#Annemiek Kessels
gacougnol · 2 years
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Annemiek Kessels
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moradadabeleza · 1 year
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Annemieke Kessels
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Annemieke Kessels
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ewigeduisternis · 1 year
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Annemiek Kessels
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misswoozi · 2 years
Imagine Seulgi or Moonbyul dressed like this
bro oh my GOD
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uninspire · 3 years
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wintercorrybriea · 3 years
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Annemiek Kessels
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libertynstyle · 4 years
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fonte @modedamour
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underwelmed · 2 years
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annemiek kessels
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gacougnol · 1 year
Annemiek Kessels
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ohlivee · 2 years
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annemiek kessels
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torleado · 3 years
The 20 Minimalist Fashion Instagram Accounts to Follow
Instagram can be a very noisy environment. No, the world may be a noisy place, especially if you live in a city like we do. When you're constantly assaulted by social media, news, emails, and, let's not forget, people, it can be difficult to find those much-needed moments of silence.
Most of these factors are out of our control, but we've lately found the benefits of the minimalist fashion influencer on Instagram (unless you want to stop using it altogether—which we completely understand). These individuals have avoided clichés of the peacocking blogger and instead embraced the attractiveness of fundamentals and style in its most basic forms, acting as a sort of Marie Kondo for our Instagram feed.
These are the women we'll be looking to for inspiration in 2021 as we strive to buy less but better. It's all about finding beauty in pieces that can't be assigned to a specific year or season, whether it's a power suit, a classic trench, or the ideal pair of cut trousers. So, if you're looking for some chicken soup for your style (yes, it exists), scroll down to discover our list of the top 10 minimalist fashion bloggers/accounts to follow right now on Instagram.
1. Annemiek Kessels
Close-ups of an outfit are undoubtedly the finest way to capture the texture contrasts and colour combinations that define a great minimalist ensemble, and Annemiek Kessels, alias ModeDamour, is well aware of this. Tonal style advice and layering techniques can be found on her Instagram page.
2. Ume Romaan
Ume Romaan is certainly doing something right when it comes to personal style, as she has over 70,000 Instagram followers. Her style is all about relaxed, elevated classics (think chic knitwear, sophisticated coats, and plenty of camel hues) that anyone can wear.
3. Kaity Modern
Kaitlyn is our go-to gal when it comes to muted colours and stylish accessories. We're smitten with the powder-blue suit she's wearing here, which she's accessorised with white sneakers and sunglasses. Take notice for the upcoming spring season.
4. Shot From the Street
Lizzy Hadfield, aka Shot From the Street, knows a thing or two about white T-shirts and has an intuitive ability to use them to create some unique outfits.
5. Megan Adelaide
If you're looking for a somewhat more extroverted take on minimalism, check out Megan Adelaide Schaefer's Instagram feed, where you'll find plenty of aesthetic purity but with the occasional pop of colour or flash of print.
6. Sylvie Mus
You can't help but feel better about the world when you glance through Sylvie Mus's feed. White walls, gigantic silhouettes, and artistically taken close-ups make up her expertly maintained profile. It's just so stylish.
7. Brittany Bathgate
Brittany Bathgate is our original basic fashion muse, whether it's winter layering or summer linen. Visit her Instagram account for stylish takes on tried-and-true wardrobe formulas: Think shirts and midi skirts, as well as white T-shirts and denim.
Amee Kim always manages to take a fantastic pic everywhere she goes, and her feed has really pushed me to try out a cool new LA lunch restaurant.
9. Ann Kim
Ann Kim has a different taste, but she is always on point and she is dope. Enough said. Go follow her!
10. Lisa Dengler
I just realised Lisa is my one and only New Yorker choice! Aside from her ultra-modern hair, her style is always complete with some fantastic element that completes the look!
11. Michelle Berdan
Michelle is not only a supermodel with hip female style, but she is also one of the loveliest individuals I've ever met. This is a photo of her new DTLA workplace, which is full with inspiration! Her Instagram feed is also included as the top image... Very tidy.
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out-andabout · 5 years
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annemiek kessels l out-andabout
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statuslusso · 5 years
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@modedamour  Annemiek Kessels
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popbee · 4 years
連有著 36 萬粉絲的荷蘭博主也愛,每套穿搭都有 New Balance 波鞋?
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出了社會後,每一天早上起床最麻煩的就是想著又要穿什麼衣服,少了制服儘管較為自由,但每天的靈感穿搭也考驗著搭配的品味與單品的多元性,這種時候牛仔褲、T-Shirt 以及一雙簡約的波鞋與休閒鞋可以說是最為方便的單品,在鞋履方面,除了 Converse 外,New Balance 自然也是多年來始終受到時尚迷愛戴的百搭鞋款,連這位時髦博主也離不開它。
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越簡約的穿搭往往越能彰顯出一個人的品味,不過同時單品的細節與質感也更為重要,色系的搭配上也極為考驗著美學敏略度,而這一位來自荷蘭的時尚博主 Annemiek Kessels,便是以低飽和度的色彩美學加上極簡的穿搭原則,成為了簡約控的穿搭範本,在 Instagram 上擁有了 36 萬多的粉絲追蹤,可以見得人氣相當受歡迎,其中從她分享的穿搭照中便會經常看到 New Balance 的身影。
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Annemiek Kessels 的 IG 帳號為 @modedamour,打開來映入眼簾的都是雜揉著個性與女人味的穿搭元素,所碰撞出的高質感仙氣 Look,無袖背心、牛仔褲、西裝外套以及成套西裝都是她經常搭配的單品,腳上更是以波鞋作為搭配,尤其以 New Balance 的出境率最高,不論是運動套裝、單車褲搭配西裝外套,或是無袖背心搭配西裝褲等,將這雙經典簡約的 New Balance 輕易遊走在休閒與正式穿搭中,游刃有餘的駕馭詮釋出不同風貌,若你剛好缺少靈感,或許 @modedamour 能夠為你增添更多可能性。
延伸閱讀: >>從高端時尚啟發的日常穿搭!Jacquemus 時裝週 5 款普通人都能駕馭的簡約單品 >>日常穿搭離不開牛仔褲、波鞋?家中衣櫥必定要有這 4 件基本配搭單品! >>給苦惱日常搭配的你:用這款單品就能為夏日穿搭帶來清爽質感! >>夏日已穿膩了 T-shirt?韓國女生都愛這件顯瘦又知性的上衣!
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