astrxealis · 2 years
one upside of not getting that super much sabotages is that i can use my time sending sabos to others instead of trying to fend for myself
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adhdvane · 1 year
brain b goin cray lately but do u ever just??? go ham over kink and psychological causes thereof like esp when characters have long history together and kink as a way to cope and live out things safely with someone you love and---
okay, so I read this last night before I went to sleep (okay maybe it was early morning rip) but I was so tired I read half of the words wrong and I was so confused xD actual response under the cut, bc boy I get it...
I totally feel you anon. Kink is so much fun to think about and play with. Like it's generally believed that most kink develops in the early stages of childhood, but like it varies so wildly from person to person; it's so board. Sometimes there's a deep psychological things behind it, sometimes it's trauma related, and sometimes... it's just there and you don't know why other than: this is hot lol. (I have kink I'll phsycoanaize myself about why I have, because of my lived experiences and trauma. and then I have kink I've literally just had since I was baby and literally just it's just always been there yo, I can give you explains now why I think it's hot and how I might have ended up finding those things hot, but baby me watching barney the dinosaur didn't have those experiences so clearly it's been with me longer than I can explain. It just is oops). Typically I'm the one using character to explore taboo/unsafe kinky things in a safe fictional environment lol. But, yes, analyzing why some characters have a kink I've decided to give them is fun (especially when those meds kick in and you brain is like WOOOOO LETS GOOOOOO THINK ABOUT THINGS AND DON'T GET DISTRACTED). Or like character who canon have kink and I don't have to give it to them in the first place (beli lol). (catch me thinking about how the fuck kink works with beli. like how much of it was, he was programmed that way when he was literally created, how much control do astrals have on that sort of thing when they create a primal beast. how much of it developed for beli as he developed a personality while existing. how much of his personality developed while existing and how much was programmed into his when lucilius created him? i joked once that whether or not a primal beast has genitals depends on how horny the astral who made them was. and that lucilius is ace (I KNEW I FORGETTING SOMEONE IN MY ACE HEADCANONS). and just the concept the beliel was a fucking ken doll down there (unless belial's directive was to go down a fuck the mortals there's no biological reason for him to have a dick, technically, and I'm pretty sure that wasn't his purpose) and just beli sobbing like why would you make me so horny and not give me a dick. and lucilius just like, because i hate you. but that's just a joke (beli has canon sex, though, i mean, could have sex other ways, i just assume nah he had a dick, it's more fun if he has a dick). but anyways, it's super interesting to think about how much is nature vs. nurture esp with primal beasts bc we've seen them change, we've seen them grow and developed based on their interactions with other (esp mortals). How much of Beli's kink was predetermined. How much was an accident? How much of it happened because of what he experience? ((don't ask me about the fake events about my gbf oc's that jokingly lead to a sequal event that jokingly lead to shit with where lucilius, beli, and bubs were trapped and then led to fucked up belisan shit, being stranded alone in another world. belial abandoned by lucilius. fuck.))) rip I think I got off subject, but anon, I feel you. God. My adhd brain goes ham over that shit too sometimes
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deviheligi · 3 years
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hey so i have extreme brainrot and am what you call a Clown
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