#Aquarius relationship
scorpihoe1111 · 1 month
Synastry Observations👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Today I’m going to be giving Synastry Observations. Synastry charts are basically you and another individuals chart put together to help explain how you and said person might or might not get along, how you two see each other and what the future may hold for you two etc.
Synastry Charts are not only meant for romantic relationships! They can apply to familial, platonic friendships, co-workers etc!
Synastry charts are a great way to find out if you’re compatible with another person. But keep in mind that these are not set in stone, and just general observations I’ve noticed within couples charts. There are plenty examples of synastry charts clashing and the couple/friends work together perfectly, and vice versa.
With that said, let’s get into it. ☺️
Those with Sun square Sun in synastry usually can’t get along. This placement usually signifies one or the other feeling like they completely clash personality/ego wise.
Individual’s who have their Venus sextile or trine the others ASC might be highly attracted to the ASC person upon first glance/impression. The ASC person may be exactly the Venus persons type.
If your Sun ☀️, Venus 🩷, or ASC ⬆️ is the same sign as someone’s 7H, they could see you as wifey/husband material. The 7H person could immediately wanna settle down with you.
Those who’s moon trine/sextile someone’s mars knows how to help the mars person calm down or relax. Not to be cliche, but I find this aspect in a lot of relationships where the Mars person was a “player who can’t be tamed” and the moon person was the only one who managed to get them to show their softer side and change.
The sign of your 12H is usually people who can be hidden enemies.
Ex: Say you’re a Virgo rising, so you have Leo in the 12H. Leo placements could be shady towards you, or always seeming like they’re hiding something from you. Experiences with Leo placements may leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Another big factor is where your 12H sign lies within their chart. This can tell you what they could hide from you. If your 12H is their sun sign, they could be faking their entire personality with you. If your 12H sign is their moon sign, they could be hiding their true feelings about you. If it’s mercury, you may not know what they say about you behind your back and they could possibly gossip about you. If it’s mars, they could possibly have complete hatred or a grudge against you and so on.
It’s not impossible for 12H synastry to be good, but it’s rare and usually results in a lot of secret animosity/jealousy.
Moon square Venus in synastry can make the 2 individuals have completely different love languages and/or may not see eye to eye when it comes to what the other wants.
If someone’s Mars sign is the same sign as your 5H, the Mars person could want to get you pregnant (or you may want the Mars person to get you pregnant) 🤰🏻
The best way to discover if someone’s your soulmate, twin flame or overall to check who you’re probably going to get married to is to check where the asteroid Juno (3) lands in both of your charts. The Sun ☀️ sign of said person could possibly be the same as your Juno sign
Pluto aspecting personal planets in synastry can indicate the Pluto person being very possessive or controlling of the planet individual.
Venus aspecting Chiron in synastry can indicate either helping heal the Chiron persons biggest wound or worsening it. Ex: Venus Trine/sextile Chiron can help the Chiron person feel more secure and confident thanks to the Venus person. Venus Square/Opp Chiron can make the Venus person make the Chiron person more insecure or more uncomfortable with the Chiron wound.
8H synastry is sooo intense. It makes the 8H person wanna possess you as a person and makes them lust after you uncontrollably. It’s also super hard to forget or let go of someone who’s sign is in your 8H and vice versa.
2H synastry is bittersweet because I notice the 2H person genuinely cares about the planet person to an almost unconditional degree while the planet person cares just as much, however more conditionally. While the planet person does have love for the 2H, they also are mainly with the 2H person because they add to the planets self worth and image and/or the 2H person usually provides something(s) to the planet person and without that they most likely wouldn’t remain with the 2H person in the first place.
People who’s Mars lands in your 12H can be in secret competition with you and/or jealous and intimidated of you.
Mercury square moon in synastry usually have very conflicting ideologies and outlooks on life.
Someones Mars conjunct/Trine your Jupiter sign feel like you’re their lucky charm 🍀
Those who’s Sun sign is the same sign as your Saturn can come into your life to teach you a lesson.
Mars in 1H synastry can make the 1H person either EXTREMELY turned on by the Mars person or result in complete dislike. (Very much a sexual tension placement if you ask me)
Someone’s Lilith in your 1H/8H could make you feel like the Lilith person is a bad influence in your life. People with this synastry usually end up making reckless decisions on the account of the Lilith person encouraging them too.
I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you’d like a part 2. 💕
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astrologged · 7 months
The Descendant represents how you interact with others in one-on-one relationships, especially in the context of partnerships and marriage.
Aries Descendant (Libra Ascendant): You seek assertive, dynamic partners who take the lead in your relationships. You're attracted to people who are independent and have a strong sense of self. You value fairness and can be diplomatic in conflicts.
Taurus Descendant (Scorpio Ascendant): You are drawn to stable, sensual, and loyal partners. Trust and security are essential to you in relationships. You're especially attracted to people who are passionate and have a mysterious aura.
Gemini Descendant (Sagittarius Ascendant): Communication and mental stimulation are crucial to you. You seek partners who are intellectually curious, adventurous, and open-minded. Variety and spontaneity in relationships are important to you.
Cancer Descendant (Capricorn Ascendant): You're attracted to nurturing, emotionally sensitive partners. Security, both emotional and financial, is a priority. You value tradition and are drawn to people who are responsible and dependable.
Leo Descendant (Aquarius Ascendant): You seek partners who are unique, creative, and open-minded. You are attracted to people who stand out and you have a strong sense of social justice. Friendship and intellectual connection matter to you.
Virgo Descendant (Pisces Ascendant): You value compassion and spirituality in your relationships. You're drawn to partners who are intuitive, empathetic, and artistic. You have a tendency to idealize your partners.
Libra Descendant (Aries Ascendant): You seek balance and harmony in your relationships. People who are confident, assertive, and independent attract you. You really value equality and have strong negotiating skills.
Scorpio Descendant (Taurus Ascendant): You're attracted to intense, passionate, down to earth partners. Trust is paramount for you, and you value loyalty. You're drawn to people who are financially stable and emotionally grounded.
Sagittarius Descendant (Gemini Ascendant): You seek partners who are open-minded, adventurous, and intellectually stimulating. Freedom and a sense of humor are essential to you in relationships.
Capricorn Descendant (Cancer Ascendant): You value stability, family, and tradition in your relationships. Partners who are nurturing, responsible, and emotionally supportive especially attract you.
Aquarius Descendant (Leo Ascendant): You're drawn to partners who are confident, creative, and unique. Intellectual connection and shared ideals are important to you.
Pisces Descendant (Virgo Ascendant): You seek partners who are compassionate, helpful, and practical. Emotional connection and spirituality matter to you. You may be attracted to individuals who are sensitive and detail-oriented. Don't be too critical! ;)
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astrolovecosmos · 10 days
The Asteroid Frigga
A goddess of marriage, many have given multiple interpretations into the asteroid. Most can agree it is a "love/relationship" asteroid/placement. In this post I'll examine how Frigga can describe our commitment.
Frigga in Aries: Brave, impulsive, passionate, and decisive in their commitment towards someone. They may risk something by staying faithful and dutiful. There is a great drive for independence that may move them towards breaking commitment in favor of self-preservation or empowerment. A spouse who can support their independence is best.
Frigga in Taurus: Takes their time with commitment, REALLY takes their time, potentially favoring marriage at an older age. Gives all their heart to someone with loyalty, stability, security, and providing. But if their commitments do not bring material comfort or safety they may doubt. Giving up commitments tends to be a challenge for them.
Frigga in Gemini: Gemini may be known for always wanting change, variety, and for struggling with loyalty. But when Frigga is in this sign their commitment is based on open communication, mutual respect, and feeling free around another. Their flexibility, dual nature, and restlessness may cause temptations, but their actions will depend on how in sync they are with their other half.
Frigga in Cancer: Protective and sensitive in their commitment. Their commitment has the strength, depth, and intensity as loyalty to family, roots, or home does. Is intuitive, receptive, and empathetic towards their spouse. Caring and nurturing is connected to their loyalty. A lack of security can make them vengeful, grudge-holding, or cruel.
Frigga in Leo: Generous, passionate, and proud in their commitments. Is open and loud about who they are devoted to. A need for recognition exists on their end and a spouse must show their heart, passion, and intense devotion as well. This marriage is grand, dramatic, romantic, of legends.
Frigga in Virgo: Tries to be the perfect example of devotion and commitment. Is pragmatic, helpful, attentive, and thoughtful in their loyalty. Will know their spouse better than anyone else. Will always be by their side. Won't accept a spouse who has given up or doesn't value what they have.
Frigga in Libra: Their desire for their partner is closely tied to commitment. Is adaptable in their devotion, being open-minded towards their spouse. Devotion to them must be equally matched and a lot of the dynamic hinges on balance. Is peaceful and communicative in their loyalty. Once they and their spouse stop working together, it's over.
Frigga in Scorpio: Their commitment relies on passion, a deep and sturdy sense of trust, and emotional attachment. They are a ride or die spouse and their marriage must have a lot of emotional reassurance, rawness, and intuition. They want an almost psychic bond to their spouse and family. But they can be a very intense partner.
Frigga in Sagittarius: This placement indicates someone who may be very optimistic and quick with their commitment. They may not always realize or understand the challenges, ups and downs of long-lasting commitment and sacrifice. Their need for freedom and space may sometimes outweigh their devotion. However they can be deep, open-minded, adventurous, and passionate in their loyalty. They seek a spouse they can grow and explore with. If committed, they trust their spouse with their heart completely.
Frigga in Capricorn: A sign famous for commitment, you can imagine Frigga in Capricorn values stability and security in all aspects of their marriage. This placement will take their relationship seriously and can have a lot of integrity in their marriage, but they may hold their heart close. They might not always be the softest, most passionate, or reassuring partner. But Capricorn is a sign of reward or results coming after a long period of time. They can build a strong and enduring partnership that stands the test of time. Broken trust is what can damage their loyalty.
Frigga in Aquarius: Is devoted to the mind and values of their partner. Their ability to be friends with a partner is important for loyalty as well. Frigga in Aquarius may need space and autonomy within their commitments. They thrive in relationships that allow them to pursue their own interests and passions while still maintaining a strong connection with their partner. The devotion in their marriage must be clear yet adaptable, equal and respectful.
Frigga in Pisces: Is compassionate, sensitive, and giving in their loyalty. Needs a spiritual connection to their spouse. Approaches commitment with an open heart and a willingness to love unconditionally. They are likely willing to sacrifice their own needs for the well-being of their loved ones. What could break their loyalty is potentially a lack of depth or if something in the relationship hurts their soul, creativity, or kindness.
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 days
Astro Observations
Pisces risings can be deeply concerned about their children's welfare as Cancer is on their 5th house cusp.
Capricorn Venus are very concerned about promotion and can be really jealous if their coworker got more increment or a better job title.
Taurus risings can often get into tax troubles due to Jupiter ruling 8th house. These are the people who can know about all the loopholes and then get caught for some massive evasion.
5th lord in 7th or 7th lord in 5th people really like to co create with their partner not just children but like an art, a book or even a business together.
Moon in 3rd house people are very curious about their surroundings and local places. The 3rd house is your immediate environment around your home. So, these people can know everything about their locality.
6th lord in 5th house woman can struggle between their work and raising kids. It can be really stressful for these people to manage their day-to-day life with their job and career.
Taurus dominated people love visiting the supermarket.
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
Feb 16th Venus ingresses into Aquarius immediately connecting with pluto and mars. This suggests a period of intense transformation and empowerment in matters related to love, creativity, and finances. It may be a time where deep-seated desires and issues come to the surface, requiring a careful balance of assertiveness and diplomacy to navigate successfully.
Aries Rising - Aquarius in the 11th House: This transit activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your relationships within social circles, bringing about deep transformations in your friendships or associations. You may feel compelled to purge toxic connections and align yourself with those who share your vision for the future. Mars adds a sense of urgency, motivating you to take action towards your goals, especially those related to social causes or humanitarian efforts. It's a time to assert your individuality within group dynamics and pursue your aspirations with passion and determination.
Taurus Rising - Aquarius in the 10th House: This transit activates your 10th house of career, public image, and reputation. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your professional life. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with authority figures, leading to a purging of old career patterns or ambitions. Mars adds a drive to succeed and assert your influence in your chosen field. It's a time to reassess your long-term goals and take decisive action towards achieving them, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
Gemini Rising - Aquarius in the 9th House: This transit activates your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring profound shifts in your worldview and belief systems. You may be drawn to explore new philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your existing beliefs. Mars adds a sense of adventure and a desire to expand your horizons through travel or education. It's a time to embrace new perspectives and engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind and broaden your understanding of the world.
Cancer Rising - Aquarius in the 8th House: This transit activates your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your emotional and sexual connections, leading to deep transformations in your intimate relationships. You may be confronted with issues of trust, power, and control, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Mars adds a sense of urgency to address these issues, motivating you to assert your needs and boundaries in your most intimate connections. It's a time of profound emotional growth and empowerment through facing your deepest fears and desires.
Leo Rising - Aquarius in the 7th House: This transit activates your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationships, particularly in your one-on-one partnerships. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with your partner or significant others, leading to a purging of old relationship patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your needs and desires in your partnerships, but it can also lead to conflicts if not managed carefully. It's a time to redefine your relationships on a deeper level and commit to those that are truly supportive and empowering.
Virgo Rising - Aquarius in the 6th House: This transit activates your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your work environment or health regimen. You may be compelled to purge unhealthy habits or toxic work situations that are detrimental to your well-being. Mars adds a drive to take action towards improving your health and work life, but it can also lead to overwork or burnout if not balanced with self-care. It's a time to prioritize your well-being and make necessary changes to create a more fulfilling and sustainable daily routine.
Libra Rising - Aquarius in the 5th House: This transit activates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your creative expression and romantic encounters, leading to profound transformations in these areas of your life. You may be faced with intense passion or power struggles in your romantic relationships, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that hinder your ability to experience true intimacy. Mars adds a drive to pursue your creative passions and assert your desires in your romantic pursuits, but it can also lead to impulsive actions if not tempered with consideration. It's a time to embrace your creative potential and pursue joy and pleasure in your life.
Scorpio Rising - Aquarius in the 4th House: This transit activates your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences within your family dynamic or home environment. You may be confronted with issues of power and control within your family relationships, leading to a purging of old familial patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your independence and create a sense of security and stability in your home life. It's a time to confront deep-seated emotions and make changes that allow you to feel more grounded and supported in your personal life.
Sagittarius Rising - Aquarius in the 3rd House: This transit activates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and local environment. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your communication style and relationships with siblings or neighbors. You may be compelled to purge old patterns of communication that no longer serve you, leading to a more authentic and meaningful way of expressing yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your ideas and opinions, but it can also lead to conflicts if not expressed diplomatically. It's a time to engage in open and honest communication and cultivate relationships that stimulate your mind and broaden your horizons.
Capricorn Rising - Aquarius in the 2nd House: This transit activates your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationship with money and possessions. You may be confronted with issues of power and control in your financial affairs, leading to a purging of old patterns of spending or saving. Mars adds a drive to take action towards securing your financial future and asserting your worth, but it can also lead to impulsive financial decisions if not managed wisely. It's a time to reassess your values and priorities and make changes that align with your true sense of self-worth.
Aquarius Rising - Aquarius in the 1st House: This transit activates your 1st house of self, personality, and appearance. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. You may undergo a profound personal transformation, shedding old layers of identity to reveal a more authentic version of yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your individuality and take action towards personal goals, but it can also lead to conflicts if not balanced with consideration for others. It's a time to embrace your uniqueness and express yourself confidently and authentically.
Pisces Rising - Aquarius in the 12th House: This transit activates your 12th house of spirituality, introspection, and hidden matters. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your spiritual practice and inner world. You may be confronted with deep-seated fears or desires that require purging and healing. Mars adds a drive to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions, but it can also lead to inner conflicts if not directed towards constructive introspection. It's a time to delve into your subconscious mind and embrace the process of spiritual and emotional renewal.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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tarotofzhivamoon · 5 months
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pile 1
It took us a while to fall in love, to let each other open up to this possibility that maybe we are meant to be together because old habits kept coming back, they kept influencing our ability to open our hearts and they hindered this beautiful fresh start of a new beginning for us, as we came into this with suspicious and cautious eyes. I must say I lacked experience in relationships, it took me a while to understand how I am supposed to show up for you, how to actually be able to make you part of my routine, but it’s all so clear now that I can push past the limitations of my past. My heart is open to you, it is open to love and inside of me there’s a constellation of feelings that I feel for you because you just bring out the best in me, a part of me that I never really knew existed. I have tried to hide behind the shadows of my defense mechanisms, of every behavior, thought and action that I took with the idea that I needed to take care of myself and preserve who I was in case someone else wanted to conquer me, take everything and leave me with nothing but with you all of my defenses dropped. I can’t think clearly when you’re around, I can’t even describe the things I am feeling when your soft skin touches mine but I know that I am surrendering to you; you can have all of me, you can take over everything I am because I completely trust in you that you do not want to change me, I trust that you love me just for who I am and that whatever you’ll take, whatever I will give you, you will also give back to me so that both of us can grow beautiful gardens within us that are watered by our gentle, pure love. I want everything with you, I want to see the end of my days next to you, I want to start my mornings and end my nights with you here, with a kiss, a touch, a smile and other tokens that symbolize the absolute love we have for each other.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 2
I have walked alone for years and years, always leaving parts of me everywhere I went, something that people could remember me by or it maybe was because I had lost so much of myself in that relationship of place that I didn’t know what was mine to take. I have always been one to want this world to become a more loving place for everyone, I understood and observed others, saw their pain and I took it on me to the be the person that is always there for them because I thought they needed me, even though I was also hurting on the inside and no one actually really saw me. I didn’t want to fall in love ever again, I wanted to be on my own because I felt that I had a bubble of protection around me that no one would be able to break if I didn’t let them get too close to me, I just didn’t want to surrender to such a powerful, yet possibly extremely hurtful experience if it wasn’t meant to work out; I didn’t want to take that change at being heartbroken anymore because I felt like if it happened it would have turned me into this cold hearted monster that had no empathy, no understanding and no love to give, only madness at a world that seemed to be against me and never showed me the love that I needed and wanted in return. I have been in my own world, my own safe space, like a little scared rabbit I would hop in and out of relationships and places the moment I started to feel vulnerable and threatened, nobody was really able to catch me and to show me the love, show me the way back towards a part of me that I actually lost in the process of trying to protect my heart. You were able to make me want to stay next to you because you have been so gentle with my heart, you have actually a better understanding than me about the things that I was going through because you’ve been through similar experiences but you still turned out differently, those experiences actually transformed you into being even kinder, even more loving and your energy has showed me the way back to myself.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 3
I threw logic out of the window with you, I didn’t need it and I don’t think I will ever need it because I knew that I needed to let my heart guide me to you and guide me with my relationship with you. I manifested you, I spent entire days thinking about you and wanting you to find your way into my life so that I could experience this type of psychedelic love with you, one that lifts me up to the sky on soft clouds and makes me feel lighter than ever, like I have no other worry in the world. Your love is spiritual, I do think and feel as though you have a spiritual purpose in my life, this romance isn’t simply practical, it isn’t a simple “this is what I need to do, this person is good for me”, it’s more than that, it’s deeper and besides that feeling that you are the one for me, there is something that doesn’t really make sense. And it’s beautiful that it doesn’t make sense, because we are nothing alike, we see the world differently, but we want the same thing which is love and growth. My prayer has been answered when you came into my life, romance found its way into my life in the most elevating way and I knew right from the start that I was going to marry you because it was the only path our connection had as an option. I’m here to work hard for you, I’m here to work hard for our relationship because I know that the effort I put in matters and I know that it makes a difference towards actually achieving the beautiful things that we both want out of this connection. I know that both of us are going to be successful because everything we need is right in our hands. I know that sometimes these feelings can get overwhelming and sometimes too much, even if it is love, can do great harm if it transforms into smothering and being too present, I am guilty of that, I’m guilty of wanting to spend all of my time with you, guilty of doing everything with you but I also know that we should maintain this sense of independence for us to be able to do things outside of the relationship too because it’s healthy.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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your-astro-mami · 6 months
And can astrology predict if a couple will last long ?
Generally yes!
The biggest factors for me are strong Venus-Venus aspects, Venus-Saturn aspects and Venus-Juno aspects. I will list my Synastry indicators of a couple's longevity:
Venus-Venus trine or conjunction (could also work for Venus-Sun)
This shows very similar values, desires in love, overall harmony - you just get along and there is nothing too challenging when you are with each other. It is an aspect that makes the relationship easy and pleasant.
2. Venus-Saturn aspects
All Venus-Saturn aspects (conjunction, opposition, trine, even the square) show that you can be STUBBORN about the relationship, not give up on it no matter how bad the circumstances are. Venus-Saturn oppositions and squares can be very difficult but also make you hold onto a relationship no matter how bad it may be for you. Venus-Saturn conjunction and trine tend to be the biggest indicator for marriage and a long-term relationship for me.
3. Venus in the other person's 7th House
Ideal romantic fulfillment. You have the qualities the other person needs in a long-term relationship. Marriage aspect. Both people are willing to make compromises for each other and the happiness in the relationship.
4. Venus-Juno conjunction/trine, Juno in the other person's 7th House
Romantically these can be marriage aspects, they show that you have qualities the other person needs in a spouse or a long-term partner so there is perfect balance, harmony, attachment. Juno also shows will to put personal needs aside for the other person/sacrifice something personal for them, for making the relationship work so it can be a big indicator for stubbornness and desire to make the relationship work.
Risky aspects that could show lack of longevity or an on-off dynamic are the Venus-Uranus opposition/conjunction/square. Excitement but also fear of commitment/impulsivity especially from the Uranus person's side.
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bumblebeehug · 1 month
I feel like this is the only thing I talk about on this website, but listen: Lucy and Aquarius. Their relationship. The pain they feel looking at each other, because all they see and hear is Layla. Lucy craves it, seeks it out in Aquarius, while Aquarius wishes Lucy could dye her hair, wear sunglasses, anything really, so she doesn’t have to see the remains of the woman she failed to protect once upon a time. All Aquarius can see when she sees Lucy, is how she wasn’t there to protect her mother. How her absence caused Layla to die from magic deficiency, and how she robbed a little girl from her most loving parent. And then she had to get summoned over and over again, which made her see how Layla’s death ruined Jude and turned him into a monster. And Aquarius can’t stop blaming herself.
Meanwhile Lucy just wishes she could get Aquarius to talk to her - she craves all the information she can get about Layla, because no one ever talks about her. Jude freezes her out, the maids and cooks hurry back to work in case Jude hears about the fact that they've mentioned Layla, and Aquarius only ever gets angry. Yet Lucy can't stop craving her presence. She uses her to get the faint feeling of her mother being near, because if Layla loved Aquarius, then Lucy would give it her all to love her too. She searches for her mother in Aquarius, and sometimes she feels like she finds it. Because sometimes, Aquarius can see Lucy for the innocent child that she is.
Yet, it’s not until they have to lose each other that they truly see each other for who they are. Yes, when Lucy has to sacrifice Aquarius key she loses the last living connection to her mother, but she also loses the woman who practically raised her - the mother who stepped up. And Aquarius realises that Lucy was more than a brat who looked like she was cosplaying her deceased friend - she was losing the lonely child who sought safety in Aquarius sharp demeanour, who found warmth in her heart, despite how hard she had tried to close it for good.
And anyways I’m not okay about them and I need Lucy to find her key. Idc if she gives it to Brandish (bc in all honesty the story will be a lot better if Lucy doesn’t end up with Aquarius key) I just need her to be able to look Aquarius in her eyes and tell her that she kept her promise - she found her.
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midheavenastrology · 1 year
🧠Astrology Observations🗣
18+ 🫦 cus it’s spicy 🌶
🫦 all air signs, heavy air sign placements LOVE oral sex. Like no joke; I used 2 be a sugar baby and the air sign daddies always preferred oral/kissing. Their mouth is their love language lol💄oh and u better believe they LOVE dirty talk lmao 😂 this applies to Venus+Mars in air sign placements too 💋
🫦earth sign mars=big dick 🍆 energy (maybe not so much Virgo..sorry y’all, the mercurial energy makes things a little smaller and daintier haha) mars is super happy in capricorn 🍆 it’s in its exaltation, so it doesn’t skimp out downstairs for natives with this placement. For feminine energy with these placements …well let’s just say, ur a badass and u know it. 💯💯💯 *bonus if u have sag placements as well because sag is ruled by Jupiter and it expands anything it touches lol
🫦Scorpio Mercurys are so comfortable talking about the nitty gritty details of their sex life. Like I’ve talked to some peeps with this placement and they’ll just get right into it and I’ll sit there uncomfortably trying not to sweat 🗣💦
🫦if you’re water dominant, seriously consider who you share your sexual energy with. Like y’all are HELLA sensitive to energies, vibes, etc and you absorb it like nobodies biz (water soaks it all in) leaving u drained if ur sleeping with misaligned energies. 😢 I love ya babies. Be mindful.🧿
🫦but on the other end of the spectrum, fire 🔥 dominants, y’all GIVE life literally. Like your energy is hella electric ⚡️ and powerful. That’s why I believe synergistically water and fire work better than fire and air. Water 💧 calms the fires, while the fire ignites the water to action. I won’t even talk about fire and air- that’s just a WILDFIRE in the making 😂 ! pure chaos mode !!
🫦Aquarius is THE DADDY energy. More so than Capricorns because they’re the masculine energy of Saturn 🪐 I’ve never met one Aquarius placement who isn’t secretly into domination during seggs. Whips, choking, hair pulling….lol but u best believe they’re gonna be nice about it 🤣
🫦Libras and Taurus’s aren’t opposed to fake titties, lip fillers and plastic surgery ngl.. after all..their planetary ruler is Venus and the lower vibration of Venus makes one quite vain 🪞
🫦If you have a seggsy voice, a Gemini will go gaga for you. Why ? Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury- planet of cummunication lol
That’s all 444 now 🧚 stay tuned for synastry observations 😘
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harmoonix · 1 year
!Astro Question!
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People with Venus or Juno in the 11th house and 7th house ruler in the 11th house natives... How many times did it happened to have "friends to lovers" kind of thing?
If that did not happened how many times did you encountered the situation where your friends would crush on you and falling in love with you or vice versa (you falling for your friends)
Did you ever had this situation where people would be shipping you and your friends together in love relationships?
Honorable Mentions to Juno and Venus in Aquarius since this can also apply to them
If you have Venus or Juno in Aquarius you also have their 11th house energy in your chart even if you have these placements in other houses 🌺
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bxtxnx · 2 months
[☿ + ♒︎] unorthodox ideas.
Mercury in Aquarius: from February 5 to February 23.
Aquarius Suns and Risings will start having weird and unexpected ideas about their apperance, since Mercury is in their 1st house.
They will be planning sudden haircut changes or making the decision to completely revamp their wardrobe this month, just when they have thought that they have nailed their desired aesthetic.
There will be unexpected comments and conversations about your appearance - some better than others.
Leo Suns and Risings will suddenly start rethinking their relationships.
Since Mercury is in their 7th house, they may decide to change their relationship status or to try dating someone very different from the types of people they've dated so far.
Mercury in the 7th house also brings unexpected news from or about your partner, so during this transit you never know what you can hear. ☽
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astrologged · 1 year
Juno in the 12 signs
Juno is an asteroid in astrology that represents commitment, partnerships, marriage, and the balance of power in relationships. Its placement in a sign can give insight into how we approach partnerships and what we seek in a partner. 
Juno in Aries: A need for independence and autonomy in relationships. May seek partners who are assertive, independent, and able to match their energy.
Juno in Taurus: A need for security and stability in relationships. May seek partners who are reliable, loyal, and financially stable.
Juno in Gemini: A need for intellectual stimulation and communication in relationships. May seek partners who are witty, adaptable, and enjoy socializing.
Juno in Cancer: A need for emotional connection and nurturing in relationships. May seek partners who are caring, supportive, and family-oriented.
Juno in Leo: A need for attention and recognition in relationships. May seek partners who are confident, creative, and charismatic.
Juno in Virgo: A need for practicality and efficiency in relationships. May seek partners who are detail-oriented, responsible, and health-conscious.
Juno in Libra: A need for balance and harmony in relationships. May seek partners who are diplomatic, charming, and aesthetically pleasing.
Juno in Scorpio: A need for intensity and emotional depth in relationships. May seek partners who are passionate, loyal, and able to handle their strong emotions.
Juno in Sagittarius: A need for freedom and adventure in relationships. May seek partners who are open-minded, spontaneous, and share their love of travel.
Juno in Capricorn: A need for structure and stability in relationships. May seek partners who are ambitious, practical, and financially responsible.
Juno in Aquarius: A need for independence and intellectual stimulation in relationships. May seek partners who are unconventional, independent, and enjoy intellectual debates.
Juno in Pisces: A need for emotional connection and spiritual depth in relationships. May seek partners who are compassionate, intuitive, and share their love of art and music.
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feehippielove · 10 months
𝑶𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕
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hairybirthdayclown · 10 months
placements with issues in romantic relationships part i.
*(analysis based on my friends & acquaintances)
VENUS SQUARE URANUS - do you get emotionally smothered just by thinking of being in a relationship? it's not that these natives don't want to have deep connections, they want to feel some sort of personal growth within it, regardless of any sort of labels. avoidant attachment style is what i'm getting with this placement with commitment issues. a lot of the people i've sat down with rarely date/don't want to/lack commitment in their relationships.
why don't you date? (i asked these people to refrain from mentioning any external factors that hinder them from relationships & look inwards...they still said them lol. also, i spruced up what they said just for y'all to understand better because these were said to me in a different language with A LOT more profanity)
"there are many reasons. but i think one that correlates to what you're researching is that my feelings are unpredictable. like i mentioned to you, if you remember - sometimes i wake up & feel nothing towards the people i love. i'm scared that will happen too in a romantic relationship"
- friend 1 (at 8° orb)
"i cannot stand when someone i'm with makes decisions for me & starts referring to us as 'we'. no h*e, i'm me, you're you & we're together but not together. do you understand? i'm not a 'together' person, have fun with me for as long as we can tolerate eachother for & f*ck off" (yeesh)
- acquaintance 1 (at 6° orb)
"i really don't understand this generation. a lot of conflict would be resolved if everyone was honest with what they want. i don't date because i prefer being alone. i actually love it. i don't even know if i want to get married. i used to be the 'date to marry' type (when she was literally 14 lmaoooo) but now i just want to have fun with my friends. i'm not actively pursuing anyone & i'm happy. period"
- friend 2 (at 1° orb)
"b*tch i don't even bother telling my crushes that i like them. i know i'm not even gonna attempt to date them if they like me back HAHA. wayyyy too immature for all that"
- friend 3 (at 8° orb)
"everyone is so focused on romance it's actually disturbing at this point. the people who can't breathe without being in a romantic relationship make me sick. i don't date because i don't like being told what to do. 'oH yOu shoULd'nT tAKE yoUr fri3nD oUt tO dinn3er' or 'yOu shOudLd'Nt huG hiM' , there's just so many unnecessary rules. it's alarming how people care that much about stupid sh*t like that. & turning on my location for you? die"
- acquaintance 2 (at 5° orb)
not all of these natives are single or prefer to be. these people that i analysed have entered relationships at some point but i've seen them end up hiding from/avoiding their partners in the long run. one of my friends literally had to help a friend of ours to break up with their partner because they couldn't bear to even talk to them & felt "suffocated". i think that's why these natives are comfortable with long distance relationships because there's some sort of barrier that prevents them from becoming too close to their partner. these people also love excitement so the thrill & anticipation of meeting up with their person gets them estatic. but as friend 1 said, their feelings are up & down in connections. @elysiansparadise explains this furthermore here.
do you need help? (keep in mind i'm an 18 y.o with little-to-no relationship experience)
relationships aren't always perfect but if you're fully aware of your inconsistency, avoidant attachment style & flaky behaviour, you should at least try to do something about it & have compassion towards those you're involved with. what i've noticed about the people that i analysed, 3/5 deflected from themselves & put the blame on their surroundings as justification. i'm not so sure about other people with this aspect but please look at other possibilities of why you approach relationships in this manner. you could be attracted to another gender, asexual, value platonic love more than romantic love or you have some sort of trauma that's holding you back from pursuing a relationship that needs to be healed.
i suggest identifying if you're emotionally available for any sort of connection & noticing emotional unavailability in others. venus□uranus natives are also prone to being attracted to losers who are emotionally stunted & can't even cater for their own feelings - in which they prefer because they like barriers that keep them from being too close to someone (either physical or emotional distance is their drug). the perfect tiktok video came up on my fyp about emotional availability. being emotionally available & being with someone who's the same is necessary for sustaining a healthy emotional relationship.
do not be rash with the way you feel at the moment. all feelings are temporary & feelings of insignificance should be discussed with your partner open & honest. but if you feel as though your partner is making YOU feel insignificant while denying it, leave. this aspect is not just felt internally so your relationship could have moments of apathy & feels fake as opposed to spontaneity from both parties. also, being mindful about how others make you feel before pursuing them. instead of finding clues on whether they like you, ask yourself if you like them.
take things a bit slow & cherish the moments you have in your connections. remind yourself to be grateful that someone gave you a place to uniquely express your love & theirs to you. & if you feel bored sometimes, incorporate some excitement into your relationship. don't just think about yourself, include your partner in all sorts of fun.
do other harsh Venus-Uranus aspects feel the same or have similar expriences? (another analysis based on someone in my life)
i asked...
so, do your relationships with your friends even romantic relationships abruptly change? or u feel some sort of inconsistency with the way people show their love to you? like, your partner could be head over heals in love then all of a sudden they act like they hate you?
"yes haha. but when you say change what do you mean? like what sort of change? & it kind of fluctuates here & there"
change like sudden break up from your side or theirs. maybe even the way you feel about them.
"omg yeah"
-acquaintance 3 (opposition at 10° orb)
well, i ran out of people & time. i really don't know if harmonious aspects (trine, sextile) have relationship issues but if you have any other aspect between these 2 planets that i haven't mentioned feel free to comment about it. also, other factors can hinder the effect of this aspect so check other aspects.
next post on this topic: lilith prominance in woman. i only have 2 friends with lilith prominance so if you have this, tell me your experiences with men & women in your life & how navigate your difficulties dating. feel free to hit me up on somewhere...i don't know how this app works.
thank you for reading :)
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tarotofzhivamoon · 5 months
Pick a picture reading
Why aren’t they making the first move?
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
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Pile 1
Your person isn’t making the first move right now because they feel extremely intimidated by you, by your energy but also by how you are making them feel when you are around you. There’s this nervous energy about them that is coming through really strong because you as a person, you demand respect from those around you just by the way you present yourself, the way you enter a room and how you navigate life and that’s simply too powerful and way too intimidating for your person. It’s almost like they feel as though they’re not on your level yet, they haven’t really explored themselves, but also the world the way you’ve done and they just feel really insecure when it comes to approaching you. It seems as though they’re really struggling because this person could be very domineering, energy wise, as well, but you’re far more powerful than they are and they haven’t really met someone who could actually stand up to them or is as sure of themselves, sure of what they want and actually taking the necessary action to get it. It could be that you’re the one who approached them as well when you’ve met, your eyes might’ve locked on them and you weren’t simply passively waiting for them to come to you because you simply give off that energy of “I want it, I got it” and you don’t really give up or stop until you actually have what you want. They’re simply impressed by you and who you are as a person, they are studying you but keeping their distance a little bit because maybe they’ve been used to be the one who’s in control or to actually make the first move in relationships, come up with the initiative to do something or take some form of action and you just flipped their entire world around by simply being this amazing you. This person is so into you that they just freeze when it comes to actually coming towards you, they have no idea how to act, how to react, how to respond because again, you’re a person who knows what they want and now it’s making them feel like they don’t want to do or say the wrong thing and lose your interest because they didn’t play their cards right with you.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 2
Your person isn’t making the first move just yet because they are feeling very disconnected from you emotionally, they don’t really know if you are interested in them just as much as they are interested in you and they really seem to be very self conscious about the way that they are showing up with you. They are looking at things from a higher perspective, debating, thinking, analyzing and honestly the conclusions that they have reached have been pretty unfair towards you. There might be some accusations in the end on you as well, that you’re not doing this and that, that you’re not showing up and you also could be the one to actually make the first move and they don’t have to be the ones doing that at all and they are just trying to assign blame everywhere else but on themselves where it kind of is necessary. The two of you really need to sit down and have and open and honest conversation about where the two of you are at mentally, emotionally but also in this connection so that the two of you can actually address the root cause of that resentment that they have been building and forget past mistakes in order for you to move forward with the connection. This person seems to be lurking in the ‘shadows’, from behind the scene and they are actually looking through your social media, checking to see what you’ve been doing, what you’ve been sharing, maybe even looking to see if you’ve shared something for them specifically that you’re not actually saying to them directly. Instead of messaging you and trying to be mature and act like an adult, they are actually choosing to play games and actively look for passive messages for them that you might be sending them. They might be the type of person who’s not very experienced in communication, they might struggle to initiate them or even talk about difficult things that kind of need to be addressed so their other options is to just avoid those conversations and try to find answers through other means that are very indirect and non-confrontational.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Dividers by Kawaii-Lau on Tumblr🦋
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your-astro-mami · 5 months
Can astrology predict a marriage between two person ?
100%. Marriage is possible between many people, but a good marriage is possible only in certain astrological circumstances.
Depending on both people's charts and what exactly they need in a marriage there will always be more specific factors however in this post I will mention my major "marriage" aspects based on my experience, knowledge and observations:
Venus in the other person's 7th House
The best placement for Venus for long-term relationships as it shows shared values, desire to make compromises, an "equal" love, great partnership, two people that are just on the same page in the relationship. It is a marriage indicator - both people can feel fulfilled in this relationship.
Venus-Saturn trine, conjunction or opposition
The Venus-Saturn aspect is more complex. Saturn can be the planet of difficulty, resistance, something that takes a long time and a lot of work. Harsh Venus-Saturn aspects like a square or opposition can be challenging, especially the square as it could show that the relationship will go through many hardships before commitment (so I usually recommend avoiding them). Saturn-Venus opposition isn't as bad as it could still require compromises and effort but on a smaller level. Venus-Saturn conjunction shows strong persistence about the relationship - you can do anything in order to be with the other person (especially the Saturn person in this case). So it's a major indicator for a long-term relationship or marriage.
Venus or Sun conjunct the other person's Juno
Venus is the planet of love and relationships and conjunct Juno it shows people with similar values in love, especially in regards to relationships and long-term commitment. A Venus-Juno conjunction shows that marriage between these two people can be filled with harmony, good luck, love. It is a very lucky aspect. The Sun-Venus conjunction shows that the Sun person has qualities the Juno person seeks in a life partner and potential spouse.
Juno in the other person's 1st or 7th House
Juno is the asteroid of marriage and it represents what we want in marriage, how we act in marriage, how we view marriage, etc. When it's in another person's 1st house it shows that the house person has the qualities you look for in a marriage partner. When it's in their 7th house it shows potential for a long-term marriage, equality in the relationship, both parties having a similar approach and desires in the marriage.
Some important notes:
Even if you share marriage aspects with someone both of you have to be at a stage when you are ready for marriage. For example, you can have great commitment aspects but the other person could have transit Uranus in 7th house or a Uranus aspect to the ruler of their 7th house which could make them reluctant for commitment at the current stage of their life.
Moon-Venus aspects, Venus-Mars aspects, 5th house aspects can show strong love and passion but they may not have the persistence of the previous aspects I mentioned - the will to be stubborn about the relationship and put effort into it long-term.
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