bendingfantasy · 5 months
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Calla has multiple possible origins. Foremost, Calla derives from the Greek word κάλλος (meaning “beauty”). Calla is also a floral name based on the genus of lilies with the same word origin. In Swedish, Calla is an alternative spelling of Kalla. The Scandinavian Kalla derives from the Germanic name Karl (meaning “free man,” “strong,” “virile,” or “petite”). Finally, Calla is a diminutive of the Irish name Caoilainn. This name combined the Old Irish elements caol (meaning “slender”) and fionn (meaning “fair”).Calla is a lovely baby name for girls. Delicate and distinguished, this name offers a refreshing alternative to related floral names like Violet or Rose. Calla Matthews was the name of a main character in the Guiding Light series, and Calla Lily Ponder is the titular protagonist of The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells. Keep reading to learn more about this baby name.
Calla is wearing a hunter green and cream dress with black lace. She is wearing a green necklace and earrings. Her blonde hair is up in a updo.
Don't forget her meshes or she won't show correctly.
[AC19 DAY 6] Vallotton Jewelry Set-MURPHY
Flower Marriage-Palace added
AF PearlNecklace-AcanthusSims
Becky Chocolat Opera lolita shoes V2-Daisy-Sims
kotehok hair nikki 014-kotehok
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calculatorfan · 2 years
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Addex AC19 Calculators
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boygon67132a · 6 months
Cách kiểm tra hóa đơn tiền điện EVN HCM
Tên login : 772 , Ac19@ ngày 11/12/2023
Rửa máy giặt thứ 5 ngày 7/12/2023 giá 400k tuấn điện lạnh 8 tét
Mua đt realme 9 Ram 8/128G giá 1tr6, hẻm 571 cmt8, q.10 , ngày 10.12.2023 chủ nhật . Vào cài đặt -) màn hình và khóa -) nhấp đúp để khóa. Vào cài đặt bổ sung -) cử chỉ và chuyển động -) nâng lên để đánh thức
Cách bắn tiền Mobi 9494 không cần mật khẩu... soạn CS 0935726518 5000 gửi 9494
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Loud Storm Before Rain-hurricane at Coney Island and Brighton Beach AUGUST 22, 2021.
Your Link: https://kahoot.com/files/2023/02/top_banner_updatee.png & https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_ODJhMmY5ZGQtYmM1Ny00YmJkLTkzNGUtNGZjYjNlMzYzNTNh%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257B%2522Tid%2522%3A%252218492cb7-ef45-4561-8571-0c42e5f7ac07%2522%2C%2522Oid%2522%3A%252299774eb0-26b9-4179-95fc-91199b4ba659%2522%257D%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=56eab243-81bd-43a6-ac19-2405968518c9&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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_*Le 06 Octobre*_
_*Une sagesse pour aujourd’hui…*_
_*Deux visions du travail*_
« _*Un peu de sommeil, un peu d’assoupissement, un peu croiser les mains en te couchant...*_ » (Pr6.10).
```Dans ce verset, le parent sage met en garde son fils contre les conséquences de l’indolence, dans le but de lui donner de prendre conscience par lui-même de l’importance de la discipline personnelle et du zèle dans le travail.```
Selon le dictionnaire en ligne « *linternaute* », _l’indolence c’est le caractère de quelqu’un qui évite tout effort, qui agit avec mollesse et nonchalance._
L’indolence est la sœur jumelle de la paresse. Elles sont si semblables qu’il est difficile de les dissocier.
_*Pour qui travaillons-nous ?*_
« _*L’Éternel Dieu prit l’homme et le plaça dans le jardin d’Éden pour le cultiver et pour le garder.*_ » (Ge2.15). _Ce verset signifie que le travail, c’est l’idée de Dieu._
*1. Dieu donne le travail :* _l’environnement, les ressources et le cahier de charge._
*2. Et l’homme travaille :* _Assure la productivité, et veille sur la sauvegarde du jardin._
*Le travail comme Dieu l’a créé va permettre à l’homme :*
_1. D’être ouvrier avec Dieu._
_2. De s’épanouir dans la présence de Dieu._
_3. De créer l’abondance avec Dieu._
_4. D’assurer la durabilité du jardin._
_5. Et de perpétuer la beauté de la création._
*Le travail comme le péché l’a rendu est devenu une corvée à cause du sol qui fut maudit, et de la mentalité de l’homme qui fut corrompue.* _Ce qui va conduire les hommes soit à devenir des esclaves du travail et à l’adorer, soit à se rebeller contre le travail et à le rejeter._
*NB : C’est la rébellion contre le travail qui va plonger l’homme dans la paresse et l’indolence, à cause de la peine, de l’épuisement et du découragement.*
*Désormais, au lieu de travailler pour la vie, on travaille pour la survie.*
_*Pour quoi ou Pourquoi travaillons-nous ?*_
_*Quelle est notre vision du travail ?*_
_Nous est-il déjà arrivé de nous exclamer : « Même Dieu a dit que l’homme mangera à la sueur de son front ? » (Ge4.19)._ Si la réponse est oui, alors c’est la preuve que nous sommes encore aux prises avec la vision du travail comme le péché l’a rendu.
Jésus dit : « *Je vous ai envoyés moissonner ce qui ne vous a coûté aucun travail ; d’autres ont travaillé, et c’est dans leur travail que vous êtes entrés.* » (Jn4.38).
_1. *D’autres ont travaillé,* c’est-à-dire les prophètes ; et Jésus lui-même est venu payer le coût de la peine liée au travail à cause du péché._
_2. Ce qui veut dire que Jésus est celui qui est venu restaurer le travail, en lui redorant de sa beauté et de sa dignité d’origine._
*Vérité : Le travail comme la grâce l’a restaurée conduit à la vie, à la beauté, à la liberté, au service, au développement et à l’abondance.*
_*Applications :*_
_1. Croire que Jésus est mort pour mes péchés et est ressuscité pour mon salut._
_2. Renoncer à la vision du travail comme le péché l’a rendu._
_3. Choisir Jésus pour employeur afin de travailler pour la vie._
_*Recommandation et promesse :* « Tout ce que vous faites, faites-le de toute votre âme, comme pour le Seigneur, et non pour des hommes, sachant que vous recevrez du Seigneur l’héritage en récompense. Servez Christ le Seigneur. » (Col3.23-24)._
_*Prions ensemble :* Père, merci d’avoir envoyé ton Fils pour tout endurer pour moi. Que par ta grâce, je puisse accomplir toutes sortes de bonnes œuvres pour ta gloire. Au nom de Jésus ! Amen !_
_*Lecture pour aujourd’hui :* Ps26-Ps30, Pr6, Ac19-Ac21._
_*Vous êtes béni(e) !*
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acnlvevo · 5 years
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anaparamo · 3 years
so do we all now when playing videos filmed outside with lots of people look for masks to see if it was filmed pre or post covid times or is that just me?
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milkfake · 4 years
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Sharing everywhere else, so sharing here too, why not haha.
Me and Kiba have been reminiscing about Anthrocon 2019 since we can’t go this year. The weather and time we had last year was one of my favorites of all time so far.
Fingers crossed for 2021!
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flyingblackhawk · 5 years
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Я люблю тебя
Clintasha fic
945 words
Natasha makes a point of knowing everything that goes on around her. Information is power, and though she’s long past the stage where she thought everyone at SHIELD wanted to kill her, she’s still not entirely comfortable with secrets being kept from her. She’s been reprimanded several times and threatened with deportation once for accessing Fury’s private accounts. The latter was a dressing down from the man himself, the only time Phil wasn’t able to cover for her.
But there’s one thing Natasha doesn’t know, and that is that Clint has a workable knowledge of Russian. He started learning in the down days while she was being deprogrammed, when there was nothing else to do except wait in the waiting room. He’s kept it to himself so far. At first he didn’t want her to mock his clumsy accent and terrible phrasing. Then, it was because he found out she sometimes mutters to herself in her native tongue, and it’s useful to be able to decode a language she doesn’t think he speaks.
It feels a little duplicitous, and he often has to remind himself that he is a spy. He’ll tell her eventually, and it’s not like she’s revealed anything sensitive. Usually the things she says are just expletives, and the words match the tone of her voice anyway, so speaking Russian isn’t even necessary for comprehension.
It’s not until things start to settle that he wonders if now is the time to tell her. The dust has well and truly cleared, and they are being sent out into the world as a team. SHIELD no longer views Natasha as a flight risk, but as half of the most successful strike team in the history of the agency.
He doesn’t tell her when they’re in Paris. He has a few opportunities, but it doesn’t strike him as the right time. Besides, he’s learning new conjugations, and he wants to have those down before he reveals himself. He doesn’t tell her when they’re in Montreal. He’s securing his knowledge of alcohol words, which he figures will be useful. In Caracas, she almost discovers his notebook. He thinks for a moment he will have to tell her, but her fingers brush over it while digging for audio equipment misplaced in his bag. Clint feels guilty now, but he still has so much to learn. He needs to do this properly.
In Khartoum, he is sitting on the edge of a bed, watching her move around the tiny kitchen. He decides that now is the time. It’s been a hard day, and they could both use something nice. He opens his mouth, but she turns to him and he snaps it shut again.
“Lock the window,” she says, pointing behind him. He rolls over the bed and slides the bolt home, then pulls the curtains for good measure.
“I think we did well,” he says. “Evac should be here by the morning.”
“You don’t have to fill the silence with talking, you know.”
He clasps his chest. “You don’t wanna talk to me?” he asks, wounded. She smiles, and flips him off. He mimes a shot to the chest, and flops backwards onto the bed. She laughs, and he sits up. Her eyes are sparkling.
“Я люблю тебя,” she mutters, still smiling at him. Clint falters. He thinks he understands, but he can’t have got that right. She wouldn’t have said it. He brushes it off.
A month later, back at HQ, they have finished training for the day, and they’re sprawled on a couch watching TV. Clint is nodding off, his head on his chest, and he feels Natasha get up to leave. He almost rouses himself, but he feels her fingers on his shoulder.
“Я люблю тебя,” she murmurs. It is unmistakeable this time. Clint feigns sleep until the door closes behind her, and then opens his eyes.
I love you. She’s said it twice now, he’s sure. He knows the only reason she’s saying it is she thinks he can’t understand her, which puts him in a difficult spot. He should tell her he speaks Russian. It’s the right thing to do. But if he does, she’ll stop saying it. And he needs to hear it again, he just has to.
She says it twice more before Clint can’t let it go on any longer. They have grown so close, and he knows that even if she doesn’t say it, it’s true. He loves her too - how could he not? They are in perfect balance. They complete each other.
One night over drinks, when he does some stupid trick with a dart and she laughs and he stumbles, they find themselves dancing. It’s clumsy, and slow, but it’s sweet and he wants nothing more than for this to go on forever.
“Я люблю тебя,” she whispers, into his shoulder. I love you.
“Я тоже тебя люблю,” he replies, without thinking. I love you too.
She pulls back instantly. He doesn’t realise what he’s done for a moment, then it clicks.
“You speak Russian?” she demands.
“Not very well,” he says. She seems torn between anger and something else, but he’s not sure what the something else actually is. Clint waits, wondering if this has ruined everything.
“Why?” she asks. They’re standing a foot apart, and Clint is achingly aware of the distance.
“For you,” he says. She takes the step back over to him and before he can wonder if he’s about to get punched, she kisses him. It’s softer than he expected. Tender. Loving. He slides his arms around her and kisses her back.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
“Я люблю тебя,” he replies.
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fairiecrossing · 5 years
I hope they aren’t doing away with the encyclopedia for the bugs and fish. There was no option in the Nook phone to check it, nor did they get a dialogue when catching bugs that it was added to their encyclopedia.
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Hi everyone!
Here’s what the Advent Calendar should look like this year ^^
You get names and some information but as I like to keep some surprises, I tried to hide the more “important” details. 
As you can see, it won’t be full Illidan/Maiev this year as I’ll try different things but don’t worry, as you can see, there are already 16 fics that will be Illiev centric (Somes, where it will be hinted, hadn’t been counted otherwise we’re getting at almost 20 fics).
Feel free to guess what those fics are about/sequels :D
(And I still take request btw)
See you all on December the 1st!
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milkfakearts · 5 years
I get to announce this now!! A teaser WIP of my dutch angel dragon animation, scripted by @NBlackvixen and featuring characters of her's and @TheInodog , will be shown at the Anniversary and possibly the DutchAD meet, both events at Anthrocon! INFO ON THE ANNIVERSARY / JULY 4TH INFO ON THE DUTCH ANGEL DRAGON MEET / JULY 6TH
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spacecatcreations · 5 years
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Second day of #Anthrocon Table E17-16a #spacecatcreations #furry #furries #furryfandom #fursuits #AC19 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlVsLWJ2WN/?igshid=16ekzef2m6izj
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per-hapsss · 5 years
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summer film 🎞
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furole-crossing · 5 years
Overall, it looked so freaking cute!!! Especially because I saw a poc character model at the end so I hope for choose your skin color finally!!!
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townofsolace · 5 years
Do you like visiting towns, playing island games, want help getting rare items, or just want to meet new friends who love Animal Crossing ?
Then you should join Tortimer Island, a new Animal Crossing Discord server ! The server is very new, so we would love new friends to join ! Do you feel overwhelmed or ignored in larger servers with hundreds of members ? Then you will feel comfortable in our growing server !
We have a ton of resources for Animal Crossing - channels to share amazing QR codes and town inspiration, friends who would love to add you and visit your town and play island games with you, villager adoptions so you can get your dreamies, and more !
We even have a hacker zone where you can make requests for one of our hackers to bring you any item you desire, from rare furniture series to clothing to flowers to anything !
There’s also a little area for other games such as Pokemon, Splatoon, and Stardew Valley !
We post fun polls and questions daily and are planning much more for the server - We are hoping to sometime host game nights where we get together to play various multiplayer games together, and possibly movie nights as well !
And so much more !!! The server is growing more with each day !!
Join us now !! 💖💖
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