#Abell 1300
maludico · 7 months
Hi no Tori: Eden no Sora (PHOENIX: EDEN17)
Trata-se de um filme que transmite muitas informações e também muitas lacunas, obviamente as lacunas não são furos de enredo, elas estão ali para o espectador preenchê-las usando as informações que o filme apresenta, principalmente referências.
No começo de todos os EPs temos a aparição da Fênix da lenda abordada na sinopse, segue:
“Desde tempos imemoriais até a era da colonização espacial, há uma lenda que permaneceu inalterada em todos os livros de história - o conto do pássaro imortal Fênix. Um ser cujo sangue concede vida eterna ou sabedoria, a figura radiante garante a continuação da vida senciente no universo enquanto supervisiona as civilizações humanas e seu desenvolvimento.
No entanto, a humanidade permanece escrava de seus hábitos; da felicidade e da tristeza à ira e ao amor, uma miríade de emoções continua a fazer parte integrante da vida humana. Simultaneamente, uma e outra vez, certas crenças e agendas persistem ao longo dos séculos para perturbar o frágil equilíbrio da natureza e dos princípios predeterminados do mundo. Parece que o destino e suas variáveis ​​dinâmicas podem se manifestar de várias maneiras - e muitas vezes exibem um senso de humor bizarro…”
Sendo assim, o espectador já sabe da veracidade da existência daquela entidade naquele universo e que ela observa os seres humanos e garante que eles não desapareçam completamente, mesmo que eles próprios insistam, consciente ou inconscientemente, na sua destruição. A sinopse também cita o senso de humor bizarro do destino, ou do acaso, e das escolhas da humanidade.
No “EP 1 - Cain” fica evidente logo pelo título onde se deve buscar o complemento de informação: no bíblico; no Gênesis. Então tudo se torna uma paródia de Adão e Eva.
Romi e George (Adão e Eva) chegam ao planeta Éden, onde eles mesmos brincam: “- Vamos tirar nossos trajes, esse é o nosso Jardim do Éden”; mesmo apresentando nada de paraíso. Eles também têm um robô chamado Shiva. E ainda nomeiam o próprio filho de Cain. O mito religioso permeia todo esse primeiro EP do início ao fim, o Cristão, o Hindu e com o aparecimento da entidade cósmica, a Fênix, para o Cain no final. Como Romi e George se uniram é explicado ao longo do filme por perspectivas diferentes, os terráqueos dizem que ela foi sequestrada por um cientista, enquanto Romi diz que fugiu da Terra com o seu amado.
A ideia da paródia é reforçada ainda mais quando Cain desativa, estraga, ou melhor, mata Shiva (seu irmão de criação) com pancadas e, após isso, entre lamúrias, se queixa de não conseguir cultivar mais nada: “Quando você cultivar a terra, esta não lhe dará mais da sua força. Você será um fugitivo errante pelo mundo”; o Senhor disse a Caim depois de ele matar Abel.
Quando Romi decide hibernar por 13 anos é com o propósito de se conservar jovem para poder procriar com Cain e povoar o Éden, ela delibera sobre incesto. Mais uma vez o Destino, ou a Divina Providencia (vá lá saber…), interfere e o contador da hibernação pula de 13 para 1300 anos pelo advento de um breve terremoto, evitando assim o futuro incesto. Digo “mais uma vez” porque essa não foi a primeira intervenção, lembram da morte de George, também se deu por culpa de um terremoto e, de novo, pelo Destino ou Divina Providência, para evitar o primeiro fratricídio da história: Caim matando Abel. Com George morto Romi não poderia dar à luz um Abel.
Na Bíblia existe um “mistério” quanto à esposa de Caim, não fica bem definido e especificado quem ela é ou como surgiu e assim também é no filme. A esposa que surge para Cain é um ser amorfo, vindo do céu numa nave de rocha e pela intervenção da Fênix. Na Bíblia, se não der voltas e voltas para explicar esse mistério, chega-se a acreditar que Caim teve filhos com a própria mãe, Eva. Então, no filme, a esposa que chega para Cain é um Moopy, um metamorfo empata que pode procriar com qualquer outra criatura no universo e que quando o encontra, ironicamente, assume a forma de sua mãe, porque ele desejava isso (os Moopies podem se transformar naquilo que os humanos mais desejam). Outro ponto interessante é que ela aparece justamente no momento que Cain ponderava um suicídio, acontece que lemos no Velho Testamento que Caim após matar seu Irmão, Abel, foi amaldiçoado pelo Senhor para não morrer, que nele colocou uma marca para ser reconhecido onde quer que fosse e quem o ferisse sofreria uma maldição sete vezes pior. No filme, Cain é impedido de se matar pelo advento de chegada do Moopy, pela intervenção da Fênix. (Uma curiosidade: no mangá mãe e filho têm filhos juntos, mas só nascem homens, então ela se congela)
Essa primeira parte troça da inevitável repetitividade de a humanidade errar, de ser imperfeita. Como se dissesse: mesmo com drásticos adventos inexplicáveis mudando o rumo da criação, a história da humanidade encontra um caminho de se repetir, o homem está fadado à falha.
Dos EPs 2, 3 e 4 em diante, Moopy, Astronaut e Romi, respectivamente, abre-se uma possibilidade de interpretação maior ainda do que no EP 1, portanto, nada do que é dito aqui é imutável ou peremptório, mas sim uma interpretação com base no que a narrativa propõe. Daqui em diante são apresentadas novas personagens.
O primeiro apresentado é o Com, é um mestiço de Moopy (EP 2) com humano, descendente de Cain. Esses mestiços não têm olhos nem orelhas e, como explica a Moopy primordial, são diferentes de Romi, que enxerga com os olhos e ouve com os ouvidos. Aqui podemos pensar na utopia de uma sociedade ideal, a sociedade da verdade, com uma consciência coletiva onde não existem mentiras e são dispensáveis olhos e ouvidos, visto que a relação entre os Moopies é de telepatia. E, de fato, Éden nos é retratado como uma cidade pura, áurea e pacata.
Com e Romi criam um vínculo muito forte: Romi porque vê nele um Cain; Com porque vê nela uma promessa de há muito não cumprida, como se herdasse os desejos de Cain (também na Bíblia não há registros quanto à morte de Caim, inclusive existem teorias de que ele continuaria vivo). Esse contato do Com com a Romi aflora o que há de humano nele (ele mesmo menciona, quando se aproxima de Romi: - Meu sentido está falhando… meu sentido pifou) e ele desenvolve a curiosidade e a dissimulação; ele quer conhecer a Terra. Há até um diálogo entre ele e outro Moopy que confirma isso, quando um amigo dele diz que Com não quer ajudar a Romi, quer é conhecer a Terra, e um meio para esse fim é ajudando a Romi, Com se enfurece. O momento que eles saem de Éden é o momento que eles a condenam à destruição (bem como quando Adão e Eva são expulsos para sempre do Paraíso), porque, como bem vimos, se eles não tivessem conhecido Zudarban, aquele alienígena com uma oitava parte humana – a parte mais repulsiva – Éden não teria sido destruída e os dois ainda teriam para onde voltar. E esse encontro só acontece por causa de uma série de causalidades ocorridas logo após eles terem saído de Éden.
Uma delas é conhecerem o astronauta (EP 3) terráqueo Makimura. Esse cara, diferente de Romi (talvez por ela ser velha e/ou ter vivido 40 anos em Éden com os Moopy ela seja assim tão ponderada), é tipicamente humano, ele expressa todas as emoções e vícios humanos possíveis durante a aparição dele no filme, desde fúria, volúpia, mentira e traição à gentileza, humildade, empatia e amor. O Makimura representa muito bem essa condição emotiva e sentimental caótica de se ser e sentir como humano, ele come, bebe, ama, sente desejo, pensa em imortalidade, mas nega a fantasia e o incrível, ele é um caos emocional, ele é contradição atrás de contradição até a sua última aparição em tela. E é para salvar Romi que eles acabam conhecendo o Zudarban por intermédio do Makimura. Também é nesse episódio que eles conhecem um planeta semelhante à Terra. A primeira ação deles nesse lugar é a Romi arrancar uma flor e disso em diante todo o ambiente se torna hostil, Makimura até compara uma das criaturas à ganância, mas é só a perspectiva humana dele falando, porque ele, como terráqueo e humano, está condicionado a ver a maldade no que é desconhecido e estranho. No fim eles são expulsos a pauladas porque eles eram os intrusos perpetradores ali, eles que agiram mal sem nem se dar conta disso, eles eram os desconhecidos e estranhos. No entanto, com um pouco de ousadia conseguimos relacionar os três elementos presentes nesse planeta, as flores, o dinossauro e os rolos agressivos, com os nossos três viajantes, afinal, o que os levou ali foi uma discussão dentro da nave onde o Com se sobrecarrega de emoções e pensamentos que não só os dele. Os acontecimentos neste planeta parecem profetizar o final do filme, mostrando o futuro das personagens. O desejo de Romi de chegar à Terra é representado pela flor, o ato de arrancar a flor é a realização desse desejo, e as flores criatura-monstro o resultado ou consequência: um planeta inteiro contra ela. O dinossauro representa o caos das escolhas de Makimura e quanto ele consegue ser volúvel, ao chegar na Terra ele primeiro decide ajudar a Romi e o Com (ele ataca as flores), mas em seguida, em troca de benefício próprio, ele se propõe a caçá-los e capturá-los, o que termina com o Com sendo baleado e com o arrependimento do Makimura (o dinossauro que o Makimura chamou de ganância se desfazendo em suas mãos). Os ataques de birra e agressividade de Com causados pela sua rejeição e incompreensão sobre o ser-humano não conseguir ver a verdade e agir seguindo apenas o coração, a sua vontade legítima, mas usando de artifícios e subterfúgios, representa os poderosos rolos esmagadores, aquilo que traz o entendimento de que eles não pertencem àquele lugar e devem ir embora para o seu próprio bem.
Depois nos é apresentado o Zudarban. Um alienígena com uma oitava parte terráquea e que se orgulha disso. Ele é representado por uma criatura pequena, asquerosa, com movimentos sorrateiros, orelhas e unhas pontudas, uma cauda, fala melíflua, veste terno, gravata e se denomina um negociador. Fica evidente aqui a intenção de apontar que mesmo diluída em uma proporção de 1 para 8, a parte que prevalece de um terráqueo é a mais repulsiva possível: a ganância e ambição. Que no final do filme é o que destrói Éden. Além disso tudo, Zudarban ainda demonstra interesse em Com, pois Moopies são raros, valiosos e cobiçados, e diz que só presta ajuda a Romi se Com indicar a localização de seu planeta. Zudarban ajuda Romi rejuvenescendo-a sem se preocupar com efeitos colaterais. Enquanto os três se encaminham para a Terra, Romi e Makimura conversam sobre uma história japonesa infantil, o conto do pescador Urashima Taro:
“é a história de um menino que ajuda uma tartaruga e como recompensa é convidado a visitar o Palácio do Dragão no fundo do mar; a própria tartaruga o leva e ele passa 3 anos lá, mas decide voltar para visitar sua mãe; Toyotama-hime, a princesa do palácio, permite, mas exige que ele leve uma caixa consigo e nunca a abra, pois lá dentro está algo muito importante para ele; quando volta para a superfície descobre que 300 anos se passaram e tudo está mudado, a única notícia sobre um Urashima Taro é a de um pescador que há muito tempo saiu em seu barco para pescar e nunca mais voltou; tomado de tristeza, Taro vai à beira do mar procurar a tartaruga, mas ela já havia partido; como a tartaruga demora a voltar, Taro se desespera e abre a caixa; no interior da caixa só havia uma pequena porção de fumaça branca que logo se dissipou; Taro envelheceu séculos em instantes; olhando a caixa vazia Taro compreendeu tudo; ele pensa - realmente algo muito importante estava dentro da caixa, o tempo para mim, se não a tivesse aberto, teria todo tempo do mundo para esperar pela tartaruga, esse bicho sem pressa, uma vez aberta o tempo está passando como devido, em alguns minutos serei pó…”
Makimura menciona o efeito Urashima e fala só sobre a parte da passagem do tempo na conversa com Romi, e diz que é assim para quem viaja pelo espaço também. Mas essa história inteira é importante para a conclusão do filme, porque ela serve para a Romi, mas como se fosse contada do fim para o início. A Romi passa quase 1400 anos em Éden e sai de lá bem velha para ver a Terra antes de morrer, nesse entremeio ela conhece um planeta semelhante à Terra e quase morre, então ela entra numa caixa com fumaça rosa que a rejuvenesce, permitindo que ela encontre à verdadeira Terra, que já não é mais seu lar. Ao sair da Terra ela recebe uma caixinha, mas não uma caixinha da morte e sim uma da vida.
Depois de passarem por mundos e fundos, por todo tipo de adversidades, conhecerem outros planetas, Com, Makimura e Romi chegam à Terra (Romi/Home, EP 4), um lugar inóspito onde seres humanos são produzidos in vitro e os residentes são ciborgues, androides e robôs. Logo na chegada são detidos e cometem uma fuga com a ajuda de Chihiro 4041. Há 1317 anos, Chihiro e Romi faziam parte de um grupo de 13 humanos com DNA superior que vivia sob proteção especial. Elas eram amigas, ambas têm memórias dessa época, mesmo uma tendo quase 1400 anos e a outra tendo, de alguma forma, se tornado uma máquina (no anime Hi no Tori existe uma Chihiro com um dígito de seis números, seiscentos mil e alguma coisa).
Nessa última parte do filme, o clímax, é quando recebemos a mais forte torrente de informações, primeiro sobre os acontecimentos em Éden, a intervenção de Zudarban com a propriedade privada, o consumismo, o vício e suas consequências, conflitos e guerras que culminaram em sua própria morte. Também a Fênix aparece observando e não fazendo nada quanto a mais uma inevitável falha de civilização humana. Temos nesse ep a destruição de Éden ao mesmo tempo que a destruição da Ilha do Paraíso. Temos o Com tendo um ataque de birras quando Romi desiste de voltar a Éden, justo como Cain teve quando Romi decide se hibernar por 13 anos depois de prometer visitar a Terra (fazendo jus às teorias da imortalidade de Caim sobre as inconsistências bíblicas). E, depois ainda, com o Makimura frustrado e arrependido de ter matado o Com, mas só até ele se aperceber do engano, e, com uma memória terna seguida da crise descontrolada de felicidade e riso, entender que Com continuava vivo, pois a arca de rocha decolou. (Curiosidade: no mangá o Com se transforma numa flor de Lótus, e a Romi morre devido a efeitos colaterais do rejuvenescimento)
Enfim, uma retrospectiva acontece, e então se percebe que foi preciso tudo isso para Romi e Com entenderem que Éden é o seu lar e que para lá devem voltar, é tarde entretanto. De volta ao Éden, ironicamente como no início do filme, tudo está desértico e em ruínas, Romi tem uma semente e o Com, a Fênix, figura radiante que garante a continuação da vida senciente no universo enquanto supervisiona as civilizações humanas e seu desenvolvimento, voa… tudo vai recomeçar (ou se repetir de novo mais uma vez?), a Romi perdeu o paraíso pelo menos 3 vezes hein … fim.
Ficou bem superficial, mesmo grande assim.
Faltou entender o porquê do nome George, será que é por ser um nome bem ordinário, comum, em inglês? Será que é para podermos aproximar Romi com Home? Será que é uma referência a alguém? Eu realmente não sei, me faltam informações e conteúdo para essas relações. Assim como para o Zudarban.
Já para Makimura e Com, mesmo sem saber sobre kanji e sem ter conhecimento dos nomes deles em kanji, pude, através de pesquisa, encontrar significados que se relacionam aos personagens. Para Maki encontrei coisas como verdadeira crônica ou registro, verdadeira esperança, verdadeiro precioso, verdadeira árvore, raça, reprodutor, pastor, enquanto para Mura encontrei vila, povoado, cidade.
Para o Com (no mangá é Kom) encontrei sentidos muito mais abrangentes como alma, espírito; agora, hoje; insetos; companheiro, irmão; metáfora para algo alto e distante; metáfora para algo forte como um tigre; nuvem, aparência de nuvem; raiz de alguma coisa; a energia para perseverar; violeta perene (flor). Além de Cain ter uma pronúncia toante com Com.
Para Chihiro encontrei "mil" para o "chi", e outros significados para o hiro, como: tolerante, generoso; abundante, amplo, generalizada; próspero; oceano; busca, pesquisa.
De resto, gostei de tudo, da trilha sonora, do ritmo corrido da narrativa e de como as coisas acontecem muito rápido, se repetindo e se relacionando, nos causando a sensação de que o tempo está, não apenas se dilatando, mas passando cíclico, avançando sobre si mesmo, se retroalimentando. Gostei das referências bíblicas, até lembrei agora: a causa para o encontro do Com com a Romi é um fruto que ele derruba e vai rolando lá para onde a Romi está, e ela que leva ele a sair de Éden e, consequentemente, perder o Éden, como no pecado original. Podemos também facilmente colocar o Zudarban como a Serpente ou Satanás. Também podemos colocar que é a Fênix a responsável pelas tentativas de intervenção no destino humano, como se estivesse tentando mudar um pouquinho o que já testemunhou incontáveis vezes. Também sobre a maldição de não morrer posta em Caim ter mantido viva em Com a promessa dele de ir visitar a Terra com Romi.
Acredito também que a história do Urashima Taro casa muito bem com toda a narrativa do meio para o fim, ainda que de maneira bizarra, como diz a sinopse.
Eu adorei esse filme, mesmo que tenha sofrido mudanças discrepantes na adaptação. Gosto das questões que ele compreende e do tema que aborda, a natureza da condição humana de ser e estar, seja no espaço, na Terra ou em outro planeta, de se apoiar em coisas irreais como a religião, ou nos nossos próprios olhos e ouvidos que não garantem a verdade, ou de como somos escravos de nós mesmos, no sentido de uma servidão voluntária, desde sistemas de categorização e hierarquia a pequenos vícios e prazeres, de como somos tão apegados ao passado a ponto de não viver presente e nem futuro, de como somos tão apegados à própria vida e ao mesmo passo tão indiferentes a ela, e de como no final ele deixa essa dúvida entre otimismo e pessimismo: de que nunca é tarde demais (mesmo com 1400 anos) para começar (ou recomeçar) a mudar e de que há somente um fim possível e quaisquer esforços são vãos, pois tudo descamba em morte e destruição.
Esperemos por mais adaptações de mangás brilhantes com essa mesma qualidade, mas sem muita alteração no conteúdo.
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abeltruck0 · 8 months
Abel Truck
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Address: 74 Cleveland St Greenslopes, QLD 4120
Phone: 1300 131 429
Website: https://www.abel.com.au/
Abel Truck Hire's primary focus is to provide practical and reliable transportation solutions to meet a variety of needs. Whether you're moving to a new home, transporting goods for your business, or handling a specialized project, Abel Truck Hire offers a fleet of vehicles that can accommodate different requirements. Diverse Fleet: One of the key strengths of Abel Truck Hire is its diverse fleet. They offer a selection of vehicles that range from compact vans to heavy-duty trucks. This diversity ensures that customers can choose a vehicle that aligns with the size and nature of their transportation task. For instance, if you're moving to a new apartment, a compact van might be sufficient, while a larger truck might be needed for a comprehensive business move. Flexible Rental Options: Abel Truck Hire understands that every customer's needs are unique. They provide flexible rental options, including daily, weekly, and monthly rates. This flexibility allows customers to rent a vehicle for the duration that suits their specific requirements. Whether it's a short-term project or an extended period of transportation, Abel Truck Hire can accommodate your schedule. Customer-Centric Approach: One of the notable aspects of Abel Truck Hire is its customer-centric approach. Their team is known for being friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. Whether you're a first-time customer or a returning one, you can expect assistance in selecting the right vehicle, understanding rental terms, and addressing any questions or concerns. This focus on customer service contributes to a more pleasant and stress-free experience. Additional Services: Beyond vehicle rental, Abel Truck Hire offers additional services and accessories that can enhance the transportation process. They provide packing materials, trolleys, and other accessories that can make loading and unloading items more efficient. This comprehensive approach allows customers to get everything they need for a successful move or transportation task in one place. Cost-Effective Solutions: Competitive pricing is another hallmark of Abel Truck Hire. Their rates are designed to be cost-effective, making their services accessible to a wide range of customers, from individuals with small-scale moving needs to businesses with larger logistical demands. This affordability is particularly appealing in today's budget-conscious environment. Multiple Locations: Abel Truck Hire has strategically located branches in various areas, making it convenient for customers to access their services. Whether you reside in the heart of the city or in suburban areas, you'll likely find an Abel Truck Hire branch nearby, reducing the hassle of transportation logistics. Trust and Reliability: For many customers, trust and reliability are paramount when it comes to transportation services. Abel Truck Hire has built a reputation for maintaining its vehicles meticulously, ensuring that they are safe and dependable. This reliability extends to the timely delivery of services, so customers can have confidence that their goods or belongings will reach their destination as planned. Your Transportation Ally: In summary, Abel Truck Hire can be seen as a practical and dependable ally in addressing various transportation needs. Whether you're moving, expanding your business, or handling specialized projects, their extensive fleet, customer-focused approach, and cost-effective solutions make them a viable choice. While this description highlights their strengths, it's important to perform your own research and due diligence to determine if Abel Truck Hire aligns with your specific requirements and expectations.
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Hour: Monday - Friday - 8:00am – 4:00pm, Saturday - 7:30am – 12:00pm, Sunday - 7:30am – 10:00am, Public holidays - 8:00am – 10:00am
Year of Est.: 2014
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Payment method: card
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/abeltruckhire/
LinkedIn Link: https://au.linkedin.com/company/abel-truck-hire
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scarletrain44 · 9 months
Ultimate Decades 1300-1305 PART 6 + SUMMARY
Eleanor was hoping to have healthy children this time.
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Sadly only one of the twins survived - Flavia. Abel passed away.
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Also one of the newborns in Blakeslee family didn't make it - rest in piece Bryan. Adela is devastated, but she must live for little Madeline and the other children.
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Jaenette has payed her debt to devil (two male children of her siblings) and was blessed with healthy baby boy - Devante. She hope nobody ever will know, why Bryan and Abel has passed away. Carmilla helps her guilt go away with hot kiss. Jaenette finally got what she deserved, right?
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Princess Chloe is a child now.
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Vernon almost got killed by gnome.
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Adela really hates cooking, but now she is the only one in household who can do it. When she used to live in castle she thought being an housewife will be easy. After Huxlay was murdered, Vernon had to focus on improving his handiness skills. Now his goal is to make all new furniture for home.
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Maxwell is checking on his sister as much as he can. They are very close as siblings.
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Vernon went to the town to buy groceries and take a look at farming festival. He has met very popular and rich man - Malcolm Landgraab. Look in the background - Agatha is everywhere.
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Queen Isabella was helping during the birth, but unfortunately, baby boy Osvaldo passed away few minutes after his first breath.
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That wasn't end of the tragic events - Madeline got sick and left this world as well. Alice miss her little sister so much, she can't leave empty crib.
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Agatha sensed that something is going on. Probably curse. She promised Adele that she will perform cleansing ritual, so whoever is responsible for that curse, will get it back.
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We didn't need to wait for the result too long - Devante, son of Jaenette, has fell out his crib and injured his head. It was not possible to save him. Jaenette is extremely sad and feel guilty. Why she was not there? Was she able to prevent it? Tons of questions didn't let her sleep that night.
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Prince Dante and princess Flavia are growing up.
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King's time has come to end. He died because of old age. Now Maxwell need to become next ruler of the kingdom. Queen Isabella will need to pass her crown to Eleanor. Next decade will be so much different than past one.
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SUMMARY 1300-1305:
Eleanor x Maxwell
Vernon x Adela
Jaenette x Carmilla (partners)
Children that didn't make it:
Julien Stonehair
Abel Stonehair
Madeline Blakeslee
Bryan Blakeslee
Osvaldo Blakeslee
Devante Blakeslee (fell out his crib)
Adults that didn't make it:
Huxley Blakeslee (murdered by wife)
King Arthur Stonehair (old age)
<<PREVIOUS / NEXT>> (link soon)
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levysoft · 1 year
È stato infatti scoperto un buco nero ultramassiccio la cui massa è pari a ben 32,7 miliardi di volte quella del Sole, ubicato nel cuore di una galassia sita ad una distanza di 2,7 miliardi di anni luce dalla Terra. Un ‘mostro’ che per la verità era già noto dal 2004 ma fino ad oggi nessuno ne conosceva la reale portata, scoperta mettendo a confronti una serie di immagini catturate dal telescopio hubble con varie simulazioni che gli scienziati hanno condotto con il supercomputer DiRAC HPC COSMA8.
Di fatto ci troviamo di fronte ad uno dei dieci buchi neri più grandi mai scoperti fino ad ora. E la conferma è stata annunciata grazie a sofisticatissime tecniche di indagine (in particolare quella nota come lente gravitazionale), che hanno consentito di determinare che la massa di questo buco nero è ben 7 milliardi di masse solari più grandi di quanto si riteneva negli anni passati. Insomma un gigante cosmico la cui grandezza è persino difficile da immaginare, che si trova nel cuore di Abel 1201, un ammasso di galassie e per accertarne la dimensione sono state analizzate le distorsioni della luce prodotte dallo spazio tempo. Così sono anche riusciti ad identificarlo, posizionato al centro di Abell 1021 BCG, galassia ellittica diffusa nonchè la più luminosa. La sua dimensione è tale che il suo orizzonte degli eventi ha un diametro di 195 miliardi di km (1300 unità astronomiche)
Il professor Nightingale ha dichiarato, a proposito della scoperta: “Questo particolare buco nero, che è circa 30 miliardi di volte la massa del nostro Sole, è uno dei più grandi mai rilevati e al limite superiore di quanto crediamo grande i buchi neri possono teoricamente diventare, quindi è una scoperta estremamente eccitante”. Aggiungendo che “il lensing gravitazionale rende possibile studiare i buchi neri inattivi, qualcosa che attualmente non è possibile nelle galassie lontane. Questo approccio potrebbe consentirci di rilevare molti più buchi neri oltre il nostro universo locale e rivelare come questi oggetti esotici si siano evoluti più indietro nel tempo cosmico”.
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rodininetto · 1 year
Paranaguá: Ordem de serviço para pavimentação na Vila dos Comerciários é assinada
Ao todo serão mais de 1.3 quilômetros de asfalto Na manhã desta sexta-feira, 03, o prefeito de Paranaguá, Marcelo Roque, assinou a ordem de serviço para a pavimentação de mais de 1300 metros de pavimentação na Vila dos Comerciários. As ruas Milton Miró Vernalha, Nilo Lázaro Abud, Nilton Abel de Lima e João Policarpo recebeu base, drenagem, asfalto, meio fio e sinalização. “Estamos fazendo o…
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torstar1 · 1 year
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chibinotan · 3 years
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Blue Stars and Galaxies
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wigmund · 6 years
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From SpaceTelescope.Org Picture of the Week; November 6, 2017:
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image seems to sink into the screen, plunging the viewer into the dark depths of the early Universe. Massive galaxy clusters — such as the subject of this image, Abell 1300 — help us to better understand the cosmos. They are essentially giant natural telescopes, magnifying the light from any galaxies sitting behind them and helping us peer further back in time.
This bizarre kind of time travel is possible due to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, whereby the gravitational influence of a massive object such as Abell 1300 acts like a lens, bending the very fabric of space around it and thus causing more distant light to move in a curved path. To the observer, the source of the light — a background object such as a primordial galaxy, for example — appears both distorted and magnified. The lensing power of massive clusters has helped us to discover some of the most distant known galaxies in the Universe. Hubble has observed this phenomenon many times; see a selection of images here.
This image was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide-Field Camera 3 as part of an observing program called RELICS. The program imaged 41 massive galaxy clusters over the course of 390 Hubble orbits and 100 Spitzer Space Telescope observing hours, aiming to find the brightest distant galaxies. Studying these galaxies in more detail with both current telescopes and the future NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will hopefully tell us more about our cosmic origins.
Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA
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torstarpenrith · 3 years
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tenduw · 4 years
A short history of New Zealand
Polynesians settled in New Zealand in 1250-1300 AD and developed a distinctive Maori culture. Europeans first made contact in 1642 AD.
The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand were Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and his crew in 1642. Four of them and one Maori were killed. Europeans did not revisit New Zealand until 1769 when British explorer James Cook mapped almost the entire coastline.
Following him, several ships cruised near New Zealand trading food, metal tools, weapons and other goods for timber, food, artefacts, water, and, on occasion, sex. Europeans introduced potatoes, diseases and animals. The introduction of weapons resulted in Musket Wars between the Maori tribes encompassing over 600 battles between 1801 and 1840. Between 30,000 and 40,000 Maori were killed. Their population declined 40% during the 19th century.
The Treaty of Waitangi that claims sovereignty for the British Crown was signed in the Bay of Islands on 6 February 1840. New Zealand, originally part of the colony of New South Wales, became a separate Crown colony in 1841. Following concerns that the South Island might form a separate colony, the crown transferred the capital from Auckland to Wellington due to its harbour and central location. The parliament officially sited over there for the first time in 1865.
As immigrant numbers increased, conflicts over land led to the New Zealand Land Wars of the 1860s and 1870s, resulting in the loss and confiscation of much Maori land. From then on, notable dates include:
1. 1893: the country became the first nation in the world to grant all women the right to vote.
2. 1894: New Zealand pioneered the adoption of compulsory arbitration between employers and unions.
3. 1907: New Zealand declared itself a Dominion within the British Empire.
4. 1947: the country adopted the Statute of Westminster, making New Zealand a Commonwealth country.
New Zealand is now a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of New Zealand and the head of state. The Queen is represented by the Governor-General, whom she appoints on the advice of the Prime Minister.
New Zealand was involved in world affairs, fighting alongside the British Empire in the first and second World Wars. A Maori protest movement developed after WWII, which worked for greater recognition of Maori culture and the Government has negotiated settlements of these grievances.
Source - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.workingholidaystarter.com/history-of-new-zealand/amp/
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A Japanese member was forced to marry a Korean man she did not like. The divorce took five years.
August 13, 2013
Ms K.: Hello, I will now tell you about my experiences.
The first contact which led me to join the Unification Church was in July 1998 in the Kansai District (2) where I lived. I was approached and asked to answer a questionnaire titled ‘Youth Consciousness Survey.’ The people told me they were showing educational videos and they invited me to come, but I did not want to go. However, they said that they really wanted to just be friends with me, so I gave them my name and contact information. Following that, they called me several times. I was given directions to an apartment.
I later found out this was the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon. Their beliefs interested me, and I felt I couldn’t refuse because my spiritual parents (the people who introduced me to the UC) kindly helped me. So I started going along to watch videos or listen to lectures on the Principles of the church.
In March 1999, I was invited to have my fortune read. I was told that my fortune was bad and I was forced to buy a seal for 150,000 yen and also to receive a genealogy (family tree) analysis. Then I was told that I would die at the age of 33 if I didn’t follow their way. I was forced to give all my savings to resolve the grudges of my ancestors. I donated 1.6 million yen, which was all my savings at that time. After that, I was told by my spiritual parents to go to the Church Youth Branch in Osaka to start my life in the Unification Church. A video center counselor in Osaka told me to go to Ivision, where I was forced to buy a necklace to improve my fortune. I refused many times saying that I had no money, but in the end I borrowed money and bought a necklace for 1,060,000 yen. After a one-day workshop, followed by a two-day workshop, new member training and practical training, I joined the training center in the youth branch house in November 1999.
My schedule was strictly managed since I was going to a workplace during the day and listening to lectures on the Divine Principle every night. Then I participated in a third workshop, and I got more and more deeply involved in the Unification Church.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han perform at the 400 million couples marriage.
In February 2000 the church held the 400 million couples Blessing at the Seoul Stadium in Korea. I was a participant. I first met my Jucheja (= subject partner = groom / husband) (3) at the Stadium. It was difficult for me to accept my subject partner, so I went to the church secretariat because I wanted to cancel being married to this man. However, they worked hard to convince me, and I eventually accepted the match.
After returning to the center in Japan, every day was filled with witnessing and Divine Principle lectures. My fatigue became chronic due to my double life of work and the demands of my faith. In that situation in June 2000, under pressure from my Abel and worn down by physical and mental exhaustion, I made a commitment to the church. After making that, I was put in charge of a witnessing team, made education training group leader, and responsible for micro (a mobile microbus fundraising team) (4), and meal duty. I lived there for about a year. In the meantime, I participated in a Cheongpyeong workshop and a 21-day workshop in Chiba. My faith gradually became stronger. During my religious life, there were a number of faxes and letters from my subject partner who wanted to start our couple life as soon as possible. Finally, in September 2001, my subject partner visited the church house where I was staying. He threatened to break our blessing if I did not move to Korea within that year. He asked me to quickly complete the marriage registration. He returned to Korea and made my seal and sent it twice, with a copy of his family register.
My subject partner had already experienced a Korea-Japan blessing once before, at the time of the Blessing of 360,000 couples. However the Japanese woman broke off the marriage. Following that I think he was somehow determined to keep ‘the Blessing’ with me. Since there was such a a strong request from my subject partner, and we were really registered as married, I removed myself from my own family register without my family’s consent. I did that because I had no time to explain or persuade my parents since I was in a hurry to go to Korea.
I arrived there on December 31, 2001. Because I am weak in my heart [not good at standing up for myself], I was instructed not to tell my parents when I had removed my name from my own family register. However, if I suddenly disappeared from Japan, my parents would be worried, so I was instructed to make sure a letter from me arrived the day I crossed over to Korea. In my letter I should not say that I was involved with the Unification Church, but that I was going to Korea to marry a Korean man I had met at work. In the end, I was too busy with my cooking duties until just before my departure for Korea, so I could not even write such a letter before I arrived in Korea.
On the flight to Korea, I thought I would never be able to return to Japan again since I was really becoming cut off from my parents and friends. I felt like Korea was the only place I could be. Many thoughts raced through my mind. I felt tears of sadness and feelings of anxiety and expectation for what the future held for my life.
After arriving in Korea I completed a Japanese Family workshop and lived in a church center. This had many Japanese members centered on the president of the Japanese Women’s Federation for World Peace and Unification (WFWPU). My duties there included preparing meals for the church, cleaning, studying Korean and witnessing by distributing leaflets that promoted the ‘Blessing’ (Unification Church mass marriage).
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▲ Flyer distributed in Korea by Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church advertising the availability of Japanese wives.
Translation of the poster (Korean on the left and Japanese on the right):
True Marriage to a Japanese Woman
Nonprofit community service organization: Registration No. 1300
♥ Junior college or higher educational background ♥ Healthy body and mind ♥ For a young man who has stable employment (around 30 years old)
(Previously married men and women, now single, must be aged 60 or less)
Ideal spouse with a chaste sense of values.
We will match you up.
True Family Practice in conjunction with ◯◯ Committee
Consultation phone Counselor / Consultation Staff
Occasionally I met with my subject partner. He spoke a little Japanese, and we could only manage basic conversation. The president of the Japanese Women’s Federation (WFWP) always interpreted for us when we wanted to convey anything important. However, the greater conflict for me was that someday I would have to live with someone I didn’t like. That was worse than not being able to communicate well with my subject partner. If it could be possible I wanted to just continue living in the church center without starting couple life. I wondered if I lacked faith because I kept thinking in such a way from in my personal thoughts rather than from a perspective of faith. I made more effort in witnessing and prayer, and I repented for my feelings.
About a week after living in the church center in Korea, I received a call from the Youth Branch saying that my mother and sister, who had not yet received any letter from me, had visited the UC in Japan because they were not able to contact me and were worried about me. At the direction of the WFWP president, I phoned them and said I was in Korea and doing well.
In early February 2002, my father, sister, and an uncle in my family suddenly came with an interpreter to Korea to bring me home to Japan. At the direction of the WFWP president, I had sent a letter to my parents, but with my subject partner’s home address written on the letter. However, it would have been very difficult to find the exact location because I had not given the street number. The person who came as an interpreter was actually a pastor in a Korean Christian church. I heard that they had to ask an elder from a local Korean Christian church, whom he knew, in order to find me. Under instructions of the UC district leader and the WFWP president I was hiding in the president’s house. However, my father threatened that he would contact the police to file a search request, so I decided to meet him the next day. I insisted that, when I was ready, I would return to Japan on my own. At that time, from the attitude of my father and sister’s responses, I thought that there might be a pastor who was working against the Unification Church helping them. Our discussions were going nowhere. After more than two hours passed, my father asked me to have a meal together with them. At that moment, as I had been instructed by the church, I pushed my father away and caught a taxi as if I was running away.
In the taxi I could not stop crying. I had met my parents after years of church life in Japan. I had felt joy because my father, who had never traveled abroad, had gathered all his strength to come to Korea to search for me, but I also felt that my father looked rather thin and small. I knew he was doing his best to bring me home to Japan. I had conflicting emotions; I felt sorry for causing him to worry and I felt pain because I had to shake off such a father who cared so much. But [as I had been taught in the church] I desperately pushed myself not to be overwhelmed by those human feelings.
As part of our witnessing effort, Japanese members taught Japanese language lessons to Koreans twice a week. And at the same time, on a shift-basis, we were doing volunteer activities such as cleaning, lunch preparation, childcare, and supporting church projects.
In April, the district leader changed. Spiritual conditions, led by the WFWP president, such as late night prayer meetings, started every night from 11:00 pm to 2:00 am. This continued for a year until the district leader was again changed. Since I did not leave the center to start my couple life, I was specifically entrusted with cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and childcare at the district leader’s house. I worked all day from morning to night, and I sometimes worked even all night. On top of that, there was a long prayer meeting until dawn every night, so I was chronically sleep deprived. However, I continued that life every day, repeating to myself that this is really a training of devotion so I would be better able to love my subject partner.
In the meantime, in order to maintain a connection with me, my sister communicated with me by e-mail through my subject partner, who was proficient in using computers. In mid-May my older sister came to visit me in Korea, this time she was the only one from my own family. She came with a pastor, but she did not show any feelings against the UC, and acted as if she was just worried about me as a sister. She also asked if my subject partner and I could temporarily return to Japan. After that, I received education for starting couple life so that I could start soon. However, I was unable to accept my subject partner. Under instructions from the WFWP president I was told that I had to overcome Satan and somehow start couple life. My subject partner and I participated in a 40-day workshop in Cheongpyeong.
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▲ Workshop at Cheongpyeong
After that, I started couple life with him in August 2002. Even though I started living with my subject partner, I felt that our cultural differences and language barriers were huge. Communicating with my subject partner was difficult, and only simple everyday conversations were possible. For that reason I couldn’t understand what my subject partner was really thinking. Also, it was difficult for me to accept my subject partner even after starting our life together. Nevertheless, I kept reminding myself of how happy and grateful I should be to have a husband from the Adam country of Korea. Japanese church members should serve as slaves to their Korean husbands of the Adam country. And so I repented for my immature faith and made an effort to love my subject partner.
[The Unification Church teaches that Japan is the Eve nation to Korea as Adam. Rev Moon has said that Korea is shaped like a penis. He has also said that Japan, as a mother, should financially support Korea and make restitution for all the material things that were taken from Korea during the Japanese occupation of Korea which lasted until 1945.]
In September, I was given the opportunity to temporarily return to Japan for a week with my subject partner. In my sister’s e-mails, or by her appearance when she came to see me, it did not really seem like there was an anti-pastor (working against the UC) behind her efforts, so the Unification Church did not notice anything unusual. I returned to Japan thinking that it would be good to have my Japanese relatives meet my subject partner and come to understand him better. For a short time after our return home, my family treated my subject partner kindly, taking him out to nice meals and on shopping trips. However, when my father and sister were talking through an interpreter, or were asking details about the Divine Principle, it was as if they had been studying little by little to understand the Unification Church. Then I suspected that an anti-pastor might be working with them. However, rather than that thought, I had questions about the Divine Principle myself, and I was angry with myself for not being able to not answer their questions when I wanted to.
During that initial visit, they did not try to force me and my subject partner to stay, and let us go back to Korea. As I was leaving, it felt so good when my mother hugged me and cried, saying I can come back home anytime. When I had first left for Korea, I thought I would never be able to return again, but now I came to think that I could actually return to Japan at anytime. I even came to think that there was no difference between Sun Myung Moon’s mass wedding ceremony and an ordinary wedding ceremony. It had been a while since I felt the joy and warmth of my family, and I was caught between the thought of wanting to remain in Japan or returning to Korea.
After our return to Korea, my life with my subject partner, centered on church life, began again. To find answers to the questions I had from my father and my sister I even asked a Japanese church member. She said that the teachings of the Unification Church are not limited to the Divine Principle, but there are more detailed books such as Unification Theology [by Young-oon Kim and Unification Thought by Sang-Hun Lee], that are deep in their teachings. And she said that if I kept studying until I was convinced, I would again see how good the teachings of the Unification Church were. However, in Korea, because every book was written in Korean, it was difficult for me to study such books. Anyway I could not find enough time to do that due to my everyday training.
My subject partner was working in a factory and earning an average of 70,000 yen per month. However, he often quit his job and stayed at home or changed his job. Moreover, there were also transfers, so our life was difficult. All the time I tried to save money. I wanted to go to a dentist in Korea, but I couldn’t afford it. In September 2003, one year after I had last visited Japan, the church allowed me to return to Japan on my own to get dental treatment. However, just in case, they asked me to give my contact information to the nearest branch of the UC and to run away if anything happened.
On my return to Japan, I wanted to study more about the Unification Church. I started getting the dental treatment I needed. Several times I tried to phone the nearest UC without my family knowing, but I could never reach them. Meanwhile, my family asked me to meet with a pastor, saying they hoped I would understand what they had been studying. My father begged me with a very serious face saying it was his once-in-a-lifetime request.
I knew then that my father was sincere and serious when he said that. I agreed but said that I would only be willing to meet the pastor once I had attended the worship service of the local Unification Church. So I tried to call them again, but I still couldn’t get through. Finally I had no choice but to meet the pastor. In my mind I thought this would be a catastrophe, but I eventually agreed to meet the pastor by telling myself that I shouldn’t be a frog in a well, and that knowing about other religions would help me to see the Unification Church more objectively and to know the splendor of the Unification Church more deeply.
But in reality, it was the complete opposite. I came to know what was wrong with the Unification Church and I fell to the bottom of hell. I had quit my job, cut off all contact with my friends and my free will had been destroyed. I had believed that the work I had been doing was the truth, and I had put the rest of my life at risk in order to hold on to this precious truth, only to realize in the end that it was not genuine. I could not control my sorrow and resentment. The pastor told me that I can always leave the UC any time now. I decided to quit the Unification Church. Even after I decided to leave, I continued to read books and research until I could fully understand what had happened to me. I came to realize that I had been under mind control. As soon as I knew that the Unification Church was wrong, I decided to get a divorce because I could not sustain a false marriage even if it was deemed a ‘Blessed marriage’ in the doctrine of the Unification Church.
However, the divorce was not resolved quickly. First of all, at the end of December 2003, two months after my withdrawal from the Church, all my family members and the pastor went to the house of the parent’s of my husband, where he was living, to ask for a divorce. An elder of a Korean Christian Church also accompanied us and talked to them. They refused, so I couldn’t get divorced. My husband was shocked when I told him of my intention to divorce. He caused a scene and said he would commit suicide, and we had to call the police.
However, I was relieved to know that he was really living in his mother’s house. After returning home to Japan, I was introduced to a lawyer and tried to get my divorce through the courts. But in my situation I discovered that the longer the period of not living as a couple, the greater the probability of getting a divorce, so I decided not to go to trial immediately. Then there was a request by e-mail from my husband for me to pay 10 million yen to get the divorce. Of course I had no intention of paying, and I had no ability to pay such a sum. Also, after several e-mails going back and forth, I also sent him a Japanese divorce application form and requested that he accept the divorce application. He again refused. Meanwhile, the amount of alimony kept decreasing, so my father thought about my future and considered paying the alimony. However, I did not respond to the requests for money. I thought I should not set a bad precedent for subsequent UC victims who were trying to get divorced.
On January 17, 2006, two years after visiting Korea to request a divorce, my sister and I participated in the Japan-Korea Unification Church Problem Forum in Seoul, with our lawyer and the Korean pastor who had helped us before.
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▲ Daegu
After the conference was over, I traveled to Daegu together with my lawyer and the Christian pastor. We again asked my husband and his parents to allow the divorce to proceed without alimony. They still would not accept. Then the pastor suggested going to a Korean lawyer to have a trial in Korea. But, although during UC divorce trials in Japan some courts ruled that marriages in the Unification Church were not valid, it seemed such a route would be more difficult in Korea because there was less consensus in Korea concerning the fraudulent nature of the Unification Church and their use of mind control [and sleep deprivation, etc.]. All my family members were depressed and anxious about how to go about having a trial in Korea and gaining the divorce.
In January 2008, five years after leaving the Church, just as I was considering the option of a trial in Japan, an e-mail came from my husband stating that he would agree to a divorce without alimony. My pastor and all six family members went to Korea. At the city hall, my husband and I went through divorce procedures and we got divorced.
My husband did not smile as he used to. We finished the divorce process perfunctorily. I said I was sorry to my husband and wished that he would find happiness in the future. It was not that either of us had faults. Both of us were really victims of Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church and our experiences only confirmed the heartlessness of the Unification Church. After that, due to our different nationalities, the Japanese court divorce procedures were not very smooth. I and my father had to go to the Korean Consulate several times. We were finally able to complete the divorce in June 2008. At that time, I felt relieved and reborn. I felt I was finally free and had truly left the Unification Church.
Ten years had passed since I joined the Unification Church. For the first five years I had immersed myself in the UC. Even after I left the church I spent another five years struggling with the after-effects of mind control and the divorce process. The fact that I was rescued from the Unification Church and that I am now able to live a free life like this, is all thanks to the help of my parents, my older sister, my pastor, lawyer, and those former members who gave me psychological support. And the elder who gave me tremendous support in the foreign land of Korea – I sincerely thank you all.
The divorce, especially, took a long time. This was partly because of the great language barrier. In my case, Elder Lee was an immense help. Elder Lee accompanied me every time I went to Daegu, even though he had problems with both his legs. When there was no progress in the divorce, he delivered the letters my father had written; he visited my husband’s parents many times to try to persuade them to accept the divorce. Elder Lee’s help was crucial. As seen in my case, if a Christian Church in Korea accurately understands the fraudulent nature of the Unification Church and serves as a bridge between Japan and Korea, I think there can be a considerable chance of a successful rescue. Also, Japanese UC members who are married to Korean men do not know what to do when a problem occurs in the Unification Church. If a Christian Church in Korea has an understanding of the Unification Church, it can be a great help. I hope that the Christian Church in Korea will accurately and deeply understand the illegality of the Unification Church and lend its strength to help further rescues. I am now studying in Korea, free from the Unification Church. Living in Korea this time is of my own choice and for my own benefit.
One day, while walking in Myeong-dong, Seoul, I accidentally met a woman who was the class leader at the UC training center. She was outside in the cold handing out leaflets that advertised a massage salon. She had been in Korea for 12 years, and she was giving out leaflets to see if that work would help her to support her family of three.
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▲ Taiyaki pastry
Also, when I visited an island, I saw a UC woman baking and selling fish cakes and taiyaki pastries (5) from the back of a small truck. She was a woman in her late 40s, but in the 15 years since she had been married, she had been baking taiyaki and her face had been burned by the heat from that work. She did not wear any makeup. It was a cold winter, but she said she was working from morning to night. I felt sorry for her, and it felt as if it was my own problem. I wondered if I might have been living such a life if I had not quit the UC.
It is known that there are more than 6,000 Japanese wives who have been married to Korean men through the Unification Church mass weddings. Seeing them first-hand, it hurts me to know what difficult lives the Japanese wives have, and how they struggle in Korea. I feel anger towards the Unification Church which ruins people’s lives.
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▲ Japanese UC members bow in apology for historical abuse to Koreans.
I was very surprised to hear about the incident of the Japanese UC wife, Miyuki Park, last year.(6) I don’t know what would have happened if I had continued living in Korea without leaving the Unification Church. When I think about what Miyuki Park did, I feel very sorry. We hope that she will be released from prison as soon as possible, so she can live a peaceful life with the help of her family and supporting volunteers.
When I was given this opportunity to tell my story, I had to revisit the events and emotions of those times. As I wrote these words I could not help but shed tears as powerful memories swept over me. After ten years, I thought that my time in the Unification Church was a thing of the past, but I was amazed to find that the wounds in my heart still remain to this day.
The Unification Church is a terrifying organization that controls minds with manipulative techniques and easily comes to dominate the minds and hearts of unsuspecting people. Absolute cooperation and solidarity between families is necessary in order to rescue as many victims of Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church as possible. In particular, in the case of Korea-Japan ‘blessings’, I think the key is the full support and cooperation of the Christian Churches in Korea. I hope that such a way will open quickly in the future. I thank you for reading this.
1) A term describing a married couple of Korean male believer and Japanese female believer. 2) The Kansai District lies in the southern-central region of Japan’s main island, Honshū. 3) ‘Subject partner’ – in mass marriages, the term a bride uses to address her groom. Wives are called ‘object partners.’ 4) Micro – abbreviation for economic activities such as traveling by microbus to different areas to fundraise. Members sometimes lived in the microbuses for weeks at a time. 5) Taiyaki (鯛焼き, literally ‘baked sea bream’) is a Japanese fish-shaped cake. It imitates the shape of the 鯛, Tai (Japanese red seabream), which it is named after. The most common filling is red bean paste that is made from sweetened azuki beans. Other common fillings may be custard, chocolate, cheese, or sweet potato. Some shops even sell taiyaki with okonomiyaki, gyoza filling, or a sausage inside. In South Korea, Taiyaki are known as bungeo-ppang. Taiyaki are similar to imagawayaki, which are thick round cakes also filled with sweet azuki bean paste or custard. 6) A Japanese female UC member, Miyuki Park, murdered her abusive, alcoholic unemployed Korean husband and is currently serving time in jail.
Why did a Japanese Moon church member kill her Korean husband?
日本人妻はなぜ韓国人夫を殺したのか? 統一教会「合同結婚式」の悲劇
Suicide of Japanese ‘Moon money mule’ in Uruguay. Mother of three children
Japanese member Ms. U married to a Korean man
Japanese woman recruited and sold to Korean farmer
Atsuko Kumon Hong “suicide / murder” 2013
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
“Apology marriages” made by Japanese UC members to Korean men
A huge Moon Church scam in Japan is revealed
Moon personally extracted $500 MILLION from Japanese sisters in the fall of 1993. He demanded that 50,000 sisters attend HIS workshops on Cheju Island and each had to pay a fee of $10,000.
The Moon church of Japan used members for profit, not religious purposes
The Comfort Women Controversy
여성신자U씨의 체험담
통일교 여성 피해자의 체험담 (K씨)
元早大総長が集団結婚を徹底批判 統一教会
山崎浩子 vs 林真理子   独占対談
愛が偽りに終わるとき – 山崎 浩子 (著)
統一教会女性信者が自殺した 「四千人」南米大移働の謎
統一教会合同結婚式 日本人妻たちの「肉声」
統一教会の日本人花嫁数千人が韓国農民に宛われた 韓国農民にあてがわれた統一教会·合同結婚式日本人妻の「SEX地獄」
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abeltruck0 · 8 months
Abel Truck
Address: 74 Cleveland St Greenslopes, QLD 4120
Phone: 1300 131 429
Website: https://www.abel.com.au/
Abel Truck Hire's primary focus is to provide practical and reliable transportation solutions to meet a variety of needs. Whether you're moving to a new home, transporting goods for your business, or handling a specialized project, Abel Truck Hire offers a fleet of vehicles that can accommodate different requirements. Diverse Fleet: One of the key strengths of Abel Truck Hire is its diverse fleet. They offer a selection of vehicles that range from compact vans to heavy-duty trucks. This diversity ensures that customers can choose a vehicle that aligns with the size and nature of their transportation task. For instance, if you're moving to a new apartment, a compact van might be sufficient, while a larger truck might be needed for a comprehensive business move. Flexible Rental Options: Abel Truck Hire understands that every customer's needs are unique. They provide flexible rental options, including daily, weekly, and monthly rates. This flexibility allows customers to rent a vehicle for the duration that suits their specific requirements. Whether it's a short-term project or an extended period of transportation, Abel Truck Hire can accommodate your schedule. Customer-Centric Approach: One of the notable aspects of Abel Truck Hire is its customer-centric approach. Their team is known for being friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. Whether you're a first-time customer or a returning one, you can expect assistance in selecting the right vehicle, understanding rental terms, and addressing any questions or concerns. This focus on customer service contributes to a more pleasant and stress-free experience. Additional Services: Beyond vehicle rental, Abel Truck Hire offers additional services and accessories that can enhance the transportation process. They provide packing materials, trolleys, and other accessories that can make loading and unloading items more efficient. This comprehensive approach allows customers to get everything they need for a successful move or transportation task in one place. Cost-Effective Solutions: Competitive pricing is another hallmark of Abel Truck Hire. Their rates are designed to be cost-effective, making their services accessible to a wide range of customers, from individuals with small-scale moving needs to businesses with larger logistical demands. This affordability is particularly appealing in today's budget-conscious environment. Multiple Locations: Abel Truck Hire has strategically located branches in various areas, making it convenient for customers to access their services. Whether you reside in the heart of the city or in suburban areas, you'll likely find an Abel Truck Hire branch nearby, reducing the hassle of transportation logistics. Trust and Reliability: For many customers, trust and reliability are paramount when it comes to transportation services. Abel Truck Hire has built a reputation for maintaining its vehicles meticulously, ensuring that they are safe and dependable. This reliability extends to the timely delivery of services, so customers can have confidence that their goods or belongings will reach their destination as planned. Your Transportation Ally: In summary, Abel Truck Hire can be seen as a practical and dependable ally in addressing various transportation needs. Whether you're moving, expanding your business, or handling specialized projects, their extensive fleet, customer-focused approach, and cost-effective solutions make them a viable choice. While this description highlights their strengths, it's important to perform your own research and due diligence to determine if Abel Truck Hire aligns with your specific requirements and expectations.
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Local in New Zealand - 15 animals that you normally only see in the zoo
>This snake species is a real cold specialist. It is also the only species that can be found even in the north of Scandinavia up to a few hundred kilometres north of the Arctic Circle. In Scotland, Wales and England the adder lives in all regions.
Famous Hawaiki of the Maori: Tahiti - the birthplace of Polynesia
What kind of wild animals are there in Australia?
Local Te Puia Guide Kirimatao West, Rotorua A culture that has grown historically and is unique in the world. Today about 69% of the 4.4 million New Zealanders (also called Kiwis) are of European descent. 14.6% are native Maori, 9.2% Asian and 6.9% Pacific Islanders (non-Maori).
New Zealand is called "Aotearoa" in Maori, the language of the natives. This means translated "land of the long white cloud". who was voted Oceania's footballer of the century. He played in the German Bundesliga at Werder Bremen and was involved in national and international successes. Football is often played in an amateur context, but rarely professionally.
Courage, anger, joy and other feelings are expressed by the movements of the individual body parts.
The tuatara lizard is therefore not called a living fossil for nothing.
Nature does not only mean to hike but also to discover animals in their natural environment - the more unusual the better.
Many may know that Maori legends tell about the ancestors on Hawaiki, a mystical place that got lost in the time of the centuries.
>/ul> This Haka is usually danced without weapons. New Zealand was founded in 1840 with the Treaty of Waitangi. In 2017 the same human rights were also granted to the Whanganui River. But in reality not the Maori were the natives, but - and only few people know this - the Waitaha, a people that settled New Zealand years ago, about 1300 years before the Maoris. Encounters with humans are often unavoidable, as the snake is quite often near human dwellings. The Maori's understanding of nature is fundamentally different from that of the western world. They live in close connection and harmony with nature and see themselves as part of a whole that is connected as a whole.
Maori Language and Tradition
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here.
Where does the HAKA?
The Dutch explorer Abel Tasman was the first European to reach New Zealand in 1642. But the British were later responsible for the colonization of the country. In 1840 the Treaty of Waitangi, an agreement between the British Crown and the Maori chiefs, was signed.
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keibadrive · 2 years
2022年 サンシメオンステークス(G3) レース結果と動画
サンシメオンステークスSan Simeon Stakes G3 2022/02/21 サンタアニタパーク競馬場 8R 芝1300 8頭立て 馬場状態:Firm 4歳以上 2022年 サンシメオンS(G3) レース結果 着順 枠番 馬番 馬名 性齢 斤量 騎手 調教師 オッズ 人気 タイム着差 1 3 3 バラッザBarraza 牡4 55.5 福元大輔Daisuke Fukumoto V.セリンVladimir Cerin 2.8 2 1:12.66 2 8 8 インディアンピー��Indian Peak セ5 55.5 A.セディロAbel Cedillo Ruben D Alvarado 21.7 6 2.3/4 3 4 4 ビアキャンマンBeer Can Man 牡4 56 F.プラFlavien Prat P.ダマートPhilip…
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danieloteropena · 2 years
daniel otero peña landscape research, urban design, architecture, and teaching.
caracas sinfónica A horizontal void between suspended concert halls and an underground conservatory. Caracas, Venezuela. 2010 - 2015
Development phases (2011-2015) ///. Project: adjkm ///. Architecture: Alejandro Méndez, Daniel Otero, Khristian Ceballos, and Mawarí Núñez ///. Project Manager: Javier Mogollón ///. Design team: Mariana Lugo, María Leonor Cordero, Abel Piñate, Fernando Sánchez, Silvia Caradonna, Yoryelina Moreno, Gabriela Salas, and Luisana Villegas ///. Collaborators: Franedward Moreno, María Eugenia Duarte, Fedora Dasilva, Astrid Safina, Odelis Lozada, Charlotte Serna, Johana Arias, Nicole Calderón, Gaëlle Smits, Maria Daniela Ceballo, Lino Cáceres, Josymar Rodríguez , Verónica Hoffmann, and Viviana Rizzo ///. Parametric Design: Tomás Méndez ///. Consultants: Alejandro Dappo, Felipe Montemayor, Juan Cristóbal Montemayor, and Jaime Santos ///. Acoustics: Nagata Acoustics ///. Theater Consultants: dUCKS scéno ///. Structures: Salvador Safina and Andrés Otero ///. HVAC Installations: Orlando Mata ///. Electrical Installations: Carlos Celis ///. Sanitary Installations: Román Chomiak and Gastón Parra ///. Fire Protection Installations: Alejandro Sánchez ///. Security: Tomás Borras y José Rebollo ///. /// Client: Fundación Musical Simón Bolívar (El Sistema) ///. Phase: Project (all design phases) ///. Surface: 67.000 m² ///. 3 symphonic concert halls (1800, 1300, and 500 seats), 76 rehearsal rooms, residences for musicians, cafeterias, covered square, and parking.
Competition phase (2010) ///. Team: Alejandro Méndez, Daniel Otero, Jean Rio, Khristian Ceballos y Mawarí Núñez ///. Acoustics: Khale Acoustics ///. Theater Consultants: dUCKS scéno ///. Structures: Andrés Otero ///. Collaborators: José Castillo, Gabriel Castro, Nicolás Delevaux, RSI Studio, Yuan Jiang, Gilles Lefevre, Sophie Merle, Panovi Núñez, Jorge Núñez, Javier Otero, Gregoire Plasson, Bertrand Renaudin, and Paulo Rezende.
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View from Boulevard de as Culturas.
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Viem from the 1900 seats symphonic hall.
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Longitudinal section.
More information here.
portfolio about info
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space--bot · 6 years
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This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image seems to sink into the screen, plunging the viewer into the dark depths of the early Universe. Massive galaxy clusters — such as the subject of this image, Abell 1300 — help us to better understand the cosmos. They are essentially giant natural telescopes, magnifying the light from any galaxies sitting behind them and helping us peer further back in time.
This bizarre kind of time travel is possible due to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, whereby the gravitational influence of a massive object such as Abell 1300 acts like a lens, bending the very fabric of space around it and thus causing more distant light to move in a curved path. To the observer, the source of the light — a background object such as a primordial galaxy, for example — appears both distorted and magnified. The lensing power of massive clusters has helped us to discover some of the most distant known galaxies in the Universe. Hubble has observed this phenomenon many times; see a selection of images here.
This image was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide-Field Camera 3 as part of an observing program called RELICS. The program imaged 41 massive galaxy clusters over the course of 390 Hubble orbits and 100 Spitzer Space Telescope observing hours, aiming to find the brightest distant galaxies. Studying these galaxies in more detail with both current telescopes and the future NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will hopefully tell us more about our cosmic origins.
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