sturid · 1 year
ALL of my Journey to the End OC’S (PT.1)
Short white hair
pitch black skin
No eyes but does have a mouth
Goat looking horns with flowers
8-ish feet tall
White shirt
Black pants
Long blue robe
Blue smoke around him
Duel swords on both sides oh his waist 
Bounty hunter
Ice magic 
Word vomit on other things
Miso is a pretty chill guy. Even though he is pretty large and can be intimidating he’s quite friendly. He just struggles to start conversations or how to appear friendly. He also gets pretty nervous with new people or large crowds. When it comes to people he cares about he’s quite affectionate and deeply cares about them. He would try to protect them at all costs even if it means his own life. He’s quite strong too, and can easily fight and win against most people. He has pretty strong Ice magic and managed to figure out a way to use his swords with it. He basically uses them as an extension of his arms and it helps him out. He has a pretty good sense of his surroundings due to him livi g his whole life as a bounty hunter/guard while being blind his whole life. He can sense most things as long as they have magic in them because he pretty much trained himself to do that. When it comes to stuff like romance, he’s quite dense. He also has a poor understanding of love anyways so it just makes him even more oblivious. He would still try and take care of his s/o either way.  His poor understanding of love probably stems from his bad household growing up. His dad was pretty sick and died and then his mom was at work trying to pay the bills and his fathers treatment. Because of this he didn’t spend a lot of time with family and was left at home alone for days, maybe even weeks at a time. His mother wasn’t really supportive of him that much to begin with and would often come home around 2 am drunk. She got pretty violent too.m
Pros and cons of magic (depends on character)
good in both defense and offense
can make the user extremely strong
The magic takes a while to recharge
the mage has to be very experienced in order for the magic to be strong
when it comes to magic that i’ve is weak to, it can be easily defeated by a strong opponent 
pale-ish skin
long brown hair in ponytail 
dark cloak down a bit past knees
Long black shorts
sword on left hip
baggy white turtleneck sweater
Moon magic
Word vomit:
Silas is very quiet. He doesn’t really enjoy talking too much, but if he does it’s to close people only. It was mainly a taught habit due to being a hyper child who had to end up working for their cruel parents. His parents were ruthless and cunning rulers   and tried to make him and his older brother the same. It mainly worked on his brother. He’s very tactical and both street and book smart. He’s very observant and can familiarize himself with almost any situation with ease. He does find the social aspect of them to be hard though. When he’s with certain people he can be very kind and empathetic, but finds it hard to do it with other people. His magic though caused him to have even more of a reputation than just being the second prince. His magic is very strong and is very much like his fathers magic. it still needs training but apparently he managed to take out a room full of men when he was 12. He’s very strong but his magic does have flaws though. He’s often used to get information for his dad.
magic pros and cons:
(based off of the dragon prince btw)
Can make him invisible on full moons
he becomes stronger at night due to connection to the moon 
it can move shadows and can take slight control of weak water magic
when there’s more sunlight it  becomes incredibly weak 
he can’t reach anything within 100 meters of him 
the more magic he uses (space wise and amount in general) the more drained his energy gets
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zylistic · 4 years
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*wheezing in the corner*
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gffa · 4 years
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Hi!  Most of what I’ve personally seen of “the Jedi kidnap children” has been of the assumed variety, rather than any actual evidence for it, especially when it comes to Canon.   Now I’m not 100% familiar with Legends (which is a separate continuity from canon, as well as it’s often complicated because George Lucas had no real significant involvement in it, he repeatedly said it wasn’t canon to his Star Wars, and it often contradicted itself, as well as was often kind of the Wild West of published content, which led to some amazing stuff and some less-amazing stuff, as with anything), so maybe there’s something I’m missing, but generally the thing I’ve seen pointed to is the case of Baby Ludi. It’s where the Jedi found a Force-sensitive baby on a planet where they were doing relief work, who had no parents that they could find, so they adopted her and began training her for a significant amount of time.  When the mother was found to be alive, she came to Coruscant to ask for her child back, but she’d already begun training and it was considered too dangerous (and, in fairness, this is a thing that’s absolutely true, partially-trained Force-wielders are legit dangerous to themselves and others) and it became a media circus.  Eventually, the Jedi moved her to a different training location and the protests were urged to be moved there, but the mother was too busy with the casting of a film production about the whole thing to even comment on the protest, much less follow the child to the new location. This was also in a super obscure on-line newsletter thing that wasn’t even a book or a comic level of canon, which is pretty much the lowest rung and even Pablo Hidalgo (the author of the newsletter) called it a “trivial” story.  And IIRC it was written before even THE SECOND MOVIE (Attack of the Clones) of the prequels had come out, so the PT wasn’t even finished when that story was published, which is where a lot of the more confusing and contradictory worldbuilding stuff comes from because they were putting out stuff before Jedi worldbuilding had been established yet and they made a lot of assumptions.  And even the above (where you can very easily make a case that the child would have been in a dangerous situation given the mother) wasn’t kidnapping. You can contrast it with the Sullustan couple who hired a bounty hunter to get their child back–after they gave permission–where Mace responds with a, “Wtf, you could have just asked.” and gave the infant back:
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And Bail Organa specifically says this in Wild Space:
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So, as far as I’m aware, even in Legends, no, they did not kidnap children. And they absolutely do not kidnap children in Canon.  Every instance we see of them adopting a child has no indication that it was done by force, even if the parents were sad, it seemed pretty clear they ask to adopt a child. For example–they have a list of Force-Sensitive children around the galaxy, why bother to have a list like that if you’re kidnapping them?  Just take the kid, no need to have this complicated list that you have to keep under special lock and key.
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I mean, why not take the child immediate?  Because the Jedi don’t want to change diapers?  Why give them time with their biological families, if they wanted to ~indoctrinate~ the child, wouldn’t taking them even earlier make sense?  But instead they give the biological families an adjustment time, they keep a list in a way that implies that some parents say no and the Jedi do keep track because the galaxy has shown repeatedly that it’s a dangerous place for Force-sensitive children.  (A lot of them tend to get kidnapped by bounty hunters and sold off, like that was Ahsoka’s origin story even.)
Further, if the Jedi could just take children, Cad Bane wouldn’t have had to work so hard with Wee Dunn to try to take him.
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But instead he sits there and talks with the child’s mother–who talks about how the Jedi have said Wee will not be going to the Temple for awhile yet, showing there is an adjustment period once the parents agree–and has to try to convince her.  Ultimately, he runs out of time and has to literally hypnotize her to get her to hand over the kid, which he wouldn’t need to do if the Jedi just took kids, given that he was posing as one.
There’s also the planet Bardotta where he Jedi were labeled as kidnappers (and the events on the planet are implied to be influenced by a dark side cult who have good reason to not want the Jedi around to discover their plots) and the Jedi’s response?
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They stopped going there.  They haven’t been on the planet in a very long time because the Jedi did not kidnap children against the parents’ and culture’s will.
There’s also Roo Roo Page, one of the children that Cad Bane was trying to kidnap, who is specifically left with her mother, no indication that they would be adopting her or not in the future:
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So, no, the Jedi did not kidnap children and we have pretty strong evidence against it.  Anything else is either assumption (like some people theorize there would be social pressure to do so, but we’ve never actually seen indication of that in canon) or just SW fandom doing its usual game of telephone when it comes to what’s actually in canon.
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It’s Great That You Realize There’s a Problem, Now Go and Do Something About It: On Bardan Jusik, wasted potential, and generally why he sucks.
So I’m just going to start with this by saying that, as he was written in RepCom and LoTF, I really hate Bardan Jusik. He’s smug, preachy, holier-than-thou, and always framed by the author as being a paragon of virtue despite the fact that he’s actually a useless, hypocritical lump who sucks. He’s also, like many of Traviss’s characters, a neglected gold mine of potential.
The thing that really grates me about Bardan Jusik is that he is treated as being morally superior to every other Jedi in the Order for seeing what’s wrong with the Jedi Order and the use of the clone army, despite the fact that he does nothing to even try to stop it. That’s ridiculous -- sympathy without action is meaningless.
And Jusik’s sympathy is entirely without action: he didn’t  do anything to help the clones outside of his little clique, or try and change the Senate or the Order’s mind and convince them that they were wrong. He just left and that was it. The only clones who benefited from his departure was Skirata’s little Cartel. Nothing changed for any of the others.
I could understand if he had left after doing everything in his power to try to assist the clones -- which should have been more than lecturing Padawans, most of whom are literally children and all of whom more powerless than he is about the situation -- and just couldn’t stomach the repeated rejections and failures as he tried to sway the Council and the Senate to his side. I still wouldn’t agree with it, but I’d understand. But that isn’t what happened -- if Bardan made any efforts to change attitudes towards clones on a large scale, we were never shown them. He just up and left, leaving the situation as he found it. His departure accomplished possibly worse than nothing.
I honestly think that he was wrong to leave the Jedi Order: a Jedi Knight who turns his back on the Order has no sway over anything. They’re basically just ordinary civilians in terms of social influence, but possibly worse than that because hey, if a Jedi leaves the Order then there must be something wrong with them, right? However, if he had remained with the Order, he might have had something of a platform to speak from and possibly affect change.
And more than that, having Bardan stay with the Order would have been more interesting, narratively speaking. Just take a second to picture this characterization of Bardan instead of the one he got: as he’s working with clone troopers, Bardan realizes that the Order is doing something terrible and that he needs to stop it. So he resolves to never lead troops into battle again. At first Zey is like “no, absolutely not; the Order is stretched thin and you’re needed at the front. You have duties and responsibilities that you can’t back out of and you need to fulfill your obligations as a Jedi Knight,” and so Jusik is just like “Fine, I’ll go study to be a healer because they have the option of staying at the temple and serving as non-combatants,” and then he goes out and finds a slightly eccentric Jedi willing to tutor him in the healing arts (because honestly that shit  takes time and guidance – why else would Anakin have turned to the Sith to learn how to heal if it was something a Jedi could easily and randomly pick up -- seriously, did we ever even get and explanation for how he learned healing? I don’t remember one). So he trains at the temple and in the meantime uses both his position as a Jedi Knight and the fact that he’s basically stationed in Coruscant to petition both the senate and the Council on why using an army of slaves is wrong and basically serving as an advocate for clone rights.
And he has different reactions from different people. Some senators hate his guts and will literally slam doors in his face or threaten to have their guards shoot him if he shows up at their office. Others hear him out but disagree with him on a fundamental level, engaging him in an even-keeled manner and the audience gets to see the issue from a new perspective with no bias from the author – like, I’d love to see him engage in a conversation with a Pantoran or Twi’Lek or other non-human senator who is in support of using the clone army because they believe that a civilian draft unfairly tilted in favor of humans would be instated in its absence, and their people would suffer as a result. They may not be right, but they’re justified in their own mind.
Others, however, might agree with him whole-heartedly – I know that this is kind of left-field, but I’d love to see him interact with Padmé: I could see her privately confiding in him that she agrees with him 100% but can’t say anything on the matter publicly because she’s already considered something of a maverick and making such a bold assertion might end her ability to serve as an effective politician. However, she agrees to examine his ten-year retirement plan and bring it to the floor while also attempting to de-escalate the conflict and trying to open negotiations with the Seperatists. 
And because, obviously, his efforts aren’t going to be successful, his involvement with the political world could be used by the Empire in the days of the purges as evidence that the Jedi weren’t neutral and subservient, the way they claimed to be – like, look at the way this Master Jusik guy was actively undermining the Republic war effort! Those schemers on the Council probably put him up to it.
And the Jedi would probably have different reactions to his cause as well – some might agree with him, but don’t want to sow discord or believe that they have an obligation to obey the orders of the Senate because the word of the Senate is an extension of the will of the people. Others might disagree with him, claiming that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he’s a healer who’s never been on the front. Maybe some people agree with him, but then take things too far -- hello, Dark Siders!
And how would the different clone troopers react? I’d imagine that some might be glad that someone’s looking out for them but think that he’s just a little too extreme. Some might be offended – like what, are we not good enough for him? Some might agree with him whole-heartedly, and Bardan might just be making Palpatine’s plans for Order 66 a lot easier.
So Bardan faces a lot of resistance, but he decides that no matter what others think of him and his message, he’s not going to stop spreading it. He can’t. As a Jedi, he’s obligated to serve the Light and ensure justice, even if it means going against the Order. He has to keep going because it’s the will of the Force.
And when Kal encourages him to leave the Order and offers to adopt him, Bardan just looks him dead in the eyes and says “I’m not leaving unless if every clone in the galaxy is free to come with me.”
But then there’s also a bunch of fun ways this could end for Bardan, and a lot of potential plots that this could drive. Maybe there’s a bounty placed on his head by a political rival, or maybe the Chancellor wants him taken out – while he might not be a political juggernaut, he’s out there placing the seeds of doubt in people’s minds and it’s always best to be on the safe side. Someone could find out and then head to Coruscant to rescue him – or he could just die under mysterious circumstances, leading the commandos to investigate and reach a dead end (because Palpatine is not sloppy). 
Or maybe that never happens, and Bardan is at a med center when Order 66 goes down. Maybe he’s shot down with the rest of the Jedi, leaving his friends to wonder how it could have happened. 
Or maybe he escapes. Maybe he lives. But he’s a wreck. He couldn’t help the clone troopers, who are still being mass-produced by the Empire, which treats them worse than the Republic ever did, and he couldn’t stop the Order from falling. And now he’s the last of his kind and for all he knows Order 66 and the things that followed were his fault – maybe if he’d just come to his senses a little earlier, or tried a little harder, he could have prevented everything. So when the Empire falls and the Jedi rise again, he throws in, offering to train people in healing and what he remembers of the Jedi way.Or maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he doesn’t think he’s worthy of helping to rebuild the new Order of Jedi after he allowed the last one to fall. So he stays on Mandalore, not out of delusions of moral superiority, but out of shame and despair. And maybe, when Jaina comes to Mandalore to learn about tracking individuals or to improve Jedi-Mandalorian relations or something (the canon reason she went to Mandalore was stupid, why would you train with a Mandaolrian to beat a Sith that doesn’t make any fucking sense), she meets him and inspires him to come back to the Jedi.
But I think that the best ending for this au is that he was on Corruscant during Order 66, and he’s the one who dies during the evacuation instead of Etain, because there was an indiscriminate kill Order on Jedi and that included Jusik, even though he did nothing to deserve it.
Even in the book itself, I think Jusik should have died during Order 66 instead of Etain, even without the alternate characterization I came up with for him -- it avoids the women-in-refrigerators trope, matches with the  tone of the PT, he’s dead, and it could cause some really interesting moral conflict. It would have highlighted what a tragedy Order 66 was -- because it was genocide, and that’s not any sort of victory or resolution. The destruction of a culture or religion is never something to be celebrated.
But he doesn’t die by jumping in front of a lightsaber because that’s stupid. He should get killed by clone troopers. And when one of the nulls or commandos points out that hey, that was my friend Bardan Jusik, he stood up for us when no one else would, he cared about us when no one else did, he was one of the good Jedi, his little brother says “The only good Jedi is a dead Jedi,” and then the other clones try to kill the nulls, commandos, and Kal for aiding a traitor.
Like, really. I need someone to explain Bardan’s existing characterization. All of these options, and Karen decides to make him a preachy hypocrite who never lifts a finger to help anyone outside of Kal’s immediate circle. She goes with the lamest characterization that causes the least anguish and conflict. Why? Because the idea of a guy in Mandalorian armor wielding a lightsaber was just too cool to resist? Because her characters are cool enough to be smarter than everyone else and definitely too cool to try to help other people outside of their little clique? Because she’s a shit writer who’s too cowardly to even think about adding legitimate conflict and the inclusion of multiple equally-viable perspectives on moral conflicts into her plots? WHY?
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( graphic credit: @helpfulrps​ )
Full Name
YASMIN ( yaz-meen ) → Variant of the name ‘Jasmine,’ which is derived from the name of the jasmine flower. || Just as Persephone spent half the year on earth and the other half in the Underworld, jasmine flowers bloom only from spring until autumn. In Pakistan, garlands of white jasmine and red roses are worn by both the bride and groom in weddings, and are also used in burial garlands to symbolize a final farewell. I think that’s fitting, considering how Persephone was married to the god of Underworld and ruled the land of the dead alongside him.
NAJM ( nuh-jhm ) → An Arabic word meaning ‘star.’ || Persephone has always been one of my favorite figures in mythology because of how she has control over both life and death; for half the year she brings life and bounty to the land, and the other half she escorts the souls of the dead in the Underworld. Science and mythology don’t often mix, but I had the life cycle of stars in mind when picking out Yasmin’s surname. When a large star goes into supernova, the shockwave can initiate star formation in other interstellar clouds, and the remains of the core can form a neutron star or a black hole. So going back to all that life & death symbolism, it’s just beautiful to know that the result of the original star’s destruction is the birth of something new.
Any Nicknames?
As of right now, only Persephone & Yas. Victoria might sometimes refer to her as “brat,” but that’s not necessarily out of affection.
Birthday / Zodiac Sign
March 21st, 1994 / Pisces
Spinning lazy circles around her latest conquest, acquisition, or interest, the Piscean woman is a mysterious, sensual mermaid, her secrets kept secure behind inscrutable dark eyes. She has a vivid mind, and is romantic and spiritual. Like the rivers and seas this sign swims in, Piscean women have deep emotions and strong undertows in their personalities, so watch out for still waters – they often hide a passionate, sensitive nature.
Spiritual, curious, and gentle, the Pisces woman is a true dreamer. She puts a great deal of emphasis on the unseen in her life, whether it be her own intuition, her emotions, or the world of spirituality and religion. This is a woman who is always looking for – and finding – deeper meaning, from the grand scheme of life itself to her own social interactions. She absorbs the events around her, making connections that other people would never even see. She observes patterns in the feelings and actions of other people, and can be quite insightful as to what motivates them.
Pisceans are often artists, expressing their inner passions through paint, dance or song. Their work is often whimsical and outlandish, but always enchanting.
She is sensitive and caring and considers the needs of others. This imaginative and dreamy woman must determine how she will swim through life: with the flow or against it. Pisceans are kind to their friends – and strangers. At any gathering, the Pisces woman will either be the shy one in the corner who will listen to people’s problems or the outgoing greeter who warmly welcomes each individual. It all depends on her current mood!
Pisces is ruled by dreamy Neptune, and her intuition runs deep. Like the stormy sea, her emotions are complex and changeable. Her challenge is to discern between essential truths of spirit and mere mirage.
5′6″ / 167.64 cm
Tattoos / Piercings
Had her earlobes pierced on her eleventh birthday, and got her belly button pierced when she was seventeen (though DEMETER didn’t find out about it until she was nineteen).
Wants to get a tattoo, but has no idea of what she wants. Has a journal solely for doodles and designs that she’d possibly like to have inked on her skin, but is never 100% certain of what she wants.
A saxophone being played in the midst of a crowded subway station. A bass after it has just been tuned. Birds chirping in the morning, crickets crooning in the evening. An old Billie Holiday record played at a dinner party. Her girlfriends’ collective chatter after a good show. Fish frying in the pan after a long day. Dante’s voice waking her up at the crack of dawn. Harvey’s booming applause at the end of her set. DEMETER’s storytelling voice. Hyas’ immediate bark at the sight of her face. Syrus’ laughter over the phone.
A vibrant green; New York fauna in spring, evergreen trees during Christmas, fresh vegetables at the farmer’s market, the herbs growing on her windowsill, leaves of the potted plants on all her shelves, the vines growing across her building’s exterior, the organic juice she makes every morning, her venus flytrap in the sunlight.
Her godparent, DEMETER. They’re the one person who has never left their side, willingly or unwillingly. They have given her everything and so much more, and there is nothing Yasmin wouldn’t do for them. Even while knowing all the unseemly things they have done for Olympus (and aware that what she knows isn’t even all of it), Yasmin’s faith in them is unwavering. That’s why every small act of betrayal she commits - whether it’d be about her dreams of leaving New York or the misplaced feelings of sympathy she knows she shouldn’t have - feels like a dagger in her own heart.
The first time she sang in front of an audience. She was only eight, and had a solo for her school choir. It was such a simple show but it impacted her in such a profound way, that nothing else compares. It’s one of the few memories she doesn’t have tied to the gang, and has no bittersweetness or sorrow attatched to it. It was her singing for her school, for DEMETER sitting in the front row. It was the beginning of many more memorable performances, piano and voice lessons, rounds of applause. It’s when she discovered she had a special power, one that could potentially help heal. It was the first time she found a purpose, a cause, a passion. It helped shape her identity, and the rest is history.
Central Park. Specifically, the Conservatory Garden.
Lying. It shouldn’t be as easy as it is, but Yasmin has found herself to be so good at it, and willing to manipulate for her advantage. With DEMETER, with Syrus, with herself - it’s easy and it’s how she gets through each day.
…been in love?
Often, and deeply. Yasmin has been a tiny bit in love with every person she’s ever been in a relationship with; the measure of that love just varies with each person. Yasmin loves being in love, and even when she attempts a “no strings attatched” relationship, a small part of her will stubbornly fall in love with that person. She’s incapable of being with someone without feelings involved. Even if her heart is broken in the end, she’ll never be able to fully shake off the bit of her that was in love with that person.
…done drugs?
Nothing stronger than pot, and she only smokes that socially. Harvey always gave Yasmin strict lectures about staying away from drugs as a child, and given his profession she found it both somewhat ironic and completely understandable. His attempts to scare her straight were effective, and she quickly gets turned off by people who depend on drugs or are frequently not sober.
…killed someone?
Has accidentally crushed insects, unintentionally allowed her plants to wilt, and ended up flushing her gold fish down the toilet. She was the only one who mourned for those lives lost, but aside from those deaths her hands remain clean.
…betrayed someone’s trust?
Only to the people she cares for. When DEMETER risked everything to keep her safe, she’d sneak out through her window and put herself in harm’s way. 
…had their heart broken?
Just as often as she’s allowed herself to fall in love, she’s been hurt as well. A piece of her heart chips away every time she loses a loved one, when she sees Frankie in the streets and dares to think of what could have been, when she notices that DEMETER isn’t being completely honest with her.
…lost someone?
If Yasmin had to sit and list every single person she’s lost, she’d break down before even making it halfway through all the names. Growing up within the gang means that she’s gotten too used to saying goodbye, has gone to more funerals than birthday parties.
…have any pets?
No, although she loves animals. Yasmin often cares after the strays in her neighborhood, leaving food outside and making sure that they end up finding a place at no-kill shelters. She also has a birdhouse right outside her window, which is often occupied by a family of sparrows throughout the year. Yasmin has also gotten familiar with Richard’s dog Hyas, much to the Titan’s chagrin.
…have a family they still talk to?
Has no living blood relatives, but Yasmin has never believed that blood makes family. DEMETER raised her, and Yasmin could never cut them out of her life. Even on days when she’s furious with her godparent, she still makes sure to keep in touch with them and is never more than a subway ride away. Her greatest fear is the day when DEMETER completely stops responding to her, because Yasmin knows it would never be by choice.
Although her relationship with Richard is still fragile and new, Yasmin believes that he has a place in her family tree. In some weird way, they’re almost siblings, and after losing so many of her family members there is no way she is going to take him for granted. Although she doesn’t know much about his relationship with Harvey, she is determined to get to know him.
…have a best friend?
Five of them. Yasmin has her own small gang of female musicians, who play with her at The Warehouse. They call themselves The Sirens, though they’ve made no effort to trademark the name and are happy to just play music on street corners.
Chell, the pianist who is also a full-time physics student at New York University. The rest of the girls suspect she might have made a deal with a demon a long time ago, or was created in a lab, because she manages to keep a 4.0 while juggling the band and an active social life simultaneously. Chell claims that she just knows how to manage he schedule, but The Sirens have seen the inside of her day planner and it is terrifying. No one knows when she sleeps, if ever.
Reyna, the bassist and makeup artist. Dropped out of high school the second she turned eighteen and went straight to cosmetology school instead. She always said she works best with a makeup brush in her hand instead of a pencil, and wears a different kind of look every day. Has the most Instagram followers out of anyone else in the band, mostly due to her mini makeup tutorial videos and professional selfie skills.
Fatima, the drummer seeking an early death. The daredevil of the group, giving the other girls a heart attack whenever she sends them a video of her dangling off the edge of a cliff or willingly jumping out of an airplane. Perhaps the most resilient member of the group, as Fatima always jumps back on her feet the second she’s able, no matter how much her doctors urge her to rest (Fatima claims that word isn’t in her vocabulary). She’ll often be up on stage with a cast or bandage somewhere on her body, and it’s almost a miracle she can still play.
Mariana, the saxophonist and amateur psychic. Has always claimed to have a connection to the other side, after she saw the ghost of her pet hamster when she was seven. Carries a stack of tarot cards with her everywhere, and her complicated pre-show ritual (which involves burning sage) has gotten the band kicked out of several venues. Though to be fair, they do perform exceptionally well on the nights she manages to complete it. 
…want to get married and/or have kids?
Getting married would be wonderful, but also not necessary. Yasmin was definitely one of those girls who made their own little wedding scrapbook, but all she really wants is to grow old with someone she loves.
Kids, on the other hand, are a more complicated matter. If Yasmin was certain that she’d live a long life in a safe place far from New York, then she’d adopt as many kids as she possibly could. However, she knows that there are no certainties in life, and doesn’t want to raise a child in her world.
…want to leave?
It’s her greatest secret, one she could never say out loud, not even to herself. Leaving New York has never been an option, only a fantasy. It’d be selfish to abandon her godparent and all that they’ve done for her, to turn her back on Harvey’s empire and the family that she’s grown up with. And yet, she wants nothing more than to do just that. Cast aside the Olympians, go off on her own, and see what the world has to offer. In another world, she’d be singing for an different audience every night, standing on a stage in a new country.
It’s difficult to convey everything with just words, and phone calls feel so much more personal. Yasmin will only send a text if she’s unable to take a call, and most of her text logs consist of sent photographs and voice memos. It’s much harder to convey tone and meaning through text, although emojis are a lot of fun. At the end of the day, Yasmin would much rather talk to someone instead of tiring her fingers out.
Yasmin was fortunate enough to never have to worry about money. And in the end, her bohemian ideals trump materialism regardless. If she has to live a starving artist stereotype in exchange for companions who will stand by her through it all, then so be it. Yasmin would gladly give up all the riches in the world in exchange for someone who has proven themselves loyal to her - not just to her godparent, to Olympus, but to her as a person.
Every time she’s given into lust, she’s left feeling empty. Love hurts tenfold, but she’d rather accept pain than the absence of feeling. In her opinion, there’s nothing better than feeling giddy over a new crush, or falling head over heels. Lust is fleeting, and fades away once the sheets turn cold. Yasmin remembers every person she’s ever been in love with, and cherishes even the heartbreaks.
Over the years she’s learned that five can very quickly turn to zero with the blink of an eye. People aren’t made to last, and perhaps she’d be less alone if she was had more people surrounding her. And perhaps it’d hurt less if she wasn’t as close to them when they inevitably left her.
However, Yasmin isn’t sure if she’s capable of just being casually acquainted with someone. She grows attatched quickly and falls deeply, whether she wants to or not.
Although New York summers can be brutal, Yasmin loves the season. It’s a time for sundresses and cold drinks and fresh fruit, and like a flower she thrives under the sun. Though she’s been living in New York all her life, Yasmin doesn’t fare well in cold weather. Her heating bill is astronomical in the winter, and she avoids going outside as much as she can during the colder months. Yasmin has an entire closet full of nothing but winter-wear, thick wool sweaters, quilts, and fuzzy socks. She wears no less than four layers all season, along with a comically large pair of faux-fur ear muffs.
Wanted Plots / Connections
( i’ll make an official page sometime in the future but here are a few stray ideas! )
( KIDNAPPING TW ) This is kind of dark but something akin to Persephone’s abduction, where Yasmin gets kidnapped, though I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do that unless they were out to piss Demeter off. Maybe in the future Yasmin’s curiosity gets the best of her and learns/sees something she probably shouldn’t have, and becomes a liability?
Someone matches with Yas on Bumble and it’s only until halfway through their date do the two of them realize that they’re affiliated with the Olympians/Titans. Awkwardness ensues.
Someone please teach Yasmin how to use a gun.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 5, partners in crime  (mako && theksevoy)
this one was kinda fun to write because at first, mako wanted nothing to do with the bounty hunter n his romance. i found it cute she didn’t ever disapprove of it though. i also heard that if you don’t romance her quick enough, she romances torian n it doesn’t end well?? someone’s gonna have to tell me, bc i refuse to go through that heartbreak.
oh,, n if you want to know who his moms are, they’re yuna n ryla from his legacies post.
written : 7.1.19. published to tumblr : 7.6.19. word count : 3,327
tw : possible age issues?? idk, i hc mako as a teenager when they first met (in the encyclopedia she was labeled as 19), an that thek was 23. he’s 26 in this chapter, n she’s 22.
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character song : just one yesterday, fall out boy
character file : theksevoy li'ui, grand champion of the great hunt
Theksevoy happens to like surprises. Keeps him on his toes, never a dull moment. As the champion of the Great Hunt, he figures for a couple more years, there won’t ever be anymore. In a galaxy locked in turmoil, the most he can ask for is a few quiet minutes.
Especially on the Mantis.
Not that he wants a few quiet minutes. It seems Blizz is always underfoot with sometimes useful-usually-not projects, Gault has some new scheme that Torian doesn’t 100% approve of, and Skadge…well Skadge is plotting the murder of a Hutt. Of course, never permitted by Theksevoy himself.
Fun times.
Of course, he can always rely on his first partner in crime, Mako. She’s always in the cockpit, poking around in old SIS or other Intelligence files. The way she’s just calmly standing or sitting there, sometimes humming to herself of talking through a firewall, is cute. Finding new bounties or just wandering the holonet for a bit, Mako’s a real diamond in the rough.
She’s tentative though. Always careful, always stepping lightly. That’s what makes her such a staple in not only bounty hunting, but also in their private lives. She makes him slow down and just enjoy how their romance progresses. Mako had been one of the first women to ever make him feel that way, even going as far to not just turn down his marriage proposal when he’d asked, but literally make him wait until she was ready. He’d been on so many bounties before joining up with Braeden, Jory and Mako, and often women most literally threw themselves at him. He’d gotten to the point where he couldn’t even remember his last conquest’s name.
It was bad.
But Mako had changed him for the better. Turning him down so many times confused him at first, before realizing she really was following her own morals, not just being a…well for her sake he wouldn’t repeat what he originally had thought. For the first time in years, he wasn’t interested in getting into her pants, rather more excited by the thought of getting to know her. She was mysterious (Gault once told him she often laid it all out on the table for him, he was just oblivious. It almost earned him a good sock on his remaining horn.), and he liked unraveling her. Not in the most literal way (though he’d thought of it before), but he learned more and more about what made his slicer tick. What made her smile, what made a giggle bubble out of her.
And he loved it.
“Hey Thek!” And there she was. Getting up, he opened the door to his private quarters, and she held a bag in her hands. He’d asked her to move in with him a while ago (before his botched proposal) and while she’d denied him then, she finally accepted a few days ago. He let her have her time, but it seemed today was the day she chose to.
He would’ve waited a lot longer if that’s what she needed.
She was a pretty sight when she wasn’t preparing for battle (she was pretty on and off the battlefield, don’t get him wrong, but when she wasn’t wearing at least five pounds worth of durasteel?). She wore her casual clothes around the ship, as everyone did (Blizz was always in that…shawl? Theksevoy wasn’t hugely curious what he looked like underneath it and resigned to only knowing his gold eyes through the darkness), but something about them made her softer, younger in his eyes. Theksevoy was aware she was younger than him, but was surprised to find it was only a few years and a few months than the decade he assumed seperated them.
Of course, that had been one of 100s of thoughts when he’d first started courting her, and almost turned him off completely when he really thought about it. Of course, he was also twenty-six now, twenty-three when they’d first met, but Mako had seemed to only be a teenager when they first met. She’d recently turned twenty-two, putting her at around nineteen when he’d arrived on Hutta.**
Today, like most days, she had her dark hair in a ponytail. It’d grown out over the last two or so years, so she usually kept it up once it got out of control. He’d done the same (he ended up shaving the sides and allowing himself to have a manbun, something Mako commented on not being as menacing as the undercut he’d had previously), and it was up at the moment.
“Princess.” He responded, as she gave him a knowing smile as he leaned over for a kiss (she was much shorter than he was, of course he was also 6"2) that she denied.
“You know, I’m not a little girl who needs pet names, Thek.” She says, walking past him as he stands in the doorway, the door closing with a satisfying shnk.
“Never said you were, Mako.” He responds as she puts her bag on the floor, putting a loose hair behind her ear. As she seems to settle after taking in her surroundings (what surroundings he didn’t know, it was pretty empty), he moves and comes to sit on the bed where she stands next to, as she yelps as he pulls her closer to him. He’s looking up at her now, and she looks startled, her face red, but she doesn’t struggle away from him. “I just like to think of you as my princess.”
“And what are you, my knight in shining armor?” She rolls her eyes as she tentatively puts her arms around his neck, leaning into him (certain extremities are too close). She smells of ship oil and metal, but there’s also something sweet under there that his nose can’t pick out. It’s her smell, and god does it drive him crazy.
“No, I figure I’m more of your prince in shining armor. The one with a blaster on his hip.” She laughs, a genuine girly laugh that makes him a smile all the same. He answers her with this exact answer anytime she asks this same question, and he loves the reaction she has, that knowing smile that graces those lips of hers. She finally allows him a kiss before he hoists her up, her legs immediatly going around his waist in panic. She yelps again, not expecting it as he laughs in response. There’s a playful growl beneath it before Theksevoy goes for her again, softly pulling the hair tie out of her hair, her hair falling around her shoulders.
Somedays, he really does feel as if she needs a protector. She’s small, very small. A good half a foot or so seperates them, maybe more. She’s thin, though she’s put on some weight since their crew had been formed, not that he needed a woman with a stereotypical figure, but he worries sometimes. Mako seems fragile, though her shot with a blaster is insane for someone who admits to be primarily a slicer. In the beginning, he treated her that way, leaving her on the ship in favor of (in her words), ‘almost getting himself killed’ by himself because he didn’t want to be responsible for getting her killed. They got into plenty of heated arguments that almost made him kick her off his crew, and another time where she almost left for good.
But, he doesn’t try to act like one anymore. She’s gotten him out of more scrapes than he can count, with her quick tongue and morals. Kept him from killing a couple of suprisingly helpful gangsters and other unsavories, though both of them agreed on the shady nature of the Thul family. He loves it when her small hands fit into his like second nature, when he can easily lift her into a bridal carry when he feels like it, or when he carries her back after a particularily tiring mission (even if she claims she doesn’t need it).
Theksevoy adores her. And he lets her know, every damn day. “I love you, Mako.”
“I know.” She says, after they pull away, her still sitting on his lap. “You’ve only said it six trillion times.”
“Oh, I know. And I’ll make sure you hear it, six trillion more times.” He responds. There are so many things he’s itching to do, just through habit from before he began romancing Mako, but he represses those urges as that girly laugh echoes through the room as she unwillingly pulls herself off him. She begins by pulling out a few of her clothes and heading to one of the storage lockers. “Oh, that one’s mine, Princess. I got another one for you.”
She’s quiet as he lays back on the bed, before speaking again. “This looks and smells suspciously like Gault’s from the medbay.”
“He didn’t need it, it was empty.”
“Thek.” She scolds playfully, putting a hand on her hip, “What if he did?”
“He didn’t.”
“No, I mean how do you know he didn’t?” Theksevoy shrugs in response. He doesn’t care, that’s how he knows. Gault’s resourceful, and he has another one, albeit full of medical supplies but another cabinet all the same. Not like he even needed to empty it before hefting it up to his own room.
Mako rolls her eyes before pulling out her personal effects and carefully storing them where she pleased. If she were like every other woman he’d wooed, he’d look through her undergarments at some point. Well, his younger, much younger self would. His older self would’ve just waited until they were on his bedroom floor.
However, before his thoughts get too out of control, someone’s knocking on their now shared bedroom door. Mako shrugs as she turns back to the cabinet, rolling a blaster on her thumb (he smiles knowingly, he taught her that trick) as she puts it away. Torian’s on the other side of the door, “Hey Torian.”
“Thek.” He pauses for a moment before continuing, “Someone’s on the holo.”
“Who’s calling at this hour?” He mutters out loud. It’s not particularily late, (this is also coming from a man who doesn’t sleep until 3 am I.S.T*) but usually calls stop coming in a bit after eight. Not many people call him either, which makes this so much odder. “Anyone we know?”
“I don’t think so. I think it’s a broadcast.” He responds as Theksevoy follows him out to the holoterminal, Mako trailing behind. Gault is making his way up the stairs, as Blizz is sitting precariously on the railings. He doesn’t hear loud snoring, so Skadge must be planetside again. The holo begins to play as Torian turns the terminal on.
“People of the Republic, a blow to our ranks has been felt across the galaxy today. Quinne Hyperion, a senator of the Republic over the planet Taris was mortally wounded, possibly past being able to return to her station or survive her wounds. Surrounded by family, Hyperion is not expected to make a full recovery.”
“This is what it was?” Gault asked, crossing his arms as he flicked a bored look to Theksevoy. “This thing has been beeping for hours, I thought it was something serious.”
“It is something serious! That poor woman.” Mako mused, “Her family must be devestated.”
“However, the culprits seem to be Imperial aligned. One attacker of five was captured and brought in for questioning, but died of his wounds before being able to release information. Film captured by the Senator’s security footage reveals this woman to be easily identifiable for the crime-” The woman flashed onto the screen, grainy but short haired, mask, glasses and dressed in all black with what Theksevoy assumed he recognized as Intelligence’s symbol on her right shoulder. “If you have any information, the Senate Tower is waiting.”
The holo cuts out, leaving the crew in silence. “Well, I didn’t do it, so that cuts down on culprits.”
“No shit, Thek.” Mako whaps him lightly on his arm before frowning. “That’s really messed up.”
“That’s true. There is no honor in killing someone who can’t defend themselves.” Torian mused, seeming just as far in thought as Mako. Theksevoy himself had never met a Hyperion, possibly his crew had. The woman in question he’d heard stories of while he was on Taris hunting Torian’s father, as well as apparently a relative, a then Lieutenant in the Republic Army who had also been on-planet at the time. Rumors aside, the Hyperion’s and their extended family were not only huge, but influential as well.
“When did this happen anyway?” Theksevoy questions. It must’ve happened today, or he never knew because he hadn’t been on the holonet in the last couple of days. “Don’t remember ever hearing about it.”
“Happened a couple of days ago, I think. Long enough for Intelligence, or whatever branch of the Sith they’re under now to put out a statement that whatever happened wasn’t sanctioned by them.” Gault states, pulling out his personal holocommunicator and connecting it to the terminal. “This came in today, though.”
The terminal flickers to life again, and a man takes the place of the reporter. He looks afraid, turning this way and that over his shoulder as he begins his message, “Hello? Hello? I don’t know whether you can hear me but,” here he lowers his voice to a barely audible whisper, “My name is Tyqin Hyperion, brother to the recently mortally wounded Senator Quinne Hyperion. I do not know you, but I was told by a, well scoundrel, off of the black market of your…talents.” He looks over his shoulder again before staring back into the camera, “Please, whoever is out there, please bring my sister’s assaliant to justice. If you receive this message, please respond to my private holo. I will not let this attack against the Hyperions and the Republic go unnoticed.” The holo flickers out as the crew considers the man’s words.
“I know, I know. I should’ve told you earlier, but given we were running for our lives a couple of hours ago, Thek.” He says, putting his hands up in defense.
Theksevoy crosses over his arms. It’s an interesting thought, it really is. The Hyperions, while influential now, haven’t always been and only recently appeared in galaxy wide news once Senator Quinne was elected. But, more and more of them are appearing, especially the Colonel, H…H something Hyperion. Big name in the Republic, even bigger name after the attack on the Gauntlet a while back. Started calling her 'Bane of Intelligence’s Existence’ by mercenaries here and there.
Influential usually equaled money. And this Tyqin Hyperion might have enough money to sneeze at.
“Thek, I know that look. We are not swindling this senator’s brother.” Mako says, more sternly than earlier.
“I’m not going to swindle him, Mako.” Well now he wasn’t, not without his (hopefully) future wife’s permission. “He’s asking for help, and asked for us to find whoever hurt the senator…”
“If that doesn’t sound like a bounty, I don’t know what does.” Gault answers, shrugging. Torian gives him a sour look, seeming to agree with Mako.
“I don’t like it. This Senator’s brother is clearly in grief.” He responds. “What if he’s doing something he might regret? If we kill this woman, what if they find out that he was the one who hired us? It could put a target not only on our back, but also his.”
“We’re also avenging the Senator. Albeit we’ve committed some crimes the Republic might be aware of, this could also earn us some favors from them in the future.” Theksevoy says.
“What about Intelligence though? We don’t know whether this woman is a rogue agent or not. And, she wasn’t alone either.” Mako reminds him. “This could get us killed by the Sith.”
“Well Mako, we live on the edge right? You only live once, unless you’re an undead Sith, right?” He asks, shrugging away her answer as she rolls her eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, we’ve done worse things. Things both of you agreed to.”
Torian sighs before nodding. “He’s right Mako, we might be missing an opportunity if we pass this up.”
Mako pauses for a second before catching his eye. “We do need to restock the weapons locker. Count me in.”
It was a while before Mako returned to their shared quarters. Theksevoy couldn’t help but feel like he’d missed something again, but she eventually did return, seeming a bit more downtrodden that before.
“You’re really stupid, you know that, Thek?” Confused, he turned to look at her, even though she didn’t make eye contact, or at least wasn’t trying to. Arms crossed, her eyes pointed to the ground. She was upset, a distinguishing position that struck fear into his heart, as he figured he was the cause.
“You’ve told me that before, but that’s also usually before we start fighting again.” He scratches the back of his neck, a bit nervous. The last fight they had was years ago, and that was the time where he realized touching her when she was angry only made it worse. So even though he wanted to hug her, he kept his distance. “Mako, I’m sorry, I guess if it bothers you that much we won’t call Hyperion back.”
She’s quiet for a bit, clearly mulling over his offer he assumes. But instead, she runs up to him, her small arms going around his torso. “You’re really stupid, Thek. This is gonna get you killed.”
Softly, he puts his own arms around her. “A lot of things might get me killed, Mako.”
“I know, but we all have our time Mako. Might as well go out with a bang, right?” She gives him a downright sour look as she pulls away from him, stalking back towards the door.
“How am I supposed to love someone who’s trying to get himself killed everyday?!”
He sighed. They’d had this conversation so many times before he didn’t bother counting anymore, and sometimes he avoided answering, but this time he wouldn’t. “Mako, have I ever told you about my moms?”
“You’ve only ever told me that they were the bravest people you ever knew, and that they died for you.” Her voice wavers at the end, muffled in his shirt as she eventually looks up at him, no doubt thinking of Braden. “Why?”
“Because I asked them the same question day after day after day. I never understood why they kept fighting, I just wanted them home everyday so that I could keep feeling safe. Mako, I was maybe five at the time, I didn’t understand that they were freedom fighters. But I think everything came into perspective when they died. Not only were they protecting me, but our entire village.” He pauses. He’s never told anyone about his life on Ord, and never really intended to unless she in particular asked. “So you ask why I do this? Maybe I’m not protecting a village, but I am protecting those I care about, and making a few credits along the way.”
She considers his words, mulling them over. She might have her own stories about whoever raised her, but he’s not going to pry, not when she’s so vulnerable. “No one lives forever, Mako. I intend to enjoy myself while it lasts.”
“That’s why you asked me to marry you. Because you knew you wouldn’t be around forever.” She says quietly, stepping closer to him. “You were afraid if you didn’t act then, I’d leave. Or you’d run.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” He answers, as she sits down next to him, arms around herself as she leans against him. He puts an arm around her as she relaxes. “You don’t have to, I don’t want to ever make you feel like you’re obligated to.”
“Maybe one day I will be Mako Li'ui. Just..not today.”
“And that’s alright. I’d wait decades for you.”
* = Imperial Standard Time? Is there a Standard Time for the galaxy?? Idk, maybe there is n I blasted through the conversation discussing it??
this one was harder to write. i actually do like these companions (i fucking hate skadge. im sorry but he’s so unlikable that i actually aired those complaints in-game to him.), but gault n mako were the only ones i really connected with. i think maybe i was so busy trying to romance mako (i didn’t understand why she rejected me until i went on reddit) that i kinda just,, didn’t pay attention to torian n blizz until the end. so i don’t really know his personality? comment if i should change it or i should just wait until my female bh (ba’shira wryen,, finally got started on my other server) meets him on taris. i hear his romance is vv enjoyable, n with the few convos i can remember, i am excited to run through them.
oh, and canonically, thek is most definitely a night owl.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Fortnite season 9: Update brings Loot Carriers and hyped Air Jordans
http://tinyurl.com/y6lg49hw Fortnite season 9 is live. Epic Games Fortnite season 9 is here, and it’s all about the future. Epic released the new season of its popular battle royale game with changes to the theme, new in-game content and other changes for players. When does season 9 begin? Fortnite season 9 went live May 9 after servers were taken down for updates. Once the servers were back, Epic tweeted the new season trailer. According to the trailer, the volcano event that happened on May 4 had a lasting effect on the island. The two destroyed areas, Tilted Towers and Retail Row, are now replaced with futuristic versions of the locations, called Neo Tilted and Mega Mall. The volcano also changed and is now known as Pressure Plant. Epic tweeted on May 14 that the first official update, v.9.01, would happen Wednesday, May 15, at 1 a.m. PT.  Get up close and personal when the v.9.01 update releases tomorrow, May 15. Downtime begins at 4 AM ET(0800UTC). — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 14, 2019 As the company regularly does, Epic also included a tease within its tweet with the phrase “get up close and personal.” This could reference a new weapon Fortnite players saw when logging in: the tactical assault rifle.  Fortnite v9.10 update went live on Wednesday, May 22, and featured a new crossover with Nike called FortniteXJumpman. Players can purchase news skins decked out in hyped Air Jordan 1s and play in the new Downtown Drop limited time mode.  Season 9 will last for the next 10 weeks, and then Fortnite season 10 will start Aug. 1, according to fan site Fortnite Intel. What’s new? As prominently shown in the Fortnite season 9 trailer, there are two new areas to explore: Neo Tiled Towers and Mega Mall. Players who know the island like the back of their hand will have to spend some time exploring to figure out the places to loot and where to ambush others, as these two spots will be popular in the early days of the new season. Neo Tilted Epic Another futuristic addition: the Slipstreams. Located around Neo Tilted Towers, Mega Mall and a large portion of the inner island, these new towers will propel players once they enter the wind stream. Players should use these Slipstreams as both a mode of transportation and a way to get out of trouble. Air vents were another mobility addition to propel players into the air and make them immune to fall damage. Slipstreams around Mega Mall Epic Epic added only one new weapon at the start of season 9: the combat shotgun. The semi-automatic weapon takes the place of the pump shotgun, which was removed from the game otherwise known as “vaulted.” Several other weapons, items and throwables were also vaulted including clingers, buried treasure, poison dart trap, scoped revolver, suppressed assault rifle, thermal assault rifle and balloons. Epic also made changes to the Battle Pass for Season 9. As in previous seasons, those who purchased the pass for 950 V-Bucks, or just shy of $10, will have 100 levels to work their way through to unlock new emotes, pickaxes and skins such as the Sentinel, Rox progressive and for those who make it to tier 100, the Vendetta skin. Something new with this Fortnite season 9 Battle Pass are the Fortbytes. These collectible computer chips are hidden across the island with a new one unlocked each day of the season. Collecting these items will piece together an image that hints at what’s in store for Fortnite season 10. With these new additions, Epic made various changes to the gameplay and improvement. The company also added new Limited Time Modes such as Trios, where players can make three-person squads, the Legendary-focused Solid Gold mode and One Shot, which has players with 50 health and can only access sniper weapons, meaning one hit is all it takes to eliminate players. After the first week of Fortnite season 9, Epic released the first update of the season, v9.01, on May 15. That includes a new weapon, the tactical assault rifle.  Fortnite tactical assault rifle Epic Games The automatic weapon, unlike most rifles, is far more effective up close than at a distance. It also has: 30-round magazine Deals 22/23/24 damage Headshot multiplier of 1.75x Epic also reduced the damage of the drum gun, which was brought back from the “vault” during the volcano event that kicked off the season. Many players complained about the weapon’s damage, so it was decreased from 26/27 to 22/23. The v9.10 update on May 22 added a new way to get loot during a match: Hot Spots. Random named locations on the map will turn gold, meaning Loot Carriers are in the vicinity. These floating caches can be shot down to acquire a high-end weapon.  A Loot Carrier added in the Fortnite v9.10 update.  Epic Games Other changes in the v9.10 update are the reduced availability of the Shadow Bombs and Combat Shotgun and unvaulting of the Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle.  For Season 9 week 4, Epic tweeted there would be a quick content update for the v9.10 that will consist of no download or downtime. The publisher hints a new weapon is coming, which data miners concluded to be a new burst weapon.  Burst into the action! The v9.10 Content Update arrives tomorrow, May 29th at 8AM ET(1200 UTC). No download or downtime required. — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 28, 2019 Fortnite players should expect more content, modes, weapons, skins and, eventually, clues to the next season. Hidden secrets and Easter eggs Epic tends to add clues and Easter eggs on the island that hint at upcoming events or the next season. A less than subtle example in Fortnite season 9 is the addition of a building in Paradise Palms that looks remarkably like the house from the John Wick films.  The John Wick house in Fortnite Epic Games One data miner also discovered a set of challenges for a limited-time mode called Wick’s Bounty, or WAX. This event started May 16,  just before the third entry in the franchise, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum, opened in theaters.  To add more fuel to the John Wick fire, the Fortnite v9.01 update had a slew of movie-related content leaked by data miners. First is the new John Wick outfit that has a secondary style called “Damaged.” Another data miner found more info about the Wick’s Bounty limited-time mode in the v9.01 update. The new mode will have infinite spawns, and players will have to collect coins off of other players, which most likely drop when eliminated.  There’s also a new skin known as “Sofia,” which is the name of Halle Berry’s character in John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum. The data miner noted that the head is temporary and could change when the skin officially goes live in the future.  Though the content found by the data miners isn’t official, Epic on May 15 posted an emoji-only tweet consisting of a bearded man, a dog, a pencil and a money bag, which are references to the first two John Wick movies.  🧔🏻🐶✏️💰 — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 15, 2019 Another subtle reference found in Fortnite season 9 is a storefront called Scoops Ahoy, the ice cream shop in Stranger Things. The third season of the Netflix series starts July 4, which would be during the second half of Fortnite season 9. In the v9.10 update added to the game on May 22, players found something weird at Polar Peak. There’s a block of ice that shakes as wind comes out of the cracks. It almost appears as if there’s something hidden inside. This could be the start of the event that could be the transition to Fortnite season 10. On May 28, Fortnite players who visited Polar Peak saw something new in the form of a giant eyeball.  Burst into the action! The v9.10 Content Update arrives tomorrow, May 29th at 8AM ET(1200 UTC). No download or downtime required. — Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 28, 2019 The creepy eye will track the movements of the player in front of it. Some players theorized the eye is a teaser to an upcoming crossover event with the movie Godzilla:  King of the Monsters, which releases in theaters on May 31. Fortnite is available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, and Android and iOS devices. Originally published May 7, 1:17 p.m. PT. Updates, May 8: Adds new tweet from Epic and server downtime notice; May 9: Adds new season info; May 10: Adds new section on Easter eggs; May 14: Adds tweets on next update and new weapon; May 15: Adds info from update v9.01; May 21: Adds info about v9.10 update and crossover event; May 22: Includes additional info on v9.10 and new secret. May 28: Adds Polar Peak eye and update tweet.  Source link
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