#Arkham City quote
crowbird · 4 days
original thought/concept, pervious part
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The cosmos is much like a forest. One seed, one idea can birth a world, and any alternate timelines branch off as the tree goes but it is still the same base concept. The rules are still the same and the statistical probability one exists on another branch of their tree is never zero. You do not however have that same probability should you look to another tree. A willow cannot grow acorns and a birch does not shed needles.
Worlds can branch on into the infinite levels of plausibility but each remains it's own even if the origin is one in the same. But the chance of someone slipping from their tree and falling into another is, well, not exactly typical. In fact it's so atypical that people often assume the multiverse and alternate timelines are the same thing. But the multiverse is the other timelines, it only becomes another universe entirely when the very rules that govern reality are different. Even the slightest difference of origin or technicality can prove effective but regardless it remains so.
There are entities who plant the trees and worlds who spring from the seeds dropped by others, but the forest is vast and does not end for neither does infinity and if it ever started is beyond even the oldest of gods.
One day, at the peak of a festival in a backwater capital in Europe a part of the world slipped and broke, the power coursing through the area of old gods and new, the birth of those ascended and descended shook the world so greatly that a contest of the festival was knocked from their branch. They did not fall into the void but rather managed to catch themselves on the branch of another tree.
For as much as a birch will not grow needles it can mutate, a new branch can be grafted onto another, one entity can plant multiple trees. And as such it is a gross oversimplification to simply say that you were from another world.
It would not be an oversimplification however to say that communicating such information is beyond your ability. After all the vastness of the forest is beyond human comprehension as are those entities that roam between it. As such the both of you decided it would be more believable to say you were from another world if pressed further.
"That just begs the question then why do you believe me?"
An excellent question, one Jason was still unsure of himself. The thought haunting the back of his mind for the better part of a week now. You'd think that he'd have other things on his mind—you know like patrolling the building that as of late everyone in the narrows had avoided like the plague. As if some festering illness was rooted in the walls, yet black mold it was not. Old floorboards and peeling paint may expose insulation old enough to ensure the presence of asbestos.
You would think he'd be more concerned about potentially falling through the rotten floorboards or getting snagged on a rusty nail. Nope, none of that was present in his mind. Rather the one that lingered was your words as a a pain beyond any other in his left leg shot through his left leg, the source only partially unclear. It was only the influence of the Lazuras that kept him standing long enough to put a bullet through the man's outstretched arm.
The hand once outstretched dropped to his side, limp and bloody not from the bullet but rather the brutal mutilation of a sigil cut into skin. One he recognized even as back at your shop, in between a discussion of intentions, you had drawn out several sigils, explaining their origin with the various old gods of your world. A request that if he comes across the symbols in his to let them know. After all you had said it yourself, who were you to know if you were the only thing that fell through.
He was fairly sure it wasn't the symbol you wore on your flesh but he was a little busy dodging to check the fine details.
The man's smile grew wider, the desert dry skin of his face cracking more with the expression, eyes vacant and bloodshot all at once. The garb was something like a priest but even with the crimes done in the name of religion Jason did not want to believe this thing was a priest.
Raising his other hand the priest let out a laugh, Jason in turn let out a rather embarrassing yelp has his jacket caught fire. Throwing the red leather off, he once again launched himself across the room to put distance between them. This man would kill him. He knew that, instinctively, the fear settling in the depths of his bones as it settled there to fester under his skin.
Call it innate, call it instinctual, call it learned, call it observed, call it a thousand different things but regardless of how he simply knew. Knew that if he did not kill this man this man would kill him, and Jason Todd had no desire to die twice, least of all by whatever this was. So it was with little shame that a bullet found itself in the man's head. Body crumbling to the ground, old floorboards groaning with the sudden weight. The walls sighed a gasp of dust at the effort and Jason lets his shoulders drop.
The body doesn't move. Which is good. It would be very bad if the body moved. Jason let out a sigh, he had barely finished the book he bought a few days ago and looks like he'd be going back for another one within the hour.
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crow's note: once i set up the like barebones plot i promise I'll write something silly and fun, alternatively you could drop something in my inbox and i will write something silly and fun as well
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
Pamela, chatting with Selina and Harley: -so then I-
Edward: pammy
Pamela, ignoring him: -I told him exactly where he could-
Edward: pammy
Pamela: Not now, Edward. I told him-
Edward: pammy
Selina and Harley, trying not to laugh:
Edward: pammy could you
Pamela: Edward, for- oh. *takes the jar of pickles from him, twists the cap off, and hands it back* anyway-
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drgarrisonandpaul · 5 months
Hatter: She let me hit cuz I'm goofy~ Penguin: Two-Face: Deacon: Azrael: Deadshot:
Riddler: Batman: Stop misgendering me. Joker: And stealing my jokes about making love to Batman
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Jeremiah: i left specific instructions for you and Ecco for while i'm away
Jerome, squinting at the post-it note: mine just says 'Jerome, no'
Jeremiah: i want you to apply it for every single thought you have
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fifiophobia · 2 years
My review of the Arkham franchise in a nutshell
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mr-e-nigma · 2 years
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Edward live messaging the events of Arkham City to the rogues discord server
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Catwoman: My whip-handling's starting to look pretty good, huh?
Harley: More like you're startin' to look like a dominatrix...
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beesandhoney1219 · 2 years
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Arkham Asylum, Gotham City.
This interview is between the head therapist [Doctor (Dr.) David Kane] and Inmate 11, Harvey Dent [Two-Face]. The doctor is escorted by four armed guards for his own personal safety.
Date: September 10th, 2022. 12:45 PM.
Dr. Kane: Hello, Two-Face.
Two-Face: [Silence].
Dr. Kane: This is Two-Face I am speaking to, correct?
Two-Face: [Silence].
Dr. Kane: We will get nowhere if you continue like this, Harvey.
Two-Face: Dent isn’t here, doc.
Dr. Kane: And why is that?
Two-Face: He’s resting. It has been a busy day for us, and yet here we are. Doing a shitty interview.
Dr. Kane: So I’ve heard. You got into an altercation with another inmate, didn’t you? Joker?
Two-Face: He pissed us off, what else is there to say?
Dr. Kane: And how did he do that?
Two-Face: None of your damn business. Why don’t you go interview one of the actual crazies in this place and leave us the hell alone?
Dr. Kane: Mr. Dent, if you continue to be difficult, I’ll be forced to take drastic measures. If you want to get better, you’ll have to cooperate.
Two-Face: Harvey wants to get better. Not us. We don’t give two shits.
Dr. Kane: ‘Us’?
Two-Face: [Silence].
Dr. Kane: Two-Face, is there more than one of you? Has another persona formed?
Two-Face: [Silence].
Dr. Kane: [Sighs]. Guards, please put Mr. Dent into solitary confinement for the rest of the night. He clearly isn’t interested in being good.
Dr. Kane: Oh, and take his coin.
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nocturnest · 1 month
Omg now imagine Y/n seeing his picture in the newspaper after he testifies his medical expertise for a trial (definitely to get more thugs into his grasp to experiment on at Arkham 😅) and she’s like “It’s him!!” After recognizing that he’s the man who saved her from her ex, and for reasons she herself can’t explain, she finds herself nervously walking into Arkham to thank her savior, lightly knocking on his office door and he probably answers roughly at first, but the minute he sees that it’s her, he softens in a way that he himself is shocked at🥹 He is extremely thrilled that she came to visit him but he would also be fascinated because she had witnessed him use his fear gas, and it was probably very clear in her mind that he is probably connected to the things she has been hearing about in the news with “The Scarecrow”, so he’s also surprised to see her willingly standing in front of him😯 (There are 100% feelings growing hehe)
@kpopgirlbtssvt OHO there's feelings alright! you keep on coming up with such AMAZING ideas! YES YES AND YES! i hope he's not too ooc in this - i just wanted to portray his softer side because i don't think we see enough of that in fics! sometimes he and the reader just need comfort. please enjoy!
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It's him.
You were flipping through the pages of the Gotham Gazette haphazardly, your eyes widening when they landed on a familiar face. Right there was a photo of the mysterious man who had saved you from your ex, and now you finally knew his name: Jonathan Crane. The headline touted his testimony in a high-profile trial, emphasizing his expertise in psychology and his pivotal role in the proceedings.
Your mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. Jonathan Crane—the man who had intervened when you needed help the most, the man whose actions had left you both grateful and curious. As you read further into the article, you learned more about his background, his accomplishments, and where he worked: Arkham Asylum.
Some of the sources in the article were members of the DA's Office, a Rachel Dawes being quoted as finding Crane's opinions on the mental state of many members of criminal syndicates "questionable" and "extremely convenient."
Your mind was slowly making connections about Jonathan's connection to Arkham Asylum and the rumors surrounding The Scarecrow, a figure well-known in Gotham City for spreading his fea toxin on his victims.
It's him.
You should have been scared, terrified even. You should have simply remained content with keeping your life and your sanity after your encounter with him. But you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude toward Jonathan. Even if he was this Scarecrow, there was obviously more to the man. The way he had shown you such care even though you were merely a stranger. You wanted to get to know him, and it had nothing to do with the fact that you couldn't stop thinking about the shade of his eyes and his brown locks that you wanted to graze your hands through. No, not at all.
With a mix of determination and trepidation, you made a decision—to thank your mysterious savior in person.
With each step towards Arkham Asylum, your heart pounded in your chest. What if he didn't remember you? Would he even want to see you? Were you imposing by showing up to his work? The large building loomed before you, casting a shadow over your surroundings. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you made your way along the path to the front gates.
As you approached the imposing gates of the asylum, a knot formed in your stomach. Security guards stood sentinel, their expressions stern and unwavering. You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you were making the right decision by coming here.
Summoning your courage, you stepped forward, your hands clammy with nerves. "Excuse me," you said tentatively, addressing one of the guards. "I'm here to see Jonathan Crane."
The guard regarded you with a scrutinous gaze, his expression unreadable. After a moment of silence, he reached for a clipboard, scanning the list of names. "And you are?" he asked, his tone brusque.
You gave your name, hoping that somehow Jonathan had not erased your existence from his memory.
The guard's eyes flicked down to the clipboard once more, and then back up to you. "Ah, yes," he said, his tone surprisingly casual. "You're on the list. You can go inside."
Relief washed over you as you realized that Jonathan had, in fact, remembered you—or at least deemed you worthy of access to the asylum. But as you made your way past the gates and into the dimly lit corridors beyond, you couldn't help but wonder about the implications of your presence here.
Perhaps Jonathan had put your name down out of courtesy, or maybe he truly did want to see you again. Either way, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. And as you ventured deeper into the heart of Arkham Asylum, you resolved to uncover the truth behind Jonathan Crane's enigmatic presence in your life.
It took some asking around from some stern nurses, but you had made it. Nervously, you approached Jonathan's office, your hand trembling as you raised it to knock on the door.
"Come in."
Jonathan's voice echoed from his office. You had forgotten how much you enjoyed hearing his voice. He had this calming effect around him.
You padded tentatively into the office, your hands restless with anxiety.
The office was a nice change from the bland halls of the asylum. There were bookshelves behind a desk filled with texts on psychology, fear, and the like. Your eyes grazed over a title that read A Comprehensive History of Phobias.
And there Jonathan was, again in the same suit and tie as when you saw him last but pristine as ever. He hadn't bothered to look up yet, and his expression remained stern, his eyes scanning over what were likely medical reports.
His gaze was sharp as he looked up towards you. But then, as his eyes met yours and recognition dawned, something shifted in Jonathan's demeanor. His features softened, a hint of warmth creeping into his gaze. If you had looked close enough, you might have even been able to detect a light blush across his face.
He said your name softly, and it rolled off his tongue with unexpected familiarity, "What brings you here?"
He stood and beckoned you to sit with a wave of his hand.
You swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his penetrating gaze. "I, um...saw you in the newspaper," you began, your voice wavering slightly. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me that night."
Jonathan's expression softened further, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It was my pleasure," he replied, his voice warm with sincerity. "And I'm glad to see you're doing well." He stumbles through his words, "At least I hope you are. Are you?"
You smile, "I am."
As you stood there, facing each other in the dimly lit office, a palpable tension hung in the air. You couldn't deny the inexplicable pull you felt towards Jonathan, regardless of the potential of him indeed being The Scarecrow.
"I have a question though."
"Yes, my dear?"
You look over your shoulder before whispering, "Is it true? Are you...The Scarecrow?"
He stilled, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. For a moment, the air in the room seemed to grow heavy with the weight of unspoken truths, and Jonathan suddenly felt much more imposing. You couldn't tell if you liked it or not.
Finally, Jonathan spoke, his voice low and measured, "And if I were?"
Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to process his response. The rumors, the whispers—they had all led you to this moment, standing face to face with the enigmatic figure before you. But now that the truth hung in the air between you, you couldn't help but feel a surge of fear mingled with a strange sense of fascination.
"Well, I suppose that would be okay," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. Despite the gravity of the situation, you couldn't help but feel a strange sense of acceptance wash over you.
Jonathan's eyes widen and he makes a poor attempt to conceal his surprise. His expression softens and a hint of relief flickers in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said sincerely, his voice barely audible above the quiet hum of the room.
As the tension in the air began to ease, Jonathan cleared his throat, his gaze flickering towards the window where the fading light of dusk filtered through the blinds. He looked hesitant, contemplative. "My work day is over," he said, his tone casual yet tinged with anticipation. "Would you...care to join me for coffee?"
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden invitation. But as you met Jonathan's gaze, a spark of curiosity ignited within you. Despite the mysteries surrounding him, there was something undeniably intriguing about Jonathan Crane, something that drew you to him like a moth to a flame.
"I would like that," you replied, a grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
Jonathan returned your smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "Excellent," he said, his voice laced with a newfound warmth.
"Shall we?"
You take his hand into yours and give him a shy smile, "We shall."
Jonathan's hand enveloped yours, his touch gentle yet firm. With a shared smile, the two of you stepped out of his office, leaving the weight of unspoken truths behind.
As you entered the café off of 17th street, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped you, accompanied by the gentle hum of chatter from other patrons. Jonathan led you to a table by the window, where sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the scene.
You were seated across from each other, each with a coffee in hand.
Jonathan took a sip of his coffee before leaning in with a smile. "So, tell me about yourself. What are you studying at Gotham University?"
You stirred your own coffee nervously, then met his gaze. "I'm studying psychology, funnily enough. It's always fascinated me, understanding how the mind works and how we perceive the world around us."
Jonathan's eyes lit up with interest. "Ah, psychology. I know a thing or two about that."
You giggle and he smiles back almost mischievously in response.
His face lights up as he continues, "I have a particular interest in phobias myself. The way fear manifests in the human psyche is truly fascinating."
You nodded, intrigued. "That's interesting. I've always been more drawn to brain chemistry and medications, though. I'm curious about the physiological aspects of fear."
Jonathan leaned back, taking another sip of his coffee. "Different approaches, but equally valid. It's the beauty of the field, isn't it? So many perspectives to explore."
As the conversation continued, you found yourselves discussing your shared love for reading. Jonathan enjoys older works whereas you enjoy a mixture of book classic Gothic literature and newer psychological thrillers. He has quite an affinity for works by Edgar Allan Poe.
Beautiful, intelligent, and well-read?!
You find yourself quickly falling for this man. You both talk about everything and nothing. And you may or may not find yourself sometimes staring at Jonathan's lips for too long, wondering if you could get to know this man in other ways as well.
As you speak with him, the hours melt away and afternoon quickly turns into evening.
There's a cold chill in the air as you walk alongside Jonathan. It begins to snow gently and you start to wish you had brought a heavier jacket with you.
Jonathan's utterly sweet yet insistent when he insists on walking you home from the café. You don't even attempt to dissuade him from it because you find that you don't want to leave his company just yet.
Snowflakes began to drift lazily from the sky, settling on the ground and catching in Jonathan's hair. His brown locks, illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights, appeared almost black, but you could discern the true color beneath.
He speaks passionately, gesturing with one hand while the other grasps your own firmly. It seems almost natural to him, to be so close to you.
"The snow is quite beautiful, isn't it?" Jonathan remarked, glancing up at the swirling flakes. "There's something serene about it."
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's peaceful. Makes the city feel quieter somehow."
Jonathan chuckled softly. "Yes, exactly. It's like the snow has a way of muffling the noise of the world, if only for a moment."
As you continued walking, Jonathan's cheeks reddened with the cold, adding a rosy hue to his features. Yet his enthusiasm seemed to ward off the chill.
"I hope you don't mind me insisting on walking you home," Jonathan said, his tone earnest. "I just couldn't let you brave the cold alone."
You squeezed his hand gently, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "I don't mind at all. In fact, I'm glad you're here."
With each step, the distance between the café and your home seemed to shrink, yet you wished the journey could last forever. There was something undeniably comforting about being in Jonathan's company, something that made you reluctant to part ways.
As the snow continued to fall gently around you, you found yourselves engaged in conversation, sharing stories and laughter in the midst of the wintry night. And as you reached your doorstep, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected companionship that had brightened your day.
"Thank you for walking me home," you said, turning to face Jonathan with a smile.
"It was my pleasure," Jonathan replied, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "But I must confess, I'd much rather stay here with you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, the warmth in his eyes sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach. Without hesitation, you leaned in closer, your breath mingling with his in the crisp winter air.
"Then stay," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper.
With a tender smile, Jonathan closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. In that moment, beneath the softly falling snow, you knew that you had found something truly special—a love that had blossomed unexpectedly, yet felt destined from the start.
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@kiss-me-cill-me Hope you enjoy this as well!
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gilbirda · 2 years
This mostly stemmed from the constant image of Jason being so disgustingly enamored with Jazz [the twirling-his-hair-heart-eyes-and-being so-unfocused-on-important-shit lovesick] that the batfam finds it bizarre rather than cute
The most I got is Ember rolling into Gotham looking for a bigger crowd [I guess], Jazz, interning at Arkham as the popular saying goes, tries dealing with her and Jason obviously steps in cause Crime Alley business is his business and smth about this new rocker chicks smells fishy.
I'm guessing you know where this is going?
Ember gets away, off to collect a following as she does.
Jazz is prepared for ghost nonsense, but she was not prepared for this vigilant built like a brick house to suddenly be mooning over her. So she reluctantly knocks this guy's lights out and leaves him in some alley [maybe checks him over for what she hopes is a panic button and leaves the bats to it]
The bats find him and bring him home, and thus have to deal with their uncharacteristically goofy, lovestruck family member going on and on about some redhead. He's talking about her long pretty hair, the color of her eyes, the way she kicked ass, her bossiness.
They can't get anything useful out of him.
It's both sickening and blackmail worthy
Cue batfam looking into the whole Ember business all while trying to keep Jason from wandering off in search of Jazz and keep him from potentially exposing himself or embarrassing himself. Meanwhile, Jazz is also trying to deal with Ember and maybe calling in the big guns....
Cue flustered Jazz having some weird ass run-ins with the bats and watching them as they try to keep an embarrassingly enamored Red Hood in check [The dude is probably singing her sonnets and all sorts of romantic shit]
[He refused to stay home, he wanted the chance to see her]
Hmmm, not much room to figure out a route for potential romance there :p
I would read it!!!
I mean, Jazz could acknowledge that this stranger is under a spell and doesn't really like, like her, so she's understanding and kind?
She still needs to deal with the ghost situation without Batman knowing what really is going on, so she has to outsmart the bats while she outruns this guy that's reciting very cute poetry oh my god he should write it down and publish it! and defeat Ember on her own.
She calls the big guns. She is strong, but she knows when she's overwhelmed.
Team Phantom deals with Ember as she deals with the bats. After all, she needs to make herself a distraction from the whole ghost-is-mind-controlling-people, and they are following her anyway, so she just-
she leaves fake clues?
It's actually really fun!!! She has taken a support role when helping her brother, and spreading her wings like this, running around the city at night and testing the limits of her liminal abilities, IS FUN.
And the guy, he said his name was Jay but she stopped him before he could say more, is actually very fun to talk to. When she is caught by him before the others and they get to interact, she sits down and studies him and what he uses to romance - it strikes her that he can quote plays and books at the drop of a hat (that is not the spell, this guy legit has memorized those) and that he is actually very polite?
Spell or no spell, it's been a while since she talked to someone like this. Nerding out.
But then Ember is defeated and the spell is broken and she is bummed that it's over but hey, it's been a fun experience!
And this dude remembers what happened too? He is very sorry and she assures him that it's totally fine and that he didn't say anything compromising about his identity.
And so they go back to their normal lives
she misses him? It was fun and it was all a spell, but she misses him. It's silly, because there's no way a whole ass vigilante with probably a busy life is interested in silly romance?
And then this guy finds her one time as she was going home. He's just checking on her, really, because it must have been stressing dealing with all of that. He says he is sorry about being clingy and, well, she's been cool about it but wanted to make sure it was all fine.
He's being nice, she thinks.
He asks her if it could be cool to keep in touch. Because, uh, books? He wanted to know more about that theory she mentioned and maybe when they had a free schedule she wanted to grab a drink?
Yeah, sure. She gives him her number. How else would he contact her? By being a creep and stalk her to her house? No thank you.
And that's how Jazz ends up being courted by a Bat and doesn't realize what's going on.
Yes I hc her as aspec, what about it
If anyone wants to add, go ahead!
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floralcyanidee · 8 months
ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴀʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ - ᴊᴏɴᴀᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ
Jonathan Crane x GN/AFAB!Reader Headcanons
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Headcanons about Jonathan Crane and his life with an alt (emo/ goth) partner.
warnings: mentions of taxidermy, mentions of witchcraft, mentions of religion, mentions of animal remains, theft, innuendo, mature themes, mentions of body modifications
word count: 696
author's note: as ya'll know I'm a slut for Jonathan so I decided to do some headcanons about him with an alt partner (I'm alt soo it was warranted) I based these headcanons on universal and well known characteristics of alt peeps as well some based on me and my friends. i hope everyone enjoys! (:
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
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* Jonathan is obviously a criminal, so nothing is stopping him from stealing. this includes him stealing things from inbound patients at Arkham Asylum. He often finds things that remind him of you and will give them to you. You know where they come from, obviously, because you know who Jonathan is, but you find it endearing and romantic that he thinks of you.
* You and Jonathan live on the outskirts of the city, where there’s plenty of woodland to explore. Jonathan enjoys it because it gives him peace from work and being a villain, you enjoy it because there are oodles of animal bones and plants to scavenge. 
* Keeping that in mind, you often use the plants or bones or even still-fresh remains you find for your spells/ rituals/ altars/ taxidermy/ crafts. Sometimes, Jonathan will also find things when he’s out exploring or getting away from things. Every now and then, he’ll try different plants for new toxins, so he’s out scouring the woods. He’s always thinking of you, of course, so whenever Jonathan comes across a cool-looking plant or the skull of an animal, he snatches it up immediately.
* He admires your belief system. Whether it’s Witchcraft, Hellenism, etc., he appreciates the art and dedication you put into it. Jonathan sees it as equivalent to science in a way- creating spells and mixtures and getting something new from it. Sometimes, he asks for your help with his experiments simply because of your knowledge of apothecaries and spells.
*  Black is your color. Jonathan knows this and doesn’t mind that you’re clad in all black whenever he has to make an appearance in Gotham. You get plenty of stares, sure, but he doesn’t care about that. Jonathan doesn’t really care about anything except his experiments and you.
* Jonathan finds your body mods (tattoos, piercings, etc.) intriguing. When you first met, he had a ton of questions about them. Did they hurt? What do they mean? He loves the different jewelry you wear as well. 
* Your obsession with horror is one of Jonathan’s favorite things about you. He finds it adorable that you can quote numerous horror movies and even recite lines as they’re being said. When Halloween comes around, it’s always a treat (non pun intended.) You love cosplaying various horror characters from movies, shows, and video games. Jonathan adores it and sometimes plays along.
* Speaking of Halloween, one year, he dressed as a priest, and you dressed as an undead nun. This year, you’re becoming a crow, and he’s dressing as you guessed it- a scarecrow. You’re already planning next year’s costumes.
* You’ll drag Jonathan to concerts and cons all the time. At first, he was hesitant to go to them, but the more you’ve taken him, the more he’s grown interested. Your favorite bands are now his favorite bands. He’s found himself humming the heaviest of songs you introduced him to. You used to beg him to dress for the cons, but now you don’t have to. Jonathan already has ideas for the next con, even.
* You and Jonathan surprisingly have a lot in common. You had rough childhoods, you have a genuine disdain for other people most of the time, cats are interesting to both of you, and you have some mental illness as well, and so does he, obviously. You also have a mutual hatred for Batman. You think he’s overrated, and Jonathan, well, why he hates him is obvious, too.
* Did someone say fishnets? Jonathan has bought you so many pairs of those and knee socks because he’ll literally rip them off you. He gets you a bunch of fishnets in different colors to match the lingerie sets he buys you. Jonathan thinks you look the hottest in red.
* Jonathan’s favorite intimate thing to do is dye your roots or paint your nails. At first, he hated doing your hair, but now he does it without a problem, plus he’ll even touch up your layers. He’s delicate when painting your nails, holding your hands softly but firmly. Jonathan is very intricate in nature, so he does them flawlessly every time.
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@sstar-ggirl @cillsmurphs @ldklollord @thecherrycocktail @dunklerkeks1611 @hllywdwhre @ecstaticforus @faelvz @ceruleanrainblues @yongi-lee @baizzhu @aporiasposts @queenshelby @amanda08319 @orijanko @naty-1001 @raineeace @nela-cutie @cutexlr @flwrs4aust @langdons-slut @shynovelist @trixie23 @cillianbabe @slut4thebroken @mypoisonedvine @burnyouwithacigarettelighter @cranesbathtowel @arieslost @nefhertari @forgottenpeakywriter @llucky-llove @october-atoner @madlittlecriminal @ynisthatyou @starbxnny @darkmoviesquotespizza @newtsniffles
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Your blog is very interesting, keep up the good work! Also is it ok if you do riddler, scarecrow, and mad hatter (seperately) who has a childhood friend who protects them cuz they have high morals and "a true hero never leaves the helpless behind." Quote they just made.
S/o has adhd (like me) so despite they're not as smart as them, they would praise them and even their inventions cuz they think it's cool. Their s/o wanted to be a hero growing up despite it sound ridiculous but that doesn't stop them from achieving their dream.
Then they all grown up and they became a villain while s/o became a new hero in gotham city and sometimes team up with batman cuz they think his cool. So what happens if they realize it's their childhood friend due to their attitude, having difficulty on solving things that only they could understand, and their cheerful, silly yet strong hearted nature. It's ok if you don't want to.
Aww, it's so sad. I honesty love this trope. Also S/O means Significant Other so I'm not sure if you wants platonic or not. I'll try to make it so you can read it either way.
They were only good thing about his childhood, he hung out with them when he could.
He wanted to learn more about their ADHD, it fascinated him how it effects Y/N.
It might be partly why he got into psychology.
Their cheerful attitude make him smile after great granny punished him.
Still doesn't think they would go far with this ideology, especially the more he grown up and saw more.
Still couldn't help missing them.
And the fact that new hero acted like them really played tricks with his brain. Especially since he thought they were too familiar.
Couldn't believe it was them.
Ha. Of course they would end up on opposite sides.
He will give them a chance to back away. For the old times sake.
Unburied! Riddler
Ah, sweet Y/N. He always remembers them fondly.
They were only ones to listen to his ramblings. They pulled pranks on his bullies life was good.
He thinks their ideology wasn't really working but he wouldn't say bad things about them.
When the new hero showed he thought they were similar to his old friend so he got soft spot for them. Then he realized they were TOO similar.
Basically stalks them and get's every info he can get and soon he figures it out.
Isn't sure how to react. Decides to meet them face to face to say hi.
"It's kinda awkward isn't it?"
Would let them win from time to time.
While he doesn't like them fighting him he can see it being a game.
Arkham! Anarky
They were probably reason why he started the whole Anarky thing.
He looked up to them, would like to be hero with them. They could be partners.
Y/N was angel in his eyes.
When he saw hero acting like them it make him interested, he must have work with them.
He suspected who they might be but he only got confirmation once they called him his old nickname.
So happy! They can finally be partners just how they wanted to be-
.... what do they mean by, no?
Why? He make sure that scums of Gotham will be dealt with. He does the same thing as they. Why they don't see it?!
TWOJAR! Kiteman
Always thought they were better than him.
Looked at to them, might even learned to get up again again because of Y/N.
He recognised their attitude when they showed up as hero but he pushed the thought beside thinking it's stupid.
But then it's turn out he was right.
It's a shame they have to see him in that state.
"... hey Y/N. I knew you were always better"
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freemymindvenus · 22 days
Arkham Bios: Edward Nygma
Name: Edward Nygma (born Nashton)
Sex: Male
Code: 36EDNYRE
Patients Quote: You'll never get me to say anything about myself! Anything!!
Hair: Light Auburn
Eyes: Green
Mental Condition/Disorder: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Cellmate: Black Mask. They Hate each other.
Birthplace: Gotham City.
Date Of Birth: 30 December 1993
Age: 30
Requested Songs For Eating Time: Love For Sale, Space Oddity
Requested Film for Lounging Time: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
-Dr. Toller
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drgarrisonandpaul · 5 months
Hatter: *Skipping around The Iceberg Lounge*
Penguin: "Security, there's a homosexual on aisle 5."
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Harley Quinn (The show) quotes for the DC Class?
*Nathaniel and Lila are seated across from Nadja Chamack on her talk show. Nathaniel, grown to about fifteen feet is only shot from the neck down by the camera*
Nadja: Nathaniel, hon. how are you feeling about all of this?
Lila: He is devastated that the world is attacking a girl he knows is so kind, is so lovely-
Nadja: Let’s hear it from Nathaniel in his own words!
Lila: Those are his own words. I’m a telepath! He thinks it, I say it. *The audience boos at her* Isn’t that right, sweetie? He said right.
Nadja: He did not say “right”! Did y’all hear him say “right”?
Lila: Well-
Nathaniel: She was talking to ME! An individual person who exists outside of YOU!
Nadja: Get her, boy!
Nathaniel: A person who, for months, you mind-controlled-
Lila: Don’t do this.
Nathaniel: Into thinking he loved you!
Lila: Do not do this!
Nathaniel: A person who is leaving YOU! *Storms out of the studio*
Lila: Why, you get back here, you miserable [BLEEP]!
Adrien: *excitedly* Is this the good kinda acid that gives you superpowers?!
Alya: No!
Adrien: Awwww...
Marinette: I need a permit for a trap door? The whole point is no one is supposed to know about it! Especially the city.
Lila: *fighting Denise* OW! That really hurt, you [BLEEP]
*everything, including the Earth itself, comes to a shocked standstill*
Rose: *watching the fight on TV* Holy shit!
Nino: The name is Nino, actor extraordinaire recently portraying the juicy role of country boy bartending in the big city!
Lila: I thought you were playing the role of literal piece of shit.
Nino: Not yet. *transforms into Lila* NOW I'm a literal piece of shit!
Rose: Adrien! You can't kill him.
Adrien: You don't think I can kill a 12 year old?! Oh, okay. Well, I will smash in his face with a bat like a WATERMELON!
Batman: I'm gonna say something embarrassing here. I didn't have a nemesis until... my late twenties.
Zoé: Don't patronize me, dad, it's unbecoming.
Batman: It's true. I wasn't ready for one. You want your first nemesis to be special. Someone that you can see being your nemesis for the rest of your life.
Zoé: I suppose you're right, dad... When can I propose to Cosette?
Batman: I... think I hear the bat-signal. *grappling-hooks away*
Juleka: Quick side bar. How did this *Gestures to Nathaniel* work...in terms of making out?
Lila: Not great!
Juleka: So let me get this straight: you're not over your ex, and you want to throw your success in his face.
Adrien: Exactly!
Juleka: Honestly, that might be the most relatable thing you've ever said.
Ivan: I wish they would make a sequel to Up.
Max: No, they can’t! The story ended with the first movie.
Myléne: Unless... the kid is the old man in the sequel.
Ivan: Oh, that’s fun! That’s a good one!
Adrien: When my mind is set, it is set. Hell, they blew out three electricshock machines at Arkham trying to get through to me.
Adrien: Nice save, Jerk-Face League!
Ismael: That's not our name at all.
Marinette: What is wrong with me?
Zoé: You're a sociopathic narcissist!
Marinette: It was rhetorical, asshole! And who do you think you are, a psychiatrist?
*Marinette approaches newly-unmasked Robin/Zoé*
Marinette: WayneTech promised an electric car by this year! I put a deposit down! Where's my goddamn electric car, Zoé?!
Rose: Have a good life, get married, make babies. Name them Rose. The girls and boys.
Juleka: Rose!
Rose: See? It totally works. You know I love you. Bye, Jules.
Zoé: *in flirty tone* Wonderer, you look hot
Adrien: What?
Denise: So, Robin, are those abs real or is it just the suit? *giggles*
Adrien: Gross.
Jean: Well, these abs are definitely real. Give them a look. Don't-a be shy.
Adrien: Oh, gross! Did you just spray them with Rose’s love pheromones?!
Denise: Let’s just, uh… See who has the best abs for a moment.
Adrien: Or not! A lot of not! PLEASE, NOT!
Denise: *after lassoing a Parademon* I'll only ask once: where is Lila?
*Parademon screeches. Confused, Denise turns to Ismael*
Ismael: Oh, what, because I'm an alien, I understand all alien languages? *Denise’s eyes widen* OK, I know a little Parademon, but it's still a racist assumption. Be better.
*Denise rolls their eyes*
Rose: You... you don't think I'm chaotic, crazy and make a bunch of messes?
Juleka: No, you definitely do that. But you're trying to grow, and actually doing it! And that... I mean, for me, that is what matters!
Rose: I love you, Jules!
Juleka: *smiles* I love you too, Rosie.
Batman: What's with your voice?
Zoé: What are you talking about?
Batman: It's a bit... overly serious.
Zoé: I think it's an appropriate amount of... serious.
Adrien: How could Bruce be Batman? I mean, sure, he's the richest man in Gotham, so that explains all the vehicles, and he always goes missing at big galas when villains show up... Okay, if you come to think of it, it's very obvious.
Ismael: Wait 'til you hear who Superman is.
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noodleblade · 7 months
megatron for the ask game?
Hmmmm idk which Megatron because they do slightly change with each continuity so I'll do TFP because he was my first:3
First impression: I did not care for him. TFP was my first transformers show so I had preconceived notions of "Bad Guy" in my brain and uhhh he's in a coma for a good portion of s1 so I didn't really care about him for a while.
Impression now: i love him i love him i love him. hes batshit on crack obsessing over his ex and i love him. love his unfocused gaze as rusty crusty mouth i want to kiss- right. I love how unhinged he is through tfp. Its just soo good??? There is also an artist I found that drew him in such a unique cringegirl way that really helped shape my opinion. (I'll try to find them and link them)
Favorite moment: UGHHH HOW DO I PICK??? THERE ARE SO MANY. I think I'd go with this moment when Optimus and him are fighting with their cringe swords and Optimus sends a wave blast with it?? Megatron is watching in dismay from the Nemesis and Optimus (its a barely there) winks at him and it destroys him. To quote @honkytonka "that's going to set him back years" I think its a really defining moment of how obsessive he is of Optimus in general. Love it love it love it.
Idea for a story: pff ok. I have a megop idea I want to write but its really low priority. I want a sad, desperate, probably drunk Megatron leaving really pathetic awful voicemails for Orion on his commlink...except they still go to Optimus and Optimus is just dealing with this conflict of Megatron mourning their past but viciously denying a possibility of a peaceful future. (also, because im horrible, the idea of this did spur from Arkham City's Joker leaving these deranged, romantic voicemails for Batman throughout the game:3)
Unpopular opinion: hmmmmm what are his unpopular opinions?? Oh, maybe just the show's decision to make him so unredeemably evil? I like Megatron with more moral ambiguity, but there is something very delightful about a Megatron that is fullstop evil, horrible and cruel. idk, i think its fun:)
Favorite relationship: Romantically, megop. They are doing this horrible divorced but still obsessed with each other plotline that makes me rabid. Very much love them for it. Platonically, Soundwave. I like their mutual loyalty and trust. Its not very explicit and the show isn't very deep, but you can see the foundations of genuine friendship there that I think really adds to both their characters.
Favorite headcanon: haha doihaveheadcanonsfortfpmegatronuhhhhhh maybe tfp megatron also writes poetry. i think stylistically it could be neat to see the progression of madness and obsession from a poetry angle. I'M NOT THE PERSON TO WRITE THIS. IM HORRIBLE AT POETRY. But i think it'd be really creative and neat to see it deteriorate from structure and rhythm to chaos and ruin.
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