#Are you all sick of reading my posts about the AMB yet?
wat-the-cur · 2 years
lost boys for the ship ask
Thanks, Buddy!
OTP: Sam/Alan. It’s just a very sweet pairing. I’m a softie for friends-to-lovers stories, and clueless nerds trying to navigate unfamiliar feelings. They also have a nice “opposites attract” dynamic, with Sam being bright and warm while also having quite an iron core, while Alan can be blunt and icy, but is tender and sensitive beneath all that. As a bonus, if you chose to dip into the ideas the sequels posed, then there is a good amount of angst with the two handling betrayal, vampirism and separation from their families, possibly together. So it’s not all sugar. They just give me a lot of fun ideas to play with.
Favourite canon pairing: Michael/Star, I suppose, because I am nothing if not weak for himbo/bimbo pairing.
Worst pairing ever: In canon, I guess that would be Lucy/Max. Beyond Max being an arse and Lucy deserving better, while neither of these characters are boring, they somehow become so when you put them together. Outside of canon, you all know my feelings about Frogcest and Emersoncest. Like, I’m all for people exploring incest themes in their writing, but when it’s clear they find them cutesy, or even sexy, then I get really rankled. Guilty pleasure pairing: I guess that would be Zoe/Agatha Frog (Agatha being my interpretation of a female Edgar). I suppose this is a guilty pleasure, because it’s self indulgent and literally nobody else ships it.
A pairing that you want to see more: Sam/Alan, because their is very few stories about them. I would also be happy to see more Edgar/Zoe, because though I think I prefer them as friends, they are still cute together.
A pairing that everyone likes, but you’re like lol, no: I’m gonna get flayed for this, but Michael/David. Not because I really object to the pairing, but because I find David really annoying and I’m not sure why. I feel so bad.
Favourite non-romantic pair: Sam and Edgar. Besties for life.
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sprut6 · 5 years
So my theories have been pretty out there (everyone who has agreed or disagreed whether it was public or private have been so kind and passionate :) ) but just to wrap our final hours before season 3 starts I thought I would put forth my canon and overall more realistic theories. This includes facts from the books! I’m also going under the assumption that we’re getting at least 5 seasons. If we knew 4 was it, a lot of this would be different.
This is really lengthy so if you make it through you get a a little pink heart. :)
Mary and Bash - are having problems with her son. We know Elijah is in the season and I think there will be conflict there. I'm mixed if I think there are fertility issues as well. That would make two story lines for them and I’m not sure if they would be dealing with both at the same time especially considering that we have more characters this season and a lot to cover in 10 episodes. So lean towards just one issue they’re dealing with and I think that’s Elijah. I also really hope the season opens and they have a baby but it’s been kept a secret from us. 
Josie and Billy - We’ve seen hints of flirting before and I think we’ll continue to but I’m not sold that they’re going to be an item. In the books Josie attends Queen’s (Billy doesn’t) and she marries an unknown character. 
Ruby - I think we’ve already seen hints that Ruby has tuberculosis and I think there will be more to come but I don’t think it’ll be disclosed that she’s sick unless it’s at the end. I don’t think she dies this season (it would be too early compared to canon timeline). Someone correct me if I’m wrong...I don’t remember Ruby at Queen’s in the book (in ‘85 she goes) but it looks like she is in Queen’s class (assuming that is what is at Miss Stacy’s house) so I was thinking she might be preparing to go when it’s discovered that she’s sick so she can’t.
Anne in danger - Anne has been in danger (sort of) both seasons. One a couple different times with the man at the station and then the fire. In two with Nate. So I’m banking we’ll see her in trouble again. Is this a theory? I feel like this is a given. :)
Anne and Charlie...and Gilbert - in the books Charlie and Gilbert are close friends but definitely competing for Anne’s attention. I don’t think we’re going to see Gilbert jealous unless it’s very subtle. I think we could see him being uncomfortable if Charlie is showing Anne affection and I could see him doing small things like interrupting, etc...but I definitely don’t see anything really intense about it or any confrontations about it. I also still think that Anne and Gilbert might have more of this playful banter between them and that’s from the gif in the barn. We can’t see Anne’s expression but I think it looks like Gilbert is disagreeing with her. But just for the fact that it is them three in that scene and separated from everyone else to me indicates there might be a subtle triangle.
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Matthew - This is probably the theory that I have gone back and forth on the most. And I’m going to argue both sides. 1. He lives - It’s too early in the timeline and while Moira has deviated, it would put Marilla in a place where she would lose both Anne (to Queen’s) and Matthew and I don’t think Moira would do that to the story. However, if she did that would really be a strong story line for 4 because Marilla would be dealing with a lot of grief, alone. 
Matthew - 2. He dies - I think part of the reason I was hesitant about him dying is because where we are in the timeline then Gilbert wouldn’t give up the school for Anne because they haven’t even gotten through Queen’s yet BUT Moira is doing their relationship so differently anyway that I’m not sure I see this happening in this adaptation. I also just really lean towards the below being the Lynde’s reading his obituary and I feel like Rachel’s expression is grief. Also, we have a shot of Anne really upset and that could be her grieving. 
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Diana - in the books Diana isn’t allowed to go to Queen’s and in the photos it looks like she’s not in the class. I know some people thought the below was Diana being upset about Jerry with Anne (I think that’s a great theory) but I lean toward it’s her telling Anne that she’s not allowed to do Queen’s class and she’s disappointed in her parent’s decision.
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Diana and Jerry - I’m not convinced. I really like the idea of it and the story line about the Barry’s needing to accept it but I’m leaning towards no here. I think there could be flirting but I'm not ready to say it’s going to be Diana and Jerry in the end. It’s also partially because Anne and Gilbert’s relationship will always be primary in the series and I don’t think MWB is going to put another young relationship at the forefront. Also, Helen Johns (Mrs. Barry) gave an interview (https://meaww.com/anne-with-an-e-season-3-shift-aesthetics-diverse-characters-teens-actress-helen-johns) and it sounds like the Barry’s find out about Aunt Jo and they’re dealing with that.
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Rachel Lynde - She loses a cow. I think we’ll see Anne sell the cow, Dolly, by accident. I could have sworn that I saw a selfie AMB had taken with a cow but I can’t find it anymore.
Marilla - Sass and love. I think we’ll see Marilla as the most mothering that she has ever been. I think we’ll see a lot of close moments between her and Anne. We know she’ll be struggling with how losing Anne to school. I hope we still see her flashbacks since Anne’s will be gone (it was confirmed that AMB didn’t shoot flashbacks for 3). I think we’ll see her eyesight and headaches worsen.
Cole - I don’t think we’re going to see him a lot. I think we see him in Charlottetown but like I mentioned before there are a lot of story lines (it seems like) and we have the most amount of characters so there’s a lot to cover. I think we see Cole in relation to Anne’s story line but I don’t think he has a separate arc going on. I also think that might be why we see him go to the orphanage with Anne. MWB might have wanted to use him more in the season and that gave her the opportunity to.
The orphanage - Anne definitely appears to go and possibility interacts with Mr. Avery again. I have wild theories about what she discovers but as far as realistic or likely I’m not sure. I think it will be significant because it looks like she finds out at the end of the season (imdb page confirms Mr. Avery in episode 8) so if this is something big that carries throughout the season I don’t think it’s going to be a light discovery. Unless she doesn’t know anything about her family at all so just the fact that she discovers something is important but that’s not canon. In the books she knows what happened to her parents and who they were.
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Lots of events - Seems like we see the kids interacting a lot outside of school - forests, barns, homes, trains, ponds. It just seems like a lot is going on. Anne gets ice cream! 
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Anne and Gilbert - I think Moira is doing it up big and teasing a lot. Talking canon I think Gilbert will realize he has significant feelings for Anne (I don’t think in previous seasons he was aware imo), I think Anne might be starting to realize them but I think she’ll still be behind Gilbert in relation to admitting them. I just don’t know how serious they’ll be. I know first kisses was huge on the themes and we haven’t seen Gilbert’s and Anne’s wasn’t a real first kiss. If pressed I could see Gilbert admitting to her and her explaining that she sees him as a friend. I don’t think they’ll kiss in this scenario because if we see any kiss between Gilbert and Anne I think it will be them in the same place emotionally and it’s too early for them to be together. I actually don’t want to see them kiss only to have Anne reject him. :(
Pigtails - I think this is the last season of the pigtail and I’m even going with this being one of the ending looks of the season. It’ll be up-do’s here on out. Okay final theory kind of out there (could I really do an entire post without some outlier). We’re getting a time jump that we don’t know is happening and maybe the majority of what we’ve seen is early episodes only and back half of season is things like Queen’s and the kids are older. Not likely but seriously this look!
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Things I can’t decide on:
Proposals - I could see Charlie proposing to Anne but that’s the only one and again it would be too early. And I’m still iffy if Moira would have Anne at 16 being proposed to.
The Lily Maid - Guys, I want it. I want it badly. If we’re getting it, I think this is our last season for it.
Death - Frankenstein is incredibly dark and there are a lot of deaths in it (and murder) so I think someone will die (maybe even murdered) but all of the book deaths the timing isn’t right (Matthew, Ruby, Mr. Lynde) so I don’t know who it is, if anyone. I kind of played around with the theme of the tribe. Not a literal death but the death of a way of life. What the US and Canadian governments did to indigenous tribes was horrific. 
More to come - I think it’s great what we’ve seen but I think there’s so much more and I think big things that might be happening we haven’t seen anything from.
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jesusallah · 7 years
New TPE MotherGOD said to Safiyyah when Putin Pudo if crowds gathered she was afraid she couldn't protect filmed teams!! Safiyyah had wasted rice seeds for Ghostbusters and not rice how they eat shadows?? 佛經, 解!解!解!解冤仇!化道結!! you must know Dao Daoism to exist by they love to cheat Ghostbusters and lie to fake GODS for some ghosts could comfort themselves to get fake papers or fake GODS to be lied (lie) 紫薇圣人其实是上帝的化身,替宇宙之主传道~你们上天堂,还是下地狱,都是他说了算,他现在在装傻,看一下你们有没有同情心,和善良之心,看一下你们该不该得救,将来会有一场大审判,他叫我告诉你们小心点,将来紫薇在人间做王,整理人间的,你们要是以后看见了一个很帅很帅的有很完美的但就是又有点精神病的,你们会感觉得到他心里想什么的那个就是紫薇圣人,你们看到紫薇圣人的时候最好放聪明一点,放尊重一点,有钱给钱,有美女献美女,反正就是他要什么你们就给什么就对了,别说我没有和你们说啊~紫圣不久的将来会做王,从新整理一个完美世界,到时候还要带你们上天堂,那些做坏事的人,不听紫圣说的,将会完全的消失,紫圣这次下来人间做王,会带领大家,会告诉大家真理,把好的人带上天堂,把坏的消灭,从此以后会没有地狱,没有鬼。只有人和神。 神经病,紫薇圣人不会要这些物质的东西,他要钱吗,要女人吗,都比。自以为是,装逼遭雷劈。 88丨福丨88:要钱,但是不要女人,没有钱拿什么生活吃饭?吸收太阳能?你还以为圣人不吃饭不穿衣服? 平凡脚踏实地才是圣人,连人都不是还想当圣人。世人都因贪欲而被淘汰 【圣人】 圣人之所以为圣人者,善分民也。圣人不能分民,则犹百姓也。於己不足,安得名圣!是故,有事则用,无事则归之於民,唯圣人为善托业於民。民之生也,辟则愚,闭则类。上为一,下为二。 【译文】 圣人之所以成为圣人,就是因为他善于分利于民。圣人不擅长分利于民,就同普通百姓一样了。自己总是贪而不足,怎么能算是圣人呢?所以,国家有事就取用于民,无事就藏富于民,只有圣人才善于把产业寄托于人民。人的本性,越是开导就越是通情达理,越是堵塞就越是悖逆。上面提供一个,下面就会回敬两个。 或许我能这么分,但是我却不是圣人,毕竟我喜欢战争。 Push BIBLE records, A Taiwanese, the JU, THE ONLY king who's for the 46 U.S. President after Trump and Pence. farm is out Washington D.C. again by Taiwanese! the brand new national parent. 推背圖聖經記啟示錄,朱明江神 田中再現華聖 美國第四十六屆新美國人國父暨總統 田中再現華盛頓!! Push BIBLE records, A Taiwanese, the JU, THE ONLY king who's for the 46 U.S. President after Trump and Pence. farm is out Washington D.C. again by Taiwanese! the brand new national parent. 田中再現華聖 田中再現華盛頓!! 「伯公拿糖果邀我去他家」高市官員自爆4歲遭誘姦 | 三立 my precious blood to be sacrificed and there's no such thing called holy spirit he and Sam U.S. and they are all dirty to you who must face mirror or phone mirror when they are inside to eat your heart and brains for devils Trump supporters to stand for even Washington post and pots and posts BIBLE the truth of trump gave info to Putin in Brooklyn nets who is the only Putin doesn't kill and Safiyyah lied about on Putin Pudo day which not all ghosts be opened by Ghostbusters doors and for those who stayed and lived at resurrected senior high to interrupt their filming on banquet day had dared to ask my mom's named flowers!! for what? to Safiyyah must and should teach and educate ghosts who are long there about true Jehovah'! that building wasn't clean and why had gone there especially on Putin Pudo day?? Safiyyah got halo and his brother's FBi was fear but Safiyyah her halo wasn't from fake Islamism it was she had converted by me to lead that ghost needed higher and Safiyyah should have asked him how he could be ancestry or to occupy idol and does he have certification through muscles power to connect Dao temples?? why GOD I'M here? when you Taiwanese are more to become no superstition then GOD I must approve old LAWS and create royal LAWS when fresh are no longer to be cheated as etc ALiens to fool me to add hatred EYETH. I, GOD wanna you no worrying of burn fake papers due to I'll set the LAWS to fine and you must pay tithes then others you don't damage your entire like Foxconn and Facebook GOD I'll eat to end devils Messiah messed messages also happen when messed 78 who will graduate then to lose jobs! study BIBLE to know what lies for centuries then no need to know about 555 billions years fresh at final to clean floors at NBA terrible! Don't you have hearts? or you just like those black U.S. trinity sports leagues these years GOD I eyewitnessed and understood either Taiwanese old uselessness women got inspired or their life experience be wonderful wondering to be like them to not follow lines or use umbrella to drop rains and more are useful for such devils EARTH you call GOD I'm the one ever created don't image GOD the only one loves you individually no hate others from GOD! common everybody comes to say hi to GOD to fear pig's death by there ARE he'll hells from psychic prophet! when I'm in Brooklyn the very true GHOSTS t.v. shows will punish 50 percent sinners and reward 50 percent my foot bleeding ones very easily can tell his Emmanuel Marco with wife (wife) and she speaks like 80 year-old FU and make up show she's Wu 1000 year-old Safiyyah says those death wanted to finish untold truth but more on tomorrow's reality is they'll come back to please you teach and educate them about me the one I'm only GOD you DON'T love giant real the one GOD but your sick brains keep pushing you to fake idols to suit your conditions and quality! your grandmother DOESN'T care your tests but your dam (dam) dame parents who are you g young to get you fake Dao stuff from praying examination GODS. you say those FOOLISH fake Christians are also bad who pray Jesus about tests and trash dog NBA finals. Full Fu (study) (study) many who worship masters and they hope if they die, they can follow the Sam masters! but do you ever consider as Li to worry his kids wouldn't be at the Sam CHU church after death! the debtors issue is from this! 我們不要因為壞人示現魔考就拒絕真神! this trash said you all DON'T believe because you all had 4 year-old let me explain, you still have those bad and damaged brains who get genie and bad spirits into your souls which you need me not no always the Sam 無常但常有唯一真神明!! ETS Aliens are too many in politics!! Pig won lottery of HK (港式) Cantonese and you told me those who pay all of many inside casinos are empty airs?? most people are shocked when they used to understand no death worship workshops and who wasted much on fake LAMB and AMB also earthquaked by psychic prophet sleeping salvation. I'm good which I must know its all and it's all blame Allah the psychic prophet salvation dramass. lots of people did believe there's nothing after death who knows the BIBLE is correct when death are Al ALL with me and I, GOD wake them up by the old frequencies you were with not holy and you DON'T see ET ETS Aliens and Ghostbusters but now is higher as 3G 4G are ended to create 4.45 G 5G 6G.. be brave Ghostbusters and you can help to kill bad airs and terrible ghosts by fake beliefs you're belonging to the EARTH meaning you're belonging to you're a ghost not heavily heavenly or others even ETs Aliens are coming to worship the bleeding me for understanding the true physicall universes ghosts are you and you're dogs! you had pre mortality lives but you're a weak you to be surrounded and surrendering the environmental zoos! you fear to be hungry and those packages doggy food are much cheaper than the real chickens by fake meats!! you're ghosts and dogs who must be one unkind of Sam type dogs no killing for different races of dogs unkind!! to educate ghosts are you can do not be GOD no be me I'm I'M GOD but you can train you to be ghost a one once your friendship Ghostbusters also need you to model to demonstrate to train or UFO or Jeep TS GI she DOESN'T die yet and you all be so anxious to worship to pray she's dying pig soon!! they're her images I Crystal (crystal) Sam adds enough extra I word by the last sentence like Dao fake Sam N this trash Sam to fool Daoists in Tao God's treasure precisely precious bloods to save you through salvation and God's toothache, headache, and nightmares also making your salvation! that U.S. guy used AK 47 48 but while he was adding bullets U.S. female cop killed him when he's a ghost for other Ghostbusters can tell his last wardrobe is weird to be seen and discriminated in Ghostbusters nations. not only Safiyyah and others or almost 90 percent who all say Ghostbusters wear the most are their last stop wardrobe and you must be adding whats to pig or yourselves?? (pig)! you must wear clothes have your jersey name and doramon jacket to match New iPad screens jackets to conquer all Ghostbusters enemies with the iPhone instructions for Malaysians!! ghosts never end their lives which pig has to go serve in temples and his ex kids will have to live in truth to help his assignments as dark then furthermore is he's not gonna be fake Buddhists to burn his bones by a Dao cemetery Christians do have lots of posters experiences but they don't believe Catholics and pope to kill GHOSTS and they FU and push their certainty to the one GOD to create V. Daoists to follow God's APPS at training fresh are the Sam issues!! this proves again the LIN can't see GHOSTS be a major cheater plus her master the ex temple owner her relative couldn't see the physician JU as GHOST doctor but Safiyyah saw and the guy could only pray to airs to pretend GHOST doctor heard!! of course he taught Safiyyah when she had wasted her entire childhood to not doing till tray dish devils to stick and she began her first career. (car) if you can't see GHOSTS and how to tell the patients have been cured? as X-Men Xray to doctors (doctor) Your chicken pox those poxes are volcanoes to land skins! about who join JU CHU Messiaholy churches and they believe GHOSTS, Daoists their fake GODS and Catholics saints be GODS etc. but they FU BIBLE is the Qur'an can't stop to borrow a man can produce kids through a woman's not LAMAS monkeys sex Fatima which is anti Buddhism for Buddhists must believe ETS Aliens be fat to get colours being alive fresh! Christians believe the one is there is no science to say all are bad if all were bad then they all become righteousness for existing! Christians beliefs to not making you see BIBLE is devil but you have no choice to against greaters. Buddhism can see lots badly worsening in BIBLE to set fresh in death and old no educated bad Taiwanese who DON'T obey devils to fool themselves through dirty inside brains HEARTS to make mess!! lots of old Taiwanese moms told GOD they can't read or they were born in Japanese era which they donated waste bucks to reimburse
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