letmeinimafairy · 6 months
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This one photo of marble votive eyes stared at me for too long. So here's my offering to the father of physicians. A prayer for their eyes to open, for their sight to heal. I don't know what else to do, how to make people see and care. So many deaths, pain and atrocities around, and no one cares. They choose to ignore. Some even genuinely believe there's nothing wrong. Almost two years of this goddamn war. Help us, Asklepios, son of long-shooting Apollo, you're our only hope.
An Offering (working title - 'the author is Russian and is about to lose it completely')
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
A Hymn to Asclepius
Asclepius I sing, whom men call Paean, Bearer of a rod entwined with snakes Whose touch brings health to those in agony – Son of Apollo and Coronis he, Plucked from his mother’s womb as she lay burning And nursed to growth by Leto’s shining son. His limbs waxed strong, but no less strong in mind He learned what herbs can stanch a bleeding wound, What charms bring death, and what charms can upend it. To all in need he offered up his art: To kings and peasants, gods and mortal men – Nor did he charge a fee, as men do now. When Hippolytus was dragged to death by horses, The victim of his father’s thoughtless curse, Asclepius picked up his limbs and stitched them Back together, breathed into his mouth And raised him out of Hades, fresh and new – An act of mercy, but the dark All-Gatherer Thought it a crime, impinging on his rights. And so he made complaint to mighty Zeus, Who hurled his invincible thunderbolt And smote Apollo’s son to steaming ash. Great was Apollo’s weeping then, and great The mourning wails of every mortal mouth Because they were bereft of Asclepius’ aid. In course of time the Thunderer repented And, at his son’s behest, raised up the Healer, Giving him an honored place on Olympus And setting his form among the shining stars. Hail, Apollo and Coronis’ child, Be gracious unto me, and favor me With good health, free from injury and ailment, Into a rich old age. And in return I shall favor you with many gifts, And give you honor in my songs as well.
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Marble relief of Asclepius and his daughter Hygieia (Health). Artist unknown; end of 5th century BCE. Now in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums. Photo credit: Prioryman/Wikimedia Commons.
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marysmirages · 2 years
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Ophiuchus (2020)
Bonus 13zodiac sign
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interretialia · 7 months
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Aesculāpius / Ἀσκληπιός
(Fons Imaginis.)
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hermeneutas · 1 year
Mais Deuses e Seus Epítetos - Asclépio
Continuamos nossa série, expandindo breves descrições sobre as deidades que cultuamos. Agora, seguimos com mais um dos Deuses que costumavam ser mortais durante sua vida mitológica - Asclépio, deus da cura e da medicina.
Sua origem mitológica conta-nos do filho da princesa Corônis com o Deus da luz, Apolo. Nascido da primeira cesariana, Asclépio deve seu nome a sua gênese: Que quer dizer fazer um corte/cortar aberto.
Sua mãe, dependendo da versão, morreu durante o labor ou foi morta depois por Ártemis após trair Apolo. O jovem Asclépio foi treinado pelo sábio centauro Quíron e era talentoso nas artes da cura, tanto que mesmo sendo somente um semideus (o filho de uma deidade com um mortal) foi capaz de restaurar os mortos à vida, fato que enfureceu Plutão, o Deus dos mortos, por perturbar a ordem natural.
Tendo sido condenado a morte por Zeus através de um relâmpago por seu crime contra o Rei do Mundo Inferior, o semideus sofreu uma apoteose (ou seja, tornou-se uma divindade), sendo alocado nos céus como a constelação ofiúco e se juntando aos Deuses Imortais como o Deus da cura e medicina.
Sendo representado sempre como um homem barbudo portando um cajado cingido com uma serpente, Asclépio é cultuado desde os tempos antigos como o patrono dos trabalhadores da saúde. Seus templos sendo alguns dos hospitais mais antigos do mundo.
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O culto de Asclépio contém muitos registros sobreviventes, sendo vastamente espalhado durante a Era Clássica e sobrevivendo à era romana, onde foi cultuado como Esculápio. Seu maior centro de culto era a cidade de Epidauro, onde toda uma guilda de doutores-ministro o cultuava. Eles eram chamados de asclepíades.
Repassemos aqui alguns epítetos do Deus. E diga-se de passagem: Eles eram muitos.
Iatros (Ιατρος) - "Médico"/Paean (Παιαν) - "Curandeiro", ambos títulos descrevem a capacidade curativa do Deus. Paean/Peã, também é um epíteto de outros Deuses, como Dionísio, Apolo e Tânato.
Êpios (Ηπιος) - "do alívio"/"Que alivia"
Cotileos (Κοτυλεως) - "do quadril"
A maioria de seus títulos focam no seu domínio sobre as artes de cura e alívio. Asclépio, como um deus responsável por aliviar as dores da condição mortal, se tornou bastante popular em culto. O que rendeu o próximo epíteto:
Filolaos (Φιλολαος) - "Amante das Pessoas", título sob o qual Asclépio era cultuado na Lacônia.
Archagetas (Αρχαγετας) - "Fundador", título dele em Fócis e na Titoréia.
Kyros (Κυρος) - "Autoridade Máxima/Supremo"
Paidos (Παιδος) - "Garoto"
Agnitas (Αγνιτας) - "Do Agno-Casto", referente a uma árvore.
Uma deidade de suma importância, Asclépio é o filho de Apolo com relatos mais sobreviventes desde a antiguidade. Sua potência singular enquanto um mortal que sofreu apoteose, operando graças como ressuscitação e cura, rende-lhe uma posição muito única no Panteão. Em seu culto, ele é frequentemente acompanhado de sua esposa, Epione, deusa do alívio, e um quinteto de filhas: Aigle (A brilhante), Higéia (A saúde), Iaso (Remédio), Akeso (Arte da cura) e Panacéia (Cura-a-tudo).
Seus templos eram famosos por serem parcialmente hospitais, onde os viajantes e devotos viajariam até o local em busca de cura para alguma aflição. Após dormirem e sonharem no templo, havia a possibilidade da metanoia acontecer: Asclépio revelaria em sonho a cura ao devoto, cujo conteúdo onírico seria interpretado por algum dos sacerdotes locais.
Um dos Deuses mais amados e com um papel muito importante na nossa sociedade, dedicamos este post ao Curandeiro e encerramos com um de seus hinos.
Hino Homérico XVI
Começo a cantar para Asclépio, filho de Apolo e curador das doenças. Nos prados de Dotian da justa Coronis, a filha do Rei Flégias, te deu a luz, uma grande alegria aos homens, um alívio para as cruéis dores e aflições. E então te saúdo, deus: na minha canção eu faço uma prece a ti!
(Tradução de Alexandra Nikaios)
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piristephes · 2 years
The doctor is in - a poem for Asklepios
Asleep over a pillow I rest as the incense billows Pray, the Doctor is in? The breeze greets me as if Asklepios touched my skin
Dormindo sobre o travesseiro Descanso sob o flamante incenso Digam, o Doutor já chegou? A brisa me cumprimenta como se Asclépio tocasse a pele
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key-of-mysteries · 25 days
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Cameo, depicting Aesculapius, 1701-1800.
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pheebbs · 3 months
ㅤㅤ𝗦𝗢́𝗖𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦: “Critón, le debemos un gallo
ㅤㅤa A͟s͟c͟l͟e͟p͟i͟o͟, así que páguenselo. No se
ㅤㅤles olvide”.
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buraksansal · 1 year
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#Asklepion , built in the name of #Aesculapius , the god of Health and #Medicine, has existed since the 4th century BC in #Pergamon , an ancient site in the #Aegean region of #Turkey . More information on AllAboutTurkey.com (Bergama Asklepion Örenyeri - Cidade De Pérgamo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkK7o6DL1Mv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galleryantiques · 2 years
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✅Sold✅ an #Antique #Victorian #Wedgwood Dark Blue Jasper Ware Trinket pot Box White Bas Relief of Sacrifice to #Aesculapius c.1900 #etsy There are plenty of items available in my #etsyshop www.galleryantiques.etsy.com #etsy #etsyseller #eshopsuk #shopsmall #shopsmallbusiness (at Halesworth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjySAMaIvys/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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createandchaos · 1 year
Is Rick Riordan's writing perfect? Absolutely not. Does it make me sad that NO ONE has made posts or fics about Pranjal and the fact he's Apollo's motherfucking GRANDSON. WHERE'S MY POST CANON CONTENT ABOUT PRANJAL AND APOLLO BEING AN ABSOLUTE DISASTER WITH HIM????? HE ALMOST LOST HIS SHIT WHEN PRANJAL WAS LIKE "Oh yeah, I guess that makes you my grandpa" WHEN HE'S TELLING HIM HE'S A SON OF ASCLEPIUS! ASCLEPIUS!!!
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tokillamockingbird427 · 4 months
“Rorke, the boys are in the kitchen again.”
Elias muttered, not making any effort to move off of his boyfriend. Gabriel groaned, trapped with Elias’s arm across his bare chest as the two lazed in the sunlight filtering onto the massive bed.
“Your kids.” Gabriel replied lazily, an arm wrapped around Elias’s shoulder with his palm spread out on his mid-back. There were clattering noises from down the hall, and the faint yelp of an alarmed David and an answering cackle from Logan echoed about the place. Elias sighed, eyes not opening as he muttered an answer.
“Mhm. Sounds nice, Gabe.”
“Don’t pull the name out.” Gabriel lamented, tilting his head away from the man laying on his chest. “I’ll start calling you captain.”
Elias snorted, reaching down and pulling the thin sheets higher. “Sure you will.”
-⚕️ (woe, old man yaoi be upon ye) (don’t worry they’re wearing underwear)
"They're in the kitchen again." he says, like they can do anything about it. Respectively, Logan and Hesh are unstoppable force and immovable object. It's like trying to rewrite the laws of physics.
Cozy vibes. Noice.
(Woe, old man yaoi upon me. Them two better put some socks on, it's not gay if you got socks on. Lmfao.)
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scleramotif · 2 years
valter vitus: jessus. we need to cook. im very sick jessus and my family needs money that we'll make from cooking meth.
jessus pinkvir: yo mr vitus thats crazy but like i dont know just hope that Aesculapius will heal you or something. bitch dont ask me i have to go fight in a war im to busy worrying about maniples to worry about meth and what the hell even is that bitch
valter vitus: jessus you dont understand. skylera and valter vitus need this money.
jessus pinkvir: bitch just ask your patronus for money then i dont know mr vitus
valter vitus: JESSUS!!!!!! I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS
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tardistogongen · 5 months
So, since I didn't really promote anything while I was sick with Covid, shamelessly sharing this book I put a lot of work and love into. It's a (free!) novel written to celebrate Arcbeatle Press' 10th Anniversary. You don't need to know jack shit going into it, and other people tell me parts of it are deeply moving. Deals a lot with mental health. Also features Chris Cwej from the Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures because why not (and he's legally licensed to appear!). So yeah. Go enjoy it. It's free. Have fun.
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asklepiean · 2 years
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Edelstein, Emma J., and Ludwig Edelstein. Asclepius: collection and interpretation of the testimonies. Vol. 2. JHU Press, 1998.
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the-golden-ghosts · 5 months
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various ocs from the golden ghosts done with a picrew! love them with all my heart
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