Why '91 Drakepad is NOT toxic
so ill admit, there are times where i doubt how healthy the og drakepad dynamic is in terms of romantic relationship
BUT in my heart of hearts, i truly dont believe its unhealthy
and here's my arguments why
1. Launchpad has complete and free autonomy
A common trait of toxic relationships is a lack of control. The abusee is often under the physical or emotional influence of someone else. Launchpad, however, is not being coerced or manipulated into anything. He can come and go as he pleases and chooses to stay with Drake. He more than often meets DW's huffy demeanor with a calm, knowing smile, proving he's clearly happy to be there by his side.
2. There's a difference between being corrosive and being grumpy
It's no secret that Darkwing has a semi-permanent hot-headed attitude. His casual nips and jabs at Launchpad is probably the most used reason for the argument that their relationship is toxic. The tricky thing is where to draw the line between harmful and imperfect. Let's be honest: Drake Mallard is not perfect. Hardly anyone is. He has his flaws (his roaring ego, a delicate temper), but Launchpad makes room for these flaws and loves him regardless, WITHOUT getting hurt in the process. Drake may be kinda grouchy, and there a few times when his frustration can spill over, but his intention is never to put Launchpad down. On the contrary, he thinks very highly of his sidekick, and values his observations and opinions. Which brings me to my next point...
3. Drake listens when LP's feelings have been hurt and is quick to admit he's wrong
For the most part, Drake's sarcastic quips directed at LP go unnoticed by the latter. Either they go right over his head or he shrugs them off with a smile. But sometimes they bite just a little too hard, and Launchpad's feelings get hurt, which he is quick to voice. You can see Drake immediately deflate in these moments and apologize to Launchpad for being too gruff with him. He knows he can go a little too far sometimes, and looks sincerely regretful at hurting his best friend's feelings. This is not the typical response of a toxic partner. What is, is anger, denial, dismissing, or gaslighting. Drake does none of those things, and instead puts LP's feelings above his own ego.
3. Drake goes out of his way to secure Launchpad
He acts as though Launchpad is beneath him intellectually (and let's face it: he is) but at the root level, he greatly values his input and holds good faith in him. On multiple occasions, Drake can be seen applauding LP for his bright ideas and astute observations, without a hint of cynicism. He even motivates him to perform the ever-difficult Double-Reverse-Paddle-Drop-Boom-Boom Kick because "the ability is inside [him], if [he'll] only believe in himself". On a different note, Drake also monitors Launchpad's emotions and comes through when it looks like he could use some comfort. Many a time throughout the series, DW speaks sweetly to LP after a perceived failure, assuring him that everything is OK and that he did his best. Citing from "Star-Crossed Circuits", DW notices LP has been awfully quiet, and gently asks, "Say, why so glum, chum?" and proceeds to reassure him that he is needed (albeit ineffectively).
Sure, they're a quirky pair, but at the end of the day, they love each other to the ends of the earth, and are their best selves when they're together. And certainly NOT toxic
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mebssann · 3 years
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first time drawing the fearsome four and it's just them as various pictures I found sitting around my gallery:
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