volixia669 · 2 years
Okay “tankies”, let’s talk. Again. 
CW: For talk of genocide by the USSR.
That hammer and sickle symbol is sickening. It’s not a communist symbol. It’s the symbol of the USSR, which was NOT a Communist system, but rather a totalitarian one.
Lenin created the USSR to gain power. Not to spread the word of Marx, but to gain power, land, and keep it at all costs. He murdered political opponents and no this is not something you just do. Gulags, pograms, he committed genocide. As did Stalin, continuing the horrors of his predecessor. He intentionally starved Ukrainians.
As did Gorbachev. Yes, Gorbachev. Him being “nicer” does not excuse him from the fact he both directly and indirectly killed people. (Hiding a nuclear disaster from the world and your own citizens is how people get cancer.)
All the killing, all the fear of being turned in by loved ones, the inability to practice religion freely, or even just criticize your leaders, that was all the USSR. The claims of spreading Communism were propaganda used to excuse things like land being stolen, invading nations, and keeping tight control over the general populace. It’s not communism. It’s imperialism.
This is what Putin is trying to bring back. And that’s bad.
And just as you cannot “reclaim” the Swastika, nor can you reclaim the Hammer and Sickle. That is the symbol of horrors. Of people being starved, put in concentration camps, and being forced to live in fear. All in the name of communism.
For fuck’s sake, you don’t HAVE to align yourself with a specific economic prinicple, and you certainly don’t have to align yourself with one that has been used to commit genocide.
For example: If someone calls me a communist I can and will throw hands, BUT I believe that UBI should be a thing, wages should match inflation, rent controls are needed, rich need to be pay more, and the state should ensure that people (INCLUDING DISABLED) are not living in poverty. It’s not any specific economic blah blah blah, just things that help people.
See? Easy. No symbols that might give people ptsd needed.
So fucking dump the Hammer and Sickle, learn about the horrible things the USSR did, and open your mind to maybe the answer to our extremely capitalist society isn’t communism, but rather something new. A system that isn’t connected to imperialism at all.
Oh, and donate money to help Ukrainians. (Link is to a website with how to help Ukrainians, and has multiple ways of helping. The people behind it are doing their best to vet all resources but I do still recommend double checking just in case they missed something in the flurry of news today, February 24th)
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