xietroqueen · 1 year
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So my original twitter got taken over by the Wednesday fandom (^_^’’’) so I made a new one just for my commissions so they’re easier to find especially because I still have some spicy ones that I have yet to share (which I can’t share here ;_;)
You can find it here along with all these beauties (minus the jonda one cause that’s yet to happen in my fic Inked and well...you have to be patient). 
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squirrelwrangler · 4 years
“What was that tongue which you spoke?”
“Quenya. Our mother-tongue - his. If I am to be precise, my mother-tongue was a variant of Quenya spoken by my mother’s people - but it is the language of the elves spoken on the other side of the sea. The banned one, for the act of betrayal and kin-slaying.”
“I remember,” Gorlim said softly. “That was one of the few words that I caught, amarto, that you both kept repeating. It means the same as amarth, yes? Fate, doom.”
“Yes,” Aegnor replied, his single syllable of answer more an exhale than speech.
“We called ourselves outlaws, you know, when we stayed behind to patrol Dorthonion. And it was true because Morgoth now ruled our homeland. But we didn’t think him king of it, not in our hearts. The true ruler of Dorthonion was Barahir, Lord of the Beorians, and King Finrod above him. But we also had outlaws, true outlaws, to the Beor. Those were men that committed acts of theft or murder against their neighbors, who accepted guest right and then did harm to their hosts. Then such men were counted outlaws and never accepted back into any community, at least not in any story I remember. Thieves and murderers and traitors were to be denied burial.” Gorlim thought of Beren’s desperate search for his body to bury him with the others, of his friend’s incredible kindness. “That definition of outlaw was the Kinslayers, though, and why that ghost was so afraid. You elves were so much more forgiving and noble than us, I thought, when I heard the stories.”
Aegnor said no reply.
“Your Valar are kind, too. To parole Morgoth as they did, even if the repentance was false. And to take back the ghosts and send you to fetch them, even those that broke their laws.”
“They are your Valar, too,” Aegnor grumbled. “And aye, I will send whichever spirit I can convince to go, even those of orcs if I could, to the Halls of Mandos so that they may be healed and reborn.”
“Have thou? Ghosts of orcs? Have any been freed?”
“Not yet,” Aegnor admitted in a soft sad tone. “I have tried, but none can listen.” He paused. “You addressed me informally just now.”
“I did no such thing, M’lord.”
WIP ending for chapter 2 of this
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hanirathings · 4 years
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Pak Sakiman
Betul betul figur yang menyenangkan.
Pak sakiman selalu tau perasaan kami waktu baru saja terhitung detik tertutup gerbang. Beliau orang yang paling bisa mempersilakan kita untuk sekolah tanpa berbual alasan fafifu dulu. Tak perlu pembelaan terlambat yang jelas dibuat-buat.
Pak sakiman selalu gemar membantu. Lelahnya seharian seolah tak boleh tampak dihadapan kami yang berkerut melembur event. Ia tak luput memastikan bantuannya maksimal. Kami saja yang ngantuk duluan, jadinya pasangan kawat bapak malah kami cabut lagi :(
Beliau sangat menenangkan. Membuat semua yang tergesa berjalan lancar saja. Tak perlu khawatir. Menyenangkan mengerjakannya bersama bapak.
Bersama pak sakiman aku aman :)
Segoro Amarto, 18 Maret 2020
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If the vrains gang swaped decks which one would be best suited for each one? -pls count the trickstars, marincess, salamangreats and takeru's old fire warriors as separate decks-
I’m going to take this one step further than a deck swap and make this an Ignis swap as well. 
Spectre gets the Marincess Deck and Aqua. 
Yusaku gets the Sunvine-Sunavalon Deck and Earth.
Takeru gets the Stormrider Deck and Windy.
Miyu gets the Salamangreat Deck and Flame.
Jin gets the Cyberse Deck and Ai.
Windy’s Origin becomes Lightning’s Origin and gets the Amartos Legio Deck.
Aoi gets Takeru’s old Fire Warriors Deck
Shoichi gets the Altergeist Deck and Ema receives his Codebreaker Deck
For troll reasons, everything up until now I’ve finely reasoned within my head, even though I’m not bothered enough to share said reasoning but it does exist, Ryoken gets the Trickstars
now, I want to keep the Lieutenant’s cards near each other so Kyoko gets Aso’s Deck, Genome gets Kyoko’s Deck, and Aso gets Genome’s deck.
Kengo gets the Borreload Deck but I don’t know where his deck goes but probably to Akira since I haven’t mentioned Akira yet but I don’t know what to do with the left over Tindangles and I’m honestly very hesitant to separate them since the symbolism is so on the nose perfect that I just can’t justify it.
- Mod Playmaker
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" Dumarka waxaa ugu khair badan midda marka aad milicsato ku farxad geliso, marka aad amarto ku adeecdo, marka aad ka maqan tahay kuu xifdiso maalkaaga iyo nafteeda.
@AuthorOfsomalia https://t.co/YTdQDQmGSR
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cosmosfated · 6 years
Be thankful that he has his family to keep him on the right path, because he dances the line between chaotic good and lawful evil very often. He tends to stay on chaotic good most days but you'll be able to see where he could also easily be lawful evil other days. That being said, I do picture madman / Angel - if he cared for such things - as seeing himself as neutral evil...or at least, he definitely acts like it.
This unpredictability is actually an alignment "group" in Hu-ka'li / Ohi'di-le lines called "Amarto-la", or "Variability". It allows for a large range of responses that defy normal alignments depending on the person. Despite this, even that group has unofficial subgroups that others would view as "chaotic" and "lawful". The people of the species don't see it that way. Ever. It just is what it is.
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PJR Polda Jatim Evakusi Motor Mahasiswa UNESA Korban Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Malang
PJR Polda Jatim Evakusi Motor Mahasiswa UNESA Korban Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Malang
  MALANG – Banjir bandang dan tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kecamatan Lawang, Malang, pada Selasa ( 8/3/22) petang lalu menyebabkan seorang warga meninggal karena hanyut terseret arus.  Sedikitnya, ada beberapa titik lokasi yang terkena banjir, seperti di Desa Srigading, Kelurahan Lawang, yaitu di Jalan Amarto, Jalan Pramuka, Jalan Sumber Waras, dan Desa Ketindan.  Korban meninggal bernama…
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wulanspurple · 5 years
Wsc 09 . Permata Vivo APARTEMEN SETURAN
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PERMATA group APARTEMENT VIVO APARTMNT SETURAN JOGJAKARTA Jln. Amarto, Sleman, Yogyarkarta (belakang dafam hotel) 3 jam 150rb 5jam 160k 8jam 185k Sehari 275k High season 300k END YEAR 1000K Cocok untuk tempat istirahat ketika holiday di kota Yogyakarta
harga jelas lebih murah dari yg lain Fasilitas layaknya hotel TV LCD AC Lemari Air hangat Kolam Renang Utk booking langsung hubungi 👇🏻 085643334337
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haridiva · 5 years
Berburu Batik Segoro Amarto
Berburu Batik Segoro Amarto
Beberapa hari yang lalu, akhirnya jadi juga berburu Batik Ceplok Segoro Amarto yang menjadi batik wajib bagi ASN Kota Yogyakarta (catatan: saya bukan ASN). Ternyata cukup sulit mendapatkan batik ini, mengingat batik yang diperkenalkan pada hari ulang tahun ke-261 Jogja ini memiliki hak cipta yang tidak bisa diproduksi oleh sembarang pekarya batik.
Toko batik seperti Yudhistira di Jalan Taman…
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harianmerapi-blog · 6 years
Batik Ceplok Segoro Amarto Digandakan Tanpa Izin, Dekranasda Yogya Siap Layangkan Teguran
Batik Ceplok Segoro Amarto Digandakan Tanpa Izin, Dekranasda Yogya Siap Layangkan Teguran
Walikota Yogyakarta Haryadi Suyuti kain batik Ceplok Segoro Amarto kepada Gubernur DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. (MERAPI-ISTIMEWA)
YOGYA (MERAPI) –Motif batik Ceplok Segoro Amarto telah dijiplak tanpa izin dan hasilnya dijual dengan harga lebih murah. Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah Kota Yogyakarta sebagai pemegang hak cipta atas motif batik tersebut bakal melayangkan teguran hingga langkah…
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xietroqueen · 9 months
For my readers, I’ve been a little quiet lately but worry not, I am working on Inked. The process is just slow going but don’t fret, It won’t get the RH treatment and go on hiatus for years ;) 
The third chapter for Misery Business is complete, it just needs to go through some proof reading so hopefully it will be uploaded sometime this week.
A while ago I promised some smutty commissions for my beautiful evo ships and I do have them, I have just been too lazy to post them but I think it’s time! So I’ll probably start posting them one by one in a weekly fashion on my twitter, starting sometime later this week. Here’s a sneak peek  ;) 
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All these beauties are from the wonderful @lamonyo​ (I’ve kept her very busy XD) Jonda and Amarto have been lucky enough to have two different poses made and she is working on the next Jubilay piece inspired by Misery Business. Romy and Xietro will get their second pose sometime in the future. In the meantime I hope you enjoy these when I post them :D
I’ll see you all very soon 
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merisaseana-blog · 7 years
JFW Luncurkan Batik Motif Ceplok Segoro Amarto
Merisa Seana JFW Luncurkan Batik Motif Ceplok Segoro Amarto Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang JFW Luncurkan Batik Motif Ceplok Segoro Amarto Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita JFW Luncurkan Batik Motif Ceplok Segoro Amarto Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : JFW Luncurkan Batik Motif Ceplok Segoro Amarto JFW ke-12 menggandeng Asosiasi Perancang Pengusaha Mode (APPMI) DIY memperkenalkan motif-motif baru yang terinspirasi dari potensi lokal. http://www.unikbaca.com
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hanirathings · 4 years
Halo, Mahar?
Apa kabar? Masih suka menggambar? Masih suka paduan suara? Masih suka teater? Masih suka main biola?
Ah, bahkan kegemaranmu tak sekadar itu kan ya.
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Sejak kali pertama kita menyebut masing-masing nama, kamu adalah orang yang selalu keren bagiku.
Aku banyak mendengar kabarmu. Tapi bukan darimu. Nama hebatmu selalu menguar dirampaikan teman baikku, yang juga temanmu itu. Bagaimana pertukaran pelajarmu? Sepertinya keren sekali waktu kulihatnya di instastory.
Kita memang terlalu jauh untuk bertemu, dan aku terlalu malu bahkan untuk hanya bertanya, “bagaimana kabarmu?”
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Aku sudah di tahun kelima bersama Jogja. Aku suka Jogja. Mestinya kamu juga.
Tentang seni, Jogja tak pernah mati. Hampir setiap bulan aku bisa menghibur diri bersama pameran seni. Sungguh, bagiku itu mengamunisi diri dari suntuk sekolahku. Aku bisa mampus karena bosan. Tapi Jogja selalu membangunkanku untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Mahar, andai saja kamu tau tentang betapa sering aku mengunjungi pameran, betapa lama aku memerhatikan lukisan, betapa lekat aku menatap ukiran, dan betapa sering aku mengecek jadwal panggung teater. Yang itu semua ingin kuceritakan padamu.
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Karena tak adil rasanya ketika dulu mendapati banyak cerita darimu tapi aku hanya diam saja. Aku juga ingin bercerita hal-hal serupa.
Memang tak harus sekarang. Tak harus dipaksakan. Semoga kita bisa bertemu, karena aku lupa bilang terimakasih untuk kuas yang kau pinjami waktu itu.
Oiya, namaku Hanifah. Semoga kamu tak salah memanggilku lagi, setelah kamu menyebutku Afifah saat kali terakhir kita betemu.
Segoro Amarto, 16 Januari 2020
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ikennaluke · 4 years
2020 PLAN: AMARTO, others set to restructure haulage segment
2020 PLAN: AMARTO, others set to restructure haulage segment
IN a bid to restore orderliness in the transport sector of the maritime industry, the Association of Maritime Truck Owners, AMARTO, alongside other truck owners within the industry, has laid down plans to restructure the haulage segment of the maritime industry.  
The post 2020 PLAN: AMARTO, others set to restructure haulage segment appeared first on Vanguard News.
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aniekanekah · 4 years
Cabals, Cartels now in control of port access roads — AMARTO boss
Cabals, Cartels now in control of port access roads — AMARTO boss
The President, Association of Maritime Truck Owners, Chief Remi Ogungbemi, has said that different cabals and cartels have been established to control and determine who can have access to the Lagos ports.
He added that it is only those that belong to these groups that have preferential access to the ports and can break through the tight traffic.
The AMARTO boss further revealed that some…
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banno · 5 years
プライベートカラオケレッスンやヴォイストレーニングのカラオケ&ヴォイスAMARTOアマルトさまの撮影をさせていただきました。 カラオケレッスンやヴォイストレーニングというとタレントを目指している人などが多いのかなぁと思ったらお付き合いやプライベートでカラオケに行く際に上手に歌いたい!とかプレゼンでいい発声でスピーチをしたいなどのビジネスマンが習いに来るのが多いそうです。
2018年 カラオケJOYSOUNDで皆が歌ってるランキングは「米津 玄師」の歌が圧倒的に多かったそうです。 1位 Lemon そして アイネクライネやピースサイン! 2位 U.S.A / DA PUMP 3 位 糸 / 中島 みゆき
ちなみにカラオケ&ヴォイスAMARTOさんに習いに来る男性陣のほぼ100%の方が歌ってみたい歌のランキング1位は 尾崎 豊の「I LOVE YOU」だそうです。 僕はカラオケとお酒が不得意な…
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