#And yet the used the random girl who the audience had 0 connection with
ramblefang · 4 years
Rabbit Town; BNA ep 2
 “Previous Post
My previous (and first) post of these BNA first impressions ended up being more rambly than even I want to be. Most of that was due to me retelling events, which I was actually doing to help me remember what happened in the episode. So instead, I’m going to try just going through the episode again in another tab and using timestamps (which I think is the norm for this sort of thing anyway.) This technically means I’ll be writing down my second impressions, but I’d really prefer my first watch of episodes to not be interrupted every minute by me needing to tab out and write something. I’ll still try to remember and write out my first impressions anyway.
(Hmm, Netflix doesn’t seem to provide a precise timestamp. Guess I’ll just approximate things by mousing over the...runtime...bar thing.)
Cold Open
0:15 Starting off right where the last episode ended: Michiru saying that she’s human.
0:22 Shirou says she’s a tanuki, based on the appearance of her tail. She seems offended by the idea. My best guess is that her reaction has to do with what tanuki are famous for: having huge balls. (Also they’re magical spirits, which may or may not have something to do with the powers Michiru has.)
0:45 The police arrive and it seems Shirou is a known entity. Gives me Batman vibes. Is Shirou a vigilante? And in that way where the police are just used to it by now?
0:50 The OP starts and I notice the strands of DNA. Makes me think of how Michiru apparently changed species, and also the way there is some pharmaceutical company behind the very existence of Anima-City. Oh, and I just got that “BNA” is basically a pun on DNA.
1:30 Last time I had recalled something about shadowy feral transformations, but it looks like Michiru transforms into something more equine than anything else. (With what I know from later in the episode, she definitely seems to be a shapeshifter, which I think is appropriate for a tanuki.)
1:40 Oh, and there’s still totally something about this vocal melody that reminds me of “Bad Apple.” Admittedly, it’s been years since I actually listened to that song, so maybe I’ll have to go compare them later.
2:00 A detail spoiled by the OP: apparently beastmen have human forms that they can switch to, yet Michiru can’t. Honestly, it sort of looks like she’s stuck in a halfway state—a kemonomimi for the most part, though with the nose and “mask”
2:10 Shirou appears surprised, and possibly skeptical, about Michiru being unable to switch forms, indicating that it is by far the norm to be able to do so
2:35 Ah, by the way Michiru speaks about it, switching forms seems to be common knowledge even among humans. Shirou says “Quit talking like a human” in response to the idea that they’re always in beast form, which means this is a common human misconception (and this comes up later as well, illustrating how Michiru really comes across as human in little ways).
2:45 Bystanders seem to be paying special attention to Michiru, likely to her form. (This sets up what happens later over her inability to assume a human form)
3:00 A lot about this scene speaks to me as a trans person: someone running tests that “prove” someone’s identity and insisting that what they see on the surface is all there is to the truth
3:35 Michiru says she must be afflicted with a “disease”, reminding me of the worries I had about a pharmaceutical company being behind the city and how there may be a darker purpose involving a “cure.” Unsettlingly, Michiru also isn’t far off from saying that being a beastman—the very existence of beastmen—is itself a disease. (Mind, she doesn’t literally say that, but based on things she says at the end of the episode, it may not be too far off from how she actually feels—right now.)
4:00 Back to trans stuff, this reminds me of how being trans was, as a whole, labeled as “Gender Identity Disorder”, categorized as a mental illness rather than a natural state of being. (Also, I’m currently building a headcanon of Michiru being a trans girl. Not only because of this stuff, but also due to how she reacted to being called a tanuki: I can interpret her as feeling gender incongruence/dysphoria over the big balls thing.)
4:30 Interesting that this is a “cooperative”. Are they technically not part of the government and are more independent than that? Or maybe the term means something else in Japan.
4:40 Again with trans feels. Filling out forms and needing to identify as something you don’t actually see yourself as
4:50 (Didn’t catch that my first time around: different blood types? Wonder if blood harvesting and blood mixing will be a thing. Remembering the kids that were about to be sold off... Might these things be connected?)
(Rather than making things shorter, this is just resulting in me going even more in-depth. Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.)
5:10 Probably a bit of an exaggeration that you can’t get back anything stolen from you: says more about how this is a seedier place than the video in episode 1 let on. We sort of got that from Michiru being pickpocketed in the first place, but this lets us know that that wasn’t an irregular occurrence
5:30 (Also didn’t really absorb this my first watch, but it does make sense that Michiru has been sleeping outside while on the run. Doesn’t feel good to think about how she had to spend that time being scared of the humans around her.)
5:40 Kuro is a wonderfully round birb.
6:10 Michiru making the same connected that I made (and that the audience in general is probably expected to make) about Shirou potentially being that big wolf who was up on the rooftops
6:25 Michiru probably expected Anima-City to be the end of her struggles where everything would just be better and easier. Indeed, she is young and naive.
The Next Morning
7:20 While Michiru may be surprised by the “rule of the strong” here, it does work effectively in parallel with the focus that has been put on money (between these two episodes). The powerful get to do what they want, whether it comes from physical strength or financial power. When it comes down to it, the human world, under a capitalist framework, doesn’t behave all that differently
7:45 Oh, Shirou has some sort of direction connection with the mayor and/or the government. Is this what they meant by “social worker”? Is he some sort of government agent? Does he have the extrajudicial authority to just beat people up (and even kill them?) the way he did with those terrorists?
9:00 (Considering Marie’s apparent connection to Rabbit Town, she probably does have some connection to the pickpocket. But now that I’m making this connection... Did Marie bring those kids to Rabbit Town after they were separated from their parents by beastman hunters?)
Rabbit Town
9:25 My very first expectation with a place called “Rabbit Town” was something akin to “Little China Town”
9:35 Then it struck me as something of a red light district
10:00 And we learn what Michiru might have to deal with in the future for being unable to switch to a human form: more people may think she’s trying to pick a fight.
10:15 Saying that she’s “not some baby” indicates that there are people who can’t control their forms: young children. Or, perhaps, someone who hasn’t been a beastman for a long time. (Maybe she’ll figure it out when/if she gets back with the kids she helped rescue.)
10:45 (Struck by how “coincidental” it is that someone like Grand Grandma would end up with a random kid’s wallet. It’s making me think that the pickpocket and Marie actually funnel people into this person-trafficking ring)
11:15 With my early impression of Rabbit Town being some sort of red light district, I thought this was some sort of communal daycare. (But seeing it again, I’m noticing how stern these women are at seeing the children. Definitely doesn’t look like they care about the kids.)
11:20 The line about them being “women who were betrayed by men”, and the following lines, really fit in with my thinking that this was a red light district, and they probably just didn’t want to outright say these were sex workers. (And maybe some of them are, but it turns out to be far from the whole picture)
11:40 And it does seem to be the image they want to give to Michiru: that they’re a bunch of women struggling together with all of these kids to take care of. There was also a bit about “what it’s like to live as a beastman” which makes me think that it’s definitely the norm for beastmen to be poor—not a surprise since they are clearly an oppressed minority group
12:05 Totally expected “Poop” to become the kids’ nickname for Michiru. (Glad it didn’t since it would have made it harder to really care about what happens later.)
12:50 Look at these cuties wanting to learn. (And sobering in retrospect to think how this is probably the most care and attention they’ve had in a while.)
13:10 I forgot to say something about it last episode, but the way Shirou’s sense of smell is visualized is amazing.
13:20 Again with the red light district impression, I was thinking this was the arrival of a pimp or something
13:40 I appreciate Michiru caring about what the kid is already doing instead of reprimanding them for not paying attention
14:00 So we learn about Silver Wolf, who could be the wolf Michiru saw when she arrived in the city. Since Shirou seems to be that wolf, does that mean he’s actually Silver Wolf? Is this an urban legend based on him? Or is he actually some sort of god?
14:45 The demands of payment really played into my pimp impression, but then this guy mentions “letting these women be gangsters.” They could totally still be sex workers as well, but this clues us in that these women may be involved in shadier stuff
15:10 I wonder if the politics of these criminal groups will come more into play in the future. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the villains we meet end up being allies by the end, considering the way Trigger tends to tell their stories.
15:35 “It’s all women are good for anyway” is an impressively disgusting line to tell us that they’ve been talking about selling the kids. Also, I wonder what it means for the mayor to know about the kids: that the government will be sending people to rescue the kids and shut them down...or that the mayor would be interested in buying...
15:45 The line about the kids being “snatched away” probably means the mayor, so probably not about buying the kids. Still doesn’t mean the “rescue” could end up being more nefarious than it would seem. (Look, I just don’t trust the head of a pharmaceutical company also being a mayor, especially when a video about the city was directly associated with the company instead of being its own thing.)
15:55 Given the earlier scene between Shirou and the mayor, and Shirou being here, I guess he’s something like the mayor’s enforcer? Her trusty hand that does what needs to be done? But I’d also guess that if the mayor is secretly a villain, Shirou has no idea
16:30 I immediately put together that these kids were probably separated from their parents due to attacks by those beastman hunters. (And earlier in this post is when I retroactively put together that Marie, or people with the same job, likely gave/sold the kids to Grand Grandma, if they don’t work for her directly.)
16:40 The rule of the powerful coming up again. This is the way this world (and our world) works. (Which I could go off on a political tangent about, but I’ll refrain for now.)
16:55 Michiru is an atheist. Or at least incredibly pragmatic. Not the most helpful thing to say to people who literally can’t do anything in this situation, but I appreciate the sentiment of actually doing what you can instead of hoping someone else does something about it
17:20 Hmm, no one seems too surprised about Michiru’s expanding tail powers. Maybe this is a relatively normal tanuki thing?
18:00 But the stretchy arms totally aren’t normal, even for a tanuki. Thinking about it, no one else has obviously shown any kind of powers yet. Shirou’s fight with the terrorists could have just been his physical prowess. Do these powers have something to do with Michiru’s transformation from human to beastman?
18:50 In case you didn’t catch on to everyone’s surprise, confirmation that what Michiru just did was very unusual.
19:25 Never a big fan of the “even if they’re women” line. They’ve been doing a very bad thing. Stopping them shouldn’t have anything to do with gender. Why even bring it up. But I guess it does play into Shirou being a masculine and “chivalrous” type of character, as well as this being a generally patriarchal society (which isn’t really any different from our world). (Thinking back to my post on the previous episode, I guess “this isn’t too different from our world” is probably the point that the pseudo-branding contributes to.)
20:00 It seems that Shirou’s relationship to the police is less like Batman, and more like he just outranks them.
20:20 “Facility” is such a cold and impersonal term that it really does make me worry about what the government is going to do with these kids. Again, pharmaceutical company. (I’ll make sure to go back to episode 1 and get a better look at the company’s actual name so I can use that. May as well if I’ll continue to make a big fuss over it.)
20:35 “Even though you’re a beastman, don’t you have a human heart?” is a horribly offensive question. I was initially going to refer to it as a microaggression, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how terrible it is. It’s heavily loaded with the ideas: 1) beastmen are expected to be bad, hence the “even though”, and 2) being human is inherently a good thing. Despite what she said to Shirou at the end of last episode, it seems that she really just has the inverse of his beliefs. And this is so clearly something that only a human would say that it convinces Grand Grandma of Michiru’s “humanity”
21:20 Shirou, needing to wait for evidence before he can do anything, kind of illustrates Michiru’s point of view of not being able to count on society—on anyone else—to be able to help you.
21:30 Shirou, representing the police and government authority to an extent, believing that he “never makes mistakes” again reminds me of the protests we’ve had throughout this year. How the police totally does make mistakes—or rather, the way they don’t even view things they’ve done as mistakes—is totally a problem. (ACAB)
21:40 Following up on what Grand Grandma mentioned earlier about being “betrayed by men”, Michiru questions why it’s only “women and children” that Shirou is protecting. Is it that men don’t need to be protected? “What makes males so special? Are men really that great?”
21:55 And Michiru outright says what she had only implied earlier. Also, she seems a bit scattered between being angry at men, being angry at beastmen, being angry at the police, bring angry at society, and being angry in general. But I get it.
And that’s the end of the episode. I’m not sure if this is how I’ll continue to do these impressions, but I guess I’ll have to see how I feel about it once I get to episode 3. Maybe I’ll try out some genuine first-impressions, even if it means interrupting the episode constantly.
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
V Watches MagiReco - Episode 8 Review
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*Spoilers for Magia Record Anime Episode 8*
Okay, I was not expecting to enjoy this week’s episode as much as I did! :O From the anime’s pattern so far, I was fully expecting a slower episode with less action as they introduced the next main character (in this case Sana), but this episode had a lot of deviations from the game that did a lot of good, in my opinion!
Lots of positive things to say again for this review ^0^ And no, it’s not just because of that Kanagi “cameo” (even though there WILL be at least one paragraph of me screaming about that LOL you have been warned) xD
I think the slower pace of this episode gave us a really good chance to see how the main characters have adjusted and truly integrated themselves into their new lives. We see Iroha starting at her new school, Felicia starting her part-time job at Banbanzai, Tsuruno visiting to deliver bento boxes for Iroha and the two going to school together... so many small details that seem unimportant to the plot but really give us a good picture of the characters’ new lives and relationships. And that’s really important stuff. They seem to have taken a longer time and really drew out the introduction of this new Rumour rather than immediately rushing into the next one, and this gives the main cast some room to breathe and just be themselves, and also gives the audience a sense of some time having passed as well.
It was also really nice to see Rena back! Seems strange to me that Momoko wasn’t with her, but I was starting to worry that Momoko’s team would be forgotten and pushed to the background, so I was quite pleased to see them still popping up every now and then. The episode also gave us some quality Iroha and Rena bonding, which is kind of bittersweet when you consider that both of them either don’t have friends or always find themselves somehow isolated from the crowd. Rena is still a prickly little tsundere, but seeing her waiting for Iroha and giving her more information and talking with her really put a smile on my face :) I really want Rena and Iroha to be able to make more friends, and it’s super cute when the new friends are none other than each other ^^
Also, the thing about Kaede is really interesting. I’m sure this is an anime-original plot point, but I’m wondering how this is going to tie in with Sana’s arc, or any other part of the Main Story. Rena confirms that Kaede hasn’t actually disappeared; she still comes to school, but rushes home immediately after and doesn’t talk or reply to anyone. We also see her at home with all her plants at the beginning (cute!). I’m guessing she’s still traumatised from that Doppel experience and hasn’t figured out what’s going on, so is too afraid of getting close to her friends in fear of hurting them? Whatever they’re planning, I hope it has some relevance to that post-credits scene in episode 5 so we get some closure to what actually happened and the scene won’t seem so “cool but random” lmao.
Alright imma get this out of the way. (Feel free to skip this paragraph if you’re not interested in hearing me gush about my queen.) K A N A G I I Z U M I. If anyone reading this has been following my past MagiReco posts or knows anything about me at all, you’ll know that I’m absolute trash for Kanagi Izumi xD My best girl may be Iroha, but Kanagi is a character I really admire, respect, and adore. Anyway, I saw the official MagiReco Twitter account post about a Kanagi rate-up banner and was hella confused but excited because my queen was not supposed to appear until... at least until Tsuruno is captured by the Magius and Felicia and Sana have returned. So I guess it makes sense that it was in the form of a “mysterious person on the phone” rather than an actual debut, but gosh as soon as I heard her voice I almost lost it AHHHHHHHHHH (♥>o<♥) This eases any fears I had of her being cut from the anime (I would have hunted down the studio if they made that decision LOL); not only is she not gonna be cut, but they gave her a surprise, mysterious, early introduction, too?!?!? YASSSSS (ᗒᗨᗕ)
Yachiyo’s phonecall with Kanagi is a surprising change to make because Kanagi’s presence is really “not very relevant” at this point, but I guess they really wanted to show how big the Wings of Magius' influence is. As Kanagi says, they’ve taken most of the girls from the East by now. I’m wondering what anime-onlys would feel about this scene, since they probably have no idea who Yachiyo is talking to. If anything, it would probably add to the mystery surrounding Yachiyo (which I hope the anime goes into soon). I was a little conflicted at first because I really wanted Yachiyo’s first contact with Kanagi to seem like a “we haven’t spoken in ages but desperate times call for desperate measures” kind of thing, because with this scene, the next time they "openly” contact her won’t have that same impact. But then the more I think about it, the more I think this might actually be for the better. Kanagi’s introduction into the cast won’t feel like such a “random” thing (like, “oh wait, who are you and since when were you so important?”); Yachiyo has been in some degree of contact with her and she was “there" all along. So yeah, a good change in retrospect, and I’m never gonna say no to seeing (or hearing) more of Kanagi so I’m all for this change either way LOL
Okay enough rambling about Kanagi (OTL I’m so sorry). Felicia working at Banbanzai is just SO CUTE!!! She’s like a cute little gangster omg those glares and “HUHHH?!?!?” (I’d be scared too, Iroha) xD I think the character that’s gotten the best portrayal in the anime so far really is Felicia. And also the reveal that the reason for her getting into a fight and being sent to the police station was because she was defending Yachiyo and Iroha? CUTEEE OMG I LOVE THIS CHILD!!! She also has a really good sense of fashion hehe :D
The little snippet in there with Ui, Touka, and Nemu may seem a little out of place, but I was actually quite relieved to see them. Every week the anime is throwing new characters at its viewers, so I was worried that anime-only viewers wouldn’t even remember who Touka and Nemu are when they’re eventually revealed to be the Magius. I think it’s good to keep drilling them into viewers’ minds so as not to lose that “OMGGG” factor when they make their proper debut. Also it’s adorable how Ui throws teddy bears in their faces to stop them from arguing LOLLL
The radio show was a really good way to not only sneak in tiny “cameos” of other girls (I think it was Rika and Kanoko this week), but also give a nice picture of life in Kamihama. There’s a sense that Iroha really is a part of this city now, and it’s such a nice feeling to see everything “falling into place;” we’re no longer in those inconsistent and uncertain “introductory” episodes anymore, even though we still have one more major character to bring in. And the laughter coming from the phone is super creepy--cute, but in a really creepy way. All the illustrations for when they were talking about the Rumours this week were also really, really well-done. I have nothing much to say about them except “sasuga Inucurry” haha xD
I really was expecting Madoka and Homura to appear this week, but I guess we may have to wait a little bit more for that >_< BUT Tsukuyo did appear again in her “civilian” form! Iroha chasing her into that building was also a really nice change the anime made; some things really need to be animated for full impact, and I’m loving these minor changes and how much more they add to the characters and atmosphere! Anyway, Tsukuyo seems a lot more menacing here compared to her dine-and-dash incident in the game lmaooo, and I wasn’t expecting a Witch battle!
Speaking of Witch battle, I think this might be one of my main letdowns with this episode: I just really want to see Iroha fight more. I appreciate that she’s proactive in seeking answers and brave enough to jump into these situations despite knowing that she’s weak, but she hasn’t really contributed much in battles so far except a few Connects and using her Doppel. I want to see my girl Iroha go all-out and kick ass with her arrows!!! But it was nice to see the rest of Team Mikazuki showing up so quickly; there’s a real sense of them being an actual team now, and they’ve always got each other’s backs! It would have been nice if the rest of the team got to fight as well rather than Yachiyo taking all the spotlight, but at least Yachiyo was super cool haha (as usual). But the battle clearly isn’t the point of this episode, so I won’t pick on it too much :)
By the way, that Mami appearance was super random. When I saw the ribbons and flowers, I almost thought she was going to appear as Holy Mami for a second. At least we know she hasn’t lost her head just yet ;) The appearance was random, but from what they offered, at least we know that Mami is still either in Kamihama or coming to Kamihama regularly to investigate, and while she was suspicious of Iroha in the past, she went out of her way to help her this time, which was a nice touch.
Anyway, now that Iroha has finally replied to the mysterious messages, we might really get to meet Sana (and Ai-chan) next time! Maybe Madoka and Homura, too! But yeah, this episode is a prime example of one where not much seems to happen, but a lot actually does happen and there’s plenty to pull apart and discuss when you really think back on it. Clearly Kanagi took half my attention and feels this week, but I’m definitely having lots of warm and fuzzies seeing Team Mikazuki doing normal, everyday things together. Seeing Felicia added to the OP was expected but still a treat (the way she bobs around on the spot is SO CUTE!), and I can’t wait for the family to finally be fully formed!
(Also, Yachiyo looks gorgeous in anything she wears, seriously.)
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 20th-June 26th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 20th, 2020 to June 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is something you’re just not very good at right now writing and/or drawing in general?
Deo101 [Millennium]
mysteries. 100% I can not write mysteries!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
the connection between legs and torso. No not hips, I can draw hips fine, but like the movement aspect of it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Action scenes. Orchestrating fights or big motions on the page... it doesn’t come naturally to me! I have to look at a lot of reference to see how other artists do it. Impact shapes, speed lines, anything to convey movement...
But I am slowly building a vocabulary of... fight shapes? I’m calling them fight shapes, haha
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I feel that
Your feeling I feel deeply
"visual library" is a term that comes to mind
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Composition. I just talked about this earlier today, but.... yup. Composition is my bane.
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
I'd like to get better at writing in general. I have a lot of trouble verbalizing things I see in my head, and so I gotta rely on images and thumbnails to get any idea across, sometimes. otherwise im a windbag and use 5000 words to say 0-1 things, lmao
I have trouble writing simply. I always want to embellish, add extra details, more characters and make everything more complicated and i worry it ends up making things unnecessarily convoluted
Drawing-wise i hate drawing hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The legit thing I am worse at writing is fucking
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
essays to convince people to hire me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
let her finish deo
Mitzi (Trophallaxis)
comedic timing at its finest
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I was very confused for a sec(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but seriously like speaking of filling gaps this is what I'm legit struggling most with right now so any help much appreciated
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
raises hand
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I need to write a personal statement and every time I sit down to edit I want to die
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I volunteer as tribute
writing is basically the only thing I'm really good at
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
It's not the writing I hate
It's the writing about me
is that the thing where you have to write in 3rd person? like those blurb things on people's websites?(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
It just feel so gross whoring out my deeply held passions and struggles for a spot in med school
No I'm talking about college essays lmao sorry for derailing
The blurb things are an interesting topic though!
Have you guys writtent those before and does anyone actually like writing them?
i had to write a blurb about myself for my university's website and yeah it was uncomfy
lemme see if i can find it
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I HATE writing those
because I just start like, "Crona J. is an artist and writer from Chicago......." And I have no idea how to continue
Deo101 [Millennium]
god yeah even just writing a profile or about me is hard enough!!!
I'm always like "deo - 22 - she/her - illustrator - webcomic author - student" and then i leave it
thats it thats all you get
depending on the platform i MIGHT put bi - disabled and thats it!!!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
half of the stuff I write doesn't even feel relevant to the audience either
who cares that I have been drawing since I was 12 lol?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Mate I don't even write those. My bio is like "UCSD" "Read my comic"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also always feel like when I see "ive been drawing since I was 5!" I kinda think like... well everyone has been -_- like this doesnt tell me anything, how long have you been an aspiring pro, how long have you been studying art...? that tells me more
so I never put that kind of stuff in my biod either
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
yeah, and also, I didn't go to prestigious school, so I don't even include my college
and I only have one comic project so far, just under a chapter
so what do I write?
Not that important an issue, but irksome nonetheless
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't include my school because it's prestigious, I include it because it's not an art college
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I want fellow stem-y yet artsy people from my school to recognize me as one of them(edited)
DEO stop interupptung me at the worst points!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
i love jumping to conclusions. so no.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
If it's a bio where I can talk about the comics, I try to spotlight a few tropes/genres that'll catch the eye of potential readers. Not a full-fledged summary, just a quick hit of If You Like These Words, You'll Probably Like Reading It. ("Fantasy, comedy, shapeshifters, PTSD, time travel, cats")
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And if it's gonna be personal, same deal with bits of personal info -- not trying to be a Comprehensive Biography, just pulling a few details that are relatable connection points
The problem with "I've always wanted to be a writer/artist/cartoonist" isn't just how generic it is, the problem is also the vibe of "here's my thing, your role in this is to support me"
Whereas if you say something like "I like drawing cute girls and writing fantasy," the response can be "oh hey, I like seeing cute girls and reading fantasy, tell me more!"
Or if you go with "Sailor Moon fan, will put extra cheese on everything," people can go "cool, that's relatable, we can like Sailor Moon and cheese together." It gets at your shared investment in a fun thing, it's not about expecting them to be personally invested in you
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think perhaps the most fundamental thing is "you can't please everyone." I've never liked the 'random food related weird tidbit tacked on' thing because it feels too try-hardish to me, but I understand for other people, it's not a matter of trying too hard and is genuinely how they just talk.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Oh definitely, you hold out for a bio that connects with everyone and you'll never get it done
Personally I'm not great at drawing cars. It's why all my cars early on in the comic were side view only, and old blocky looking things. It was all I could do. I've been getting better by using references.
Every so often I buy a little hotweels or matchbox car when I'm buying groceries. I aim for realistic ones based on real vehicles, especially utility vehicles like ice cream trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, and whatnot you'd see every day in a city. I keep a little box of them on my desk, so if the scene calls for a car to be visible, I have a reference that can help me get all the curves and angles right.
Sure beats drawing from memory, but also practice time in the sketchbook with them is a necessity.
Now crowd scenes are beginning to be my bane. Not because they're hard to draw, just because they're time consuming.
Suddenly I realize why old episodes of Sailor Moon has cities with people free sidewalks and empty streets.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's a great idea, gathering the model cars! I should do that for a future comic.
I also struggle with cars so, uh, my comic takes place in fantasy 1700-1800s
But also horses are bad too
Cars and horses! They suck
Deo101 [Millennium]
do what I did and make up an easier animal to draw than a horse ;)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Vehicles in general. Should just put everyone on roller blades and be done with it
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'd lov that tbh
I’ve considered making something other than horses......
Deo101 [Millennium]
I highly encourage it, the people love it and also so does my brain
Or else lean into them being ugly
Deo101 [Millennium]
heres the trick about horses though they look really weird and as small as you make their legs, when you think "this is way too thin..." youre wrong and their ankles are probably smaller than that
The thing that gets me is their faces
Deo101 [Millennium]
... mask
I should just make deer the normal mode of transport
Deo101 [Millennium]
that would be really cute tbh
I love deer and they’re cute
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just exaggerate them to the point where it looks like a style choice
Your people already have unrealistic proportions
Why not the horses too
That’s how I draw buildings tbh because I hate buildings
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also gave horses dog mouths, maybe do something like that? someone can be like "horses dont look like that?" and as long as youre consistent you can say "they do in this world!!!"
Oh god no that’s like a devil creature
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah they look horrible but its fun
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I legit remember saying that to you deo lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
ive had dog horse for years you didnt give me this
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Not the they look horrible part
I’ve already got beasts, I don’t need horses to look WORSE than they did
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Bwah I remember
Time to archive dig(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I love dog horse
Honestly it’s good but they scare me
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah... maybe instead give them cat mouths
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait omg this is the message that led to your first dm to me lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
is it??? omg i think it is... historical moment
dog horse brings us together
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Another point to convince kay to draw uncanny animals!
Deo101 [Millennium]
what I do to make birds fun to draw is making them sparkly
maybe try that
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
god you're gonna ruin kay's carefully crafted aesthetic
is this your competitiveness showing its face again(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
they can make it work! why do you doubt their abilities
make this the main mode of transport
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ah is that how it works in that case i have 10 shitty indie game ideas
make them pls
Deo101 [Millennium]
implying my ideas are shitty??? rude!
I have an aesthetic?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Or if you want to be very efficient, everyone in universe can teleport
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lmao you have an excellent aesthetic
i do that already
Crona.... that’s my comic already!! Haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
kay does also have teleporting to be clear
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
don't underestimate my laziness!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It must be great advice
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh crap you're right kay also does have teleporting
and unrealistic beasts, to be fair
Sometimes on the same page
That’s the eyes I draw on the beasts
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Or be even lazier, and make it so that horses and beasts either don't exist or haven't been domesticated in that region. Everyone walks. Their feet hurt, but their calves are glorious.
Deo101 [Millennium]
you get it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait crona and deo also have comics where teleportation could exist
will you join us?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
lol, yup
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
(nah, I've already drawn horses. They're not so bad if you stare at photos)
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
drawing horses is fun!!
[multiple people are typing]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
And there will also be hella walking, because the leg game must be strong, otherwise I'm not doing my job
Deo101 [Millennium]
ive decided that millennium is like really in the future but things like time travel, teleportation, warp speed... nope! You can go really fast in a spaceship but like nothin crazy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
man these planets real close together then
or maybe people just live a really long time ...?
Deo101 [Millennium]
I just do my version of teleporting which is "wow it'll take a week to get there" and then its a week later
dont worry about it
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
its not realistic, but its consistent
🌈ERROR404 🌈
ahhhh horses are really nice to draw imo, if i can get it right lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
I like drawing horses a lot I just never do it tbh
🌈ERROR404 🌈
something needs to fuel my addiction to cowboy culture
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Consistency is key tbh
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I just do my version of teleporting which is "wow it'll take a week to get there" and then its a week later
when my whole comic takes place in like a week lmao
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
if you decide that gravity doesn't exist in your world, as log as you're consistent with it, you're golden
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
in the unlikely event i get tired of drawing my comic i can adopt deo's strat "wow it'll take a week to get to the ending"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
My comic takes place in about a year (not counting flashbacks which span... uh... a very long time)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
"man sure seems like this conflict will take approximately a week to be resolved" "one week later"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
"sure did get resolved"
the end
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i wonder if anyone's done that
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One Korean series I followed for years did it
and everyone was pissed, as you can imagine
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
better than cancellation?
Deo101 [Millennium]
what a way to go
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'd honestly have preferred cancellation/ abandonment
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just have a fan finish it for you at that rate lmao
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
OH that's a good discussion topic. If you got tired of your comic, or life got in the the way of you working on it anymore, how would you end it as quickly as possible?
Deo101 [Millennium]
maybe rephrase that a little
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I would toss it at my little sis, and she would do it for me, no joke
Deo101 [Millennium]
My little sister also would probably take over it for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
let's move to general?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
but also I could just be like "They got an email that john died of old age its over now"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
MVP sisters!
an email
what a way to end it
eliushi [Keyspace]
For me it’s panels. Past me thought that the four panel structure would make things easy. Nope. It’s limiting how I want to tell the story so... I’m trying to branch out now and looking for other inspirations for panel and layout
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just change the shape of your panels. It forces you to be creative.
eliushi [Keyspace]
True true! I have those in upcoming updates
But my heart swoons for the page spreads
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
oh yes
They are so gorgeous, but difficult to plan
eliushi [Keyspace]
Initially I was planning on storyboards but now I’m more comfortable with comics I think I’ll be aiming for traditional layouts
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, storyboards are an entirely different beast
I'm currently working on clearly portraying character motivation
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I think for me I don't draw animals often and rip have to draw a few for the upcoming pages so I'm just doing my best at this point lol
Panel arrangement is the heart of comics as an art form. It takes practice, and study to learn how the eye flows from one thing to the next.
And once you have a thorough understanding of the rules you can learn how to carefully break them to produce something truly eye catching.
If I had to say the simplest rule to understanding flow is, if you need arrows to tell you which direction to read, then you're doing something wrong.
This is candy for my self-deprecating mentality. Lol Honestly though. I'm not the best at writing in general, I don't like doing it physically, avoiding it at all cost (outside of dialogue and poorly done bullet points on scrap paper.) so I don't really know if/think I'm particularly good at it. I remember the last time I tried to physically write something was back in high school, I still have it saved on my computer, but it was something else. Too many dialogue scenes and overly detailed descriptions of things and characters. I only made it a little ways before giving up with "You know, this will be easier to just show than describe.". Story and character wise for my current comic, I'm not sure how well it's turning out or how good it will be in the end, my brain defaults my work to mediocre so I tend to be totally blind to what I'm doing right. I know my characters aren't the best for sure since they're all fleshy flaw bags with too many flaws, and I know I could have presented certain scene changes and such better, but that's all I can think of objectively. The art portion is something I at least know I can execute decently, but my color composition is the worst. I'm aware that I need to improve it, and I know what needs to be done, but it's something I can't really accomplish with my comic since I just want to focus on finishing pages. I'll have to make time to draw up some throw-away illustrations to experiment with, which I hope to have a little bit of now that I'm not on a regular update schedule. Also I can't draw vehicles and architecture for the life of me, I've referenced and studied but I still can't wrap my head around it. ALSO extreme angles and perspectives are still things I need work on, like 4-point circular perspective, ground level shots and over the head shots.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's a lot of things I want to improve, but something I haven't seen mentioned yet: I would like to get better at deciphering feedback, how to glean useful things from multiple conflicting feedback.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Ooh that's a good one keii
I haven't really had to deal with that before though because all the negative feedback I've gotten is pretty consistent
Can I ask what the conflicting feedback you got is?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oh gosh, I legit spent a long, long moment trying to figure out where to even start
eliushi [Keyspace]
I really like this approach to feedback
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yo Eli this is so good
eliushi [Keyspace]
Mary robinette is goals
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
this is spectacular already
eliushi [Keyspace]
Pretty sure a wiser writer passed this onto me I have since used it a lot and it works for me
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
This is so so good Perfectly said about crits in creative fields
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One example I can think of isn't actually something that was criticized, but showed up a lot in various ways: "this is (supposed to be) an exciting adventure romp centering Danbi" vs "this is an emotional journey story centering Ethan" ... Not a criticism, but two very conflicting interpretations. People who have one interpretation are shocked and confused when I tell them about the other one.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Holy crap, Eli... This is one for the folder of absolute knowledge
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
woah, excellent advice
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
And yeah, that is a really good one. Symptoms are extremely useful, and diagnoses tend to be more useful in a conversation rather than a one-way "here is my diagnosis" thing
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I haven't heard it said before but the explaining eliminating a clean reaction rings so true to me
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Ahhh, this is literally the one document I have needed my entire life
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
also the helping someone tell the story they want
also the stream of consiousness, MAn
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I think I'll save that for my future high schoolers lol
some of the stuff said there is what I've noticed in the last few years critquing in academic settings but its nice to kno!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
People have given me stream of consciousness reactions before and they were the most helpful. Almost all the changes in the story from others' reactions were from stream of consciousness reactions, not intentional critiques
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, one of the most helpful "critique" I ever got was also completely unintentional
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
One of the most useful tips in this guide for me in particular is the "As a writer don't:" section. I struggle with it a lot.
On the note of things we are bad at in the comic-making process, I am very bad at taking critiques!(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
tbh for a long time, my biggest struggling point that's not in the "as a writer don't:" is "don't throw yourself into the void of self-hate." I'm better now, but boy, when it was bad, it was bad.
But perhaps that kinda thing better fits into "as a person don't:"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I am pretty good at taking critiques, but pretty bad at giving critiques! Right now the point I'm at is I'm just gonna not give critiques until I'm more mature
But then after I decided that an amateur writer friend told me his story idea that I not only disliked but was sort of offended by
and I really wanted to tell him but I didn't know how to do it nicely...
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
oh no
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
yeah, that's really tough
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I tend to do kinda a sandwich method. I had to say some rough things few days ago on a practice pitch run and I pretty much said
Deo101 [Millennium]
Uh oh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
"Your idea is developing for sure, but I think you need to reconsider some of the world building choices you done. Have you thought of researching such and such."
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
That's basically what I said
But I think I had to say "research ffs" in increasing intensity like 3 times lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh, nice, the "let's give them compliments too so that they know I'm not just being mean" method
It's a good method tbh
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Rip it's not that like
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo might have something to say about this but it was about schizophrenics in a mental institution being portrayed in a real weird way by someone who didn't know anything about it(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ah man
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'll always stand by "asking people who've lived what you're writing about is the best form of research and can't be replaced"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Yeah I would said the to the person consider researching more on the topic and interview folks who have schizophrenia
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Dude I brought you up lmao
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and also like "is there a reason you want to depict it this way?"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I know I'm agreeing idk... Idk what else I'd have to say on the topic
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's a very good question to ask someone
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and depending on their responses, I would just put my two scents in there that rip
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I always ask "what are your goals?" Before I ask anything else
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
critiques are kinda my strong point sinc eLMAO I do em all the time in my class
and teaching so yeah LOL
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo I mean I brought you up to this guy like saying "my friend messaged people online and they were super willing to talk to her you could do that"
Deo101 [Millennium]
OHHHHH gotcha
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I try my best to figure out what they want out of it and just deliever with some handful of suggestions
but I won't sugarcoat it unless you're a high school student or younger lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I'm often told I'm a lil too harsh but like idk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I wouldn't say sugar coating it per say... More just telling them what their strengths are too, so that they have an idea of where they're at
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
telling someone their strengths is just as useful as telling them their flaws
that way they can highlight them
like just because you story has no flaws doesn't mean it's good right?
gotta have stuff that stands out in a good way as well
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Someone once phrased it as "Let's list everything that's wrong here, and find out how we can fix them" vs "How do we take this to the next level?" and that really resonated with me. It's not about sugarcoating; it's more about helping them get to the next level in the direction they wanna go.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I try to point out things that are going well, and I usually try to only point at things that ppl can work on immediately
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I should phrase my statement more clearly. But yeah Kei that's what I usually look for when critiquing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's often no need to tell them "your writing is only at level 3, and that's bad because the max level is 99." Just tell them how to get to level 4.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I dont' see it like its something bad but something that is challenging to them at the time
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Unless they have extremely unrealistic expectations or whatever that are standing in their own way
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
just have to figure out how to get out of the hump
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yep. I see this phenomenon in animation a lot. A good animation director will help you boost your existing work to something stronger, but still yours. A bad one will tell you to do it their way, and chide you for doing it ‘wrong.’
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I know a person like that and lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's why I always ask "what are your goals" to start
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
🌈ERROR404 🌈
I totally agree!!!! A LOT of the most important bits of great criticism is understanding exactly where the original creator was intending to go, and formatting your statements around helping them achieve that!!!!!!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Critiques are impossible if you don't know what the person is trying to achieve
🌈ERROR404 🌈
Just stating things that you would change if you were making it may seem useful and relevant to you the critic, but unless the creator is headed the exact same direction as you, they have just as much reason to invalidate the entire statement as they do to nit pick out the things they care to agree with
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sometimes a prospective critic is simply too far removed from the target audience of the work, like on a fundamental level, and it makes it impossible to give them useful feedback. I think it's important to acknowledge that this can happen. It happens to me a lot and I just decline to give crits when it does.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, like don't ask me to critique a comic about sports lmao
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree on that notion, esepcially when seeing professional aritsts giving crits to folks starting out but it doesn't go as er ideal as they thought it would be
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's why I usually only seek out criticsm (for more than just general direction/advice) from people who's work I like
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I remember reading advice on getting beta readers, and it’s really REALLY important that they’re excited for your stuff. They want to make it better. They care. They can give critique, but they absolutely must be jazzed about your subject matter in some way, or else it’ll be a slog for everyone.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
for me, I have my peers who I contact daily and we give each other advice, tips
despite having er difference interests in fields, but we experienced a lot in our program lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes... (Speaking of if anyone wanted to beta read my next comic uhhhh let me know id love to have u)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
very good point claire
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
100 percent agree Get people who are excited and know your vision
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I have a small group of writer friends who know all my goals and a lot of my stuff? So they make a very good little critique circle, and we all help eachother
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm always ready to beta read if it's a concept I enjoy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like people who critique comics they hate. I'm like, damn, tough work but also ?? why
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(Be careful about people who are excited about what they think is your vision.............)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Fish is this a callout for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Keii I experienced the oppisisite like rip
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's just mystifying to me, I don't think it's wrong or anything
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also crona I'll send u when I'm at my comp
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
What do you mean Tuyetnhi?
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Ohh that would be oof to deal with Kei
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I had to let a person down to reality bc I know they're excited about their idea but uhhhh
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
(Is it the fish romance?)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it wasn't engaging to me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes that one qjdjfkskdkk
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
nor my illustration friends
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I don’t have beta readers but I think that’s how it all goes lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
and we were like
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh that's awkward
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Ooooooohhhhhhh... oof
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I have a couple friends I send pages to sometimes but they're always really positive about it
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
It was a rough critique
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Having creative friend circles is so essential for growth and screaming at eachothers works for motivation too
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also just the ability to talk about your process without having to explain yourself
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
agreed lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I occasionally tap my fiance's shoulder and shove my sketches in his face with zero context, just to make sure he can figure out what's going on without me explaining. Super helpful
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I feel like I have a couple friends where, when I read their stuff, I know things that would amp their work up tenfold. But until they ask me... I’m screaming inside lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
my friend always makes me feel like i'm a better writer than i am because she thinks so much like me she gets everything i write perfectly lol. But then I post and the comments are like "wtf i'm confused"(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah feedback is most effective when both sides are open and invested
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Claire Senpai Wants To Help
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
also same crona(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Claire senpaiiii
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
But until then I remain still and supportive
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
why don't you ask them "can i suggest things?"
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I try and keep my mouth shut
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
or "do you want suggestions?"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
eliushi [Keyspace]
I usually say what I like about it first and then. Are you looking for feedback?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tbh hearing "can I suggest things?" Usually comes off kinda like "I see stuff wrong with this :)" which can hurt a little even then
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
🌈ERROR404 🌈
At least for my comic, i have sent bits and pieces for critique from creators i am friends with , but i'm really hesitant promoting myself because I don't feel like I'm not at a place to even get a critique i'll be able to make anything of. O(--( i really don't know what I'd do if someone tried to seriously analyze my plot and break down the story right now
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's really hard, because a lot of people (myself included) get scared when someone else asks, "Do you need help?"
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually trust ppl to say whether they're looking for feedback
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Its always so tricky to gague the reactions of that. Some people handle that better than others So i only offer when they open up
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Based on how people can get about even the offer of critique, yeah, I tend not to say anything. That’s their baby. If they want to open that door, then I’ll poke my head in
eliushi [Keyspace]
True too. I’m already in forums where feedback is wanted so I’m already in selection bias
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, I like to only offer crits if someone is asking for it for that reason
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for the record i'm always open to critiques
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
kinda mutal agreement on don't chime in unless asked lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, at least in my groups we send things like "hey this and this are bothering me? Can you help?" And other than that it's just support
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, that's a good idea
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
for both parties. For me, If it's something that I need thoughts I ask but otherwise, lmao my social circles ask me for help for their art stuff
Deo101 [Millennium]
We never agreed on that btw it's just kinda how it goes
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
That's a nice group way to handle that AND make the space more breathable for others who are more nervous about crit work
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
eliushi [Keyspace]
There’s a time and place for everything and feedback is no different
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah! Like here we have seperate chats for help and sharing
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
When someone asks me if I'm open to suggestions, my reaction is usually "nOOoooOo..." but not always. I think it helps a ton if there's an existing rapport, like if I already know this person gets, REALLY gets, my work.
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
And that's okay Keii!
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah I’m super thankful for my betas for that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yee same
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s very rewarding when people are also invested in your work to make it better within your means and style
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Honestly u gotta do whats best for u and ur mindset in the end.
Deo101 [Millennium]
It also is a little but awkward to say "no I'm not open to suggestions' cause it feels like you're saying "I don't care to improve" when in reality it's more like "no... I'm happy with this and I don't want it to be soured"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I love the fact that if I post in #creator_art_share, nobody will critique me unless I ask. And if I post in #art_help, I can get that help. So incredibly nice
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yes! Thats very respectful
eliushi [Keyspace]
So key
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Omg Deo.....such a mood LOL
Deo101 [Millennium]
I always feel so bad saying no thanks but it's like it looked good I thought
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
omg, I felt that in my soul
We beat ourselves up enough as it is
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Sometimes i know my work can be farty but... I dont also want perfection in every facet of my pieces too and thats okay! Some are learning pieces, others more indulgent
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think I'd be very hesitant to accept ideas that will utterly break my core plot... unless someone comes out and outright tells me something about it is offensive or wrong or otherwise bad. But critique on the connective tissue between the bones, so to speak, heck yes. I've gotten some much better ideas from that.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
e.e even if i post in art share i would be honored to receive a critique from any of you
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oh, if someone comes to me with suggestions that are that incompatible with my vision, I'm getting outta there.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but i don't wanna post every single thing i do in art help hm
but maybe i should
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I am SO getting outta there.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I did had some suggestions that didn't... really help with my comic most of it are just comments and not pure criticism
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Just post it lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah it's probably best to leave crit in the crit section so as not to break that unspoken rule.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
To signal to the rest of us
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea your vision is key, and i find that people who crit the work need a basic understanding of it for it to be a True Crit
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yeah it's probably best to leave crit in the crit section so as not to break that unspoken rule.
good point
i wouldn't want people critiquing me to make others feel like it's okay to do that to everyone
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
A good attitude!!! Y'all are very respectable this is a wonderful topic
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
eliushi [Keyspace]
I think the best feedback is one where it makes your work become more effective within your vision. Sometimes it’s finding the betas who are invested but I also find betas who focus on different crafts also can offer a lot of wisdom. I find it comes down to being open and it’s never a bad thing to ask for clarification
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
[also writes this down for a potential lesson actvity for high schoolers] (edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, a critique is supposed to help the work become a better version of itself, not a better [something else]
Deo101 [Millennium]
Mostly with true beta reading I am looking for "how clear is my work coming off to someone who knows nothing of my lore and backstory etc?"
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I like the idea of having at least one beta reader who's a writer, and at least one who's not. The writer can dissect things a bit more than a 'civilian' could while the civilian can look at surface-level things and react as the audience majority might.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
multiple beta readers are a blessing lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cause with my friends, they already know everything I'm planning, so i worry a lot that they are putting together things that a regular reader wouldn't
So yeah same thing as a "civilian" reader, sort of!
eliushi [Keyspace]
For sure. Within my critique group I have novelists, webcomic creators and artists. Those who read the complete script and those who haven’t. It’s important to have all sides I find
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Dang you people with your luxury of multiple beta readers... I don't even have one (but it's mostly my fault; my scripts are unreadable)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
omg lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm sure you could use many of us as beta readers if you wanted to!
that surface-level 'first gut reaction' crit can be SO useful
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I change dialogue too frequently for a beta reader to have a fair chance, lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I started early with one years ago, but now I have like 5-10ish but they can't help me at the same time lmao
I agree upthread with when it was said that some of the most helpful crit was given unintentionally lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
same. i asked some people, including deo and crona, for a beta read of a script a while back but then ended up changing most of it lol(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
Most of my betas I found in forums like these! I’m sure a lot of us want to help each other out!
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually only share stuff once I have at least a solid sketch and dialogue is in
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
so much changes in the thumbnail/layout stage for me. SO MUCH. whole scenes get swapped/cut/extended
I never keep it the same way
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't like to share scripts cause also I don't usually script much anyways lol
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) As a long-time reader of HoK, I would be more than happy to beta read if you ever wanted it. Just throwing that out there!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
same Lazuli like
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'd love to beta read for anyone too
I prefer sharing sketched pages because my scripts usually change SO much in between being written and going onto the page
like, sometimes they're outright unrecognizable
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
@Deo101 [Millennium] Same. The couple times I really wasn't unsure about a scene, I had to find someone and give them cleaned up thumbnails
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I don't share more than sketched pages with dialogue
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
SUPER cleaned up thumbnails
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
from thumbnail to final, like they aren't the same from before lmao
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Most helpful critique for me was just someone engaging with the story. "Man I love - and -, they're such good friends, but - pisses me the fuck off" and that was my intention, but i realized it was coming on a bit stronger than i liked and changed the next scene dramatically to make a future plot point where the last character needs to be trusted feel more earned(edited)
(anyone who seriously is down for beta reading, I have 3 finished chapters burning a hole in my buffer hhnnnnggggg)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah cause also like, 80% of the crit is usually "well this paneling is unclear" kind of stuff too
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
also i don't mind if anyone is asking me to beta read
Deo101 [Millennium]
Which you can't do from a script anyways
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
or (I don't usually do this often but)
I'm also a sensitivity beta reader too
so if you have questions about POC stuff, asian-american, er mixed-asian or mixed-black experiences
I'm willing to help lmao
but i'm just one perspective to the table
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
A lot of comments, not critiques, have influenced scenes I put later too. Things to clarify, expand, emphasize. I take every comment like that as an idea. I love knowing what the readers hope to learn.
eliushi [Keyspace]
I’m in the midst of a 180k plus word count novel beta and alphaing a couple works but once that’s all done, happy to take a look too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Getting trustful beta readers i gotta say again is so important bc sometimes when asking for some, u run into betas that are there to just exploit that privilege too (tho rare) And!!!! Be respectful of ur betas on the other side of the spectrum
Deo101 [Millennium]
Exploit how?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like to read your work early?
eliushi [Keyspace]
Definitely pick your betas wisely
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Usually just the free ride of Knowing the Story or the opportunity to just Constantly Crit (non helpful) bc of personal reasons
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'm imagining having someone sneak in as a beta and reveal they're a rabid toxic fan trying to influence the plot to their liking. As an absolute worst scenario
Deo101 [Millennium]
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea.... There's def ppl out there that would do that THOUGH RARE again. I think that's more of like Competition in the field or spite? But ive heard it happening and its not cool
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like people just looking for a free ticket to complain about your work?
i can see that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Oh yeah, I had folks like that before
after that I'm just like "thank you for your time" and block them after LMAO
Deo101 [Millennium]
That sucks :(
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yea And u can always tell a sincere crit from a one that comes from a place of malice and ill intent pretty easy.
eliushi [Keyspace]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Still!!! A horrible experience
Deo101 [Millennium]
:< yeah
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah.. I've never had anything like that happen, but wow... that's a terrifying notion
eliushi [Keyspace]
You tend to want to know your betas more than just them being a reader too. I like to think my betas are my friends and it’s a two way street where I help them too
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Some betas sign papers of confidentiality to avoid these instances of people running off with ur work too
eliushi [Keyspace]
There are paid betas but that’s business side and yeah Krispy
Deo101 [Millennium]
eliushi [Keyspace]
I don’t have them for mine
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Its scary bc we're all so small and our work is mainly for free U have to be wary of this
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I could easily see myself getting sucked into a bad situation like that I trust people too easily sometimes
but ugh... ya gotta learn
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s good to know the risks. That being said, I think the rewards of having a good beta far exceed the bad apples. You have to set good boundaries
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Not that any of yall would do this omgjghg
Deo101 [Millennium]
Same Claire ajdjdnsdjjjdjdjdjddj
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
gonna steal all y'alls IDEAS
eliushi [Keyspace]
It’s also totally valid to say, hey something came up and I can’t beta anymore
Key is communication
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
lmao ya gotta kill me for my ideas
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Isossn Watch out for that Claire lady
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Omg Eli yesssSSSSS that!!! Is important for both creator and beta to have that communication
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh no, my precious ideas!!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eh even if u steal my ideas you can never steal my characterizations!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
just steal everything and make a horrible hodgepodge of all of our webcomics, like some sick frankenstein's monster
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't think my ideas are the best part of my stories anyways :P
Ahsjdjfjdjfjdjfjdififiididkfkdje Frankensteins webcomic
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
my ideas are relevant to my cultural background so I'm like lmao
eliushi [Keyspace]
I learned from my novel days that ideas are dime and dozen and it’s the execution that counts(edited)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I would actually love that tbh
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Oh no id read it tho XD
Deo101 [Millennium]
Massive crossover event
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
eliushi [Keyspace]
Super smash bros when
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I really want people going into healthcare to critique my personal statement, but I won't send it to anyone because I've legitimately heard of people stealing others' personal statements and getting both people rejected
Deo101 [Millennium]
eliushi [Keyspace]
That’s scary and unfortunate
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's almost worse than stealing a story idea because you're stealing like
someone's life story??
or their personality??
it's extremely strange to me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's ??????
eliushi [Keyspace]
I would consider having a mentor look over your statement but that’s veering off creator babble territory
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh i am doing that and very very thankful to them
Deo101 [Millennium]
Good suggestion and good point
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
After recently seeing a whole comic style/theme completely and obviously lifted from another one... yeah, the things that make your comic yours? They can absolutely be stolen whole-cloth
It's scary
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh no
god what even is the fun in that??
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I don't know. I really don't.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
you know what i want to spend years doing? telling a story that's already been told, except worse!
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had someone steal designs before
dpsofasdj I am so curious about these cases now aaahhh
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ppl do steal stuff. But what sucks for them is I'm the one with a brain and I can make new things
eliushi [Keyspace]
I’ve seen similar styles but have not seen a purposeful recreation of another’s style whether as impersonation or plagiarism
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
i just read a webtoon that was "inspired" by an anime with many ideas from anime too
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
It was a case where I always thought the two looked surprisingly similar, but then... yeah, you learn more things and you go AW GOD OKAY
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
this, and offensive stuff, is a case where i think unsolicited critique is 100% okay
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, though then it's the line of "is it offensive just to me? Or overall?"
Though I guess saying "this offended me" isn't horrible or whatever
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think of the trend of lgbt youtubers making videos making fun of anti-lgbt crap and that's a case where i'm like yeah! pile on!
You have a good point and there are cases where something is almost objectively offensive
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, and then there are other cases where ppl are offended by how I've decided to have no homophobia where it's like "okay sure but I'm not doing anything wrong"
But yeah there are definitely times where it's like "no that's bad for sure and I'm allowed to be critical of and mad about it"
I also think there's a difference between criticizing mass media and criticizing independent media
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Wait What what omg???? Thats???? So backwards
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
well, here's an anti-critique. it offends me when someone says that being lgbt must be hard and sad all the time!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah! I'd agree with that LOL
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
can I just be happy
as a bi woman
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ahdjfjskfkdkckskfksdksk yeah
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
So true tho!!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
God, I hate that argument
Deo101 [Millennium]
Though I do think that its worth it to open yourself up to that kind of critique to potentially reach the people who do need your story
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Yes def agree
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
True true
If there's a blind spot you're missing, then for sure
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, I was meaning more like "you can't please everyone, but that shouldn't stop you from trying your best anyways!"
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Ah! also true
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like not necessarily blind spots, but more like. Some people will be mad no matter what sorta thing
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
so tru
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yeah for sure. I've tried to cover my bases on certain things in my own work, but I'm sure if it ever gets bigger, someone will be unhappy about something.
I'm not ready for that day, but... maybe it'll come
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah. Like I said I had someone get mad at me for not having homophobia
Where it's like... Okay stop reading then cause this isn't the story for you
Actually my friends replied to then and they did kinda turn around on their thinking, I think, so that was nice!
There's something I'm bad at for the question, is replying to my comments
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh? :0
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
okay sometimes i've said to my friends "yo weird ass comment, right?" and they've gone and defended me like way extra hard
i'm always grateful but also a little (edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah same. .
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
too mch man
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah it's like Thank you but
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I do have some weird comments but the ones that I just kinda trying to offend me
I don't look at it till after a few months and respond to them calmly lmao
no point for me to just get rilied up for someone trying to get on my nerves but rip that's probably just me and how I deal with that stuff in irl too
I don't let my friends go after bozos lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah for me I just like. Try really hard to be diplomatic, I guess? But it takes a lot of energy
When what I WANT to say is "lol read another comic then" or something but I try to think of a way to be nice
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yee I understand on that. for me I'm just say it as it is if at's the moment but for more heated comments I address them after a few months lol
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I haven't gotten any weird randos yet apart from... one legendary one But things are always calmer on your own site far away from Tapas/Webtoons
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree on that but lmao
I did had one angry commenter going agro for few of my pages
and I looked at it and I was like "Oh worm man"
they were just reacting to my characters being shit LMAO
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
very good
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I ignore it tbh. I recently had someone comment "All lives matter" at the end of my comic because I included "Black lives matter" at the end. And I honestly knew i didn't have the mental fortitude to explain to them why that was so rude and missing the point.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lol my mom is saying that stuff and i'm just like :|
okay mother
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I guess for writing for me, now thinking about it is that
on the prompt: I don't respond quick and I'm not really active much on interaction but I want to try more
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I haven't gotten any weird randos yet apart from... one legendary one But things are always calmer on your own site far away from Tapas/Webtoons
I really haven't either though! Just a few people saying mildly :| things, no hate or anything. Wt is not always as scary as its reputation
or maybe i'm in the eye of the hurricane idk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I have had mostly good experiences too
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had mostly good too!
I know I complain a lot but really I'm just salty and that's just a few bad things here and there
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
The comment I was thinking about earlier was just an innaccurate interpretation of characters' feelings. They thought some people had a romantic history. I wasn't going to respond but my friend went all "if you actually read the comic you would see th- " and I was thinking omg tone it down a bit
Deo101 [Millennium]
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
never underestimate the Friend Army
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I had a reader I didn't know defend me in the comments once. The original commenter was complaining about the length of my updates, and the other reader started railing on them. It was powerful lmao. I didn't even need to say anything
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh! same
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've had some ppl defend me or explain for me and it's like. Idk a special kind of magic ahahahah
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh for sure! It feels magical to know that some of your readers passionately love your work
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Update-length complainers are so cathartic to smack down. Not that I've done it, I just... like seeing it
You're getting a free comic. Made by a human with a life. Chill
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
All my comments are normal where are my weirdos
someone take some of my weirdos, my comic attracts them
but not really because i accidentally gave claire one of my weirdos and i feel Sooooo bad
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
i feel im still a long way off from getting anyone with my comic
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
weirdos are contagious apparently
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
You don't have to be popular to get a weirdo
Sometimes like... you could have 1 regular commenter and that person is a weirdo
or not even a commenter, you show your work to a RL friend before posting it online, and the friend takes off their mask dramatically, and reveals their True Identity as a professional weirdo
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for real, i was posting on SJ and had all of like a dozen followers and one guy went through and heavily critiqued a ton of my pages
Like technical stuff like paneling and flow of action?
Also said my female lead looks like a man and my animation was nauseating lol
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
heh well after i do this current update im working on, i'll be scraping how ive been doing updates and following some tutorials i finally found
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I like critique but even so that guy was :|
omg noooo sorry that happened fish! D: unsolicited critics are some of the worst
I guess that is the one thing I've been lucky with. I actually don't mind unsolicited critique, but I've never gotten any outside of one time someone corrected my character's grammar in the comments. Commentary like that is way more welcome than the occasional anonymous hate comment, and malicious article calling me a fetishist, which is all entertaining in its own way but not as easy to deal with. Now that critique is brought up I'm reminded that I need to work on how I respond to it. Like, I actually get kind of excited when someone takes the time to break down my stuff (even if it totally misses the mark with what I'm trying to accomplish), but I end up responding with a novel and sometimes it's worded in a way that sounds like I'm upset. I need to get better at keeping it short and sweet.
Feather J. Fern
I raise my hand to say I can't draw hands for the life of me still after praticing for a long time. I used all the techiques, tricks, and still my hands are just butts.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
make a universe where people have butts for hands
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is a really minor one and thankfully easy to correct after publishing, but: my ESL-ness shows sometimes, especially with prepositions and articles. My English isn't terrible; there's just some occasional "wait did they mean 'on' where they put 'in'..." That's on the surface level. I also can't do that 'just write the dialog and see how the characters bounce off each other' thing in English. I hadn't thought much about that until I started writing a story in Korean, and I was surprised how much easier it was to get flowin' with the dialog. I'm not toooo concerned about this one, as Get Flowin' is just one way of writing a scene. But it is a thing.
Feather J. Fern
Eightfish stop calling me out that I can draw butts better than hands okay(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
feather have fun drawing the gluteus maximus
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I see nothing wrong here
I'm bettign most people here can draw hands better than me.(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
S’okay, my hand drawing is pretty bad
Feet is...also an issue
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
The best reference is the one attached to you, I always say
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
or make your so pose for you
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
looks back at comic and sees lots of guy characters with slender palms MHMMMM
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ahahha i have the same problem
some guys have thick ass fingers when i look at them closely omg
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, everyone has pretty thin fingers in mine, because I have thin fingers(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Okay yeah not gonna lie I HAVE made my SO pose for me. Several times.
Oh yeah don’t forget
Guys can have hairy knuckles too
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I have had my SO pose his hands retroactively for me, imitating a panel I did And I was screaming inside LOL
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
this stuff makes me :00
Deo101 [Millennium]
I have hairy knucles and my hands are bigger than my dads
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Ughhhh, that's too much detail for me, Shadow
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Yoslslzlzrhlzxzzkhzhlztututs funnily enough my SO’s hands and mine are of similar length
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
For such a small person, I have really long fingers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
reminded me of a convo i had with some friends
they sent a reference and said they thought it was unrealistic because of how much the tendons stick out
and i said, no, that's how mine look
and it was interesting seeing the differences
Deo101 [Millennium]
everyone share hands
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I mean, especially since your fingers are stretched, the tendons stick out lol(edited)
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Someone told me I have piano fingers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
like i always think of my hands as the 'default,' because I see them the most but really there is much variation
deo has nice hands
look elegant
shadows hands look a lot like the rest of her :0
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
tall librarian
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Yeah true XD
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
My nails are super long rn
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Holy shit the manicures
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I did it myself
Deo101 [Millennium]
thank U i have lovely hands that are big as fuck, and I can use as a ruler
because my pinky and thumb can stretch out exactly 10 inches
this cup is 10 inches tall
youre welcome
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I have stubby baby hands as well as double jointed fingers, so I'm very aware my hands aren't "average" looking. Yet if I don't pay attention, I tend to draw hands kind of like mine
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Hahahaha, Deo!!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wow so useful i should measure my hands
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Me too tbh
Deo101 [Millennium]
I atually suggest it it comes in handy (ha) more than youd think
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i found a joint that measures exactly 1 inch and i use it so much
Deo101 [Millennium]
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Mine goes 8 inches
Deo101 [Millennium]
my hands are fookin hyuge bro
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
exactly 8 inches
omg your hands are huge
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Mine stretch out to just under 7.5 inches
Deo101 [Millennium]
in yalls defense I also have ehlers danlos so theyre probably stretching more than yours too
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I have smol hands because I am smol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
surprised shadow managed to find a way to measure in inches haha
Deo101 [Millennium]
she said it wrong its actually 8.5 cm
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
8.5 inches
I used a ruler
In cm it’s 21
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
she said it wrong its actually 8.5 cm
hm maybe that's why she thinks hands are hard to draw
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Deo101 [Millennium]
because she has tiny baby hands and can barely hold the pencil... yes
its all coming together
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
I will slap y’all with my tiny baby doll hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm learning so much about you all today
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Now you see my pain
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
o h wait do you play music crona?
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Uh... Not really. I've messed around on the piano, and failed at playing the French horn
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Playing instruments is hard for smol hands
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Feather J. Fern
My tiny hands compared to my pen XD
Also I took the picture close up and at an angle so not cone cna make fun of my writsts which are narrower than my computer mouse
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
my wrists are also narrower than my mouse, and my mouse is pretty small
Deo101 [Millennium]
mine's about the same as my mouse
Feather J. Fern
Yeah I got a pretty small mouse too, I been told by people to eat more becuase of my wrists (It's an Asian thing apparently) and I'm like "First of all rude, second of all my health is not any of your concern random lady on the street"
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Tiny wrist solidarity!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't have especially thin wrists but my hands are lowkey shaped pretty oddly. I only posted a photo of my hand petting a cat to FB and got a lot of comments like 'cute cat but what's with that hand????'
(it did look pretty weird from that angle. Like a noodle with a couple of noodlefingers at the end)
Oh no Vare ;;;;;3;;;;;;;;;
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nadziejastar · 5 years
You know what the retcon of Lea and Isa being apprentices makes really odd? Saix and Axel not being considered founding members of the Organization, despite being around before it became a formal thing. It indicates that they were never seen as equals, which makes more sense if they weren't considered part of the group at any point. Otherwise the distinction loses a lot of meaning.
Lea and Isa Were Not Apprentices
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Lea: One day we’re apprentices, the next Ansem the Wise has up and vanished, the day after we’re Nobodies, the day after that we’re doing icky jobs for Xemnas.
Indeed, they’re definitely never treated as equals. The novels really drive that point home. According to Lea, everything apparently happened in a very small window of time. I guess this fact is supposed to account for their outsider status. Sounds like it was only a matter of days between them becoming apprentices, and Ansem the Wise getting banished. Let’s take a look at how ill-conceived this whole scenario is.
Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that. I am blessed with people’s smiles and respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand. I believe darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop can spread and swallow the heart. I have witnessed it many times. Darkness…Darkness of the heart. How is it born? How does it come to affect us so? As ruler of this world, I must find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by the darkness.
This is the only one of the original reports that Ansem himself wrote. He wants to do everything he can to prevent the spread of darkness.
My efforts these many years have come to fruition, with the world I govern having become a paradise worthy of being called “Radiant Garden.” Nurtured by the pure water that is the source of life, fragrant flowers bloom in abundance, and the people face each day with hopeful smiles. But where there is light, darkness also lurks. As noted in my earlier reports, I must solve the mystery of this “darkness of the heart.” This paradise depends on it.
He seems kinda paranoid about it, honestly. But he’s the ruler of Radiant Garden, so he feels responsible for the welfare of his people. It makes sense. Ansem’s a good guy. He took Terranort in and tried his best to help him.
If I explore Xehanort’s heart with psychological tests, I may be able to recall the past locked away within. My apprentice Even has also shown great interest in Xehanort’s memories. But is he really the right subject? Xehanort does indeed exhibit extraordinary talents…Too extraordinary…Perhaps they are even superhuman.
He was apprehensive about experimenting on Terranort, though. There was something unusual about him, and it unnerved Ansem.
I have made a grave mistake. My study of the “darkness of the heart” began with a simple psychological test and quickly snowballed. Spurred on by my youngest apprentice, Ienzo, I constructed a massive laboratory in the basement of my castle.
But he begins the experiments, anyways. Apparently the results were initially favorable, and he was optimistic enough to build a massive lab in his basement.
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After his initial experiments on me, Ansem the Wise ceased his research into the heart, his hand stayed by some fear I cannot fathom.
But after the initial experiments…he stopped his research. He was filled with fear for some reason. This is before he found out about the experiments on darkness. Something was not quite right about Terranort, and Ansem was picking up very negative vibes from him and Braig. He got freaked out and called everything off.
Unbeknownst to me, my six apprentices then began collecting a large number of subjects on which to perform dangerous experiments into the “darkness of the heart.” As soon as I found out, I called my apprentices together and ordered them not only to cease their studies, but to destroy the results of their research thus far.
He finds out later that his apprentices carried on the experiments without him, and they went much further than he ever would have condoned. And feels horrified. There were a large number of subjects who had dangerous experiments performed on them. He orders the destruction of all their research.
Xigbar: The Chamber of Repose. If you recall, that’s where we spent our time researching the darkness that resides within people’s hearts. It’s a graveyard that was sealed by order of Ansem the Wise.
And also seals the basement lab.
What on earth was happening within the hearts of my six beloved apprentices? While pursuing the mystery of the darkness of the heart, could they themselves have strayed into its depths? Yet I remain the most foolish of all, for having begun these experiments. We are not meant to interfere in the depths of another’s heart, no matter what our reasons for doing so…And my error plunged me into despair.
He is in shock and blames himself for interfering with Xehanort’s heart. He takes on all the blame, so he doesn’t have to accept the full extent of his apprentices’ atrocities. He cannot accept that they are capable of such evil. They are his “beloved” apprentices, after all. He wants to think that the power of darkness was to blame.
Upon discovering the tests I’ve been conducting, my master demanded that I cease my work immediately and destroy what research I have compiled. Worse still, he ordered the release of my remaining subjects. She is gone. Where is Subject X now? Has “wise” Master Ansem hidden her away?
But he’s not stupid. He cares for his apprentices, but of course they cannot be trusted right now after everything they did. He takes the girl away from Xehanort, and hides her away someplace safe.
Am I alive? I awoke in a cell, alone until the researchers came with their tests and their prodding to uncover my identity. I had no answer to offer them. Four friends, and a key…that is the sum total of my memory. I could not even recall my name. I was simply called “X” there. My only solace was the time I spent talking with the two boys who would visit from time to time. One day, a man came to take me from the prison. I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch. Even now, years on, I feel no closer to understanding who or what I am. May my heart be my guiding key.
Presumably, Ansem was trying to rehabilitate her after that. She is lucid enough to talk. And look what was done to her. She was imprisoned in a cell and definitely subjected to torture.
We slipped into the castle that day knowing only that we wanted, with all our hearts, to save her. But we did not find her inside on that day or the next, or any of our subsequent visits. Had she been moved? Had we simply imagined her? Lea and I knew there was only one way to be certain.
After the girl is taken away by Ansem, Lea and Isa notice she’s gone. She isn’t there any of the subsequent times they look for her either. Even at the time this was all taking place, they aren’t sure if they just imagined her. Which is just so…bizarre, considering she was apparently their entire motivation the whole time. But whatever. They wanna find her.
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Lea and I knew there was only one way to be certain. And so we stand before the castle gates today, not as trespassing children but in order to become Ansem the Wise’s newest apprentices.
So they show up at Ansem’s front door and ask to become apprentices. How did they get an audience with Ansem, anyways? He’s the ruler of Radiant Garden. He’s like royalty. Isn’t that why they wanted to sneak inside the castle in the first place? Because two random kids would never be allowed anywhere near the castle or Ansem? But all they had to do was knock on the front door? Whatever. Ansem is approached by two random teenagers who ask to be his apprentices. And he says…yes!? Why in God’s name would he say yes!?
A visitor from another world soothed my dejected soul. A tiny king named Mickey came wielding a legendary key — the infamous “Keyblade,” said to bring both chaos and prosperity to the world. He was very knowledgeable on many topics, and we deepened our friendship as we conversed companionably.
Ansem wasn’t in a good state of mind. He was still in shock and looking for answers after everything that happened. During all this chaos, Mickey arrives. They talk about what’s been going on.
Ansem the Wise: The doors that appeared. The place the Heartless seek. I fear my research may have brought this upon us…
Xehanort: Master Ansem. Regarding the experiment I presented the other day…With your permission, I’d like to proceed—
Ansem the Wise: I forbid it!
Ansem the Wise: Forget this talk of doors, and the heart of all worlds. That place must not be defiled!
Xehanort: But, Master Ansem! I’ve been thinking…
Ansem the Wise: Xehanort…Those thoughts are best forgotten.
He still didn’t know what to do at that point. Xehanort was still doing some kind of research at the time Mickey arrived. Ansem knew what they did was terrible…but he still cared about them. He also knew the Heartless had some connection to the experiments, and that they were drawn to the door that appeared in the castle basement. He was very angry that Xehanort still was interested in that door.
Upon his advice, I decided to review the data obtained at my basement lab.That is when I discovered the “Ansem’s Reports.“ Though they bore my name, the only one I had written was number 0. Apparently he had gone on to pen numbers 1 through 8 himself. Yes — the first subject in my foolish experiments.
Upon Mickey’s advice, he checks the data in the basement lab and discovers the original Ansem Reports. Ansem obviously didn’t know the full extent of what happened before finding them. After this, he is banished to the Dark Realm.
In the “Ansem’s Reports” my apprentice Xehanort had written under my name, I found the records of his hideous experiments along with his hypothesis about the door that had appeared out of the darkness in my basement.
It’s simply outrageous that Ansem would have allowed them to be apprentices in the first place. He just found out that his apprentices were kidnapping people and doing inhumane experiments on them. He knew Xehanort opened a mysterious door and Heartless were appearing. He did NOT trust him. He is paranoid about the threat of darkness taking over, because he wants to protect his citizens.
He was wallowing in despair the entire time before his banishment. Yet he would allow two random kids to be his apprentices during this time? He would let them enter a dangerous castle with Heartless roaming around, and let them be around creepy “superhuman” Xehanort? Yeah, right. It also doesn’t explain why Lea and Isa were the only ones wearing the black cloaks at the time of their re-completion.
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Subject’s memories have not returned, and our conversations remain less than lucid. What fragments can be gleaned evoke a bygone world, like one out of fairy tales. As improbable as it seems, the question may not be where she has come from, but when. If she truly has crossed through time, the prospect of probing her heart is all the more compelling.
There are some things I found unusual about this report. First of all it contains the word “fragments”, which was supposed to be one of the key words for 0.5 A Fragmentary Passage. Also, it is worded as though Xehanort is monitoring her in the present tense. Subject X has no memories and is not lucid. She is not able to speak coherently as Xehanort writes this report on her. All present tense. And he speaks like he just discovered her or something.
My pilot studies used a handful of subjects, but none possessed the fortitude to endure them. Ultimately, all suffered mental collapse. I knew it would be a heavy blow to lose a subject as unique as she.
Upon discovering the tests I’ve been conducting, my master demanded that I cease my work immediately and destroy what research I have compiled. Worse still, he ordered the release of my remaining subjects. She is gone. Where is Subject X now? Has “wise” Master Ansem hidden her away?
Then, in the very next sentence, it switches to the past tense. She was a unique subject and he didn’t want to lose her. But she has already been taken away by Ansem and he wonders what happened to her. It felt like there was a time-skip or something. Like these should have been separate reports. I think these reports were simply plagiarized from Isa’s backstory and rearranged. But most of the wording probably didn’t even change.
Lea and Isa Were Test Subjects
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Lea: Then I met Roxas. Couldn’t believe it. The two of ‘em were identical. Oh, I didn’t tell Roxas. Didn’t want him to go vanishing on me, too. The kid’s name was Ventus. He’s one of the lost Keyblade wielders we’re looking for. Think he’s still got me memorized?
Kairi: Oh yeah. Very memorized.
Lea was totally open with Kairi about how much he hoped Ventus still remembered him. He had no problem bringing up the subject on his own. Now compare how he acts when talking about Ven, to when Kairi asked him about changing clothes.
Kairi: So, you gonna try yours on?
Lea: Uh…I dunno. Maybe later.
If he was only wearing the cloak for Roxas, why would he have dodged the subject like that when Kairi asked about it? He didn’t just say he liked the cloak and thought it looked cool. He got visibly agitated when he was asked to change clothes. Is it that big of a deal? It’s not like his friendship with Roxas was a secret. It’s how he met them in KH2. Why would being remembered by Roxas be any different than being remembered by Ven? Besides, it’s not like Roxas wouldn’t remember him without the cloak. Why did that question make him so uncomfortable?
Axel: Hey, I’m not about to tell you ALL my dark secrets. Got it memorized? I bet you keep a thing or two from me.
Roxas: I don’t have any dark secrets.
Axel: Ha ha, relax, would ya? I’m kidding. I just gotta keep my mouth shut about it, or else Saïx will get on my case. You know how he gets.
He acted similar to how he acted in Days whenever his past came up. He always used upbeat humor to deflect from that subject. But you could still tell there was something serious that he wasn’t sharing. That’s exactly how the scene with the black cloak seemed to me. He gave a lighthearted response to avoid talking about his past. It’s a very painful subject for him, so he never opens up too much about it to anyone. Ever. I think Isa being Subject X is the REAL reason Lea refused to change clothes. I’ll explain why.
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This is what I think the reports were going to say, if they stuck to telling the story of Isa as Subject X:
Subject was found in the basement shortly after dawn. Male, approximately fifteen years old. After seven days’ observation, he spoke his first words, but could not provide a name.
Simply changed the gender. Ansem discovers what his apprentices were doing and finds Isa. It took seven days for him to become coherent enough to talk.
Roxas: Have to hang onto something, right? It’s not like I have memories from before the Organization. Don’t you remember? I acted like a zombie.
Axel: Right, that first week you could barely form a sentence. But come on, you’re still kind of a zombie.
He has total amnesia due to severe trauma. He’s like Roxas was in the beginning. And yes, I do think that was meant to be a deliberate parallel.
Subject exhibits signs of profound amnesia, and our conversations remain less than lucid. What fragments can be gleaned suggest that he arrived here with another, though he cannot recall the name of his erstwhile companion. All efforts to explore those memories have met with a rejection response.
Replaced “concern for which world” with “concern for a friend”. All efforts are met with a rejection response because his mind is blocking out the that horrors he experienced.
Am I alive? I awoke in a cell, alone until the researchers came with their tests and their prodding to uncover my identity. I had no answer to offer them. A friend…that is the sum total of my memory. I could not even recall my name. I was simply called “X” there.
Replaced “four friends” with “a friend”. Isa vaguely remembers a friend, but that’s it. No names or details to give Ansem.
One day, a man came to take me from the prison. I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch.
The last thing he remembers is being taken from his cell by Braig. Something very traumatic happened to him after that. Probably involving his friend, which is why it’s the only thing he remembers.
After my initial experiments on Xehanort, I ceased my research into the heart, my hand stayed by some unfathomable fear. Yet this new subject is like him: devoid of memories. He is the perfect subject to benefit from my original work; by traversing the heart, we have a direct path into memory. My apprentice had begun to reclaim his lost past thanks to these very experiments.
Changed this to Ansem speaking instead of Xehanort. Ansem uses his own research on Isa to help him regain his memory, and atone for what his apprentices did. That’s why Saïx has Isa’s memories and orange eyes.
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My pilot studies used a handful of subjects, but none possessed the fortitude to endure them. Ultimately, all suffered the collapse of their hearts.
Meanwhile, Xehanort is upset that Ansem took Isa away. Replaced “mental collapse” with “collapse of heart”.
I knew it would be a heavy blow to lose a subject as unique as him. Upon discovering the tests I’ve been conducting, my master demanded that I cease my work immediately and destroy what research I have compiled. Worse still, he ordered the release of my remaining subjects. He is gone. Where is Subject X now? Has “wise” Master Ansem hidden him away? Whatever the case, I will not be deterred.
But he won’t be deterred. He’ll get him back. He doesn’t want to lose such a unique subject because he is the only one he has successfully turned into a vessel.
Sora: What are you saying? That he knew everything that would happen?
Young Xehanort: No, not everything. But remember, Ansem possessed Riku and saw his experiences in real time.
“Ansem” was able to see Riku’s experiences in real time as soon as he possessed him. Isa already had part of Xehanort’s heart in him, so Xehanort could see his experiences in real time, too. That’s how they found out where Ansem was hiding him. Isa was probably kidnapped right around the same time Ansem was experimenting on his heart. Who knows. Xehanort might have banished Ansem during the experiment, while he was diving inside of Isa’s heart. Isa was part Xehanort. If Ansem was inside of Isa’s heart when he was banished, that might explain why Xehanort went bonkers afterwards.
The human form of Xigbar, one of Organization XIII’s members. He became a Nobody during a certain experiment.
He turns everyone into Nobodies soon after. In the journal of KH3D, Braig is said to have become a Nobody during a “certain experiment”.
Braig: Hey! Do you remember now, or… Wait, did you never lose your memory?
Xehanort: That’s not my name. I’m not “Xehanort.” My name… is Ansem.
That would be the one that was shown at the very beginning of the game. Apparently, banishing Ansem caused Xehanort to experience memory loss again. And perhaps the experiment was an attempt by Braig to deal with that. Even and Ienzo were the first ones to lose their hearts. Braig was next. Eventually everyone arrived at the lab where that experiment was taking place, and Terranort steals all their hearts while calling himself “Ansem”.
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Lea: We’re people again. But only the ones who joined the Organization here. I guess Xehanort doesn’t count, but where are Braig and…Isa?
Lea and Isa were the only ones wearing the black cloaks when they became Nobodies. There was obviously a reason for that. The cloaks are meant to resist the corruption inflicted upon one’s heart by darkness. They were wearing them because they were NOT apprentices.
They were subjects of the experiments on the darkness of the heart. The cloaks were to prevent the subjects from getting corrupted, which would render them useless. Notice how Lea says the only ones here are the ones who joined the Organization. He’s separating himself from them. He didn’t join the Organization by choice like they did. He doesn’t consider himself to be one of them. He could barely tolerate their presence. The only thing he cared about was finding Isa.
Goofy: Gawrsh, Lea sure hurried back to Radiant Garden, and now Master Yen Sid’s sending Riku away, too, on some mystery errand.
Let’s assume that Lea went back to Radiant Garden after the end of DDD and finally learned the truth about what happened to Isa.
“Where is Lord Xemnas?”
“Where he usually is,” Zexion answered. Vexen frowned.
“The ‘sleeping room’?” Vexen muttered irritably.
“If it’s urgent business, how about you try going there?”
“Stop kidding around!” Vexen snapped, and turned his back on Zexion. “I can’t go there… can’t be helped. I’ll wait for him to return. Yah no, every second is precious… he only does this when I need him! Call it bad timing or call it…” Vexen, simmering and muttering, walked off.
Even is remorseful. He was so traumatized by what happened in that basement, he refused to go there as a Nobody. He was physically ill upon re-completion. He tells Lea the truth about what Xehanort forced him to do. He finds out that Saïx was really just a Xehanort clone with Isa’s memories the whole time. And Lea also has access to the reports.
Isa had Xehanort’s heart implanted in him after he was so badly traumatized, he had amnesia. When Ansem found him, he had no memories except that he was concerned for a friend whose name he couldn’t remember. And then Ansem experimented on his heart, during which he was banished. Soon after Xehanort—who also had those same experiments done to him— went bonkers, started calling himself Ansem, and turned everyone into Nobodies.
Kairi: But you always wear the same thing.
Lea: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This is how you pick me out of a crowd. I make myself easy to remember.
Even if he’s rescued, Lea has no idea if Isa’s memory is going to be screwed up or not. Will Isa even remember him when he wakes up? That experiment was the moment both of them lost their hearts. They were both wearing the black cloaks at the time. As far as Lea is concerned, that was the last time the real Isa has ever seen him.
Lea: I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people’s memories, I can live forever.
Isa: I know I won’t forget you. Believe me, I try all the time.
Lea: See, I’m immortal!
Is it any surprise that Lea refused to change out of his Organization cloak in KH3, and said he wanted to be easy to remember?
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taeguboi · 6 years
badboy!BTS Headcanons
Request:  ‘idk what this thought is but i think you might be able to do somethin with it and i thought of you when you reblogged some stuff tonight: what would bts be like if they weren't in bts and were bad boys? i was just thinking about what they might have done but then i also thought about how good jin would look in a leather jacket and fucking up people's heads like he's a bastard but he's handsomr so it's okay kekeke’
Notes at the end
Rap Monster: bad boy for justice
An afterschool bad boy
keeps to himself at school / work
but as soon as he leaves that building, it’s different:
fag in mouth, shirt loosened up for comfort
and he’s eyeing up any attractive girl that passes by
A gentleman to the ladies
Will drop kick the jerks that break their hearts
Has a surprisingly high set of morals
it just gets overlooked because of his bad boy aura and here’s why
Had his fair share of arrests
but to be fair to him, it’s mostly for a good cause
like he was the one that got provoked in a fight
or that thing he stole was actually something he was getting back for someone 
Basically won’t hate you if you’re cool with him though
“Hey, if anyone’s troubling you, don’t hesitate to call me, yeah?”
Brings back a lot of girls to his shared house
everyone thinks he’s a player
“ey up ‘Joon; who’s she this week?”
but it just genuinely doesn’t work out each time
they get put off by his tendency to fight 
Until he meets this one girl
she’s feisty and is just as verbal as he is passionate for justice / karma
They’re couple goals
and he proposes to her in a bar
but it’s their bar, it’s where they met and send like half their time together, so it’s romantic
She loves everything about him and rightly so
his passion, even if it may appear as unnecessary anger
his hard working demeanour despite his ‘common’ background
Yeah, he’s a bad boy, possibly only by appearance,
but he’s gonna build himself a good life
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Jin: the classic rocker
Let’s begin with that leather jacket
It’s genuine vintage leather 
he lets girls wear it in the cold on a night out 
and it’s like so heavy but cosy?
been to all the concerts
You invite him out to see some unknown local band for their first gig 
but somehow he’s already seen them and knows their full set
but he’s also seen the legends in arenas
Can’t forget the festivals
can’t forget the free love and ‘happiness’
Owns all the pubs and clubs by social status
enters the room and it goes silent for a moment
who will say ‘hi’ to him first?
It’s tricky because he’s so fucking magnificent and overpowering
So how did he get to this status?
He knows how to talk
no one makes a fool of him
will put up with 0% of anyone’s shit
gives no fucks when it comes to conversation
Will fuck with your head if you cross him
knows how to wrap people around his little finger
and then can drop them just like that
Sometimes he’ll be extremely witty
but nowadays he can say the pettiest thing and it has the same effect
Pretty much everyone is in his debt somehow
“You need [x thing] doing? Yeah, I know a guy that can sort you out”
So social
but doesn’t even own a phone
he just goes out every night
Has his local bar
his regular clubs
in which he pulls every night 
[in each club]
Very sensual
You’re one lucky girl if:
he takes you outside of the club to just talk to you
“You’ve been having a pretty good time in there, huh?”
“I bet you could have an even better time out here with me”
Will fuck anywhere, no matter who might see
and he’s never been arrested for it 
because he has his way with words
he can even bribe the police, and nothing
Becomes a bit of a biker
almost forms / joins a gang
but is way too independent to stick to it
Kind of a loner bad boy
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Suga: underground rapper
Underground rapper with all the swagger
He does it all
at least the occasional sesh
Will fuck many people, boys and girls
and he can do it every night because groupies
but is secretly a sucker for pretty boys
But he knows his bad boy nature can get him what he wants
Bar fights
Gets hecklers at his gigs but he puts them in their place
will jump off the stage to fight you
His regular venue only own 2 beer glasses now 
Could have the most supportive audience but will drive away into the night raising a middle finger
Can rock out any look
still looks hardcore that one time he performs in a dress
Barely dies his hair
Tries blonde once but does back to black 
because the roots come through in like 2 weeks
and then he refers to that fortnight as ‘that time I almost sold out’
Acts as if he’s the most tortured soul 
so you think you have some sort of connection
but fucks you and leaves you lmao
Has a ped
rides around randomly at night
drops off wherever he thinks he’ll get a good story from
write bad ass raps about his experiences
Gets wound up in quite some violent situations
it’s concerning how often he’s been at knifepoint
jumps on random cars
or hot wires then to dump in a lake
because why not
Agust D might never become a national household name
but it’s certainly a name known by everyone in town
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J-Hope: wandering skater boy
Sporty bad boy
Footie with his lads
Skateboarding home
flying across busy roads
almost knocking over pedestrians
He’s been stopped by the police for it
but they escort him home and are shook
because his mum is a bad ass, probably worse
Doesn’t smoke 
but beer is life
Drunken antics every night
Will do whatever to win a girl over
*leaves her name in massive letters outside her bedroom window*
“Holy shit Hoseok, how did you...”
*police siren*
*gets arrested for pulling down letters of shop signs*
Goes to shops and purchases wrappers 
because he’s already eating the food before he’s payed
Graffiti artist
lives for that adrenaline rush
can outrun the cops every single time
because he can jump over everything, get through everything, etc
and can run for hours
Bit of a wanderer
by day, he’s out with his lads
by night, he roams free
He doesn’t need wingmen or clubs to pull
no; he has what it takes 
to just approach that lonely girl sat on a bench contemplating life
and no matter how many times his parents insist he bring no one home
there’s always a way to sneak into his room
Sometimes he just roams for days
doesn’t tell anyone
comes back in 3 days with some badass tattoo and some mystery souvenirs
[souvenirs that he smokes in a day lmao]
[low key stoner hahahaha] 
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Jimin: ladies man aka the biggest flirt
His shirt is on/off like 50/50
Tastefully placed tattoos 
that don’t hide too much of his body
simple writing down either side of his abs
[think 2014 mama awards I think]
and a tattoo on his butt that was done for the lols
but it’s a story, like
“I have the illuminati on my butt”
Tongue piercings
which you get to see when he’s flirting
he’ll stick it out sometimes when begin suggestive
House parties always
Like does he even have parents around?
Works every day so he can pay for both bills and booze
He does up cars or something
You can show up and he’s not even at his own house yet 100 other people are
But when he is there to host his own house party, well...
all the bedrooms are occupied 
and it’s because he’s got a girl waiting for him in each room
what an exciting game, to see how many he can fuck 
before one of them finds out they aren’t the only one
holy shit Jimin there’s 5 bedrooms here how do you even--
that was the sound of a girl’s discovery
he’s used to it though
I think his face has built up a tolerance for the slaps because they happen that often
so he’ll basically grab whoever’s booty he wants
Those beautiful plump lips 
they weren’t just made for kissing and eating out though
they were designed for cigarettes
the way the smoke puffs out of his mouth is beautiful
low key erotic somehow?
Oh and the lip biting he does
paired with some smooth flirting
You’ll hear all the rumours about bad boy Jimin
and how you shouldn’t go near him
but you can’t help but give in to him and your curiosity
Honestly, it’s worth it; boy fucks damn well
Girls girls girls
He was that lad in school that the teachers hated 
for distracting the female students and making them swoon
Has always been shameless
Like in younger school years it was winking
and outrageous confidence
but then in later high school years
you find him touching you under the table
but was still a prat
always in the head master’s office
or isolation
or suspended
But he still managed to stay in the same school
even after hitting on a teacher
Turns up to prom in his usual leather jacket and jeans
actually, he just turns up anywhere however and whenever he pleases
You just have to let it happen
he never causes any real harm
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V: the punk activist
Gorgeous long hair 
He’s had it in some bold colours
Fiery red becomes like his identity
the condition of his hair suggests a feminine nature but oh...
He’s anything but that!
His voice is extra gruff and deep
and he knows he can use it to his advantage
to get girls
and to threaten people
99% of the time gets what he wants
Spends a lot of money on piercings
he has all the ear piercings you can think of
snake bites lip piercings
an eyebrow piercing
he has other piercings that he don’t always make use of
and *ahem* some more intimate piercings
Has been known to turn you on 
just by telling you about his ‘down there’ piercing
“wanna see?”
fuck me yes I do
and money on tattoos
almost everywhere
tattoos across his torso,
bad ass tattoo sleeves,
his back and up to his neck: still tattoos
and some of girl’s names to win them over
He doesn’t care how she doesn’t mean that much to him
as long as she’ll make a good story
Gets arrested at least once a month
Has some cheesy and heart-felt lines though beneath all that anger
Fucks so many girls but then realizes
he’s hella gay
“Damn, that’s a pretty boy”
but somehow he makes it romantic with another person
like he just parks he car in the middle of nowhere so you can enjoy the moonlight with him
So yeah, he’s poetic it turns out, but
Quite angry
like a Punk Oscar Wilde almost?
Can get political, very opinionated
Passionate for whatever cause he’s taken up this week
Graffiti to make statements
Forms a punk band to make statements
Smashes windows to make statements
but although he can get violent
he knows what he’s talking about and has solid views
Starts movements
Gets called a faggot once with his kinda serious boyfriend
suddenly he’s a huge activist in the lgbt community
Will get full on sexual in the middle of a shop 
to prove a point to a stranger who scoffs at him kissing a dude
*grabs his partner’s dick and makes out with him*
it shuts them right up as he starts jacking off the other guy 
right there and then
they’re chuckling into each other’s mouths
and oh, he ain’t afraid to finish the job
even if the stranger has long gone
He likes to make headlines in the local paper
no matter how odd or cringy it can get
his purpose is to have a voice
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Jungkook: restless muscle pig
Almost bipolar with his personality
New girl in town? There’s a Jungkook for that
Does extra jobs for extra cash
Some jobs are legit overtime work...
...some not so legit
But it gets him by so he can be a new person for each individual
Never fails to hit the gym daily
He’s never not in a vest since he reached his late teens
starts pointless fights
because of this pent up anger 
and need for attention on his efforts on his body
but then gets a serious caution from the cops 
that if it happens again, he could be looking at more than over night behind bars
so he takes up mma fighting or something
suddenly it’s a semi-professional career
girls love him 
but he doesn’t care
He’s still only down for nothing more than sex when it suits him
Loves his hard reputation
It gives him a personality to go by
No one really knows his past
but I think this lack of emotion is something to do with his childhood
as is the anger and need to work out
it was probably just something to do
Eventually decides to take some exams and get the qualifications he didn’t bother with as a kid
acts like he owns the college
and actually, he kinda does because of the arrogant mindset
like because he thinks ‘I’m the best’, it is so
the guys don’t fuck with him
he winks at all the girls 
and kinda misbehaves with them
“Hey [girl], if I get this piece of paper in the bin in one shot all the way from over here, you can give me your number”
*actually gets the shot and is secretly shook but acts like it was nothing*
Turns out he’s hella intelligent 
and understands every little thing instantly
but that doesn’t stop him leaving college 
to return to his normal life each evening
or sitting in the back of classes with his feet on the table 
and food on his desk
So he’s still a little untamed and out of control
He still causes the odd street fight
almost loses his licence to fight in a ring
and he still trashes places
and he still has no definite personality
But then this one girl at his college
she puts him in his fucking place
He gets paired with her for a project and he’s like
“So, I talk, you type?”
and she is like 
“Hell no”
Oh look, he realizes he’s whipped for a girl 
because she ain’t afraid to backchat him
Muscle pig but with some weaknesses
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Not sure if this has turned out too similar to my Fuckboi!BTS Headcanons but fuck it, there we go! I went by anon’s little thing about Jin as a basis for his hc and they’re not entirely based on what I think the boys would actually be like without BTS... Also for some reason, I feel different sexualities from them with these personalities so please don’t be offended... 
...and I’m not even sure they were all entirely bad boy things [esp the gifs they’re just all so soft hahaha] but it’s getting late and this took way longer to think about than expected [oml punk activist Tae with all the tatts and piercings is making my heart flutter so much even though it’s my own creation?]
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sushmita-devi · 7 years
Integrative Practice/ Academic Portfolio [IP03]
The anger, tension and frustration was built while scrolling down my Tumblr home page, looking at all those blog posts from the first year BCT students blog posts. The main reason for myself to be frustrated was knowing the minimum of blog post for portfolio is 30 including the assignments that were done throughout the semester for this paper Integrative practice. First and foremost, if the bar is set to a certain digit for the number of blogs that needs to be presented, then how and why are we expected to learn something new? I mean, things can be learnt in many ways as the obvious is stated but we all learn differently but isn’t it unfair to set up the bar which leads the students to focus more on the quantity than the quality? I also dislike Laurent’s friendly reminder, ‘Quantity without quality will not deceive us’ because this is limiting the students to their own learning and their effort is planted towards the quick outcome than a strong learning process. I personally think this is ridiculous because over 50% of the students in the class are simply confused by the fact if we are given an outline for the assessment then why are we told to do many posts to be successful and the ‘friendly reminder’ was enough for me to be disturbed for over a week now because studying while working isn’t easy which most of us has been doing.
Students are driven by the reality of writing as much as they can with a huge number of research just to prove the lecturers them individuals are worth the grade by disclosing their false reflection on their assignments but the question is... What has the individuals have learnt after presenting their 30 or more number of blogs? Some are done differently but after scrolling through a several blogs, it all looks like the articles are taken from the net and well explained with the overlapping research, proving the point of the first article. Managing a student time wisely is an effort that is difficult but needs to be maintained to at least pass and thinking about getting a grade over the given average is stressful enough. Although this was said to be a part of the assessment which I completely disagree to because to pass, I as a student must follow the rubric. In saying what is mentioned above, I have spent a reasonable hour over 10 hours this week going through my blog post related to CTEC500 for the first, second and third assignment, working on the broken blogs that needed to be fixed. 
We were told to fix up the blogs and, demonstrate a wide range of creative interests that are pertinent to your developing creative sensibility across the semester and locate, select and articulate a wide range of different sources of information (digital and analogue). First of all, if the rubric is given, in other behaviour this is a form of examination to check the students understanding towards the paper. If this is all that is provided and we are paying to learn, then why are there many sources provided on Google+ by Pete and Laurent for us to follow up on. This limits us from going outside the box because I personally would’ve done a lot of research on something that I am interested into and demonstrate that under a wide range of creative interest but because there was a lot of resources given, I couldn’t reflect any further but find something similar to those posts because I felt like they were expecting that high standard of everything. I have chosen to make use of a few resources and reflect on them with my own piece of research, keeping it opinionated, but as far as I am concerned and a wide range of creative interest was already demonstrated throughout the semester under every assignments even though I feel like I could have done much better if I have put in a little more effort but now that I finally view he rubric several time, it is now understandable how things are nicely placed in order for it to make sense and in this case, the past two assignments needed a demonstration of experimentations which I failed to show even though I had physically done my work but the only thing it was lacking was that it wasn’t posted as a part of a blog post. The last part for demonstration for this portfolio is to show an open and explorative approach to gaining information across the semester, providing a variety of conceptual, contextual, experimental and critical point of the connection which was clearly shown through the use of recent topics and my own personal approach to it as a whole to critically identify where I have went wrong in the given assessments and how could I have improved by describing and explaining what could have been done instead to aim for a better grade. The connections were not only shown between each tasks and assessments even though there were heaps but the connection was also shown through my mentality with cultural potential (different mind-set, being opinionated and being argumental about everything) towards my work and what is being delivered as an outcome. External research was a great help. These are all shown in my blogs is searched using #ctec500.
For the progress which the portfolio should show are findings, selection, process and articulating the decision and opinions well demonstrated within the hours spent revisiting my blogs and analysing for my own reflection. Also on a random note, as said about fixing the blog posts, I feel like it is an act of being dishonest about our work to get a better grade if we went back, fixed all our posts. If that was really the case, why even bother posting more sources on Google+ when all the students could’ve simply fixed their posts? Therefore, I have gone back and only fixed the spelling errors which I don’t see why couldn’t it be acceptable in any form but other than that, I have chosen my topics such as time management where I could explain myself as to what could have been done better for all the assessments, art exhibition to show what I have learnt, realised and taken into consideration as a heads up for next year and demonstration of extra hours for the week, APA referencing as this was my weakest point as discussed with Pete about my second assessment. I failed to provide my references under the APA style which I now understand its importance and reflected on one of the technology related article posted by Pete on Google+ to be on a safe side. Not only that but the topic itself was very interesting and I could relate because I like to imagine things that don’t even exits and try creating it having a 0% knowledge about what is being imagined. This article was about a man envisioning a product which could be useful but wasn’t taken into considering until after his death which means, later in the future, An example of my connection to this article would be the time back in the days when I used to own a mobile phone which had a feature that could record screens and I wished if there was another one of my favourite brand of mobile phones which could provide the same feature but surprisingly, this year the brand I wished for what could have the feature has now released the imagined/expected feature with a software update. Our future is advancing day by day but us humans live within the moment, wishing for things which has possibilities of existence in the future. This is all well related to the two assessments I have done with a strong pull-back point that can grow in the future and can be improved on.
The reason I have also reflected on the APA reference video is because after talking to Pete about my weak points, I wanted to once again show my understanding and improvement from what I have taken out from our short academic conversation and therefore, I have also done a lot of external researches on those individual topics to strengthen my knowledge. This was a great linkage between all three assignments as it required a lot of referencing with own opinions and digging deep into finding connections within each posts and the great linkage was shown in the very final assessment into the portfolio where everything is brought in together to summarise the overall.
Despite the fact I was going against having extra range of creative interest, I had planned to blog about ‘How history can take you to different places’ as I was heavily influenced by the statues from the art exhibition day out, ‘I am not dependant but I am addicted-based on coffee’ as this is part of my everyday life and this blog post would have had a lot of research and my own opinion on top with a lot of issues others and I have faced with and without coffee and health issue is one of them but I felt like this was something very personal. A topic on ‘Difference between dance and drama with and without emotions’ which I was going to demonstrate physically and video it and its effects on the audience and the outcome. Lastly a topic on the recent article ‘Does a culture clash cost my life' based on a Muslim girl who was a model by profession but is said to have committed suicide by the public but murdered by the family. All this was planned this week after the brief was given but as I said, I ran out of time as a lot of time was mainly spent in class on the studio || paper and the paper physical computing that my focus had sided off the rails for two days. Having said the blogs need to be perfect, I either get as much as I can get done now before the submission or after, I am willing to keep updating my posts every now and then during the holidays as this is the only documentation I would have to provide my employers later in the future for a work experience.
Overall, I have done my absolute best for this paper, yet to be improved as this is an on-going process with a lot of processes and experiments to be demonstrated. I wasn’t too sure what this paper was about at the beginning of this year as it felt like it was mainly based on working with different media but as the weeks passed by, we were asked to work on different topics, giving us many different experiences under different topics but after complaining about the fact we were asked to do 30 blogs because one of the students had apparently set up the bar on that digit the work load became stressful until I went through the rubric twice more.
On a serious note: this was one of the papers I enjoyed the most as it allowed me to do my own experiments and lets me learn my own way but to a certain standard which the requirements were given for me to meet. All the related post for the paper Integrative Practise is under #CTEC500.
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