drilanime · 7 months
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overwatch-archive · 5 years
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A Short Story: Michael Chu Illustrations: Arnold Tsang Additional Artwork: Bengal Design and Layout: Benjamin Scanlon
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After days of lying in wait, Ana's target had appeared in one of Cairo's opulent, ancient palaces. Abdul Hakim was a king in his own right, one who was using his power and influence to squeeze the life from the city, making himself and his followers rich in the process. But before she had her chance to capture him, the first ghost appeared: Jack Morrison. Though he was masked and had assumed the identity of a vigilante—Soldier: 76—she recognized him immediately.
The world believed that Morrison was dead, killed in the destruction of the Overwatch base in Switzerland, but Ana had her doubts. Though Jack had escaped death, a specter followed behind him… the Reaper. A killer clad all in black, his face hidden behind a bone white mask.
Reaper had confronted Jack, and Ana had leapt to his aid. She had subdued Reaper, wrestling him to the ground. But when she had stripped off the ghoulish mask and seen the ruin of a face beneath, she recognized Gabriel Reyes, a friend and comrade she’d known just as long as Jack. Gabriel proved to be the real phantom as he’d faded into thin air, disappearing like a whisper.
She was left with the revelation that Gabriel and Jack, two men like brothers to her, were not dead.
In fairness, they thought I was, too.
She took a deep breath and surveyed the scene. Bullet marks patterned the walls, tiles on the floor were cracked, and the bodies of the manor’s security guards—muscle for Hakim’s illegal enterprise—were splayed about like children's toys. At the heart of the courtyard, Jack stood impassively.
"I got them all," Jack said as he rifled through one of the fallen mercenary's belongings.
A guard on the ground between them groaned, and in a flash, Ana drew her sidearm and fired a sleep dart into his neck.
"You missed one," Ana said.
Jack gave one of his good guy shrugs. "It’s nice to see you, too, Ana."
Ana engaged the targeting visor from underneath her cowl. The heads-up display failed to activate. She flipped it back up, annoyed. "Any idea where he went?"
Jack activated his visor and scanned the area. "Not a trace."
Something to worry about later.
"That doesn’t look good," Ana said. Jack had been shot right beneath the giant numerals "76" on his jacket. As she took a closer look, she could see that the jacket and his flesh had been ripped apart by a shotgun blast. From that range, it should have killed him, but Jack had certain advantages. His wounds could heal themselves—a legacy of his past as a test subject and an enhanced soldier in the American armed forces. She could already see the pink of new skin forming at the edges, but not completely. Where it looked the worst, his flesh had turned necrotic and black.
"I'll be fine," Jack grunted. "It just takes us some time."
Us, Ana thought. Jack was adapting quickly to the knowledge that his former best friend was still alive.
Or did he already know?
The faintest sound of approaching sirens interrupted her. "We should get going. Sounds like someone’s noticed."
Jack nodded. "Lead the way."
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An hour later, Ana and Jack crouched in the shadows, watching as hover taxis zoomed by and a pair of civilians riding robotic camels made their way down the street. Overhead, skiffs and surveillance drones crisscrossed the sky, the former carrying the well-to-do of the city to their afternoon appointments, the latter mobilized by the shootout in Hakim's palace.
Ana navigated the narrow alleys, finding the routes through the labyrinthine tangle of streets and pathways, keeping an eye out for the patrols that circled like hawks. For once in her life, she was grateful for the city’s patchwork infrastructure, still recovering a decade after Overwatch's intervention. The state of Ana's home country was one of the reasons she had been drawn back to it. She felt responsible for Overwatch's legacy here, whether it had been her choice or not.
In the shade of one of the massive, derelict cooling towers, the heat from the oppressive afternoon sun was a little more tolerable. It didn't bother Ana, but Jack seemed to be laboring. His genetic enhancements should have helped him acclimatize to different conditions, the same way they should have stopped the blood that was seeping through the shirt he'd tied across his midsection as a bandage.
"You need to take better care of yourself," Ana chided him.
"You sound like Angela," Jack grunted.
Ana waited for a police car to speed by, lights flashing, and then she signaled him forward.
"Think they’re looking for us?" Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Most likely," Ana said, squinting at the car's retreating form. "But there's a lot of crime here. The police are busy."
Another part of our legacy.
Jack had fallen behind a few paces, leaning against one of the walls. "Reminds me of Prague."
"I’m not carrying you this time," Ana said. "Come on, Jack. Keep up." She dashed out of the shadows and across the street, feeling the full blast of sun above and the heat baked into the stones beneath her.
Back in the shadows, she continued. "Prague was your fault. Why you ever thought Reinhardt could be stealthy is beyond me."
Ana waited for Jack to defend himself. When he didn’t reply, she turned around. He had collapsed on the paving stones, out in the open.
Not now, Ana thought as she ran back to him. She tried to pull him up. "Wake up, Jack." But he gave no response. Ana slung Jack’s arm over her shoulder and lifted him, carrying him down the alley.
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Jack drifted awake. That wasn't normal. Even before the army, he'd always been a light sleeper, starting awake at the slightest disturbance. His eyes adjusted rapidly to the dim light of the room as he sat up. He was on an old military surplus cot with a threadbare blanket. His side ached like hell.
"Finally," Ana walked over, silent as a stalking cat. "Tea?"
"I'll take whiskey if you have it."
Ana rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jack, I happen to keep a bottle around just in case you show up."
"Tea's fine," Jack said in a smaller voice.
Ana stretched her shoulders. "You know, I had to carry you all the way here."
"I've been shot plenty of times. It's never felt like this." Jack grimaced as he shifted, twisting around to get a better look at the wound. Three large gashes crisscrossed his back and sides, but they'd been stitched together with dark thread.
"There's something very wrong with that wound. We should probably take you to a doctor." Ana moved to a low table with an induction burner and placed an ornate gold kettle on one of its two heating pads.
"I don't think a doctor's going to know how to deal with this." Jack looked grim.
"Dr. Ziegler's not too far away," Ana suggested. "But I’m not carrying you."
"No doctors," Jack said. "And especially not Angela." How would we even begin to explain this to her? I doubt she'd want to see us now. Two lost ghosts.
"I tried stitching you up myself," Ana said apologetically. "I never was much good with field dressing. Didn't need it very often."
He ran his finger over the jagged stitches. “Looks like a butcher went at it.”
"Well, you can take care of yourself from now on, if you like."
"It's a little hard to reach," Jack said sheepishly.
"Then don't complain.” Ana paused. "And shouldn't that be healing itself?"
Jack nodded. "It should be. Maybe the shells were laced with a biological agent?"
"You're sure you don't want to see Dr. Ziegler?"
"We'd have to explain to her that we're not dead," Jack said.
"She's the miracle worker. She's probably used to it by now," Ana laughed.
"No Angela," Jack said, and that was that.
He looked around at Ana's home, as it were. It was a mix of tactical equipment, military surplus, surveillance devices, and some light touches of domesticity. The space was more archaeological site than apartment, ancient stone chambers with worn stone columns, and the walls had been carved with hieroglyphics, though some looked like the work of more modern vandals. On a low table, Ana had set up a little display of ancient objects that had been carefully preserved: a jar with a ram's head lid made of pale, milky stone, a black and gold mask bearing the visage of a fierce cat goddess, a chipped vase of brown-red clay, and a small, brilliant green figurine of a falcon.
Jack took a closer look at the antiquities. "This place reminds me of a museum my mother took me to in New York when I was a kid." It had been one of his favorite parts of the trip, running around the transplanted ruins of an ancient Egyptian temple. He smiled at the memory.
Ana offered him a blue mug with a red plaid pattern. "It's a necropolis—a city of the dead."
"Appropriate," Jack chuckled. He motioned towards the small display. "What are these?"
"I found them when I moved in. I couldn't very well throw them away. These relics have survived thousands of years. Empires rose and fell, and they're still here. I figured I should take care of them before I sent them to Dr. Faisal."
Jack blew gently on his tea to cool it. "You've been here the whole time?"
"Ever since I left the hospital in Poland." Ana watched as Jack sipped his tea.
He made a face at the bitterness. "Any sugar?"
Ana ignored him. "When I woke up, I didn't remember who I was. I had no name to give them, so they called me, 'Janina Kowalski,' your Jane Doe. For months, I sat in that hospital room in pain and confusion. Dr. Lee told me I was lucky. Well, as lucky as you can be after having glass and shrapnel embedded in your skull." Ana felt the phantom pain of her eye even as she recounted the experience.
"We tried to find you," Jack said somberly. "I used every resource at my disposal. Gabe even put McCree on it personally. Not a trace. Everyone else tried to convince me you were gone and that I was being irrational. But deep down I knew that you couldn't be dead."
And I was right, Jack thought.
"Dr. Lee kept me out of the system. I convinced her some dangerous people were after me."
"I'm dangerous?" he asked, playing innocent.
"You're a kitten, Jack," Ana laughed. "Eventually, I was able to piece together what happened, but I don't know how much of it is real and how much I've filled in the blanks myself. I remembered the mission. We were pinned down by the enemy sniper, and I was trying to flush them out. I remembered lining up the shot. But it was almost like there was a reason why I didn't want to remember what happened next."
Jack looked down into his teacup.
"It was because I recognized that sniper," Ana said, studying him carefully. "You already know this."
"Amélie?" Jack said. "Yes." He had learned that and more over the years, but he left it unspoken.
"Poor Gérard," Ana sighed.
The pair sat in silence for a while as the steam drifted lazily from their cups and dissipated into the dusty haze of the ancient room.
"Why are you here, Jack?" Ana asked at last.
"I never forgave myself for leaving you behind. I heard about a bounty hunter in Cairo, and I hoped…" Jack set the mug down.
"You never were good at letting go," Ana chided him. "Too stubborn for your own good."
"Gabriel is out there. Talon is getting more powerful. They need to be stopped, and everything that we've suffered—everything that you've suffered—needs to be made good on. I’m going to take them apart, piece by piece." Jack's impassioned words echoed off the stone walls, and he had clenched his fists. He slowly released them. "But I can't do it alone. I need your help."
Ana crossed her arms. "You can barely stand. You fainted in the street. The only thing you need to do is recover."
"Don't let this go. Don't be like the others. They dismantled everything we spent our lives building, and then they made us into villains."
"We're not all like you, Jack," Ana said. "Some of us can move forward."
"This is moving forward," Jack growled.
"You're excited," Ana said. "You're not thinking straight. Get some more rest. We can talk after."
"After?" Jack's eyes flashed to his mug and then looked back at Ana. "Did you—?"
He collapsed on the cot.
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Ana waited until Jack was deeply asleep before she lifted his legs onto the bed, tucked a pillow beneath his head, and pulled the scratchy blanket over him. He had scars she didn't recognize, and his hair had thinned and faded to a silvery white. While he slept, Soldier: 76 slipped away, and she could feel the presence of the Jack she remembered.
She picked up the empty mug and left him to rest.
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Later, Ana returned to the darkened complex, her supplies in a canvas sack she carried over her shoulder. With the lights off, the place felt more like a tomb than ever. She walked through the entry corridor and into the main chamber to find, of all things, Jack, shirtless, doing one-handed pushups through gritted teeth. He'd discarded his bandages in a small pile on his cot. Ana could see the angry red and black of the wounded flesh, bound together by her inexpert stitching.
"You're going to tear those stitches out," Ana remarked.
"I was feeling a little restless," Jack explained.
"You did sleep for two days," Ana said. Hungry?
"I'd kill for a burger."
Ana gave him a look of disbelief.
"But I'm not picky," Jack flashed her that smile he used to try to get himself out of trouble. He really was like a child sometimes.
Ana pulled paper containers of food out of her sack and placed them on the low table in front of him. The rich smells drifted through the air. There was falafel and beans, and pockets of freshly baked bread stuffed with steaming minced lamb meat and onions. "It's not my cooking, at least."
"Thank god for small miracles," Jack chuckled.
In spite of herself, Ana laughed as well.
Jack attacked the food like someone accustomed to having to wolf down meals quickly. Ana helped herself to a little, but mostly they ate in silence. When they'd finished, Jack leaned back on the crate he was sitting on and settled back into his questioning.
"Why didn't you tell me you were alive?" Jack asked.
"I don't know if you'll understand," Ana said. "Gabriel would, but you're different in some ways."
Jack's expression was unreadable. "And Fareeha? You let her think you were dead."
"That was the hardest part." Ana sighed. She stood up and walked over to her desk, where there was a small framed photo Ana with her young daughter on her back. Their arms were both spread wide as though they were flying. "Fareeha would have expected Captain Amari to return, but she was gone. The moment I hesitated, I changed."
"You can't blame yourself," Jack said softly. "How could you have known?"
"Don't patronize me, Jack," Ana snapped. "Of course, it was my fault. It doesn't have to haunt me for the rest of my life, but I can accept the blame."
"It wouldn't have made a difference to us. We would have wanted you back. It turns out we couldn't do it without you," Jack said, touching her shoulder gently. "Overwatch needed you. And now I need you."
Ana read the desperation on Jack's face. "Getting revenge for what happened won't accomplish anything other than getting you killed."
"Maybe, but I still have to fight. Everyone else gave up, but not me."
He blames me, too. Ana realized. "Stubborn."
"You couldn't give up the fight either," Jack said. "Why else were you at Hakim's palace?"
"I tried to live quietly, you know. I would be near my daughter and be at peace. But the longer I lived here, the harder it was for me to escape the fact that we are responsible for what happened to this city. We shut down the Anubis project, and Egypt has never recovered." Ana stood up, turning her back to Jack. "People's lives are hard. They're being taken advantage of by parasites like Hakim. How could I let it go on when I knew there was something I could do?"
"You're fighting for justice, just like me," Jack said.
Ana's eyes narrowed. "Revenge isn't justice."
Jack threw his hands up. "We're after the same thing. Why do you think Hakim was meeting with Gabriel? He's working for Talon. The rot on this city is going to spread, and it will ruin the world just like it always does."
"Hakim runs a criminal organization that has strangled Cairo. The police and the government either turned a blind eye or they're being paid off by him. Food supplies aren't being distributed to people who need them. Medical care is almost impossible to get," Ana said. "Look me in the eye and tell me you can leave without doing anything."
"Cairo and the world will suffer until we bring them all down! You have to see the bigger picture," Jack said heatedly.
"Are you even hearing yourself? You would never have made this argument before," Ana said disapprovingly. "The way we do things matters."
"Times change," Jack said with finality. "Either you're coming with me, or I'm leaving. I've already wasted too much time."
“I’m not going,” Ana said.
For a long moment, Jack stared at her in silence. "A sniper takes the most dangerous threat out first. That was your job." Jack picked up his ruined coat. "If you want to waste your time on petty criminals, so be it. I have a war to fight."
He stormed out.
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After Jack left, Ana switched on her computer. Jack had been using it earlier, and the screen was cluttered with articles about Reaper’s movements and appearances. Ana wondered who had been supplying Jack with some of this information, but that was a puzzle for another time. She browsed through the reports and remembered the ruined face she had seen behind the mask.
Gabriel… what happened to you?
One of the articles indicated that casualties in one of Reaper's attacks had suffered the same sort of wounds as Jack.
That damned scientist, Ana thought with disgust.
The other information offered little new insight on the Reaper, providing only a view into Jack's mind. He was following a spiderweb of corporations, government officials, and financial institutions, all hopelessly tangled together through corrupt arteries and shady intermediaries. It was the sort of problem that was never Jack's strong suit. He preferred two sides, concrete facts, and one clear, unequivocal decision.
The messy stuff was always Gabriel's arena.
Not as much as it used to be.
Ana considered her options. In her heart, she knew she wanted to stay. Egypt was failing. In a few more years, it was likely that it would fall into chaos, torn apart by profiteers and criminals like Hakim. As the bounty hunter Shrike, she had slowly been making a difference, little by little. If she left, all her work would be undone.
But there are other people here, like Fareeha. They're not helpless. It doesn't have to be you.
That pride again.
She looked back at articles about the vigilante Soldier: 76. One caught her attention: a break-in at LumériCo's newest fusion plant. There’d been a gunfight in the middle of the market—a number of serious injuries and property damage—all of it attributed to him. But there was also eyewitness testimony from a local girl in Dorado. Even though everyone else thought he was someone to fear, she'd called him a hero.
It doesn't have to be you, but sometimes, people need something to believe in.
Ana knew what she needed to do. She walked over to the makeshift shelf that held the treasures she'd found in the necropolis when she'd first arrived. She looked at the feline face on the ancient mask. It was the goddess Bastet.
A guardian.
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Jack walked through the sleeping city. The cool night air was a pleasant break from the heat of the day. Given the late hour, the streets were quiet, even though he had wandered into the city center. The stalls selling food, scavenged omnic parts, or fabrics and textiles had all long since shut down. Curfews weren't imposed, but the city's residents were advised to stay indoors after sundown for their own protection. After coming face to face with Reaper, the dark was a pool of shadows that hid the unknown.
Jack had been on the hunt for some time now, gathering information, and tracking what leads he had. He'd had the benefit of being unnoticed, but things had changed. There was no doubt that Talon and its allies knew he was coming for them. He had gotten one good night's sleep since he arrived in Cairo, and it was the first in as long as he could remember.
I can't believe she drugged me, Jack thought.
He was uneasy now. Staying in one place for too long was risky, especially now that Gabe would be looking for him. He had to move on.
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Night had crept towards morning and a full moon was hanging lower in the sky when Jack finally returned. Ana was sitting at the computer as he entered.
"Come back for the rest of your things?" she asked without looking up.
He walked over to her, "I'll help you capture Hakim. Once that's done, we go after Reaper."
"We have to make sure the city is secure," Ana corrected him. "I'll only leave with you after things here are settled. That means not just Hakim, but his followers, too. I need to know that the people will be safe."
Jack's jaw clenched as he considered the offer. "Then let's go over to his manor and round him and his men up. One quick strike before they have time to prepare."
Ana shook her head. "No rushing in. Remember how it went last time?"
"It would have been fine if Gabe hadn't showed up," Jack said.
Ana arched an eyebrow.
Jack sighed. "What's the plan then?"
"We start at the bottom and work our way up. Close the net around Hakim, starve him of his resources, and force him out into the open. We have to expose him and the people that are protecting him. Understood?"
Jack sighed, relenting. "You know, I told Gabe they picked the wrong person for Strike-Commander."
"Yes, but you meant him, not me," Ana replied.
"It could have been Reinhardt," Jack smirked.
"Let's not be crazy now."
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Ever since the fight at his palace, Hakim had been reticent to return, instead moving between his safehouses in the city. Jack had been able to track down a number of them and found the one that was most conducive to their plans. He rented an apartment that overlooked it. Ana and Jack hadn't bothered with niceties: the room was furnished only with a couple beaten-up wooden chairs and a wooden crate. They took turns with one sleeping bag. After the second day, Ana had insisted on bringing a hot plate so she could make tea.
Within a week, they'd rounded up a number of Hakim's associates, whittling away at his organization. Word spread about someone targeting Hakim's organization. Whoever it was, people agreed, they meant to bring Hakim to justice. But after the initial burst, things had slowed down. Hakim went further underground. He was being more careful. There was nothing to do but wait.
The boredom wasn't so bad for Ana. As a sniper, she had more than her share of patience, and having the freedom to move around, take naps, and even go outside, made it more than tolerable. Jack was restless, though. She saw the way he looked out the window, searching the horizon endlessly, and Ana knew his gaze was fixed on one thing.
"Anything?" Jack asked, glancing up. He leaned back in his chair in a way that would make a school teacher worried. There was something in his hand.
"No sign of Hakim. What are you looking at?" Ana asked.
"Oh, just reminiscing about the old days." Jack passed over the small stack of photos. They were well-worn, creased in places, and had obviously been Jack's companions for a long time.
The top photo was a picture of them with Gabriel, all three looking young and optimistic, though Gabriel already showed signs of the stress of leadership weighing upon him. They'd just won a major battle in Rio de Janeiro. "I remember the beach," Ana smiled. "We look so serious in this picture—it's funny!"
"That's why it's a great photo!" laughed Jack.
It’s good to know he can still laugh.
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She turned to the next one and almost dropped the photos in surprise. She'd never seen the photo, but she recognized it immediately. Jack looked so much younger. He had just stepped off a military transport for leave. It was the other person in the picture that surprised her—a dark-haired man, dressed in a casual, black button up shirt. Jack's arm was around his shoulder.
"Vincent… I haven't thought about him in years," Ana said. "Still keeping a candle lit for him?"
Jack shook his head. "Nothing like that."
"You've never looked in on him? You must have been curious. All the surveillance power in the world. I bet Gabe would have put a Blackwatch agent on him if you asked," Ana said.
Jack glared at her.
"Okay, touchy subject."
Jack laughed. "He got married. They're very happy. I'm happy for him."
Ana was unconvinced. In the early days, Jack talked about him often, floating a dream that the war would end quickly, and maybe he'd have a chance to return to a normal life.
But a normal life was never the reward for people like us.
"Vincent deserved a happier life than the one I could give him." Jack sighed. "We both knew that I could never put anything above my duty. Everything I fought for was to protect people like him… That's the sacrifice I made."
"Relationships don't work out so well for us, do they?" Ana said, unconsciously running her thumb over where her wedding ring used to be.
"At least you and Gabe managed to have families."
The pair lapsed back into silence.
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Ana glanced out the window to see the familiar figure of Hakim entering the apartment block. "It's him." Ana passed the photos back to Jack, who carefully slid them into the inside pocket of his jacket.
"Ready?" Jack asked as he put his mask and targeting visor on, picking up the heavy pulse rifle where he had propped it against the wall.
Ana took her own rifle, quite a bit more manageable than Jack's, and slung it over her shoulder. She clipped a few flashbangs to her belt and then retrieved the last item from her pack: the black and gold mask.
"You're bringing that?" Jack asked.
"You inspired me, Jack. Soldier: 76 is more than a vigilante. The world knows that name. Your enemies are afraid you'll find them. I don't want Hakim, Talon, or anyone else to plunge Cairo back into chaos the second I'm gone. I'm putting on a new mask. Not a hunter this time, a protector. The kind of persona that I could leave behind to keep the people safe… Bastet."
"I just thought my mask was scary." Jack smiled.
"Bastet is scarier than an old lady."
"Ana, there's nothing scarier than an old lady," Jack said.
"You would know."
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One week later, Ana and Jack were packing up the necropolis base. They'd leave much of Ana's belongings behind, taking only what they needed for the journey ahead. Hakim and his network of criminals had been dismantled. The news had started to report about the movements of a guardian named Bastet who had captured Hakim and exposed the extent of his crimes. Even the government was forced to act.
"What about these?" Jack pointed at the shelf that had the Egyptian artifacts on it.
"I could barely manage carrying you, and you want me to bring all this?" Ana said. "It's well-hidden. It will just wait here until I can find a proper caretaker."
"Fareeha?" Jack guessed. "You talked to her?"
"I… left her a message," Ana said.
"You're sure you can leave things like this? It could be a long time before you see her again."
If ever.
Ana sighed. "She never responded to my first letter."
Jack winced. "She'll come around in time. She loves you. Did you tell Sam anything?"
"I will, eventually. Maybe," Ana said. "I made a big enough mess of his life without having to give him the news. None of us are very good at saying goodbye, are we?"
"We're better than Reinhardt, anyway. I'm pretty sure his life is just one long attempt to avoid saying a goodbye."
"How is he?" Ana asked.
"That's a long story," Jack said. "But I suppose we'll have time."
Ana nodded. "There's something I want to be clear about before we leave, Jack," Ana said. "I'm going with you, but I'm not convinced that this is a good idea at all. Talon, Overwatch, Gabriel… I already let go of them. It hurt." She paused. "When I first came to the necropolis, most of the artifacts I found were ruined. I saved what I could, but I had to leave the rest. That's what's most important, Commander."
"Don't call me, that," Jack groused. "And come on. We need to pay a visit to some old friends."
They left the necropolis, sealing the entrance behind them. Long after they'd left, the relics of ancient civilizations laid in wait in the darkness of that dusty room. At the center of them all was a golden mask bearing the face of a goddess. Just as it remained in the hearts of the people of Cairo, and the fears of those who would harm them: a mask and a name.
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downfalldestiny · 9 months
The Believer ~ المؤمن 🤍.
_ Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad
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tebuirenginitiatives · 8 months
Para Tokoh Nasional yang Lahir di Tanggal 17 Agustus
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barometerjatim · 2 years
Kukuhkan DPC Tulungagung di Pasar Burung, Sadad: Gerindra Harus Terbang, Jangan di Dalam Sangkar!
Kukuhkan DPC Tulungagung di Pasar Burung, Sadad: Gerindra Harus Terbang, Jangan di Dalam Sangkar!
GERINDRA HARUS TERBANG: Ketua Gerindra Jatim, Anwar Sadad kukuhkan pengurus DPC Partai Gerindra Tulungagung. | Foto: IST TULUNGAGUNG, Barometerjatim.com – Masih dari wilayah Mataraman. Sehari usai mengukuhkan pengurus DPC Partai Gerindra Kabupaten Magetan di sebuah embung, Ketua DPD Partai Gerindra Jatim, Anwar Sadad bergerak ke Tulungagung, Kamis (26/5/2022). Di salah satu daerah penghasil…
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lagtrovert · 2 months
Umar ibn al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه) said:
"We are a people who Allah has honoured with Islam. And whenever we seek to be honoured through other than it, Allah will bring us humiliation."
[Al-Mustradrak of Al-Hakim (1/130) | Translated by Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid]
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hassanatforusmk · 2 months
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Didn't reach their first birthday
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Abdel Khaleq Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Abdel Rahim Ahmed Abdel Rahim Awad (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Essam Salah (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Samir Salama Saad (0 years old)
Abdel Raouf Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Abdullah Omar Shehab (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Kamel Zidane Al-Hawajri (0 years old)
Abdullah Ahmed Khalil Zorob (0 years old)
Abdullah Amir Abdullah Al Khor (0 years old)
Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hamid Muhanna (0 years old)
Adam Magdy Jaber Al-Dahdouh (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Fouad Al Agha (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (0 years old)
Ahmed Moamen Ahmed Daloul (0 years old)
Ahmed Mohamed Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Ahmed Muhammad Yasser Dardouna (0 years old)
Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Fouda (0 years old)
Ahmed Shadi Talal Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Ahmed Talaat Ali Barhoum (0 years old)
Aisha Jihad Jalal Shaheen (0 years old)
Alia Abdel Nour Sami Al-Souri (0 years old)
Alma Adnan Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)
Alma Moamen Muhammad Hamdan (0 years old)
Alma Qais Abdul Karim Al-Zahrani (0 years old)
Alyan Abdul Rahman Alyan Al-Ashqar (0 years old)
Amal Mahmoud Mohamed Saleha (0 years old)
Amal Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bayouk (0 years old)
Amir Mahmoud Zuhdi Al-Masry (0 years old)
Anas Abdul Aziz Muhammad Zahir (0 years old)
Anas Abdullah Bahaa Al-Din Sukayk (0 years old)
Anas Tariq Muhammad Al-Hasanat (0 years old)
Anisa Mahmoud Ahmed Ali (0 years old)
Anwar Muhammad Ahmed Al Hindi (0 years old)
Aseed Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)
Aseel Amir Ali Al-Ashi (0 years old)
Aseel Muhammad Jumah Dhair (0 years old)
Aws Muhammad Hussein Al-Aleel (0 years old)
Ayat Abdul Aziz Omar Farwaneh (0 years old)
Ayla Uday Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (0 years old)
Badr Yasser Rafiq Abu Habib (0 years old)
Bahaa Mustafa Jamal Musa (0 years old)
Basil Muhammad Hossam Abu Jasser (0 years old)
Bilal Khaled Muhammad Sobh (0 years old)
Bilal Muhammad Kamal Hamdan (0 years old)
Celine Abdel Hadi Adel Daher (0 years old)
Celine Ihab Ayman Al-Bahtiti (0 years old)
Daughter of Dina Abdel Hakim Ayoub Natat (0 years old)
Daughter of Zainab Muhammad Al-Abd Nawas (0 years old)
Diaa Ahmed Abdel Ati Saleh Musa (0 years old)
Diaa Majed Ahmed Kishko (0 years old)
Elena Momen Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)
Eliana Muhammad Nabil Mekheimer (0 years old)
Ella Muhammad Salem Al-Drimli (0 years old)
Essam Mohammed Essam Farag (0 years old)
Etaf Hassan Riyadh (0 years old)
Ezzat Asaad Ezzat Saq Allah (0 years old)
Fadl Maysara Muhammad Abu Hasira (0 years old)
Fahd Uday Imad Al-Ajez (0 years old)
Farah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)
Farah Hossam Abdel Karim Hanoun (0 years old)
Farah Suleiman Raed Abu Shabab (0 years old)
Fatima Louay, Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)
Fatima Moatasem Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Fatima Muhammad Rizq Al-Wawi (0 years old)
Fatima Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (0 years old)
Fayrouz Fadi Hamada Abu Salima (0 years old)
Firas Muhammad Abdel Aziz Tamraz (0 years old)
George Sobhi George Al-Souri (0 years old)
Ghaith Khattab Omar Al-Bahloul (0 years old)
Ghaith Yasser Nabil Nofal (0 years old)
Ghazal Asaad Maher Abu Lashin (0 years old)
Ghazal Mahmoud Saeed Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Hala Yasser Hamed Al-Sanwar (0 years old)
Hamza Muhammad Abdel Hamid Ashour (0 years old)
Hassan Hamza Hassan Al-Amsi (0 years old)
Hassan Muhammad Hassan Abu Daqqa (0 years old)
Haya Sharif Bakr Al-Batniji (0 years old)
Hind Khaled Ahmed Jahjouh (0 years old)
Hoda Mustafa Hatem Abu Seif (0 years old)
Hoor Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Mamlouk (0 years old)
Hoor Omar Mahmoud Al-Azaib (0 years old)
Hoor Rashad Saeed Habib (0 years old)
Hoor Yassin Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ahmed Nasser Shaqura (0 years old)
Ibrahim Al-Muatasem Walid Al-Quqa (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ammar Saad Al-Qara (0 years old)
Iman Muhammad Abdel Fattah Al-Hinnawi (0 years old)
Ismail Ahmed Ismail Farhat (0 years old)
Issa Mahmoud Muhammad Qarmout (0 years old)
Iyad Abdel Rahman Jihad Muheisen (0 years old)
Jamal Muhammad Jamal Al-Maghari (0 years old)
Jannah Hisham Muhammad Hamouda (0 years old)
Jannat Naji Abdel Rahman Abu Hammad (0 years old)
Jihad Muhammad Raafat Al-Dalis (0 years old)
Joan Ali Nasr Amer (0 years old)
Joel Atallah Ibrahim Al-Amsh (0 years old)
Joud Bahaa Al-Din Haider Al-Nadim (0 years old)
Juri Ammar Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (0 years old)
Juri Ayed Ismail Al-Najjar (0 years old)
Juri Darwish Hamed Abu Khatla (0 years old)
Juri Ramadan Muhammad Miqdad (0 years old)
Karim Muhammad Fayez Al-Madhoun (0 years old)
Karima Muhammad Majid Al-Ghoul (0 years old)
Kenan Amin Marwan Abu Shakyan (0 years old)
Khaled Bilal Muhammad Abu Al-Amrain (0 years old)
Khaled Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Lana Yasser Nassif Hegazy (0 years old)
Lana Youssef Emad Loulou (0 years old)
Layan Muhammad Youssef Hussein (0 years old)
Layan Rami Anwar Faisal (0 years old)
Louay Mahmoud Saleh Al-Ajrami (0 years old)
Maha Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Eid Muhammad Nabhan (0 years old)
Mahmoud Fadi Khaled Al-Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Youssef Muhammad Abu Shawish (0 years old)
Mai Hatem Asaad Qita (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Rahman Ayesh Darwish (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Salam Ali Abu Saif (0 years old)
Malak Mahmoud Atef Halawa (0 years old)
Malik Mahdi Ahmed Shalouf (0 years old)
Malik Muhammad Shafiq Abu Al-Kass (0 years old)
86 notes · View notes
genadelikesships1233 · 2 months
Motaz posted a picture of a little girl.
She couldn't have been more than 10 years old.
She had a her scalp open, her arm was blown off and she had ash all over her face.
Her eyes were so empty and seeing this little baby, thinking about, if her mother was still alive, was she the only one left in her family, what was her favourite colour, who was her friends? Are they still alive?
Sometimes i wish i was ignorant. To the horror that truly happens to people.
I wish that i could snap my fingers and stop it.
But i cant. What i can only do now, is try and do my part, saving Gaza.
Saving them and everyone else.
I will pray that it works, i will pray that it does something.
There are thousands of stories i cant tell about the horrific deaths of children in Gaza.
I cant bare to tell you all of them but all i cant share is their names.
Thats the least i can do for them.
0 years old
Didn't reach their first birthday
Abd al-Jawad Mizar Jamal Hoso (0 years old)
Abdel Khaleq Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Abdel Rahim Ahmed Abdel Rahim Awad (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Essam Salah (0 years old)
Abdel Rahman Samir Salama Saad (0 years old)
Abdel Raouf Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Abdullah Omar Shehab (0 years old)
Abdul Karim Kamel Zidane Al-Hawajri (0 years old)
Abdullah Ahmed Khalil Zorob (0 years old)
Abdullah Amir Abdullah Al Khor (0 years old)
Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hamid Muhanna (0 years old)
Adam Magdy Jaber Al-Dahdouh (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Fouad Al Agha (0 years old)
Adam Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (0 years old)
Ahmed Moamen Ahmed Daloul (0 years old)
Ahmed Mohamed Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Ahmed Muhammad Yasser Dardouna (0 years old)
Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Fouda (0 years old)
Ahmed Shadi Talal Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Ahmed Talaat Ali Barhoum (0 years old)
Aisha Jihad Jalal Shaheen (0 years old)
Alia Abdel Nour Sami Al-Souri (0 years old)
Alma Adnan Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)
Alma Moamen Muhammad Hamdan (0 years old)
Alma Qais Abdul Karim Al-Zahrani (0 years old)
Alyan Abdul Rahman Alyan Al-Ashqar (0 years old)
Amal Mahmoud Mohamed Saleha (0 years old)
Amal Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bayouk (0 years old)
Amir Mahmoud Zuhdi Al-Masry (0 years old)
Anas Abdul Aziz Muhammad Zahir (0 years old)
Anas Abdullah Bahaa Al-Din Sukayk (0 years old)
Anas Tariq Muhammad Al-Hasanat (0 years old)
Anisa Mahmoud Ahmed Ali (0 years old)
Anwar Muhammad Ahmed Al Hindi (0 years old)
Aseed Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)
Aseel Amir Ali Al-Ashi (0 years old)
Aseel Muhammad Jumah Dhair (0 years old)
Aws Muhammad Hussein Al-Aleel (0 years old)
Ayat Abdul Aziz Omar Farwaneh (0 years old)
Ayla Uday Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (0 years old)
Badr Yasser Rafiq Abu Habib (0 years old)
Bahaa Mustafa Jamal Musa (0 years old)
Basil Muhammad Hossam Abu Jasser (0 years old)
Bilal Khaled Muhammad Sobh (0 years old)
Bilal Muhammad Kamal Hamdan (0 years old)
Celine Abdel Hadi Adel Daher (0 years old)
Celine Ihab Ayman Al-Bahtiti (0 years old)
Daughter of Dina Abdel Hakim Ayoub Natat (0 years old)
Daughter of Zainab Muhammad Al-Abd Nawas (0 years old)
Diaa Ahmed Abdel Ati Saleh Musa (0 years old)
Diaa Majed Ahmed Kishko (0 years old)
Elena Momen Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)
Eliana Muhammad Nabil Mekheimer (0 years old)
Ella Muhammad Salem Al-Drimli (0 years old)
Essam Mohammed Essam Farag (0 years old)
Etaf Hassan Riyadh (0 years old)
Ezzat Asaad Ezzat Saq Allah (0 years old)
Fadl Maysara Muhammad Abu Hasira (0 years old)
Fahd Uday Imad Al-Ajez (0 years old)
Farah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)
Farah Hossam Abdel Karim Hanoun (0 years old)
Farah Suleiman Raed Abu Shabab (0 years old)
Fatima Louay, Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)
Fatima Moatasem Amin Nofal (0 years old)
Fatima Muhammad Rizq Al-Wawi (0 years old)
Fatima Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (0 years old)
Fayrouz Fadi Hamada Abu Salima (0 years old)
Firas Muhammad Abdel Aziz Tamraz (0 years old)
George Sobhi George Al-Souri (0 years old)
Ghaith Khattab Omar Al-Bahloul (0 years old)
Ghaith Yasser Nabil Nofal (0 years old)
Ghazal Asaad Maher Abu Lashin (0 years old)
Ghazal Mahmoud Saeed Al-Haddad (0 years old)
Hala Yasser Hamed Al-Sanwar (0 years old)
Hamza Muhammad Abdel Hamid Ashour (0 years old)
Hassan Hamza Hassan Al-Amsi (0 years old)
Hassan Muhammad Hassan Abu Daqqa (0 years old)
Haya Sharif Bakr Al-Batniji (0 years old)
Hind Khaled Ahmed Jahjouh (0 years old)
Hoda Mustafa Hatem Abu Seif (0 years old)
Hoor Muhammad Ibrahim Al-Mamlouk (0 years old)
Hoor Omar Mahmoud Al-Azaib (0 years old)
Hoor Rashad Saeed Habib (0 years old)
Hoor Yassin Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ahmed Nasser Shaqura (0 years old)
Ibrahim Al-Muatasem Walid Al-Quqa (0 years old)
Ibrahim Ammar Saad Al-Qara (0 years old)
Iman Muhammad Abdel Fattah Al-Hinnawi (0 years old)
Ismail Ahmed Ismail Farhat (0 years old)
Issa Mahmoud Muhammad Qarmout (0 years old)
Iyad Abdel Rahman Jihad Muheisen (0 years old)
Jamal Muhammad Jamal Al-Maghari (0 years old)
Jannah Hisham Muhammad Hamouda (0 years old)
Jannat Naji Abdel Rahman Abu Hammad (0 years old)
Jihad Muhammad Raafat Al-Dalis (0 years old)
Joan Ali Nasr Amer (0 years old)
Joel Atallah Ibrahim Al-Amsh (0 years old)
Joud Bahaa Al-Din Haider Al-Nadim (0 years old)
Juri Ammar Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (0 years old)
Juri Ayed Ismail Al-Najjar (0 years old)
Juri Darwish Hamed Abu Khatla (0 years old)
Juri Ramadan Muhammad Miqdad (0 years old)
Karim Muhammad Fayez Al-Madhoun (0 years old)
Karima Muhammad Majid Al-Ghoul (0 years old)
Kenan Amin Marwan Abu Shakyan (0 years old)
Khaled Bilal Muhammad Abu Al-Amrain (0 years old)
Khaled Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Lana Yasser Nassif Hegazy (0 years old)
Lana Youssef Emad Loulou (0 years old)
Layan Muhammad Youssef Hussein (0 years old)
Layan Rami Anwar Faisal (0 years old)
Louay Mahmoud Saleh Al-Ajrami (0 years old)
Maha Fadi Khaled Al Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Eid Muhammad Nabhan (0 years old)
Mahmoud Fadi Khaled Al-Baba (0 years old)
Mahmoud Youssef Muhammad Abu Shawish (0 years old)
Mai Hatem Asaad Qita (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Rahman Ayesh Darwish (0 years old)
Malak Abdul Salam Ali Abu Saif (0 years old)
Malak Mahmoud Atef Halawa (0 years old)
Malik Mahdi Ahmed Shalouf (0 years old)
Malik Muhammad Shafiq Abu Al-Kass (0 years old)
Malik Sami Mohamed Maghari (0 years old)
Manal Moamen Majed Abu Al-Awf (0 years old)
Marah Hammam Youssef Bahr (0 years old)
Maria Ahmed Salah Kurdieh (0 years old)
Maria Khaled Zakaria Al-Shanti (0 years old)
Maria Yasser Kamal Al-Masry (0 years old)
Maryam Ahmed Mahmoud Saidam (0 years old)
Maryam Ahmed Ziad Ashour (0 years old)
Maryam Noureddine Wael Daban (0 years old)
Masa Jalal Moin Al-Harkali (0 years old)
Masa Muhammad Youssef Nasr (0 years old)
Maymouna Saher Saeed Al-Sayed (0 years old)
Mecca Ahmed Eid Abu Sharkh (0 years old)
Mian Yahya Yusuf Al-Astal (0 years old)
Mira Abdel Rahman Fathi Radwan (0 years old)
Moamen Ahmed Mahfouz Salah (0 years old)
Moamen Essam Hussein Saleha (0 years old)
Moamen Ibrahim Sabry Abu Shamas (0 years old)
Moatasem Billah Moaz Hammad Hammad (0 years old)
Moatasem Kanaan Farid El Gamal (0 years old)
Moaz Abdel Fattah Khaled Al-Zuhairi (0 years old)
Moaz Hani Muhammad Al-Aidi (0 years old)
Moaz Muhammad Jawad Al-Wadiya (0 years old)
Muhammad Abdel Samad Maher Mohsen (0 years old)
Muhammad Ahmed Salem Al-Qanou (0 years old)
Muhammad Al-Jabari Saed Misbah Al-Khor (0 years old)
Muhammad Amr Muhammad Maghari (0 years old)
Muhammad Basil Mahmoud Al-Khayyat (0 years old)
Muhammad Fadi Jihad Radwan (0 years old)
Muhammad Hamed Nidal Aliwa (0 years old)
Muhammad Hani Muhammad Al-Zahar (0 years old)
Muhammad Hussein Muhammad Abu Hamad (0 years old)
Muhammad Ihab El-Din Khaled Awaida (0 years old)
Muhammad Mahmoud Dhifallah Al-Nadaiyat (0 years old)
Muhammad Mamdouh Muhammad Abu Jazar (0 years old)
Muhammad Mustafa Khalil Tammos (0 years old)
Muhammad Nidal Hisham Atallah (0 years old)
Muhammad Nour al-Din Yahya al-Akkad (0 years old)
Muhammad Omar Mustafa Shehab (0 years old)
Muhammad Saeed Adel Abu Al-Rous (0 years old)
Muhammad Saleh Mahmoud Al-Dairi (0 years old)
Muhammad Taher Ahmed Abu Younis (0 years old)
Muhammad Tamer Musleh Al-Qanou (0 years old)
Murad Eid Youssef Abu Saifan (0 years old)
Musk Abdul Hay Sami Al-Halabi (0 years old)
Musk Mahmoud Ibrahim Hegazy (0 years old)
Musk Muhammad Khalil Gouda (0 years old)
Mustafa Hani Essam Saqallah (0 years old)
Nabil Bilal Nabil Al-Aidi (0 years old)
Najwa Ahmed Fathi Radwan (0 years old)
Najwa Mahmoud Fathi Radwan (0 years old)
Nasr Alaa Nasr Jarghoun (0 years old)
Nasr Yahya Nasr Al-Rakhawy (0 years old)
Nisreen Muhammad Muhammad Al-Najjar (0 years old)
Nour Ahmed Zakaria Al-Derini (0 years old)
Nour Youssef Bassam Abu Hasira (0 years old)
Nourz Ahmed Shaaban Halasa (0 years old)
Obaida Bilal Youssef Abu Muailiq (0 years old)
Omar Ahmed Abdel Nasser Shamlakh (0 years old)
Omar Ismail Omar Sharaf (0 years old)
Omar Jihad Omar Al-Bahtini (0 years old)
Omar Youssef Salah al-Din Abu Jadallah (0 years old)
Osama Muhammad Adeeb Aslim (0 years old)
Qais Ali Nabil Al-Aidi (0 years old)
Qais Muhammad Ramadan Abaid (0 years old)
Raafat Ibrahim Raafat Al-Azami (0 years old)
Raafat Khalil Raafat Anan (0 years old)
Raed Ihab Raed Salman Alai (0 years old)
Raed Khaled Raed Rajab (0 years old)
Rafif Mahmoud Aref Al-Faqawi (0 years old)
Rafif Walid Sabri Al-Nabahin (0 years old)
Raghad Ahmed Odeh Abu Khattab (0 years old)
Rakan Hossam Hussein Musa (0 years old)
Ratel Yasser Jumaa Abu Al-Fitah (0 years old)
Rayan Abdel Rahim Jamal Al-Qatrawi (0 years old)
Rayan Abdullah Zakaria Al-Astal (0 years old)
Retal Khalil Yahya Al-Batsh (0 years old)
Rima Muhammad Sabry Al-Buraim (0 years old)
Rose Abdul Aziz Muhammad Al-Ghoul (0 years old)
Saba Ahmed Ali Al-Qazzaz (0 years old)
Saba Muhammad Imad Shalaq (0 years old)
Salam Wael Ahmed Al-Astal (0 years old)
Salama Muhammad Marwan Abu Atiwi (0 years old)
Salma Amr Abdullah Nassar (0 years old)
Salma Ibrahim in the name of Shaaban (0 years old)
Sama Ibrahim Majid Al-Wadiya (0 years old)
Samira Osama Youssef Al-Zahhar (0 years old)
Sanad Ahmed Mahmoud Abu Al-Omrain (0 years old)
Sanad Bilal Nabil Amara (0 years old)
Sanad Yassin Mustafa Al-Zinati (0 years old)
Sarah Abdel Rahman Mohamed Hammad (0 years old)
Sarah Fathi Abdel Karim Al-Farra (0 years old)
Sarah Mahmoud Fayez Ahl (0 years old)
September Omar Kamel Abu Rahma (0 years old)
Sewar Khaled Saber Abu Qashlan (0 years old)
Sewar Mounir Harb Dawas (0 years old)
Sewar Suleiman Daoud Halas (0 years old)
Shaima Saeed Nabil Al-Laham (0 years old)
Sham Ahmed Fawzi Al-Qufaidi (0 years old)
Sham Muhammad Saleh Al-Sawalha (0 years old)
Sham Raif Mahmoud Khalil (0 years old)
Sila Muhammad Suleiman Abu Amsha (0 years old)
Sobhi Hamdan Sobhi Hassouna (0 years old)
Sobhi Ramzi Subhi Al-Ajl (0 years old)
Son of Anwar Ahmed Muhammad Darwish (0 years old)
Son of Israa Jamal Salem Abu Mathkur (0 years old)
Son of Nabila Nasr Muhammad Nofal (0 years old)
Son of Rahima Saadi Muhammad Shaheen (0 years old)
Sondos Muhammad Hammad Abu Baraka (0 years old)
Sondos Muhammad Subhi Samara (0 years old)
Suzan Iyad Muhammad Al-Ashi (0 years old)
Tahani Ezz El-Din Ahmed Zoroub (0 years old)
Tala Muhammad Rafiq Abu Ghali (0 years old)
Tariq Ziyad Humaidan Abu Omra (0 years old)
Tasneem Ramzi Odeh Qaraman (0 years old)
Tayem Samer Suleiman Jaarour (0 years old)
Tia Mamdouh Muhammad Abu Jazar (0 years old)
Toleen Ibrahim Jihad Al-Maghari (0 years old)
Toleen Muhammad Tawfiq Al-Taaban (0 years old)
Tuqa Musa Khalil Abu Nuseira (0 years old)
Uday Muhammad Rafiq Al-Sultan (0 years old)
Uday Muhammad Saadi Abu Hamada (0 years old)
Watan Muhammad Abd al-Rahim al-Madhoun (0 years old)
Watin Ahmed Khaled Al-Saidi (0 years old)
Watin Baraa Abd al-Rahman al-Hawar (0 years old)
Watin Yahya Khaled Abu Hilal (0 years old)
Yasmine Ramez Abdel Razzaq El Masry (0 years old)
Yassin Adel Musa Zanoun (0 years old)
Youmna Omar Riad Al-Rifi (0 years old)
Younis Wissam Abdullah Afaneh (0 years old)
Youssef Ahmed Jamal Musa (0 years old)
Youssef Haitham Youssef Abu Mahdi (0 years old)
Zaid Khaled Juma Al-Bahbahani (0 years old)
Zein al-Din Suleiman Moin al-Najjar (0 years old)
Zein Amer Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (0 years old)
Zeina Ahmed Mohamed Shatat (0 years old)
1 year old
Killed before they could take their first steps
Abdel Rahman Iyad Abdel Rahman Abu Jalal (1 year old)
Abdul Rahman Abdul Aziz Yahya Al Balawi (1 year old)
Abdullah Ibrahim Khaled Al-Dali (1 year old)
Abdullah Khalil Abdullah Abu Hayya (1 year old)
Abeer Ibrahim Khalil Meema (1 year old)
Adam Bakr Nasr Al-Sarhi (1 year old)
Adam Ezzat Muhammad Warsh Agha (1 year old)
Adam Shawkat Mahmoud Al-Rantisi (1 year old)
Adi Adam Jamal Abu Al-Naga (1 year old)
Ahmed Amin Ahmed Abdel-Al Muharram (1 year old)
Ahmed Mahmoud Ayman Al-Jayeh (1 year old)
Ahmed Mohammed Mohammed Khalifa (1 year old)
Ahmed Mustafa Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (1 year old)
Ahmed Nazir Shawqi Shaaban (1 year old)
Ahmed Thaer Sobhi Ghareeb (1 year old)
Ahmed Yasser Ahmed Abu Halhoul (1 year old)
Akram Muhammad Moin Al-Harkali (1 year old)
Al-Baraa Muhammad Samir Abu Taima (1 year old)
Ali Tariq Mahmoud Radwan (1 year old)
Alma Khaled Kamal Rashwan (1 year old)
Alyan Muhammad Alyan Al-Bayouk (1 year old)
Amir Iyad Saeed Al-Naffar (1 year old)
Amir Muhammad Mustafa Othman (1 year old)
Amir Omar Zakaria Al-Astal (1 year old)
Amir Rifaat Omar Abu Shab (1 year old)
Amira Ibrahim Salah Abu Awad (1 year old)
Amira Muhammad Samir Abu Ajwa (1 year old)
Amna Shawqi Rajab Iqdih (1 year old)
Anas Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Derawi (1 year old)
Aseel Ahmed Mahmoud Radwan (1 year old)
Aseel Iyad Nabil Omran (1 year old)
Aseel Muhannad Amin Al Agha (1 year old)
Asia Hassan Hamdi Al-Hinnawi (1 year old)
Atef Mohamed Atef Muammar (1 year old)
Atta Mohieddin Atta Darwish (1 year old)
Aya Ahmed Nawaf Al-Najjar (1 year old)
Aya Muhammad Hussein Ashour (1 year old)
Ayla Ahmed Ali Obaid (1 year old)
Ayla Saeed Saleh Abuelaish (1 year old)
Ayman Ahmed Ramadan Al-Masry (1 year old)
Ayman Muhannad Ayman Ismail (1 year old)
Badr al-Din Badr Muhammad al-Amrain (1 year old)
Baraa Mahmoud Nasser Shehadeh (1 year old)
Baraa of Muhammad Walid Abu Shuaib (1 year old)
Basma Muhammad Ibrahim Abu Sharia (1 year old)
Bilsan Noman Suleiman Haboush (1 year old)
Carmel Hamid Khaled Al-Bayaa (1 year old)
Celine Ismail Muhammad Al-Mutawq (1 year old)
Celine Saed Hassan Al Khatib (1 year old)
Dahab Muhammad Zaki Al-Akhras (1 year old)
Dana Muhammad Tayseer Abu Shammala (1 year old)
Daniel Abdullah Dunian Mansour (1 year old)
Dilla Jihad Hamada Al-Bakri (1 year old)
Dima Muhammad Khaled Ghanem (1 year old)
Eileen Maher Asaad Al-Akhras (1 year old)
Elaf Khalil Yahya Al-Batsh (1 year old)
Elaine Muhammad Sami Abu Naja (1 year old)
Ezz Abdel Aziz Ezz Hegazy (1 year old)
Ezz El-Din Suhaib Ezz El-Din Al-Haddad (1 year old)
Fatima Hamza Subhi Al-Ajl (1 year old)
Fawaz Ibrahim Fawaz Musleh (1 year old)
Firas Adel Nabil Al-Qishawi (1 year old)
Ghaith Iyad Muhammad Abu Draiqa (1 year old)
Ghana Omar Hassan Abu Jazar (1 year old)
Habiba Shehdeh Hassan Dhahir (1 year old)
Habiba Suleiman Sami Abu Naja (1 year old)
Hala Ahmed Atef Al Badrasawy (1 year old)
Hala Hossam Jamil Al-Zaanin (1 year old)
Hamsa Bilal Khalil Zoroub (1 year old)
Hamza Alaa Ibrahim Abu Zuhair (1 year old)
Hamza Ihab Jamil Al-Baz (1 year old)
Hamza Muhammad Zaki Awaida (1 year old)
Hamza Omar Hatem Al-Sadoudi (1 year old)
Hassan Hossam Hassan Al-Ghafir (1 year old)
Hazem Rajab Hazem Abu Saif (1 year old)
Heidi Mohamed Alaa El-Din Ahmed (1 year old)
Hoda Ahmed Jamal Jarad (1 year old)
Hoda Muhammad Ali Al-Louh (1 year old)
Hoor Abdul Shafi Muslim Mahani (1 year old)
Hoor Mustafa Muhammad Al-Naqib (1 year old)
Hossam Ismail Jumah Abu Zari’an (1 year old)
Ibrahim Abdullah Musa Zorob (1 year old)
Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim Salem (1 year old)
Imad Abdel Qader Imad Al-Bayouk (1 year old)
Imad Iyad Imad Al-Arair (1 year old)
Iman Muhammad Ishaq Al-Sayyid Ahmed (1 year old)
Ismail Ali Ismail Hamad (1 year old)
Jamil Ali Jamil Eid (1 year old)
Jihad Abdul Rahman Jihad Muhaisen (1 year old)
Jinan Hamed Nasser Al-Astal (1 year old)
Joud Alaa Muhammad Al-Hassi (1 year old)
Joud Saleh Khamis Nasrallah (1 year old)
Julia Fawzi Saeed Al-Kurd (1 year old)
Juliet Sobhi George Al-Souri (1 year old)
Jumana Nabil Saeed Al-Qanfud (1 year old)
Juri Muhammad Mansour Abdel Gawad (1 year old)
Karam Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Souri (1 year old)
Karim Mahmoud Jamil Al-Dahdouh (1 year old)
Kenan Ibrahim Rami Al-Naji (1 year old)
Kenan Saqr Nasr Al-Sarhi (1 year old)
Kenan Tamer Khalil Ghariz (1 year old)
Kenzi Fadi Salem Al Nabih (1 year old)
Khaled Omar Sami Miqdad (1 year old)
Khalil Ibrahim Fawzi Al-Nafar (1 year old)
Khalil Musab Khalil Al-Ashqar (1 year old)
Khamis Hassan Khamis Abu Tahoun (1 year old)
Lama Mahmoud Muhammad Muslim (1 year old)
Lana Ezz El-Din Ahmed Zoroub (1 year old)
Lana Tariq Ziad Al-Hour (1 year old)
Layan Mohamed Ismail Salah (1 year old)
Lian Muhammad Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (1 year old)
Louay Ihab Subhi Al-Ajl (1 year old)
Mahmoud Basil Mahmoud Al-Khayyat (1 year old)
Mahmoud Basil Ramadan Abed (1 year old)
Mahmoud Mohieddin Mahmoud Al-Sebaei (1 year old)
Mahmoud Muhammad Ahmed Abu Oreiban (1 year old)
Majd Ahmed Salem Al-Qanou (1 year old)
Majd Muhammad Amin Al-Dahdouh (1 year old)
Majid Amjad Majid Al-Ghoul (1 year old)
Maria Ahmed Ali Bustan (1 year old)
Maria Moataz Mazen Aslan (1 year old)
Maria Zaid Nafez Abu Taima (1 year old)
Marwa Hamza Nasser Al-Astal (1 year old)
Marwan Radwan Marwan Al-Masry (1 year old)
Maryam Alaa Abdel Qader Abu Joudeh (1 year old)
Maryam Muhammad Kamel Mohsen (1 year old)
Masa Abdullah Mufid Hegazy (1 year old)
Masa Ayman Samir Moussa (1 year old)
Masa Marwan Mahmoud Hamad (1 year old)
Masa Muhammad Adnan Al-Habashi (1 year old)
Masa Muhammad Hassan Ashour (1 year old)
Mayar Musab Muhammad Daloul (1 year old)
Mayas Moaz Amin Nofal (1 year old)
Mays Bahaa El-Din Khaled Aweida (1 year old)
Mecca Imad Tawfiq Al-Farra (1 year old)
Menat Allah Mahmoud Nayef Abu Shammala (1 year old)
Menat Allah Mattar Ahmed Aliwa (1 year old)
Menna Mahmoud Ismail Hamad (1 year old)
Mian Muhammad Riad Abu Haddayd (1 year old)
Mihraman Suleiman Moin Al-Najjar (1 year old)
Mira Youssef Ibrahim Musleh (1 year old)
Moamen Ihab Saadallah Al-Helou (1 year old)
Mohamed Hossam Mahmoud Hamad (1 year old)
Muhammad Abdullah Yaqoub Al-Hawar (1 year old)
Muhammad Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Jarousha (1 year old)
Muhammad Ahmed Suhail Al-Kahlot (1 year old)
Muhammad Fathi Suleiman Al-Jarjawi (1 year old)
Muhammad Iyad Ziyad Abu Mohsen (1 year old)
Muhammad Mansour Nasr al-Din Abu Nimah (1 year old)
Muhammad Muhammad Talal Al-Gharabli (1 year old)
Muhammad Omar Salem Al-Shawi (1 year old)
Muhammad Shadi Samir Qarqaz (1 year old)
Muhannad Hani Khaled Abu Al-Naga (1 year old)
Munir Fadi Munir Shabat (1 year old)
Musa Ahmed Musa El-Zanati (1 year old)
Musk Ahmed Abdullah Yassin (1 year old)
Musk Ali Hassan Al-Rantisi (1 year old)
Mustafa Musa Azmi Al-Jamal (1 year old)
Najwa Sameh Hani Al-Madhoun (1 year old)
Naya Attia Awad Muslim (1 year old)
Neema Abdullah Castro Abu Ashayba (1 year old)
Nevin Khaled Saleh Hassouna (1 year old)
Nevin Muhammad Yahya Al-Akkad (1 year old)
Nisreen Muhammad Shaaban Afana (1 year old)
Noman Salamah Noman Mushtaha (1 year old)
Nour Hamdan Muhammad Al-Buhaisi (1 year old)
Noura Saeed Atallah Al-Ajili (1 year old)
Nusayba Samer Salem Salem (1 year old)
Obaida Mahmoud Abdel Karim Haniyeh (1 year old)
Omar Hossam Hassan Al-Ghafir (1 year old)
Osama Mahmoud Muhammad Labad (1 year old)
Owais Amer Yahya Al-Balaawi (1 year old)
Qusay Muhammad Hamza Abu Hilal (1 year old)
Ramez Muhammad Ramez Awad (1 year old)
Rana Majd Ramzi Almuqayad (1 year old)
Revan Ezz El-Din Ahmed Al-Saeeda (1 year old)
Rima Hamed Kamal Abu Aoun (1 year old)
Rivana Walid Sabri Al-Nabahin (1 year old)
Rizq Muhammad Gharib Gharib (1 year old)
Rosa Khalil Ibrahim Khader (1 year old)
Rowad Bashir Jamil Abu Saeed (1 year old)
Saad Mahmoud Ayman Labad (1 year old)
Sabreen Fahd Mahmoud Bashir (1 year old)
Saeed Sameh Muhammad Abu Khousa (1 year old)
Saeed Zaid Saeed Zaqoul (1 year old)
Safa Suleiman Salman Al-Najjar (1 year old)
Sahar Ahmed Omar Abu Sultan (1 year old)
Saja Moayed Subhi Samara (1 year old)
Saja Musa Muhammad Al-Aidi (1 year old)
Sajid Ismail Hamdan Totah (1 year old)
Salah al-Din Osama Khalil Abu Laila (1 year old)
Sally Hassan Marzouk Al-Kahlot (1 year old)
Salma Hisham Mahmoud Joyfel (1 year old)
Salma Muhammad Muhammad Ali (1 year old)
Samar Majid Suhail Al-Nahhal (1 year old)
Sanad Muhammad Fathi Abu Ajwa (1 year old)
Sanad Shadi Sharif Al-Sarhi (1 year old)
Sarah Khaled Jihad Abu Jabbara (1 year old)
Sarah Mahmoud Samir Akl (1 year old)
Sarah Majd Abdel Latif Al-Hajj (1 year old)
Sarah Muhammad Yahya Jabr (1 year old)
Sarah Musa Hamdi Akhil (1 year old)
Sawsan Mustafa Mahmoud Barbakh (1 year old)
Sewar Ehab Ahmed Arif (1 year old)
Sewar Fouad Mahmoud Tabasi (1 year old)
Sewar Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Al-Farra (1 year old)
Sewar Rami Muhammad Fadl Hassouna (1 year old)
Shaaban Khaled Shaaban Ziadeh (1 year old)
Sham Abdul Karim Ibrahim Al-Hato (1 year old)
Sham Ahmed Isbitan Abu Sido (1 year old)
Sham Muhammad Ziyad Abu Namous (1 year old)
Sham Tamer Hosni Azzam (1 year old)
Sharif Muhammad Sharif Ghazal (1 year old)
Sidra Muhammad Saadi Qashta (1 year old)
Siham Ibrahim Abdel Karim Al-Kahlot (1 year old)
Sila Ahmed Hussein Madi (1 year old)
Sila Dhafer Ahmed Abu Younis (1 year old)
Siraj Abdullah Ayesh Darwish (1 year old)
Siraj Mahdi Jawad Ali (1 year old)
Taim Allah Muhammad Abdul Karim Jumah (1 year old)
Tamim Nidal Ismail Abu Ajami (1 year old)
Tayem Ahmed Samir Al-Fasih (1 year old)
Tuqa Salem Muhammad Abu Maarouf (1 year old)
Uday Mahmoud Fouad Hana (1 year old)
Waad Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Masaraei (1 year old)
Wadih Ahmed Wadih Hamdan (1 year old)
Wateen Muhammad Khurshid Saeed Saq Allah (1 year old)
Yahya Gohar Yahya Al-Balaawi (1 year old)
Yamen Sami Saber Abu Wadi (1 year old)
Yaqin Badr Eid Abu Jabal (1 year old)
Yaqut Anas Hassan Dhahir (1 year old)
Yara Muhammad Fayez Al-Hassani (1 year old)
Yasser Saleh Yasser Al-Hout (1 year old)
Yazan Ahmed Ibrahim Bardawil (1 year old)
Youmna Moeen Abdel Mohsen Al-Hasanat (1 year old)
Youssef Ayman Marzouk Sammour (1 year old)
Youssef Saleh Ibrahim Aslim (1 year old)
Zaher Adi Hamada Al-Bakri (1 year old)
Zakaria Ahmed Muhammad Abu Jahjouh (1 year old)
Zeina Hazem Abdel Hamid Muhanna (1 year old)
Zuhair Ramadan Mahmoud Al-Dahouk (1 year old)
2 years old
Weren't able to voice their first words
Abd al-Rahman Baraa Abd al-Rahman al-Hawar (2 years old)
Abdel Hamid Mohamed Abdel Hamid Ashour (2 years old)
Abdel Nasser Ahmed Abdel Nasser Shamlakh (2 years old)
Abdel Nour Amin Marwan Abu Shakyan (2 years old)
Abdel Rahman Abdel Nasser Daoud Al-Halisi (2 years old)
Abdel Rahman Ahmed Fathi Radwan (2 years old)
Abdul Aziz Amr Abdul Aziz Abu Amr (2 years old)
Abdul Aziz Kamal Mansour Sobh (2 years old)
Abdul Rahman Alaa Imad Al-Ajl (2 years old)
Abdul Rahman Ayman Sabry Barhoum (2 years old)
Abdullah Nour El-Din Shaker Abdel-Al (2 years old)
Abdullah Rami Suleiman Hamdan (2 years old)
Adam Abdel Karim Kamel Abu Rahma (2 years old)
Adam Hossam Amin Hassouna (2 years old)
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abdel Nasser Awad (2 years old)
Ahmed Ahmed Musa Sheikh Al-Eid (2 years old)
Ahmed Ezz El-Din Ibrahim Abu Amer (2 years old)
Ahmed Imad Farag Al-Zatma (2 years old)
Ahmed Mamdouh Salem Hajji (2 years old)
Ahmed Muhammad Saleh Abu Wardah (2 years old)
Ahmed Odeh Muhammad Hussein (2 years old)
Akram Saleh Saeed Abu Shamalah (2 years old)
Al-Moataz Ahmed Karam Muhammad Al-Ghaleed (2 years old)
Al-Shaima Ali Hisham Al-Qarinawi (2 years old)
Ali Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Ran (2 years old)
Alina Khaled Saeed Al-Ramlawi (2 years old)
Amal Hamada Othman Al-Najjar (2 years old)
Amal Muhammad Iyad Badawi (2 years old)
Amani Omar Imad Al-Arair (2 years old)
Amer Bilal Hassan Al Tatar (2 years old)
Amer Salem Sami Al-Adini (2 years old)
Amina Muhammad Salem Al Nabih (2 years old)
Amir Ahmed Abdel Jawad Abu Ras (2 years old)
Amir Ahmed Khader Qanan (2 years old)
Amir Saeed Atta Abu Safra (2 years old)
Anas Hamed Fayez Ahl (2 years old)
Anas Hatem Hussein Al-Khatib (2 years old)
Anas Muhammad Fahmy Al-Najjar (2 years old)
Anas Osama Nafez Al-Maghari (2 years old)
Anya Ahmed Zakaria Barakat (2 years old)
Aseel Muhammad Khader Abu Touha (2 years old)
Ayatollah Salem Odeh Abu Rawida (2 years old)
Baraa Iyad Ibrahim Zorob (2 years old)
Baraa Muhammad Adeeb Aslim (2 years old)
Basma Saadi Muhammad Abu Hamada (2 years old)
Batoul Abdel Fattah Khaled Al-Zuhairi (2 years old)
Batoul Ismail Ibrahim Abu Zuhair (2 years old)
Bilsan Ahmed Fawzi Abu Nimah (2 years old)
Canada Naji Hatem El Nadeem (2 years old)
Eileen Jihad Hamada Al-Bakri (2 years old)
Elaf Hussein Ahmed Al-Astal (2 years old)
Elaine Muhammad Fayez Abu Odeh (2 years old)
Essam Ihab Muhammad Abu Youssef (2 years old)
Ezz El-Din Abdel-Rahman Fathi Radwan (2 years old)
Fadl Muhammad Fadl Al-Agha (2 years old)
Farah Muhammad Jumah Abu Deeb (2 years old)
Faryal Muhammad Ahmed Musa (2 years old)
Fatima Muhammad Abdel Hakim Asfour (2 years old)
Fatima Numan Suleiman Haboush (2 years old)
Fayrouza Mahdi Ahmed Shalouf (2 years old)
Quds Fouad Mustafa Allawh (2 years old)
Ghaith Khaled Radwan Shabat (2 years old)
Ghanem Mahmoud Ghanem Abu Kamil (2 years old)
Hala Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al Khalidi (2 years old)
Hammad Muhammad Hammad Abu Baraka (2 years old)
Hani Ahmed Rabhi Netil (2 years old)
Hanzada Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Masry (2 years old)
Hatem Ahmed Hatem Al-Hassi (2 years old)
Haya Fadi Ayman Abu Ghalioun (2 years old)
Hisham Abdo Fayez Al-Banna (2 years old)
Hoor Hossam Fawzi Al-Bawab (2 years old)
Imad al-Din Hazem Muhammad al-Bardawil (2 years old)
Imad Saleh Maher Farwaneh (2 years old)
Iman Khalil Ahmed Shaheen (2 years old)
Iman Muhammad Ali Abu Nada (2 years old)
Iman Muhammad Farid Qandil (2 years old)
Islam Hazem Khalil Zaqout (2 years old)
Islam Ihsan Osama Al-Gazzar (2 years old)
Islam Rami Zuhair Arafat (2 years old)
Ismail Hassan Nayef Abu Shammala (2 years old)
Iyad Muhammad Hassan Maarouf (2 years old)
Iyad Muhammad Shaaban Abu Sharifa (2 years old)
Izz al-Din Muhannad Izz Afaneh (2 years old)
Jaber Abdul Jaber Nimr Abu Khousa (2 years old)
Jad Youssef Awad Shaaban (2 years old)
Jana Hassan Mahmoud Al-Najjar (2 years old)
Jihad Ibrahim Jihad Al-Maghari (2 years old)
Jihad Khaled Jihad Abu Amer (2 years old)
Jinan Ibrahim Kamal Rashwan (2 years old)
Judy Abdullah Dunian Mansour (2 years old)
Judy Hussein Fayek Abu Eida (2 years old)
Julia Abdel Rahim Saadi Mansour (2 years old)
Julia Amjad Jamil Abu Hussein (2 years old)
Julia Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Assi (2 years old)
Jumana Naji Abdel Rahman Abu Hammad (2 years old)
Juri Muhammad Arif Shalayil (2 years old)
Karam Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Riyati (2 years old)
Karam Hossam Musa Abu Ishaq (2 years old)
Karam Muhammad Abd al-Rahim al-Madhoun (2 years old)
Karam Mustafa Jamil Eid (2 years old)
Karim Mahmoud Majed Mushtaha (2 years old)
Karim Mahmoud Moeen Ayyash (2 years old)
Kenan Dia Munther Hassan (2 years old)
Kenan Khalil Ibrahim Khadr (2 years old)
Kenan Muhammad Mahmoud Farhat (2 years old)
Kenzi Muhammad Samir Al-Bahnasawy (2 years old)
Khaled Ahmed Bashir Shamlakh (2 years old)
Khalil Moaz Khalil Ayyash (2 years old)
Kinda Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Riyati (2 years old)
Kinda Khamis Nasser Al-Tahrawi (2 years old)
Laila Muhammad Hisham Thari (2 years old)
Lama Bilal Abdul Rahman Al-Hawar (2 years old)
Lamar Ali Mahmoud Qeshta (2 years old)
Lana Omar Kamel Jundi (2 years old)
Lara Ayoub Zafer Al-Helou (2 years old)
Layan Muhammad Sayed Al-Aker (2 years old)
Linda Musab Taher Al-Suwerki (2 years old)
Lyar Jamal Al-Din Khaled Abu Saeed (2 years old)
Lynn Ghassan Mahmoud Al-Qanou (2 years old)
Mahmoud Muhammad Awad Al-Araj (2 years old)
Mai Taher Ahmed Abu Younis (2 years old)
Malak Abdul Rahman Muhammad Hammad (2 years old)
Malak Gomaa Abdel Fattah El Shaarawy (2 years old)
Malak Mahmoud Ibrahim Salem (2 years old)
Malak Moses Nahed Al-Fasih (2 years old)
Malak Muhammad Majid Al-Daqs (2 years old)
Malak Muhammad Youssef Al-Saidi (2 years old)
Malik Aqeel Nazmi Qalja (2 years old)
Malik Karam Rafiq Hamdouna (2 years old)
Malik Mahmoud Atef Halawa (2 years old)
Malik Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Ayada (2 years old)
Marah Ahmed Ramzi Attouh (2 years old)
Maria Muhammad Kamel Abu Hujair (2 years old)
Maria Muhammad Sabri Al-Braym (2 years old)
Maryam Khaled Raed Rajab (2 years old)
Maryam Tamer Fathi Al-Nabahin (2 years old)
Masa Louay Ibrahim Khader (2 years old)
Masa Thaer Wael Al-Majayda (2 years old)
Mila Muhammad Rafiq Abu Ghali (2 years old)
Mira Abdullah Mounir Ghabayen (2 years old)
Moatasem Billah Youssef Fathi Akl (2 years old)
Moataz Radwan Marwan Al-Masry (2 years old)
Moaz Walid Abdel Haq Al Mahlawi (2 years old)
Mona Ahmed Mahmoud Kashko (2 years old)
Muhammad Ahmed Jabr Abu Musa (2 years old)
Muhammad Ahmed Shukri Hammad (2 years old)
Muhammad Fadi Dhiyab Musa (2 years old)
Muhammad Hamdan Ibrahim Al-Maqadma (2 years old)
Muhammad Hassan Muhammad Al-Akhras (2 years old)
Muhammad Ihab Awad Al-Muqayd (2 years old)
Muhammad Lafi Muhammad Abu Malih (2 years old)
Muhammad Mahmoud Youssef Al-Hassi (2 years old)
Muhammad Mahmoud Youssef Hussein (2 years old)
Muhammad Munir Harb Dawas (2 years old)
Muhammad Rajab Muhammad Al-Naqib (2 years old)
Muhammad Ramzi Sobhi Al-Ajl (2 years old)
Muhammad Yassin Ahmed Sheikh Al-Eid (2 years old)
Muhannad Zaki Musa Asalia (2 years old)
Musk Abdel Karim Mounir Ghabayen (2 years old)
Mustafa Islam Ali Abu Singer (2 years old)
Mustafa Mohamed Omar Jalambo (2 years old)
Nabil Iyad Nabil Omran (2 years old)
Nabil Yasser Nabil Nofal (2 years old)
Nadine Muhammad Amin Matar (2 years old)
Naji Imad Jamil Abu Assi (2 years old)
Neema Issam Farag Al-Fafsous (2 years old)
Negma Saher Saeed Al-Sayed (2 years old)
Nesma Anwar Abdel Latif Fayyad (2 years old)
Nesma Mahmoud Abdel Karim Salman (2 years old)
Nesma Samer Maher Al-Muqayed (2 years old)
Nevin Muhammad Raed Al-Saati (2 years old)
Nour Amr Muhammad Maghari (2 years old)
Nour Asim Nabil Abu Shammala (2 years old)
Obaida Raafat Alaa El-Din Ahmed (2 years old)
Omar Ahmed Ziad Ashour (2 years old)
Omar Ali Muhammad Qazi (2 years old)
Omar Bashir Ahmed Abu Sharia (2 years old)
Omar Thaer Munther Al-Hanafi (2 years old)
Omneya Yahya Khaled Al-Wakhiri (2 years old)
Osama Abdel Aziz Ahmed Salem Daoud (2 years old)
Qusay Mansour Adham Al-Falouji (2 years old)
Rafif Mazen Muhammad Maarouf (2 years old)
Rafifan Nouri Rafifan Tanboura (2 years old)
Rafiq Muhammad Rafiq Al-Sultan (2 years old)
Raghad Hani Khaled Abu Al-Naga (2 years old)
Rajab Ahmed Hatem Al-Hassi (2 years old)
Rakan Shadi Atallah Al-Aidi (2 years old)
Ramadan musk Abdul Karim Al-Ashi (2 years old)
Razan Alaa Muhammad Jasser Al-Qatati (2 years old)
Rehab Essam Hussein Saleha (2 years old)
Retal Ahmed Essam Salah (2 years old)
Rima Imad Abdel Majeed Aslim (2 years old)
Roaa Salim Yassin Al-Astal (2 years old)
Sabah Abdul Latif Youssef Abu Saad (2 years old)
Safa Bilal Muhammad Al-Ramlawi (2 years old)
Salah Ezz El-Din Al-Qassam Musa Ashour (2 years old)
Saleh Mahmoud Youssef Abu Nasser (2 years old)
Salim Youssef Nabil Abu Saif (2 years old)
Salma Hassan Khaled Abu Shuqair (2 years old)
Salma Muhammad Khader Al-Azaib (2 years old)
Salma Muhammad Khalil Abu Al-Ala (2 years old)
Sama Muhammad Zuhair Al-Sharafa (2 years old)
Samira Sultan Naeem Al Qaraan (2 years old)
Sarah Abdullah Atta Al-Hamayda (2 years old)
Sarah Muhammad Jamal Al-Maghari (2 years old)
Selina Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Nouri (2 years old)
Sham Ahmed Shamekh Jarad (2 years old)
Sham Muhammad Abdel Nasser Al-Masry (2 years old)
Sham Rabie Jumah Abu Jazar (2 years old)
Siham Nidal Ismail Abu Ajami (2 years old)
Sila Mahmoud Hassan Al Khawaja (2 years old)
Siraj Muhammad Fathi Akl (2 years old)
Sondos Ramez Nabil Shaqoura (2 years old)
Suhaib Saeed Misbah Madi (2 years old)
Suleiman Abdullah Shaaban Eid (2 years old)
Tala Ahmed Hassan Al-Khatib (2 years old)
Talal Osama Talal Al-Shafi’i (2 years old)
Talin Muhannad Amin Al-Agha (2 years old)
Tayem Samed Muhammad Al-Akkad (2 years old)
Tia Mustafa Muhammad Al-Hanafi (2 years old)
Toleen Ahmed Zaki Al-Sharafa (2 years old)
Toleen Muhammad Khaled Al-Bayaa (2 years old)
Wafa Karam Muhammad Bakr (2 years old)
Walid Khaled Juma Al-Behbahani (2 years old)
Ward Ahmed Fawzi Al-Qufaidi (2 years old)
Ward Hamto Ahmed Al-Satri (2 years old)
Ward Muhammad Hussein Al-Aal (2 years old)
Waseem Mohamed Ramadan Eid (2 years old)
Watin Ahmed Ibrahim Samaan (2 years old)
Watin Muhammad Salem Al-Hashash (2 years old)
Yacoub Ahmed Yacoub Ayyash (2 years old)
Yara Muhammad Ezzat Abdel Latif (2 years old)
Yazid Ahmed Atef Al-Kurd (2 years old)
Yousry Muhammad Abdel Qader Al-Siksek (2 years old)
Youssef Abdullah Muhammad Abdul Hadi (2 years old)
Youssef Muhammad Jibril Jibril (2 years old)
Zaid Hilal Muhammad Abu Al-Amrain (2 years old)
Zain Muhammad Ziyad Al-Hur (2 years old)
Zain Ziyad Ahmed Al-Muqayd (2 years old)
Zakaria Abdullah Zakaria Al-Astal (2 years old)
Zakaria Ezzedine Suleiman Haboush (2 years old)
Zein al-Din Muhammad Maher al-Kahlot (2 years old)
Zeina Ahmed Nizar Shehadeh (2 years old)
Zeina Ashraf Essam Eid (2 years old)
Zeina Muhammad Mahmoud Hamad (2 years old)
Zeina Ziad Adel Nashbat (2 years old)
Zuhair Abdel Fattah Zuhair Al-Kurd (2 years old)
38 notes · View notes
faentasy-paesta · 17 days
‼️DON’T SCROLL‼️ Abdul Hakim is a Palestinian who is trying to survive the Genocide In Gaza with his Family. Donations go towards helping Them Rebuild their lives and Get Essentials Like Food, Shelter, Meds, etc. Please donate and share widely! Please Donate What You Can And Share Widely! Their Lives Depend On Our Action!!!
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Alyan family, are: 
Abdel Aziz Saleh (58) and his daughter Jihan Abdel Aziz Saleh (23); 
Abdul Hakim Muhammad Abdul Hakim (58); 
Salim Muhammad Jabr Salim (42); 
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Ali Muhammad (34), who was martyred in Tulkarm in the West Bank; 
Mahmud Jabr Ali (23); 
Adam Muhammad Abdel Aziz (23); 
twins Sari Mahmud Abdel Aziz (23) and Lubna Mahmud Abdel Aziz (23); 
Salih Saadi (23); 
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Muhammad Nidal Yaqoub (22), who was martyred when occupation forces stormed Jalazone in the West Bank; 
Izz al-Din Muhammad; 
and Muhammad Abdel Aziz and his children Adnan Muhammad Abdel Aziz and Layan Muhammad Abdel Aziz.
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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mnwlife · 3 months
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Hakikat Musim Kemarau
Deep banget.. kalau benar-benar direnungi
Kitab Zuhud & Riqaaq karya Ustadz Abdul Hakim bin Amir Abdat hal.106 Bab 33
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atbaa-as-salaf · 6 months
One should not be worshipping Allāh too laboriously because the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) clarified in his Sunnah that he always balanced between resting the body and worshipping Allah. If one is praying at night and fell asleep, he should stop praying and go to sleep*. This is the command of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). He clarified the reason for that when he said,
ربما يذهب ليدعو لنفسه فيسبها
“He may abuse himself instead of seeking pardon (as a result of drowsiness).”
This is right. He may want to say, “O My Lord! Forgive my sins,” and instead he says, “O My Lord! Get me destroyed (as a result of drowsiness).” So, the man should not worship too laboriously.
* Related by al-Bukhārī (213) and Muslim (786) on the authority of Anas (رضي الله عنه), Tuhfat Al-Ashraf (953), but Bukhārī (212) related on the authority of Aisha (رضي الله عنها): “When one of you dozes off while performing Salāt, he should lie down till his drowsiness has gone away from him. When one of you performs Salāt while dozing, he may abuse himself instead of seeking pardon (as a result of drowsiness).”
Book: The Book of Marriage [Part 1] From the explanation of Bulugh al-Maraam
Author: Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen
Published by: Maktabatulirshad Publications
Translated by: Mustafa Lamei ‘Abdul Hakim al-Misri
Page: 43
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fluffy-appa · 1 month
Eating or Drinking Forgetfully While Fasting
Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه narrated that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: “Whoever forgets that he is fasting and eats or
drinks [as a result], then let him complete his fast for, verily, it was Allah who fed him and gave him something to drink.
• [Sahih al-Bukhari (no. 1933) and Sahih Muslim (no. 1155)]
Explanation of Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz ibn Bāz رحمه الله:
“This is from Allah’s blessings upon us. Humans are affected by forgetfulness, as the Prophet ﷺ said: “I am a human like you, I forget as you forget.”
• [Sahih al-Bukhari (no. 401) and Sahih Muslim (no. 572)]
Thus, it is from the nature of humans that they forget. So, if a person sexual intercourse, eats, drinks, performs hijamah, or any other thing that breaks the fast out of forgetfulness, then their fasting is valid,
and they do not have to expiate, free a slave or make up the day- due to this authentic hadith.
In another wording reported by al-Hakim, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever breaks his fast during Ramadan forgetfully then he does not need to make up the day nor
As for if a person is lying about forgetting, then his affair is to Allah, and a fatwa (verdict) from a shaykh will not benefit him. And if a person has sexual intercourse intentionally while fasting then they
must expiate.
• [Explanation of Shaykh Ibn Baz, Dar al-Riyadah (pgs. 243-244)]
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uuoia · 6 months
Dialog antara mata dan hati.
Ketika mata menyelidiki sedangkan hati bangkit dan mencari-cari, di situlah memandang menjadi suatu kenikmatan. Bagi mata, ini merupakan kenikmatan mengalahkannya. Keduanya adalah rekan di dalam hawa nafsu. Ketika berada dalam kondisi terdesak dan dimintai pertanggungjawaban, keduanya akan berhadapan kemudian saling menyalahkan dan mencela.
Hati berkata kepada mata,
Engkaulah yang menjerumuskanku ke dalam jurang kebinasaan serta menjerumuskanku ke dalam kerugian dengan sebab engkau mengumbar pandangan. Engkau telah membawa matamu menjelajah ke taman itu. Sekarang engkau mengharapkan kesembuhan dari sakit, padahal engkau menyelisihi perintah Allah subḥānahu wataʿālā.
"Katakanlah kepada orang-orang laki-laki beriman agar mereka menundukkan pandangan mereka serta menjaga kemaluan mereka. Hal itu lebih baik bagi mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan apa yang mereka kerjakan." (an-Nûr: 30)
Engkau juga menyelisihi sabda Nabi ﷺ, "Memandang perempuan merupakan anak panah beracun dari anak panah-anak panah iblis. Barangsiapa yang meninggalkan sikap mengumbar pandangan karena takut kepada Allah, maka Allah akan memberikan balasan baginya berupa kenikmatan mendapatkan kemanisan iman di dalam hati." (HR. Ahmad)
Sementara sebagian cendekiawan berkata, "Barangsiapa yang mengumbar pandangannya, maka dia akan menjerumuskan dirinya ke dalam mara bahaya. Barangsiapa yang memperbanyak memandang, maka dia akan terus menerus menyesal, waktunya akan hilang darinya serta air mata pasti akan bercucuran darinya."
Salah seorang penyair mengatakan,
Pandangan dari mata ke mata itulah
Yang menyebabkan menjadi jalan kebinasaan ke dalam hati
Mata selalu melawan hatinya
Hingga di antara mereka ada yang berlumuran darah dan kalah
Kemudian mata berkata,
Engkaulah yang pertama dan yang terakhir kali menzalimiku. Aku mengakui dosaku yang terang-terangan maupun yang tersembunyi. Aku hanyalah utusan yang selalu mematuhimu karena engkaulah raja yang harus ditaati, sedangkan kami adalah tentara dan pengikutmu. Jika engkau menyuruhku untuk menutup pintuku serta menutupi dengan hijabku, sungguh aku akan mendengar perintahmu dan menaatinya.
Ketika engkau menggembala di tanah larangan, aku telah memasukinya. Dan ketika engkau mengutusku untuk berburu sungguh aku sudah memancangkan jerat-jerat dan jala-jalanya hingga engkau terjerat. Kemudian aku menjadi tawanan padahal sebelumnya aku menjadi pemimpin. Aku menjadi budak, setelah aku menjadi pemilik. Dengarlah sabda hakim yang paling bijak.
Rasulullah  ﷺ, "Sesungguhnya di dalam hati itu terdapat segumpal darah, apabila dia baik, maka baik pulalah seluruh jasadnya, apabila dia rusak, maka rusaklah semua jasadnya. Ketahuilah bahwa segumpal darah itu adalah hati." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Sedangkan Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu berkata, "Hati adalah raja sedangkan semua anggota tubuh yang lain adalah tentaranya. Jika rajanya jelek, maka jeleklah tentaranya. Jika engkau terus mengamati, sungguh engkau akan tahu bahwa kerusakan rakyatmu adalah karena sebab kerusakanmu, dan akan kembali menjadi baik jika engkau baik. Namun, engkau telah membinasakan dirimu dan rakyatmu, kemudian engkau menyalahkan matamu yang lemah ini. Padahal, pokok utama penyebab kerusakan adalah karena engkau (hati) tidak mencintai Allah, tidak mencintai firman-Nya, tidak mencintai zikir, dan tidak menyebut nama serta sifat-sifat-Nya. Engkau mencintai yang lain dan berpaling dari Allah, kemudian engkau ganti dengan cinta selain Allah dan engkau lebih mencintai hal itu daripada Allah."
(Dikutip dari kitab Raudhatul Muhibbin wa Nuzhatul Musytaqin karya Ibnul Qayyim oleh Manshur Abdul Aziz bin al-'Ijyân dalam bukunya 'Mutiara Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah')
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 1 year
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🍃🕊🍃 Battle Of Uhud 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 When the Quraish of Mecca suffered a terrible defeat and their leaders, like Abu Jahl were killed, there arose among them a passion for revenge. Thus, the very next year of Badr, the infidels of Quraish marched to Medina in a state of great preparedness. From here, the Holy Prophet (S) took with himself the Emigrants (Muhajireen) and Helpers (Ansar) from Medina and came out to confront them. The armies of Islam and the Quraish faced each other besides Mount Uhud. Abu Sufyan was the leader of infidel army, because his sons and relatives were put to sword by Ali (a.s.) in the Battle of Badr; that is why he arranged the battalions painstakingly. 🍃
The Quraish women also accompanied their army, playing instruments of war music and singing war songs to instigate the Quraish army and to encourage it to take the revenge of those slain in Badr. The chief of these female Satans was Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan about whom Hakim Sinai had written a Persian couplet. When the battle began, the Islamic army had the upper hand but they soon busied themselves in collecting war booty.1
The Muslims had forgotten the instructions of the Holy Prophet (S). That is, he had instructed fifty archers to remain at the mouth of the valley, but when the booty was being gathered, they left their positions and jumped into the field to collect their share of booty fearing that they would be deprived of it. Quraish saw these changed circumstances and they collected their remaining men and launched a fresh attack on the Islamic army. The army of Muslims was taken by surprise and most of them fled the battlefield including Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, such that there was no sign of them. (We shall discuss in detail the flight of these three later in this book).
Only the Emigrants of Bani Hashim, who were the relatives of the Prophet, remained firm on the battlefield. In the same way, the Helpers also remained rooted there and continued to encourage each other. The writer of Madarijun Nubuwwah, Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlavi, writes: “When the Muslims suffered defeat, they left the Prophet alone and fled from the battlefield. (What a faith these people had!). At that moment, the Prophet became angry and perspiration flowed from his forehead. When he looked besides him, he saw Ali (a.s.) firm at his position. He asked Ali (a.s.) why he had not fled with his brothers? Ali (a.s.) replied: “There cannot be disbelief after belief. Indeed, I am having the power with you.”2
This shows that in the view of His Eminence, Ali (a.s.), deserting Holy Prophet (S) in the battlefield was equal to disbelief. According to the writer, it seems appropriate to ask how can those who flee from the Holy Prophet (S) in such circumstances be considered believers? To call them of perfect faith is to degrade faith itself. Anyway, at that time, a group of infidels attacked the Holy Prophet (S). The Prophet asked Ali (a.s.) to defend him from the attackers, and serve him as it was wont to serve.
Since it was the time to serve as per the command of the Holy Prophet (S), Ali (a.s.) turned to the attackers and dispersed them in a swift manner sending an infidel to Hell. After this, the praised traditionalist says that when Ali (a.s.) performed this feat, the Holy Prophet (S) said regarding Ali (a.s.): “Indeed, he is from me and I am from him.” And Jibraeel (a.s.) said: “I am from both of you.”3 The writer further says that an unseen voice was heard: ‘Laa Fatha illa Ali, Laa Sayf illa Zulfiqar’ (There is no victor except Ali (a.s.) and there is no sword except Zulfiqar).4
He also writes that the following supplication: Naade A’liyyan Maz’harul Ajaaibi Tajidho Aunallaka Finnawaaibi Kulli Hammin wa Ghammin Sayanjali. Bi A’liyyin, bi A’liyyin, bi A’liyyin, bi A’liyyin.5 [Call Ali, the one who shows extraordinary wonders of God. You shall find him a helper in every difficulty and calamity. By Ali! By Ali! By Ali!] was revealed in the Battle of Uhud. The statement of the traditionist shows that these four sentences are revealed words and they were not the words of a human being, they are the words of Allah, which were revealed for Ali (a.s.).
Glory be to Allah, what a pure personality Ali (a.s.) had, and how he was the true helper of Islam and one who risked his life for the Holy Prophet (S). How he saved Islam from destruction in Badr and became the savior of Prophet’s life in Uhud. He routed the enemies of the Holy Prophet (S). O people who like the truth. Is there any other person who has such an achievement to his credit in the service of the Prophet? Is it just to consider at par a person who did not care for his life in defending the Prophet to those who were accustomed to flee from the battlefield? Shall we not consider this person fit for the successorship of the Prophet?
How can such a person be considered inferior and the one who fled be considered superior? If you consider this with justice, you would definitely agree that cowards who flee the battlefield cannot be true successors of the Messenger of Allah (S). Even though people may have accepted them as Caliphs, such people cannot be Caliphs of Prophet or be Imams.
Every just person will agree that deserting a friend in times of peril is indeed an act of cowardice. Whatever people may call such cowards is appropriate. But what could be said regarding those who left the Prophet in such circumstances? Or tried to avoid risking their lives in defense of the Messenger of Allah (S). Without doubt, these people do not deserve to be called the people of perfect faith. Over and above, Ali (a.s.) is considered inferior to these people and the distinguishing qualities and unsurpassable feats are ignored.
Books of history and biography state that 65 to 70 people from the Muslim army were martyred, out of which 61 were from the Helpers (Ansar). Only 3 or 4 Emigrants (Muhajireen) were killed and they were from the relatives of the Prophet. None of the ordinary Emigrants (Muhajireen) were injured or killed. We should understand the faith and loyalty of Emigrants (Muhajireen) from this. Leave alone common people, who can be more distinguished than the trio of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. But these too followed the laymen of Emigrants and fled the battlefield.
Apparently, it seems that except for Holy Prophet (S), the Bani Hashim and the Helpers, none of the Emigrants participated in battles. This was an account of Badr and Uhud; the same condition is seen in the later wars also. The most tragic event of this battle is the martyrdom of Mir Hamza. His martyrdom was a great tragedy for the Holy Prophet (S). He was a great supporter and helper of the army of Allah and he sacrificed his life in utmost bravery for Islam; Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.
A terrible incident is recorded in history in connection with this battle. It is that after Hamza fell, Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, cut out his liver and chewed upon it. She dismembered his ears and nose and made a garland of them and wore them around her unclean neck. This evil deed of Hind shows what type of a woman she was.
Also it shows the level of degradation of the tribe of which she was a member. This woman was from Bani Umayyah and Bani Umayyah was a tribe of Quraish notorious for cheating, murder, killing, drinking and adultery. The Holy Prophet (S) despised this clan greatly and his hatred of them continued till he passed away.
Thus, Imran Ibn Husayn has related that the Messenger of Allah (S) passed away hating three tribes: Saqif, Bani Hanifah and Bani Umayyah. Shah writes in his Sharh that the Messenger of Allah (S) had a dream in which he saw monkeys jumping on his pulpit and he explained his dream that the monkeys denoted Bani Umayyah. This indeed became a reality after he passed away from the world. Bani Umayyah became powerful by their machinations and intrigue. Shaam (Syria) came under their control and later they controlled all the Islamic lands. They continued to rule from the Prophet’s pulpit in a blatant way.
What a pity that a tribe which the Messenger of Allah (S) had weakened and routed in his lifetime, regained its strength and also became much more powerful after his death. If only this tribe had been prevented from gaining power. If this tribe had been left in its degraded state, neither Ali (a.s.) had been troubled nor the Bani Hashim subjected to mental and physical torture and neither Miqdad and other supporters of Ali (a.s.) suffered insults, nor Talha and Zubair had gone back from their allegiance, or ‘A’ysha had fought the Battle of Jamal, or ‘A’ysha had been killed by being thrown into a well, or Imam Hasan had been poisoned, nor Imam Husayn had been martyred in the desert of Karbala’, nor the sons of Imam (a.s.) had been killed in a cruel manner. Or the inmates of harem had been taken out as prisoners through the streets of Kufa and Shaam. Doubtlessly, the empowerment of Bani Umayyah was very harmful to Muslims. Bani Hashim were made to pay for the Battle of Badr and Uhud.
Here the writer wishes to ask as to who it was who injected a new life into Bani Umayyah? The reply to this question is obviously that Abu Bakr and Umar were foremost in this regard. It is also confirmed beyond any doubt that Ali (a.s.) did not let Bani Umayyah near him. Apparently, Ali (a.s.) could not have any truck with a clan that the Messenger of Allah (S) had disliked all his life. If Ali (a.s.) had done so, the blame of the tragedy of Karbala’ would have been upon Ali (a.s.), because this tragedy was the consequence of promoting Bani Umayyah.
In this battle, only thirty infidels were killed, nine of whom were their standard bearers, who fell to the sword of Zulfiqar one by one. Twelve more were slain by the Lion of Allah. As for the remaining nine, some of them were dispatched to Hell by Hamza and rest were slain by the Helpers (Ansar). The Emigrants (Muhajireen) other than Bani Hashim are not known to have killed anyone in this battle. It is obvious that when they had no interest in an armed struggle, how could they be expected to kill the infidels? They were often seen fleeing from the battlefield. Flight from the battlefield was not cowardice according to them! There is no strength and power except by Allah.
It seems that these Emigrants (Muhajireen) were having a great foresight. They neither killed nor were killed. But we should know that valor is the best quality and all the good deeds are rooted in it. It is such a quality that bestows honor upon the one who possesses it; as a companion of the Holy Prophet (S) had recited a couplet in this battle. Cowardice has degradation and there is greatness in facing the enemy, and the coward cannot survive fate by his cowardice.
It is clear for all that those who fled from the battle escaped with their lives but the steadfastness of Ali (a.s.) remained intact till the end. Ali (a.s.) says that even though he had received sixteen wounds in that battle and was feeling dizzy, “Someone used to catch hold of my hand and make me stand up again and I continued to fight in this way.”
The Holy Prophet (S) hearing this, said that it was Jibraeel who helped him thus,6 this battle was won by Ali (a.s.) and it was this same steadfastness of his regarding which the Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran:
“Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall.”7
The Holy Prophet (S) has also said similarly by which one can perceive the limits of greatness and high position of Ali (a.s.). Holy Prophet (S) addressed Ali (a.s.) and said:
“O Abul Hasan! If all the good deeds of creation and their beliefs are kept on one side of the balance and your deeds in other, yours shall be heavier. Indeed, Allah has praised your deeds. This day all angels of the sky and the curtains of the heavens were lifted and Paradise itself used to look at you with interest. And the Lord of the world was pleased by your deed. He shall reward you in such a way that even the prophets and the martyrs shall vie it.”8
People of justice should see that this one tradition has bestowed such a great status to Ali (a.s.) in comparison to all the creation of Allah. Holy Prophet (S) has said thus, but the opponents of Ali (a.s.) consider him inferior to the three Caliphs. First of all, one who flees has no right to claim preference over those who do not run away, and that also in comparison to such a valiant warrior about whom the Holy Prophet (S) has said that his deeds are heavier than deeds of all creatures together.
Those who do not pay attention to such sayings of the Holy Prophet (S) are indeed a strange kind of Muslims. Such people have regarded only the love of three Caliphs to be faith, and in this blind devotion, neither can they see the merits of Ali (a.s.) nor are they capable to take note of the sayings of Allah and the Messenger of Allah (S).
Such bigots say that the Almighty Allah has condemned in Quran those who fled from the Battle of Uhud. There is no doubt that Divine Mercy had been instrumental in this regard, but the discussion here is how this condemnation enables the fleeing people to gain a meritorious position? How could this be considered an achievement, while all that is obvious from this verse is unlimited Mercy of Allah? How can it show a praiseworthy quality of people who ran way from the battlefield? It is beyond human understanding. An absconder is an absconder forever, even though Allah has overlooked his act of escapism.
If we read this verse carefully, we shall realize that this forgiveness was for this life alone. That Allah did not make them pigs and monkeys when they deserted the Messenger of Allah (S). It certainly does not imply forgiveness of the Hereafter because the verse has ended on ‘Forgiving, Forbearing’ (Ghafoorun Haleemun). If it had denoted forgiveness of the Hereafter, Allah would have said ‘Forgiving, Merciful’ (Ghafoorun Raheemun).
Many other battles and military engagements took place after the Battle of Uhud but they are not too famous. Books of military expeditions and history indicate that even in those engagements, the sword of Ali (a.s.) was not inactive. The brave one did not fall short in helping the Holy Prophet (S) and in assisting Islam. Thus, in the Battle of Bani Nuzayr, a not so well known battle, Ali (a.s.) slew a great brave infidel. He was such a strong warrior that non-Bani Hashim Emigrants could not have faced him.
We do not know what was the use of these non-Bani Hashim Emigrants. When they did not have the capacity to fight, why they undertook the trouble of migrating to Medina? Wherever you see, you find them bolting from the battlefield. Or even if they remained afield, they did so as accompanying jesters etc. It is indeed surprising that these gentlemen could not exhibit a single act of valor in all the battles of the Prophet. On top of this, some people are not ashamed to give them preference over the Lion of Allah, Ali (a.s.).
Anyway, the Bani Nuzayr had planned to attack the Messenger of Allah (S) in the dead of the night and they had departed from their fort with this aim. His Eminence, Ali (a.s.) understood their evil intentions and went towards them without waiting for the Prophet’s command. The villain had left his high abode and was coming on to slay the Messenger of Allah (S) when Ali (a.s.) intercepted him midway and dispatched him to Hellfire within a few moments.
This incident shows that Ali (a.s.) used to help the Prophet and support Islam even without the Messenger of Allah (S) commanding him. This was the condition of his Jihad in the way of Allah. We request the people of justice to compare this with the behavior of the absconders of Uhud when the Prophet was calling out to them not to flee, but they paid no heed to his pleas.
Allamah Waqidi writes in connection with these gentlemen that on the day of Uhud, these people were fleeing to the heights of Uhud and Holy Prophet (S) was calling them: “Come here so and so, come here so and so, I am the Messenger of Allah (S).” But none of them paid any heed.9 This is also mentioned in Surah Aale Imran:
“When you ran off precipitately and did not wait for anyone, and the Apostle was calling you from your rear.”10
How beautifully Umar has described his flight to the heights of Uhud. He says: “We were jumping on the mountain like mountain goats.” It is obvious that in this jumping and prancing, how he could have heard the call of the Prophet? In any case, this clearly shows the difference between the courage and steadfastness of Ali (a.s.) and the cowardice of these people. On one side, Ali (a.s.) did not even wait for the Prophet to order him to help him and on the
But in any case, Amr Ibn Abde Wudd, Khalid bin Amr bin Abde Wudd, Akrama bin Abu Jahl, and Abdullah bin Mughaira crossed the ditch by spurring their horses.1 The infidels came to the edge of the ditch to watch. Amr Ibn Abde Wudd came to the Medinan side and challenged the forces of Islam. Since none of the Muslim soldiers accepted the challenge, they all remained quiet. Only Ali (a.s.) came out in defense of Islam. However, the Holy Prophet (S) stopped him and asked the Muslim army, if there was anyone who could accept the challenge of this infidel, but no one volunteered.
Seeing this, the Holy Prophet (S) asked what the problem was. On hearing this, Umar said: “Amr Ibn Wudd and I were together in a caravan that was going to Shaam. All of the sudden, the caravan was surrounded by a thousand bandits who began to loot the caravan. On seeing this, Amr Ibn Abde Wudd took out his sword and slew all the bandits in a few moments.” That is the
other side, Abu Bakr and Umar did not listen to the Prophet even when he called them to help him.
Glory be to Allah! What a valor of the ‘Prince of Men’ and what a tremendous strength of faith! Indeed, if the Almighty had not created Ali (a.s.), He would have had to create some other means of strengthening Islam. Apparently, it seems that much of the power that Islam achieved was to the credit of Ali (a.s.). Anyway, after these minor wars, the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) took place. It is also referred to as the Battle of the Clans (Ahzab). It is also as famous as the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud.
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