rosysugarr · 2 years
does anyone happen to know if there is a mod to hide noses for the sims 4 or is that just not possible. like we can add and hide all kinds of other shit, can we not... hide facial features... I want a properly alien-looking Ranboo ok!!
(if I can't do that I'll just let cranboo inherit his player's Strong nose instead but. MAN I WANT AN ALIENBOO)
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Alienboo probably floats when really happy, just cause it's a very cute image in my head, I'd like to imagine a lot of his alien quirks are tied to his emotions.
His ghasty side is perhaps what causes the floating?
On the note for Ranbob, I'd imagine that due to him being half merling maybe water doesn't hurt him as much as it would a typical enderian? its still unpleasant as Hell to touch or be in it after a while but it's not full on acting like acid, he also doesn't *need* water thanks to the enderian side. He'd still rather stay out of it, because it's still Very unpleasant.
Oh, I like that! 
Ghasties can have the ability to float, maybe because they had to adapt to all the large bodies of lava and finding ways over. 
Ranboo needs some concentration to do it himself, but when he gets really excited or happy about something, it happens by itself. Tubbo will be doing something nice for him and Ranboo will just beam and drift a few inches off the ground-he doesn’t notice, but Tubbo does, and that’s how he knows he did a god job. Or Ranboo will grab the clingy duo in a hug after winning a hard battle, and they’ll find themselves in the air.
Other little quirks could be like teleporting a few feet when startled, maybe? I’m not sure what else though, I suppose we’d have to establish the rest of his powers for that.
Ranbob can definitely deal with water better than most Enderians, but like you said, it will start to hurt after awhile-the process is basically just a lo slower, and he heals from it a lot quicker. I like to imagine that while he can go longer without than other Merlings, being part-aquatic means that he does have to swim and soak for a bit, or he’ll dry out, and get kind of like...heat-sick, ish? But not? 
Anyway, because of this, there was a specific liquid developed that was actually safe for him to swim in while still working to get him wet and stuff. 
Said liquid was left at home when he went searching for his little brother, not realizing he’d end up stuck on earth for a time-so at some point, his group goes on a mad dash to replicate it so Ranbob doesn’t kick the bucket too soon.
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