#Also what construction site pic are we talking about
punchdrunkdoc · 5 months
Part 3, Chapter 4
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 4
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
Those eight words became Calina’s silent mantra. She recited them to the mirror as she brushed her teeth in the morning. She chanted them on her daily six-mile run. They were the soundtrack to her sparring matches with her sisters, and the echo she fell asleep to at night.
She hoped that if she repeated them often enough, the sentiment would start to penetrate.
And it was…maybe…starting to work.
Her guilt about Italy had definitely started to wane, at least - thanks to her talk with Katya. Somehow, the act of just voicing what she felt had helped lessen the sting of that particular emotion.
Which probably explained why so many people went to therapy.
Calina knew she’d probably benefit from a few sessions with a trained professional, but it wasn’t exactly practical in their current situation. So in the meantime, she’d continue with her mantra and try to believe the words.
I’m a good person; I’m worthy of love.
The task to bring down Volkov was also helping. She and the other Widows took shifts surveilling the footage from the cameras planted in the Jersey warehouse, and the mind-numbing hours spent watching the black and white footage provided a nice distraction from her negative thoughts. 
And then, less than a week later, they got the evidence they needed.
The whole group sat around the dining room table reviewing the scenes that Viktoria had alerted them to during her turn at the monitor. They watched as lab equipment and various chemicals were delivered to the property. They watched as men in protective coveralls sterilised volumetric flasks and set up distillation kits on newly constructed worktops. And they watched as soldiers in tactical gear started patrolled the site at night.
Volkov’s operation was underway.
The mood around the table was less jubilant than expected. Even though they had the confirmation they wanted, the tangible proof of Volkov’s plan for them was sobering.The chemicals being mixed and the serum being manufactured was meant for them. Meant to control them and subjugate them and turn them back into mindless killers.
“Can you turn it off, Anya?” Katya asked. “I think we’ve seen enough.”
“Yeah,” Sofia agreed. She rubbed her brow as if the footage had given her a headache.
Viktoria spoke up next, her voice equally as dispirited. “Okay, now that we know what’s going on, what’s our next step?”
Everyone looked to Yelena. She was seated at the head of the table, twirling one of her butterfly knives, her reaction to the video evident in the way she was flicking the dangerous weapon - as if imagining Volkov on the receiving end of the blade.
“I have an idea,” she said. “But I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”
“What is it?” Calina asked.
“We wait.”
“You’re right. I don’t like it.” Inessa replied. “We have our proof. We need to raid the place and-”
“And what? Kill them all? Take them hostage?”
“Either’s fine with me.” That came from one of the newer members of the group - Sanvi. She was glaring at the paused video, her jaw clenched in anger.
“There’s too much risk,” Yelena responded. “We’ll only get one shot at this before we lose our element of surprise.”
“So what’s the plan exactly?” Katya asked. “What are we waiting for?”
“We need Volkov. We need to wait until he’s on site before we go in. If we take him down, this is all over. We’ll be free.”
“How can we be sure he’ll show up?” Sanvi asked.
“Men like him are control freaks. They can only delegate for so long before they need to see for themselves that their plan is being followed. He’ll show up - I’m sure of it. And when he does, we’ll be there.”
“We’ll need to set up a base in Jersey,” Anya added, working through the logistics.
“Yes,” Yelena replied. “We’ll need a team close-by and on-call for when the moment comes.”
“I volunteer as tribute,” Katya said, raising her hand. A few of the Widows laughed at her reference to the movie they’d watched the other night. And a few other hands went in the air as well.
Including Calina’s.
Yelena eyed her critically. “You’re not just using this as an excuse to be closer to Murdock, are you?”
Calina shook her head forcefully. “No. I want to be a part of this. I need to be a part of this.”
She couldn’t explain why she felt so strongly about joining this mission. Maybe it was her way of atoning for leaving before. She’d been content to try to build a life in New York while her sisters did the hard work of freeing other Widows. Katya may not regard that as abandonment, but Calina did. And she wanted to try to erase that bit of red from her ledger. Balance the bad with something good - like backing up her team during the last stages of their battle for freedom.
“Even if that involves killing Volkov or his men?” Yelena asked Calina. “You told me you couldn’t take the violence anymore. I need to know the people on this team have the resolve to do whatever it takes.”
Whatever it takes. Yelena’s words were an eerie echo of Calina’s thoughts from that early morning on the pier six weeks ago. Back then she’d sworn to herself that she would go to any lengths to gain her freedom and get back to Matt. That vow had been sorely tested by Italy - and she still felt there were some limits to ‘whatever’ - but they had to do this.
Volkov had to be taken down.
And if that included killing again…so be it. She would live with the consequences.
For this - for her freedom, for her sisters, and for her future - she would take on one more stain on her soul. She’d never forgive herself if she sat this mission out and someone got hurt…or worse.
“I can do it, Yelena.” Calina held the other Widow’s gaze, and let her see the determination in her eyes.
Yelena nodded. “Okay. Let’s get to work.”
The mansion became a whirlwind of activity as they put Yelena’s plan in motion. A team of nine was selected to set up the base in Jersey. Anya found a property close enough to the warehouse for them to be able to mobilise in a hurry, but far enough away to give the Widows some cover. Weapons were gathered, transport was arranged, and gear was packed.
A few hours later, Calina stood in the doorway of her bedroom, a small suitcase at her feet and a bag slung over her shoulder. She surveyed the room, now devoid of any hint of her life here. There was no book on the bedside table. No running shoes shoved under the desk, and no necklace hanging over the mirror on the vanity table.
She’d miss this room, with its rustic charm and the view of the grey, churning water of the harbour. She’d miss the sound of the seagulls and the early morning calls of the fishermen.
She’d miss it…but she hoped she’d never have to return here.
She hoped this next mission would be the last, and that this would all be over soon.    
She grabbed the hoodie draped over the edge of the bed - the last of her possessions to be packed away. She brought the fabric up to her nose, breathing in deep. She’d stolen it from Matt at Christmas, wanting a tangible memento of their wonderful night together, and it still retained a hint of his scent. Instead of shoving it in her bag, she slipped the oversized sweater on and tucked her hands into the long sleeves, feeling surrounded by him again.
She would see him soon.
She hadn’t been lying to Yelena when she’d volunteered for this mission - it wasn’t just an excuse to be nearer to Matt. But it was a side benefit she was definitely going to take advantage of.
She needed to know if she could face him again. She needed to know if her mantra had worked, and she could stand to be in his presence without feeling overwhelmed by guilt and fear.
She needed to know if there was hope for them. 
Bang…bang.bang. Bang…bang.bang.
Matt stumbled out of his run across the rooftops as he picked up the sound of a familiar code.
Dash…dot.dot. Dash…dot.dot.
Calina’s code. Her message to him. The beacon that had brought them together two weeks ago on the crane above the Hudson.
And now he was hearing it again. He froze and cocked his head, trying to pinpoint the faint metallic noise.
But there was just silence.
Had he hallucinated it? In his desperate desire to see her, was he imagining the sound of her call?
Bang…bang.bang. Bang…bang.bang.
He smiled as the code rang out again. Nope. Not his imagination.
She was here.
He took off running in the direction of the sound. Not near the docks this time, but further inland and to the south. He flew across the skyline of the city until he ended up on top of a luxury spa, the night air around him perfumed by aromatherapy oils and hot wax.
And the subtle fragrance of sea salt and strawberries.
She emerged from behind a large ventilation shaft and he could hear a shy smile in her voice as she greeted him. “Hi.”
Matt didn’t hesitate. There was no crane between them this time. No metal barrier to keep them apart, so he strode forward, took her in his arms and kissed her.
His intention must have been clear on his face because Calina didn’t seem surprised by his sudden embrace. She just wound her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. It was a messy, hard and passionate kiss, with all of the frustrated longing of the last couple of weeks - the last couple of months - stoking the fire of it. 
Matt may have come to terms with their separation, but he still missed her with each and every moment that passed.
And now that she was back within reach, he wanted her as close as possible. He tightened his hold on her and buried his fingers in the braids of her hair and slid his thigh between hers. The contact caused Calina to moan, and Matt swallowed the sound as his own lust ratcheted up in response.
He hitched her up into his arms, and used the air vent behind her to brace her weight. Her back hit the hollow structure with a clang, but neither of them seemed to notice. Matt sank into the cradle of her thighs, and Calina tightened her legs around his waist, as they kissed and kissed and kissed, their movements as they rocked against each other frenzied and almost desperate.
It was amazing…but it still wasn’t enough to sate Matt’s desires. He wanted her naked. He wanted her in his bed again, with days to worship her body and explore every inch of her skin. He wanted her on her back, he wanted her moving over him, he wanted to spend hours between her legs, and bring her to climax a million times.
He wanted everything with her.
But all they had was this. Stolen moments in the dark, high above the city.
He tilted Calina’s head and deepened the kiss as he ground his hips against her core, unable to resist the sensation of the friction against his hardening cock. But then a harsh wail from a police siren rang out from the next block over, jolting Matt back to reality. He broke out of the kiss, breathing harshly in frustration.
This wasn’t their time. And Calina deserved better than this place - a dirty concrete rooftop exposed to the prying eyes of the neighbouring apartments.
He trailed his lips across her cheek to bury his head in his favourite spot beneath her ear. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into her neck.
“What for?” Calina answered, rubbing the exposed skin between his suit and his mask. “That was a hell of a welcome.”
Matt laughed and tilted his head back. “Hi,” he said, belatedly.
It was her turn to laugh. “Hi.”
He dropped a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and stepped away from the vent, letting her slide to her feet. Then he took her in his arms again, reluctant to let her go completely.
“How long are you here for?” he asked, dreading the answer.
She sighed. “Not long. In fact, I should probably head back.”
He looked away, trying to hide his disappointment. But she pressed her fingers to his cheek and turned his face back to her. “But I have good news,” she said. “We’re close to the end, Matt.”
She nodded. “We’ve set a trap for Volkov - we’re just waiting for him to walk into it.”
“That’s good,” he said, squeezing her tighter to him. “That’s really good.”
“And there’s more…,” she teased.
“I’m not sure I can take any more good news. It’s such an unfamiliar concept,” he teased. “But hit me with it.”
“The trap is…close by. So you’ll be seeing me around more often.”
“That really is good news.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, and they spent long, lazy moments exploring each other’s mouths, the world around them falling away as they basked in the luxury of being able to touch each other.
His duty to his city, the danger she was in being in New York, the possible prying eyes around them all vanished into insignificance as he held the woman he loved in his arms.
But inevitably - and all too soon - she ended the kiss and dropped her arms from around his shoulders.
“Time to go?” he guessed, catching her hand as she stepped away.
“Yeah,” she said, the single word infused with so much sadness.
Matt remembered his vow from a couple of weeks ago - to not wallow in the despair of their parting, but to cherish the moments they managed to steal together. So he smiled at her, and pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “I’ll see you around, then, sweetheart.”
His positive outlook seemed to help Calina. Her sad, downcast eyes lifted to him, and she met his smile with one of her own. “Yeah. I’ll see you around.”
With a final squeeze of her hand, Matt turned and ran towards the edge of the rooftop. As he raced across the concrete, he flung one end of his billy club across to the adjacent building, using the weapon as a grappling hook. In one flowing movement, he launched himself off the edge and swung across the gap to land on the fire escape.
“Show-off!” he heard Calina shout from behind him.
He laughed at the now-familiar tease and started leaping up the metal staircase, his senses split between concentrating on his climb…and following Calina as she travelled in the opposite direction.
She flowed across the rooftops, her movements quick and graceful. And he had to resist the overwhelming urge to track her all the way back to her new base. To find out where she was staying and what this mysterious trap was.
It went against everything that made him the man he was to let her head into danger alone. He wanted to protect her. Or, at least, be a partner in her fight.
But that’s exactly what it was - her fight.
Not his.
He had to trust that she could take care of herself. Trust that the other Widows would have her back. Trust that this would all be over soon and they would be together again.
It was a lot of trust for a man who struggled with the concept.
So he opted for a different concept - one he was much more familiar with.
He had faith that she would come back to him - free and unharmed and ready for their life together.
“Three guesses where Calina was,” Inessa teased when Calina returned to the safe-house.
Calina just rolled her eyes and collapsed onto the soft worn couch in front of the bank of monitors. They’d converted the entire top floor of a condemned apartment building into their new base, and were watching Volkov’s warehouse 24/7 while waiting for his arrival.
The nine widows deployed to Jersey had decided to operate on a rotation system - alternating between surveillance duty, training, weapons maintenance and rest -  to ensure everyone would be at peak fighting fitness when the time eventually came to engage.
Tonight Calina had decided to use her few hours of downtime to visit Matt.
And she was so glad she had.
She’d been so nervous waiting for him as she tapped out his code. As the clanging sound seemed to echo in the night air, her heart had raced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
What if, as soon as she locked eyes on him, all the guilt and self-loathing returned? What if they were just an impossibility now?
But she needn’t have worried. The moment Matt landed on the rooftop and strode towards her, passionate intent evident in his every step, the trepidation disappeared. Everything suddenly felt so…right.
They were not an impossibility. They were an inevitability.
She was meant to be with him. No one could ever love him more. No one could ever want him more.
As he took her in his arms and kissed the life out of her, she felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of ‘home’. For the first time in her life she truly understood the meaning of that concept.
Matt was her home. He was her safe haven, and the place she belonged.
Being with him quieted all her doubts and insecurities and fears. When he kissed her, she did feel worthy of his love. When he caressed her cheek and called her ‘sweetheart’, she knew she could make him happy. When he held her tightly against him, reluctant to let her go, she believed that all of the darkness in her soul and the misdeeds of her past could be forgiven.
Being with him wasn’t the problem - it was the answer to everything.
It was only now, an hour later, when the heady warmth of their encounter had worn off and she was once again alone with her thoughts, that those doubts started to creep back in.
Which meant only one thing: she had to spend as much time with him as she could.
Things are finally looking up for Matt & Calina. But that can't possibly last...right?
Chapter 5
Tag list: @hollandorks @stilldreaming666 @yanna-banana @chezagnes @tearoseart-blog​ @acharliecoxedfan @freckledbabyyy
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matan4il · 9 months
You know to add to you and the other anons that were talking about how it can be pretty obvious that Buck was always a coded character. Yeah there is the S1, the Josh and TK tease... We also have the fact that the nurse who was with Maddie and young Buck. It's clear he semi crushed on her little brother!! Just another coded character they inserted into the Buckley story. Weather it was intentional or not, it was kind of evident.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
Absolutely this. The male nurse that we see Maddie with in 405 is VERY much coded as a queer character. Maybe it's meant to explain why this is the only other man, other than Buck, that Doug is willing to tolerate around his wife. It can also be seen as a precursor for her friendship with Josh (one of the gay guys 911 uses to tease the possibility of Buck's bisexuality). Either way, the show did NOT have to make it seem like Omar is interested in Buck when talking to Maddie about her younger brother. He could have heard her out, nodded sympathetically, offered advice... But we have him grinning at Buck when he shows up at the hospital bruised, we have him glancing at Buck when handing him his sister's letter, we have Omar peeking at Buck as a construction site worker in the pic he sends Maddie, but then he tops it all off by actually invading Maddie's privacy in order to read Buck's postcards directly. Not to mention, Omar says, "Is he going to be an Indian next? Because I feel like he's working his way through the Village People." Hi, yes. The Village People, that band which was the epitome of 70's homosexuality. Where everyone knows what their songs are about, even if no one talks about it explicitly.
Thinking about it now, this is a bit similar to how the show hints at Eddie as well at times, like with the guy checking him out at the golf club in 617...
Thank you again, have a great day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The Construction of Rosslyn chapel began on 20th September 1456.
Properly known as the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew  in the village of Roslin, Midlothian, this is just a couple of miles from where I grew up. 
The building of the chapel is sometimes incorrectly given as ten years before, but that date comes from the chapel’s receiving its founding charter from Rome.
We are very lucky that Rosslyn Chapel remains intact, as we see it today, you only have to look around Scotland at the ruins of our Abbeys destroyed during the Reformation, Rosslyn was closed from around 1560,The chapel’s altars were destroyed in 1592 but the main structure is thought to have survived and any real damage was avoided.
The chapel was built by The Sinclair family and has been linked with the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, that’s the Knights Templar to you and I, the order was disbanded around 150 years before construction but symbols, such as the “Two riders on a single horse” that appear on the Seal of the Knights Templar, can be found on the building.
Rosslyn Chapel was constructed almost entirely in stone, with no structural timber except within the much later Victorian baptistery added to the west end of the chapel. The chapel is thought to be only part of what was intended to be a much larger church, and it exhibits immense historic, architectural and cultural value. The extent of carved stonework both internally and externally makes this little chapel truly unique.  Though incomplete, it took around 40 years to build, and has the largest number of Green Man carvings of any medieval chapel in Europe.
The carvings of the chapel have been the subject of much speculation and conjecture, as Christian symbolism and other references are interspersed throughout the building. In 1630, Sir William Sinclair of Rosslyn was granted the charters from the Masons of Scotland, which confirms that the St Clairs were traditional Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland. Accordingly, Rosslyn Chapel is of considerable interest to Masonic groups. Other carvings at Rosslyn Chapel are of religious, natural, or decorative nature, such as the Apprentice Pillar and the Seven Acts of Mercy panel.
Following the Reformation, services stopped being held in 1592 and did not begin again until the Chapel was re-dedicated in Victorian times.
Oliver Cromwell had his men stable their horses in the chapel in 1650 when he and General George Monck conquered nearby Roslin Castle.
Queen Victoria visited the site during her reign and was instrumental in restoring the Chapel to it’s original state for worship according to Protestant rites of the Scottish Episcopal Church and was re-dedicated as a place of worship on 22nd April 1862
I remember my mum talking about the Apprentice Pillar and how there was speculation that The Holy Grail is possibly encased within it, she talked about this in the 1970′s, about 30 years before the Chapel became more famous due to Dan Brown’s novel and film The Da Vinci Code.
I got the majority of the pics from the Alamy website, they date from the mid 19the century, some are from around 1852 while the one with the two figures walking through the church is from a book printed in 1859. Note most of these are before Queen Victoria's visit, so it shows the building was still in a good state of repair then. The top pic is from John Slezer's 'Theatrum Scotiae' is an important record of Scottish towns, castles and palaces in the 17th century. For most of these places, it contains some of the earliest views that survive. The first edition was 1693 so I think I am safe in saying it is the oldest depiction of Rosslyn Chapel. 
Theatrum Scotiae also included written information on the drawings featured, the noted Scottish physician and antiquarian  Robert Sibbald wrote;
Rosslyn Chapel
To the Right Honourable GEORGE Earl of Caithness, Lord Biridall, &c.
Roslin Chapel
This Chapel lies in Mid-Lothian, Four Miles from Edinburgh, and is one of the most curious Pieces of Workman-ship in Europe. The Foundation of this rare Building was laid Anno 1440 by William St Clair, Prince of Orkney, Duke of Holdenburgh, &c. A Man as considerable for the publick Works which he erected, as for the Lands which he possess'd, and the Honours which were conferred upon him by several of the greatest Princes of Europe. It is remarkable that in all this Work there are not two Cuts of one fort. The most curious Part of the Building is the Vault of the Quire, and that which is called the Prince's Pillar so much talk'd of. This Chapel was possess'd by a Provost, and Seven Cannons Regular, who were endued with several considerable Revenues through the Liberality of the Lairds of Roslin.
Here lies buried George Earl of Caithness, who lived about the Beginning of the Reformation, Alexander Earl of Sutherland, great Grand-Child to King Robert de Bruce, Three Earls of Orkney, and Nine Barons of Roslin.
The last lay in a Vault, so dry that their Bodies have been found intire after Fourscore Years, and as fresh as when they were first buried. There goes a Tradition, That before the Death of any of the Family of Roslin, this Chapel appears all in Fire.
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alarrytale · 7 months
There was a pic a little while ago of Harry in London looking at jewelry and a lot of us guessed what was going to happen, d*uxmoi later posted Hussell engagement rumors. I got excited over pics of him walking a dog because I have one similar but it turned out it was linked to T*ylor. I don't trust anything we get from him now. Even pics we get of him ends up being linked to somewhere he was supposedly seen with her or he's wearing an item of clothing that she's worn. Nothing is organic anymore. I used to think d*uxmoi just made everything up for clicks but I think HSHQ actually works with her and feeds her stuff to post. They probably send anons too. It happens a lot when there is a pic of Harry and d*uxmoi will 'have the information on it'. Sometimes she'll post something first and the pics will come a little later. So HSHQ is definitely in contact with her a lot. That's why she gets away with what she does. They're in on it. Which makes me think that they planted the rumors of Harry hooking up with Florence behind O*ivia's back, and hooking up with Emma on the MP set. They're just gross. At the time I thought it was just her desperate for clicks. I always blamed her and the media, and they are to blame. But HSHQ is in on it just as much. I really don't understand. Why do they do this Marte? Why is nothing organic about him.
Hi, anon!
Why do they do this? I actually have a theory about that. I'll try to explain it as briefly as i can.
So about ten years ago there were about three or four pretty well known gossip sites that posted blind items. The blind items very often proved themselves to be true. We are talking massive secrets here, no details spared. The gossip sites had really good sources in the industry. It was also a place for industry people to break their NDAs, and to anonymously share their metoo stories invoving powerful celebrities. The gossip sites were pr people's worst nightmare. Especially the pr people of celebs guarding secrets. They tried to take down the sites and sue for defamation. But the secret was out. Some pr people even tried planting fake rumours to several people to smoke out the gossip sites sources. Pr people lost control of the celebs narrative and constructed image.
So how do the pr people solve that problem? If you can’t beat them, join them. Here comes deuxmoi. I believe deuxmoi is a joint pr people venture. Pr people for celebs use deuxmoi to control the narrative and keep up their celebs constructed image. The pr people feeds deuxmoi what they want out there. Some of it is true, some of it is half truths and most of it is all lies. It doesn’t matter if it puts the celeb in a bad light if the narrative sounds more believeable to people that way or more exciting. As an example (made up by me) 'i am a bartender and i served harry at a ***** bar in london last night. He didn’t give a tip and wasn't that polite (didn’t say thank you). He was with a woman who he was very friendly with... 👀'.
Deuxmoi also post items from random people. As long as it is in accordance with the narrative the pr people want for that celeb, or just gets their name talked about without harming their image, deuxmoi will gladly post it. It will make it seem like deuxmoi is less trustworthy, but that is not the main goal here. The pr people can always make up for it by giving deuxmoi some small exclusives that turns out to be true. Like 'harry spotted at westfield buying body lotion' and then later we get proof he did.
Trustworthiness, on the other hand, would be important to a real gossip site. For deuxmoi it's mostly about getting narratives out there and creating engagement around the celeb. It all seems organic on paper. But it's not.
Tldr; Because they need to control the narrative and create engagement.
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igotubabe-blog-blog · 2 years
Summer - 2 of 2
Henry's first day at school. He was probably most excited about getting a ride on the schoolbus. I know it's every parents cliche, but it's kind of crazy to see how he's grown!
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Jackie has been an essential part of our support, and watches our boys fairly regularly, as well as being a generous gift-giver of books and toys. She was a friend and colleague, then my boss, and now an always-friend of the family.
This guy is one of my first friends, since 2nd grade. Bill Dinklage. I was in his wedding, we have climbed mountains, telemarked and winter-camped in Yosemite, and probably most infamously was the guy who inspired me and Cameron (another legend in my life, now in England with his wife and boy) to hop freight trains over a weekend, arguably my best adventure (outside of having a family) in my life. He made sure he got me in the pool while he was here.
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Sister Kelli and her husband Dave came and got me in the pool while they were here, too. To her credit she was a huge help cooking dinners and helping keeping the house in order. Both of them are parents to two boys, so having that life experience for perspective is great to have around. They have a tree farm in South Carolina, are almost done building their house, and Kelli will defend her PhD in a couple months!
Kelli and I once life-guarded on Lake Champlain together one summer in the 80s.
The third pic is me at aquatherapy, which was a great joy for me, and I made some progress with my legs. My PT, Brady, is a great guy at a great point in his life, getting married, and just a super cool person. Honestly, I consider him a friend.
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Jesse Cipala is a former colleague and friend who has volunteered to use his professional video skills to help me make videos for the kids once I pass. I think I only cried like three times in the first session. We've had several others that went more smoothly. Several more to go. It's hard to know what to talk about. What stories or advice will help them the most? For what age?
Tim and Sheila and their boy Sunil came for a visit (the courtyard was being completely redone, so if it looks like a construction site, that's because it was). Tim's got a book coming out about Bill Gates that should be fantastic. Sheila was one of the first people I met when I came to DC. Inga photographed their wedding.
And Tamara (also a parent of two boys), a former colleague and friend, came for a visit. She used to rescue me by inviting me to family parties when I was still single. She taught Henry how to play hopscotch while she was here.
Thanks everyone for all the visits and love you've shown us! We hope you all had a good summer as well!
(Sep. 2, 2022)
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thornescratch · 3 years
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Sirs, please, you are making a scene.
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Matt helping pregnant Sylvie through her pregnancy HC
Matt has wanted to be a dad for years
It didn't work out with Hallie or Gabby so he was afraid it might never happen
But then, he and Sylvie get together, and get married after dating for a year, and eight months after their wedding day Sylvie greets him home from a construction site with a smile and a positive pregnancy test
He spends the next weeks until they can announce it on cloud nine (Kelly knows that something is up but just thinks he's getting great sex)
But at the same time... It's also completely panic inducing
Their job is dangerous, and since patients are unpredictable Sylvie's job is arguably more dangerous than his (she's been held at gunpoint far more than he'd like to acknowledge)
So he's on edge every time they're on shift, he's so mind numbingly happy, but he's so, so worried
They responded to a nasty multiple car pile up as a house, Casey had just finished helping free a family from their vehicle when he looked over to where Sylvie was treating the drunk jackass that had started this whole mess, she was trying to give him an IV and get him to stay seated on the gurney, Matt had turned to look at her just in time for this guy to punch her
Matt saw red
Sylvie fell flat on her back and cried out in pain
Matt was so thankful that Severide acted at the same time, so he was able to run straight to Sylvie
'Sylvie are you okay?!'
'I'm fine'
'You got hit hard and fell on your back, you could have a concussion... You could have miscarried! We need to get you to med now!'
Matt was so focused on getting Sylvie into an ambulance that he didn't realize he'd revealed their secret three weeks before they planned
This isn't pointed out to him until after Manning completed Sylvie's ultrasound and told them both she and the baby was just fine, but they were still going to need to wait for her CT results
'Uh... Matt, we should probably talk about what happened at the scene'
'Yes, yes, you're right. I freaked out, and I know that we try to be as professional as possible on the job, but I'm sure that everyone understands-'
'No, Matt, not about that. You revealed my pregnancy to the whole firehouse'
'Ohhhhhhh... Shiiiit. I'm sorry.'
'Dont worry about it. But you get to go tell them we're both alright'
'Fair enough'
So after Sylvie's CT came back clear, Matt took a deep breath and walked into the waiting room where the entire firehouse was waiting
'Sylvie's fine, everyone. Her CT came back clean'
Severide stood up, 'And the baby?'
'The baby's fine, they're both fine'
Cheers erupted, startling the charge nurse
The happy couple received congratulations from everyone they knew for the next week
Sylvie's morning sickness is okay, always happens in the afternoon around 4:15, but other than that she's okay, still Matt has taken to keeping a stash of ginger ale and saltines in his locker, as well as packs of all the cookies and chips that Sylvie craves
He makes all her favourite foods whenever he can
He always asks for extra ultrasound pics at the doctor's office so that he can put one up in his locker
When Sylvie hit her second trimester she started to get a lot of joint and muscle pain
Matt went to great lengths to research every muscle/joint soothing cream or method he could find
He also took a maternity massage class, Sylvie was so surprised when he revealed that to her but was so grateful
Her back starts to hurt towards the beginning of the third trimester so Matt searches for two days and goes to multiple stores to find the highest rated pregnancy pillow
The pillow helps so much, that she does more that sleep with it
She starts bringing it out into the living room, sitting on it, cuddling it
Matt knows it's ridiculous, but he's jealous of a pillow
He tries not to let it get to him, but everyone notices
'Dude, it's a pillow. How could you possibly be jealous of a pillow?'
'Severide. Shut it.'
One day Sylvie sighs, grabs the pillow, and a pair of scissors and tells him to cut up the pillow
'Me using this pillow us clearly upsetting you, so, here. Go ahead'
'Sylvie, no, I know how much comfort this pillow brings you, I just... I miss holding you'
'Well, want to cuddle now?'
Sylvie's third trimester is a doozy, her morning sickness comes back full force and with a vengeance
It's so bad that she has to be prescribed medication
She'd gone off physical work and to desk work in her second trimester just because of how volatile some of her patients were, but she ended up having to go on maternity leave earlier than expected because of how bad her pregnancy symptoms got
He loves her so much, and as they get closer to the due date he starts to worry because Julie died in delivery, what if the same thing happened to Sylvie?
When Sylvie did finally go into labour (early) Matt was being held hostage by an arsonist
Perfect, right?
Matt is rushed to the hospital by officer Atwater, just in time for the birth
They had a beautiful baby girl who they name Andrea Briana, after Andy and Brian, two of their most beloved friends
She smiles just as bright as her mother and has the same twinkle in her eyes as her father and is the light of both their lives
Their baby girl ends up being their first but not only child, as they take in the Darden boys when Griffin seeks him out
It's a little rough at first, but soon enough Andrea has both boys wrapped around her finger
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kyidyl · 3 years
Kyidyl Explains Bones Part 5
(These are under the KyidylBones tag.)
How to dig up dead people.
So, in my Kyidyl Does Archaeology series I talked a bunch about how digging up places was different than digging up people.  And you don’t have to read that to understand this, but it might be a little easier for you because I’m not going to re-address the same basics I covered there.  
Ethical Stuff: So is digging up dead people ethical? I mean, I think so if strict rules are followed, but honestly the POVs here are as different as people themselves are.  Some cultures routinely dig up their own dead and do all kinds of things with the remains.  I wish they wouldn’t but, hey, that’s just me.  I respect that their culture and choices aren’t the ones I’d make.  It’s part of being an anthropologist of any flavor.  And, like that one post implies, there really isn’t much of a different between grave robbing and archaeology.  The biggest difference is the care we take, the respect we try our best to show, and the purposes to which we put the remains.  However, there is a difference between exhumation and archaeology.  General rule of thumb: if there’s someone living still that would have first-hand experience of them or if they still exist strongly in cultural memory, it’s exhumation. There’s no hard and fast number of years where it moves from exhumation to archaeology.  Sometimes it’s the context that makes the difference.  For example, Richard the 3rd’s bones were excavated from that carpark.  If they were removed from where they were reinterred, then they’d be exhumed.  But the TL;DR of it is that digging up people is incredibly ethically complex and you have to do your best to be respectful.  If you aren’t the type of person who can really put yourself in someone else’s shoes and be ok with respecting the desires of a specific culture regarding their own dead...then archaeology is not the right area for you, and that goes double for bioarch.  These people had lives and were loved and valued by those around them, and you need to be sensitive.  
The legality of digging up human remains also varies wildly from country to country.  In the US, we adhere to NAGPRA.  If you want a primer on what NAGPRA is and how it works, you can check out this post that I made.  
Also a quick reminder that we don’t name the individuals.  They had names and you don’t get to give them a new one.  
Beyond this cut there be pictures of human remains.  
How do you know where to dig? Sometimes, honestly....we don’t.  We’re just making educated guesses based on migration patterns and known settlements and research into local history.  Generally, if there’s a group of people who lived somewhere, they also did something with their dead.  So if you have a settlement, you’ll probably find bodies in it or near it at some point.  Sometimes people find remains and are like “uuuuuhhhhh....” and we come and dig ‘em up.  This is especially true on private property.  Farmers are notorious for this.  Construction, too, obviously.  Sometimes we look in caves, because very old caves have lots of dirt on the floors and a lot of times if it’s a good cave there’ll be bones in it.  Sometimes people threw their dead in bogs and now we have stuff that isn’t skeletons but is really old.  
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That is a whole ass human dude.  He’s around 2000 years old.  You can still see his facial hair.  
So there’s a lot of science behind how and why different environments preserve bodies differently, and I couldn’t possibly get into the detail of that here, but it’s definitely a factor we consider.  A swamp in Florida isn’t a good place to expect to find remains, you know? General rule of thumb is: more water = less body, unless there water isn’t standard water (it’s very alkaline, very acidic, or very frozen.).  Dry, cold landscapes like the Andes are great for preserving bodies.  
So what you find when you go looking is going to vary wildly depending on the environment.  My personal experience, though, is in graveyards.  Graveyards are an easy thing to dig because it’s not uncommon to just like...know where one was.  But graveyards aren’t the orderly things you’d expect them to be, not even modern graveyards.  People bury their loved ones on top of other people, graves intersect, and sometimes people would sneak bodies into the consecrated part of the graveyard when the priests/monks/etc. said they couldn’t be buried there.  So you can have bodies mixed with other bodies or under other bodies or just like random parts of people that were dug up, someone said “oops”, and then they were re-buried in a different spot.  So when we dig a graveyard, we keep complex records of where all of the remains were found, including in-depth drawings.  This is one way in which it’s similar to digging up a settlement.  It’s...pretty much the only way in which it’s similar.  Because part of the reason we do this is so we don’t mix up peoples’ body parts.  Graveyards aren’t what you expect - when I was digging in one we thought we’d gotten most of the bodies out so we were using a mattock to make sure and the site director missed cracking the skull of an intact child by about a centimeter.  Luckily the swing tore up a little bit of dirt and exposed it, but if it hadn’t? The next swing would have gone right through and inflicted heavy damage.  So you have to be careful even in a graveyard.  
Another thing about graves is that it doesn’t take long for the wood of a coffin to decay, so when you dig them up you will often just find the body and sometimes some nails.  The nails are good, because they show you the outline of where you can expect to find parts of the same individual.  This is one of the ways we show respect - we do everything in our power to NOT mix up the remains of different individuals and to separate them when we can.  
Let me sidebar here for a minute to explain.  See, your bones fit together.  I don’t meant “ah yes, everyone’s shin bone connects to their thigh bone”.  No, I mean that those bones have grown together in the same space for YEARS and they fit exactly.  They have the same texture and thickness, they go together like puzzle pieces....at the spots where the bones touch.  Or, as we say, articulate with each other.  See, if I were to take, say, my cuboid and try to trade it with someone else’s, it wouldn’t articulate right.  But something big like a tibia and femur will not be as easy to piece back together.  That, and we don’t always have complete bodies.  So we have something called “MNI” meaning “Minimum Number of Individuals”, and the maximum.  So...three left femurs mean at least three people.  Four right humeruses mean at least four people, so the minimum is 4.  However! We don’t know if any of those left femurs or right humeruses belonged to the same person because they don’t articulate with each other.  So the maximum is seven people.  We have between 4 and 7 people in that set of remains.  This becomes really important when you’re dealing with intersecting graves, mass graves, etc.  Any time the remains are what we call comingled (mixed).  This is what we’re really meticulous when recording where we found a given bone or set of bones.  
Ok, back to the main thing.  So...how DO we dig up dead people, anyway? It’s generally done in three stages: 
Exposing - This is where we dig down just enough to cleanly expose what we believe to be the margins of the grave.  We dig to the edges of the grave, not to a set square size like you would with a settlement. This is where we dig really cleanly, expose any grave goods, take pictures, etc.  And it looks like this: 
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(Source.  Was super frustrating searching for this bc I have several of these pics on my phone of the graves we dug and can’t use them for privacy/ethical reasons.) 
Pedestaling/Cleaning - This is when we dig down around the skeleton and the grave goods, and then we start digging under the bones in preparation for the last stage.  This is time consuming, detailed work.  When I was doing this with the child we found, I used a mini trowel the size of my thumbnail and a dental pick.  It’s *especially* important with juveniles because their bones aren’t fused and those unfused pieces are *tiny*.  They literally look like clods of dirt.  Most archs - rightfully - can’t stomach the idea of throwing pieces of a human body into the spoil heap, so we’re as careful as we can be.  This part, when done right, takes days.  It’s a difficult thing to get a picture of, but this one is close: 
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The tags aren’t something I was taught needed to be done, but I can see why someone would.  They’re basically just grave goods and features of the grave.  They’ll be used to make a map of what’s what later on when the writeup is being done.  
Lifting - We never just pull a bone out of the ground because it damages them.  So we dig around them until they’re ready to come out on their own (and in the case of a large set of broken bones like you see above in that person’s skull, we’d just take the whole pile - dirt and all - for processing in the lab later.  And no, it’s not normal to have the skull glued back together.  We don’t glue remains together.).  If one piece comes out before the others, it is bagged and tagged.  We try not to have them come out separately, but it’s better to do that then to lose one.  When we’ve cleared all the dirt out, we “lift” the skeleton, IE, remove it from the grave.  If I included a pic of this it would just be an empty grave. :P 
We make sure to take all of the grave goods and any soil samples with us, all carefully labeled.  Fun fact about soil samples BTW.  The soil around the bones and especially in the abdominal cavity can retain molecular traces and bacterial from the flesh that tell us about their gut flora and diet or about any parasites they had (parasites were super common back in the day.).  It’s....really cool.  So a sometimes, if we suspect that there might be money for that kind of analysis, we’ll take soil samples of the gut region.  
We are...well, we’re very ritualistic about all of this.  It is, of course, for scientific rigour.  But part of it is that we’re systematically dismantling these peoples’ final resting places.  They had lives and loves and spiritual beliefs that we are disturbing.  This is sacred ground for so many cultures.  So it always feels a bit like we’re doing these things in a specific way to show respect to the resting dead.  That’s why in my 4 types of anthropologists post awhile back I said that archs are chaotic outside the pit but anal inside it. We want to learn from the dead, and it all feels a bit ritualistic if I’m being honest.  And there’s this juxtaposition of digging in the dirt, in the chaos of earth and time, in a very structured, clean, orderly way.  
Aaaannnyway I think that’s it for this installment.  Ask box is open, I check comments and tags and whatnot.  Tomorrow I think I’m gonna do age determination.  How old were they when they died? Hmmmmm... 
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manggaetteokkie · 4 years
Comeback Theories
This mf smeraldo blog just updated.
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Holy shit guys, it’s fkn happening again. The boys are doing their comeback soon.
(If you’re a new army or for anyone that’s confused about the significance of the blog and the smeraldo, you should read this explanation. It will help you understand the admittedly fairly complicated storyline a bit more. Also read the Save Me webtoon if you haven’t already.)
Notably, this update from the explanation I just linked:
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If anyone’s confused, the smeraldo ties to what is called the BU (BTS Universe) and is basically the whole storyline that happened ‘starting’ HYYH.
A very very general summary is that the smeraldo blog just popped into existence one day (a bit before the LY:Her comeback), talking about this mysterious (and fictional) smeraldo flower. The person behind the blog, Testesso (Italian for ‘yourself’), goes on to make blog posts about the flower and how he’s planning on opening a store specializing in selling them.
According to his notes, the flower’s language is “the truth that couldn’t be told” (sound familiar? think: The Truth Untold from LY:Tear). He goes on to makes posts about the traveller going by “amare_0” (‘amare’ is Italian for ‘love’... combine it with testesso and you’ve got Love Yourself) who ends up finding the flowers on June 12, 2013, the legend behind the flower, and his own personal experiences.
It’s finally in the blog’s 8th and 9th post that the BU is explicitly referenced to. Testesso writes that he went to the flower shop’s construction site to see a young man peeking through the window. Said young man wanted to place an order for the flowers. From the name on the order, we know that the young man is actually Jin, and he says that he wants smeraldos specifically because he “wants to be a good person”.
Things get trippy when you learn that there are actually two versions of the 8th and 9th posts. In the original version, Testesso says that something about Jin seemed familiar. In the second version, Testesso goes to the flower shop construction site not because he planned to, but because he felt like he should, like someone would come. In this version, Jin never ends up showing up at the shop. People are speculating that BigHit did this to match with the HYYH storyline where Jin time travels to change the events happening around him and giving others an inexplicable sense of déjà-vu.
With all of this in mind, ARMYs are speculating that the next comeback is likely going to go back to HYYH era:
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(First pic is from the highlight reel dropped right before LY era, the second is Jin’s most recent selfie. He seems to be wearing something similar so 👀)
Also, both Jimin and Yoongi have said this year that if given the chance, the hair colours they would like to revisit are orange and mint green respectively. If you didn’t know, orange!jimin and mint!yoongi both happened during HYYH.
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Finally, their bts_bighit Twitter account wrote as a tip for Bang Bang Con to binge read the HYYH notes and read the webtoon, all the way back in April. They also chose very specific songs for their graphic lyrics, when they have more recent songs they could have done.
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I’m honestly amazed at the sheer dedication they have shown. From the seemingly random smeraldo blog, to the webtoon, to all these random hints, they seem to want us to fully immerse ourselves into the story. Ngl, they make me want to believe that the smeraldo flower actually exists.
Personally, HYYH holds a special place in my heart (being the era I joined as a fan). The whole BU is also so amazing and complex, with everything they drop sparking endless theories and debates from the fandom.
Anyways, BigHit really be in it for the long con. I swear to god, they really are the undefeated champions at hinting stuff months before anything concrete actually happens. And when the news actually drops, ARMYs end up finding evidence of hints from ages ago.
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