rito has same-sex love as valid and has a character where the love of Val and Kai are struggling against Varus and is shown to be at least partially limiting to him. I just aaahhh. Just here's the quote from the story "But Kai and Val fight on against his malevolent influence, hoping against hope that their love can overcome the darkin’s baser urges."
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shavothehusky · 6 years
Yo i was tagged by the wonderful @robotsandramblings, it sounds fun so let’s do this!
1. favourite character from each of your MAIN fandoms/franchises?
BOI, it’s gonna be a lot! Let’s see.
Transformers - shockwave and whirl Voltron - i honestly love all team voltron, but lance has a special place in my heart Dragon age - anders Mass effect - legion Overwatch - zenyatta Saint seiya - gemini saga Gravity falls - bill cipher Pokemon - sableye
2. now look at that list and tell me if there are any similarities between them. do you seem to have a “type”? are you drawn toward a particular physical aspect or personality trait?
One eyed robots...? XD (shockwave, whirl, legion) Or robots in general... (zenyatta) Or characters that are considered Problematic™ by tumblr dot hellsite dot com, because they’re either villains or done some questionable stuff and thus became 3 dimensional characters and that is what attracted me to them (bill, anders, saga). Sableye is creepily cute and lance doesn’t fit in this type of mine at all lmao
3. which [VLD] lion would you like to pilot… and which lion do you think you’re actually best suited for? (it’s ok if they’re the same; but maybe your fave is Blue, and you realize you’re more impulsive and tempermental and thus Red would probably choose you.)
Hmmm, good question! I think i’d both love and be most fitted to pilot the green lion, i like to analyze stuff and look for scientific solutions to the problem... I can also see myself in a situation similiar to keith when it comes to piloting the black lion, a lot of people tell me that i’d be a good leader and i somehow always end up being in charge of groups of people, be it for school projects or in games, but boi do i hate having this kind of responsibility...
4. you can only have Season 4 for either TFP or TFA. you gotta pick one. which one, and how do you want it to play out?
BUT I NEED BOTH!! Aaahhh, hmmm, wow... i think i’d go with tfa, because while tfp’s ending was kinda rushed, it was finished and it felt satisfying. Tfa’s last episode absolutely didn’t feel like the end of the series to me. End of the season, yes. But there were still so many subplots that were left unfinished and this is why i think it has a potential for the continuation, like it was supposed to if it hasn’t been cancelled. Tfp would be great too, but as i said, i am kinda satisfied with its ending, and not with tfa’s.
5. if you were in the Transformers universe, who would be your best friend and why?
But i want to befriend them all! Again, a tough choice xD I guess i’d get along well with mtmte/tfp ratchet, because i kinda like to deal with grumpy but caring deep inside folks with cynical humor. Also, medical jargon!
6. if you were in the Voltron universe, who would be your best friend and why?
Oh boi! I think i’d get along really well with hunk, lance and coran, they seem like people who would make an effort to befriend me first, and this is how i get friends irl, i’m rarely the one to make the first step xD I could also see myself bonding with allura over the space mice, because i fucking love cute animals and we could plan their routines together XD
7. who needs to be added to Bayverse, and who should never have been introduced (or needs a complete redesign/overhaul)?
SHOCKWAVE. I was so happy when he was confirmed for dotm, he even had a cool design, then he was introduced as this big bad and i was so hyped... only to be very disappointed, because in the end he appeared in the movie for only few minutes and was killed off in the dumbest way possible... like, honestly, he deserved so much better. Same with the dinobots!! They advertised aoe like it was focused solely on the dinobots, when in reality they appeared only in the last few minutes of the movie and don’t get me started how much i HATE that they made them an equivalent of some dumb animals (also the way optimus treated grimlock dsnfksdnjfsdnkfsd we both know he would never do that). Who should never have been introduced? The humans lmao xD Okay, some of them were cool and i actually like them (cade, lennox, izzie), but i hate that the bayformers focus more on the humans than the robots, because let’s be honest, everyone go see those movies for the robots and i feel so robbed when they appear only like half an hour into the movie.
8. pick a random kitchen appliance or household object to make a Transformer. give it a name.
My portable wifi router. His name is routerix and he’s a minicon probably related to soundwave somehow.
9. got a favourite Galra? who is it? (any galra, from Zarkon’s empire, or the Blade of Marmora, or someone more ‘neutral’ like Vrepit Sal.)
I love my main boi lotor tbh, starting from his design and voice, which are amazing... and his personality and his motives and his whole story line... i know we haven’t seen much of him yet, but i’m just so hyped to see where is his plot going! Is he going to become the space zuko? Or is he pulling the biggest scam on team voltron and our minds are going to be blown? I don’t know and i fucking can’t wait to see what is he up to :D
10. FREE SPACE for you to either express an unpopular opinion, ask a question that’s been plaguing you, or talk about an OC. go!
My unpopular opinion about voltron: i’d be totally cool if the show ended without having any ship confirmed or even without any more romantic subplots besides zarkon/honerva. Would it be cool if they had another romance story? Sure, provided they tell it skillfully. Would it be cool if they actually dared to make a gay ship ekhm klance canon? It would be SO FUCKING COOL and i’m all yes for that. But if they decide that no, this is not where we want to go, voltron isn’t a story about love and we have other, better stories to tell in that show? I’m so okay with that and i’m gonna support the crew all the way.
That is all, thank you friend for cool asks and for tagging me, i had fun writing this :D
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