#Alexandra Elbakyan
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The Women, The Myth, The Legend.
Meet the founder of Sci-hub.
Sci-Hub was founded in Kazakhstan by Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011, in response to the high cost of research papers behind paywalls.
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Hihihi I'm just putting this on here because this is the only website I've seen that actually successfully gets behind paywalls for academic research papers. I've tried others like 12ft.io, but they haven't worked for me. This is the only one that actually gives me the document I need instead of a mere copy of the website with the same paywall I want to bypass. Ok thanks, enjoy! :D
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stargir1z · 1 year
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the pirate queen
reading this, it becomes apparent just how much academic publishers actively try to take projects like this down. it’s pretty much just due to elbakyan’s dedication to finding loopholes + her interdisciplinary knowledge that scihub has survived this far. shes so freaking cool
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warismenstrualenvy · 2 years
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shcherbatskya · 1 year
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dostoyevsky-official · 2 months
alexandra elbakyan is another stalinist piece of shit who supports russia's war against ukraine and is extremely hostile to any democratic movements in eastern europe. she talked about all this just yesterday at a panel in moscow. whatever. my life wouldn't be possible without her websites
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vague-humanoid · 8 months
Sci-hub is the piratebay of academic journal articles. Its service is mostly illegal because it collects paywalled articles and makes them publicly available online via an indexed search. This is copyright infringement. People love it. The coverage is incredible, many journals have over 98% of their articles covered.
Frustrated with a lack of access to scientific articles, Alexandra Elbakyan of Kazakhstan founded the Sci-hub repository as a 20-year-old graduate student. Her site subsequently provided more open access to scientific knowledge than anyone in the history of science. She was named a person of the year in 2016 by Nature; yes, that Nature of the mega-profit-publisher Springer Nature who promotes open access by charging a 10 grand APC.
Reminiscent of the RAA’s takedown of Napster in 2001, Elsevier took legal action against Sci-hub in 2015 starting in the U.S. and quickly moving to other countries. This international campaign has to do with copyright law being organized by country, making it very difficult to pursue Sci-hub which exists in a cyberspace of mirrors, and it provides something that is unquestionably in the public interest and a basic UN human right.
Although there are allegations of security breaches that could lead to identity theft or other hacking university servers, I am not aware of a single piece of evidence Sci-hub has done anything other than ‘steal’ academic publications. It is not a threat to sovereign nation states, it doesn’t encourage sociopathic behavior. It is a form of rebellion against the plague that for-profit publishing unleashed on science, and a way to promote open science. Of course Elsevier was not wrong in its legal claim of copyright infringement. Elsevier wants researchers to pay for their articles and its minions see Sci-hub as causing profit losses. But the evidence suggests this is nonsense. Elsevier is wasting its time, precious time that it could use to sponsor arms fairs, create journals and sell them to big pharma or try to patent online peer review and force journals to pay to use it.
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elbiotipo · 8 months
If you look up the world "based" in any dictionary there's that gif of Alexandra Elbakyan waving at you
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shatterstar · 1 year
god i love scihub. nothing else to add im just drunk and passionate about scihub
hell yeah I use scihub nearly on a daily basis Alexandra Elbakyan is my hero I think we need to come up with some kind of ultimate international medal of honor that’s better than the Nobel peace prize and give it to her
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gw3nllian · 1 day
Alexandra Elbakyan, the true Robin Hood, my saviour and queen. All hail Alexandra Elbakyan.
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daisy9918 · 5 months
Cos'è Sci-Hub? Rivoluzionare l'accesso alla ricerca scientifica
Sci-Hub è una piattaforma che fornisce accesso gratuito a articoli di ricerca scientifica. Creata nel 2011 da Alexandra Elbakyan, mira a abbattere le barriere nell'accesso alla conoscenza scientifica, sfidando il controllo esercitato dalle principali aziende nel settore della pubblicazione accademica.
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Parte di una tendenza più ampia delle cosiddette biblioteche ombra, tra cui Anna's Archive, Library Genesis e Z-Library, Sci-Hub utilizza metodi creativi per superare i problemi di accessibilità causati dai paywall e dai controlli sul copyright. In particolare, è diventata la prima e più estesa banca dati di articoli di ricerca liberamente accessibili, ospitando oltre 85 milioni di articoli.
Come utilizzare Sci-Hub?
Dopo aver compreso cos'è Sci-Hub, esploriamo brevemente come utilizzarlo. L'uso di Sci-Hub è un processo diretto, in cui gli utenti possono trovare l'identificatore di oggetto digitale (DOI) di un articolo cercandone il titolo. Copiando e incollando il DOI nel campo di ricerca di Sci-Hub, gli utenti ottengono accesso all'articolo richiesto. Se l'articolo non è nel repository di Sci-Hub, viene avviata una ricerca multi-istituzionale e una copia viene archiviata per utilizzi futuri.
Impatto sulla pubblicazione accademica
Sci-Hub ha avuto impatti sia positivi che negativi sull'industria della pubblicazione accademica. Sul lato positivo, democratizza l'accesso alla conoscenza scientifica, aumentando visibilità e citazioni per i ricercatori. Tuttavia, le sue pratiche sono controverse e considerate pirateria, portando ad azioni legali, divieti e cause legali da parte di aziende editoriali come Elsevier, Springer Nature e altre.
Tutti gli attori dell'industria della pubblicazione accademica devono riconoscere Sci-Hub come un catalizzatore per il cambiamento. Le soluzioni dovrebbero privilegiare l'accesso aperto, una giusta compensazione per i ricercatori e la preservazione della conoscenza come diritto umano fondamentale. Gli sforzi collaborativi possono portare a un sistema più equo ed accessibile a vantaggio di ricercatori e società.
Sfide e alternative
L'emergere di Sci-Hub mette in luce sfide legate alla natura datata e costosa della pubblicazione accademica. I ricercatori affrontano barriere finanziarie e mancano di compensazione per il loro lavoro. Alternative come Library Genesis, Anna's Archive e Z-Library, insieme a riviste in accesso aperto, offrono percorsi diversi per accedere agli articoli scientifici.
Nonostante le sfide affrontate da Sci-Hub, sono emerse numerose alternative. Benché l'autenticità di questi siti possa essere incerta, i ricercatori possono segnare i seguenti URL per un potenziale utilizzo futuro:
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nachuntengefallen · 8 months
irgendwelche notizen
jemanden nicht so ernst nehmen, weil man ihn lieb hat
er tat vieles, um schuld auf sich zu laden. wenn er später darüber reflektierte, was er getan hatte, konnte er sich dann an der Schuld wie ein gourmet genießend laben.
ich lasse alles, wie es ist, obwohl sich eigentlich alles verändert, wenn man es lässt, sodass man sagen sollte, ich lasse alles so, wie es sich selbst überlassen weitergehen würde.
Im Fachjargon spricht die deutsche Bahn von Fleischgewicht, und meint damit das Gewicht der Fahrgäste.
Alexandra Elbakyan, die ein riesiges, nicht legales, frei zugängliches Archiv wissenschaftlicher Aufsätze entwickelt hat, fühlt sich gekränkt, dass ein Entemologe eine Wespenart nach ihr benannt hat, da es sich bei der Wespe um eine parasitär prokreierende handelt.
Der Entemologe befürwortet ihr Projekt und wollte sie mit der Benennung ehren.
Die Art, wie wir bei anderen vorkommen (oder wie wir bei anderen repräsentiert sind), ist immer ein ganz eigenes Bild. Manchmal wissen wir gar nicht, dass man uns so sehen kann, wie ein anderer das tut und verstehen ihn darum nicht. Das geht so weit, dass wir manchmal nicht einmal verstehen, dass man uns liebt, weil wir nicht begreifen (können), wie man uns liebt, weil wir nicht wussten, dass man so lieben kann.
auf welche weise sollen wir uns fremd bleiben? (dating)
die traurigkeit wird anders, wandelt sich. es ist nicht klar, ob sie über die zeit aushöhlt oder ihre eigenartige stärke widerborstiger macht.
totenstill und leichenblass, schönen guten tag ist das
was ich mache ist wie ein Schlaf ins Gesicht
Als kind das SOS in Morse in die Wand geklopft mit der Taschenlampe aus dem Fenster geblinkt.
ist es wirklich ein Kompliment an einen Schauspieler zu sagen, dass er besonders human, besonders glaubwürdig die conditio humana verkörpert? sagt man eigentlich das Gegenteil dessen was man sagen will? "Kompliment an dich, Mitmensch! du kannst mich besonders gut über deine wahren Gefühle täuschen!"
Mir doch egal mit wem du deine joyminuten verbringst.
Wunsch dass ich die Person werde die sich meine Meinungen erlauben kann
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stargir1z · 1 year
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the pirate queen by ian graber stiehl
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hackernewsrobot · 9 months
Sci-Hub Founder Receives EFF Award for Providing Access to Scientific Knowledge
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gslin · 9 months
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surya-kulshreshtha · 1 year
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Find wiley elsivier & other research paper on this website created by Alexandra Elbakyan
Sci -Hub bypasses the paywall if you know the DOI number/code for the paper.
🌏Link https://www.sci-hub.st/
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