#Also Ozai's plan isn't very different than what the U.S. historically did to Japan and North Korea
zuko-always-lies · 2 years
Sozin’s Comet Part 1:
Fire Lord Ozai: When the comet last came, my grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads. Now, I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom. (Cut to Zuko and the camera slowly zooms in on him. He is shocked as his Father's cruel revelation.) Permanently. (Cut to the front view of Ozai as he grins from ear to ear and walks across the table) From our airships, (Cut to the Earth Kingdom area of the map and the camera slowly zooms out as Ozai's shadow covers the East side of the continent) we will rain fire over their lands. A fire that will destroy everything. (Ozai walks across from one side of the map to middle of it) And out of the ashes, (he opens his arms to the side) a new World will be born. A World in which all the lands are Fire Nation and I am (Cut back to the front view of Ozai as he raises his arms high) the supreme ruler of everything! (the generals burst into applause.) Zuko: (Cut to the sideview of Zuko's scarred eye as he looks down) I wanted to speak out against this horrifying plan. (Cut to an area behind Zuko's head as it slowly zooms in on the back of his head. The generals are still applauding and Ozai basks in the excitement.) But I'm ashamed to say I didn't. (Cut back to present day Zuko) My whole life I struggled to gain my Father's love and acceptance. (Cut to show the whole Gaang looking at Zuko who is sitting on a rock) But once I had it, I realized I lost myself getting there. (Katara raises her hand to her forehead in despair) I forgotten who I was.
(Katara drops down to the ground on her knees. Sokka grabs Suki by the shoulder in an assuring gesture.) Katara: I can't believe this. (shakes her head) Sokka: I always knew that the Fire Lord was a bad guy but his plan is just pure evil. (Suki shakes her head) Aang: What am I going to do? Zuko: I know you're scared. (he stands up and walks towards Aang) And I know that you're not ready to save the World. But if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, (Cut to Zuko who is looking very serious) there won't be a World to save anymore. (Camera slowly zooms in on Aang who looks stunned and blur. Cut to commercial break.) Act II (Scene returns with Aang facing the group.) Aang: Why (points to self) didn't you tell me (turns around and walks off screen) about your Dad's crazy plan sooner? Zuko: (takes a step forward) I didn't think I had to. I assumed that you were still going to fight him before the comet. No one told me you decided to wait! Aang: This is bad. (places both hands on head in despair) This is really, (shakes his head and drops to his knees) really bad. (Cut to a close up of Aang whose face is full of worry and despair)
ATLA’s narrative, the Gaang, and implicitly Zuko unanimously agree that Ozai is the person who bears full responsibility for deciding he wants to set the entire Earth Kingdom on fire.
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