#AND it probably won't b very covid safe to have it done for her.....
firespirited ยท 2 months
yesterday I took the bus - needed to find out if my neck can handle it. I had some pretty bad migraines from car rides last year and have got much better at letting the rest of my back do the bracing while walking for example, deliberately trying to redirect all the stress I hold in the shoulders to slightly lower down.
I sat myself firmly in the back, slightly slouched into the chair, hands wrapped around my bag loosely and let the rest of the back handle the bumpy ride.
that part was good progress. I haven't been able to go to physio to have my neck massaged when in pain because the ride there would do more damage than not going at all: disabled life is a lot of catch 22s.
unfortunately, the bus did not loop back as hoped so it was
A/ sit in a crowded place on market day in the cold for 40 minutes for another bus that would take an hour looping around town before it gets to my place
or B/ walk home. we walked home very slowly but it's still energy I didn't have so I'll be cutting a bunch of things out for the next week. These things happen, it's just a faff.
Another energy wipe out was the micro (and not so micro) aggression per minute machine that is S, who was also on the bus. I mentioned her a few weeks ago: she had got herself a bulldog which is bonkers in this climate, I cannot stress enough how wrong this dog felt in person as it rasped and choked, eyes barely in their sockets.
At the bus stop which is just a sign next to a lamp post: S: I just got out of the hospital with covid! it was awful. me: Oh no are you OK? *gets out N94 - I will later forget to remove it even though it's been 40 minutes of open spaces with no people and have a mild panic about this moment and how callous it is* S: i'm fine now me: how did you catch it? didn't you get the booster? S: it's seasonal now, no, no more vaccines, i've done enough, they don't work. me: *confused noises ... sigh* you need to take care of yourself! S: oh I got rid of my dog by the way, he was too much work during the covid thing me: mmm ๐Ÿ‘€ (don't ask what rid means, don't think about what rid means) // I change the topic to her retirement, the weather, the bus route being interesting and scenic, try to stay on "safe" topics. // S: I'm going on holiday, back to where I grew up, managed to convince my partner by buying his tickets and stuff, it's a lock. me: mmm ๐Ÿ‘€ (babyman baby man, he has money, dangit you have the worst taste in men) S: *points out the window at a market stand*, that's G, you should go see her, she'll be so happy to see you. me: ๐Ÿ‘€ (no she won't G is a bully and an asshole who broke mum's heart and is probably the same christian-nice-mean-lady she always was - I will deliberately cross the road going home) S: It's so nice to see you well me: *strangled laugh comes out as a nose squeak* ๐Ÿ‘€
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or20years ยท 3 years
will taylor have her makeup done for the grammys..... or will she do the natural look sheโ€™s been doing lately.....OR will she glam up herself .... much to ponderย 
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