These are all So Important to me. Right now.
I’m just gonna put them here because I love them so much and probably ramble and gush in the tags okay? Okay!!
Unfortunately I can’t seem to find the Bo one except in this video (around 3:55)
Which is… unfortunate.
#These are just so so cute#Beep is such a polite little sweetheart and she loves her friends so much#like that’s the first thing she brings up when introducing herself#that she loves her friends and she loves her job and she especially loves doing her job with her friends#AND HER LITTLE GIGGLE AT THE END OF THE BOOP ONE#Grop I love her so#This has been her dream since she was a teeny tiny wee little Storybot!#(I don’t know how to break it to ya Beep but you are still teeny tiny. So small!!)#And Bang!! Also very cute!! He doesn’t quite know what information to lead with at first which is kind of a mood#And when he goes off repeating roll over and over that is also a mood#you know? Just like me fr. Except he doesn’t have anxiety and I do#Friendly friend guy yeas#The sheer confidence of Bing rattling off all those positive traits he has#he literally brags about how funny he is and then makes the worst pun (?) ever and laughs so hard at his own bad pun#I wish I had his confidence#Boop just does not even want to be here you can tell Beep talked him into it#“I think her just pretends to be grumpy because he doesn’t want to let people know he cares.”#Beep really out here exposing her friend as a massive softie#she’s not wrong of course#I really like their dynamic honestly#Not great that the Bo video is trapped within the other video where they play bang’s video backwards for some reason#but her video itself is also very cute#*pats Bo gently on the forehead* this Storybot can fit so much love in her#Her going on and on about all the things she loves and forgetting what she was even talking about#First of all she’s such a sweetie pie second of all same honestly I ramble and then forget what I was originally talking about all the time#So same#storybots
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baby finn series, bedtime stories
series list - house divided - sneaking onto stream - babysitting and date nights
dad!lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - finn is begging for a bedtime story, and lando has the perfect one to share. 
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“but daddyyy,” your son whined for the fourth time, “i don’t wanna go bed!” with that he stomped his tiny foot onto the ground and crossed his chubby little arms in an attempt to be upset. 
“no ‘but daddy’, finn. it’s bedtime, you need to go to sleep,” lando spoke sternly to the little boy. finn has always been well-behaved. you and lando often joked that his terrible two’s were instead the terrific two’s. he was taught and exhibiting his manners, his patience was impeccable, and when either of you asked him to do something he usually followed through. except for bedtime. bedtime was his enemy, which in turn made it yours and lando’s as well. 
“noooooo daddy, pweasee,” your three year old continued on his quest to avoid sleep. lando let out a sigh and dropped a knee in order to reach finn’s height, “how about a bedtime story, finn? will that make ya feel better?” your husband holds his breath waiting for the answer, silently saying a prayer that his son will agree.
finn’s arms slowly fall from their crossed position and he sways his body a bit before a quiet ‘otay’ slips out of his mouth. his father attempts to hide his proud smile as he scoops the boy off the ground and begins carrying him to his room. 
“is momma coming for story?” finn asks his dad.
“of course, bud, i’ll go get her while you get ready in bed, ok?”
“otay!” with the assurance of your presence, finn began to squirm from his fathers hold in order to rush into his room, hopping onto his bed. lando takes a look in the room, smiling to himself as he watches his son grab different stuffed animals and toys to ‘watch the show’. your husband turns down the hall, bringing his knuckles up to knock gently on your office door. he cracks the door open, leaning his head in to gaze in your direction. 
“love?” hearing his voice, you turn in your chair, breaking your view from the computer in front of you and trading it for your husband's eyes. both of you take seconds to admire the other, comfortable, a little sleepy, and oh so beautiful. lando drinks in your beauty, and you do his. he gives you a smile that you gently return.
“finn’s asking that you join us for a bedtime story, fancy taking a break?” 
“i would love that,” you’re quick to reply, and with that you stand, lando grabbing your hand as you make your way to finn’s room. 
“momma!” your three year old enthusiastically lets out as he kneels on his bed.
“hi, baby,” you let go of lando’s hand, instead using it to run over your son's curly head of hair. letting out a quiet ‘scoot over’ to finn, you both proceed to get comfortable on his twin bed, ultimately ending with you lying back propped up on pillows with finn tucked into your side under the blankets. your husband takes a seat at the end of the bed and claps his hands together.
“right, now, are you both ready for the best bedtime story?” he raises his eyebrows and highers his pitch in order to gain some giggles from his two favorite people. 
“yes, dada! story! story!” finn chants between his laughs.
“yeah, daddy! story!” you begin to add into the chanting, the boy tucked into your side erupting in more giggles. lando sends a slight wink in your direction at your use of the nickname and clears his throat. 
“okay, this story begins alllll the way back before you were born,” 
a gasp escapes your son in shock at the timeline and he lets out a small ‘that a long time’ which makes you and lando share a look of, damn, are we that old?
lando brushes it off and continues, “once upon a time, there was a young woman, and her name was y/n,”
another gasp from your mini, “like momma?” he asks as he looks at you.
“yes, like momma,” your husband answers as you boop your son's nose, “and she was, and is, the prettiest girl in the world. now, y/n’s parents-”
“NANA AND PAPA!” finn screeches out with excitement. you and lando share a laugh and he starts up again, “yes, nana and papa. now y/n’s parents had just moved to england as y/n began school in england, too. so, they reached out to their friends, cisca and adam-”
“NAN AND POP!” another screech and another fit of laughs is echoed through your son’s room. 
“yes, baby, now let daddy finish the story,” you tell your son gently. 
“otay, momma, i sowwy i jus’ excited!” both you nor your husband could correct that sweet behavior, instead choosing to keep moving on. 
“alright, y/n’s parents and cisca and adam all had dinner one night, and they found out that their kids had a lot in common,” lando steals a moment to meet your eyes and you send him back a warm smile, “cisca and adam’s son, hmm let’s call him lando-”
“dada! that your name!” 
“that’s right, buddy, so the group of parents agreed to have the two kids meet. lando had been off racing and y/n was at university, so they hadn’t met for months. until, finally, it was a warm july evening, and the two arrived separately at a party y/n’s parents had put on. now, lando walked into the home, and right ahead of him he sees this girl. she was wearing a long, peach-colored dress, hair down and beautiful, and had eyes that were absolutely stunning,”
“wow, mommy you pwetty,” your son speaks towards you with wide eyes.
“thank you, my love,” you reach down to place a kiss onto the top of his head while holding down the tears threatening to escape. your husband and your son were both enamored by you and it made your heart soar and squeeze in love.
“lando had the need to walk over to this beautiful woman and introduce himself, and so he did,” your husband caught your eyes again, staring at you with the same love-struck look he did five years ago. 
“what she say, dada?”
“she said, hello,”
“what did you say, dada?”
“i said, hi,”
“when you get marry?”
“marriage didn’t come for a few more years, buddy. the first question i had to ask her was if she wanted to go on a date with me,”
“did you?”
“i did,”
“what she say?”
“thankfully, she said, yes,”
you noticed the time and began to wrap up the story, but not without adding in your own two-cents, “and that was the best decision she had ever made,” you placed another kiss on your son’s forehead and began to stand up from the bed. lando helps you up and tucks you into his side before you both bend down and begin to tuck your son in. lando brings his blankets up to your son's chin, kissing his forehead gently with a whispered ‘i love you’. you mimic his same actions after him while adding a ‘sleep tight, my love’ and finn's eyes are already closing. 
you both make your way to the door while your hand comes up to turn off the lights. lando begins to lead you out and shut the door, but stops abruptly when he hears the quiet question of, “dada?”
your husband’s head shoots back into the room, “yea, finn?”
“do the y/n and lando in story have happy end?”
lando’s hand finds yours at your side and he intertwines them as he responds, “oh yes buddy, they live happily ever after,” with that, his door is closed with a crack open and your husband shuffles you quietly down the hall back into your office. he begins to watch you pack and close up your work assignments on the computer, leaning his frame against the door. continuing to admire his wife as you speak up, “that was a great story, lan,”
“well i had great characters to speak about,” he chuckles and moves closer to you, grabbing your arms and tossing them gently around his neck before dropping his hands to your hips. 
“oh yes, fantastic, i especially liked the sound of that y/n girl,” you speak softly, staring up at your husband. he gives a light laugh and a squeeze to your bum in response before dropping his head down in order to press his lips against yours. 
pulling away gently, you begin to rake your hand through lando’s curls as you speak, “we got really lucky with him,” you refer to your sleeping boy down the hall. 
“we really did, y/n. you want another?”
“yes, another baby. c’mon finn’s three now, its a good age to start trying again, he would understand, i should have a brea-”
“yes, i would love to start for another baby, lan,”
“god, i love you so much, y/n” lando leans down again pulling you into a kiss. you break apart quickly, adding in your own ‘i love you so much, too, lan,” as you both proceed to head to the bedroom. 
a/n - let me know if you all want this continued! and feel free to send in requests for what you want to see! xoxo
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izurou · 11 months
every morning, and often throughout the night, you’ll stretch a foot over to satoru’s side of the bed and make contact with him.
what comes across as a simple desire for physical touch, is actually a habit of yours—one born from both fear and experience. it’d be far from the first time you woke up and he wasn’t there, but things are different now, and you need him to be there.
but this morning, all you feel is cold sheets.
you sit up and rub at your eyes before looking out the window—finding your usual view blurred with rain. you shiver a little at the sight, or maybe—at the foreign emptiness of the room.
and that’s when you realize that, not only is satoru missing from your bed—the small white crib off to your right is also missing your daughter.
you think the worst on instinct. irrational, you’re well aware—there’s no reason for such thoughts anymore, but they still manage to penetrate your freshly conscious mind nonetheless.
that is, until a pair of giggles sneak past the little crack in your bedroom door, acting as the perfect antidote to your conclusion jumping.
now, you find yourself getting out of bed just a bit too eagerly for a gloomy sunday morning—sliding into your slippers before shuffling towards the door and down the hallway. you wrap your arms around yourself as you walk, both hoping for and needing a little extra love from at least one, but preferably both of your babies.
satoru’s voice becomes clearer as you near, and you’re just around the corner when you hear him ask your daughter, who can’t talk yet, a question.
“yeah? you like the rain?”
an odd thing to ask a seven month old, though it makes a little more sense when you actually see them.
the two are in the kitchen, and your daughter—strapped into her high chair, is staring out the large window with her big blue eyes, completely mesmerized. satoru sits hunched over in a dining room chair, watching her with the exact same expression while he holds a plastic green spoon up to her mouth, like he’s interviewing her.
“satoru?” in unison, the duo turn their heads at the sound of your voice. “what are you doing?”
“killing time,” he smiles at you before turning to your baby, who now has her chubby little hands wrapped around a couple of his fingers. “we were starting to think you’d never come to. isn’t that right sweetheart?”
she babbles excitedly in response, seemingly agreeing.
the transition from bassinet to crib hasn’t been an easy one, and last night was probably one of her worst so far. you’ll always rock her, and while she falls asleep easy enough—the second she’s put down, she’ll wake up and cry.
“sorry,” you sigh, padding over to the two. “she was up most of the night, i—”
“needed the rest,” he finishes for you—wiggling his fingers around and earning himself a few more precious baby giggles. “we know.”
you give him a smile, and he returns it in a much more devious fashion—as if he’s saying you owe me for this. on any other day, you’d roll your eyes at something like that, but it’s almost nine am, and you crawled out of bed just moments ago—there isn’t much you wouldn’t do for him at this point.
satoru wraps an arm around one of your thighs as you stand next to him, and he pockets your grin—knowing it holds all the gratitude in the world, and a little something more.
though, you just end up batting him away when you notice the empty bowl sitting on the tray of your daughter’s high chair.
“she ate all her breakfast?” you ask, peering over to see if he hid any of her yogurt in the pouch of her silicone bib. “why don’t you ever do that for me?”
you lean down to boop a finger on her nose, and she kicks her feet in excitement—letting out something between a squeal and a laugh.
“‘cause you like me better, right?” satoru chimes in, holding his makeshift microphone in front of her with a toothy grin—which gets her to babble, for some reason. “oh? what’s that? i’m the best? your favourite?”
you bring a hand up to flick the back of his head—even though sometimes you think he’s right with the way she’s always smiling at him, but you just chalk it up to his high contrast, baby friendly look instead.
“think you misheard,” you point out, “sounded like ew dad, you stink to me.”
your husband—dramatic, and a sucker for your baby girl, flops down onto her little plastic tray in defeat.
“say it’s not true,” he whines, sneakily tickling one of her feet to get her to laugh but, consequently causing her to smack her hands on his head. “hey, hey!”
“that’s my girl,” you snort, and she babbles some more—loving the attention she’s getting from the two of you.
“hmm?” satoru leans in closer to her, as if she’s about to tell him a secret, and then he shields his mouth with his hand to respond. “yeah i know, i think that smell’s coming from over there too.”
the two smile at each other, and while it might be at your expense, you find yourself smiling too.
because you can see it now—satoru picking your daughter up from her first day of kindergarten, begging for the scoop on all her new classmates. he’d listen attentively, and pry just a little further every time she mentions a more masculine name—selfishly wanting to ensure that he’s still her favourite boy.
it’s just a thought of course, but you’ll definitely be holding him a little closer tonight.
“look, she’s doing it!” satoru pulls you back to the present moment, nudging your leg with his elbow. he’s given your baby her little silicone cup—the one she’s learning to drink from. she has it tilted back, spilling milk half into her mouth, and half into her bib. “kind of.”
once she’s quenched her thirst, she haphazardly tosses the cup onto her tray, and you note the white residue that sits on her top lip.
“well, satoru?” you grin at him, grabbing the long forgotten plastic green spoon—microphone, and holding it up to your husband’s mouth.
he furrows his brows and opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
“how does it feel knowing your daughter has more of a stache right now than you ever will?”
he grins, at you and then her. “that’s my girl.”
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leahsgirl · 3 months
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homemade love | leah williamson x reader
why am i getting attached to a fake scenario i made up in my head i need help.
anyways happy valentine’s day & enjoy this blurb of pure fluff !
"do you want mamma to pour the flour or is wren doing it?" the blonde asked the nearly three year old next to her as she made sure to get the measurements right.
"wren do it!" taking the measuring cup that leah held out for her she dumped the contents in the bowl, being a little off target and some ending up on the counter instead. "good job beautiful."
leah had decided to surprise you, her fiancé, with breakfast in bed. it was valentines day after all and she loved to treat you in any way possible. she roped your daughter in of course, jumping at any opportunity to have the extra bonding time with her mini-me.
today was one of the rare instances where leah was actually awake before you considering it was often you having to pull the defender out of bed which was not an easy task could you just say.
"okay crack an egg into the mixture." she read from the cookbook open in front of her. "watch these skills kiddo." leah smirked as she took the egg and attempted to break it with one hand only for her to fail miserably and have the shell fall into the batter. wren giggled "silly mamma."
"shh don't tell anyone." she picked out the unwanted bits and booped her toddler's nose, leaving a flour mark on it.
eventually the pair finished the pancake mix after a quick flour fight and leah poured the mixture into the pan, flipping it with ease much to wrens amusement shown by her excited claps.
the skipper plated them up and let wren take control of the cream "okay! that's enough darlin." grabbing the bottle off of her after seeing what was practically a mountain of the whipped substance. finishing off the meal with a few strawberries and blueberries leah moved it all onto a tray.
"lets take this to mummy shall we?"
you stirred in your sleep as you felt a weight press onto your stomach. "mummy! mummy! wake up." the infant babbled as she continued to climb all over you.
"morning bubba." you gave her a weak smile while adjusting to the light coming through the window. "i made you bekfast!"
“oo did you now?”
"i'd say it was more a joint effort but i suppose she was the better chef." you looked up to see leah stood there with a goofy smile on her face holding a tray just above her waist.
"happy valentine's day baby." she placed the food down onto your lap, bending down and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
"oh my, thank you guys." your heart swelled at the gesture - just picturing the behind the scenes you wished you were awake to see. "eat it?" wren who had now cuddled into your side looked up expectantly.
"hm i think wrenny should have first taste, considering she did make it after all." cutting a triangular piece out the stack you fed it to the young girl watching as her eyes lit up from the taste of sugar. "is it good?"
wren nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up making both you and leah chuckle. you had to admit, they were good pancakes, almost too good considering leah's cooking history, she was by far not the designated chef of the family.
"wait hang on i forgot your present." leah suddenly realised as she dashed out of the room.
you look quizzically at your toddler "what's she got up her sleeve now?" only getting a shrug in return.
your fiancé now came back with her guitar she had been learning to play for a couple of months in her hand. "may i present to you ‘you are in love’ leah williamson version."
you couldn't help but laugh when you figured out what she was about to do. playing the chords to the song she began singing looking directly at you the whole time.
''cause you can hear it in the silence you can feel it on the way home you can see it with the lights out you are in love, true love you are in love'
you loved seeing leah like this; all cheesy and goofy, a complete 180 to how she was on the pitch. she may not be fully in tune but she did have a good voice that you could happily sit and listen to all day long.
wrapping the song up she took a bow as you and wren applauded her. "surprised it wasn't 'our song'." you say knowing how that was the older girl's favourite taylor song.
"thought i'd be a little spontaneous gorgeous." she winked as she now plonked herself on the bed so wren was in between the both of you.
"well i guess it's my turn now huh." rooting through your bedside table drawer. "i don't know if I'm going to beat the pancakes and serenades but here." you passed both wren and leah neatly wrapped gifts. "princess open yours first." you didn't have to tell wren twice before wrapping paper was flying everywhere revealing a baby doll wearing an arsenal shirt with the number 24 on it.
you looked at leah for any form of reaction but she clearly hadn't caught on yet simply sharing wrens excitement at the new toy "you can bring her to mummy and mamma's games."
"okay leah open yours." anticipation was bubbling inside the both of you.
the blondes mouth dropped open when she picked up the items at hand. "are ya serious?" doing a double take at the pregnancy scan photos and test she was holding in her hand. "it worked?"
nodding she rushed off the bed to your side, picking you up and twirling you around. "okay okay put me down! i don't want to start being sick before i have to."
she did as requested and held the scan right in front her face still in disbelief. "september 2024, twins.`' casually slipping it into conversation.
"fuck off." she said incredulously which earned her a glare off you, reminding her there is a child in the room.
"wren your going to be a big sister!" now shifting attention to her daughter - it being her turn to be picked up and bounced around.
"sister?" the little girl questioned. you pointed at your stomach "there's two babies in mummy's tummy." wren reached her small arms out to touch your belly "hello!"
"they can't talk yet love, they've gotta grow for a while in there, make sure they're strong and healthy just like you." the centre-back explained.
you smiled at the interaction. leah was such a good mum. you couldn't wait to make your family even bigger in a few months time. "good valentines day gift then?"
leah pulled you in to her side with her free arm. "the best. i love you." she pressed her lips onto yours, conveying every emotion possible. little laughs coming from the small body in the older girl's arms as she watched her grossly in love mothers.
"oh you find it funny when we kiss do you?" you quirked an eyebrow and watched as she nodded.
you pecked leah's mouth again..and again, hearing the giggles make a return.
"i think it's someone else's turn now." the defender smiled smugly and you quickly caught on, both bombarding your daughter with kisses on the face as she squealed happily.
god you loved your valentines.
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beiasluv · 3 months
ice creams? | cl16 + al12
a/n: Idk this is so random, lmk if you guys found it cute or weird 💀
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Being a Monegasque resident had its perks – being the Leclercs’ neighbor also had its perks.
Like getting a bowl of Bouillabaisse when they heard you were sick, getting invited to Charles’s karting race – and he won, or babysitting the little devils. One of them was Charles, a seven-year-old, or what he likes to say that he is ‘thee years older than arth’; and Arthur, the four-year-old.
Okay, maybe that last one wasn’t much of a perk.
Fridays called for an extra long time in bed, snuggling into your air-conditioned room and, definitely, without a blasting ringing down your hallway – your cream-colored house phone, hanging by the bronzed framed mirror.
Groaning as you threw the pink duvet off your body, slipping into your slippers – not so sure whether your parents leaving for a business trip was so good after all.
“Hello?” You said, rubbing your eyes clear to make out the dimmed outlines of your hallway. Approaching midnight if your mental clock worked properly.
“Hi, chérie,” came the reply, the caller not sounding not so much better than you. “I’m sorry for calling in so late, is it possible for you to look after the boys–”
“Yes– yes, I’ll be over.” It slipped off your mouth, not sure whether where that urgency came from. Or was it the growing worry for the two little boys.
“Oh, thank you. Thank you, chérie.” She sighed. “Lorenzo got himself in trouble, we’re going to the ER–”
“Maman, don’t worry. I got them,” you cut her off, shaking your head unconsciously. Perhaps biting your smile that how one of them managed to get in trouble again this week.
“Thank you so much, dear.”
Mumbling the last ‘see you’ to the speaker, you hung the handset back to its hook on the wall. Not that it was the end of the world babysitting the younger Leclercs, they were sweethearts – what’s the worst that could happen, right?
Everything came in a blur: knocking at their front door, Pascale and Harvé rushing to greet you while whisking Lorenzo out the door, and then seeing Charles and Arthur coloring with their crayons on the carpet in the middle of the living room.
The one that you were so sure was filled with tears a couple of hours ago while ‘whatever happened’ happened.
Now, the three of you found yourselves on the sofa, watching the television, and the boys stuffing their faces with popcorn just to make them a little bit fuller and slower.
Which, you were sure, was not happening any soon. They were restless. A giggling mess, if you will.
“Aren’t you guys a little tired?” You asked, trying to see if they were hinting just a little bit of a yearning for bed, that you were sure to whisk them away if they were. Yawning and rubbing your eyes were not helping.
Arthur got his little legs propped up in a ‘M-shaped’ way, while Charles snuggled next to your arms on the other side. They blinked their brown eyes from stimulating cartoons on the television to your eyes – still big and bright as ever.
"Nooo..." both Charles and Arthur replied almost at the same time, shaking their little heads left to right. The older one said with his mouth full of popcorn and the younger one continued to find his arms in an interesting position.
“Alright…what do you guys wanna do?” You appealed to in defeat, rubbing your eyes.
"Let's play hide and seek!" Arthur yelled, looking at his brother for a support. As if seeing the little gears turning in little Charles’s head, his little eyes litting up in the process.
"Yes! Please? Yn? Please?" Charles replied, leaving the popcorn bucket and candy bag on the table. Jumping up and down while giving you the best puppy eyes.
Sighing, there was no other choice. You either play the game or get dragged into some new invented game – that would definitely took more time to explain than to participate.
“Yes…yes,” your eyes turned upside down at their enthusiasm, wiping the popcorn from Arthur’s mouth corner. Booping Arthur’s nose softly, “You are the seeker.”
“Awe,” the younger one slumped on the couch. Dramatically lifting his arms as high as he could.
“Ha! What about me?” Charles interjected, intertwining between your arms – between you and Arthur.
“Start counting Arth!” Charles said with a change of mind as he run away with his little legs from Arthur – you doing the same. With the only goal of finding a good spot, maybe you’ll get a little nap while Arthur tries to navigate the house.
Long enough, you finally heard a higher-pitched laughter followed by a slightly lower-pitched groan: letting you know that they got back together. Besides, the stumbling sounds enlightened you that they started looking through the kitchen, they opened the refrigerator, the pantry, the cabinets...
They ran everywhere, yelling and laughing. Sometimes just to hear the other one laughing too.
“Yn!” “Where are you!”
Little hands grabbing all the places they could grab, climbing on top of each other if they wanted – still looking around and getting into weird positions to look under the furniture.
Charles and Arthur started to get a little frustrated at not finding you, and this little bit of stress made them nervous, making all kind of noises.
"Where is she? Where is she?" Charles yelled, looking at his younger brother – his head getting a little redder from looking upside down under the cabinets.
"Maybe she is in the bathroom! Or maybe she ran out of the house?" Arthur replied, in a loud voice, getting into weird positions too.
"Maybe she went to papa’s room!" Charles replied, and both he and his younger brother ran their little ways up the stairs to check the adults' bedroom.
The room stood still as they pushed the door open. There was maman’s perfume on her side table, papa’s reading glasses on the other side, and something on the dresser – too tall for them to see. The two little boys searched every corner, they even checked under the bed, but there was no trace of your jeans hem or khaki sweater.
At that moment, they were starting to get hopeless, and they did what hopeless children do best: sniffling.
Little sniffles turned into hiccups, hiccups turned into cries. Arthur seeing his brother wiping his little eyes dry, he found himself slumping on the floor, mimicking Charles’s teary eyes.
“Oh, no– I’m here– awe, guys–”
Without wasting another minute, the boys ran to hug you – clinging and wiping their faces onto your sweater. You welcomed them with open arms, and little kiss for each one.
“We couldn’t find you!” Charles hiccuped out, faltered-heartily, while Arthur just nodded and mumbled something. Now, they were like a pair of puppies, begging for your attention.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you chuckled at the sight, rubbing and patting their backs.
“No funny!” Arthur hid is face in your chest.
The little boys remained in your arms, hugging tightly, like two pieces of dough. Tears resided into just stains and hiccups returned into sniffles.
“Alright– I’m sorry,” you nodded, making zipping motion while continuing rubbing their arms. “Let’s go to bed, yeah?”
Just maybe the fact that Charles slowly tear his face away from comfort, showing cheeky smiles…
“Can we have some ice cream?”
“Please? Please?" Arthur replied, with his head still down, hugging her with all his might.
“But you guys already had…” knowing they are a little faltered hearted at the incident – maybe using it to their little advantages. “fine. But no more–”
"Yay!!" they replied in excitement, jumping out of your arms, but keeping you close by. “Thank you Yn!”
Now more hopeful and happy, the little boys ran towards the kitchen without saying another word. They were now a duo in a mission for food, and to cause as much trouble as possible on their route…
I have a mark fic incoming…lmk if you guys are interested??😘😘
interact if y’all liked it, do what ever you want. Imma start writing fics again 💀
today’s a good day to take care of yourself!!
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
Please this is so eddie and penny when she finds out his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYJLEV/
“Im Daddy to you”
“But your Eddie!”
God forbid she fine out his full government name 😂
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Penny busts out the full use of Eddie's government name (we're talking Edward Whateverhismiddlenameis Munson) when she's mad at him, lol.
Penny is around 2 years old here making Eddie 23 and Reader 22 :)
more of penny and Eddie here
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The sight of you and his toddler cuddling on the couch was a welcome one when Eddie finally arrived home after a long day at the shop. 
  He discarded his keys in a bowl on the counter, before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. He was always eager to get home to you at the end of the day so he didn’t do as thorough of a job when it came to making sure he had no traces of grease on his hands or arms. Sometimes, even his face–but that was something you seemed to. . . appreciate.
  “Hi, baby!” He called out to you as he scrubbed his arms with soap under the warm running water, fully intent on getting in on those cuddles once he was clean.
  “Hi, Eddie!” You called back.
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” Came a much smaller voice.
  Eddie turned off the faucet and stood ramrod straight as he tried to process what he just heard. He didn't wipe the water from his hands before he stormed to the living room. 
  Penny had been laying on the couch, head on your chest and in between you and the couch to prevent her from falling off, when Eddie had walked in the front door. Now she was leaning up, curls a mess going in every direction (save for the half of her head where she’d been laying on you–that area was flat) as she grinned, her tiny teeth and tooth gap on display for him. 
  Eddie’s eyes narrowed at her, while you tried to hide your smile in her hair. 
  “What did you just say?”
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” She repeated, trying her hardest to enunciate his name correctly, probably just to hurt him.
  “No, no, no. I’m not Eddie. I’m daddy.”
  Penny started giggling, her nose crinkling up.
  “No, you Edd-ie!”
  She chirped it so enthusiastically it made you laugh, which only encouraged Penny and her giggling.
  “When I picked her up from Maude, you came up in conversation and Penny wanted to know who ‘Eddie’ was, so I told her ‘Eddie’ is her daddy.” You explained, hand stroking over her little head, the short curls twisting around your fingers.
  Eddie was a little amused with the situation, but he also couldn’t tell if this was just her teasing him or something she would stick to for a while and he really, really didn’t want it to be the latter, especially considering how she’d only started calling him daddy and talking more just a few months ago, so his laughter was more so nervous.
  “Ha ha ha, you’re sooooo funny Penny. I’m daddy. Remember? Daddy.” He closed the distance, crouching down at your side to be eye level with her.
  “Is that daddy?” You asked her as she nuzzled her head back down against your chest, pointing at Eddie. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes before following your finger to the person she’d inherited her eyes from. Eddie was giving her a puppy dog stare, the same one she gave him whenever she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  Penny nodded against your chest, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s nose for some reason.
  Eddie was pleased with her response, pulling his nose away from her little hand to bite playfully at it. Penny squealed and yanked it back to her chest.
  “Good. I’m ‘daddy’ to you, young lady.” Eddie directed a finger at her while he spoke before reaching over to boop her nose with it.
  She grinned again, hiding her face in your chest for a few moments. When her face popped back up, she was sticking her little tongue out as she smiled, “Okie dokie, Edd-ie.”
  “Baby, make her stooooop!”
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sansaorgana · 21 days
I had a dream last night for Buck, and it's kinda a cute request idea ✨️
So like obvious Buck x Reader, them being married after the war and they have a daughter that was like 3 years old. But the boys were there too Bucky, Rosie and Croz (who also bought his daughter with him) and everyonemet up at a park.
The two children were ✨️forcing✨️ the males to play with them and at the end of the day they were renamed to Uncle Bubu (bucky), Uncle Rose, Uncle Bug (buck) and Uncle Croco (don't ask me why or how but I dreamt it like that 😂)
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hello! thank you for these requests 💝 the story is so adorable and domestic, I wish I could live in it, honestly 😭 I looked up popular 1940s girl names because I didn't feel comfortable with looking up the name of real Crosby's daughter for obvious reasons lol 😅
I have about 10 requests with Buck at the moment in my inbox to write lol (and one about Bucky) so please, go easy with them for a while 👉🏻👈🏻 especially that I also want to open my requests for Feyd, too 🤩
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Little Gloria had been excited since the early morning for the arrival of uncle Bucky. Her godfather lived in a different part of the country and she was seeing him only a few times a year.
You were in the kitchen, preparing Bucky’s favourite food to greet him with it, while Gloria was on Gale’s lap as they were both sitting by the window to make sure not to miss Bucky’s arrival.
When she started to squeal and clap her hands, you realised that Bucky had to be already outside.
“What the hell,” your husband muttered and you furrowed your brows.
“What? Did he bring some lady?” You asked and approached the window curiously.
Bucky’s car was parked on your driveway but he was not the only one leaving it. However, there was no lady but two other men and a little girl who looked more less your daughter’s age.
“Who are these people?” You asked Gale. You didn’t know every person your husband had served with personally.
“The one with the moustache is Rosie and the other one is Harry Crosby,” he looked up at you. “I guess the girl is Crosby's daughter. She should be about a year older than our little Gloria,” he put your daughter down on the floor because she was getting impatient to finally run outside and greet her favourite uncle.
“Well, I don’t mind finally getting to know them but we don’t have enough beds for them all to stay over,” you worried.
“We’ll settle it somehow, come,” Gale stood up and took your hand to lead you to the hall.
Gloria was already waiting by the door and struggling to reach the doorknob. Gale chuckled at her and opened the door for her as she ran outside. Bucky smiled widely at the sight of her and crouched down as he opened his arms. Gloria hurried to hug him and you followed her.
“Hello, Princess,” Bucky squeezed her tight and carried her up. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cleven,” he greeted you and your husband with a wink. “I’ve gathered some company on the way, I hope you don’t mind,” he pointed at the men behind him. “Little reunion, how about that?”
“Oh, it’s nice to finally meet you!” You reached your hand out towards the man with the moustache.
“Nice to finally meet you, too, Mrs. Cleven. I’m Rosie,” he introduced himself.
“Please, I’m just (Y/N),” you giggled and shook his hand before reaching it to another man.
“Harry Crosby,” he nodded at you. “And that little lady is Connie,” he introduced his daughter. “My wife wanted a weekend for herself and I thought that it would be nice if our daughters could meet. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I hope you don’t mind us in general,” Rosie added.
“I don’t mind at all,” you chuckled nervously as your husband hugged Crosby and Rosie. Little Connie was staring at him with big wide eyes before shyly hugging him, too.
“Hello, Connie,” Gale booped her on the nose and she giggled. “I’m uncle Buck and this is aunt (Y/N),” he pointed at you.
“Connie, what do we say?” Harry looked down at her.
“Hello,” she blushed.
“Oh, she’s adorable,” you smiled.
“I am adorable, too!” Gloria exclaimed. “Right, uncle Bucky?”
“Of course!” He assured her with a laugh and kissed her on the cheek.
Gale helped Rosie to get the bags out of the trunk and you all walked inside and into the living room, chatting about the weather and what the ride had been like.
“I’m a little worried about the beds,” you explained. “Girls can sleep together, we have a guest bedroom that I have prepared for Bucky. Someone can sleep on the sofa of course. But we’re still one bed short,” you sighed.
“A professional worrier,” Gale teased you. “She’s like you, Croz.”
“Excuse me, that seems like a serious problem to me!” You put your hand on your hips.
“You’re really adorable, (Y/N),” Bucky patted your shoulder and you furrowed your brow. “We’re military men. We can sleep on the floor,” he explained.
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In the evening you were all sitting in the garden while Gale was managing the barbecue and you were helping him. Bucky – as energetic as always – was running around with Connie and Gloria. Rosie and Croz were sitting by the table and drinking beer while watching them and you were sighing every time one of them ran over your flower patch.
“Daddy, daddy, look!” Gloria was calling for Gale all the time, hoping he would join the fun.
“Go to them,” you pushed his shoulder lightly. “I’ll take care of the grill,” you promised.
Your husband leaned in to place a kiss upon your cheek and ran to Gloria, trying to catch her and attack her with tickles. Harry put the bottle of beer down and did the same to his daughter.
Rosie stood up and joined you by the barbecue as if you needed a male’s assistance while turning the meat and vegetables over.
“I can handle that, really,” you chuckled. “You men act like we haven’t been managing everything on our own while you were gone,” you pointed out.
“You have?” He asked playfully and you rolled your eyes.
“Do all people in New York run their mouths?” You asked with a cheeky smile.
“Yes,” he winked at you.
“Then I wonder why I wasn't born there,” you laughed.
“You run your mouth, too, Mrs. Cleven?”
“Gale thinks so sometimes. Right, Gale?” You looked at him and he furrowed his brows at you. Little Gloria was sitting on his shoulders as he was pretending to be an aeroplane.
“What?” He asked.
“I’m telling Rosie how you think I run my mouth sometimes,” you explained.
“A lot,” he answered before turning around and ignoring you once again, focusing on the play-pretend.
“Rude,” you mumbled and sighed while Rosie chuckled.
“Love and marriage, eh?” He asked.
“Love and marriage,” you nodded and took one of the plates to put the sausage and potatoes on it from the grill. “We’re out of ketchup,” you pointed out. “I’ll go for it,” you told Rosie and he nodded his head as he took the plate from you to put it on the table.
You went inside to the kitchen but the phone rang as you were opening the fridge. It was your mother calling so you stayed on the line for about ten minutes, chatting about the upcoming weekend with the guests and asking her about the new recipes she had been trying recently. When you were finally done, you grabbed the ketchup bottle from the fridge and went back outside.
You froze at the sight of four adult men running around with two little girls giggling and laughing as they were trying to catch them. Bucky was standing on the garden chair that was barely stable on the grass and Rosie was wearing a cap made out of an old science magazine that had been laying on the garden table for a month now because Buck had been insisting that he was still reading it.
You focused mostly on him – your husband. His cheeks were flushed and golden hair was ruffled, reminding you of a little boy. It brought a smile to your face to see his eyes sparkling with joy. Ever since he was back from the war, his beautiful blue eyes were often filled with melancholy but in rare and pure moments they reminded you of the Buck you had met all those years ago. And nothing was bringing you more happiness than his joy.
“Gloria,” you put the ketchup bottle on the table and smiled at your daughter, “Nana called and she sent you a million kisses,” you told her.
“Oh!” Gloria smiled widely. “I’m sending her a million, zillion kisses back!” She told you. “Mummy, look at uncle Rose, he’s a sailor,” she pointed her finger at Rosie.
“Uncle Rose?” You laughed and he winked at you.
“And daddy’s uncle Croco,” Connie approached you shyly to tell you.
“Croco, mhm,” you smiled at her. “And that handsome fella?” You pointed at Bucky who was grinning like an idiot.
“Uncle Bubu, at your service, ma’am,” he saluted you and nearly fell off of the chair as everyone laughed at him.
“Guess what’s our daddy!” Gloria pulled on your skirt excitedly.
“I’ve no idea,” you shook your head.
“Just guess!”
“Uncle Bucket?” You tried as Gloria and Connie giggled and Buck shot you an annoyed glance.
“Uncle Bug,” Gloria revealed.
“Oh!” You laughed. “I’ll try to remember all of these,” you promised. “Now, it’s time to eat, uncles-funny-names,” you told the men and arranged all the plates on the table. Connie started helping you without being told to and you looked at your daughter. “Do you see that, Gloria, how Connie’s helping me?” You asked her but she only rolled her eyes with a sigh and sat on Gale’s lap.
“Connie is older than me! When I’ll be as old as her, I will do that, too!” She told you and you laughed because she apparently wasn’t realising that the age difference between them was only a year
“I will remember that,” you assured her.
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cafecourage · 2 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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sweet-lover-girl · 10 months
Sugar and Spice
Here’s another oldie! This one is very silly but I like it, it’s sweet and full of good times and love.☺️💖
Warning(s): Tooth rotting fluff, reader and Abby are pretty silly in this and they are truly madly deeply in love, titty groping(Abby gropes your tit), you try to bite Abbys finger(playfully), threats of getting spanked(playfully?), reader has hair in this(that is flicked over her shoulder at one part and that’s it, hair is not specified), reader is full of sass in this(at lets I think so), light dom/sub dynamics, switch!reader(kind of), switch!Abby(kind of), chocking, heavy making out, heavy petting, hair pulling(both receiving), mentioned that reader has stretch marks, mentioned that reader had a bellybutton piercing, implied sex towards the end, and I think that’s it?
You and Abby were sitting on your couch watching a movie together, you were leaning into her side, legs thrown over her lap while Abby’s right arm was over your shoulders pulling you close to her and her left hand was resting on your legs - gently rubbing her thumb over the soft skin. It was a nice little evening at your apartment, the air was filled with a warm haze coming from the few candles you had burning, and after such a hectic week it was nice to finally relax with your girlfriend. When suddenly— you felt your breast getting grabbed. You look down with wide eyes and saw Abby’s strong, veiny hand groping you. You feel yourself start to grin and you looked up at Abby and saw how focused she was on the movie, seemingly not aware of what she was doing.
“Abby?” You whisper.
Her hand groping you tit once more.
Her thumb subconsciously rubs over your now perky nipple making you gasp softly and wiggle slightly. You try once more to get your lovers attention.
“What?” She finally looks down at you with curious and doe like eyes.
“Are you having fun?” You ask with a giggle.
“Am I.? Yeah, I always have fun when I’m with you baby.” She smiles sweetly while leaning in to kiss you and you accept the kiss with another giggle at her obliviousness.
“No I mean, your hand honey.”
She looks at you strangely, watching you tilt your head down and look at her hand that was still— groping your breast and now softly pinching your nipple.
“Oh that? Yeah that’s great too.” She says nonchalantly and you let out a laugh and she starts to laugh with you.
“You’re such a goober.” You say with a teasing but loving voice, looking at her like she hung the stars, because in your eyes, she did.
“Hey don’t insult the one holding your tit.”
“Oh yeah?” You question her.
“Yes, ah boop.” She grinned, booping your nose with her finger.
You let out a quite laugh before surging forward and acting like you were gonna bite her finger that she poked your nose with, making her gasp playfully and pull her hand away quickly. Her mouth agape staring at you with shining eyes.
“You’re trying to get spanked huh?”
“Maybe I am.” You taunt, getting up from the couch— making Abby whine and reach out for you. Flicking your hair over your shoulder, you turn and wink at her before walking away.
She was left speechless as you walked away, you were practically strutting away actually.
“Wait, hold on.” Abby says with a chuckle and got up to follow you.
You look back and let out a squeal as you see her coming for you, making you take off and run to your shared bedroom. You can hear her laugh and her quick thudding footsteps.
You open the door and you quickly tried to close it with as you laughed. Her hand reaching around the door making you stop so you don’t smoosh her hand. Abby makes it inside and closes the door behind herself before gently grabbing you by your neck with her large, warm hand and pushing you up against the door, kissing you hard and passionately. Your tongues swirling in a heated battle of dominance— your teeth clashing like swords as you moan into the kiss and grabbed at her toned waist pulling her towards you, your hips meeting and you can’t help but grind against each other. Abby was letting out quiet grunts and groans from the hot kiss, her hand slowly tightening around your throat - making you tilt your head back with a sigh as you close your eyes and relax in her grip. Her free hand slithering up your waist and to the back of your neck before gripping your hair in a tight fist and pulling your head back, making you gasp. You wrap your arms around her waist, running your hand up under her shirt and clawing her back, making her let out a growl against your lips making you grin.
She pulls away breathless. You both were panting hard but were smiling and most importantly, happy.
“Yeah?” She asked now cradling your head in her large hands, tilting your head up to look at her.
You nod and a big wolffish grin breaks out on her face as she bends down and picks you up by the waist - throwing you over her shoulder making you giggle aloud and teasingly yell out,”Brute!”as Abby carries you over to the bed before gently throwing you onto it, you land with another giggle and a soft bounce.
Abby was standing over you— still grinning as she took off her shirt leaving her torso bare, her small but perfect tits were rising and falling with her paced breathes. She then cracks a large smile and leaps out of nowhere, she lands on you making you let out a huff and a laugh as you catch her, she of course didn’t use all her weight but you still felt the impact. Abby catches herself before she fully lands on your body, trying not to crash her sweet baby with her muscles and she immediately starts to kiss you again and running her hands all over your body wherever she could reach.
Feeling bold, you gather the strength and push her over, making Abby grunt from the sudden push and you roll over on top of her sitting on her waist, trapping her to the plush bed. Abby immediately grabs your waist as you run your hands up her bare stomach and chest, stopping to squeeze and roll her dusky pink nipples in between your warm fingers tips making her gasp and lean her head back with a moan.
You slide your hands up a little more until they are lightly wrapped around Abby’s neck, she looks back at you with a glint in her eye and she gives you a wicked smile, running her tongue over her teeth, the excitement clear on her face.
“Yeah?” You ask teasingly.
She hums and grips your hips, making you roll them and grind them against hers making you both let out a moan together. You lean down and captured her lips in a fierce kiss still rolling your hips together, you take one hand off of her neck and coil it in her long dirty blonde hair that was down for the night. She lets out a gasp when you tug her head back far enough for you to start kissing and sucking on her neck, leaving a trial of hickeys in your wake.
“W-what’s gotten into you?” She stuttered, not use to you being the dominant one.
“Mm.” You just hum against her throat as you suck, Abby letting out a sigh at the feeling.
You pull away from her neck, panting slightly from the sexual energy coursing through you and the excitement at having her under you like this.
“Nothings gotten into me Abs, I just love my big, handsome, buff girlfriend is all.”
Abby let’s out a quite breathe as her eyes widen and her face starts to turn pink at the compliments you gave her, And she quickly turned her head to the side trying to hide from you.
You giggle and say,”You like that? Being called handsome? Or is it because you like being praised?”
They were genuine questions with a slight teasing tone— but you were genuinely curious! You’ve never called her handsome before but you always though she was— and of course you praised her before, but you just never payed much attention to her reaction afterwards…But she was everything to you. Beautiful, cute, pretty, amazing, cool, hot, intelligent, sexy; handsome. Your list goes on for forever.
You hear her say something but you didn’t really catch it,”What was that love?” You asked turning her face to look at yours, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. Her blushing face making the color pop.
“I didn’t hear you honey. What did you say?” You repeated.
“I said— I said yeah. Yes okay? I like being called handsome, and I-I like being praised..” Abby stutters as she turns her head once more to try and hide it in your hand - your hand that was still holding onto her hot red cheek, Abby closed her eyes and pretty much nuzzled into your hand.
You coo at her softly and place you other hand— that had been resting on her neck and placed it on her other cheek, making her look at you. It was dim in your room but her eyes still shinned so brightly.
Abby rolled her hips up into yours— jostling you slightly, trying to distract you, but you just smile softly and lean down to give her a sweet kiss that was full of warm honey and love before leaning away and whispering,” Well the night is still young, why don’t we have some fun, handsome girl.” You taunt as you run your hands down her chest and cup her tits in your hands, squeezing them tightly. Abby groans and you kiss her once more on the lips before she quickly rolls you over and gets on top of you.
“Yeah, the night is still pretty young, and I have a few ideas on how we can spend it together, beautiful girl.”She says as she runs her hand up your shirt and rubs you tummy and stretch marks tracing them softly, then over your pierced navel and up to your breast, rolling your nipple under her thumb— making you arch your back and sigh at the feeling of her hot touch.
You both giggle together when she falls down on top of you and kisses you sweetly, grinning against each other’s lips. You wrap your arms around her shoulders and your legs curl around her waist, Abbys right hand tangled in your hair and her left one was still under your shirt, groping the same breast she was early.
“I can think of a few ways too.”
WeeEEEeeeeeEeEee off to the next one!!
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morgana-larkin · 17 days
I got a prompt messaged to me from someone who would like to remain anonymous. The prompt is: Ok basically the reader is pregnant and Melissa is super protective. And they are married. Also somehow in the fic Mel got reader pregnant (like magic baby - or something like that)
I really liked the prompt and had a lot of fun writing the fic. So just pretend that Mel can get reader pregnant when she cums inside her. I mean it’s fanfiction, not realistic. Lol. Anyway…it’s basically just under 3000 words of protective and sweet Mel. I’m thinking of maybe writing a part 2 of Mel and reader has parents more since I wrote more of reader being pregnant. Let me know if you would want a part 2. As always, not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: On to the Chessy prompts! I would also like to thank my 2 birds for not repeating any words that I said when tumblr glitched while I was posting this and I had to restart it.
Warnings: smut, so much sweet Mel it’ll warm your heart (I mean it did for me and I wrote it 🫠), a bit of swearing at Mel but it’s funny
Words: 2.9k
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Your hands clutch ginger hair as lips suck your nipple and you let out a gasp. The same lips go to your other nipple and sucks on it as well. That mouth is fucking magical with your body and those lips trail a path of kisses up to your lips and kisses you. As the kiss ends, you look up and see the lust in the eyes of your wife Melissa. Melissa is teasing your entrance with your fingers right now and she goes to lick the outer skin of your ear and give little bites and you let out a whine.
“Something you want, Amore Mia?” Melissa whispers seductively in your ear.
“Mel…baby, I need you.” Is all you manage to say.
“I’m right here Amore.” She teases you and pulls back to see your face and you look up and see the smile, the same smile that you love.
“I need you inside of me.” You tell her and she grins.
“As you wish Mia Amore.” She tells you then lines her strap with your entrance and enters you fully. You gasp in pleasure and your wife smiles at you and gives you a second. You nod then she starts moving in and out of you slowly then speeds up. “You’re so beautiful Amore, so fucking beautiful.” She says and you grab her head and pull her down to kiss her. You love it when she compliments you, it’s one of your love languages and she knows it and she loves complimenting you.
Melissa goes to rub your clit as she’s close since the strap is rubbing her clit everytime she moves. “Mel I’m so close…so fucking close.”
“Let go Amore, I’m so close too.” She tells you and that pushes you over the edge as you come with a moan, your wife comes right after and you feel it drip inside of you.
*3 months later*
You make it to the toilet just in time to lift it and throw up as Melissa holds your hair up. Melissa ran after you, knowing you’re experiencing morning sickness again.
“It’s ok Amore, let it all out. Not disappointed at all that our baby is rejecting my food.” She jokes and you laugh then throw up again. Melissa rubs your back soothingly and you lean into her touch. “I’m sorry that you keep having morning sickness everyday.” She tells you with an apologetic smile.
“It’s ok, we wanted to become mothers and I’m happy you got me pregnant.” You tell her and she smiles warmly at you. “I hope they have your hair and eyes.” You add and she laughs.
“Well I hope they have your cute little nose and chin.” She says as she boops your nose and you giggle. “Are you done?” She asks and you nod and flush the toilet. She lets go of your hair and helps you up. She gets you some water, mouthwash and gum to which you accept all gratefully.“We gotta go to work now Amore.” She tells you and you nod.
You both get into the car and she drives you both to school. You both met at Abbott when you started there 6 years ago. She tried to avoid you at first but couldn’t resist your charm and became attracted to you and you couldn’t help but get attracted to her either. She got the courage to ask you out after flirting for 6 months then got married 4 years later.
You both walk into the break room with one of her arms around your waist. “Here, sit down and I’ll make you some tea to hopefully get right of that morning sickness again.” She tells you and you nod.
“Still having morning sickness every day?” Barb asks and you nod.
“That little Tesoro keeps rejecting my food. Starting to wonder if they’re actually mine.” She teases. You give her a look and she smirks at you and giggles. “Here you go Amore.” She says as she hands you the tea and sits down beside you. “You’re starting to show Amore. I still can’t believe we’re having a baby.” She tells you excitedly.
“Well I haven’t had sex with anyone else so it’s obviously yours.” You joke to her and she laughs. From the moment you both found out that you’re pregnant, she vowed to protect you and the little Tesoro at all costs. She already protected you anyways, she’s even punched a guy in the face at a bar when he wouldn’t let you go.
*3 more months later*
“Hey baby.” You ask Melissa as you’re laying in bed and she’s brushing her teeth, getting ready for bed.
“Yes Amore?” She tells you and spits the toothpaste out of her mouth into the sink.
“The little devil is kicking inside me again.” You tell her with a pout and she giggles.
“Give me 2 minutes and I’ll scold them.” She tells you with a laugh.
“I still don’t know why they only listen to you. They’re already favourtising.” You pout and she laughs again.
“Oh hun, don’t worry, they’ll love you as well.” She says as she gets into bed next to you.
“I hope so. I’m the one carrying the devil.” She smiles at you and gives you a kiss on the lips. She then puts her head on your thigh and talks to the baby.
“Little Tesoro, what did I say about kicking mommy?” She says and rubs your belly. As she rubs it, she suddenly feels a kick and jolts up then looks at you then back to the belly then back to you. “Was that a kick?” She says and you nod.
“I’m happy that you finally felt one.” You say. You told her the baby kicked for the first time 2 weeks ago and she pouted as she missed it. She tries to get them to kick again but never catches it. This was the first time. You look at your wife who’s watching your belly and her eyes start to fill with tears. “Oh come here baby.” You tell her and open your arms out to hug her. She moves and puts herself in your arms and rests a hand on your stomach. “Of course they stop kicking me after you talk to them. I was telling them to stop for 5 minutes.” You say and she lets out an airy laugh. “They better listen to me when they’re outside the womb.” You complain and your wife looks at you with a smile.
“I’m sure they will.” She says and kisses you. You could find out the gender at your ultrasound next week but you both want it to be a surprise. “Do you have any ideas for girl names?” She asks and you nod.
“I was thinking Caterina.” You say and she lifts her head and looks at you surprised.
“You want to name the baby after me?” She asks and you nod.
“I remember the meaning of your middle name when you told me. Pure. Which both you and the little one are.” You tell her and her eyes fill up with tears again.
“What about boy names?” She asks as she curls up in your arms again.
“I thought of Luca, meaning…”
“Light.” She finishes for you with a smile.
“Ya, do you have any ideas?” She nods.
“For a boy I was thinking Nico, and for a girl I was thinking Amelia. If it’s a girl and we name her Amelia then you can nickname both of us Mel.” She states proudly and you laugh. “Are you sure you want to go with an Italian name? Cause we don’t have too.” She says and you smile at her.
“I already told you that I want to do an Italian name. I love a lot of Italian names that I saw when looking. Your name is Italian and I love it.” You tell her and she kisses you.
You’ve been getting a lot of attention lately with your belly since you’re 6 months pregnant and a lot of people have been touching your stomach and it’s driving Melissa insane. She keeps giving glares and sometimes actually grabs the hand on your belly and pulling it off. She doesn’t like people, that’s not her, touching you.
She did that with Janine last week. Janine touched your belly but then Melissa came into the break room and saw it. She quickly stood beside you and pushed Janine’s hand off then hugged you and mumbled “mine” while glaring at Janine. A few parents have been doing it too but then quickly stopped when Melissa kept coming beside you with an arm around your waist and glaring at them.
You and Melissa have started building the baby room with a crib, a rocking chair, a little bookshelf with baby books to read to them and a couple stuffed toys.
Every day at lunch, she kept moving a chair over so you can put your feet up and then after a week, the chair suddenly stayed there, you think Melissa had something to do with that. Every morning and afternoon or whenever the halls were busy, she wrapped an arm around your waist and guided you through the hallway of children so you didn’t fall.
Melissa keeps attending to your cravings every day, she always asks what you’re craving tonight before she makes supper. She makes whatever you’re craving for you and sometimes has to make something for herself if she refuses to eat what you’re craving.
“Your cravings are getting worse.” She told you one night and you pout.
“Tell that to the little one, not me.” She laughs and does just that.
“Tesoro, will you start craving some Italian food, your mommy is missing my cooking.” She tells your belly and you giggle.
“I really am.” You say and she smiles and kisses your forehead.
You go on maternity leave a month later and you’re bored out of your mind. Melissa texted you on your first week off at every chance she got and video chatted you on lunch and during her prep period. When she got home she cuddled with you on the couch and nuzzled her head on your chest and talked to your belly while listening to your heartbeat. The first time she heard the baby’s heartbeat she was filled with tears and she got a video of it and plays it all the time.
She helps you up the stairs ever night, she started that when you were 5 months pregnant and she hasn’t stopped. She got you a little shower seat when you couldn’t stand for long without your back hurting too much. Every night she motions for you to lay down between her legs and gives you a small shoulder and neck massage. She’s always careful and makes sure not to push on any point that might send you into early labour. You usually fall asleep between her legs while she massaged you and she quickly became an expert at removing herself and lying down beside you without waking you up.
As for the sex, your sex drive went through the roof when you hit 4 months pregnant and it hasn’t slowed down since. The first day it hit you, you two had sex 4 times, she didn’t complain at all. At least until it happened 5 days straight and you kept waking her up at midnight cause you woke up horny and couldn’t fall back asleep. She’s given you quickies many times in the car before school, during lunch and after school. A few times she’s even done it in school in one of your classrooms as you two both had a prep period at the same time, she had to cover your mouth the entire time. She had to get a vibrator for you that was quiet in case it got really bad and you needed to get off and she was either busy or tired.
It seems the more pregnant you get, the more touchy and protective she gets. She’s next to you as much as possible and always has an arm on or around you somewhere. She wants to cuddle all the time at home while talking to the baby. In public places, like the grocery store, she usually has an arm wrapped around your waist as you push the cart. If you need anything, even small things, like refilling your water bottle, then she’s on in a second.
In your 8th month is when she was full on momma bear. She kept insisting that you stay seated, she went grocery shopping alone or said you had to be in a wheelchair if you came with her (which you stayed in the car every time), she got whatever you needed so you wouldn’t have to stand and got you headphones so you can listen to music if the baby was being a little devil and she wasn’t around. One day you did trip and fall on your stomach and she rushed you to the hospital and they told both of you the baby was fine after checking. And that only made her more protective and you barely stood all day.
One day while she was at work, you felt contractions getting closer and closer together. You thought it was Braxton Hicks contractions since you're only 8 months pregnant but they didn’t stop, you knew you were in labour. You quickly called Melissa to which she immediately threatened Ava to sub for her and rushed home to bring you to the hospital.
The labour was long, it was 10 hours before the little Tesoro was born. You kept swearing and yelling at Melissa, especially when she kept telling you to breathe like you both were shown in parenting classes. Barb was there too, holding your other hand and kept trying not to laugh when you kept yelling at Melissa
“I AM FUCKING BREATHING!” You yelled at her ones. “YOU GOT ME INTO THIS MESS *screams when contraction hits* YOU FUCKING BITCH!” She didn’t take any of it personally.
“That’s it, let it all out, yell at me about anything and call me whatever you want.” She told you when you first started yelling at her. At one point, one contraction got so bad that nothing she was saying was helping so she screamed with you.
When you were pushing, she kept telling you that you’re doing great and to keep pushing.
“And I’ll still love you.” She replied to that and kept holding your hand. You squeezed so hard while pushing that you almost broke her hand, she didn’t complain about it at all. The baby finally came and they said it was a girl. As soon as they brought her to you for skin to skin contact, you named her.
“Hi, little Amelia.” You said and she looked at you and welled up with tears.
“You went with my choice?” She said and you nodded.
She kissed you while the baby was on your chest and Barb took a picture of you all as a family for the first time. After 10 minutes of skin to skin, then you handed Amelia over to Melissa to hold. As soon as the baby was in her arms, she started crying while talking to her daughter for the first time face to face.
“Hi my little Tesoro. So you’re the little trouble maker who kept kicking your mommy.” She joked and you laughed. Melissa looked at her daughter with little ginger hairs and her green eyes with your little nose and chin, just like you both imagined.
“My two Mel’s.” You said to her as she held the baby and she giggled.
You fell asleep after breastfeeding Amelia for the first time, and Melissa stayed awake and held Amelia while sitting in the chair next to your bed. She kept humming or singing some Italian lullabies that she sang to your belly at night when you were pregnant.
Melissa got a month off of work after Amelia was born. Ava had it all set up for her when Melissa requested a month off after the baby was born when you went on maternity leave.
The first month you both kept taking turns when Amelia cried. You had to use the breast pump and a bottle as she was premature and couldn’t suck the milk out of your breasts long enough.
After a month, Melissa had to go back to work and kept calling you and requesting pictures throughout the day. The first day she went back to work, you brought Amelia to see her at work at lunchtime. Although you were a little early and got there a few minutes before lunch and surprised Melissa at her classroom. All her students said “aww” when Melissa held her baby before class ended. At lunchtime she brought you and Amelia to the break room and introduced Amelia to everyone.
Barb held her first, even though she visited a few times in the first month to help you guys get some proper sleep. All of them took turns holding Amelia for a few minutes and then handed her back to Melissa who smiled at her daughter and held your waist.
Barb looked at her best friend and couldn’t be happier for her as she looked the happiest she’s ever been, holding her daughter and her wife at the same time.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
Buns |J.B
Warning/AN: Mentions of butts. Bit Raunchy. Some minor vulgar language. Fluffy-ish. Just something to quickly enjoy.
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You couldn't help but to laugh at the tweets you were reading on your phone. Last night your boyfriend Joe, that just so happens to be the star QB of the Cincinnati Bengals had a bit of a wardrobe mishap. It was LSU all over again. One of the players had accidentally held onto his pants trying to stop him from making it to the end-zone with the ball. Which meant, he showed his amazing butt cheeks on national TV...once again. You could only imagine how much the guys on the team were making fun of him. The internet was having a complete field day and many of the jokes were actually funny and you couldn't help but laugh and enjoy them.
"Full moon in Miami last night even though the forecast said rain showers." One of the tweets said.
"Awesome game last night, but totally got blinded by some surprise QB buns. Joe shiesty could use a tan." Another said. They were a bit mean but yet quite funny. 
"This just in, NFL is releasing a line of hotdog bread called Burrow's Buns, Joe burrow sold separately " Said the next. You just couldn't get enough.
You didn't know how long you had been scrolling down the memes and jokes on social media before you heard the garage door open. You quickly put your phone down and paid attention to whatever show was on the tv that you had drowned out in the time you were laughing at the jokes and memes. Joe walked into the house saying a soft 'Hey' and came up to you giving you a sweet kiss. He looked exhausted. "Hey baby, I made lasagna. Want me to heat it up for you?" You ask. "Please, I'm gonna go shower really quick." He says heading upstairs. You went into the kitchen heating up the food for him in the oven. As you wait, you were reading the memes your best friend had sent you about Joe. They had you laughing so hard you didn't realize Joe had came back down. "Whatcha laughing at?" he asks raising an eyebrow. "Hm?" You hum putting your phone face down. "Oh nothing, Taylor sent me some stupid tiktoks." You say checking on the food. "About?" He asks. "Just some dogs being funny." You shrug. You didn't want to lie to him but you didn't want to also add to the fire. I'm sure he got enough shit from the team and the internet for the past 16 hours. 
"Mom wants to know if we can make it to dinner tomorrow? I should be able to get out of practice at 4." He says going to the fridge to grab a water bottle. "Yeah that sounds fun, I work from home tomorrow so I can take you and pick you up at practice." You nod. As you take out the lasagna your phone dings. You make eye contact with Joe before he quickly grabs it and looks at the message. "I knew it! Not you too, What the hell Y/N!" he whines and you giggle. "Baby I'm sorry! but you have to admit...it's a little funny." You say holding in a laugh. "Is not!" He says like a child. 
"Hey look on the bright side, everyone knows you have an amazing ass. Not many guys can say that." You say and he gives you a look. "I thought my own girlfriend would be nice enough to not partake in the conversation and jokes about my butt, but here we are" He shakes his head and you snort. "You said but." You giggle and he gives you a look. "I'm just going to eat my meal in peace, okay?" He says turning to get a plate and you decide you pinch one of his cheeks. "Boop!" You say and he quickly turns around and towers over you looking down trying to hold in a laugh himself. "Okay, okay... I'm sorry! I'm done, it's over." You say trying to stop laughing. He slowly turns around to get a plate and you slowly grab your phone making your way out of the kitchen. "Okay but quick question, have you at least tried making it clap?" You ask and he quickly grabs the paper towel roll and throws it at you like her would a football but you were just quick enough to have it graze your back as you run away laughing. 
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gay-wh0re-slut · 7 months
God Sent
rhea x fem!reader
content: literally just smut, jealous dom!rhea smut with fingering, strap, spitting probably, definitely some degradation and praise, squirting, multiple orgasms with aftercare too hehe but i need it so i’m writing it
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You and Rhea had been invited to a goth themed party at a friend’s house. It was easy for Rhea to find something to wear but your closet colors were the complete opposite of hers, so you asked to borrow something. Of course she complies because she loves when you wear her clothes, so you decide on a leather low cut top, a skort with a harness attached at one leg, some fishnets and a pair of her platforms. She wasn’t too comfortable with you wearing this knowing people would be staring all night but she wasn’t one to control how you look.
As soon as you arrive, friends began to hoot and holler at the two of you. You twirled around to show the outfit off with Rhea slapping your ass playfully to show the room that you were hers.
The party was going well, you had many conversations about many things with the friends including wrestling, backstories, and crazy imaginations with the people that were high instead of drunk. Of course you had a few drinks yourself so you were feeling a little tipsy. Rhea didn’t want to drink so that you were both safe going home.
You swayed your hips walking towards the australian on the other side of the room, “heyy baby,” you sling your arm around her waist.
She couldn’t help but notice the people staring at your ass that was barely peeking from under the skirt. She gently landed her hand on your lower back having it slide down to your ass, giving it a slight squeeze eying the people behind you; they immediately looked away. “It’s hard dating a hot girl,” she sighs.
“Mmm, why do you say that?” your words start to become a little slurred.
“Everyone looks at you all the time, you know how that makes me feel,” she grabs your almost empty cup and sniffs, “damn, what’s in that?”
You giggle, “Uhmmm I don’t know, Liv made it. It tastes like juice, so it’s dangerousss,” you boop her nose.
“Uh huh, that’s the last one for you then, love. We don’t want a repeat of last time,” she hands you back the cup.
“Aawwww okay,” you finish the last sip. You let go of her and sway your way to the kitchen for a trash can.
A guy you haven’t met sneaks towards you. He was pretty average looking, toned, and quite short but you could tell he was about to do something he shouldn’t: talk to you.
“Hey sweet cheeks, you here with someone?” he leaned on the counter.
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, her,” you point to Rhea who was already making her way towards you. She was moving slowly knowing that you could handle yourself until she needed to step in.
“Oooh big scary woman, what is she gonna do kick my ass?” he said sarcastically as he laughed.
“Yes, actually,” you couldn’t be more serious.
“Oh I’m sure,” he continued the sarcasm, “but, no seriously though, who are you here with?”
“No seriously bro, I’m with her,” you threw back at him.
“C’mon, baby,” he began to walk around the counter towards you as a strong alcohol smell followed him, “I could make you-”
“Make her what?” Rhea growled behind him.
You caught her eyes and smiled at her devilishly. You loved seeing her jealous, it turned you on more than any alcohol could.
He turned around and looked up at her, his head almost fully touching his back, “make her scream my name,” he said a little too confidently.
“I’m giving you three seconds to walk away before I beat your scrawny ass to a pulp,” she whispered.
People noticed the commotion, but immediately turned away knowing it would end one of two ways: him being knocked out, or him being thrown out.
“Or. What,” he whispered back. He was now standing on his toes and looked more ridiculous than ever.
You couldn’t help but laugh, “You better choose wisely, buddy,” you threw in.
“One,” Rhea huffed, her hands balling into fists.
He didn’t move.
“Two,” you could see her vision becoming red.
Stupidly, he still didn’t move.
“Three,” without hesitation she swiped his legs out from under him, landing on his stomach, she placed one knee on his neck and held his arms back, while twisting his whole body in a way it shouldn’t.
“Wrong choice,” you bent over him, smiling.
“Okay! Okay!” He strained to yell, “I’m sorry!”
“Now leave or I will beat your ass,” she forcefully let go of him.
He scrambled to get up, brushing off his shirt.
“Bye-bye,” you wave to him, as you give him a fake pout.
He quickly left as the crowd watched him leave laughing at him, “he should’ve known,” and “idiot” was heard from the partiers before they returned to their drinks and dancing.
“You okay?” Rhea asked.
“Perfect,” you walk towards her and move to whisper in her ear, “but if you don’t take me home right now and fuck me until I can’t walk, you will never see this ass again.”
And with that, she grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the car with you giggling behind her.
She basically sped home, luckily it was only about fifteen minutes away. The ride home was tough because you were already so uncomfortably turned on that you couldn’t help the squirming in your seat.
Finally, walking through the door, she slammed it behind you, “Bedroom. Now,” she commanded.
You were already on the way and you were basically sprinting. You cross the threshold and wait for your next command.
“Sit,” the tattooed hand pointed at the bed, closing the door as she entered.
You sit.
“Good girl,” she strides towards you then grabs your chin and tilts it up towards her, “you look so good tonight baby.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
“You always look so good in my clothes, huh?”
“Yes ma’am,” you squirm under her.
“Too bad you won’t be wearing them for much longer,” she lets go of your chin dragging her hand down to your tits then to the bottom of the shirt, “arms.”
You lift your arms and she pulls the shirt over your head and throws it to the side.
“Scoot back and lay down,” another command.
You do as you’re told keeping eye contact with her the whole time.
“How’d I get so lucky,” she climbs on the bed crawling on top of you, stopping halfway to leave a trail of kisses on your stomach, to your chest, to your neck, to your jaw.
Your hands were gliding up her muscular back and into her hair as she goes until she decided to grab your wrists and pin them down above your head. You huff at her.
“What,” she whispers in your ear, “my poor baby. All riled up for me and you can’t do anything about it. What a shame,” she coos.
“Please, baby,” you try to force your way out of her godly grip but to no avail.
“Uh uh,” she swiftly moved to grab the handcuffs from the side table and clasps them onto you wrapping the chain on one of the many metal rods coming from the headboard, “that’d be too easy.”
“Hmph,” you grump.
She chuckled at your attempt but continued her journey, leaving dark purple marks where only the two of you could see. You’re writhing under the muscular woman, begging for anything more to ease the pressure. Her hands were grazing your skin touching every inch of your torso, gently squeezing your tits as she went. When the hands found the waist band of the skirt, she carefully and painfully slowly, took it off of you, kissing down your thighs.
Once she threw the skirt to accompany the shirt, she took your boots off too. “Wait here,” and she started to walk to the bathroom.
“Like I can go anywhere,” you say under your breath.
She snapped her head around, “What?”
“Please hurry, baby,” you try to cover.
“That’s what I thought you said. Because if you said what you actually said,” she towered over you on the side of the bed and grabbed your face squeezing your mouth open, “it’s not going to be good for you.”
Your eyes were wide but you couldn’t speak.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
You nod your head frantically.
“Good,” she spit in your mouth and let go of your face, “now be the slut I know you are and swallow.”
You gulp it down and open your mouth displaying your tongue so she could see that you did.
“That’s my baby,” she patted you on the cheek and walked towards the bathroom.
You finally let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. A chill ran through your body as you lay there with nothing but fishnets and a thong.
A few minutes later the raven haired woman comes back wearing her sports bra and booty shorts with a strap.
You gasp at the sight, your heart was beating fast in two places. Your gaze flicks up and down her body, not being able to focus on one thing as she crawls back on the bed. Her hands glided up your legs to your thighs and forced them open.
Your back arched as the cool air hit your dripping center.
“You’ve already made such a mess and we haven’t even started,” her accent was thick and deep.
“It started before we left the party,” you admit.
“Oh?” the tattooed hand grazed your inner thigh, “who made you like this?”
You knew the answer she wanted to hear and you were more than happy to tell her, “You,” you gasp as her thumb barely touched your pulsing clit.
“Mmm,” she began to draw small gentle circles with her two middle fingers, “and what did I do, baby?” She already knew the answer, but she loved to hear you say it.
You could barely form words but you tried your best, “when you…were jealous and you…” your back arched as she added more pressure, “mmmmpinned him down… with your knee and… fuck,” her fingers danced on your entrance waiting to go in but was blocked by the lace. The fishnets wouldn’t be a problem though because they were the wide holed ones and she gave those to you for this very reason.
“You love when I get protective, huh baby?”
“Mhm,” your hips grinding for any possible friction.
“Good, because this,” she moved the lace to the side and easily pushed her fingers inside of you as she moved to be face to face with you, “is mine,” she growled.
You moan loudly as your back arched pushing your stomach into her. Her thighs were holding your legs apart, her hand was easily pumping in and out of you at a steady pace. Her other hand was planted near your shoulders, her baby blues staring into your soul. “That’s it…take it!”
You whined with every push gently bouncing on her hand as she quickened her pace. The sound of you against her hand sent you spiraling.
“God, you’re such a whore,” she pulled her fingers out of you causing a groan to fall out of you, “open,” she demanded.
You open your mouth and she slides her fingers in, letting you taste yourself, cleaning them off.
She pulls them out, “spit,” she ordered and she cupped her hand in front of you. You did as told, then she covered the strap. She readjusted herself, letting the tip barely graze your entrance that was now leaking onto the sheets. “D’you want Mami’s dick, beautiful?”
“Yes, god please,” you try to move yourself down onto it but was restrained by the cuffs.
“Such a desperate lil slut, pathetic,” but she slid it in anyway, guiding it and using your hips as a brace.
“Uugghh shit,” you moan as you take the full length. You felt it widen you, the pain was minuscule compared to the pleasure you felt.
She sat there a minute letting you get used to the size, watching you squirm under her, taking in every movement. Once she thought you were fine, she slowly moved her hips back and forth, pumping the dick in and out, in and out.
“Pleeease Mami, fuck me,” you whimper.
“Do you want me to fuck your brains out, princess?” she halted her movements.
You groan at the sudden stop lifting your head up to make eye contact, “do your worst,” you growl.
A devilish smirk grew on her face. In one swift motion she pushed your legs towards your chest folding you in half, and began to fuck you senseless. The bed was squeaking she was going so hard. You moaned loudly, and continuously as she wrecked you.
“FUCK,” you screamed, the pressure in your stomach was beginning to unfold, “Don’t…stop!”
“Never,” she barked.
Pretty quickly the pressure released as you screamed in pleasure with your eyes rolling back and your hands white knuckling at the rods above you. You breath left your body as it tensed. She quickly removed the silicone from you as you squirted all over the bed. “Holy fuck,” you breathe.
“Oh we’re not done yet, babygirl,” she released you from the cuffs, letting your arms go limp. She flipped you over so that now she was on her back with you on top of her.
You took the opportunity to land a sloppy kiss as you adjusted yourself to straddle her waist. Moaning into the kiss while trying to regain movement in your arms. She sits you back down onto the strap with ease, her hands smack onto your ass then guides your hips up and down to ride the dick.
“That’s it, baby,” her hair was sticking to her forehead from sweat but she couldn’t have looked any hotter, “if only that asshole could see us now, huh? You riding my dick, screaming for me, watching me make you cum over and over again.”
“Fuck…him,” you said between bounces. You sat up to fully ride her, leaning on your hands that were holding her thighs for stability. Your tits bouncing with every movement , so her hands gripped onto them holding them in place squeezing tightly.
“He’ll never know what it’s like to make a slut like you cum, right baby?” she continued.
“Never,” you forced out, “oh fuck.”
The knot quickly built up again inside you, “Mami, please let me-”
“Do it, show him who you belong to, baby.”
So you did and hard, “FUCK, RHEA,” you continued to ride out the orgasm, your legs quivering around her as you buckled over, shaking.
“Good girl,” she praised. You slumped off, lying next to her. “I know you have another one in you,” she sat up and rolled you over. She picked your hips up so you were face down in front of her, displaying everything. “You’re too much of a slut to not.”
She slapped your ass, leaving a handprint immediately causing a whimper to fall out of you. You heard her spit, not feeling it on you, so you assumed it was on the dick.
Your moans filled the room as she plunged into you, tears filled your eyes at the intense pleasure, “God YES… FUCK,” you screamed.
“C’mon baby, just one more. You’ve done so well for me,” her soft tone contrasted with how hard she was wrecking you.
It’s been probably thirty seconds and the pressure was already there. You sneaked a hand down to your clit for added pleasure, circling it lazily. Loud whines made music to the australian’s ears as she smiled wide at the sight of you unfolding beneath her. “Cum for me, baby,” she snarled.
You screamed immediately as the orgasm washed over you, squirting all over the dick once more. She kept pounding into you as long as possible until you let your hips fall sideways having the dick slip out of you.
“You did so well baby,” she crawled to your face and left soft kisses on your sweaty red face, “My lil whore.”
“Only for you,” you forced out as you tried to catch your breath.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she took off the strap and dropped it with a thud. She scooped you up and carried you to the bathroom and set you down gently on the cool counter sending a shiver through you. She started the shower and let it get hot as she helped you peel off the tights and now destroyed thong. “C’mon baby,” as she helped you down and into the hot water.
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danikamariewrites · 5 months
imagine being Rhys and Feyres sweet little housewife 🤭🤭🤭 baking and cooking for them, making the home clean and peaceful for them, going shopping, sitting on Rhys’ lap whilst he works, sucking on Feyres tits whilst she paints being spoiled and babied ALL the TIME, extreme princess treatment, it’s not a want it’s a need 🤍🤍🤍
Housewife headcanon
Feysand x reader
A/n: I don’t want to be a housewife BUT I would be for them
Warnings: fluff and slightly nsfw at the end
After a year of dating Rhys and Feyre they convinced you to move in
When you did they were adamant about you making yourself at home because the River House is your house too
Since acts of service is your love language you easily became incorporated in their daily routines which they love
You get up early before Rhys goes to training and make him a small breakfast and coffee. The first time you did this he was surprised. “Darling you didn’t have to do this.” He said, kissing your temple before eating. “I know, but I wanted to. I know you don’t eat before working out and that’s not good for you Rhysie.”
Before he leaves you give him a kiss and tell him “have a great day baby, I love you.”
Then you go back to bed to cuddle with Feyre for another hour until she gets up
You bring up coffee or tea - whatever she’s in the mood for - and the two of you get ready together. Sometimes Feyre does your makeup if you feel like it. You love having her hands all over you, she’s soft with you when she plays with your hair and holds you
When Rhys comes home the three of you sit down for a proper breakfast and talk about what your plans are for the day
Your first few weeks you took it upon yourself to add more furniture into some of the rooms and make the living room a little less old gothic looking
You got a new rug, new arm chairs, and a big comfy couch with new blankets and you hung a few of Feyre’s paintings
Over the months you worked on de-gothifying the place and making it more homey
When that project was done you could tell Rhys and Feyre felt more relaxed at home. All those dark colors must’ve reminded them of literally everything bad and work of course
You also love to cook! Going to the farmers market is your favorite. Fresh bread and foods from all over Prythian at your fingertips
Once a week you make a big meal for the 3 of you with stuff you bought from the market. You also make dessert which is usually ice cream, brownies, or cookies
Feyre and Rhys have always showed you so much love and affection, even before you moved in
To show you that they appreciate everything you do they dial up your Princess treatment to what feels like a million
They buy you any and everything you could ever want
They love taking you out for shopping trips in the city together but sometimes they get so busy you go on your own
You like going on your own sometimes, that way you can get them little surprise gifts
Other days you feel like doing nothing but sitting around the house or being with one of them while they worked
With Feyre you helped her with correspondence or planning lessons and gallery’s for the art studio
Sometimes the two of you would snuggle and read together on the couch in her office
Other times creativity would hit and Feyre would ask you to pose for a sketch for a painting. As she paints you sit with her just in awe of her talent
“You’re amazing Fey. I don’t know how you do it,” you say to her. Feyre turns her head to quickly press her lips to yours as thanks. “Thank you my love, I couldn’t do it without my muse,” she teases
When you compliment her she’d boop your nose with whatever paint she was using and you’d giggle while blushing like crazy
That usually ended with the two of you covered in paint naked on the floor
With Rhys you love taking naps in his office either on the plush leather couch by the fire or sitting on his lap
You read or help him sort paperwork and write letters to the other high lords
Usually working with Rhys is pretty boring unless your in his lap staring up at him with heart eyes, admiring that beautiful jaw line and sparkling eyes
“I can feel you staring darling,” Rhys lightly chuckles out. Your cheeks turn pink a little and you hide your face in his neck. “I can’t help it you’re just so damn pretty.” You mumble. “Another laugh shakes Rhys’s chest. “Hey, look at me.” You slowly pull away from his neck and meet his violet eyes
Rhys shifts you so you’re straddling him with your back to his desk. His hand comes up to softly hold your chin, forcing you to keep eye contact with him. “I love it when you stare at me pretty girl. Reminds me of how much you love me. Do you stare at Feyre too?”
You nod, a soft smile pulling at your lips as he inches his face closer to yours. “Mmhh, and what does Feyre darling do when you stare at her like that?” Rhys gently kisses you as he taps on your mental shields, asking to see what you did with Feyre yesterday
You happily show him, hoping you can end up in the same position with him
You also show him images of the 3 of you together in bed hoping that you can have both of them sooner rather than later
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 6 months
Reality's An Illusion
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Summary: Despite being one of the most powerful demons in existence, Wanda is content to live her life as a human to be with you. But that's all shattered when a demonic threat arrives and shes forced to disclose her true form to protect you. You knew what she was and loved her anyway, but can you continue to love her now that you've seen her true self?
Warnings: canon typical violence, sexual content (oral, strap on sex), monster fucker R
Authors note: Bonus points to whoever can guess the Marvel villain that helped inspire the look of the attacking demon
Word count: 3626 Wanda Masterlist 2023 Halloween Specials Marvel Masterlist
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Wanda smiles as you walk into the living room, two steaming mugs in your hands and an adorable fall themed sweater adorning your torso. You carefully hand her one before sitting next to her and her smile widens as she notices the bowl of popcorn already sitting on the coffee table
   “Thank you malysh(baby)” she says, placing a gentle kiss against your cheek
    “Of course, I know how much you like it. And whats a movie without snacks”
   You both turn your attention back to the tv, where some cheesy slasher movie plays. Wanda doesn’t exactly understand your affinity for them considering the several incompetent decisions the mortals in them made that almost always ended in their demise, but she at least did enjoy the bloodshed. And the screams. 
   Aside from the movies though, she was enjoying the other fall activities you'd been doing lately. Like watching you set little gourds out upon the windowsills, or when you'd taken her to the park to look at all the trees as they began to shift colors. But going to the pumpkin patch with you and picking out a few to carve had been her favorite so far, and she's sure it will only be topped by the day you sit down to actually carve them.
   A scream from the tv pulls her out of her thoughts as you cuddle into her side, and she chuckles while wrapping her arm around you, “Relax, it's only a movie. Besides, I’ve got you”
   You settle into her embrace with a smile, “I know you do, my big and strong demon”
   She ducks down slightly in an attempt to hide her blushing cheeks, but by now you know her well enough to know why she does that. Curse this human form, it can hardly contain any of her emotions, especially the ones brought up by you. But it was something she had to do. Because at the end of the day she was indeed a demon, and though you knew this and even teased her about it, she knew her real appearance was something humans would find appalling. 
   And though there have been times where she wanted to just be herself, she never wants to risk the possibilities. Those being that you found her true form to be too much, too frightening or disgusting. And so you'd break up with her….and Wanda, well she just couldn’t bear that thought. At first maybe it would have been alright, but after being with you so long, loving you and being loved by you, she knows being rejected like that would break her
   “You alright?” you ask, pulling her from her anxiety, “You keep zoning out tonight.”
   “I’m fine malysh(baby), just thinking is all.”
   “Thinking about what?”
   “You” she answers, booping your nose with one of her slender fingers which causes you to giggle
   “Good things I hope”
   “Always” she answers with a smile, “There's not a bad thing about you, well, except that you finished all our popcorn”
   She giggles as roll your eyes, “Fine, I guess I can go make us more”
   You pull yourself away from her embrace and grab the bowl before heading back to the kitchen. And by the time you place the next bag into the microwave, slender arms are wrapping around your waist
  “Now, why did I have to come replenish our snacks when you were getting up anyway?” you tease, knowing full well that she only got up because in those few seconds you were gone, she missed you and craved your touch
   “What can I say, my snack is just too irresistible.” she practically purrs, spinning you around for a kiss “And she tastes good too”
   You giggle at her as she proceeds to pepper your face in light kisses until the microwaves timer goes off, indicating the popcorn was read. To your surprise she releases you to tend to it, and you quickly refill the bowl. As you add some extra salt and butter flavoring, Wanda, unknowingly to you, has a sense of dread creeping up her spine.
   The source of this dread reveals itself then, as her protection runes are triggered, causing a low rumble that makes the ground shake. You turn around to face her then, worry evident on your features, and it appears to only deepen when you notice her glowing red eyes
   “Wanda, what's happening?” you question, concern lacing your tone
   She reaches out to grab your hand, hoping to comfort you, “Someone is trespassing, I don’t know who they are but I can feel their energy now. They're supernatural, and likely here with a purpose”
   As if on queue the stranger's voice booms in the distance, “I know you're in there Maximoff! Face me, or I’ll unleash my anger on your pet mortal instead!”
   A growl slips past the brunette's lips, she hardly notices, she's too full of anger and an urge to protect you. But you definitely notice. And despite the impending danger, you can’t deny that the sound has an effect on you.
    “Y/n, stay here.” she instructs, cupping your face gently
   “But- ”
   She shakes her head, “No matter what, you stay here. The house will keep you safe, even if something happens to me and I can’t”
   “Wanda, I’m not just going to hide here if you get hurt!”
   “Y/n, malysh(baby), please!” she pleads, “You are the single most important thing in my life, and I simply cannot bear to lose you. Please, just stay here and let me keep you safe”
   You knew this fear stemmed from the loss of her brother decades ago, and you also knew this fear was more than valid. Afterall, as a demon it was almost certain Wanda would live for thousands of years, but as a human, your time was limited. Which meant it was also limited with her, so you reluctantly relent.
   “Okay, I’ll stay here. Just be careful, please”
   Her eyes soften upon hearing your tone, and she realizes then that despite her powers and strength, you are as scared of losing her as she is of losing you, “I will be”
   With that she bolts for the front door and runs to meet the threat head on. On instinct your legs nearly break your promise, trying to follow after her, but you're able to stop yourself by the door. In her haste she only closed the screen door, not the wooden one, allowing you to see the scene that unfolds outside.
   In front of your girlfriend stands a menacing figure, his skin is as gray as stone with large leathery wings behind him. Despite the distance you can see his face is scarred, and his eyes glow an eerie green.
   “Such a shame!” he calls out to her with a scoff, “You're supposed to be one of the most powerful among our kind and yet you choose to live here, wallowing with these pathetic creatures! Pietro would be disgusted by you!”
   Wanda grits her teeth, “You keep his name out of your damned mouth!”
   “Oh, hit a nerve did I?” he sarcastically asks, though he doesn’t wait for an answer “Bring your little pet out here and I’ll hit another when I rip her head off in front of you!”
   “You won’t fucking touch her!” she growls out, rushing forward to attack
   Before your eyes her appearance starts to change. Her skin becomes as ashen as his, claws sprout from the ends of her fingertips and wings rip through the back of her sweater before she lunges at him. Being the protector she is, she goes right for her throat, but he's able to dodge in time. He hissed and flicked his hand, causing a wave of green magic to surge at her. It pushes her back a bit but does no real damage, and she sends a wave of her own scarlet magic back at him.
   He flies backwards a few feet as if he'd been shoved and chuckles at her, “Is that really all you have?”
   “It's nowhere near all I have, you pathetic little imp!” 
   Her voice is different now…louder, deeper and darker. If she wasn’t fighting off a demonic threat you're sure you'd be enraptured by the sound. 
   His hands shake in anger at the insult and he roars, charging towards her once more. He's fast this time, fast enough to catch her off guard and so he ends up tackling her. The two hit the ground hard enough to send up a dust wave and they begin to ruthlessly tear at each other. You can hear the ripping of flesh and accompanied sounds of pain leaving both of them, and as the dust settles you're given your first clear sight of your girlfriend's face. 
   Her eyes are still aglow, but now they’re caged behind the beginnings of her horns, which grow upwards across her forehead giving off the appearance of a crown. Having been expecting her to look like the stereotypical demon in the media, you were a bit taken aback by this look, but you weren’t afraid. You had no reason to be. Sure she looked different, but she was still Wanda. Your Wanda. 
   You're shaken from your thoughts as the fight continues, watching as Wanda manages to get away from his grip and brings her claws across his cheek. He snarls and clutches the now mangled flesh before whispering some sort of incantation. His fists light up in a green mist and he swings, but she easily blocks the hit. 
   Apparently angered by her quick reflexes he draws back a bit and sends a sigil of green her way. It wraps itself around Wanda and squeezes slightly, causing her to gasp, and It takes everything in you to not run out the door to try and help, even though you know you’d practically be useless in the fight. But you remember your promise and Wanda's fears, so your feet root themselves to the ground.
   The other demon attempts to squeeze her again, but instead of being in pain, she laughs. The sound sends shivers down the demons back and your own but for two entirely different reasons. She then easily breaks free from the spell that had once held her in place and stalks towards her attacker. Seemingly frightened he stumbles back slightly, wracking his brain for something else to use against her. But before he can think, she shows him one of her own tricks.
   She makes a few gestures with her hands, her fingers moving like waves as she does so, and large red tendril wrap themselves around his limbs to hold him in place. He screeches in what you imagine to be pain as a series of runes surround him in midair and your girlfriend hovers near him. 
   “You come here, to my home, and belittle me. Speak ill of my brother and threaten the life of my beloved” she snarls, making him wheeze as her magic tightens, pulling him down to his knees, “you're going to regret that decision, because the pain you endured in hell will not compare to the pain i put you through”
   Though fear fills him with his inability to escape her clutches he can’t help but chuckle, “Go on then, be cruel to me while your dear pet watches. Show her more of the horror you truly are”
   Wanda's heartbeat picks up at his tauntings, and she turns slightly to eye the front door. Sure enough, there you stood, watching everything transpire and taking in her monstrous form. She turns back to him with a scowl
   “I will not hesitate to pluck every tooth from your screaming maw and I will take great joy in hanging you from your entrails, but not in front of her.” she whispers aggressively, opening up a portal beside him 
   Three large and looming creatures await on the other side, in a room adorned with a huge carved portrait of her. She begins to float her prisoner through it, still in his magic shackles. He thrashes around violently in a futile attempt to escape which only causes a dark chuckle to pass your girlfriends lips
   “I hope you find my castle to be warm and hospitable, and I do hope you enjoy my friends company until I can join you”
   With that, the portal closes, leaving nothing but an echo of the demons scream in its wake. Though pleased with how easily she dealt with the threat, Wanda's shoulders slump and with them her wings. You had seen everything, there was no going back now. She couldn’t just put on her human facade and pretend this hadn’t happened. She had to face your reaction. Whatever it may be.
    She turns around, beginning to make her way back to you. But her nerves take over, and thoughts of you screaming at her for finding her true nature disgusting bombard her. Would you call her names? Hate her? Tell her to leave? Take off running? Or would you avoid having a confrontation because you were afraid of her?
   Lost in her spiral she hadn’t noticed that she had entered the front door, or that you were now only feet away from her. That is, until she feels your soft and warm hands cup her face. She carefully brings one of her hands up to cover one of your own upon her cheek
   “You're still here…” she whispers as if in disbelief 
   Your eyes soften, and your thumb catches a stray tear as it slides down her pale cheek and everything clicks for you. The fact that she never let you see her other form and her reluctance to even talk about it hadn’t com5tfe from a place of mistrust, but from a place of fear. 
   “Baby, I’m not ever going anywhere” you coo, placing a soft kiss against her lips, “It doesn't matter to me what you look like, I love you with every fiber of my being. And that's not going to change.”
   Her arms gently loop around the back of your neck, careful to not let her claws harm you, and she pulls you impossibly closer, “I love you so much malysh(baby)”
   You bring your lips back to hers, moving your hands from her face to her hips to hold her against you. You waste no time in deepening the kiss, sliding your tongue into her awaiting mouth with ease. Her senses are easily becoming overwhelmed by you, and she can’t help but let out a whimper at the mere thought of you taking her like this. Fueled by her needy sound your grip on her hips instinctively tightens as you move your kisses downwards, across her jaw and down her collarbone
   “So beautiful…and all mine” you whisper, nipping at her flesh before soothing the mark with your tongue as your hands grope the swell of her ass
   Her fingers tangle messily in your hair as you continue to work her up, pulling a moan from her, “Y/n…”
   You glance up at her, a mix of lust and mischief clear in your eyes as you pull back, letting your hands wander up her sides, “What is it baby? What do you need?”
   “Bed- oh!” she cuts herself off with her own moan as your hands cup her breasts and her hips stutter forward, “Bedroom, please….I need you”
    Without hesitation you make your way further into the house and down the hall, pulling her along behind you until you enter the bedroom. You quickly rid her of her torn clothes before pressing her down against the mattress, sharing a few more kisses before you pull away to take in the sight. Her gray flesh contrasts perfectly against the deep burgundy sheets, her wings spread out to allow her to lay flat, her hair spills across her pillow in waves and her chest heaves slightly as she tries to catch her breath
  You lean back down and begin to kiss her chest, slowly working your way down between the valley of her breasts before moving to take a nipple into your mouth. Your hand immediately moves to give the other some attention as well, causing Wanda to grasp at your back. Her hold is just tight enough to allow you to feel the tips of her claws against your flesh, but not tight enough to break the skin. It warms your heart to see just how careful she is with you, even when in the verge of losing control
   “Feels so good, but I need more…please malysh(baby)” she begs, and you can feel her thighs tremble beneath you
   “Shh, I’ve got you baby” you assure her before letting your lips continue their decent until you're hovering above her core
   She eagerly spreads her thighs for you, allowing you to see her fully and take in the sheer amount of arousal that paints her thighs. You subconsciously lick your lips at the sight and prepare yourself for the feast that is your girlfriend before moving forward. Your tongue parts her folds with a swipe before plunging into her, pulling sinful sounds from her as you begin to eat her out like it was your last chance to do so.
   “Fuck…just like that” she moans, struggling to keep her eyes open to watch your lust filled ones 
   You hum against her, sending a spike of pleasure through her that leaves her squirming. You wrap your arms around her thighs to keep her still and push your face even further against her cunt, reveling in the way she moans for you
   "Don't stop, please don't stop" she cries, her hands moving to clutch at the mattress below her. You're almost certain you hear the sheets tear, but you pay no mind, instead you double down on your efforts "Gonna cum…oh god!"
   You're rewarded with a gush of her juices as her body shudders, and you continue to lap at her while she comes down from her high, only crawling back up her body when her glowing eyes reopen
   "Hi pretty girl" you greet before kissing her
   She moans at the taste of herself on your tongue, greedily sucking on the muscle as it explains her mouth before you pull away
   "You really think I'm pretty like this?"
   "Of course I do" you admit, bringing a hand up to her face
   Her breath shudders as your fingertips begin to trace the ridges of her horns. She'd always known they were more sensitive than one might think, but she had no idea how good it would feel to have your hands on them
  You quickly pick up on how much she seems to be enjoying this type of affection and grasp the pointy appendage, eliciting a gasp from her
   "That feels good, baby?"
   "Yes" she pants as your thumb caresses the material, and her hips begin to move on their own
   You smirk as you feel her grinding up against you and you reach your free hand over to the nightstand drawer, grabbing hold of the strap on that sits within
   When you pull away from your girlfriend her face lights up at the sight of the toy in your hands, and she quickly moves to help you undress. You can't help but tease her as she eyes the faux cock hungrily
   "Like what you see?"
   "Yes" She admits with a smirk, "But I'd like it even better inside me"
   You suge forward again, capturing her lips in a searing kiss while you let the tip of the toy tease her puffy cunt
   "Please baby, don't tease" she begs, grabbing onto your back, letting her claws softly dig into your flesh
   You push your hips forward, bottoming out in her in one swift move, causing your girlfriend to let out a pornographic moan. You immediately begin to thrust your hips, not even giving her a chance to adjust as you know she's far too eager to be fucked to be patient
  "That's it baby, you're taking me so well" you praise before lowering your mouth to her chest
   "Oh fuck!" She exclaims as your mouth envelops one of her pert nipples
   You begin to mark up her pale skin as you continue pumping the toy in and out of her, effectively making Wanda's head spin as she gets closer and closer to her second orgasm. And you're well on your way to experience your first as the toy stimulates your clit with every thrust
   Her grasp on your back tightens, and you can feel that she's beginning to draw blood, something which you're sure she'll beat herself up over later, but you honestly don't mind as the pain is only adding to your arousal. You're so close now
   "You gonna cum baby?" She nods her head, mumbling incoherently, "Cum with me then"
   You both moan as pleasure washes over you both and you continue to move your hips in slow long strokes to prolong the euphoric feeling until it gets to be too much and she gently pushes you away. You rid yourself of the strap before settling into the bed beside her, cleanup can wait, you decide, it's time for cuddles.
   "I love you, malysh(baby), thank you for accepting me as I am" Wanda whispers as she wraps an arm around your waist
   "I love you too baby. No matter what"
   She smiles and pulls you impossibly closer to her before letting the wing she wasn't laying on drape over you both. Relief fills her as she finally fully realizes she's not going to lose you, you chose to stay. Now all she has to worry about is making sure that becomes permanent, but that's a problem for another day….
Taglist:@wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2
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sunshinebingo · 1 month
@gwynrielweeksofficial Day 14 - Free Day
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Aaand it's the end of Gwynriel Weeks 2024. Kudos to everyone who has managed this event ❤️. It was amazing to see all this love for my favourite ship and also to be able to participate in it. Thank you!! ❤️
Today's fic is a gift to @avabrynne (my little love letter to you is on Ao3 😉)
Synopsis: Catrin finds a baby in their backyard and tries to convince Azriel and Gwyn to keep it.
Word Count: 1.7k
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
Azriel’s head whipped around so fast his neck almost cracked. If he told his wife that, the only thing she would hear would be the cracking part and make a joke about him getting old.
“Daddy. I found an orphan.”
He placed his knife on the kitchen countertop and looked towards the back door, to the little girl walking in with a few leaves in her pigtails and her lavender sweater balled up in her tiny arms. He removed the kitchen towel that was thrown over his left shoulder and wiped his hands before placing it down next to the knife and chopping board.
“I found an orphan in our garden.”
Azriel approached his daughter, mouth opening to ask what on earth she was talking about, when a little noise coming from the sweater made him stop. The little noise sounded a lot like it belonged to something with claws and fur. As if to confirm what it was, the little thing decided to poke its little head – after struggling for a few seconds– out of the sweater.
“Look daddy, look. She’s a baby,” Catrin exclaimed as though he wasn’t seeing the fluffy black kitten too.
The tiny creature looked around with bright yellow, almost gold, eyes. It seemed more curious than afraid despite being in the arms of an excited child. Cat beamed at the kitten in her arms. She jumped on the spot, causing the kitten’s head to move this way and that while its body remained trapped in its prison made of wool.
“Ok honey, calm down,” Azriel said and reached out his hands to take the kitten from his daughter’s arms before its head flew off.
Cat pointed at the door leading to their garden. “She was alone in that bush,” she explained, leaving Azriel to guess in which of the several bushes in their backyard she could be referring to.
Azriel held the sweater in the crook of his arm and extricated the kitten from it with his right hand. He handed the sweater back to Cat when he was done and took a closer look at the black ball of fur. It looked quite thin to him but showed no sign of injuries.
“How do you know it’s an orphan?”
“She told me,” Cat replied with a shrug.
The kitten meowed. Azriel had no idea whether it was to confirm or deny what Cat had said. He looked down at his daughter but decided against questioning her supposed ability to talk to animals.
“She?” he asked instead.
“The baby,” Cat pointed to the kitten that was busy trying to climb on Azriel’s shoulder.
He pulled the little thing away, removing its claws from his t-shirt when it tried to hold on, and turned it around.
“It’s a he.”
“He who?” Cat furrowed her brows.
“The baby,” Azriel explained as he brought the kitten closer to Cat’s face. “It’s a male.”
Cat giggled at the paw that reached out to boop her nose. There was dirt on her knees, on her bare feet and forearms. The blue jumper she wore was in a barely better state than the rest of her. Azriel smiled at her dishevelled state but sighed internally for the fact that he had thought of changing her clothes before letting her play outside. Gwyn would have been pissed if Cat had ruined yet another one of her school clothes.
“You’re my baby brother now,” Cat announced to the kitten while she petted its head.
Azriel laughed. “Hold up honey. What if his mommy comes back for him?”
Cat wrapped her arms around one of her father’s legs. “But he was alone,” she reminded Azriel, looking up at him with her big blue eyes and a pout on her lips. Not for the first time in 4 years, Azriel noticed Cat’s striking resemblance with Gwyn whenever she used the puppy eyes on him in a desperate attempt to get him to agree with something he had said no to. Apart from having her father’s black hair, everyone who knew Gwyn could see that Cat, on the outside, was a pretty good copy of her.
“Mommy can be his mommy too.”
Azriel’s eyes darted from his daughter to the kitten nipping at his finger with his sharp teeth. He knew that it was common for cats to adopt their humans instead of the opposite and this one did not seem to be an exception to this rule. The longer he took to reply, the tighter Cat wrapped her arms around his leg.
“Daddy pleeease.” She threw her head back and dragged the last word until Azriel sighed and stopped her with an, “Ok fine.” Cat gasped and looked at him with hope in her eyes.
Azriel hadn’t had a pet since he was a child. He had always been fond of cats. His daughter had also been asking for a pet for a while now – well, either that or a sibling. Azriel had been on Cat’s side the whole time in trying to convince Gwyn to agree to either of those. With the way this little thing here was purring and scratching at his shirt, he thought perhaps it was a trick of fate that had sent him here.
“OK listen. We will give him back to his mommy if she comes back,” he stated as firmly as he could to Cat as she gripped the fabric of his pants and nodded with a widening smile. “And we’ll have to ask your own mommy if she agrees with this.”
Her messy pigtails moved when she nodded again and started jumping. “If she says yes, then we can keep the baby,” Azriel added.
The squeal that Cat let out was so loud that even the kitten jumped in surprise. She released his legs and started running excitedly around the kitchen while waving her dirty sweater. Azriel lifted the kitten up to his face. “You still got time to run buddy.”
The little thing meowed, and tried again to climb on his shoulder.
“Mommy, mommy. I found an orphan. Can we keep it mommy?”
Gwyn stopped at the threshold with one foot still outside. She didn’t have the time to put the other one in before her daughter was hugging her leg. It wasn’t the first time that Cat greeted her at door when she came back home. Though usually Gwyn was greeted with a “hi mommy” before the babbles started.
“Can we keep it mommy please?” Cat asked very loudly while jumping on the spot.
Gwyn placed her bag on the small bench near the front door. She picked Cat up and smooched her cheek. Her daughter smelled like the bubble-gum shower gel she liked so much. Judging by Cat’s clean matching yellow t-shirt and shorts, she guessed that her daughter must have had her bath not long before her arrival. Even her hair was styled in the twin French braids that Azriel was so skilled at doing now.
“Hello to you too, my darling.”
Cat wrapped her arms around Gwyn’s neck and returned her mother’s kiss with another one of her own.
“Now, what was it you were saying?” She asked as she walked them further inside the house.
Cat beamed at her and placed her hands on Gwyn’s cheeks. “Can we keep the little orphan, mommy?”
Gwyn’s brows furrowed. “What orphan?”
“The baby.”
“What baby?”
“The orphan,” Cat said like it should be obvious.
She had had many interesting conversations with her daughter before but this one felt particular strange.
“What on earth are you –”
Gwyn stopped abruptly when she reached the living area.
“Can we keep it mommy pleeease,” Cat kept going, shaking her mother’s face, while Gwyn took in what her eyes were seeing.
Azriel was lying down on his back, shirtless, on the carpet beside the coffee table, with a little black kitten on his chest. The kitten was hitting and biting the finger that Azriel kept waving at it.
“Hello, my love,” he greeted her but didn’t look away from the kitten. There was no doubt his smile was more for the little thing than for Gwyn. Azriel laughed every time the kitten missed his finger when he removed his hand faster than it could hit it.
“What is this?” Gwyn whispered to no one in particular. Her body was still frozen and her eyes glued on the scene before her.
“It’s a baby,” Cat replied.
The kitten attacked Azriel’s hand again, wrapping its tiny paws around his wrist and turned on itself but it only managed to slide off his chest and fall down clumsily on its back. Gwyn gasped and let out a shriek louder than when the enemies in the enemies-to-lovers book she was currently reading finally became lovers. She placed an equally excited Catrin on the ground before she ran towards a stunned Azriel. Gwyn sat on the floor beside him and picked up the kitten.
“Hi little baby,” she cooed while petting it. “Aren’t you the cutest little kitty.”
Cat reached her mother and leaned over her shoulder to watch. Azriel rose from the floor and stretched out his legs before filling Gwyn in on everything that she had missed before she came back. He rested his back against their grey couch and pulled Gwyn by the waist until she sat on one of his legs. Though his wife wasn’t paying him any attention, he still kissed her cheek and lips. It only took a second before Cat felt left out and moved to sit on his other one. The little girl brought her face close to Azriel’s until he kissed her on the cheek too. And another one on the tip of her nose where it always made her smile the most. Azriel wrapped his arms around them both and they all snuggled against him. Meanwhile the kitten between them was only interested in playing with whatever moved in front of its face.
“So, we are keeping it?” Azriel asked unnecessarily.
“Of course we are.”
The kitten stopped and stared at Catrin when she squealed from her mother’s answer. But then it went back to what it was doing, as though the little thing was already used to all this.
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randoimago · 11 days
In the aftermath of boop day on tumblr, I'd like to request Rolan, Karlach (bg3), Jester, and Mollymauk (Critical Role C2) being booped by their s/o? This is an all tiefling request hehe. Can't help that the characters I like happen to be tieflings lol
Thank you! ❤️❤️💙💜
Fandom: Critical Role // Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Jester, Mollymauk, Karlach, Rolan
Note(s): Tieflings are amazing so I don't blame you!!
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He has an amused look in his eyes when you suddenly come over, acting innocent, only to poke his nose. His eyes roll at hearing your "boop!".
"Glad to get that outta your system?" He'd jokingly ask you and tease you a bit about your actions enough to make you pout.
Which is when he retaliates by booping your own nose and giving you a wink as he walks away, smugly smiling to himself as you process what had just happened.
The biggest smile crosses her lips when you give her nose a little tap. She giggles at your "boop!" and will pull you into a hug if you don't step away soon enough.
Jester will make it a game between you both (even if you don't realize you're playing) where she'll surprise you with nose boops too. It's just going to end up being a back-and-forth thing.
"Ahem!" She clears her throat and gives you a pointed look whenever you haven't responded and booped her back yet. She acts so dramatic about the nose booping, but smiles the widest when you finally do.
She pauses in whatever she's doing to give you a bright smile when you walk over.
Her mouth is open to give a greeting or cheesy pickup line (her favorite being "what's cooking, good looking"), only to stop as you boop her nose.
Karlach raises an eyebrow but chuckles at your actions, pulling you into her arms and kissing your cheek. "Cheeky little thing," she teasingly calls you.
Rolan has been busy all day between reading spellbooks and reorganizing the shelves in the tower. He's promised to take some time to spend with you, but then some customer complains about some product and it's just one thing after the next for this stressed tiefling.
He's hunched over his desk, looking at some paperwork and instructions about some new magic item creation when you boop him in the nose. It causes him to refocus and be a bit confused as he glances at you and processes what happened.
A small chuckle escapes him and he shakes his head. He moves away from his desk, sighing as he feels the stress and tension of the day, but gives you a smile and pulls you into his arms instead. "Alright, sunbeam, my attention is yours."
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