solxs · 1 year
Dentro de veinte años estarás más decepcionado por las cosas que no hiciste que por las que hiciste. Así que suelta las amarras. Navega lejos del puerto seguro. Atrapa los vientos alisios en tus velas. Explorara. Sueña. Descubre.
H. Jackson Brown
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danataiko · 4 months
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aldomarmc · 2 years
Voy por rumbos inciertos, por caminos sin destino, voy vagando por calles y pasadizos, soy un aventurero descubriendo lo que soy, un atrevido viajero que está de visita y deja atras todo el ayer, que busca un mañana que solo avanza y no quiere caer...
Aldomar M.C...
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
"and scrambled to fake it til he makes it " i wonder if anyone back on cybertron remembers him? imagine contact between planets happening again, and the truth being revealed
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this isn't really what you asked but it's what unfolded in my head when i read it
secret dweebus Trionic being jumpscared by the arrival of Cybertronians, getting skeeved out being around "his" people again, awkward and avoidant and sweating despite having nothing to hide. meanwhile whatever records of Trionic that Cybertron has would only be of a mediocre, low level cabinbot who only put in the bare minimum of effort and was generally considered a moderately stupid layabout, which does not fit with the respected patriarch of civilization here on Aventuras and which is utterly rejected by the vast majority of Aventuri citizens, who only know him as wise and mentorly
i think Trionic did once met Ultra Magnus specifically, pre-war and crash, when Magnus happened to be on the same ship one time and lectured him for neglecting his duties as a crewmember for two hours straight. this, however, is Minimus in a Magnus corpse, with no experience with pre-crash Trionic except for what old paperwork may remain. ironic that Trionic is nervous and imposter syndrome-y around Ultra "Minimus 'imposter syndrome' Ambus" Magnus, who doesn't even know him and is pretty much in the same built up fake-identity-became-real boat as he is
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lonely-soul28 · 1 year
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Dame girasoles, no el sol. Dame aventuras nocturnas, no promesas nocturnas. Dame tu amor no tu esperanza. Regalame un poco de tu Luz.
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trechos-delivros · 4 months
"Bilbo sabia de tudo isso. Tinha lido sobre um bocado de coisas que nunca tinha visto ou feito."
- O Hobbit (J. R. R. Tolkien)
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quetzalnoah · 1 year
Es fácil diferenciar a los mochileros de los turistas, principalmente por sus zapatos, sus calzados son resistentes, se ven un poco deteriorados por el tramo recorrido, con marcas de agua, polvo y lodo. Usan pulseras o collares que les recuerdan a algún lugar o que fueron regalo de un amigo. Casi siempre están sonriendo. Nunca he visto un mochilero pasado de peso, los mochileros luego de andar un rato caminando de un lado a otro y ahorrar dinero para llegar lejos, comienzan a adelgazarse. Y lo más interesante: siempre te van a contar una historia asombrosa de algo que les pasó en un viaje y probablemente tú también quieras volverte uno de ellos.
El poeta mochilero, Quetzal Noah
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merchemaldonado · 9 months
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Buenos días y feliz #lecturas .
Busca mis novelas en #googleplaylibros y en #amazon @amazonkindle
❤️ Que las disfrutéis.
Sois geniales. 👍💕.
Para libros dedicados contacta conmigo y te llegarán a casa sin coste.
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es momento de dejar lo malo atrás. Momento de abrir el corazón de sanar nuestra alma...de buscar solo lo que nos traiga calma.
Es momento de no pasar la página
sino de cambiar de libro y cuaderno para empezar a leer y escribir algo nuevo.
Es momento de amarnos mas...
de ser felices a pesar de nuestras cicatrices.
Es momento de bailar con la vida...de emprender diferentes rumbos...de mover barreras...de descubrir otros mundos...
de saltar todos los muros.
Es momento de abrir los ojos; de exhalar el pasado...de respirar el presente y de inhalar en futuro.
Hoy es momento de expulsar los ayeres para poder comenzar un mejor Año...."
Pura maldad ❄️
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3lm4nz4-danzv · 5 months
Si que es tardío estar ahí esperando y si te duermes pierdes el vuelo,, vale verga xd
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Aventuras de amigos con Óscar y Clark
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cristoeternamente · 4 months
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tefyqueenie-blog · 5 months
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Pronto se viene más información... el viernes habrá noticias...
Algo muy extraño está ocurriendo en la residencia Campbell
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danataiko · 4 months
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melaly · 6 months
Sólo en la actividad está la salud de mi mente y de mi cuerpo. Procuraré, en adelante, invertir todas mis energías en el mejoramiento de mi estado y en librarme de toda necesidad, para no caer en una indigna indigencia impropia de mi condición de hombre vertical dotado de inteligencia y voluntad.
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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here's some Aventuri mecha! they also happen to be the first TFOCs i ever made but this is my favorite iteration of them. only time i've ever managed to give them a design i like. Mantis, Quetzal, and Seraph are a sibling trine from Jubilee, capital of Divinex, menial laborers under jurisdiction of the High Court. each of them have calcite inclusions (that's the patterning on their armor there), which is a less common but mundane mineral. they're on the petite side for Aventuri frames, so you aren't going to see mecha much thinner, lighter, or more delicate than this
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Mantis is a loadbearer, which in Divinex means she's consigned to a form of state-run indentured servitude. since her sister is a cityspeaker, Mantis often works with her as a member of the construction and repair teams in Triumpha's underbelly. she has no other outlier power (beyond typical Aventuri extremophilia), but her surprising strength and durability are formidable enough. despite this, she is very meek, often simply trying to make herself small and unnoticed, deferring to others, remaining quiet and speaking only when spoken to. in a self-fulfilling mixture of nature and nurture, Divinexi culture has successfully convinced her that since she enjoys manual labor well enough and isn't confrontational at spark to speak out against anyone bossing her around or snubbing her for being a loadbearer, she clearly must be suited for and destined to never rise above this station, a civil servant to the end. she tries not to dwell on the grim daydreams of stealing someone's corpse and identity and running away to be someone else, a bloody, wistful fantasy for many loadbearers
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Quetzal doesn't have a special sparktype or notably rare abilities. her outlier power is hard-light projections, from illusions to forcefields to flashbangs. her bright colors and brighter powers fit her personality very well, as she is the cheeriest and most optimistic of her sisters, more outgoing than the other two combined. but she's tired. more often than she'd like to admit, her smile is forced and her upbeat tone is false. it's hard not to be worn down when she, as the "normal" one in her trine, is responsible for negotiating her family's indenturement. the contract of civil servanthood for Mantis and Seraph could be overseen by someone else, but Quetzal stepped in to be their handler instead in the hopes that she could at least stick up for the two of them in a demanding society. her own job is as a personnel coordinator for many repair and maintenance teams beneath Jubilee, fitting for a people person like her, but trying to make sure everyone is treated well without favoring her own siblings unfairly is an emotional drain that is slowly killing her cheer
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Seraph is a cityspeaker, and a damn good one too. she hid her aptitude for awhile, pretending that the hard-light projection outlier power she shares with Quetzal was her only ability, but it didn't last. now she uses that hard-light to display maps and diagrams of Triumpha's internals directly to repair crews, highlighting the areas the Titan feels worst and projecting maintenance plans for everyone to follow along. unlike her sisters, she is not resigned to her lot, but isn't rebellious about it. she is sullen, quiet, and bitter, preferring the company of half-lucid Triumpha to any others, sometimes even her family. she's hardly about to start a revolution, and doesn't even complain to her Titan or her fellow cityspeakers, but everyone definitely feels her cold shoulder on a good day, and heated, biting sarcasm on a bad one. her life will get better. her life will get better, not out of dutiful obedience like Mantis or strained optimism like Quetzal, but out of stubborn spite
here's sort of a rough example of their alt mode. they can transform their raptorial wing-arms to rotors in root mode, not unlike ES Twitch
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No me invites a tomar, invítame a subir la montaña, a nadar en el río, a volar cometas, a mirar atardeceres y ver las estrellas; invítame a vivir fuera de cuatro paredes
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